
So typically when you are dating someone early on healthy people are trying to get know each other to see if they are compatible. Especially when you are dating at middle age that can take awhile because you don’t see each other very often. T jumps the gun early on and he pushes for intimacy early on for because of his anxious attachment. He has to hear her say “iLUs” or hear her call him “my love” because that eases his attachment. So at this point these are just words that make him feel safe. So these words to the average person take on a different meaning. It means commitment, trust, loyalty in essence a very special bond. Not one you break over a misunderstanding about money. Again as I quoted one minute he is in love, never been in a better relation and would fight to the end for her and the next he has a bad weekend and this isn’t the droid I’m looking for. If you can’t see this as a real problem that you may be missing the same chip that he’s missing. This is borderline psychopathic behavior.

If you remember in the fall the girl I was dating was pushing me for more intimacy after about three months. I had seen some red flags and was stilling in the vetting process to see if we were a good fit. We were exclusive no ILUs but I did care for her. Truthfully I liked hanging out with her and the sex was great. When pushed for more I could have told her what she wanted to hear to get what made me feel good. I didn’t because it wasn’t the right thing to do. I could have continued to have sex and at the first sign of conflict broken up with her and told her she wasn’t the droid I was looking for and I bet you guys would have said that was a shitty thing to do. You would have been right because I would have been misleading her. Traveler is doing the same thing but for different reasons.

Again I will say it one more time. What she did on the trip was wrong and a shitty thing to do. In the vetting out process sure you can see that as a dealbreaker. When you love someone you sit down like adults and discuss it figure out why it happened and you make sure it never happens again.

Hope this helps you understand where I believe everyone but you are coming from.