Wow, packing her $hit is quite the consensus. A close friend recommended the same. It’s tempting, but I keep thinking of the kids. I’m not ready to expose them to all of this yet.
In spite of her choices, I still love the woman deeply, but I’m not allowing her words and actions to have as much of an emotional impact on me anymore.
You don't love W, you love who you thought W was. She is not who you thought she was. The more disrespectful the sitch is on here the firmer the LBS should be. Start with having respect for yourself.
Go read NMMNG
H(37) W(35) D8, D5, S3 T20, M13 BD 8/31/18 EA Discovered 9/13/18 Mediation 10/3/18 W files for D 10/12/18 W moves out 11/10/18 EA confirmed 12/25/18 D Final 1/10/19