Survived Christmas. Actually it was quite nice. It really helped having a friend stay with us as it gave me something to focus on and kept all the thoughts of OW away. Well, most of them. I did check BF's phone to see if she texted him and there wasn't anything from her but there was a "Merry Christmas" message from a former coworker. I don't like her anymore because she was the one who told BF to leave me when I discovered the affair (we were out with two other couples the night I saw the texts from OW on his phone) because we didn't have anything in common. Nice. And we had socialized with her and her husband for a few years before this! Anyway, I told BF a couple days later that I saw the text from her and asked if he was still in touch. He said no and that made me feel better. I know I can't choose his friends, nor do I want to, but it does make me uncomfortable when he chooses to hang out with people who actively condoned his affair and worked to split us up.
BF got me a lovely Tahitian pearl pendant for Christmas, just what I wanted. It's the first time he's ever bought me jewelry that didn't involve being at the store with me when I picked something out and just handing over his credit card. I have mentioned that I wanted Tahitian pearls a couple years ago so he isn't a total gift genius, but it's nice to know that he can pay attention if he so chooses.
We had a few friends over on Boxing Day including my friend M who works for BF. She told me something that has been bothering me a bit and I'm not sure if I should mention it to BF or if it's something I should just deal with on my own.
Among the several new members of BF's team at work are a man and woman who started around the same time and hit it off very well. Everyone who works with them joke about them being each other's work spouse and then it progressed to joking about them having an affair. Recently when this came up again they started saying to the woman, no you're not having an affair with G, you're having one with BF (who is their boss's boss). My friend M said she just froze but couldn't say anything without raising suspicion so she just let it go, but she wanted to tell me in case I heard it from anyone else at BF's company.
Now I admit that at first I was skittish about him working with so many women, but I can't do anything about it so I just let it go. But then I met this woman and immediately got a bad vibe about her. Nothing specific she said or did but I just don't want BF to start hanging out with her. BF has never talked about her at home so I don't think he socializes with her much at work. I'm just a little freaked out since OW was a coworker and he's going to be working long hours for two straight weeks starting Saturday.
Part of me wants to say something to him in case I irrationally freak out at some point so he knows where it's coming from. But most of me thinks I need to learn how to work through these feelings and deal with them on my own since right now it's just in my head. Sigh.
If you love somebody, set them free.