I have 15 yr step son (i met w/he was 3), an 8 yr old daughter & 5 yr old son. my wife started developing a "friendship" w/OM this past summer. he has ATV's, money, etc, so when W would visit w/kids, kids would play & she would chat w/him. Our offical breakup was 1/1/08. a week thereafter she start talking to OM every night on cell phone. now twice a week she sleeps at his place- they are getting very close. she claims she hasn't slept w/him yet but surely will soon. anyway we filed for divorce 2/11/08. we are good friends. we are both committed to not messing kids lives up. we will be keeping house for at least 16 more mths... the divorce will not be finalized until the house sells. just lay dorment in court. she will still have all my benefits from work and we will continue to use both our incomes to pay bills. i am doing this so my children aren't faced w/a shitty place to live. since our split i take kids to church and play w/them constantly. i have a very close relationship w/my daughter whose really having issues with this. i believe all kids back me 100%. now for your take....
i am finding things to do to keep myself occupied. working out constantly and visiting friends. W is already trying to form relationship w/OM and kids. OM has 14yr old son (whose friends w/my 15 yr old son), 16 yr old daughter and was previously divorced- almost lost his business to last wife. he has been single for 5 years. this weekend i am going to philly for three nights. W is taking kids over to OM's 16 yr old daughter birthday party! since you were a WAW, do you think this relationship with OM will implode? wife and i were together for 13yrs, and married 10. i love her more than ever but do not believe i will ever take her back- but i will be best friends for kids and always support her. please tell me your thoughts. by the way, the OM (his brother is married to W sisters best friend) I know W's younger sister has issues with how fast W is moving w/this. john