Jesus Christ.

A few things. Why have you not changed your password where she can no longer log into YOUR Facebook page?
Also -- why would she have changed her last name if the divorce isn't even final yet (or filed)?

You are still spending far too much time reading into her actions. GAL and detach and be done with her. This sounds like a dumpster fire.

But since we are still reading into her actions, I'll address the "In a relationship" part -- she's in a relationship bud, just not with you anymore. She still wants you to hang on as plan B if her new lover falls through in a few months though.

Why did you move out of the house? I get that she blamed you for this and that and claimed she was going to get a restraining order, but you're going to let her empty threats scare you away? My WW kept telling me multiple times a day that I needed to get out. I just replied back every single time that if she wants out, she is free to move out whenever she pleases. It finally worked.

Last edited by NewLife3; 12/24/19 05:15 AM.