Originally Posted by curtis7
I have discovered each of her previous PA’s. She should know I’m not stupid. Every time she kept prying to obtain all the details on how I found out so she could prevent that discovery method in the future. Tonight’s PA is the first I’ve learned of in advance.

I’m really torn on this, if I take a hard stance, then I fear she’ll go straight to the divorce lawyer to file as she is that far checked out from the marriage and so strongly addicted to the fantasy.

If I let it play out, then it may run its course and could lose its excitement when it turns from an A into a R.

I have to say my level of shock and feelings toward what she is doing aren’t affecting me nearly as much as they have in the past. I am becoming more numb to her waywardness. I clearly see she is not the woman I married.

I have a few hours to decide until she is off work.

If she isn't the woman you married, why the fear of her going to a lawyer and filing? What we fear most is what we end up creating. You standing up for yourself may be what prevents the D. Trust me, women do not stay with a man they do not respect.

M(53), W(54),D(19)
M-23, T-25 Bomb Drop - Dec.23, 2017
Ring and Piecing since March 2018