Well, I have told my boss, my family, and my closest friends, so I guess I can make it internet official....I GOT THE JOB! I have long used one of my dearest friends as a reference because we started out as co-workers and then became friends later and have served on many committees together, so while we have a personal friendship, we also have a long-standing professional relationship. I knew she had talked to the HR person yesterday because she called me and told me. Then, my boss called and told me he'd had a really good conversation with the HR person. Late yesterday afternoon, I had a very good conversation with her in which she offered me the job and I gladly said yes. I start July 1. So, my time here now is limited and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. A light that involves more money and a better schedule. WOO HOO! Through the summer, I will only work 4 days a week but I will get paid for 100% of my salary which is different than my current situation where I am furloughed 20% so I work 4 days a week but draw 80% of my salary.

I'm so excited for the new opportunity but sad for the end of this current era. Moving here was a fresh start after my divorce and moving home. Now I'm moving the opposite direction from home. Well, technically, not moving at all, but my job will now be further from my home (family) than the current one. I know none of that makes sense to anyone but me, but anyway, I'm sad and happy all at the same time. I know the new experience will be a good one. As I say often, change is good, but it sure is painful. For some reason, this morning, my dad's voice popped into my head, telling me "this ain't no step for a stepper" (one of his favorite dad-isms). I know this is the path God chose for me and I just have to follow it. I'll miss my current job, my students, my friends I have made here, but I now have the chance to make new friends and make a difference for a whole new set of students.

All I know for sure is that I feel a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders. Relief is a good feeling!