Posted By: HaWho Switched On - 11/09/19 03:47 AM
I moved here from MLC. What a ride I survived.

Last thread:
Posted By: bttrfly Re: Switched On - 11/09/19 09:12 AM
I'm welcoming you with a batch of cider donuts ands a hug. I'm so glad you made it!!! xoxoxo
Posted By: AndrewP Re: Switched On - 11/09/19 02:26 PM
And just so you know skinny dipping with doodler is not a requirement, nor is a fondness for poutine - or so I've been told.

Glad you're hanging out with us on the Far Shore HaWho.
Posted By: kml Re: Switched On - 11/09/19 02:34 PM
Posted By: job Re: Switched On - 11/09/19 04:46 PM
Welcome to the other side of MLC...life offers us new beginnings and there is so much to see and do once you can get beyond the pain.
Posted By: OwnIt Re: Switched On - 11/12/19 09:58 PM
HaWho, you are going to be missed. I'll have to pop over and see what you are up to (I hope you will still share some of your crazy stories from time to time). Congrats!
Posted By: HaWho Re: Switched On - 01/19/20 03:13 PM
I read along in this forum but don’t post often here. I still update in MLC occasionally when something noteworthy happens. My life had become such a telenovella, and in comparison to all that it feels like I really have nothing to post.

Recently (last week) my ex texted me he remarried and that he told my kids to keep it all a secret from me that he was even dating! Ex told me she won’t be coming to any of s’s games to avoid awkwardness?!?! And that’s when I knew she must be his OW he had an affair with; yep. Looked her up online and it’s clear the timeframes match that she was the one he affaired with. His father remarried his OW so it’s in the blood. And just to add some FUN to dysFUNction, both OW (his father’s and his) share the same first name which is not that common. And this is now my kids’ FOO which really messes with my mind.

I know how broken they both must be to be having an affair and have married each other. It still sometimes shock me that this happened to my ex who was a steady sort of fellow. Wow! And it really bother me that this is their stepmom. Psychologically I am guessing ex married his stepmom (even with the same name?!?!).

I guess I feel a bit stuck on something and would love advice. I feel this desire to tell ex that I know he married his affair partner. He has already said he is going to keep us away from each other and in this way I guess he is a vanisher. This woman and I won’t be coparenting together. Who knows what he told her all along to seal the deal. A big issue in my D is that he wanted to agree the marriage ended in 2014 though he lived there (very confused my so) until 2018. So I assume he started dating her in 2015 and wanted to smell like roses. I am sure he is afraid of us meeting assume may figure out true timelines.

Not sure what I hope to get out of telling him I know. I know he won’t apologize. I just don’t want him to think anyone believes this fairytale he’s written in his head. I am pretty sure my kids figured it out too. Feel like it will help me heal.

As for me, I survived a wild ride. I rebuilt a life without him. I am seeing a guy who seems too good to be true. He was recommended by several coworkers and we became friends and then started dating. He asked me to date him exclusively and I said yes. He has been divorced 10 years and did not date seriously at all in that time. He focused on his kids and worked on his career. He told me he had given up on the idea of a partner until he met me. He tells me my ex was a fool to let me go.

Any advice is welcome.
Posted By: AndrewP Re: Switched On - 01/19/20 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by HaWho
I guess I feel a bit stuck on something and would love advice. I feel this desire to tell ex that I know he married his affair partner.
Well - personally I don't think it would do a darned bit of good and would probably just generate angst and conflict from him.

Closure isn't something that we get but I can absolutely understand wanting it.
Posted By: DejaVu6 Re: Switched On - 01/19/20 03:39 PM
Nothing good will come of it HW. I agree with what Andrew says. In my sitch, my XH is also marrying his affair partner. When I first found out about his engagement, it definitely bothered me...but that feeling faded and now I don’t care. As long as she treats my children well, and she apparently does, that’s all that matters. I am fully facing forward these days and it feels good. There is no point in looking back. Focus on the present and on enjoying your time with your new man. Don’t go down the road of resentment. It will only hurt you in the end. (((HUGS))
Posted By: job Re: Switched On - 01/19/20 04:11 PM
You have gotten some sage advice here. What good would it do to tell him that you know he married his affair partner? I would just go on about my business and allow them their "wedded bliss" for however long it will last. Now that it is out in the open, it's not going to be all that exciting because the cat is out of the bag and no one is reacting to the secret the way that they had hoped. The less you give him in the way of a reaction, the better.

BTW, my xh married his affair partner too...but the "wedded bliss" and people didn't react the way he wanted and it was right back to business as usual, i.e., working, paying bills, etc.

Don't bring yourself down to his level. Continue as you have been.
Posted By: HaWho Re: Switched On - 01/19/20 04:55 PM
Thank you all; very solid advice. I am glad I put it out there.

I think as Andrew said, I am looking for closure. Seemingly simple this idea of getting closure and yet as it is totally illusive it can cause me to do crazy 8’s.

Thank you all. So very helpful.
Posted By: Ginger1 Re: Switched On - 01/19/20 05:17 PM

I think he honestly wants you to come and say he knows. He would love for you to come and say it so he can tear you down. Because it’s his MO and he’s a little crazy like that. Don’t give him that satisfaction.

But if he thinks you might know, but doesn’t know if you know for sure, that will drive him nuts for sure. And that’s more satisfying. Let him squirm.

I’m so happy you have found someone wonderful who sees exactly how wonderful you are. I have always thought your ex had some psychotic break beyond MLC. He couldn’t see your worth? That’s nuts. But you deserve all the love and respect in the world
Posted By: kml Re: Switched On - 01/19/20 09:14 PM
Well, I’ll offer a semi-contrarian view.
What is it you’re hoping to get out of telling him?
If it’s an apology, or even an acknowledgement of the truth, you won’t get that, so don’t bother.

If all you want is the satisfaction of letting him know he hasn’t pulled the wool over your eyes, AND you don’t think it will trigger him to do anything that would harm you, then go ahead - I understand wanting that satisfaction.

But I wouldn’t share anything about it with your kids unless they ask you directly. You’re not obligated to lie for him, but it’s really best for your kids if they don’t figure that out right now.

And yes, he’s probably trying to keep you apart because he lied to OW about your relationship. Usually they’re not bothered at all about waving the OW in the LBSs face, so this is probably the case. In which case OW is a victim of him too.

Just be glad you’re free to be in a much better relationship,
Posted By: HaWho Re: Switched On - 01/19/20 10:49 PM
KML - I want closure, which I know is not possible. And, yes, I would love the satisfaction of letting him know that I know he’s a cheater. But, Iike Ginger suspects, I know he’ll turn it on me and gaslight as he always did when confronted.

And sadly, I think my kids do know because they can see how fast it all happened and connect dots.
Posted By: OwnIt Re: Switched On - 01/20/20 12:06 AM
I probably have a different perspective on this since I can't get past step one and still have to dread all of them. But it seems to me that he's now pretty much done all the cruddy things he can and you don't have to wait for the next bomb to land and can just give yourself the closure to move on for good with all of that behind you.

You also know now that your story is just like everyone else's. He wasn't the exotic, crazy, basement-dwelling, food-paranoid, non-affair unicorn of an MLCer. He was just sneaky and you kept living your life and taking care of your kids. Job always says they are giddy for the first 6 months in the light. Let's see what the holidays look like next year.

I personally don't think it matters if you tell him. Since they are married and she has met the children, it isn't likely that doing so will make him more free about having her around them. If anything I think it will insulate you some more. Every time he gets out of line or even suggests any kind of interaction you could say, oh yes, I've been so looking forward to speaking with her. Whatever keeps her away from your events.

But my guess is the reality of the one-two-three sucker punch was a bit much and the grounded, yet devil-may-care HaWho will very quickly bounce back and see that he just isn't worth it in case he might be flattered that you care, and the speed of these disclosures is a blessing. Nothing else to dread. Just a tiny speck in the rear view window that gets smaller and smaller with every mile you take in the opposite direction.

Your guy sounds awesome. Exactly the type of person who would deserve such an intelligent, funny, and strong woman.
Posted By: AndrewP Re: Switched On - 01/20/20 04:40 PM
Just had a sneaky thought.

Why not just carry on as if you've known all along .... That'll drive him nuts trying to figure out how much you knew and when. And also means that you can openly acknowledge the reality of the present.
Posted By: JujuB Re: Switched On - 01/20/20 05:48 PM
I wouldn’t give him that sort of attention. Just talk logistics in a polite manner.

Accusations , arguments, any type of attention shows him that you still care. Indifference is where you need to be. People like him, feed on attention and the idea that two women are fighting over him - which is how he would perceive it.

They know what they did and did it anyway, so any rational talk you want to have with him is just a waste. I think a lot of us protect who WE are onto them and you can’t do that. They are different people.
Posted By: Dawn70 Re: Switched On - 01/20/20 07:08 PM
From my own personal experience, telling him that you know or asking about it isn't going to give you the results you want. I point blank asked my XH when he said he wanted a divorce if there was someone else and he, of course, said no. For 3 months, I had no idea and actually believed him. Exactly 2 weeks after our D was final, I found out there had been another woman all along when he introduced her to the world as his girlfriend. Now, his admittance that he had a gf so quickly after D was what raised a red flag for a lot of people, but to this day, he blames me for some of our couple friends turning their backs to him when it all happened, saying I lied about him being with someone else to make him look bad and that I turned people against him. (Uh no, his lovey dovey "this is the best thing that ever happened to me" posts on facebook with said woman were what shot up red flags. I didn't have to even open my mouth to anyone about anything...he did it all himself because actions speak louder than words and he somehow forgot that.)

I get wanting closure. I think it is very natural to want it. But, telling him you know or knew isn't going to achieve that for you. Try to find closure for yourself independent of him, if that makes sense. In the DB vernacular, find a way to just drop the rope, so to speak and focus on yourself and he will gradually fade from your thoughts, outside of things you have to deal with him for related to kids.
Posted By: bttrfly Re: Switched On - 01/21/20 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by HaWho
KML - I want closure, which I know is not possible. And, yes, I would love the satisfaction of letting him know that I know he’s a cheater. But, Iike Ginger suspects, I know he’ll turn it on me and gaslight as he always did when confronted.

And sadly, I think my kids do know because they can see how fast it all happened and connect dots.

Have some quick thoughts, Ha...
1. and most important here: you are in a rare position in that your exh is following Big Daddy Exh's example right down to the chick's name ... so you already know how this is going to end. How long was Big Daddy Exh married to the OW? How did that relationship play out? Betting this will go in a similar direction

2. The best and most worthwhile effort is spent on your own life. You've already given this crazy person more time and space than he deserves. While I completely understand wanting to let him know he got away with nothing, the best revenge is to hit him where it hurts most: live your life grandly, spectacularly, and of course, get any and all monies owed to you.

Much love,
Posted By: HaWho Re: Switched On - 01/23/20 03:20 PM
Thank you all so much for the advice. I took some time to just let it all marinade.

I am going to work hard to hold my tongue and not tip my hand that I know he married his OW. While it might give me satisfaction, I still have to work with him on splitting bills for my kids. So KML, I do think he could adversely react. If he decided to withhold funds (which I totally can see him doing) it would be a nightmare to go fight him on all this for the next 4 years. In the end it is just not worth it for a bit of one-upping him. He got married without his own children there and clearly plans to keep Mrs. OW in the shadows. So, he is living in fear and shame I am sure.

Juju, Dawn and Bttrfly, I heard what you two said. It is not worth my time. I leave them to each other. I’ll go to Costco to buy enough popcorn for this show.

I feel very, very fortunate to be free of the crazy that became my life. Onwards and upwards, always and forever.
Posted By: bttrfly Re: Switched On - 01/24/20 11:04 AM
Good morning sweetie. I feel that's for the best and remember, you can always drop that tidbit anytime - even 4 years later.

Posted By: kas99 Re: Switched On - 01/24/20 06:56 PM
My H left claiming he'd been unhappy for the past 30 years. 7 months later S19 caught him with OW (he doesn't know we know). I filed the next day on the grounds of adultery (necessary in my state) so his secret will be revealed. He's still hiding her from the kids but they all know and aren't happy with him AT ALL. I haven't spoken to H in 6 months so if this happened to me I wouldn't say anything. What good would it do anyway? He's just going to lie because that's what cheaters do.

FWIW secrets almost always come out eventually. smile
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