Well, a day after I gave up all hope and two days before my first appointment with a lawyer my H calls and says he is sorry for messing everything up (moved out New Years Eve, very hurtful things have been said and done including a PA) and wants to move back in and work on things.

Obviously I am reserved but willing for our sake and for that of our son. I don't know if it is a dream but I do know that I have learned a lot about myself from practicing the techniques learned in DR and I know that it will take work on both of our parts. He knows that we need to work on it and he has agreed to individual counseling as well as joint counseling. I feel so impowered because I know what I want and know that if it doesn't work that I am strong enough to make it on my own.

I guess I just wanted to say that everyone should hold their head up because while the day may seems bleak, the lessons you are learning about yourself are most important and will help regardless of what happens.

Wish me luck.

Holding out.


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