Ok, here's the weekend update:

I thought we were going to SF since we had discussed going over Thanksgiving before the Rome idea came up. Was totally surprised when we walked down the gates at the airport and stopped in front of the Laguardia gate. I have been to NYC many times with girlfriends or by myself, only once with BF and that was for less than 24 hours to pick up my car. When I'm there I love to go to Broadway musicals, shop and visit museums. The top three things BF doesn't like to do are...you got it. So it never occurred to me that he would book a trip for us there.

On the plane I was watching a movie and there was a line that reminded me of the first text from OW I found on BF's phone. Immediately I was back in that dark time and started crying. I was thinking that no amount of fabulous trips and gifts can make up for what he did. And again wondering if I can live with this for the rest of my life.

I pulled myself together when the plane landed and we headed into Manhattan. BF booked a nice hotel near Times Square where I like to stay. We froze our extremities standing in the tkts line for tickets to a show that night then had dinner in a nearby Irish pub. Off to the show: Chicago. Love the show, hated this production. The new "celebrity" star was absolutely terrible and the rest of the cast was average. Plus we still paid a lot of money for pretty bad seats. Sigh.

Sunday morning it was back to tkts only to realize they didn't have anything I wanted to see. We decided to enter the lottery for West Side Story front row tix to the matinee and BF got the last pair! We ended up split, each of us on the center aisle. It's a great production--the kids were all good, even the understudy Tony. So it made up for the previous show. BF enjoyed it, lots of dancing and catchy tunes to hold his attention.

BF had asked a coworker who used to live in NYC for a restaurant recommendation so we ended up at a great Italian place on the upper east side that is a neighborhood joint but also had a wall of celebrity patrons. The food and ambiance were great and BF said he could get used to going to nice Italian places. That's a 180 for him because in the past I would often want to go out for Italian and he nixed it because he "doesn't like pasta." That changed after we went to Rome. wink

Monday morning we slept in, packed and headed down to Chinatown. We missed the new year parade on Sunday but still wanted to have good dim sum, something we sorely miss about living in Seattle. Found a good place and tried some new dishes. We wandered around shopping for a bit because he wanted to see where I get the knockoff handbags and fake watches (the guys on Canal St) then it was time to go.

All in all it was a great weekend.

Back to worrying about what to do long-term tomorrow.

If you love somebody, set them free.