She tells me the longer we are not married and she is pregnant her resentment grows for me.
Originally Posted by Wolfman
I said I am trying to show her everyday how much I love her and care, and she just stares that’s not enough anymore, she needs a “commitment”. I told her we live together and are committed, and if things get better we will get married. But she has hinted she doesn’t want to wait, and that she might leave.
First she sets fire to documents..
Then starts with the emotional blackmail..
WM, your emotions are running wild - The above is NOT healthy - Its bunny boiler type stuff -
Do you think these actions will go away once you are married ? WTF
BIG HUGE MASSIVE red flags flying here - Woooo - Look at me... Big red flag
Seriously, not a healthy woman - YOU were broken after the ex wife - ... Broken people attract Broken people.. Look at the consequences.. Only you can fix this mess - and its not by getting married to another broken person..That becomes toxic..
Have you started to work on your relationship with your other children ?
Previous username - Helpme123.. A name chosen at a desperate time..
Now Mr Brightside.. coming out of my cage, and doing just fine.