Originally Posted by CWarrior
Ginger, I'm so sorry to hear that. I was rooting for you to have this partner through Christmas and beyond. I hope the relationship was a net positive for more days than it was a net negative, and that you learned from the experience so your next relationship fares better. There is much about you that rocks that someone will appreciate. Even if you [GASP!] don't hide your TV's wires. Of all the silly things out there to be a bone of contention. wink

Thank you. And the relationship was a net negative which is why I ended it.

I looked at all the shiny stuff that was missing on my last prospects. The shiny objects for me was planning ahead and making sure there was time spent. It was always like pulling teeth with other guys because they couldn’t commit to spending time together and I was always the one making the effort.

It was shiny at first , but the negative aspects were brought back into view. I got my time spent, but it wasn’t even enjoyable.

And I thought back to the advice I had been given you. And I decided to follow it for myself. There is no one who is going to me make feel less than anymore in my life. I’m not allowing that anymore. You shouldn’t either