Sorry guys, just a busy GAL weekend and lazy today.
The meeting with the IC was really good. I think we hit it off well and I definitely felt better when I left. It took some time to explain the whole sitch and that my goal is to just get unstuck. We talked about a lot of stuff, bottom line is that she thinks it takes a lot of time to heal from infidelity and I simply haven't had enough time yet. So I need to give myself a break and realize that I don't have to figure everything out right now or at the same time.
First thing to do is have a candid convo with BF about me not working. Is he resentful about it? Or would he be ok with it on a long-term basis or with me just working part-time. Because ultimately I need to decide what lifestyle I want. Is it more important to be in SF which will require me working FT or even two jobs or would I rather stay here if I don't have to work? I'm pretty sure that he wants me to work no matter where we are but that's mindreading and I need to gather all the info to make an informed decision.
She's advocating that I just focus on one thing at a time and it doesn't have to be the relationship. It's ok to give myself a timeframe and just see where things stand in three/six/nine months. And if I want to move to SF I don't have to make a decision about the R because if BF chooses to move then it's his decision to make. If things don't work out with us then that's what happens. There are no guarantees in life.
My assignment is to have that conversation and then we'll go from there. My next appt is in two weeks.
We had a pretty fun weekend. It was my turn to plan date night so Friday we went out to dinner then to a hotel bar where the regulars sing showtunes with the piano player. Saturday we bummed around watching movies then toured the local whiskey distillery before going out to a birthday party at a downtown club (something we never do). Sunday we went out to breakfast, watched football and met with a landscape designer to make a plan to redo the front yard.
If you love somebody, set them free.