Hi everyone.
I am 24 years old and my husband and I have been married for two years. We've been together for a total of four years. He is from Australia, and we admittedly got married earlier than we would have liked so that he could stay permanently. He did NOT marry me to gain US citizenship.

We have had, in my opinion, a relatively good relationship. I do realize that I am an over-emotional person at times and he is very stoic and non-emotional, which is where the issues sometimes lie. I also think that neither of us are particularly good communicators. He doesn't know how to express himself verbally, and I just cry and get confused and it never works out well. In any event, we have gone through some tough times; we both have jobs we hate, he misses his family and his home greatly. We share some resentment towards each other, and I realize that there were times when I should have helped him through difficult emotional situations. For instance, in 2009, his friend passed away and he decided to take a week to go back to Australia for the ceremony. All I could think about was myself. I was angry he was leaving me alone. I was angry that he was going when we didn't have a lot of money for expensive tickets. He smoked some cigarettes with his friends while we were there. I was angry that he did that. He was just trying to deal with his grief, and I was incredibly immature. I don't think we ever really discussed this as a source for his resentment, but this, and similar situations, are probably what have gotten us here.
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