IMHO, Sometimes it seems like you didn't make a decision the first time. I mean, I know you wanted the R to work, but it didn't sound like you were 100%. In a few of your posts, it did sound like you were understanding where he was coming from one week, then the next it was "I want to move and want to know if he's the one".

Originally when you plan to R, it's 100% all in. It just never seemed like you were consistently like that. There was always doubt, or you were setting him up to fail in that you had expectations and quite frankly, I don't think he would have been able to deliver.

Just my 2 cents.

M-43 W-40
2D - 9 and 5

Emotion, yet peace.
Ignorance, yet knowledge.
Passion, yet serenity.
Chaos, yet harmony.
Death, yet a new life.