My wife and I just got LS. I still consider it marriage. Just, this way since we are living in two households...(okay, I am roommating), She has more security in her finances, and where the kids will stay and when.

We get along well. I am growing up. I don't intend to go out looking for romance elsewhere. She can have her distance from me. But in general, do others consider LS marriage still?

Not that people are faithful in marriage, but better chance of getting back together when LS?
It doesn't really matter what most people think, does it?

What you think matters to you, what she thinks matters to her.
ditto the above... for a while we had a "trial S" with now x, he immediatly went to live with then-ow behind my back, when I found out he said "well, I was not living home at the time"... it didn't matter if we were still M and that no paperwork was signed... if things get better then the LS can be done away with, if not, then the worst of the paperwork has been done.
My H and I don't even have an LS, just an unofficial one, and he is already telling people we are divorced. My sister's STBX has been telling people he was divorced since he first left her 18 months ago. I think it is a way some people use to make themselves feel better about extra-marital relationships, b/c it distances them more from the marriage.
Legally, an LS is still a marriage. If someone has a PA during that time, it is still considered adultery by the court system.
Right, that is my consideration too.
I think W's oppinion too.
Even though she admitted to a PA one time.

Hopefully, and maybe I should not read into it, but hopefuuly her watching my actions and attitudes like a hawk means she is watching for my improvements and watching to see if I am safe.
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