Originally Posted by Ginger1
Originally Posted by LH19
G I am curious on your take on whether a girl who sleeps with a man without commitment is akin to a prostitute and should be paid for her services?

If that is so, then I want to know why I didn’t get paid. I feel jipped

Which is EXACTLY how this multiple time best selling author and 40 year national radio host, currently on Sirius XM, phrases it. (Compared to A self published internet mostly unknown ebook author) It’s in that context of getting jipped - at least they get paid while the results are the same - the guy gets what he wants. Many women finally figure this out - some quicker than others. But when they sleep with a guy on the 2nd or 3rd date hoping he will the one, fall for her and commit - the exact opposite often happens. If she says, I think I like you but I’m not willing to sleep with you yet it will be a great true test of whether the guy truly likes and wants her HER or just likes and wants SEX. Two very different things. If she refuses to give it up to just anyone, the right guy will wait and prove himself. If not, you have your answer. She was being used for sex - at least some women get paid for it. The author is not actually suggesting women get paid.

Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with this if that’s what she wants. If she just wants a casual hookup and is fine with the guy moving on in a month or two - go for it. Who am I to say otherwise. Heck it would be hypocritical if I did. But if she wants more, wants the things Ginger lists, it’s foolish to give it up on date #2 and think she will get it. She may luck out but the odds are not on her side. Right or wrong, totally hypocritical or not, guys will respect a girl and continue to pursue the girl who makes him earn it.

And ginger is just one in a long list of women who have fed me the EXACT same story of guys on OLD - dk pics and all. I’ve heard this from women over and over and over.

Finally I’m like 5 years older than you LH. So Get over yourself. smile