After all that personal angst, I feel like a complete fool.

I checked xBF's email and found a message from OW:

Gosh it's hard to believe it's been two weeks since I saw you...hope you're doing well \:\)

Two weeks?? Two weeks ago is when he was telling me he was afraid I had already decided I was done with tears in his eyes. And it was a week or two before that when I told him that NO CONTACT MEANS NO CONTACT. If I found out about one instance I would be done, no questions asked.

I'm furious, hurt, sad, angry. It was all I could do to not call him in the middle of the night and start yelling. The only way I stopped myself is by remembering that there's a trigger in the settlement that gives me two months to get out of the house after a break up. So now I have to bide my time until I'm ready to move. At least I'm moving back into numb.

Well, I got the sign to push me over to one side.

Last edited by pearlharbr; 04/24/09 03:35 PM.

If you love somebody, set them free.