Originally Posted By: lostlove
She promised to stay with me 'for better or for worse'...and she didn't. I promised to 'love, honor, and cherish' her...and I didn't. She decided that the pain of staying outweighted the pain of leaving. I wish she hadn't...but I understand that she felt like she had no other choice.
She did try, for years. I was an idiot.

It did take her leaving for me to become a better man and a better father and a better partner. It shouldn't have...but it did.

If any LB spouse would see and recognize themselves as having been LB toward their WAW; then there could be healing and hope for the marriage. I have tried it all and LB spouse contends that "he has loved me the best that he can"... then does that mean that I have to LIVE with his inability; unwillingness and pride as "love"? I can't and I won't.

M -12 Years
1 9 y son (w/me)
S-Nov 2009 (and LOVING it; will NEVER go back!)