Originally Posted by bttrfly
Originally Posted by kml
Can you say “Projection”???? Lol.
right? was thinking about this some more, and comparing my experiences to many i've read here. So many of these MLCrs want their spouses to do things that are diametrically opposed, ex. one cannot spend zero dollars on new outfits and wear shiny bright new designer togs. one cannot spend all one's time working on a high powered career and still have time left over to pick the kiddos up after school, help with homework, cook a fabulous meal from scratch, do all the cleaning, marketing, bill paying, gardening, etc and have excess energy in the bedroom as well. We're human beings who also live in a 24 hour a day world. Sleep is necessary for LBS's too! Like, basically people here's the menu, check off what you want but realize you ain't getting it all because we are human too and btw, none of the demands make an eff of a lot of sense anyway.

No wonder so many of us here are exhausted and trying to unkink from pretzeling for so long!

Not only do their demands not make an eff of a lot of sense, most of the time they forget that they made them in the first place!