
Been away on vacation for a week, just now catching up with you! smile

Sounds like you guys are doing great! You seem to be communicating well, agreeing on things, all good. About the planning, I was gonna say that maybe you can plan the "long term" weekends and then leave some weekends open for him to just do spontaneous stuff. Even if you are a planner, I am sure you like to just go and "wing" it every once in a while. It gets you to do things you normally wouldn't do. You need spontaneous in a R/M. I wouldn't call it "plan to have no plans". That's still planning! Leave a weekend just completely open. Plan to do nothing if that satisfies the planner in you, but don't tell BF that. smile I guess what I am trying to say is: I don't think you want to overwhelm him with plans, even if it is "to have no set plans". Make sense?

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