PH, You posted to my thread a few weeks ago and with everything that's been going on for me I never had a chance to reply. But I have been keeping up on your sitch and I have to say I agree with everyone here saying you need to slow down here a bit.

It takes TIME. Right now I can picture your BF knowing he F'd up bad and not knowing how to deal with what he's done to you. He most likely thinks that not telling you simple little details that mean nothing to him would do nothing but hurt you. My W is doing/does the same things. What they just don't realize is every lie, even if it's a lie by omission, over nothing is like sticking a dagger in our hearts. For me, I just keep thinking to myself, that's all she's capable of right now.

Maybe you try that with your BF? Maybe try the "I know we're going to make it" thought and pattern your actions/thoughts after that and see where it takes you? Won't be easy. Trust me, I know.

I hear what you're saying about opening up and being vulnerable. But if you don't, you're never going to make it.

Just my .02.


Me - 49, W 49
S22 & S18
Dday 9/4/07
W claims NC 4/7/08
8/29/09 - Divorce Busted. Lots to work through, but we're going to make it.