Posted By: pammie My Faith Will Show Me Nothing Is Impossible - 04/03/05 11:24 AM
Hi All
Thought I had better start a new thread before the lock monster eats me.
My Grand-son is still on the ventilator.
We are happy that they are not taking him on and off because it is hard on him when they re-insert the tube.
He is more alert and awake these days.
I have seen though that he has a temper, Geez who could he have got that from. Ha-ha
The Baby's Dad had to go to Florida this weekend.
That just about broke his heart to leave his son.
My daughter-n-law(the Baby's Mom) is doing great, in fact the doctor released her to drive Friday.
I am sure there was some arm twisting on her part.
She is so independent.
I know I would be the same way.
I continue to take care of their dogs and keep their house going while they are staying at the Ronald McDonald house.
Yesterday I steam cleaned their carpets and furniture, so the chemicals would not be present when the baby comes home.
His nursery is just about complete.
My daughter-n-law (the baby's Mom)came home yesterday for a while to put his new crib set on his bed.
I told her I would do everything but his room.
That I thought, she should have the pleasure of fixing his room the way she wanted it, but I would lend a helping hand if she needed one.
I did help with the hanging of the curtains.
She is going to be a great MOM.
My rottwieler is still grieving over the death of my other dog.
I had to take her to the Vet yesterday.
The doctor said I may have to get her another playmate.
I am still not sure I want to do that.
I hurts too bad when you loose them.
Next weekend is my younger son's birthday.
My daughter-n-law (his wife) is throwing a party.
It is also a party for her Mother (my donor)and me to thank everyone for their help and love.
I am sure that will be an emotional day, but fun also.
Haven't heard anythinhg else from my X-H about the money he says I owe him, since My younger son told him to leave me the hell alone.
Actually no one has hear from since the day after the baby was born.
You would think he would be concerned about what his Son (the new grand-son's Dad) was going through.
I guess his life is just too full with the Harley Whore though. ha-ha
30 days from today if all goes well I will get my transplant.
Please say a prayer that all goes well.
I will never be able to repay you guys for all the prayers and concerns for me and my family.
Love You all.
God Bless

Posted By: TC Re: My Faith Will Show Me Nothing Is Impossible - 04/03/05 12:43 PM
Pam..it's amazing to me how positive you are in light of all that has happened. You are an inspiration!

I am so glad to hear your grandson is doing better. Isn't the Ronald McDonald house awesome? We found it to be a GODSEND...twice...we stayed at the one in Philadelphia for almost a month in 2000 and also at the one in St. Louis for a week. Their rooms are so nice and so clean, and they provide you with a wonderful home cooked meal every night (or store it in the refridgerator if you are with your child at the hospital and can't make dinner, so you can eat it when you get back late at night). I always drop my change in the RMH boxes at McDonald's...they are a wonderful charity, that's for sure! How far is the hospital from where your son and dil live?

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. That is so sad. I know what you mean about not being ready for another one just yet.

I am keeping you , your new grandson, and your family in my prayers. Thanks for keeping us updated. TC
Morning Pam!

Good for you - doing something positive and so helpful. Keeping busy is good. I admire you always. I would hold off on a new dog for now, you have so much on your plate already.

Its so good to hear about Ronald McDonald House. When Ryan got sick they had just built the one in Toronto but since he ended up in a Hamilton hospital, there was not much in the way of parental accomodations. Believe it or not - in the first year of his illness our travel/meal/parking expenses totalled $17,000!!!! Not easy on a young couple in their 20s. We could have used a Ronald McDonald house. I sure help donate whenever I have the chance. I'm glad to see that people I know are using this wonderful place.

Not much to add except that I'm glad your little darlin' has a temper and a fighting spirit. No doubt where that came from. As for your ex and his Harley whore - aren't you glad they're NOT there. They never handle these things well and certainly make it more stressful for the rest of us. Chuck knows about my Mom. He has not called to tell me he's sorry or to offer extra help with the kids. Nothing. I prefer to think of him as dead.

30 days will go by quickly. I continue to pray for you every day.

I'm leaving the Montecasino hotel in Johannesburg South Africa to attend 5 o'clock mass. I'll pray for you.
God Bless
Hi Pam,
Glad to hear GS is a fighter and DIL is doing well. Maybe things are on the upswing for you now.

How awesome that you're having a party to celebrate your transplant. We'll all be partying right along with your family when this all happens.

I agree w/Barb about Chuck and his evil wench not being around right now. Who needs the aggravation?

I will continue to pray for you and your family. As a matter of fact, I told my D about you and she added you to her prayer list too. She wrote it down in her journal as "mom's imaginary friend, Pam." Too funny.

My prayers are with you always.

Hey (((Pammie))),

I'm glad you started another thread. The news about Will is definitely good and it sounds as though things are progressing well.

Too bad about the alien not coming back to see his GS. I bet he wants to but can't handle it, seeing you and your sons and all the love you have for each other. And he's left with the Harley Whore. The scales are sure tipped in only one direction.

Thanks for the email and update. I'll be emailing you back later. I have a lot I want to say to you.

In the meantime, keep the faith, girlfriend!

Hi Pammie,

Thanks for stopping by...I don't know how you are able to take all these things in stride. You areally are a strong person with faith. It can't be easy. The beloved doggie will surely be missed. Your other doggie will be depressed for awhile. Barb is right to hold off on getting a new one. May be a lot to handle while you are recuperating from the transplant. Hope your GS wiill be bale to ocme home soon. He has a great chance of full recovery Pammie. And his feet can be fixed. With all the new procedures available, it will be ok.

Don't worry about your flowers. Save your energy for the surgery. There are hanging plants you can buy full of blooms already. It is still cold, very windy, and slight rain here today. I forgot to set my clock and had to go to the 10:30 church service this morning.

You are lucky Pammie, your sons live close by you. Good for your son for telling his Dad off...I know my son will probably bring home his buddies once he gets to college. Just empty nest during the week. But I will welcome the change. I don't have to be vigilant about when he is coming home or something if he is at the dorm. And he won't be allowed to have a car there. So, he is kind of stuck.

I will keep you in my prayers.

Posted By: naej Re: My Faith Will Show Me Nothing Is Impossible - 04/03/05 09:15 PM
Hi Pammie,
Good to get an update.You and your family are always in my prayers and thoughts.
I know what you mean about another dog, mine is getting very slow and kids say nows the time for a pup?
I think the dog(s) that see us through our darkest hours (hey do you remember those crazy days/) seem to hold such a special place in our hearts. I have loved and lost some wonderful dogs but some just have the edge. I say I am not having any more, but I said that last time and went 3 mths!
Take care my dear friend I did email you but not sure if you got it, was nothing really.
I know you have your hands full.

I too am glad tho hear that your GS is doing well. If he has a temper, that means he is a ifhgter. Like you , I can't imagine where that came from!

What a sweet thing it is to care ofr thier house and dogs the way you are. That is os thoughtful and I know that they appreciate it so. You r DIL and s have much on thier plate now and I know that your kindess and love is appreciated. Putting together the nursery was such fun, you were right to leave it for DIL. It will be a psecial memeory for her.

I'm so sorry about the dog. you did not need that on top of all of the rest of this. More grief and loss. it never seems to make sense does it? some people get all of the breaks and some people appear to get the pain. You are so strong and positive in the face of all of it. yo really are amazing.

Wow, you transplant is coming up soon. Of course we wil continue to pray for you and all of those you love. some day you will look back on this time, from a healthy and happy place, ans wonder how you did it all. but of course you will do it all, of that I have no doubt.

All is well here. Noting new going on, just life as usual. Take care
love jaycee
Glad to come on and read your post about GS doing better, what a little doll I bet he is, you must be so proud and busting w/ love for him! Bet Grandma Pammie cant wait to just snuggle and spoil him. Have your GD been to see him? are they excited about their new cousin?

You are a great MIL Pam, helping your DIL w/ the nursery, but leaving the special things for her to take care of, how thoughtful!

You will be in all our thoughts and prayers waiting for the transplant
The party next weekend sounds wonderful, I am sure it will be a great day for you all
Take care of yourself Pammie
Pam, thank you for taking the time with all that you are going through to welcome me to this side of the board. I have been following you along all of this time and I am so sorry about all of your trials. Once you get on your feet after the surgery think about a new puppy. Losing a best friend is hard, but we have been through the fire and a new companion for you and your other dog will be heaven on earth. Thank you for all that you have done for me. I will post my update on my thread. Wonder
Hey (((Pam))),

Just sending you my love and condolences on all the things you're facing. Pretty intense times. Anyway there are better days ahead. You and your family are so lucky to have each other. I do feel sorry for your ex. I'm sure he feels anxious about everything, deep down inside. You and your family are so lucky to have each other for support.
So sorry to read of all that is happening in your life. You are a testament to the rest of us on a positive attitude no matter what you face. I am at a loss for words. You and your family are in my prayers. God Bless.

You definitely are an inspiration by focusing on what's great in your life. Hoping and praying your transplant goes well and that your health improves.

I hope soon that all of the chaos goes away and life settles down for you. You've gone through the wringer lately.

As for your ex and Harley Whore...life is too full...too full of their bs...to be compassionate or concerned. Shows you where his mind is at if he has to harass you about money now! Great to know your son told him to leave you alone!
((((((((((Dear Pammie))))))))))),

I can hardly believe all that has been thrown your way in the last few weeks, but in true Pammie style you have handled things with grace and a deep faith. I am so proud to have you as my friend.

I know that there are a lot of us here that felt at times that this mess we find oursleves in is too hard, and that we can't take much more. Then along you come to pick us up, tell us that we will come through this and remind us that we are not in charge.

I hope that with these responses you understand how much we all love you. I personally wish that there were more than words to show how I feel.

You are thes best Pammie and I love you so much!!!!

Pammie, I was lurking around for the first time in I cannot remember when and decided to check in on you. I am so sorry to read that you lost your dog and that the grandson is having so many problems. He does seem to be a fighter though and that is a good thing.

If you want another pet, catch me on a bad day and I will send you my little Sugar. She is a sweetie, but gosh, there are days where she is a handful! Just kidding. I love that little furball and would find it hard to part with her...she who RULES around here.

So the transplant is in 30 days. That is great news. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

You are such an inspiration to all of us. Take care of yourself and don't spend any time worrying about the Harley Whore and the ex. They aren't worth the time you would waste thinking about them.

Good Morning All
I got the results from my breast biopsy. I am cancer free.
Thank you God.
Thanks to all of you for your prayers.
My grandson is 3 weeks old now.
He is still on the ventilator.
They take him off occassionally to allow him to breathe on his own, which only last for approximately 24 hours.
He is just not strong enough yet.
He is up to 3lbs. 14 ozs now.
He had lost down to 3 lbs. 2 ozs.
Today is the big party for my younger son's birthday and for me and my donor.
Plenty of good food and lots of friends and family will be there.
I have been outside for the last 2 days.
The weather has been nice and the grand-daughters and I have been enjoying ourselves.
Finally got some new flower beds planted.
Still have a ways to go before the yard is like I want it.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Do something great for yourself.
Thanks again for all the prayers.
They do work.
God Bless
Pam, I am so relieved for you. That must have been a huge load off your worries. And GS sounds like he's doing great as well.

It's been really nice here also. I've gotten a lot of yard work done also. I "dare" anyone to try to find a leaf in my yard!!! It's still to early to plant flowers here, but I'm getting some ideas as to what I want and where to put them.

Congratulations on being cancer free!!! Now on to your transplant and in time you'll be jogging with your GDs!!!
Wait.............I think I see one! Over, there.
Oh (((Pammie))),

Thank God for that wonderful news!! Things are certainly going in a positive way. What a relief!

It was great talking to you the other night. As usual, you're upbeat and positive. But would we expect anything else from our Pammie?

I keep you and Will and the rest of your family in my prayers every day. Just wait til he gets home and you'll have to fight your granddaughters to get to him. They're going to be wonderful "little mothers".

I hope you have a great time today. Heck, I know you will. Being with your friends and family and now with your great news to share, well, what else could it be but a wonderful time? Eat lots of good stuff and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

love you, girlfriend...

Posted By: TC Re: My Faith Will Show Me Nothing Is Impossible - 04/09/05 01:51 PM
That is AWESOME NEWS, Pam! Sooooo happy to hear it, and I am soooo happy for you! Thanks so much for sharing it with us, TC

That is great news! Now you have more to celebrate! As the others have said, you truely are an inspiration to all of us. You help us all keep our spirits up and our hearts and minds focused on the positives in our lives. what would we do without you?

Your little GS will continue to grow and get stronger. He will be up and running before you know it. Remember how fast they grow? I bet he is adoralbe.

And you have been in your yard too! Today is the first day of spring break for me. The sun is shining after two weeks of rain but it is not supposed to last. the rain will be back by this evening. i would love nothing better than to get out in my yard but I promised a friend I would help her move today. So after my walk I am of to pack Chinaware. The flowers will have to wait!

Take care and know that lots of prayers continue to come your way.
love jaycee

What WONDERFUL news..............you and your GS are both in my prayers. The power of prayer! It's wonderful.


I'm so glad your cancer free.

God does answer prayer.

Your grandbaby is goig to be ok to.I'm just sure of it.

I havent gotten to my flower beds yet.I did plant some honeysuckle on two sides of my fence.And I planted a Japanesse Magnolia in my back yard.They remind me of tulips.Only on a tree.

They other day my son mouthed off at me so I had him weed my roses.They don't look like they are going to make it this year.I cut them way to back.(I'm still learning how to garden.)

The weather is good here today.I have all my windows open.

Life sure is good isn't it?

later Friend.
{{{ Pammie!}}}
This is sooo wonderful! so happy!
Have thought about you every day.

I feel everything is going to turn out just great w/ your family! Your GS will improve and your transplant will be smooth. You deserve it too Pam you are the strongest woman I have know in a long time!

Hope the party was great!
Hello All
Thanks for your continued prayers and good wishes for me and my family.
Yesterday was a great day, celebrating son's birthday and hanging out with friends and famly.
My donor (DIL'S Mother) decided we would have some fun with all the kids we started a water balloon fight.
Needless to say we got blasted.
The weather was great.
It was about 80 degrees yesterday.

My grandson is still doing about the same.
He is one special little boy.
Thanks for all the prayers for him.

Take Care all
God Bless
Posted By: naej Re: My Faith Will Show Me Nothing Is Impossible - 04/10/05 02:16 PM
Hi Pammie, so pleased you had a great party.
Glad all is going well and hope transplant is still on for the end of the month.
Hope the two g/ma's changed out of their wet clothes after water fights. Not the time for you two to be getting colds.I hope your DIL can manage you pair of scallywags
Good Morning All
This article was in my local newspaper yesterday.
I think it hit the nail on the head.

Does Anyone Really Mean Their Wedding Vows?

In 1978, when I recited similar vows with my husband of nearly 27 years, I thought couples were supposed to mean what they pledged to one another on their wedding day. But recent news events and news-makers have shown me how naive I was.

Remember Russell Yates, the husband of the woman in Texas who drowned their five children? Three years after she was sentenced to life in prison, he has divorced her.

"We still care about each other," he assured reporters the other day. But, he added, "I couldn't live that way."

Her being in prison is a burden, as you can imagine, and there's the insanity-paranoia-

schizophrenia thing, too. Faced with such challenges, Yates decided to move on with his life.

Explaining that you're ready to move on is a euphemistic way of saying that, due to unforeseen and catastrophic developments, you have decided to abandon your marriage.

That's what Michael Schiavo did years ago, even though he was still married to his wife,

Terri. She was brain-damaged, you see, and in a persistent vegetative state, and didn't recognize him or anyone else, and had to live in a nursing home, and couldn't be a real wife, and ... well, it was too awful to bear.

Time to move on.

In fact, until they became

estranged from him a few years later, Terri Schiavo's parents encouraged Michael to date other women.

Eventually, he settled down with a girlfriend, had two children with her, and announced his intention to marry her when his wife accommodated him by dying, which Terri finally did on March 30 after he had her feeding tube removed.

Call me unrealistic, but when my husband promised to stick with me no matter what, I believed him. I still believe him; and I believe that I am morally obligated to keep the promises I made to him.

My understanding was that "for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health" meant staying with your spouse even if he or she slipped into insanity, or was in a coma, or went to jail, or never made much money.

Still, the "it's time to move on" explanation seems to resonate with a lot of people these days, which is why I think we need to come up with revised wedding vows that sound traditional but incorporate the modern understanding of one's obligation to a spouse.

For example, the thoroughly modern groom could say, "I, John, take you, Mary, to be my wife with the loving understanding that if you develop cancer, become mentally ill, sustain a disfiguring injury, fall into a coma or get sent to prison, or simply gain a whole bunch of weight, I may decide to move on with my life."

And the equally modern bride could respond, "I, Mary, accept those terms, John, with the loving understanding that the reverse applies as well. Moreover, if you move your Alzheimer's-stricken mother into our home, or if at any time your annual income drops below an agreed-upon amount, I may decide that it's time to move on with my life."

Then the minister or judge could pronounce them married, and the happy couple could exchange a sweet kiss and accept the congratulatory applause of friends and family members.

No muss, no fuss. And, best of all, no burdensome promises.

When the going gets tough, the tough can simply move on.

Pam: Just time for a real quick post. I'm thrilled to learn that you are cancer free. And you had a wonderful, fun party. Count the positives. With respect to the little one, sounds like he's holding his own. And miracles do take time, but they do happen. I know of 1 lb babies that have survived, thrived and graduated with honours. I'm still praying.

Now - use that positive attitude and prepare for your next step. You'll do fine with it too.

Thanks for posting something for us all to think about.


Good Morning All
I haven't had time to read or visit the board lately.
Life is great, but busy.
I have an infection that the doctor is doing his best to clear up before my surgery or it will get cancelled.
My grandson is up to 4 lbs. 2 ozs.
He is still on the ventilator.
His looks are changing, he definetly is my son's baby.
Not that there was a doubt.
He is the spitting image of his Dad.
We had a great time at the party last week.
My younger son's birthday was Monday.
My X-H chose not to call his son and wish him a happy birthday.
My X-H and his OW came to my older son house Thursday night. He decided to drop off birthday presents for the girls with my son (their uncle).
Their birthdays were in March.
He is right on schedule wouldn't you say. CRAZY
It has been a beautiful week here in the south.
My grand-daughters and I planted some petunias, salvia, marigolds,periwinkles, in a new flower bed this week.
Then we planted, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers for our small garden this year.
They promise to take care of it for me, while I am in the hospital.
Hey I know these little girls will do their best.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Hope all of you have great plans for the weekend.
Take Care
Will check in soon.
God Bless
{{ Pammie }}
So happy to hear your test results were good news!
and that everything goes as planned for your transplant.

Sounds like your GS is thriving! hes gonna be a tough little boy for sure.

Your GD will for sure take care of grandmas garden and do a spectacular job!

How long do you think you will be in the hospital? I do hope we are able to hear how you are recouperating, we will be thinking of you and waiting for news

Have a great weekend Pam
Flying by to check in on you and to let you know I am keeping you in my prayers. Take care of yourself and post when you feel up to it.

Posted By: gd1 Re: My Faith Will Show Me Nothing Is Impossible - 04/17/05 10:55 PM
Hi Pammie,
Oh my...I hadn't posted or even lurked in months and when I finally started catching up today...well I can't believe what trials have been sent your way.

Of course, I CAN believe how you have handled them with such dignity and optimism. You are somewhat of a legend here on the boards Pammie!

So: AMEN to the biopsy being cancer free. AMEN to your GS gaining all that weight recently! What a little fighter he is!!!

AMEN to 30 days and counting til your kidney transplant and God bless your donor...how did the kids get so lucky to have TWO great women in their lives?

Perhaps you have been singled out for so many trials to show the rest of us that what we are dealing with is so minor by comparison that we shouldn't complain. If so, maybe we all need to say: enough already, we get it, let her alone!!!

I will be keeping you, as always, in my prayers, Pam. Let know one ever question that you are a Survivor and Thriver!

So glad that things are going well for GS and you too.

Do you have someone that can let us all know here how you're doing after your surgery? How long will your hospital stay be? Take care of yourself so it doesn't get delayed.

Gd1 said it very well. You are a legend and you already know you're my hero. You truly are a gem!!!

How sweet of your gds to take care of your garden. I'm sure that will make them feel very important and like they're helping you.

Have a great week!!!
Good Morning All
Hope everyone's weather is as perfect as it is in the South.
I am finally geting a roof.
Not too bad since the hurricane was only 7 months ago.
The roofing companies are definetly the ones with steady work these days.
My grandson is still on a ventilator.
The doctors are talking of possibily doing trachea procedure and a G.I. tube in his belly for feeding,on him in the next couple of weeks to get him off the ventilator.
Please continue to pray for this little sweetie to gain his strength.
My donor has her last test for the absolute final decision that she is definetly my donor today.
Please say a prayer for us both.
If she passes this test, she and I will go next week and have blood drawn for the last match.
If all goes well 2 weeks from today I will receive a new kidney.
Many have ask that I get word to you that I am okay after the surgery.
My daughter-n-law will call either Bethie or Sadeyez after the surgery.
I am excited and scared all at the same time.
Sunday my pastor spoke on the trials that we go through in our life.
He says that they are given to us for a reason.
Yes even death, divorce and sickness.
He went to say that we re not the cause of what we are going through, but we are the one that needs to learn something from the experience.
Geez I sure hope I have been paying attention to all that I have been going through, so I don't have to take a repeated class in this part of life's experience.
Today is doctor day.
I am meeting my younger son for lunch and then go for a visit with my new granson.
Hope all of you have a wonderful day.
Take Care
God Bless
Hey Pammie,

I'm glad you're finally getting your roof. That has to be a load off your mind.

You know I keep praying for your little grandson. I hope he doesn't need the procedure and can just get off the ventilator. The little guy has his Nana's fighting spirit, so he'll be just fine.

I've got my fingers crossed and praying that your donor tests go ok. Two weeks from today...gosh, it seems like it came so fast. I'm sure you're scared but who wouldn't be? I know your faith will see you through, and that strong, determined Pammie we all know and love will come through this with flying colors. When it's over, you can really start living your life and enjoying that little sweetie.

I hope your girls are doing fine. I know they can't wait to get their hands on their little cousin. How cute it will be to see them all together.

I'll try to give you a call later. Have a wonderful time with your son and your grandson.


I'm continuing to pray for you and your loved ones. I have faith that things will go well. It just takes so much time.

I guess you and I will be "well taught" when we're through our stuff. Makes you wonder how much we have to learn. Have to call us "Smarty Pants"!

I'm glad that you have made arrangements to keep us posted. I will be thinking of you.

Take care. Hope today's news is good.

Love Barb
Hi Pammie -

I'm praying for your grandson and for you and your donor that everything goes well. And I'm so glad you're going to have your DIL call one of the girls to tell us how you are doing.

The weather here in the northeast has been beautiful for the past few days too. We actually need some rain I guess. It's way too early here to be planting any but the most hardy things, but it feels nice to be outdoors.

It's good that you got so much planted in your garden already. I hope you aren't tiring yourself out taking care of it now - but I'm sure you're not with the great help you have in those gds.

Take good care. Our prayers are with you,

God bless,


Dear Lord, you have been through the wringer since I last stopped by. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I hope the tests for you and your donor give the you the green light for that transplant. I am also keeping my fingers crossed that your new grandson will thrive.

I had no idea that you were still without a roof! How did you manage these last 7 months?

Take care.


I haven't had much time to post lately, but I'm so glad to hear the baby is getting bigger. Let us know when he comes off the ventilator.

I got back into town Tuesday night and on Wednesday, the boys and I planted a small garden in the back yard. It's still an ugly back yard, but I'm making slow progress. We planted tomoatoes, peppers, okra (my youngest wanted that), eggplant, and some herbs. I'm hoping they learn to care for something with our garden since the three of us planned, prepared, and planted it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed anyway.

When is your surgery scheduled? Let us know so we can say a prayer or two for you Pammie.

Posted By: TC Re: My Faith Will Show Me Nothing Is Impossible - 04/23/05 11:27 AM
Hi Pam..thanks for the update on your little grandson. I think about him often, and am still praying for him. Also, I will be praying for you and your donor in the upcoming weeks. I truly believe that "All things work for good for those that love the Lord". We may never know the "reasons" for all the "stuff" that happens in our lives, but in the end, I truly believe that God has a master plan and that one day it will all come together for us. You sound great, as always, so positive, such an inspiration! You're the best! TC
Good Evening All
Thanks for the continued prayers an concern for me and my grand-son.
My donor passed her final test.
I have an infection from the breast biopsy they did on me.
I will see a specialist Monday.
I am coming to you this evening with a very heavy heart.
My son (grand-son's Dad) called last night and ask me to meet his wife's parents at his house, that he and his wife were on their way there.
I said sure.
I ask if anything was wrong.
My son choked up and said I will see you at the house.
I met the inlaws and my son and daughter-n-law arrived within a few minutes.
They had met with the baby's (grand-son) doctor and they were told some very bad news.
Our baby has severe brain damage.
The part of the brain that tells him to breathe is damaged.
The part of the brain that controls his motor skills are damaged.
He has severe ear infection.
My grand-son is a very sick little boy.
I come to you tonight because we know that God is the only that can heal this sweet baby.
Please my dear friends please say a prayer for my sweet WILL.
Thanks in advance.
God Bless you all
I love each and every one of you.

Your grandson has my prayers, as do you. I am visualizing your immune system obliterating that infection, and your grandson becoming the best he can be. Your Will is a little trooper! That much is evident already. Medicine is coming up with new miracles every day. While it is sad that he has damage to his nervous system, it is a good thing that they discovered it. Now they will be careful about trying to let him breath on his own. He will be safer than he was.

Many hugs to you Pam.
Hugs to you and your family, Pammie. I can only imagine how you feel. God has him in his hands. Wish I could say or do something to make it better, all I know is that baby was brought here for a reason.

God bless and keep you,

Love, Lib
Posted By: gd1 Re: My Faith Will Show Me Nothing Is Impossible - 04/24/05 05:41 AM
Dear Pammie,
Re the infection: Married to a doc for 25 years gives me some insider info. For me and d and X, Cipro was the antibitic that knocked out EVERYTHING. We all respond differently to different ones. If you can't shuck that infection ...ask your doc about Cipro. It's fairly expensive but dang it works wonders on us.

What a wonderful name, WILL. Yes, that boy has a great WILL to live.
My girlfriends' baby 18 years ago had the same prognosis: brain damaged (actually undeveloped) so that it didn't signal baby to breath. Suspected blind and deaf to start.
Well, baby boy is captain of football team, quite the scholar, hears, sees and breathes just fine.

Babies can survive most anything if they are given nourishment and TIME. Preemies need TIME to have that brain start working out of the womb. Prayers and meds allow his brain the time to heal itself. I'm counting on him to pull through this. I'm counting on the docs to give him the time he needs to heal himself. And I'm counting on all our prayers to reach God so that he gives us TIME with WILL here before calling him home some day long into the future.

Love and prayers,
Oh (((Pammie))),

I'm so sorry to hear about little Will. He's been in my prayers all along and will continue to be, as will all of you.

It's been one trial after another for you and yet your faith remains so strong. I know that's what gets you through. I'm so happy that your donor passed the test and I'm sure you'll get that infection cleared up quickly.

Give Will a big hug and kiss from Auntie Sadeyez. I'll try to call you later.

love you,

Like the others I am sorry about the news about baby Will
I love what Gd wrote, I think she is right on, with the wonderful faith you have, my gut tells me baby Will is going to continue to be a fighter, like his grandma!

Please know we are praying/thinking/loving you Pammie
I'm so sorry that Will is so sick. There just isn't anything I can say to express my sorrow at this news. I will continue to pray for Will and you daily.
Love you,

Will has my prayers. I have to tell you a story about my son Jack. When he was 7 years old he had encephalitis and we were told that he would die - that he had hours to live because all of his vital organs were shutting down.

But he didn't, he held on, and then when they thought he would survive, they told us there was massive brain damage and we would have to see how much. He did have to learn to walk again, but that boy is now a Junior Scholar and is as smart as anyone I know. I did read up on it and found that children's brains do have the capacity to regenerate, but adults' do not. So keep that in mind.

Doctors always tell you the worst. Please remember that. You don't ever know what the future will bring. We're all pulling for little Will Pammie.
I am so sorry to read of more trials... I know that God is with you and I know that many more blessings are
coming to you and yours. Trust in the Lord in all things and praise Him in all things. Place your hand on that
tiny child of God and ask the Lord to let His Spirit fill little Will - my first grandchild was born in November
and it was very critical - I was scared and prayed my way through and my daughter "heard" my silent prayers ...
the Doctor thanked me later as she said she felt the Lord's presence, knew someone was calling fervently out to Him
and knew it was me... the hardest part of my prayers always is "your will be done" ... we are all interceding in
prayer for you and Will, Pam. Feel the strength and let it lift you in this trying time. Tell your family we are
all praying for them. God is listening.
Faith, Hope, Love,
Hello All
You guys are the best.
Thanks so much for the prayers for me and my little grand-son.
I got cleared today for my transplant next Tuesday.
Infection is all clear.
Tomorrow my donor and I meet at the hospital for our last cross match of blood, before the transplant.
I went to see my grandson today.
I had to suit up in a gown, gloves and mask, because he has an infection and can not afford to get another one.
I let him know that I was still his Nan-Na under all the
attire had on.
My daughter-n-law was rocking him in the rocker.
His Dad (my son)arrived a few minutes later and was oh so happy he was there at holding time.
I watched my son rock his son and sing to him.
I had to turn away, my heart was filling up with such pain.
What a sweet precious gift this sweet baby is.
My daughter-n-law looks like the finest piece of china, just waiting to break.
Please continue to pray for my sweet WILL .
God will see us through.
I do believe in the man upstairs, and this is a biggy, so HE has full rein over these problems without any interference from me.
See I did learn something in DBing 101.
Take Care All
God Bless
Love to All

Just read about Will. I am so sorry. God must have something very big in store for your family, that's the only reason that I can see.

Pammie, you and you alone have held everything together, and you should be so proud of yourself. What would these boys or their wives do without you leading the way? Lesser people would have cracked pammie, you are an example to us all.

I love you. My prayers have you and your family at the top of my list!

No Pam, you are the best.
I will continue to pray for you, your donor and of course, Will. I agree with everyone, you must have some wonderful things in store for you. Your entire family is amazing. But how could they not be? After all, they're part of you.

Good luck with your surgery Tuesday. I hope you take comfort in knowing that so many of us here love and admire you so much and are cheering you on.

Hi Pammie,

Our prayers are with your family Pammie. For the little one to continue to fight just like his Nan-na has done, for his Mom & Dad to have the strength to pull together and call on you to help them. For your operation to be a success in every way so you can continue to be the beacon of light for your family.

And you don't have to worry about your flowers. Your
GDs will take care of them for sure.

We love you Pammie!!!

Pam: I just had a chance to read your post. I am so sorry that things are so difficult for you and your family. I will continue to pray for all of you and your sweet Will.

As the Mom of Ryan, a son with severe brain damage, I am not sure what to say to you. I will tell you this - the brain is really uncharted territory. There is so much that the doctors don't know and can't predict. Please don't lose your faith. Anything can happen. I was told that Ryan would never walk, talk, or eat. He walks fine and has at points since his brain damage eaten and said a few words. I was told he was blind and deaf. Neither have proved to be true. Granted, he is not the able bodied young man I had hoped for but he has still brought much joy, compassion and love to our family. I am proud to be his Mom.

I teach a young man in my dance school named Chris. I have been teaching him for 20 years. He came to me when he was 5 since his sister danced and he wanted to try it too. When Chris was born, his parents were told to institutionalize him. He was severely brain damaged. Needed open heart surgery. Was not expected to survive. Dad couldn't handle it and fled. Mom decided to keep Chris and fight for his life. Good choice, Mom! Chris is a much loved young man. He is very talented in the dance and dramatic world. Academics are not his thing, but he did attend a normal school. He is a pleasure to have in my dance studio.

I cannot really give advice here - just continue to love and support your family. Take care of YOU the best that you can. Pam, if I could - I'd be there with you. I really know how much of this feels. I've walked in your son and dil's shoes. It is SO difficult. But there is a rainbow on the other side. You just have to work through it. And live one day at a time.

My heart goes out to you dear friend. Keep your faith!

Love Barb

I second what Bethie said. You have been so amazingly strong through all of this. Ever since I have been on this board you have been the source of the morning sunshine. I know that God has big plans for you and little Will. i wish I could tell you what they are but whatever they are Iknw they will be special. you deserve so much happiness.

I will continue to pray for Will as I have been. I know he has been put in your lives for some special reason. My eyes teared up as you talked about your son holding him. What a bitter sweet feeling that must be. I do not knw the pleaure of having grandchildren yet (I am sure I am much too young for that!) but I know a mother's love and I can just imagine the scene. I know it hurts, but try t take come comfort in knowing that your sone feels your love and Will feels the love of all of you and hopefully of all of us too.

And you know we love you! I am so glad that your infection is clear and that you can have your transplant on schedule. You so much deserve to have some good things happen and to be free of your health problems. And thank you for setting up the phone call to Bethie or Sadeyez. We will all be waiting to hear how you have come through it with flying colors per your usual!

then you have to heal so that you can join us this summer for a bit of a get together. Bethie and Sadeyez and i have been talking about meeting up somehwere. I just suggested Denver since Beth won't fly. it seems like a nice central place. Of course you are all welcome to come to my hosue. We could have one heck of a slumber party!! so heal quickly. we will wait for you so you can be with us.

Take care sweetie. i know that God is watching over you and sweet Will.

love jaycee
Good Morning All
Coffee is ready.
Stop by for a cup and we can sit out on the back poarch and have a great chat.
I got my final clearance yesterday for my transplant.
My donor and I met at the hospital for last cross match of blood.
I can't decide who's nerves are on their last thread, mine or hers.
The doctor reasured us everything would be just fine.
I go into the hospital Monday after-noon, to start my
anti-rejection drugs.
My donor has to be at the hospital at 6:00 a.m. Tuesday.
The surgery will start at aproximately 9:00 a.m.
It will last from 4 to 6 hours.
I ask my donor yesterday who would be in charge of our kids(all grown) while we are in the operating room(to keep them from losing their minds)
She said I think we have to give them to God.
I agreed.
My donor and I are meeting Monday before I go into the hospital to have lunch together.
She has always been a special person to me, because she is my daughter-n-law's Mother.
Now we will have a bond that is unbreakable.
I saw my Sweet Baby WILL yesterday.
He was sleeping so, I only stayed for a few minutes.
I took so more pictures of him, and just rubbed his back.
He sleeps with his butt in the air, just my 2 year old grand-daughter does.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Take Care of yourselves.
Do something wonderful for just YOU.
God Bless
Morning Pam!

I'll have a cup of that coffee Ms Pam. And can we sit out on your sunny porch? "Sweet Home Alabama" is on tv tonight and I plan to watch it when I get home from work. It makes me think of you and makes me wanna come and visit you. I hope we can make that happen one day.

You are dealing with it all with your usual style and grace. I admire you so much for it. I also know that when we deal with the BIG STUFF headon and in a positive manner - everything will work out.

God loves you Pam. He knows what you've been through. He will see you through this too.

You and you daughter's mom are very special and I think lunch together is a wonderful idea.

By Mother's Day I'll bet you're up and enjoying the day with your loved ones. I know that I'll be thinking of you every day.

Please pass the cream.

Morning Pammie,

Coffee would be great thanks, and cream please. A little sunshine too. It has been cloudy here and finally clears up about the time I head home from work and have to start cooking. Oh well. I did get out for a very nice, brisk walk around the lake last night.

I'm in the city but very close to a lake that is all park around it. the walk on the path is about 3 miles. a good strol or a good quick workout. either way is good.

I think lunch with your donor is a nice idea. you are right, you will forever be bonded now. What a wonderful thing to give someone. I have a very good friend here who is a kidney nurse. I always think of you when I'mwith her. She's tells me you will be fine. I beleive her!

gotta head out for work now. it's my early meeting. My day to strat off with special ed meetings. Not much fun really unless I get to tell parents that thier childrenare doing great. Sleeps with his butt up huh? My S16 used todo that too. It's so cute!

have a good day and relax a bit.

love jaycee
Dearest Pam;

I have just read up on a few threads and read about all the challenges that you and your sweet family are facing right now. I just want you to know that I will keep all of you in my prayers.

I have great faith in the power of prayer & I know you do as well. I know that the Lord knows each of us & our special needs and that he is lovingly watching over us.

I cried as I read of your son holding his little son. As a grandma, I know how hard it is to watch your children hurt & how doubly hard when you see them in pain over their children. I know you have probably heard lots of stories of preemies but I want to share one with you. My neighbour had her first child 21 years ago. She was born at 24 weeks, the earliest baby to survive at the large maternity hospital in our city. The mother was told that her child would not survive & if she did she would never be "normal" She weighed 1 1/2 lb at birth and had open heart surgery when she was a few weeks old and dropped to 14 ounces. They have a picture of her dad holding her in the palm of his hand, in the incubator. Well, she not only survived but she is a perfectly normal, healthy young woman. She had no health problems and will graduate with honors from university next Spring. So, miracles do happen!

I'm so thrilled to hear that everything is going ahead with your transplant. What a special Mother's Day gift! I will keep praying that all goes well with you.


Your so sweet to always visit my thread and I wanted to thank you for that. Your kind words always give me strength. I'm better today and am working hard on keeping my PMA up, it's hard but I will give it my all. You take care of yourself, you are always in my prayers.

Hi Pammie -

God's eyes are going to be focused on Alabama for the next few days (as they have been with Mr. Will since his birth.) I can't believe the time for your transplant is actually here. I've got the jitters too. God had better calm down all of us here on the board as well.

Your faith sustains all of us. You've been through more since I've been on this board than most people in a lifetime and you keep your sense of humor and belief in a loving and giving God. That's why I know everything will be ok.

Keep in touch - you know our prayers are with you every minute.

God bless,


Good luck on your transplant. We love you, gal! We're all looking forward to hearing about your progress just as soon as you can get back on the board. I'll be sending prayers and good vibes to Alabama all next week.


Dear Pammie;

Just wanted to let you know that you & your family will continue to be in my prayers. I will be thinking of all of you & hoping that all goes smoothly next week with your transplant!

Just wanted to remind you, Pam, how much you're in my thoughts and prayers. I know you will be off the bb for a while but I will await word on your recovery. With so many people praying for you - much good will happen no doubt.

Take care,

Love Barb
Will be thinking of you all day mon and tues. as I am sure a lot of us will be.

You are incredibly strong and like someone else said, have faced this and other sit. w/ such grace and class

Please as soon as you are able, let us know how you are doing.

lots and lots of prayers to you Miss Pammie
Take care of YOU

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please let us know how you are as soon as possible. I believe so much in the power of prayer..............with all the prayers your going to be getting I know you'll be fine.


I have never written to you before. I am not sure if I have read your thread before. But I have, for a year now, read many of your responses to other folks here on the board and I have always been struck by how insightful, compassionate, loving, and intelligent you have been. You are a true gift to many people here - thank you. I am so, so sorry for the cards you and your family have been dealt. I am not a religious person (spiritual, yes) but I do believe in something out there. I am thinking of you and your dear family at this very difficult time. My thoughts, hopes, and love are with you girl.


I will be thinking of you and will say a prayer for a smooth transplant and a speedy recovery!

I will keep you in my prayers.Your a strong woman and you will come through this better than ok.

First the rain then the flowers.This storm will pass.

We all love you.

I said a prayer for your GS.I prayed that he will grow into a happy and strong boy who will grow into a strong man.

And since God answers prayers.I believe he will.

Please take care.There are to many people who love you.

As you can see from your thread, many of us have you in our hearts and are praying for you. May you have a very speedy recovery and come back stronger than ever.....look out world!!!
Pammie, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers. Post to us when you can and let us know how you and little Will are doing.

Hey Pammie,

I just sent you an email. Hope we can connect this weekend. In the meantime, take care of yourself and give Will hugs from all of us.

Thinking of you as always...

Good Morning All
I had a good cry this morning after reading all the posts on my thread.
You guys really do love me as much I love you.
Thank you for all the prayers and concerns for me and grand-son.
Will is up to 5 lbs. 12 ozs., he is still on the ventilator.
He is a beautiful baby.
When he was born he looked like a sick baby.
Now that he is gaining the weight, he looks like a little man.
I keep praying that he will be off the ventilator soon.
God will do HIS best, that I know for sure.
The girls and I have a day out planned for today.
It will be a while before we can have our fun days, after my transplant.
It is storming outside right now, but the weather man says that should end by after-noon.
Oh well if it doesn't, we will shop and do our thing in the rain. No raining on our fun today.
I sent my donor an e-mail yesterday.
I told her she could back out if she wanted to and I would not be mad.
Ha-Ha she says. You are stuck with my kidney.
What a sweet, loving woman she is.
She has already gave me the one of best gifts I have ever received in my life. My daughter-n-law.
I will try and post again before I leave Monday.
If I don't get to,remember I hold each and everyone of you in my heart.
Thanks so much for the love.
God Bless
Pam: What a lovely post! Your positive attitude will see you through. God loves you and so do we! Enjoy this wonderful day with your girls. You deserve today and many sunny days to come. I'm so glad to hear that your "little man" is growing stronger. God bless him and you!

love Barb

Have a wonderful day with the girls. Sounds like little Will is getting stronger and gaining weight. I pray that he will be off the ventilator soon.
Wishing you a speedy recovery back to full-strength. God Bless you and that little baby! (Have you heard that song..God's Will? First time I read you little one's name, I thought of it.)

Take Care!
Posted By: naej Re: My Faith Will Show Me Nothing Is Impossible - 04/30/05 03:35 PM
Pammie, wishing you all the very best and remembering you and g/son plus DIL's MIL in my prayers.
Enjoy the fun day and come back soon.

have a great day with yor girls and know that your are held in our hearts too. We are all here for you and little Will. God has him and you in His hands and he will not let you down.

Love jaycee
Posted By: gd1 Re: My Faith Will Show Me Nothing Is Impossible - 05/01/05 12:27 AM
Powerful prayers and loving thoughts are being sent to you and Will and your DIL's mom from a whole world of people, including me.

Wishing for the very best outcomes...and Godspeed on this next challenge!

Wanted to drop by Pam and remind you once again how many people on this board love you! Come back soon!

I almost missed out on responding becore you had the transplant. With so many prayers on this board for you, there's no way on earth anything will go wrong.

I hope everything goes well for you and your donor tomorrow. Get strong and let us know how you are when you can. We'll be thinking about you.

Hi Pammie -

Just one more greeting before you go in tomorrow. I hope you have a fast and speedy recovery and get back to your wonderful family soon.

So glad to hear that Will is gaining weight - I'm sure he will be off the ventilator soon.

God bless you all.


Oh My Goodness
Look at all these posts on my thread.
You guys are the best.
I feel so lucky to have friends like you.
The girls and I had a great time out yesterday.
Actually, we were after 10:00 p.m. getting in last night.
We decided to go out to dinner also.
Today we went to church and then to lunch.
Hey no cooking for a while.
Later this after-noon we played baseball with some friends.
The guys cheated, that is all I am going to say.
I am all packed and ready to get this journey behind me.
I would be lying if I said I was not nervous.
I have however put it all in God's hands.
The surgery will take 4 to 6 hours.
I will be in intensive care for a couple of days, as I have been told.
My daughter-n-laws will have their hands full with my sons.
I am sure they will have some stories to tell me.
My 5 year old grand-daughter says she is going to come and stay with me at the hospital, so I won't be scared.
I told her that would be great.
Tomorrow I will have lunch with my donor, then it is off to see my sweet WILL .
It will be a little while before I will get to stop and visit with him.
Again I want to thank all of you for the prayers for Will , my donor, and myself.
God Bless each and everyone of you.
Love to all.
I'll be back soon

You're the sweetest person I've ever known.
Pam, your words have gotten me thru many dark times. Thanks for always being there. I will keep you in my prayers alon with your donor and Will. Those little girls need the grandmom to teach them about life so keep fighting and keep the positive attitude. Your new addition needs to get to know what a wonderful grandmom he has.
The guys cheated!!!! I'm shocked!!!

Best of luck to you, your donor and of course Will. You have so many people praying and pulling for you that God would have some splaining to do if anything bad were to happen.

Take care and we'll all be waiting anxiously to hear how you are.
Love, Jill
Take care.
Hi (((Pammie))), I know you're not going to be back for a while, but I'm giving you a bump anyway so you don't fall to page hundred and twenty!

I hope everything went splendidly. I'm sending you healing thoughts as I bike to and from work every day. I'm sending the same to your wonderful co-grandmom/donor, and to little Will as well.

lots of love,

Good Morning All
I have to get up early these days.
I have to be at the hospital by 8:00 each morning for my blodwork.
I live 1 hour from the hospital.
Oh well the everyday blood giving will end in a couple of weeks.
Then it will just be once a month.
I had quite the shocker given to me yesterday.
It was around 1:00p.m. I was settled in for my nap and the phone rang.
I answered it
It was my X-MIL.
I saw it was her phone number before I answered the phone.
I chose to answer the phone, because there was nothing she could ever say to me, or no way she could hurt me like she has done in the past.
She said she had heard that I was having a transplant and wanted to know when I was going to have it.
I told her it was over.
She said she did not know I was sick. I said I am not.
My X-MIL had all these answers that she called me for.
My good friend goes to my X-MIL's church and their pastor came to see me in the hospital.
She was just on another fishing expedition,just like when her sweet baby boy and I were in the midst of our ugly divorce.
Thank you Lord, but I'll pass on the next MIL.
I had a great day yesterday.
My younger son and his family spent the majority of the day with me.
My son worked on my pool to get it ready to be opened for the kids to swim in.
I have so much to be thankful for this Mother's Day.
I know my boys have something planned for me today.
I don't know what.
I can smell a rat though.
They keep calling each other, so I know they are up to something.
Hey as long as it doesn't hurt I will have fun.
I sure hope they don't make me laugh from down in my belly yet. That will hurt.
God Bless All
I love each and everyone of you.
You are all special to me
Have a great Mother's Day.
H A P P Y M O T H E R ' S D A Y, P A M M I E !!!!

I'm sure your family will make this the best Mother's Day ever for you. You've been through so much and have handled everything with such strength and dignity. It's all up from here!!!! Hope Will gets to come home soon.
Good Morning All
I have to tell you about my Mother's Day/ Birthday.
My younger son and my grand-daughters took me to the hospital for my blood work yesterday.
When we returned home my daughter-n-law had signs up and down the road for my birthday.
She coooked a big lunch and a had a birthday Cake waiting for me.
My older son called and said he would be late coming to see me.
He wished me a Happy birthday and a Happy Mother's Day.
At 8:00p.m. I decided to take my shower and settled in for the night.
I was getting ready for bed and the door bell rang.
I hobbled to the door and there sat on the front porch a wicker basket with pink bedding inside.
I did not see anyone or any vehicles.
I reached down and picked up the basket.
There was a card inside from my older son, his wife and Will .
Wishing me a Happy Birthday/Mother's Day.
Inside the pink bedding was the a Chocolate Lab puppy.
If you remember I lost my dog about a month ago.
I had not decided whether to get another one or not.
But I have one now.
She is beautiful.
Her name is Cocoa.
My grand-daughters came down to see the new addition.
The 5 year old grand-daughter said that she had better spend the night with me since I was not able to take care of the puppy by myself yet.
That is exactly what happened.
God is still showering me and my family with all the love He has for us.
I have to say it was a great Birthday, Mother's Day.
Hope you all had a great day also.
I am off to the hospital for my blood to be checked.
Have a great day all.
God Bless
Hey Pammie,

What a wonderful way to spend your birthday and Mother's Day. And what a sweet surprise getting that little puppy.

How's little Will doing? I hope he's gaining more strength every day. He has lots of people praying for him.

You take it easy too. It's been less than a week since your surgery and look at you go! But that's our Pammie! Just take care of yourself because we love you.

have a terrific day...


What a wonderful surprise. I'm sure little Cocoa will bring you years of happiness. My Himalayan kitty is named Coco too!

I was thinking about you so much yesterday and told some of my family about you, your struggles and how you manage to do it all with style and grace. I also told them it was your birthday. We all wished you the best!

I'm not posting much. Have so much going on. But wanted to stay in touch with you and let you know how glad I am that things are looking up.

Love Barb
Hi Pammie -

You are really the miracle girl - and now you have a new puppy to love! Thank God your gd stayed over to help.

It's great to see you posting. Still praying for you and your donor's continued recovery and, of course, for Will.

God bless,

Hi Pammie,

Boy, did I ever get egg on my face in that post saying that it'd be a while before you got back. I like that kind of egg, though!

Hey, regarding your blood work - can't you have a local doctor draw the blood and your kind relative drive it to the hospital for you, if the car ride is a trial? It's also possible that a local doctor uses that hospital's lab already, and has regular pickups. Just a thought. I want you home and resting and being spoiled!

Regarding your ex-MIL... she may have been fishing, but it may reflect that the other side of the family is still concerned about you. Maybe in a gossipy way, but I bet that they also have some genuine feeling, nice as you are. It's important to keep your boundaries, but not to demonize even those who have been hurtful. Even if a motive is mixed, it doesn't mean that the decent part of the motive is entirely lacking.

Don't know why I'm preaching. Maybe it's just that so many of our ex's have mixed motives and mixed signals, and it's easy to lose sight of compassion when we need to protect ourselves. It does sounds like you rolled with it, like the fine lady you are. Good for you.

Congratulations on the new puppy! How fun!

What a fun surprise. there is nothing like a new puppy or kitten to bring happiness and smiles into a house. they are such a gift. And lucky for you that you happened to have a grand-daughter close at hand to help out!

I'm so glad that your Mother's Day was good. You have been through enought lately and you deserve a great day in your honor. I had a great MD too. My S16 and his 2 best buds cooked dinner for their mom's at my house. We also had another friend of mine who I met in my D couseling group. she has a 4 year old and this was her first MD alone. We had such a good time. The kids were great,. they all dressed up in shirts and tie and jackets, they all gave us these GIANT cards that they bought. They did the cooking and cleaning up and then play music for us and entertained the littles ones and then left us alone withour margaritas for some good girl time! It was sooo fun.

I know that I am truely blessed when it comes to my kids and the wonderful friends that God has put in my life. We all have so much to be thankful for.

I'm so glad that you are doing well. You sound so strong. Your morning drive must be a real hassle, but on the other hand it gets you up and moving every day. That is good too. How is little Will doing? I think of him often.

Take care and take it easy.

love jaycee
Posted By: naej Re: My Faith Will Show Me Nothing Is Impossible - 05/10/05 06:36 AM
Hi Pam, boy this was a surprise for me to see you had posted already!
Do take care NOT to overdo it.
Hope Will continues to improve and that your donor is well on the road to recovery.
A choc lab! I have a yellow and his name is William!
All good wishes to you my friend.
Hi Pammie,
Thought I'd stop by and see how you're doing....sounds like you had a wonderful mother's day. You sure do have great kids!!!

What's the latest news for Will and your donor? Hope they are doing as well as you seem to be.

I also got a puppy after my D's dog died. He's a bassett/beagle mix and I named him Nelson (after a friend). He's such a joy (well, most of the time anyway)!!

Take care of yourself girlie. Summer's coming and I'm sure you'll have lots to do!!!
Love ya,

I also was surprised to see you posting so soon. But glad of it too! How is Will doing? Your mother's day sounds wonderful. Mine was too! We are the lucky ones when you really think about what's important. You've been through so much and keep your great attitude. I know it's a pain to have to travel to get your blood work done, but in the long run you'll be able to get out in your garden and do the things you love to do soon.

You're such an inspiration for so many of us Pammie.
Hello All
I went to my mail-box today and it was filled with cards from all of you guys.
You sure know how to brighten a person's life.
Thanks to all of you for the love and prayers.
My donor came home yesterday.
I talked with her this morning and she was doing fine.
I will stop by and see her tomorrow. She lives close to the hospital.
My sweet Will is not doing very well.
I went to see him today.
I stayed about 1 1/2 hours just reading to him and telling him about my new puppy and his girl cousins.
We are still praying for a miracle so our sweet Will can breathe on his own.
My son and his wife have aged 10 years in the last 6 weeks.
I do want to thank you all for the on-going prayers for our sweet baby.
God will be good to us. That we know for sure.
Take Care All
I love each and every one of you.
God Bless

I think I know how your son and DIL feel. I lived through it for months with Ryan. I sure grew up fast in my 20s.

I continue to pray for Will. And for you, your donor and the rest of your family. No one knows what the future holds but with your sunny outlook - it will all work out.

Love ya!


Wow! It is good that you are back on here so soon. You are one strong woman. It is wonderful that you had such a nice Mothers Day and Birthday.......and the basket from your Son and DIL was so sweet. They all love you so much. Take care Pammie. I hope little Will is getting stronger and will be able to come home soon!
Pammie, you are one super woman. I am impressed. Your faith has been true and your strength unbelievable. You go girl.

I was so pleased to see that you are up and about so soon after your transplant. I hope your bloodwork continues to show that your kidney is functioning as it should.

Congratulations on the new puppy. I love the name, Cocoa. It should suit a chocolate lab perfectly. Your children are very good to you, it sounds like you had a lovely Mother's day.

I can't figure out why your X-MIL would call if she already knew about the transplant. What is the point in fishing for more information? Beats me.

I will keep you and little Will in my prayers.

Take good care,

Pam, Glad to hear that you are doing so well. Congrats on your ongoing recovery at what must be record speed. Enjoy that little puppy. I'll bet she is a sweetie like my little Sugar who is so much company for me. I will keep you and your little Will and your family in my prayers.

Hi Pammie -

Hope and pray all is going well.

Post when you can.

God bless.


Hello All
My grandson WILL died last night.
Thank You All for all the prayers for him these last 2 months.
I started rejecting my kidney Tuesday, I was put in the hospital for about 6 hours and given IV drugs.
Today my lab reports showed that it was functioning well again.
All my blood work was great.
I don't know when I will be back on the board, things are pretty much up in the air right now.
My son and daughter-n-law need my full attention right now.
They are in so much pain, as is the rest of the family.
Please remember us in your prayers.
God Bless
Posted By: TC Re: My Faith Will Show Me Nothing Is Impossible - 05/20/05 01:20 AM
Oh , Pam, I am so, so sorry for the loss of your precious Grandson, Will. How heartbreaking this must be for your son, dil, and your whole family. Your family is in my prayers, that's for sure...and will be each and every day...and you, too, you are one special lady and I am just so sorry that more heartbreak has come into your life at this time...thinking of and praying for you, TC
Pam, I am so sorry and wish I could say or do something to ease the pain you and your family are bearing.
Posted By: gd1 Re: My Faith Will Show Me Nothing Is Impossible - 05/20/05 02:18 AM
Oh Pammie, this is soooooo sad. I truly hoped little Will would make it; he was a such a fighter. I wish I could say something to help ease your burden, but I know there is nothing.
So ((((((((((((((((((((((Pammie))))))))))))))))))))))))
Make sure you keep that kidney away from the Merlot, ok?
And kiss and hug your son and DIL from all of us here who so hoped their little boy would pull through!

I'm really sorry, Pammie.


There are no words to even tell you how sorry I am.

We love you Pam
My deepest sympathy Pammie! C.
I'm so very sorry about your darling little one.

Take care of yourself and your family.


I am so sorry to hear about your little Will. Now you have an angel looking over you.

Dear Pammie -

As I wrote my post last night, something said to me that things weren't good. God in His heaven and only He knows why that little child is with Him now. You will see him again one day.

As for your kidney, it's almost miraculous that it re-functioned. Thank God! Your family and friends need you so much.

You and your son and DIL - all your family - have my prayers.

God be with you.

Love, Lib
So sorry about little Will. I pray your kidney keeps on functioning....My prayers are with you and your family.
Posted By: naej Re: My Faith Will Show Me Nothing Is Impossible - 05/20/05 02:37 PM
Dear Pam, I am so sorry to hear about Will, hard to accept that maybe it was for the best. God works in mysterious ways.
My prayers are with you all. Take good care of yourself now. Lots of rest, your family need you so much.
Hugs (((()))))))))

I know that there is not anything that I can say to take away the pain, but I wanted you to know that I am here for you.

I love you, and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family always!

Take care of yourself..........


I am so very sorry.

Love to you and your family,


I am just so sorry about little Will. His suffering is over, but it is such a shame that you didn't get to keep that wonderful little spirit. You can all be thankful that you worked hard to make him feel cherished during his time on earth.

Please take extra special good care of yourself, Pam. Your family will get through this, with all the love you have for each other.


Dearest Pammie;

I am so, so sorry to hear of your loss. Words seem so inadequate at a time like this. Please know that you and your family will continue to be in my prayers. I know that your faith will sustain you as you face this challenge and mourn the loss of your precious Will.

I hope that things continue to go well with your health & that you improve daily.


I am so very sorry to hear about your grandson. I will be thinking of you and your family.

Please continue to take care of yourself through this difficult time - I am glad to hear that your kidney transplant is taking.

You are such a strong woman. I really am sorry that your strength is being tested this way. I am so very sorry to hear about your loss.

take care,
Hello All
Thank You so much for the sweet words of condolence and the prayers for my family.
WILL'S funeral will be Tuesday at 10:00.
My daughter-n-law has family out of town.
My younger son went today and had a tatoo put on his arm in memory of WILL .
His brother ( WILL'S Dad ) was so touch by what his brother had done.
WILL was named after my younger son.
My son called his Dad to tell him about WILL'S death the night that WILL died.
You know my X-H has yet to call his son to see if he could help him in any way.
It is still all about him.
I am not worried about seeing him the day of the funeral.
I have no guilt.
Hope he can handle it.
Take Care All
Thanks again
You all are the best.
God Bless
You have an amazing family. Your post made me cry for many reasons. One, I know what it's like to lose a child. It just isn't supposed to happen. Second, because your family is so close and always there to support and love each other. Third, because you are who you are. I can't even begin to tell you how you've touched my life. Your strength, humor, kindness, generosity and love.

Bless you and your family. You are all amazing.

Oh Pam, I'm so shocked. What little time he was with you guys he was very blessed to be loved so much. You all have an angel in heaven down to look down and keep an eye on you now. I wish I had words to take your pain away. Just know you are all in my thoughts.

As a mother of two sons myself I can just imagine how proud you are of the love your sons have for each other. That kind of love will get you all through this. Take care sweet lady.
I feel the same about you.
Thanks so much for the cards you have sent to me.
They mean so much to me.
Take Care of yourself amd have a great time in Spain.
God Bless

I lost a child, a baby girl - Lisa, a long time ago. So I know your loss. How sad it is that the world still revolves around your ex. Will had a Grandma. He did not have a grandpa, that's what matters. They will never know the love we do. You take care of yourself Pammie.
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