So, my Ex doesn't see the kids hardly ever. The relationship is very strained. Last meeting was in the late summer where it was told to Ex that D15 wants to spend time alone with him and not the few hours every 6 weeks or so and not with another woman present. (My kids like his current GF well enough, and she is not the reason for D).

Fast forward to last week, he shows up and I say " hey, she is going to take her driving test soon, how about you take her out and help her parallel park?" I suggest that he take her in the car I bought as she is using that car for her testing. Makes sense right? So they return 3 1/2 hours later. Now, I live in a tiny community and to get to the neighboring community you have to cross a toll bridge. That is the community that EX lives in as does he GF.

So I ask D15 "how in the world did you drive around GH (our community for so long)?"

D15 ~ I didn't we went to Ttown (ex-community"
Me~ why did ya'll go there? ($4 toll)
D15 ~ I don't know, but Dad made me drive by GF house
Me~ Oh, I thought they broke up before he left town (6weeks ago)

D15~ Me too but dad said there were working on it...they have some trust issues!

Me~ Oh, that's a shame
D15 ~ Ya, we drove by twice and she wasn't home and dad was calling her and she wasn't answering her phone

Me~ wow, I thought he understood you wanted time alone with him

D15~ well he said they were making dinner together later and they needed to go to the store so he thought they could do it now and then we just kept on driving around that area

Me~ that's is really odd, not many ex's would take their ex wives car and drive their kid to their GF house.

We kinda laughed about the oddity of the situation but as I thought about it:

He totally was stalking HIS gf in MY car. The GF thinks he is on the side of the bridge with daughter and he is thinking "Ah, I am undercover in this strange car and I'm going to spy on this chick I can't trust"


So fast forward to the next morning....my D15 is driving to school and looks at me and says in deadpan voice"

"Mom, I totally think I helped my dad stalk his GF last night" Then she started chuckling!!

I seriously have gone back and forth about addressing this with him but

A) he will deny it
B) he evidently does not and will not understand his D15 needs

It mostly cracks me up but the principal p*sses the sh*t out of me!!!

I think I'll post this in the MLC forum just so they know that crazy doesn't always stop!

And I have thought for about a hot second to let the GF know what he was doing..I wouldn't do it but still...it makes me laugh!
Yes, there comes a time when you have to find the humor in what they say and do. No one can make this stuff up. LOL!
What is a FEG sandy ???
Fed Ex Guy????
I say print out this thread and mail it to some producer in Hollywood as a pitch for new drama series. I see big money in your future!!

"Turn my sorrow into treasured gold." --Adele

Truly Bizarre!!!!

Bingo ~ KML
Originally Posted By: kml
Fed Ex Guy????

OK someone add that to the abbreviations thread grin
Or he could be known as Freakin' Excellent Guy wink
LOL now don't get carried away KML.... he's human! LOL
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