Today is technically our ninth anniversary. We discussed it last week and both decided it was weird and didn't seem right to celebrate so the day is passing without celebration. I feel ok about it so far. I'm already behind on my to do list and have dance classes tonight so keeping busy.

Thursday is BF's birthday. I'm keeping it small and simple. In the past I've put a lot of thought and energy into the day when he doesn't really care. My birthday is really important to me so I tried to do the same but it doesn't matter to him. So this year I'm getting him a plant (he really does want one, it's to replace the one he had to give up two moves ago) and going out to dinner at a casual place of his choosing. I am still baking cupcakes because that's tradition. He picked a recipe from the Martha Stewart cupcake book that's fairly complicated but I'll give it a shot! Going to drop them off at his office in the afternoon and go out to lunch with my friend so it's not all about BF.

If you love somebody, set them free.