Originally Posted By: pearlharbr
I think when it comes down to it that BF will move to be with me. He said before he would because it's what I wanted. I'm just not sure he will like living there. I'm much more of a city person than him. But ultimately I'm ok with that. IF being in SF is what will make me happy and BF is unhappy then I can live with that being a reason to split up. In Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay one of the criteria is how you envision your future lifestyle. We already can't agree on how we want to retire (small town v city) so SF will be a trial run.

Hi PH,

I can relate to your dilemma. You see, for a long time, H and I have not agreed on the type of lifestyle we want to live, now or in the future. This is a major issue. Twice I moved across the country for H, eventhough it was not the right decision for us emotionally, financially, etc. After giving up everything, I soon discovered H was still not happy and both times he had an A. Right now I know H is not happy living back in our hometown and he has mentioned us moving. I've made it very clear that he has to do what he feels he needs to do but that I will not move away again. After all that's happened between us, I accept the fact that this may cause the end of our M. PH, at this point in your R (after all that's happened), as long as you realistically prepare yourself for all possible outcomes and you can live with any consequences that may arise, you have to do what you feel you need to do. I would suggest that you discuss your job hunting plans with BF and seeing that he hasn't expressed any concerns since the last time you discussed moving, that you have assumed that he is in agreement with the move.

Good luck with your decision!

Piecing since May/09

"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it." Lou Holtz