Uuuummmm. That’s why I said he may be a troll. Could anyone’s life be this haphazard? He’s also a teacher so chew on that one for a minute lol. Our youth are in good hands.
this is the second time in 2 days you have made me cry - tears in my eyes from your comments..lol..You are funny.
This is a safe place, but from our perspective, you are so up and down, it does feel like we go in circles.
One minute you joke about being the poster boy for how not to do it, the next you are making a go of it...
It is so "bang head" against a wall..
So think of it from your teaching standpoint..
Student gets it wrong and asks for advice.
You give advice.
Next days, student is back asking for the same help again.
You give advice
Next day, they havent grasped it and ask the same questions again.
You calmly explain
and so on and so on and so on !!!
How would you feel about this student, if they came to you every day with the same question ?
Previous username - Helpme123.. A name chosen at a desperate time..
Now Mr Brightside.. coming out of my cage, and doing just fine.