25 hates when I do this. grin

But, I just want to have a conversation about women, what makes us tick? What the men here have observed or consider "womanliness"...anything woman related.

Let's see if this one dies off as fast as my other exploratory threads. smirk

Just distracting myself while simultaneously trying to glean some morsels of insight...
I respond to kindness.

Hmmm. Physically or mental-ly?
Yay!!!! Thanks for posting.

Me? Apparently up until now, I responded to being last priority, having no stability and being humiliated.

Reassessing what I want, who I am and what I am going to respond to.

Please keep it coming...
Women respond to R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Originally Posted By: stuck808
Women respond to R-E-S-P-E-C-T

And, what do you respond to from women?


hey i'm a guy after all.
Originally Posted By: stuck808


hey i'm a guy after all.

I'm not letting you off that easy! Ok, you respond to S-E-X but you aren't gonna marry just any woman that will scr*w you, right?

What do you love about women? Besides sex! grin
Well personally, I like a woman who takes an interest in my thoughts and opinions. Someone who notices the little things about me, then goes out of her way to show that she listened even when it's something small.

Especially when I've had an achievement of some kind, when they genuinely show happiness in what I do, that's a rush.
I respond to a man making me feel desired.
Besides the obvious sexual attraction that is necessary, I love a Woman who can make me laugh with witty or dry humor. They're always the ones who turn out to be like tigers in the bedroom to IMO.
Along those lines, I like a woman who is comfortable with her own sexuality. And can initiate.
Hmmm...seems like the boys are very into the sex. shocked
Not entirely true. We also like women with...what do you call them? Oh yeah, nice personalities.
Could you uh...extrapolate on what those personality traits would be??

You aren't going to marry every woman you feel like scr*wing are you?
Sex is important. Like a woman who is not afraid to initiate that.

But there is clearly more to it than that. Positive attitude is a big plus.

One of the things I find most important is a woman who wants to give and receive affection - hugs, holding hands, I love yous (don't make me turn in my man card, but I think that's important). Maybe it's because that has been missing in my M, and due to the sitch I am forced to think about what I do/don't want if I have to jump back into the dating pool.

Last thing is communication. Again, something that has been missing in my M.
givingitmyall- Yes, this thread is intended for all of us to think a little and get a little clarity.
Personality would include things like a good sense of humor for me. Can't have a woman who takes herself too seriously and doesn't know how to laugh.
And a willingness to try new things.
If she can bait her own hook that's always a plus.
Originally Posted By: Astimegoeson
If she can bait her own hook that's always a plus.

Where's KellyJo (Wifey)???/ She can bait her own hook!

Living God's blessings with grace and dignity~
SMW- any thoughts about being a woman, what you want to improve in yourself or what you look for in a man?
That's funny you said that Astimegoeson, because when I wrote that, I was thinking about how my W doesn't like to fish (I recently took it back up).
I've been dating this Woman on and off for about a year now. I took her fishing for the first time with me last year. It was the first time for her since her Dad took her when she was very young. He died when she was 11. She loves to go fishing with me now, but she still won't bait her own hook.

Would you believe the first fish she catches after all these years is a 3-1/2 lbs small mouth bass. She asked me... "Is that a good fish to catch"? shocked
A woman I can be myself with. When I met W 18 years ago I was so comfortable with her. No fake stuff. Just a good friend who was there with me. (I'm going to go cry now!)
Ok, seriously, please ignore me if I'm bugging you but what traits make you feel like you can be yourself? Do you know? Or is it just a feeling? What does a woman do to make you feel that comfortable?
I'll give you an absolutely honest answer:

I don't know.

If pressed I'd probably say -- nothing, everything. I don't categorize in this way. There's nothing particular "womanly" -- other than the prescribed arrangement of the lady-parts -- that is particularly attractive to me.

In general, I have tended not to be attracted to prissy women or to very skinny women (if I can see your bones, I'll pass), or very quiet women. But that doesn't mean I couldn't be if there were other, ill-defined or undefined, qualities that overcame them. I suppose I'm very democratic (small-d) in that regard.
I'm Thinking....I'm Thinking.... laugh
Originally Posted By: Thinker
I'm Thinking....I'm Thinking.... laugh

I was very into the sex thing. But having been a virgin for close to a year...I miss the small hugs and pecks on the cheeks. I miss the snuggling up on the couch and watching a movie. I miss holding hands and her head on my shoulder. I miss how she made me feel like a MAN when I didn't feel like a man. I miss her laughter. I miss walking into the house and seeing her there with the kids and sitting at the table with a smile for me.

Now I'm learning about who I was and who I used to be. I thought I knew how to take care of a woman, now I know that I have to learn how to take care of myself first.

I do know that she was attracted to me the most when I was interacting with the kids. The way we would play, run after each other and laugh.

Who knows...one day.

Did I answer the question?

To turn the thought around. What are some things that make you attracted to a guy?

Our WAWs have told us we are no longer "attractive" to them. We've heard that it takes confidence to seem attractive. Is this true or is it also a bit physical?

Any other women want to contribute?

I'm attracted to guys that are intelligent, stimulating, and fun-loving. A guy who is in touch with his creative edge and has a sense of humor is very attractive. A guy who takes fatherhood importantly and is not afraid to show his love for his child/children. And of course, a guy who knows how be romantic without being asked is another plus.

Physically speaking, a fit guy with broad shoulders is appealing.

Hmm...I think I just described my H before the separation...

Me 40
WAH 43
T 4 years
M 9 1/2 months
stepson 9
He left 3 1/2 weeks ago
No D filed
As a guy I can only speak from my own experience. From what I have seen with women looks are not nearly as important as they are for a guy. Generally women want a confident, stable guy who has a sense of humor and knows how to be romantic. Doesn't hurt to have a lot of money also. If you got money then all the other stuff doesn't matter. smile Think back to how you were and the things you did when you were dating your wife. That's what she likes. Oh, and get lots of money. Seriously though, confidence is a must.

Ladies, here is what I feel are attractive traits in a man, let me know if I am off base.....

Confident, well groomed, a good listener, humorous, thoughtful, fun, compassionate, spontaneous, respectful, honest, open, relaxed, considerate, intelligent, romantic, passionate, forgiving, patient, interesting, humble, ......And good in bed smile

I find those are attractive traits in women.
Originally Posted By: stuck808

To turn the thought around. What are some things that make you attracted to a guy?

After the blow out I just had with H, I think I want to become a lesbian. smirk
Gotta agree with most of that. But I think confidence is at the top of the list. Confidence is probably the one quality that you could not take off that list and women would still find the guy attractive. I believe that most women consider a man without confidence to be weak.

I betcha that would have your husband turn right back home in a heartbeat! ; )
Originally Posted By: stuck808

I betcha that would have your husband turn right back home in a heartbeat! ; )

LOL!!! I figured someone would go there. grin
For the guys...

Maybe it's me, but do you ever notice sometimes that you seem to attract Woman when your least expecting it? When your really not feeling like a babe magnet at the time? Like when you might be about 12 to 14 hours overdue for a shower, your hair hasn't been combed, your most likely hung over from the night before, and you really just don't give a rat's arse what they think about you?

Weird, but attraction happens at the most inconvenient times and places sometimes.
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