Posted By: LeeP Staying focused on the good stuff - 08/21/02 05:12 PM
The toughest thing about starting a new thread is coming up with a name that suits and giving enough context [Smile] It was tie for me to start a new one.

I made a great habit over the last 4 months of this rebuilding process, of writing all the good baby steps in a journal. This has done wonders for my PMA, and my patience level, because of that little recap each night.

Well, I have a new challenge in my life - wrist problems with my right hand, and I shouldn't be writing (or typing that much). My PMA has been slipping a bit, even. I really don't things off track with H.

We're now 4 months into rebuilding... Still living separated (will be 2 yrs next month). He's a much more relaxed and happier man these days, by his own admission. I see more evidence of healing. Last night he said he'd felt he turned a corner. We're not talking about moving back in anytime soon (which is difficult for me). He does say, though, that it is the next step he's working up to and that this feels like "limbo" to him too.

For now, I'm really trying to enjoy the time we spend together - those couple of dinner/ sleepovers per week. We've been having fun with that, and talking more comfortably as friends. I'm grateful for it, actually.

Sometimes things seem to be going well enough that I get the jitters [Roll Eyes]

As my good friend JJ says, "Progress, not perfection" ;D

Posted By: Jamesjohn Re: Staying focused on the good stuff - 08/21/02 10:05 PM
Hi Lee! [Big Grin]

I think you're thread title is just perfect!

Keep us posted. I think the floodgates will be opening for you soon!

Luv ya, JJ [Smile]
Posted By: LeeP Re: Staying focused on the good stuff - 10/13/02 02:30 PM
Didn't meant to abandon my thread for so long over here... been posting over on the MLC forum, I suspect H might be backsliding a bit, but I don't know.

I want to try to catch up with everyone here too. I have a computer here at home now, so I can be here a bit more

I just updated on my thread a few minutes ago How to keep up the strength (another longish one) Then I thought also that it's important to me today to say Happy thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians here. (and all DBers) God bless us all.

I don't want to think today about how things aren't as I wish they were, ground more secure. I have a lot to be thankful for just as things are and I want to share that good spirit. I have always had a strong intuitive sense, but I have become so much more spiritual in this journey. I pray more. I am keenly aware that God is with me (and H) and that there are "angels" out there, doing his work. I have been told that sometimes I am one of them for others. (a humbling but wonderful thought).

I am incredible grateful to have this board to come to when I need to learn and feel support.
I am grateful H is doing better, not agonizing as deeply at times during the last two years.
I am grateful that after 2 years, I am not yet divorced. (and that could change, I know).
I am grateful that I woke up to my flaws and am still working to change them.
I am grateful that I have found new strength and spirit through all the turmoil.
I'm grateful that I've made it through some of the darkest days of my life.
I am grateful that I like myself a lot more than I used to

Have a peaceful day everyone. Thank you for being out there.


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