Originally Posted By: pearlharbr
And by the way, does it ever get easier watching TV shows / movies that portray infidelity? Watched The Office tonight and got very uncomfortable. It bothers me that it doesn't seem to phase BF at all, that he can sit there and laugh about someone having an affair. I know it's a sitcom. I didn't need to turn it off or leave the room, but I wonder if this twinge will ever go away.

I was at the Y on a treadmill when that episode came on. I couldn't turn it off, and the screen was right in front of me. Normally I like the office but that episode where he met his affair partner's husband...I just couldn't find the 'funny' in that. I don't know if that discomfort every really goes away...


Together: 18 yrs
M-12.5 yrs
D'd: Feb. 2010

The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save. --Zeph. 3:17