Originally Posted By: john28
Originally Posted By: Aes
I told him I wasn't leaving. He wants to know who told me and why? Do I tell him? One small problem is we never signed the lease (long story) so I could get kicked out anyway.
He wants to know who told you NOT to move?

You told yourself. You simply say, "No one told me. This is my home. I've decided that even if we're going through a rough time right now, I am not leaving MY home because I am NOT the one who wants to leave this M."

And he may ask more questions. Your response is, "I've decided that I'm not going to leave my home."

He may ask again, "Who told you to do this?"

Your response, "No one. I'VE DECIDED that I'm not going to leave my home."

"What is best for my kids is best for me"
Amor Fati
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