Silver, FWIW, my opinion of your H hasn't changed one bit. Honestly I think you deserve much, much better. Let Catbitch deal with all his financial and emotional crap from now on. I also agree with what Puppy posted to you on markhaving prob's thread - I could not/would not patiently wait out an MLC for years. But that's me.

You may be on to something, your biggest 180 would be to go along with the D. At this point I just want you to look out for your best interests and not agree to anything because you want to be nice or feel sorry for H. It sounds like he is just trying to butter you up to get the terms he wants. Remember that you need to put yourself first because no one else will.

If you ever want to talk in the alt you can always gmail me (hint hint). ;\)

On a different topic, I hope your recital went well! I miss our dance convos in DA Club. I skipped my dance classes tonight for only the second time this year. Major bummer but when the headache hits I'm just not good for anything. Sigh.

I am enjoying xBF making plans for us. I just know (and we have discussed) that he is not a natural planner. So that means in the long run that we would likely go back to me making the plans and him going along with them. I said I was fine with that because I do enjoy planning, especially vacations, but I would like him to continue to be responsible for some outings so I don't feel like it's always on me. I have always maintained that it's the thought that counts and when he takes the time to make plans it shows that he is thinking about what I would like to do or what we would have fun doing together.

Which reminds me, I still haven't read 5LL yet. Argh, need to overcome procrastination...

Last edited by pearlharbr; 05/13/09 05:09 AM.

If you love somebody, set them free.