Dearest Pearl, I'm sorry you had a rough day yesterday, and I feel for you. I went through the same stuff - angry at H for never addressing things/speaking up and then the resentments and frustrations would boil on both sides over time. There were times I snapped I was so frustrated with his passivity..and we got to the point of eggshells a lot. The unspoken annoyances. I agree w others that MC or getting some of these issues (that really get to you) out in the open before you move is a good idea. Wait until your calm and let him know the things that are on your mind, not in a confrontational manner but an honest and open one. See how he responds. That may very well tell you a lot.
Punch a pillow really hard. I just did that...get your aggression out. I also think women in general get more wound up at times over things than men - whether its hormones or whatever. I did not like how my brief experiment w AD's made me felt at all..I felt worse. Herbs and acupuncture have done wonders for me, however. I have a great place in SF that I'll tell you about if/when you do come.
I hope you are feeling a bit better today. I am thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs. ((P)) -hhh