You know I love you guys even though it seems you keep telling me the same thing and I'm still having a hard time with it.
Yes, what I am expecting BF to say is "You have nothing to worry about" and/or "What can I/we do to reassure you?" instead of his tone and attitude that conveys "So what?"
To be clear Puppy, I did not nor would I ever say to him that I did not want him to go on any business trip. I think he knows that (but will make sure to say it when we talk). I simply wanted to tell him how I was feeling and get some reassurance. I have told him many times that I do and would continue to need this reassurance. I'm frustrated because it feels like he's already decided he doesn't need to put in as much effort after a whopping two months.
I am very angry at him today. I didn't start out that way. I was thinking about what I would do tonight when he gets back from his trip (i.e. romantic evening or just answer the door naked) and all of a sudden I found myself pissed off that he managed to find the time to plan a romanic ski weekend for his whore for New Year's Eve but now his idea of a romantic getaway with me is to invite me along on the tail end of another business trip so we can spend 4th of July in MN or WI and by the way, it's up to me to make all the plans. And on top of this he tells me he has all this vacation time that he will never use up but it doesn't occur to him to actually use it to spend time with me.
And still upset with him not "protecting" me from FG.
I'm sure I'm overreacting and I'm sure my expectations are high. But I don't feel like I can lower them any more and keep my self respect. Either he can be the man I want and need or he can't. I'm not going to leave over this, it's just adding to a general feeling that this R may not be enough for me.
Last edited by pearlharbr; 06/18/0910:59 PM.
If you love somebody, set them free.