Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 03/26/09 06:13 PM
Previous Thread: Wandering Poster 50 - The Half Century

Well, hugs to all, food and drink, and spring sunshine!

I haven't been writing a lot lately, for things moving so quickly, nothing is happening!

The refifinancing of the house went through, and W signed the disclaimer deed. So, it appears that I am the proud and sole owner of a house, and the mortgage to go with it! The purchase of W's house is moving slowly, but I think it will pick up soon. Because it is a forclosure sale, there's an extra party that has to be happy (the other bank), so there's just more red tape.

W has started packing things up. She said that as she packed the stuff in the china unit she took her best guess at what "belonged" with each of us. And that if she goofed we could take care of it when she unpacks the stuff. She's also bought a vacuum cleaner. We are still getting along better than one would have imagined. Yesterday she called and told me that I should pick up some projectile insect spray, as it looked to her like some bees were taking up residence in the patio ceiling. I sprayed this morning, and I'd have to say she was right. One of the kids said they were dropping like flies!

We had dinner at W's parents' house last night. I got there after the others had left, as it was a school night, and I was at work a little late, and then picked up the spray. Anyway, her dad was talking about W, and started to refer to her as such, and then stopped. I said something like, "It's ok, she still is..." I think that they know that W can be hard to live with. Though they would never say it, I'm sure. I think it is not going to be hard to continue getting along with them, whic is nice, especially for the kids.

I need to start the paperwork in motion to actually get the D moving. I am sure that she won't do it, and I guess that's ok. I think in her mind this was my idea, and I should be the one taking care of it. It's not worth arguing over. The end result is the same.

Like I said, nothing is happening.... it's time to change that.
Posted By: naej Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 03/26/09 07:06 PM
Hi Jeff, have to say you sound ok ish and that's good. It has to be a good thing that you and wife are getting along so well. Civility and kindness goes a long long way and so much better for the children.

I have just found my missing cat(lost since Sunday) and my son has just got a job so a glass of bubbly for me please-if that's not too greedy.
I,ll raise the glass to calm waters for you 'til this is all over and that fantastic new life beckons, take care.

Posted By: Kalni Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 03/26/09 08:03 PM
I was about to send the Red Cross our for you!! Seriously, I didnt like you being quiet, I thought you were having a hard time...?

The usual for me, a margarita, strawberry...
I'm glad you found your cat! I would sure miss mine! Bubbly sounds like a good way to celebrate!

I think I will have a strawberry margarita with you!

I am doing ok, just feeling quiet. I guess maybe catching my breath. I really believe that this is for the best, at this point, but that doesn't stop it from being disappointing.

I haven't been posting much to anyone else, either. Maybe I feel a bit unqualified, considering where I'm headed! But I will get over it. \:\)
Posted By: JCJ Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 03/26/09 09:22 PM
hmmm, I think I need a shot of vodka! I've missed you round here Jeff \:\)
Posted By: dl443322 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 03/27/09 02:27 AM
Hey Jeff, you are a success story - look how far you've come and what changes you've made. So, we all need you here.

I am sure it is disappointing - you've been married so long and have children together.

I pray that one day you will find someone deserving.

I would like something chocolate please! Oh and some ice cream.
I miss being around here, too. I have to figure out the right balance!

It is disappointing. I think that's a really good word for it.

I made a key lime (well, really limequat) pie tonight, will that do?

I guess I need to tell my family pretty soon. W has set herself up on FB, with the older kids, her brother and sister, a friend or two from here, and a cousin as friends so far. Oh, and somehow my sister found her! So, it's pretty easy to see that someone is going to say something, and it will blindside my sister, who will then blindside my parents. So, I think I need to do something about that pretty soon!
Originally Posted By: Virtually_Handsome
So, I think I need to do something about that pretty soon!

Do whatever you think is best for you. Just wanted to see how you are holding up...miss you.

No matter what you think, your advice is always qualified. You almost singlehandedly restored my faith that there are still wonderful caring men out there, I just haven't looked in the right places yet.

(((((hugs friend)))))
No matter what you think, your advice is always qualified. You almost singlehandedly restored my faith that there are still wonderful caring men out there, I just haven't looked in the right places yet.

Wow.... I cant say much more than that. If your H can't be one, I know you will find one that can!

I'm holing up ok, really. W said the other day that we were getting along better. She said she thought showed that we had really tried enough. I think she may be right about that. The kind of getting along isn't anything like reconciling, it's more like cooperating, and working together towards what is best for us, and even (especially) for the kids. I'm sure they must be feeling the reduction in stress, too. And that can only be good.
Posted By: new_attitude Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 03/31/09 09:21 PM
Hi Jeff,
I'm glad things are calm with all of the changes your family is going through.
I'll take a pina colada, please!
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/01/09 10:19 PM

I haven't finished reading your old thread, but your summary here is both sad and promising.

Things are moving forward, whatever that direction ultimately ends up being.

I am glad you two are getting along better and that you are both cooperating. That must make things so much easier on the kids and you all.

You need to tell your folks silly. Don't let them hear about it some other way. Even if you just say we're separating, at least say SOMETHING.

I'd like a guinness please!

A Pina Colada sounds great!

Sad and promising.... that's about right!

Yes, I need to tell my folks. I just don't want to! I think there may be some "I told you so" reaction, I don't think they've ever really liked W. And I'm sure my sister doesn't. So, I am worried that they will think they are supporting me, but I'm not going to listen to that kind of thing. Of course, I'm really just borrowing trouble!

Yeah, I need to do it soon....

I wonder where you got a taste for Guinness?
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/02/09 03:51 PM
Jeff, their opinion doesn't really matter.

What matters is the time and effort you have put in, and how you feel about how things have gone.

Make it clear to them that you still like W and don't want to hear her bad-mouthed if that's what you need to do.

I've always had a bit of a taste for Guinness. One thing I can thank my STBXH for. But it definitely tastes better right off the tap when it's fresh!
Posted By: AliSuddenly Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/02/09 04:08 PM
Yeah I love Guinness too! Its a proper ladies drink (um, ok, maybe not.. but its nice all the same).

Glad that things are so civil with you Jeff and that her parents are being very good about it and not at all taking sides.. seeing as you seem pretty close to them and the kids are obviously, so its great they are making it clear you are still part of the family.

As for your parents, good luck with that.. perhaps they wont be so shocked, as noone else seems to have been so far? And yes, I missed you posting too! You are the voice of reason around here..

Al xxx
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/02/09 04:12 PM
I was surprised to learn that the ladies version of Guinness is to order a half pint with black currant syrup in it. A bit sweet for my tastes. If I want sweet I'll drink cider thank you. Besides, 2 half pints is more expensive than one pint.
Well, mom is told. Another one not surprised. I told her it was ok if she tell my sister when she talks to her, if I haven't already. I'm sending an e-mail to my dad, it's how we always communicate anyway, and I'm more comfortable with it as well.

Ali, I don't know if I'm a voice of reason, but I'm a voice! I read your update this weekend, but I am at a loss as to what to say! When I think of something, I will write it. I am thinking of you, in any case!

W's housebuying adventure is dragging out and stressing her. She has an agreement with the seller, but since they are selling for less than they owe their bank has to agree. They have, verbally, but the paperwork to back that up keeps getting delayed. I'm inclined to think it is just red tape, but until it is done.....

I think I am going to try to get back to spening a bit (not too much) o time here. I think it helps keep me centered, even if I didn't have the success we all hope for. I know I didn't fail, either!
Posted By: Kalni Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/06/09 08:13 AM
You dad uses email? My dad has no idea what that is, maybe he does but he sure doesnt use it...

I've missed you. Jeff, you did all you could. Dont forget that. And when you feel sad, think of the alternative you were offered.
Posted By: AliSuddenly Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/06/09 11:38 AM
Hey Jeff.. yes, I miss you too and thanks for reading.. your perspective is always welcome on my thread! I went through a phase of not wanting to post so much, but I guess this is such a wonderful support group for us all and we dont quite seem out and through the other side of all this hey, no matter how its turning out for us (all different outcomes it seems).

Yes my Dad emails too.. and texts! I am trying to get them onto Facebook, but thats a step too far it seems!

Al xxx
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/06/09 04:08 PM
Sad that you are in the process of telling your family. But you must be relieved that it is out in the open.

Well, it's a virtual Friday, so I think I will post something!

It was a year ago yesterday that I went cold turkey on my Coke habit! And I have not slipped once! That's the good news. The bad news is that I think I have been eating too much, and gaining a good portion of what I had lost. I need to get back on that before it gets too out of control! I'm blaming the AD's, but even if that's it, I need to slow down the eating! I'm also hoping that even though things are going smoothly, I've been eating more due to stress. Which hopefully will reduce as things move along.

W has become fairly convinced that the seller/bank of the house she is trying to buy really doesn't want to sell. There's no logical reason for it that I can see, but they seem to be able to create their own obstacles. It's all things on the seller side, that haven't even wanted anything additional from her, only from themselves! Anyway, she went house shopping again yesterday, and is going to officially submit an offer on another house tomorrow on her way to work. This one sounds much more likely to go through quickly, they said that she could still settle by the end of the month! Then she would paint for a month, and move after the kids get out of school at the end of May.

The "little" kids don't have school tomorrow, and I don't work, so we are going to go up to Phoenix in the afternoon, eat at fun place we found up there (if I can find it again), and then go to baseball game in the evening, followed by fireworks. That should be fun! Then I need to spend Saturday, and hopefully not Sunday getting the taxes done and filed, since I've about used up all of the time I have on that!

I'm thinking that this fall I really will have a house almost to myself..... a DB'er get together might actually make sense! I could even invite W! What a surprise that would be! \:\)
Posted By: One Day Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/10/09 11:04 AM
((((Handsome Man!)))))

Sounds like you have a great day planned. I remember that day when you first quit the Real Thing. I can't believe a whole year has passed- well done you on sticking with it. In fact I was watching the Masters last night and remembering how we chatted about it here last year. Doesn't time fly?!

I'm looking forward to the DB party- let me know the dates ;\)

L. xx
Posted By: Sara Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/10/09 02:58 PM

We are having the same problem with banks and short sales here. They are tying people up for months with no response. Have wife withdraw her offer or in some other way convey to the bank that the offer is dead before moving on with another offer. She does not want to get stuck in 2 contracts at the same time.
I can't believe that it has been a year, either! It really brings home how long these situations go on, doesn't it?

I can move the dates to any time you are here! Or have a DB get-together for two! ;\)

I don't get what they gain by dragging out the short sale. I guess they could be hoping to get a little more out of it, but time is money..... or at least that's the way I learned it! The second one is an actual bank owned foreclosure, so it seems that are actually interested in moving it. I wonder if the difference is that they are hoping Uncle Sam and the rest of us might ride in to bail them out on the short sale houses? Whereas the ones that have already foreclosed they are already stuck with? Anyway, it sounds like the time that has passed gives her an out on the first one (I expect her offer had a timeframe to be accepted), so I think she is safe from having two contracts. She would have to agree to allowing the first one to go forward. In theory it isn't my problem at this point, though practice might work out differently!
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/10/09 04:24 PM
Just to be safe, definitely tell the first place she's putting an offer on another house and isn't interested in going through with that one.

2 things could happen. That could make them speed up the process if she wants to still go through with it. Or she'll for sure be covered when she puts in the other offer.

A get together this fall would be cool! It's only a 15 hour drive for me LMAO (I probably would fly down). Keep me posted!

Glad you are doing well.

Enjoy the long weekend!
Posted By: mishka422 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/10/09 04:31 PM
minimum 3 day drive for me...I can easily fly though! Serious biz! If you plan it, I'll be there!

Jeff, never, ever look at yourself as anything less than the wonderful, kind, caring man you are. You worked so hard to save your M but in the end, it wasn't to be. I've forgiven myself totally for the end of my M, please do the same.

Take care!
Posted By: Kalni Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/10/09 07:51 PM
I am coming too. Just tell me ahead of time, like months ahead, LOL!!
Posted By: Kalni Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/10/09 07:51 PM
Ohh and I think Ali would come, I can talk her into it. She has so much debt, a bit more wont matter, right Al? \:\)
Posted By: mishka422 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/10/09 08:04 PM
Yeah, seriously, what's a little more debt when you'd get to spend time in the beautiful Arizona desert with your friends?
Posted By: WCW Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/12/09 02:33 PM
what's a little more debt when you'd get to
Ya'll sound like my H! spend spend spend. But let me know when the date is set! ;\)
You will certainly be told when! Maybe you could come up with a horsey reason to come down here in the fall!

There would certainly be a place for you.

If you are serious, figure out when you could make it, and I will figure out the dates around that! I can be pretty flexible. Well, about timing, anyway! ;\)

I hope you can make it down here!

Taxes are done, and sent off into the ether. W's birthday is Friday, the kids and I will meet her after she gets off work for dinner. And the kids want me to get them supplies to make a gingerbread house, she told them she wanted a house for her birthday! \:\)
Posted By: naej Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/14/09 11:49 AM
hi Jeff,
And the kids want me to get them supplies to make a gingerbread house, she told them she wanted a house for her birthday!

Did she mean one to eat OR live in?
Posted By: JCJ Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/14/09 12:08 PM
And the kids want me to get them supplies to make a gingerbread house, she told them she wanted a house for her birthday!

What a lovely idea! \:\)
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/14/09 03:41 PM
That's a cute idea!
Posted By: BobbiJo Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/14/09 04:25 PM
Hi Jeff, sorry I have been MIA of late, on my thread and everyone else's...

So proud of you for kicking the Coke...wish I could get myself to do the same but I haven't gotten serious enough yet!

The gingerbread house is a cute idea, I like it.

You sound really good, I hope I can come to terms with things as well as you are. \:\)
I know you are going to be fine! Whatever comes!

I'm glad you came by, you know you are welcome any time! I can't really believe that I have managed to go a year without a Coke, either!

I think the gingerbread house is a cool idea too! I think the kids thought of it on their own, they are pretty clever!
Oh, and it looks like maybe the offer on the second house is working. She got a counter, which she is planning to accept. The only drawback is that they don't want to settle until June 6. But, maybe it will really happen.
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/15/09 05:40 PM

Posted By: Kalni Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/15/09 05:43 PM
I hope things continue to go smooth for you Jeff... The gingerbread sounds cute, only I dont know what it is... LOL!!
Posted By: mishka422 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/15/09 06:13 PM
Gingerbread House

K - Gingerbread is almost a cookie (a little softer) flavored with ginger, cinnamon and other spices. Traditionally these houses are built at Christmas and there are contests with elaborate designs. The decoration is all made of candy and other edibles. They're lots of fun to make. You should look it up and do one with your kids next year for Christmas. It would embrace your creativity and be something different to do with them. \:\)
Posted By: AliSuddenly Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/15/09 11:00 PM
Hey guys.. I would love to come to Arizona (where is that???) but I have the debt equivalent to a small African nation.. my Mum said today she thinks I will end up in jail for debts by then anyway (oh dear!) but keep me posted and I will reply from the secure unit I am housed in. LOL.

Jeff.. loev the gingerbread house idea !! You are a great dad..

Al xxx
PS: ex told a friend he loves me! You were my first poster, back in the day when I got the full, unadalterated IDLYA (ha, foolish boy...) um thats him.. not you, of course.
Posted By: BobbiJo Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/16/09 12:19 AM
Hey Ali
At least if you are in jail, you would have a bed, food, heat, etc etc for free! \:D And in America, you also get cable television, movies, and sometimes even a college education. ;\)

jeff, hope you are well. Fired up the grill lately? I would love some grilled veggies, esp. peppers. Take care buddy
Arizona is in the desert southwest. East of California, south of Utah, west of New Mexico, north of Mexico (the real one). I understand the debt problem! I'm still trying to work out how to get over the ocean next summer, so maybe I'll visit Cornwall!

It's hard to beleive how long ago that first post was. You have come a long, long, way! \:\)

I grilled a roast a couple weeks ago. I think some peppers would be great..... maybe I'll make some fajitas this weekend, and use grilled veggies and meat instead of sauteed!

I will try to take pics of the house! And maybe the real one, too!
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/16/09 03:54 PM
Pics are always good!
Posted By: dl443322 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/17/09 11:59 AM
Hey Jeff, so happy for you that things are going smoothly. You and your w have to have the world's nicest divorce. It is so great for the kids that you are both being so civil. But I wouldnt expect anything less from you.
Posted By: BobbiJo Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/17/09 02:46 PM
Hello! Just checking up on you. Happy Friday!
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/17/09 05:11 PM
Happy Friday!!!!

I vote we break out the sangria later!
Posted By: BobbiJo Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/17/09 05:29 PM
OOH! I love Sangria....

Of course, it goes well with fajitas, and Jeff DID want to grill us some, right? ;\)
It is a bit unlike any divorce I have even heard about. At least to this point, I think that is a good thing!

How about this..... last night as I was walking through the grocery store I was thinking that some Sangria would taste really good! I didn't do anything about it, but still, the coincedence is amazing! If you guys show up, there will be fajitas and Sangria!
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/17/09 08:38 PM
Posted By: One Day Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/17/09 08:38 PM

Mmmmmmm.....fajitas...... I'm heading to Heathrow!

Hope you've had a good week and have a great weekend. I hope my D is as nice as yours is. It's the model I'm working to ;\)

L. xx
You are going to be coming back this way some time along for more training, right?
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/17/09 08:44 PM
Theoretically end of next month.

I'm wait listed for the class though.

So.....who knows. I may have to come visit regardless lol.
Posted By: One Day Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/17/09 08:45 PM
*sob* Lost in the ether.... ignored by a handsome sockless man.... I might have to go out and drown my sorrows.


L. xx
Posted By: mishka422 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/17/09 08:53 PM
In Sangria!!!
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/17/09 09:04 PM
I can think of much worse ways to drown!!!!!
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/17/09 09:10 PM
I can think of much worse ways to drown!!!!!
Sorry I missed you! I was posting just as you were!

I'll be at the airport to get you! And the fajitas will be hot! \:\)

Wait listed again! Ack!

Perhaps we'll have to plan a raft trip out that way this summer. That might be better than a trip to the desert!
Kids and I and W's parents took her out to dinner last night, everyone had a good time. We went to a Greek restaurant, the food was really good. And there was a belly dancer! Unfortunately she was just finishing when we got there. And I was sitting on the wrong side of the table to see much. Actually, maybe that was a good thing! ;\)

Today the kids and I successfully made the gingerbread house. Started yesterday, but the first attempt at the gingerbread was a disaster, so we had to finish today! The kids told W she had to stay out for a while (she was going out shopping and meeting her quilting friend anyway). She we really pleased with her new "house" when she got back.
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/20/09 05:21 PM
Sounds like a resounding success!

Posted By: Kalni Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/20/09 06:47 PM
I'll go check the pictures on FB.

Hope you are OK
I took some better (I hope) picture of the house with a real camera. I hope I can post them tonight. It isn't perfect, but it sure was a success.

S14 has been ill the past couple of days, really run down, and with a fever. I think I may have a touch of it too, I spent a lot of the weekend in bed, or at least moving pretty slowly, and it's kept up through today, though I have made it to work. Probably won't get in a full day today, though, I was late getting here, and I don't think I will stay late enough to make up for it.
Posted By: mishka422 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/21/09 09:52 PM
Hope you feel better soon Jeff!

I'm mostly just tired... hopefully it won't get any worse!
Posted By: mishka422 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/22/09 12:53 PM
Feeling any better today Jeff?
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/22/09 08:20 PM

Hope you are feeling better ASAP!
Posted By: Kalni Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/22/09 08:29 PM
even if things seem "normal" at home I bet you are mentally exhausted also. So, listen to your body and rest.
Hope you feel better soon,
Posted By: AliSuddenly Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/22/09 08:52 PM
Ahh, thats so sweet.. the house for W.. you really are a caring man Jeff.. how many spouses would go to so much effort when facing a D?? Truly, I am sure she will miss you when you are no longer there to show her love....

Al xxx

I'm still tired, but no worse. Kalni, I think you are right. Even though things are going smoothly, I'm sure my brain is working overtime. Being a bit ADD to start with, that's not a good thing!

Ali, making the house was fun. I guess I really did it for the kids, as it was their idea, but it was for her. I suppose it is a bit different than most spouses would do in this situation, but I am the one that gets to look in the mirror every day. I'd like to be happy with who I see. Besides, it's good to keep in practice for whoever is next! \:\)

Will she miss me? I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. It's sure not something I can control. And, I guess it really doesn't matter.
Posted By: dl443322 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/23/09 01:44 AM
Jeff, you are ok in my book. And what a wonderful example you are setting for your children, treating their mother with respect.

You know what I was just thinking (yeah, I need a life)? When your w is all moved into her house, you should get back to decluttering. You know, start out fresh. Clear your mind
by clearing out your surroundings. YAY! What do you say?
Posted By: BobbiJo Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/23/09 02:02 PM
I will chime in that I cleaned out my closet in the master and put all of H's stuff in boxes in the basement. It is a little thing, but every morning when I open the closet I am not faced with reminders...

84 here today Jeff. I am sure you will be at 90 or something but that is awesome weather for us!
I think you are right on the decluttering! There are some things I can do now, though in a lot of areas I will stay out of the way, as I don't want to look like I'm interfering in her packing. But after she is gone, I should be able to do a "life reorganization"!

84 sounds pretty nice! It's supposed to be about 90 today, then a little cooler every day through the weekend. If highs of 80 on Sunday are cool! This is a great time of year!
Posted By: Kalni Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/23/09 05:50 PM
Today it is very cold here. Max was 18 Celcious. I was looking for my coats I put away last week. \:\(
That's chilly!

You should come visit! Bring the kids! I think they would love the desert!
Posted By: One Day Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/23/09 08:27 PM
I'd love the desert, that's for sure! I must have been the only person in London today walking round in a fur (fake) lined coat and wooly gloves

((((Handsome)))) Hope you're OK.

L. xx
Originally Posted By: One Day
I'd love the desert, that's for sure! I must have been the only person in London today walking round in a fur (fake) lined coat and wooly gloves

((((Handsome)))) Hope you're OK.

L. xx

But what socks? ;\)

There aren't many days you'd need you furry coat and wooly gloves here, even in the dead of "winter" (using the term loosely)! I think England is a beautiful country, but I would have to say that the weather isn't my favorite, most of the time. Now and then it can be perfect, especially on a nice summer evening, but on the whole.... Then again, 105F isn't that great either. Which is why they invented air conditioning! But for 8 or 9 months of the year, it is great.

Since I feel like typing..... I think the desert is a pretty neat place to visit, even if you decided you don't like it. There is so much more life than you'd expect, and so much is pretty unique. We are surrounded by mountains, which makes it even prettier. And the Tucson Chamber of Commerce did not pay for that plug!

I'm doing ok, I think I am a bit mentally taxed, but just realizing that has helped some. I'm still looking forward to this being over, and I think it is the right thing to do. It is a little weird to think that if I ever (ok, when) ML again, it won't be with W. But the idea of holding hands with someone, and just "being" is pretty attractive. I know I can't rush into that, but it's still out there. And I am not sure what rushing into it would be after being in a M that has been "dead" for so long already. I guess it is something I will have to give some thought to, but I am trying not to worry about that until after W is out of the house, and papers are filed (which I think should happen in the other order....).

I think S14 is suffering from spring allergies, he has been miserable. He has to be at the airport Sunday morning at 4:30 for a school trip to Washington, DC. I saw their itinerary the other day, I think they are going to come back dead! Oh, I get to take him to the airport! That is going to be an early day! I think I will come back home and sleep!
Posted By: One Day Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/23/09 09:06 PM
Hey Jeff,

I'm so glad you're OK. I think it's definitely a good plan to wait and see until after W moves out. That'll be odd when she's gone, I guess...

I would love to come and visit. I cam to Phoenix once and loved it, especially he hot mid-August weather. For once I could take the gloves and socks off and not be cold- perfect!

I hope S14 feels better soon, and that he enjoys DC.

L. xx
Wow.... if you liked Phoenix in August, I think you would like Tucson! It's a little cooler, and a lot prettier (I think). It won't be long before I have a place for guests...... ;\)
Posted By: BeginningAgain Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/24/09 07:35 PM
Originally Posted By: Virtually_Handsome

I'm doing ok, I think I am a bit mentally taxed, but just realizing that has helped some. I'm still looking forward to this being over, and I think it is the right thing to do. It is a little weird to think that if I ever (ok, when) ML again, it won't be with W. But the idea of holding hands with someone, and just "being" is pretty attractive. I know I can't rush into that, but it's still out there. And I am not sure what rushing into it would be after being in a M that has been "dead" for so long already. I guess it is something I will have to give some thought to, but I am trying not to worry about that until after W is out of the house, and papers are filed (which I think should happen in the other order....).


If my W doesn't have her own personal "come to Jesus" talk and make a decision to recommit to our M, then I look forward to being where you are right now - actually doing something to move on with your life. It's good to see that even when things go south, there is life on the other side.

By the way, your S14 should enjoy beautiful weather here in DC when he arrives. Our current weather forecast all the way through Tuesday is warm and sunny.

Posted By: JCJ Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/24/09 07:43 PM

It was 19 today and I thought it was really warm - short sleeves, no coat but still jeans \:\)

I like your thinking at the moment!
S4H.... that's good to hear about the weather. It can be pretty great there this time of year. They get in Sunday, and leave Thursday, so it sounds like they will have it nice. They are going to do about 3 weeks worth of stuff, including a run to Philadelphia! I think it would do me in!

As far as where I am, it's scary and yet exciting. I could mope about it, but it wouldn't help. So, I'm going to try to take this batch of lemons and make the best lemonade ever!

Played golf today, it was a little breezy, but about 29C, not too hot! (It's all relative!) Shorts, probably got a little burned.
Posted By: AliSuddenly Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/26/09 11:45 PM
Hey Jeff.. its brilliant that you are so positive, you really do sound so cheerful alot of the time, although like you say, you could mope...but I hope to say good things for you on the horizon..

When is W moving out, do you know? Is she still completing on a house?

Al xxx

I usually am pretty cheerful! I am sad now and then, and a bit regretful. But, on the other hand, I think I did what I could do. And it is time to move forward to whatever awaits.

The latest word on W's house is that her offer was provisionally accepted. But, she doesn't have the actual contract yet, so whi really knows! Assuming everything goes to plan, she should have it the first week of June. She is planning to move soon after. What will happen? We shall see! \:\)
Posted By: LolaL Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/27/09 05:32 AM
You sound great! I, personally, am proud of the way you have handled everything. I know this was a very difficult step for you, and you handled it well, with dignity, grace, and honor. (((Jeff))) you are a classy dude!!!
Posted By: smartcookie Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/27/09 06:40 AM
Just checking in. Sounds like you're doing good considering.

Thanks, Lola! I hope I can keep it up. For now.... ;\)

Cookie, I'm doing ok. I want a time machine, though! I think I know someone else that wants one of those, too! ;\)
Posted By: Kalni Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/28/09 06:37 AM
Dont you need some sleep? Go to bed young man, NOW!!!
Nothing much is happening here. W has been packing some most days that she doesn't work. She got almost all of her stuff out of "our" closet yesterday. I thought it might hurt, but, really, nothing.

Oh, S11 and I had a great time Sunday afternoon. We went for a loat lunch at a Mongolian BBQ place that he loves (his choice) then we went to the fair. We did a spin through the rides, spending a quick $20 for five rides total (they make Disney look like a good deal!) and then watched "Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers" perform. They are an Arizona band, but they seem to have fans all over the country. They have a good time, and are a lot of fun to listen to. Afterwards we hit Pizza Hut on the way home. S11 said he had a great time!
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/29/09 06:35 PM
Sounds like a blast!
Posted By: mishka422 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/29/09 07:52 PM
Sounds great Jeff! That's the best kind of day to spend, enjoying it with your son.

The little guy is great to hang out with. He isn't too old to be seen with dad!

I forgot....

W is planning part of the little kids' summer (nothing underhanded, we talked about it, and I agree with it). They are going up to Idaho for a week to visit her brother and his son, and then going to Maryland to visit her sister, her husband, and a couple more cousins. W is going to go out to Maryland to see her sister, and to provide the childcare while they are there. (Last time they went they went to camp during the day, and it cost us more than if someone had gone out.) If they were home they wouldn't need anyone, but the four kids together probably do.

Anyway, I am going to end up with two weeks with just me and S21 (who is not around a lot) in the house, and S19 in her house. So, I think I should take a trip of some sort! I just have to figure out where. Don't want to spend too much (I need to save for a European trip next year ;\) ), but I would like to have some fun. Any ideas?
Posted By: BobbiJo Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 12:58 AM
Ideas?? Don't know the time of summer, but...

"Our state fair is a great state fair, don't miss it, don't even delay..."

OK that is an old musical but we DO have a butter cow... \:D
Posted By: BobbiJo Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 12:59 AM
Or a vegas meetup?? Vegas flights are always pretty cheap.
The Vegas idea was crossing my mind. I'm not a gambler, so actually it makes sense! (I can avoid a big loss!)

I've spent some time in NE Iowa in the summer, many years ago. It seems it is pretty much hot.....
Posted By: Kalni Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 06:48 AM
I am not going to Vegas, EVER!! I like the rullete and I am in need for money. That could turn out really ugly, dont you think?

Count me in, count me in, NOT!!! (I wish \:\( )

You'd just need something else to keep you busy..... \:\)
Posted By: naej Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 01:21 PM
You'd just need something else to keep you busy.....


I,m sayin nuffin
Originally Posted By: naej
You'd just need something else to keep you busy.....


I,m sayin nuffin

Whatever could you be thinking? ;\)
Posted By: mishka422 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 02:31 PM

Probably the same thing I was thinking with that comment!

I'm up for Vegas anytime! Or, NYC? Hotels are expensive there though. Or, what about Chicago?
Posted By: Kalni Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 02:37 PM
OK, enough!! What did you guys have in mind? Jeff is too innocent to make naughty thoughts, right Jeff?

Originally Posted By: Kalni
OK, enough!! What did you guys have in mind? Jeff is too innocent to make naughty thoughts, right Jeff?

Uhhhhmmmmm, sure! Right! Whatever you say.....
I wouldn't have though Chicago. I'm not a city type! I wil think about that. I was thinking maybe Florida, that time of year it should be miserably hot and humid..... maybe less expensive? I'm thinking of going someplace to golf, or maybe to actually get some instruction! What a concept!

Kalni, after more than 4 years, I am not sure I can be held responsible for my thoughts! Or my actions! \:D
Posted By: mishka422 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 03:00 PM
I have a feeling that Jeff out of his cage might be a dangerous sort. \:\) I'm just sayin'....:)

How about Destin, FL? Ft. Walton Beach area? Beautiful beaches on the gulf and some really great golf courses (from what I hear - I don't play).
Jeff out of his cage.....

I have to say, in the real world, I'm thinking "deer in the headlights"!

I can see I am going to have to do some research!
Posted By: naej Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 04:57 PM
Mish could you choose your words more carefully please, this had my mind back in the gutter
Probably the same thing I was thinking with that comment!

I'm up for Vegas anytime!

Hmmm more to the point is Jeff
Posted By: mishka422 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 05:06 PM
HA!!!! Up...I get it. \:\) I forgot about that....been too long.

Ooops....long...ok this is getting hard to get around....oops....you see the problem here right?

Posted By: naej Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 05:18 PM
Oh Mish, I don't know about you I NEED to get out more!
Sorry Jeff, I am a bad influence

Someone once called me cream cake, naughty but nice!
I am Miss ultra Respectable in RL, soooooooooo I have to let it out at times. Sighhhhhhhh

(((())))wherever the destination may the sun shine warm upon your back.
naje! I love your sense of humo(u)r!

I'm a huge introvert in RL! I am hoping to put an end to that! If I quit eating so much I can fix the huge part..... ;\)
Posted By: naej Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 05:45 PM
Oh Jeffie poo,
I find this impossible to believe
I'm a huge introvert in RL!

hmmm would circumcision help? oh no! I gotta (see us slang) take more tablets.

Don't quit the eating when you have worked your way through the harem I quite like chunky men, more to cuddle.
Now I am blushing, best go eat I must have low blood sugar
not enough sugar or not enough something?
When I get to England, I am going to have to hunt you down! \:\)
Posted By: mishka422 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 08:36 PM
I have a feeling she may meet you at the airport.
Posted By: naej Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 09:29 PM
Hey Mish, please don't mock the afflicted. \:\(

I have a serious case of desperatitus
I am told it is cureable though
Posted By: Kalni Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 09:39 PM
Yeah, and we are all looking for the cure... \:\(
Posted By: naej Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 10:13 PM
Hey Miss M, isn't it time you were tucked up in bed?
I bet Bill Gates is and if your starting up your empire you need sleep.
Originally Posted By: naej
Hey Miss M, isn't it time you were tucked up in bed?

Posted By: sgctxok Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 04/30/09 11:14 PM
saying hey!

Good to see you. Hope you are doing good!

Well, there is actually news!

W has a contract on her new house! It turns out the selling bank faxed the contract to the selling agent a week ago, but the agent didn't get it. So, her agent called the selling agent today, they called the selling bank, and after some phone calls the contract turned up, as well as some folks falling over themselves to apologize. So, it looks like the June 5 settlement date is on.

S14 got back from Washington tonight. Surprisingly enough, he is exhausted!

I'm still stewing on where to go when the kids are out of town. Vegas, Florida, maybe Denver. I don't know!
Posted By: One Day Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 05/01/09 06:09 PM
Originally Posted By: Virtually_Handsome
When I get to England, I am going to have to hunt you down! \:\)

While the cat's away.....


((((Jeff)))) Hope you've had a good week and an even better weekend.

L. xx
How's the cat doing, anyway? You know I will be finding you first! ;\)

My week's been okish, not great, but certainly not bad.

I am looking forward to the weekend, though I can already see that it is going to be too short! \:\(
Posted By: One Day Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 05/01/09 06:32 PM

The cat is very well, thanks! I'll post an update on my thread after dinner. Thank goodness you'll find me first- I've been stockpiling socks for 18 months now and it'd be terrible to let them go to waste ;\)

What happened this week? I should probably read your back posts instead of asking. Sorry!

L. xx
Nothing has really happened, nothing can really happen. It's not limbo, since I know where things are going. It's just waiting. I'd rather just get it over with!
Posted By: One Day Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 05/01/09 06:48 PM
There's a sentiment I can understand. Same here!

Posted By: WCW Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 05/01/09 07:31 PM
When is this vacation happening?
I got a gift from my mom to go on a cruise and H won't go with me. I certainly can't let my mom down and not go! lol

Your H isn't real bright!

The vacation is somewhere between June 21 and July 7. Not the whole time, but in that range. I need to save some vacation time to do something with the kids later on, probably on their fall break!
Posted By: BobbiJo Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 05/01/09 08:46 PM
Omaha has the college world series if you like baseball...
Posted By: smith18 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 05/01/09 08:58 PM
I have not heard of Denver as being a big vacation town. You cant go wrong with Vegas in my opinion.

That's an interesting thought. It's about a week too early, though! Someday I would like to go, though....

True on Denver. But the mountains are nice, and the weather should be good. And there is a least one good train museum in the area.

Vegas will probably win out, especially since it will most likely be cheapest, and the easiest for anyone else to get to. I'm not a glitz type person, but it might still be fun!
Posted By: BobbiJo Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 05/04/09 07:45 PM
Originally Posted By: Virtually_Handsome

That's an interesting thought. It's about a week too early, though! Someday I would like to go, though....

Any time, Jeff! You are welcome to visit me any time...College World Series games are always a good time...
Careful what you wish for..... \:\)

The inspection of W's house-to-be yesterday went ok, from what I can gather. It sounds like there were a couple of issues, but nothing major. She is going to have the roof inspected further, as there was an area with damaged/missing shingles, but the inspector yesterday didn't think that there should be a big problem. So, things are moving forward.

W helped S11 write a letter to his potential new middle school last night. It turns out that the school is full to the point where some sixth graders that should be going to it are staying at their elementary school for sixth grade. He'd like to go straight to the middle school, rather than change schools twice. So, he wrote a letter to ask to go to the middle school. he mentioned the D, he mentioned that his oldest brother is getting an all expenses paid trip to Afghanistan next year (I didn't know this was "certain" until Sunday night), so he might pull at their heartstrings a little!

I'm still working at planning my vacation, trying to balance time/money/etc.! The Denver golf school seems to be cheaper, as it isn't at a resort. But, I would have to arrange my own accommodations, so I need to price that out. And it costs more to get to Denver than to Las Vegas. But, I could possibly take the train through the mountains. I don't know what I'm going to do!
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 05/05/09 08:40 PM
Those all sound like good options!

Sorry to hear S21 is being deployed (I assume that's what you meant anyways).


Yep, that's what I meant about S21! He's kinda down about it... he will get to squeeze in one semester of school, and then another break. (He could have done more, but he wasn't really ready.) And, I think he and a young lady are getting involved, but he doesn't want to get into something, and then go away for a year. And he "gets" to go to Camp LeJeune in a month or so for a few weeks. Which everyone always enjoys! Anyway, he had drill last weekend, and came back in a bit of a foul mood. To the point where I counted seven beer bottle next to his computer.... Got to watch that, he might me on the edge of a slippery slope there.

I'm thinking that I might catch the train to Denver in Sacramento, and get to see the Sierras and the Rockies. I wouldn't be out of the question to spend a couple days in Northern CA in the last week of June.....
Posted By: mishka422 Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 05/05/09 10:00 PM
EEEWWWWW---LeJeune in summer???? OMG, he couldn't have to go to a worse place in the continental US could he? Poor baby.

Definitely watch the alcohol consumption. Self-medication and all that....

Glad to hear W's house inspection went ok. Can't ever find a perfect house can you? Just a couple of small items can't be too bad then.

Golf school? Really? Probably heaven for you, sounds like sheer torture to me. \:\)

Have a wonderful day Jeff!

The only thing I can think of worse than LeJeune in June is probably LeJeune in July!

Golf school..... if I am going to keep torturing myself on the course, maybe I should invest a little into actually trying to get better! Last night I went to the range and was actually hitting better than usual. The trick is whether I can make that consistent!
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 05/05/09 10:12 PM
You will have to keep me posted!!!!!!! I would love to see you if you do since it doesn't look like I'll be back in AZ in the next few months.
You'll be one of the first to know!

I'm thinking of a one day raft trip, June 25, 26 or 27.....

Just because I can!
Posted By: MichelleLT Re: Wandering Poster 51 - That's 17x3 - 05/05/09 10:37 PM
Oooooh. I'll be back from annual training on June 21st (if I even go since I've used up all my military leave doing my captain's course).

I'll count you in!

I need to contact some of the other NoCals and see if they are interested!
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