Yes, I think that is why so many of us word it that way, it is impactful to understand exactly what he is telling you. So many LBSs hear "I don't want to be married anymore" from their WAS, and what they hear is "You better become super-spouse or I am going to leave!" That isn't what they are saying. In fact, most WASs get irritated with the LBS when they suddenly become the perfect spouse. Their attitude is "Where was this all along? It is too little too late!"

So the best thing to do is to give them what they want. A life without you. Go live an awesome life on your own, and maybe they'll be attracted back and get interested again.

Cathy, I know you are still recovering, and you have a friend coming in. Start making your plans for what you want to do once you get back on your feet, back to work. IC? Support group? Reconnecting with old friends? Rediscovering old hobbies and activities? Have a plan, and then put that plan into action.