Posted By: Michele I get letters - 02/24/03 05:41 AM
Everyday I get letters. This is one I got today.
I saw you the other day of Bill O'Riley's show. I thought you did great despite Bill's condescension. I liked what you said so I bought your book "The Starved Marriage". It's a great book about intimacy.

My wife and I have been going to marriage counseling for two years now, but your book has shed more light on the problems we face than all of the counseling we have had combined - now if I can just get my wife to read it!

Thanks for what you are doing for marriages,
Posted By: Michele Re: I get letters - 02/24/03 06:00 AM
Here's another.
Dear Michele,
I just read an artical on msn about your book, The Sex Starved Marriage. I wish I had found this artical 3 weeks earlier. I very nearly lost my husband of 20 years over this issue. It was something that we had tried to talk about in the past but our talks always resulted in hurt feelings and resentment. Last week he told he was leaving. He felt that he no longer loved me, because he desired me for so long and I ignored the problem he had turned off any feelings he had for me. WOW! What a wake up call! I am so in love with my husband and this was the end of my world. I just never believed this could happen. I at some point, while rushing thru life, forgot the most important person in my life.
I am happy to say that we are working on things. But I know in my heart I am one of the lucky women out there, most men would have left.
Everything I read in your artical is so true! My husband and I, over the past few days have fallin in love all over again, it has been so wonderful! I always felt I had to be in the mood for sex, thus, very very seldom having sex. I was so wrong! I just go for it and I find that it's so easy to be "put in the mood".
I will definatly be recommending you and your book to friends!
Posted By: HunterFox Re: I get letters - 03/08/03 10:23 AM
Michele, Would you reccommend this book to a seperated couple or should it be for together couples?
Posted By: Michele Re: I get letters - 03/10/03 01:11 PM
I recommend this book for any couples wanting to feel more connected emotionally and physically.
Posted By: Loretta Re: I get letters - 03/11/03 11:57 AM
You are an amazing lady. You have helped me so much. Just as I am about to tackle the sex starved part you come out with the next book. I have read the first chapter and all the posts on The Sex Starved Marriage. I will buy the book today in hopes it talks about the "lazy selfish lover". My husband doesnt very often take his back off the bed unless he turns on his side. He prefers oral sex for him only. I hope you have a whole chapter dedicated to this.
Have a great day Loretta
Posted By: tj3 Re: I get letters - 03/11/03 10:07 PM
Loretta, WOW ... can you me hear me crying, knashing of teeth, howling ... oral just for him!! and he doesn't want to do anything else?? Ohhhh, if only my dreams could come true!!! Really, it's been a long, long, long time since my wife would allow any touching of any kind and I just can't even start to understand one of my fellow man not wanting to do more to please you. I hope he opens his eyes and comes to his sences before it's too late. Please tell your husband I'll trade places with him in a heart beat! Sorry I'm not of much help, just envious. Please hang in there.
Peace my friend.
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