Hi Rocked, Kara, WA

Yeah, not really sure what the tears were about since I wasn't saying anything other than please tell me what you think so I can make an informed decision, I'm trying to weigh what is best for me/you/us. I did ask if he was upset because he had already decided he would stay here and just didn't tell me yet. He said no, that wasn't the case.

I will bring it up again but BF needs time to ruminate. I like to get everything on the table and try to work it out as I go along. He needs to take everything in, mull it over for a while, then make a decision. It's maddening for both of us.

I may go back to an earlier option of looking 50/50 here and there and leave it up to fate. I'm a huge musical theatre fan so this song keeps running through my head right now. Yes, I'm a drama geek.

Last edited by pearlharbr; 02/02/10 01:20 AM.

If you love somebody, set them free.