Posted By: No_More_Dodo Easily Find Someone Else, Right? - 07/08/08 04:41 PM
Fellow DBers,

As many of you know, I am happily married to my Latina dream girl...... So, this is more of wondering what others think and feel instead of a direct application to my life....

I remember talking with one gal last Summer.... She said, "With all of the singles groups and Internet dating web sites, I thought finding someone would be a lot easier. It is REALLY difficult!"

I think it is very easy to just find someone to date and hang out with. However, I think it is very hard to find that "special someone" with whom you really click..... Does anyone have any thoughts?

Posted By: KarenMarieS Re: Easily Find Someone Else, Right? - 07/08/08 04:48 PM
first!!!! irish coffee please \:\)
Posted By: No_More_Dodo Re: Easily Find Someone Else, Right? - 07/08/08 04:52 PM
Originally Posted By: KarenMarieS
first!!!! irish coffee please \:\)

Okay.. A double of irish coffee....
Posted By: KarenMarieS Re: Easily Find Someone Else, Right? - 07/08/08 04:53 PM

Well, interesting.
I remember a male friend of mine said once, you meet hundreds of people a year, but the chances that you will click enough with one to make a committment is veryyyy low, in fact you only really click w/ others about half the time. ( he was into satistics) I guess its true. I met quite a few men, none I would want to be w/ forever.
till B came along, then it just seemed so natrual.

I have absolutley no answer for this lol
I just know that because I do believe its not easy to find that one person you want to be committed to for life, when they do come along, you just know; and thats different for everyone!
I knew myself what would make me feel that way and I am sure you did too.
In my case I am not quite ready to walk down that aisle , but for sure we are taking steps that way.

Have a good day NMD ( still love that name!)
Posted By: No_More_Dodo Re: Easily Find Someone Else, Right? - 07/08/08 04:56 PM
With new W... It was sooo natural..... I literally went through dozens of potential new Ws........ None of them felt quite right..... I knew right away she was "the one" as my jealous friend Teresa called her....

Take Care,

Posted By: waw1978 Re: Easily Find Someone Else, Right? - 07/08/08 05:28 PM
I am so new to this Surviving the Big D board that I want to avoid the flaming arrows that may come my way for saying this...but I have known several people who found "that special someone" during the first post divorce date no less. One man even married this woman...two years laters of course. His story still amazes me. It was his first post separation/divorce date. He never had any doubts or fears.

I guess its all in the stars as they say ;\)
Posted By: No_More_Dodo Re: Easily Find Someone Else, Right? - 07/08/08 05:36 PM

In my case, I knew before we even began IMing...... I actually knew the first time I saw her picture..... It just clicked....

I got on a plane to San Jose and drove four hours to meet her... Knowing she would be my wife.......

Posted By: BethM Re: Easily Find Someone Else, Right? - 07/08/08 06:17 PM
Hey NMD,

I don't know how long your wife was on her own, but generally I think it takes women in our sitch a bit more time and a few more relationships to be certain of our feelings. Maybe we're just more indecisive, or we're afraid to let go of our new found independence, or maybe it's just because we hold our previous hurts deeper. Who knows.
Posted By: No_More_Dodo Re: Easily Find Someone Else, Right? - 07/08/08 06:39 PM

My wife was out of her M about 4 years.... However, she was technically only M for 8 months... They lived together as a married couple for only a few weeks because she learned of his addictions.... After that, they lived in separate bedrooms until he moved out... They were supposed to live separately and go to C... He ended up moving out and filing for D.... His loss is my gain!

Take Care,

Posted By: BethM Re: Easily Find Someone Else, Right? - 07/08/08 06:43 PM

That's why your relationship will be a good one. She had that time under her belt to have figured out who she was and what she wanted.

I'm happy for you NMD!
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