one other poster who recommends getting to know a person well and taking time before even considering cohabitating caused quite a stir when it slipped out that their (now partner of several years) had moved in after just three months.

Guilty - but with an explanation. I never WANTED to live with him. But when he was laid off ( due to the tariffs) just before he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, and estranged from his children and really had no one else to take him in - it was either move him in (for what I expected would be six months of hospice type care) or watch him become homeless at some point soon. ( He would never have been able to get another job while going through this treatment process, and he doesn’t have enough income to pay for rent AND living expenses AND medical care. By removing rent from the equation he’s been able to pay for the rest).

I still think I made the right decision in this situation. But it’s not an easy one, and given his peculiarities, it has only reinforced my belief that living with someone is hard and you should really know them before you try it.