His reasoning before when I brought up the forgiveness thing is that he didn't feel like he had the right to ask for it yet. So I said fair enough, I'm not going to worry about giving it until you do ask. This was a couple months ago.

And yes, when I'm thinking rationally and with PMA I know that I could start over fairly easily. But as I'm always apprehensive, will it really be any better? Different, yes. But better? Am I giving up a really good life for a crap shoot to end up with either a fantastic life or a mediocre life? And this current life with BF could be fantastic, I'm just not fully convinced.

Ok, I'm crying just typing this. I need to get in the shower and then to tap class! BF is doing his last fantasy football draft so I can call my BFF and have some girl talk.

If you love somebody, set them free.