Oh Steve, I hope you reread the events down the road and see how disgustingly manipulative she is. Her actions are so wrong on so many levels. You are a good man. And you deserve so much more than a manipulative woman playing you for all you’re worth. There are so many women in this world who love will love you purely and wholesomely... keep that image in your mind as you navigate her selfish antics.
She is taking advantage of you on so many levels, as a woman I am shocked (though I love purely and wholesome so there’s that). Did you get ensnared in her trap? Yes. But she is taking advantage of someone whom she knows is in a weak place. There is nothing more despicable.
Dust yourself off, let the anger fuel you to not let there be a next time. And you know there will be a next time. The further detached you get, the more she will pull these sorts of things. Your job is to focus on you. And your kids (who are living beings separate from her even if she helped create them).
Take a deep breath, forgive yourself. You are worthy of so much better than this.