Posted By: Frosty Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/19/06 04:16 PM
My life is good, but I holidays still hit me hard. I think part of it is that my kids are getting older, but I know that some is the loss of sense of "family" from the divorce......being a traditionalist, I'm sure it will always be so.....I found this article, which made alot of sense...Happy Holidays to all my friends and those just going thru it all...

What to Do When the Holidays Trigger Your Feelings of Loss

If you've experienced a difficult loss this year or in recent years--a death in the family, an illness, a divorce, a job loss, a natural disaster or a combination of losses--you may find the holidays retrigger your feelings of loss.

In fact, you may be surprised by the depth of your emotions, the clarity of your memories, the details you recall, and how quickly you are taken back to your original loss. The flashes may happen so rapidly that they catch you off guard.

Although you may want these memories to go away, there's really no way to stop them. They are coming to you as a natural part of your healing/grieving process. As each memory comes to mind, they are giving you an important opportunity to feel the emotions you may not have been able to process earlier in your journey. Although it can be difficult, the more you can feel your emotions, the sooner you will move through and beyond your grief.

Whether you are experiencing your first holiday season without a loved one, your home, or your health, you are likely to face situations that bring up old memories and remind you, in no uncertain terms, that your life has changed.

Unfortunately, there's really no way to rewind your life to get it back how it was. There's no way to regain your normal life. There's also no way to ignore what you are feeling.

The only way to navigate this difficult, emotional time is to be very clear about what you need during this season.

1) How do you want to feel? Do you want to reflect? Escape? Remember? Forget?

2) What do you need this season? Do you want time alone? Do you want to spend time with friends? Do you want to get out of town?

3) How can you take care of yourself? Do you need rest? Do you need to spend time in nature? Do you need a quiet day? Do you need to spend time with others of your faith?

4) What rituals can you create to honor your loss and help you move into the future? Is there a poem that speaks to you? Is there a song that soothes you or inspires you? Is there a place you'd like to visit to remember?

As you move through the holidays, take time to check in with yourself each day. Sense what you need for yourself each day....each hour....each minute. As you reconnect with your true needs, trust what you feel. Trust yourself to know what you need in any given situation.

Even if you can't act on your needs in the moment, honor your needs enough to recognize and acknowledge how you feel. When you are faced with a similar situation or similar feelings in the future, you will have more knowledge about your own needs. With this new information about yourself, you'll be better able to create circumstances that will work for you.

For example, if you want to spend some time alone this holiday, be true to yourself and create a way to do just that. It's perfectly natural to want to hibernate during this time to feel your emotions in a safe environment. Perhaps you set aside a day for yourself when it doesn't impact time with your loved ones. Or you might feel that the usual holiday festivities are just too much for you. If there's a way, you might want to make other plans or limit the amount of time you spend at the big event.

Even though it may feel foreign, ask those around you for what you need. It's true that some may not understand your request. They may find strength and normalcy when they are surrounded by traditional activities and other people. Others will understand you and support you in what you need. Do what you can to create the circumstances that will be best for you.

For instance, if you can't figure out a way to stay away from the family gathering all together, see what you can do to limit your stay or take on a task (peeling the potatoes or washing the dishes) that helps you avoid the frenzy of activity.

If you must attend the festivities, plan some quiet time for yourself before the event or plan a special day for yourself before or after with the goal of doing what you need to take care of yourself.

Be gentle with yourself as you move through the holidays this year. Honor your needs and you will find a new source of peace within yourself.

Posted By: FRIEND Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/19/06 05:20 PM

How are you? I was just thiking about you the other day. Like you, the Holidays this year are hitting me harder then even the previous years, it's kinda strange.

Thanks for posting the article........I will take time out for myself, it's just what I need.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year.

2007........I hope it rocks.

Posted By: qoe100 Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/19/06 05:40 PM
Again, thanks for posting that article. Like, Friend, I'm having a tough time this year too for some reason and what you posted helped immensely.

Let the new year begin!!!! Merry Christmas, Frosty.
Posted By: 2ndChances5 Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/19/06 05:46 PM
Thank you for sharing the article... it makes some good points. I think the holidays can catch us off guard, with memories and expectations. I got caught off guard recently (out of the blue, generally I do very well but I drove home sobbing!) and had to remind myself that no matter how fond my memories were of spending Christmases past with my XHs family... that was simply not an option! I was surprised by the sense of loss, I guess I still needed to process a little about my ex in laws?

Posted By: dogma Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/20/06 01:43 AM
I for one do not like the holidays. (She dropped them bomb 2 days before Christmas.) This will be the 3rd Christmas not as a family.

The children are going with their Mom for the next few days, (this to me is the worst part, shuffling children back and forth between parents), I will be by myself, no Christmas parties, no big family dinners, no house full of relatives. Even though in-laws and parents can be irritating, we used to visit everyone during the holidays.

Now, she wants to get them for awhile on Christmas, so they can spend some time at her house (a first this year) and I know spend some time with her and her "friend."

It sucks. This having two families. I know I do not want to be with her, but I miss the part of being with someone.

Guess it will be like this from now on.



I definitely don't look forward to the holidays like I used to. I feel the same disconnect you mention. For me, I have been better able to focus on the reason for the season. But, that's me.

So, what can you do to start making new memories in your home...and possibly with someone new?

A question I need to ask myself.

Posted By: dogma Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/20/06 05:10 PM
Despite what others have (selfishly) done, I cannot see myself wiping out years of memories and I cannot see myself with someone "new." It would be too weird and awkward for me.

Oh well, time will tell.

Posted By: 2ndChances5 Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/20/06 05:23 PM
Dogma, I agree about not wiping out years of memories. Our past makes us what we are today, and if our ex's did not have their share of redeeming qualities, we would not have married them, built our lives with them, or mourned the end of the marriage. I was married to my wasband for 22 years, and I will not pretend it was all perfect, nor will I pretend there weren't a lot of great times and things I miss. I value the good time, good memories, and hope that I learned as much as I could from the other times.

So I will not wipe out the memories. Just like I do not wipe out memories of pets I've loved and lost, or high school friends that I've lost touch with, or childhood memories. None are really part of my present, but I cherish the memories and know they are in the past, not the present or future.

I keep those memories, AND can imagine and accept the concept of being with someone else in the future. A new person does not replace an ex. But a new person can be a good part of ones life. Different, and still good. Just as a parent can love more than one child, I think a divorced person can love again. I don't think you can just find another person, to fill the hole-- as if it were a replacement part for your car. But I hope you will at least consider that there will come a point where there can be someone in your life--maybe a spouse, maybe not-- who will be your friend, who will make you laugh, with whom you can share your life to some degree. That seems to me to be a good thing for me, for you, for any and all of us.
Posted By: FRIEND Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/20/06 06:43 PM

I understand completely how you feel. Just give yourself the time to heal, it's been a lot longer for me and I can honestly say, I'm still healing.

It is sad, and it does suck, but don't give up on the future, have Faith in Faith.......
Posted By: Frosty Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/20/06 09:21 PM
Hey Girl "Friend"... nice to see you!!

Seems like everyone is at different stages in this deal. After all this time, I was surprised at my feelings of loss.

dogma - you are still fresh in your grief process and it probably seems like it won't get any better. As you can see, it will probably come and go. I think that truly is what the saying "God only gives us what we can handle" means... we get a little at a time to deal with.

Definitely do not let go of any memories or traditions you still want to keep. I was very lucky in that my kids wanted some of the old and the new. We kept things that we wanted and made some new ones. This will be our 5th year on our own (the first was with the WAW and not all that happy!!) and we have added people (girls' boyfriends and this year I have someone).

I, myself did not rush to replace my X, but made my priority my girls and they continue to be that. This year with a bf, things will be the same, he's just invited. Even with someone in my life, I still felt some moments over the last few days of loss of family.

I do have to say that a bonus was having a man help setup our tree with us and not complain the whole time!!! Even the girls made a point of stating how bf was so calm the whole time.

Things are not perfect, but they are life, just take time to enjoy the high points and reflect on your feelings.

Life is good and we CAN survive!!

Take Care!

Merry Christmas fellow survivors!
Posted By: dogma Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/20/06 10:40 PM
Yea, that first WA Christmas, two days after the bomb really sucked. Then we went out of town to her Mom's and then she had to leave early to go back to work while I went with the children to my parents.

Everyone says with time everything gets better; I'm honestly not so sure.

Three years later she has someone in her life (a very secretive someone) and I will be alone the next few days.

And no, there are no relatives around or neighbors to hang out with or parties or people to invite over. I have spent the last three years taking care of these children, while others are out living the single life with no responsibilites, consequently I have no life.


Hope everyone has a pleasant holiday.


Posted By: Iwondertooo Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/21/06 12:15 AM
This year new hurts are overwriting old ones and I'm coping so it feels better in my book. Wonder
Posted By: 3K451 Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/21/06 12:46 AM
Here's something I found in my email box tonight. From Suzie and Otto Collins:


"10 Ways To Be A Brighter Light This Holiday Season
and Beyond... "

by Susie and Otto Collins

Since most of are interested in ways to make our holidays brighter and our relationships better, we thought we'd offer some tips in this issue for creating lighter and more
joyful experiences.

The holidays can be quite a festive time and a big attraction in our community is decorating with lights.

Downtown buildings and homes are outlined with lights, elaborate yard decorations are created and luminarias line our city park lake.

Our community's city buses run free tours so people can enjoy seeing the lights and it's a tradition in many families to visit the areas of the city that the local newspaper suggests have the best displays.

We're sure that our community isn't unique in this way of celebrating the holidays and that your community is very similar. Why are we all so involved in festive lighting and enjoy the lights so much this time of year?

There are probably many reasons having to do with celebrating the religious meaning of Christmas. But one other reason is that the days are so short in the northern hemisphere that we all crave more light--and the light from the holiday displays helps us to feel better.

We know you're probably thinking to yourself-- "This is great but, what does all of this have to do with our relationships?"

The point is that we can make the choice to bring more light and love into our relationships--at this time of year, as well as every day.

Here's a brief list of what bringing more light and love
into your relationships might mean or look like in action...

1. When you are interacting with loved ones, co-workers or anyone else, stop yourself from jumping to conclusions and making assumptions. Take the time to listen, truly listen, to what they are saying and be fully present in the here and now.

2. Connect with your loved ones each evening, even for 15 or 20 minutes. Connecting for us means actually making eye contact and sitting down together without the distraction of the computer or television.

3. Make contact with a dear friend or relative who you haven't seen in awhile. Even if you're really busy with all the holiday "things" to do, take a moment to connect with someone who loves you and who you love.

4. Stop what you are doing and listen more intently to your
kids. It's so easy to allow our "busyness" at any time of year to interfere with our listening--especially with our kids. Treat them with the love and respect that you want for yourself.

5. Treat yourself to a relaxing bath with music and candles once a week--if that's a treat for you. The idea is to find some way to give yourself more love.

6. Be more truthful when you don't want to do something or go somewhere--but speak with kindness.

7. Focus on what you truly love about the people who you are interacting with. When you start to criticize someone with words or even in your mind, stop yourself and focus on what makes you happy and what you appreciate about him or her.

9. Be patient and loving instead of impatient, even while you are waiting in long lines to buy gifts. When you are in holiday gatherings, find out something new about your loved ones or the people you are interacting with that you did not know about them.

10. Learn something new that will increase your enthusiasm
and zest for life. Focus on bringing more light into your life by bringing more of what you enjoy into it.

This world needs all the love and light it can get right now
and the best place to start is with you and your relationships.

Our blessings to you for a happy holiday and many loving


I read still around here, although haven't posted much except for the past few days. In all honesty, I'm glad I got this today because whodathunk this one--I was doing holiday errands after work tonight and saw my ex in the drive thru at Taco Bell. I can't stand the sight of him still!!! Honestly, the THOUGHT of that man makes me sick because he's such a jerk. Fortunately, he got his order and drove off. I got mine and went the other way.

I suppose in years past, I'd have let that get me down by thinking about what was, what we had, what we did together, all the fun we had in the past. But the only thing true about the past is that it is done and over...as is a nasty divorce.

But I am making the decision each and every day to continue forward by following these suggestions!! We all deserve a merry, bright, and cheery holiday no matter where we are or what we choose to do this holiday.
Posted By: BarbieDoll Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/21/06 12:46 AM
Hi Girlfriends!!! - Nice to see Frosty and Friend, longtime DB pals from my very first year here.

This will be my 6th Christmas since Ex left. The first, like yours, Dogma, was AWFUL!!!! I don't know how I got through it. I had surgery on the 17th, he broke up with maggot and moved back home on the 14th, moved back out cause he "just couldn't do it" on the 21!!! I just couldn't even think - it was that bad. Year two was going good till he showed up with weird gifts like hockey tins of coffee and kumquats in a jar and I just remember crying and crying. My dear friend, Laurin, from this bb and Pam talked me through that one. And the Christmases got better after that.

This year I am good. I can't say I'm really in the spirit, but I'm certainly not down either. I've just been so busy. I think that's a good thing.

I'm feeling bad for those of you who will be alone. Wish you could come here - there's always room for one more.

I'm behind in the wrapping and could certainly do more shopping, but I guess I'm coming to realize that Christmas will come whether I'm ready or not. Yes, the lights and garland have been up for weeks, so has the tree. I've hosted 2 huge party and one more tommorrow night for my staff. Nothing is phasing me at all.

Josh comes down on Friday and we'll celebrate then - just the 2 of us for a nice dinner out and open our gifts. It will be nice. I know he has made my gift this year - that should be interesting. I'll keep you posted on that.

I don't have to cook for the first time in many years. I'm happy about that too, though I'll miss the Boxing Day leftovers.

But I'm wishing everyone here this year the peace that I am feeling. Oh, ex took Ryan out for Christmas today. Took him longer than he was supposed to without asking. Instead of getting upset - I was thinking "how nice for Ryan"!!! Ok, I think I'm getting better!

Posted By: Frosty Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/21/06 03:19 PM

Instead of getting upset - I was thinking "how nice for Ryan"!!! Ok, I think I'm getting better!

Yep Barbie - That's true peace!!!!

I'm actually going out of town for a few days, back on Sunday. Since little girl is 16 and my 22 yo lives with me, we have everything covered. I still let her dad know that I'm going to be gone. Not that he'd ever even consider letting me know what he's up to (heck, we STILL are not exactly sure where he sleeps at night!!). I feel better doing what I'm supposed to for my girls. And, yes, I went thru the phase of not liking him knowing my life and feeling like he deserves it, yada yada... I found that was giving him more power than me.

I also know that part of it is letting go with the idea that if they think you've let go of the anger than they think what they did was right. I highly doubt that some of these MLC'ers will ever get over the guilt of what they put their families thru. All I have to do is look at how old my X looks and know that to be true. He can pretend all he wants, he knows. But, more importantly, I feel better being compassionate and doing what helps my kids feel more normal.

Take Care!
Posted By: Hopeful Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/24/06 03:36 AM
Merry Christmas everyone. Good to see my friends.
Posted By: BarbieDoll Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/24/06 01:24 PM
Hopeful: All the best my Florida friend. I loved your Christmas letter (as always). Tell Nursemom that I'm coming to your state in Feb. Hope we can do the Dis thing. I'm staying there Feb 15 to 25?? (think that's right), but working for the first 4 days. We need to talk.

Posted By: mbro1973 Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/24/06 10:20 PM
Merry Christmas to you.

And Babrie, I wish to apologize to you for everyhting. I am so very sorry.
Posted By: BarbieDoll Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/25/06 04:08 AM

Merry Christmas! No need to apologize ~ we have all been in sad shape at times. What you need to do is get strong. In whatever way you can. Stop drinking or medicating ~ it will be the only way to get started. Remember that it won't always feel like it feels today. Other people DO care. But they can't do all the "feeling" for you. That has to come from you. Life will go on. And today is the first day of the rest of your life.

I'm a positive person. I am happy most of the time. If you could read my thread from 5 years ago - you would realize that it took time to get here.

I'm sending you good wishes.

Posted By: pammie Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/25/06 11:17 AM
Hi Gang
Just wanted to wish each and everyone.
Remember the reason for the Season.
God Bless
Posted By: Frosty Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/26/06 06:14 AM
Merry Christmas to you all... we've come so far, be proud!!! Look at us now!!!

Take Care!
Posted By: LivingWell Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/28/06 07:50 PM
A belated Merry Christmas to all my friends! It's so nice to see so many of us oldtimers in one place.

Frosty, thanks for the wonderful article. I wish I had stopped by here about a week ago because I really could have used it, when I was feeling blue. I find since the divorce, I dread the holidays and that it takes all that I have to get into the holidays, and even then its hard.

Christmas was split this year and I never had both of my kids together at the same time, and that just plain sucks. Christmas is just not the same anymore. Between the kids being grown and the divorce fall-out, making the best of it is all we can do, but it leaves me wanting it just to be over.

I had planned a big meal at my house for Christmas eve and a few days before, my son informs me that his paternal aunt is having a big bash with all the cousins, the whore and the ex, and he's going there instead, but he'd come for Christmas Day dinner. Well my ex was doing Christmas Day dinner at his house and my daughter already planned to go there. Even though I wasn't cooking for Christmas Day, and my son said he'd be ok with any left-overs, I just couldn't do that, so I wound up cooking two big meals two days in a row. We ended up opening gifts with both kids seperately. I was really disappointed, although I made the best of it. I mentioned to my daughter that next year, I'm just disappering for Christmas, going on a cruise or Europe or something, that way no one has to worry about splitting up anything. Then she says to me, "what about me? It's not my fault my brother screwed everything up." She's right. So I probably will stick out next year yet again, another sucky holiday with a vivid reminder of having a split up family.

To conclude my pity-party, I want to say that it just sucks that I always wind up with the left-overs when it comes to the kids. I never asked or wanted this divorce, and it seems that even 7 years later it is still the gift that no one wanted that keeps on giving.

I'm glad this place and you all are here to vent. Now I can go back to pretending everyhing is fine and none of this crap bothers me one bit, because I have "moved on" just as I'm supposed to!

Hope everyone has a great New Year.
Posted By: FRIEND Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/28/06 10:02 PM

It is nice seeing all these familiar names, isn't it. And whats even better is that we all know exactly how you feel. I'm also glad I have a place to go to and be understood. Yes, Mary it still sucks, having to split the time with the kids........but we have to make the best of it, it's all we can do.

Wishing you the best in 2007. No one wins in divorce, no one.


P.S. I went out on a blind date last night and it SUCKED TOO. lol
Posted By: Frosty Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/30/06 07:27 PM
Hi MC!!

I believe that many reasons we go to the board is our deep belief in family, which is so important at Christmas. I feel the pangs at the strangest times and I have no doubts that I am over my X and have "moved on" also. Your kids will remember the 2nd dinner and they know how special you are. Anyone that meets you knows that!! (Say hi to Clark for me and a hug!!)

Love you too, my "FRIEND" (((hugs)))

I'm lucky (not sure about the kids, though) in that my X truly did abandon his kids and set the precedent. With the exception of Xmas eve, I get my kids for all holidays. I remember my first Xmas eve alone (and we're only talking alone until 10pm mass )... but, still, I sobbed and cried. The 2nd was not as bad, but I still was sad. I was also grieving his family and my exclusion from them. Now, I look at it as extra time to get ready for the morning...

I'm so blessed with people that care about me and included in that is people from this board. I wish for all to feel that peace and caring this new year!!

Happy New Year!
Posted By: CC Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/31/06 12:20 PM
Happy New Year everyone!
Posted By: naej Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 12/31/06 02:42 PM
Hope you all have a great New Year and that it brings us all health and happiness.
As I see old timers like me always read when Frosty posts I just wondered if any one ever hears from Libnor, I seem to have the wrong email address for her.
Well time for me to get ready for New Year party, takes a little longer these days to improve on mother nature . Wish that self leveling cement set a little quicker.
This is my 6th NY alone and it does get better, thoughts still return to my "other life" and "home" but guess that will always happen.
Be 4 years in my shoebox come Feb.Frightening how quick time is going by, now all the more reason to reach for our goals and dreams with renewed vigor.
Love and good wishes to you all.
Posted By: Wonder Woman Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 01/01/07 12:46 PM
May 2007 be the best ever for all - Happy New Year to my friends here.
Posted By: qoe100 Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 01/01/07 02:38 PM
WW, what a nice surprise to see you here!!!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE and I'm so happy that I was found all of you!!! You've really all made my life so much better.
Posted By: BethM Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 01/02/07 03:41 PM
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So nice to come here and see all of the people who helped me through!

I wish you much joy and happiness.......

Posted By: AlexN Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 01/08/07 12:23 AM
Am I too late to get in on the Happy New Years greetings? No I shouldn't be on surviving, since we're not divorced, but I was doing a search for CC and found her here -- hey CC, Wonder, Frosty, MC, etcetc -- how are you all?
Alex N
Posted By: BarbieDoll Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 01/08/07 03:10 AM
Hey Alex!!!

I was thinking about you last week and wondering how you were. Had dinner at the Keg with Rayanne and Laurin a couple of months ago - the same Keg I had dinner with you!

So glad to hear you are a "sucess" story. Gosh, your little girl must be getting big. So nice you stopped by.

Posted By: AlexN Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 01/08/07 04:04 PM
Funny, I drove by that Keg not long ago and was thinking about you. With the weather we're having, you won't need to go to Florida this year -- have the gang come here.

We're doing well, and little girl is 7 and a real livewire. Kids are thriving, h and I are sorting through the usual things that normally beset a marriage, especially that new concept of Sleep is the New Sex!!! :)

Be well,
Posted By: BarbieDoll Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 01/08/07 07:23 PM
Alex: It's NOT??? Hmmm... sounds like things are getting back to normal. I am so happy for you.

My son is now living in your city and Josh (BF) too so I spend more time there than ever.

Didn't know in Oct it would be so nice this winter so I did book myself away but I will be working part of the time.

Gosh, its so good to hear from you and that your M has truly SURVIVED!!!

Posted By: AlexN Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 01/09/07 01:34 PM
BDoll, do you still have my contact info? Drop me a line re when you're next in town, and we'll try to get together.

Yes, our M survived, but we still go through rocky moments/days/weeks. I can honestly say that the experience, though horrible, really forced me to grow up on many fronts. And the DB "instruction" helped that process immeasurably. But I know I'm "preaching to the converted."
Posted By: BarbieDoll Re: Happy Holidays and Surviving - 01/09/07 01:46 PM

I would love to do that. I'm not sure that I do still have your email, though. Can you email me, please

travelbarb@hotmail.com in case you've also lost mine.

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