Posted By: debcb STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 02:04 PM
I see my thread locked, so guess I'll start a new one. I don't seem to get much time to post anymore, but I don't know what I'd do with out the support and input of all of you here, and heaven knows how badly I need it, so, anyway, here's to more morphing.

Link to my old thread:

at least I think that will work!
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 02:06 PM
Hi Deb,

# 1

Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 02:07 PM
Your link works fine.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 02:11 PM
Hi Pam! good morning to you! It's nice to hear from you! i'll try to get over to your place today. I do lurk on your thread (and several others) with out saying much, because I don't have much to add, but obviously I would be a better pal to say "hi", huh?
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 02:14 PM
Hi Deb,

I mostly lurk now days as well, don't really feel I have anything to add, but I wanted to say, Hi.

Sometimes I think I should leave or move to Surviving but here is where everyone knows me and knew D when he posted.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 02:16 PM
MollieW, Hopeful Scared, and Padawan, thank you all for your posts on my last thread. they are helpful, important reminders to me, and you are all so right. I know a big part of the work ahead of me now is to manage to somehow give H the benefit of the doubt. That is a HUGE challenge for me, because frankly I did just that before, time after time, and he was being deceitful and dishonest...it's really difficult to get over that...hard, hard work to do!
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 02:20 PM
Frankly Pam, it wouldnt be the same with out you being HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 02:37 PM

That is a HUGE challenge for me, because frankly I did just that before, time after time, and he was being deceitful and dishonest...it's really difficult to get over that...hard, hard work to do!

But in the big picture, if you want to chose to give it a try then you know you will be alright either way it works out.

I think that is the thing realizing it is a choice and it is your choice and having the knowledge that you will be ok either way it goes.

I was hurting the other day over my trusting D on some things and knowing he must have been lying to my face. But, it was my choice to trust him and try and it was his choice to lie and go away. That doesn't make my choice wrong, because it is how I want me to be. Does that make any sense or help at all?
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 04:44 PM
I guess I'll post/journal about the weekend & up through today. Some different/interesting things happened, and I'm not quite sure what to think of them. I keep mulling them over in my mind, wondering if H is trying to tell me something, or if I'm reading to much into the "happenings" because of my "wishfulness". They are SO unusual though (at least one part) that I don't believe they can be coincidence. In fact they can't be coincedence, which means they have to have been purposful acts by H, which means he must be trying to tell me something he can't say???? geez, I can even get myself confused.

the last thing I posted about on my last thread was when I accused H of not going to annual meeting at work so he could be w/ow, he kept yelling at me that it was over, then he actually came to the kitchen and held and kissed me and apologized for being so angry, and comforted me when I said it was still a struggle for me....this in itself is a first, VERY new and unusual behavior on his part.

OK, backwards to last Thursday nite...H slept in just his "whitey tighties"...he usually wears a t-shirt and shorts. I like it when he sleeps with his shirt off so I can snuggle up to him. No big deal, I know, just nice. no sex that night, just some nice warm snuggles. I've told him often how nice it is when he does that
Friday afternoon, H initiated ml.....it's nice to be home alone on Friday afternoons!
Now here comes the really different part. On Friday evening, H worked out some, I was in the living room cleaning and rearranging when he came in from his workout and doing the chores. I had the big stereo going... H brought in his CD case, said "I want to see how some things sound on this one for just a minute before I go mow the yard"...then started to play his CD's ....some he seemed to just pick randomly. Then, he began to pick them out, saying "there's something here I want to listen to"...and go through to certain songs. (I'd dropped what I was doing and sat down to join him in listening)...ok, here's the "odd"????part....the songs he picked out were love songs. Really love songs. and I know he picked them on purpose, because we'd been listening to Dire Straits and talking about some of the intricacies of the music and lyrics in their songs. so I KNOW he knew exactly what the lyrics were. and he CHOSE these songs. The titles stuck in my mind like neon signs, so H sure sent a message. I guess my hope is it was an intentional one. Actually they are some of my favorite songs, and the lyrics REALLY stood out to me, I think they had to to H...they were "Stand By Me" by John Lennon, and "Woman" by John Lennon, as I recall he played that one more than once, and "Miracles" by Jefferson Starship, and then the last one he put on was "Count on Me" by Jefferson Starship (yes, I know, we are terribly dated by this) That was the last one he played, and I was actually starting to get a little teary eyed. The dog started whining to go out when it came on, and I told it "just a minute"...then something else weird happened, H got up without a word and took the dog out. H NEVER takes the dog out. it was almost like he wanted me to hear that song. When they came back in I told him thanks and he said "I couldnt stand the whining"(???dog wasnt whining any more than he always does, and H doesnt take him out then!)...The words to that song seemed like such a message:
Precious love
I’ll give it to you
Blue as the sky and deep in the
Eyes of a love so true
Beautiful face
You make me feel
Lite on the stairs and lost in the
Air of a love so real

And you can count on me girl
You can count on my love woman
You can count on me baby
You can count on my love to see you through

Emerald eyes and china perfume
Caught in the wheel and lost in
The feel of a love so soon
Ruby lips
You make my song
Into the night and saved by the lite
Of a love so strong
See you thru
You can count on me girl
You can count on my love

I dunno, the words to "woman" stick in my mind also:
Woman I can hardly express
My mixed emotions at my thoughtlessness
After all I'm forever in your debt
And woman I will try to express
My inner feelings and thankfulness
For showing me the meaning of success

Woman I know you understand
The little child inside of the man
Please remember my life is in your hands
And woman hold me close to your heart
However distant don't keep us apart
After all it is written in the stars

Woman please let me explain
I never meant to cause you sorrow or pain
So let me tell you again and again and again

I love you, yeah, yeah
Now and forever
I love you, yeah, yeah
Now and forever
I love you, yeah, yeah
Now and forever
I love you, yeah, yeah

I won't do the words to the others, I almost get teary eyed. H never did mow the lawn that evening. I mentioned several times how much I enjoyed the evening listening to music with him, and he said that he had too.

He took his shirt off again that night at bedtime, I told him how nice it was/is, and he said "that's why I'm doing it"

Saturday, he went to do his "paperwork" in the morning that always makes me nuts. When he came in the door, he came to me and gave me a nice, long, passionate kiss. Stopped, and then did it again. he did mow that day, got his rider going instead of pushing.

Sunday AM H initiated again, sometime in the afternoon, I gave him a passionate kiss in passing, told him "I love your kisses", and he said "I love your's too" and kissed me again....
He also commented sometime that afternoon about getting a Harley and a 'Vette! Gosh, sound familiar, as is MLC? it would take a huge miracle for us to afford either of those. However, I know better than to argue now, I just said, "sounds like fun, but if you go to Sturgis, I'm going too! and H said I'd be the oldest woman he ever knew that rode to Sturgis...I just laughed and told him I'd also be the most fun!...

Yesterday, Monday, S told me unsolicited that he had seen his Dad come from the direction of his office (not ow's house) when he came home on Saturday, and that he has seen this several times in the last 1 - 2 months (darn kids, you don't ask them stuff, so they dont tell ya). I'd quit paying any attention, but this is good news!

Also, last night H wrote out the phone bill, it is actually dropping at tiny bit back towards "normal". and in all fairness, I've been known to call D and talk for an hour, so that could be part of it.

Today was the hated staff meeting. H sat with his back to me, (I got there almost late), and ow was kind of in front and to the side. I think she was making obscene gestures to me, I did look right at her quite a bit. topic was sexual harrassement, the speaker was from the state agency that handles such complaints. he talked about consensual sexual relationships in the workplace, and that judges recognize that anger when a relationship ends can be underneath some of the complaints that are filed. speaker made the comment that some people were "doing that (having a sexual relationship with a coworker) who shouldnt be (just a general comment based on what his office handles). I couldnt help but think "yeah, duh, H, are you listening"...at the end of the meeting, I was almost first out the door, walking talking and joking with a male coworker who was commenting that staff meetings rank right up there with having bamboo shoots put under his toenails...H was out of his seat and out the door like a shot, actually came out the door immediately behind me and talked to me a little...where ow could see , god forbid. I noticed her leaving the building some time later, as I was going into the building where my office is she was crossing the street from where the meeting had been, almost as if she had hung back. I mean, she was only one table away, so she had to have hung back.

So, that's my novel. I can't help but believe that H selected those songs to try to tell me something. I could be reading too much into it, but I don't think so.

Lord knows how much I wish it was really and truly OVER between them and my H was truly back with me. MAYBE that is what he's trying to say in the only way he can.

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 04:47 PM

. But, it was my choice to trust him and try and it was his choice to lie and go away. That doesn't make my choice wrong, because it is how I want me to be. Does that make any sense or help at all?

Yes it does, Pam, and it helps alot! thank you!
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 05:01 PM
Hi Deb,

Glad it helps and you are most welcome.

I think it is a good possibility your H was trying to tell you something. I mean can you imagine having to try to sit down and have that conversation if you were in the WAS shoes? Easier for them to look for more indirect ways to get the message across. Just my guess.
Posted By: kml Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 05:02 PM

"Woman" by John Lennon, as I recall he played that one more than once,

Let me just say here, that a guy who WASN'T turning back to his wife would have shut that song off in a HEARTBEAT!!!

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 05:56 PM

a guy who WASN'T turning back to his wife would have shut that song off in a HEARTBEAT!!!

well, Ellie, you put my meandering thoughts into concise words! Lord knows, I've heard him take songs off in a heartbeat before...especially the one by Bob Seger that goes "trying to live my live without you babe, is the hardest thing I'll ever do"...way back last spring in the midst of one of their "breakups"...H flat out said "I don't like that one" and hit the remote. Guess I shouldnt have danced to it, huh

Anyway, the more I think about it the more I think H was trying to tell me something. it's also dawned on me that some of the phrases in the songs have come out in things he's said before...

Besides, H is a Master of the Mind Game...he would be acutely aware of messages he's sending. hmmmm, I don't think it was an accident.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 06:09 PM
i'm a little anxious...Friday AM I have to have surgery for this sinus infection that I've had for months, maybe even years. I had a ct scan last week, and it turns out part of what they've thought was an infection on xrays is a tumor or cyst that shows up on a ct scan I had done in ----get this----1993. I am rather irritated that the specialist who ordered the ct scan back then didnt follow up on it. I never heard one single word. I remember wondering about it, but I figured if they didnt call you, results were normal. I should have followed up, but S was a baby and I was busy so dismissed it. sheesh. That specialist no longer practices here, I wonder why? Current specialist believes it is not malignant as there is not evidence of bone erosion on the current ct scan, but it still makes me a little anxious. However, I vary between thinking i am one tough cookie to have lived with this for so long, and being irritated that it didnt get taken care of sooner, and looking forward to not having the constant head aches and ear aches and even tooth aches on that side of my head, and then worrying about "how bad will it hurt"

Hmmmm, Ellie, what is your take on it, is this a real painful thing post op? it's a "bilateral nasal endoscopy w/sinus surgery as indicated & possible septoplasty". It's anticipated to only take an hour.

maybe I'll really be hot if I can get rid of this constant darn infection.
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 06:55 PM
Hi Deb,

Will be sending you good thoughts Friday am that all goes well and not a painful recovery.

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 08:16 PM
thanks Pam, I appreciate it, I am a BIG chicken!
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/26/05 09:10 PM
You can't possibly be as big a chicken as I am!!!!!!!!!!

I will definitely be thinking about you this week and especially Friday morning.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/27/05 02:20 PM
Hi Pam, I apreciate your thoughts.

About who's the biggest chicken though, I don't know, I've had to have D hold the dogs legs before so the vet could draw blood.
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/27/05 02:35 PM
Hmmm...I might have to give it to you. It is when they go for the jugular to draw blood that I get squeamish!

My vet is trying to teach me how to give Sub Q fluids so I can give them to my 16 year old. I haven't got the nerve up to try it yet!
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/27/05 11:32 PM
ohhhhh, eeeeeeh, when they go for the jugular, I about pass out...I've even asked the vet in a squeaky voice "is that the jugular" and he answers real unsure like he's afraid he'll have to take care of me "uh, yeah".

actually though, I've done subq antibiotics and vacinations, the vet showed me how years ago when our old collie was sick, and that doesnt bother me, I guess because I shouldnt be hitting anything serious, there's not much blood, it doesnt seem to bother them much, and I've had to give them to myself years ago. but mix a little blood and a little pain in, and I'm a goner.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/27/05 11:47 PM
I dunno, I'm in a weird weird place tonight. I passed ow in the hall at work today, she was probably at foot away from me at the most. I didnt avoid her, I looked her right in the eye, and I think it was a "cool" look, although I think my nose may have crinkled involuntarily. She squeaked out a tiny little "hi"...and I thought she looked intimidated. I don't know, why would she look intimidated and squeak out a "hi"?????? I sure remember, quite painfully, horribly painfully, actually, when she had this cold glare in her eyes and a nasty smirk on her face and she walked with a wiggle in her a$$ and a toss of her head. And I was miserable and depressed and tearful and wanted to die. I can't figure out why she would bother to squeak out "hi"...

This happened within an hour of when I was praying for strength to forgive her.

I also parked purposefully 2 spaces over from her this afternoon, I felt strangely calm in choosing to do so. it just all feels so weird. I don't think she saw I was parked there, as I was out of the office later when she got off work. but she was gone when I got back at right around 5, so she's not waiting around, or at least didnt today, for H to get back from out of town, which I used to think she did. We'll see if she stays out of the building tonight when I pick up S.

Not much to report with H, he is pleasant and warm, says ILY first sometimes, said he's looking forward to a little time together for tv when I get home, and "maybe we can have some snuggle time and even naughty time after that".

I'm not sure what to make of any of it, and am especially puzzled as to why ow looked and sounded so intimidated today. I don't believe I was mistaken about that.

Gotta go get S
Posted By: slowly Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/28/05 07:29 AM

Hiya Deb - Welcome to your new thread, I just managed to get caught up here.

Now, you know wondering about ow, and why she might have squeaked, is a cheeseless tunnel, right? She is not worth your time. Think about the morphing momma - what's new with that?

Hugs, Slowly
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/28/05 12:21 PM
Good Morning Deb,

Just checking to see how you are doing today and letting you know I'm thinking about you!
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/28/05 03:51 PM
thanks Pam and Slowly, Good morning to both of you, and yes, Slowly, You're absolutely right, I gotta keep hunting for the cheese. I needed to be reminded of that.

Yesterday was kind of an interesting evening. I've gotta go to an out of town meeting, but will post about it later this afternoon.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 04/29/05 12:15 AM
Havent had a minute to post so thought I would real quickly. I'm still in a weird place, anxious I guess over surgery tomorrow, and anxious about H. I think objectively the surgery is probably not much to be anxious about, and there is less about H to be. I'm so anxious I've eaten alot today, and it feels icky!

Last night was kinda weird. sure enough, ow now has her D come out to the parking lot to meet her after the kids class at church, don't know why, but this is different in about the last 2 months.

When we got home, H was still working out in the basement, made me impatient because I wanted him to be ready to just "veg out" with me for a while. I didnt say anything at all, and after we'd been home about 1/2 hour, he came up to watch tv, and purposely sat down beside me in the love seat instead of his recliner, and actually held my hand. it was nice, we just laughed and chatted, talked w/S and the dog and cat....this should make me thrilled, it's one of my goals being met, BUT, I'm afraid I cant help but recall that the last time h did this was the day of the infamous 8-hour road trip 2 days before xmas. And of course then I'm suspicious and anxious all over again. When we went to bed, H initiated ML, but couldnt "finish" , which increased my anxiety and worry.

This morning I told him it made ME feel bad, kind of like a failure, and he said "you?!" in surprise, then told me not to worry, hes just really pooped a lot in the middle of the week. which is true, it seems if theres going to be a problem, that's when it is

this evening, H was going into the office with a male co-worker when I pulled in right behind him...I rolled down my window quickly and said "hey good looking"...H turned, the co-worker turned with a naughty grin and said "well hello there"...and I said Hi to him....H laughed like he really did think it was funny. not too long ago NOTHING but NOTHING made him laugh.

I was just over the other building, and saw that ow is taking 1/2 day off tomorrow. THAT makes me nervous and anxious because who knows what they might be planning while I'm "out of it" from surgery. BUT maybe nothing, maybe H is truthful when he tells me it's over and he doesnt keep track of what she's doing. I don't know why its so hard for me to believe that. I really need and want to.

It did occur to me though what a hopeless and depressing sitch it would be for him to be if ,every time ow does ANYTHING whether or not it is related to him, I come down on H about it. I mean, he really doesnt have control over what she does, and it would be a perfect way for her to get even/make trouble to do things to make that happen.

I gotta keep my mouth shut and keep focusing on positives, drawing him to me...

MAYBE it's already happened, I don't know. Poor S commented tonight how "you could just feel it building" when his dad was planning something w/ow before. The kid said he even dreamed about things before they happened when he got that sense of "feeling it building". Weird, but I know what he means, and inspite of last nights performance problems, I don't think I'm picking up those vibes.

Anybody got any thoughts on this rambling?????
Posted By: totallyconfused Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/01/05 06:35 PM
Hi Deb,
I think you said it very well in what I pulled from your last post (directly below):

I gotta keep my mouth shut and keep focusing on positives, drawing him to me...

I have been trying to keep up with your sitch and personally (I think) there are many positives going for you right now. I think that you need to drop any conversation/insinuations, etc.. about ow or your H betraying you. From different things you have relayed here, it is sounding like he is trying hard (as hard as he is able to right now) to get back to where he should be. It will take time. Things will definitely "pop up" that might make you "wonder". It doesn't matter .. you have to keep looking at the whole picture and knowing that it is gradually getting better.

While doing that .. you need to continue "morphing". Continue working on you! Keep doing "something different" .. that may catch your H off-guard. (Of course you'll make sure the "something different" will be good things!)

Keep On Keeping On, Deb. I really think you are getting there.

Take care,

Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/01/05 11:53 PM
Hi Deb-

I have been out of town this past weekend and then I lost you! I hope this finds you feeling better physically and emotionally. I hope you got all the TLC that you deserve! Please update us on your surgery when you can.

I, too, thought it was very touching that H played those songs for you. It was probably all the things he wanted to say but didn't think that he could say it as well himself. And I do think that he wanted you to stay put when he let the dog out. All good things here Deb.

Try your best not to over-analyze and just go with the flow and enjoy life as best you can.

I am proud of the way that you handled the close encounter with ow. She was probaly so blown away by your proud stance that she nervously (and without thinking) gave you that "hi".

But our first concern will be your health. Please let us know how you are feeling....

Posted By: totallyconfused Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/02/05 11:13 AM
Hi and (((Hugs))) To You Deb!
I (quite obviously) did not previously "catch" that you were going to be having surgery. I certainly hope that all went well and that you are on your way to a speedy recovery!!

Take care,

Posted By: Padawan Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/05/05 02:37 PM
Hope your surgery, went well, looking forward to your return.
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/05/05 03:01 PM
Hi Deb,

Hope you are doing well.

Sending you a big get well hug!

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/05/05 06:40 PM
Hi all...Pam and TC and Dawn and Padawan and all of you for your support and {hugs} and prayers. It helped more than you all will ever know to know you were thinking of me. and I thought of that many times, I swear I could FEEL your prayers. I am so humbled by and grateful for your support.

Actually the surgery went quite well, what the Dr. thought was tumor(s) were actually some polyps. He drained those and the rest of my sinuses, and so hopefully these ugly chronic sinus infections and related headaches will be a thing of the past. I've been surprised, actually the pain post-op is less than what I've gotten used to with the headaches. I have been incredibly tired, though, which caught me off guard. I didnt expect this, I mean it was just a day surgery, for heavens sake, but the Dr. says it's from blood loss (sorry to be gross) and to be expected to last about 2 weeks and actually I'm doing fine.

Emotionally, I'm kinda weird, I'm sure it's related to being so tired, but some of it I'm sure comes from my sitch. Which, if I were able to be more objective about, I think is probably, maybe, actually doing some better.

last weekend was very stressful for H, he had to take D on a 2 hour drive to pick up a car the night before my surgery, and then the day of and day after were kinda draining for him. At points he felt kind of distant to me, probably partly because he was, and because I would have latched on tight given a chance.

I've been working hard to keep a grip on myself, not pushing or demanding of H, but warm and pleasant and inviting even though I've had some hugely anxious moments. I've chewed the end off of my tongue to avoid making any mention of ow, altough in my anxiety I've come so very very close to asking him if things were back "on" between them. What I see is that his distant times are terrifingly like the "just before the bomb" days, and they still have the power to elicit terror in me. Hard to deal with.

OK, so to explain some of these ramblings. The evening of my surgery, H left for about 2 1/2 hours to go to a co-workers going away party. I never saw any notice of this party or invitation to it, it would not be unusual for it to have been circulated just in their department, but that still raised my anxiety a notch. H did mention it several weeks before my surgery was even scheduled; when the surgery was scheduled, I told him I'd be fine, to go ahead and go......so, he did . I actually was fine, mostly asleep that whole day, and I could have dialed 911 had I needed. H came home about an hour earlier than I expected him, and wanted to know if I was ok, said he'd had his cell on but never got any calls. Maybe part of his distance was guilt, I don't know, but I havent thrown it up to him, I see it in part as an opportunity to out-GAL ow (she's the one who cant' mow her own yard, etc....). Of course, I agonized and had a hard time not saying anything, worrying about if ow was at the party. Weirdly, H wanted to ML that night. Worked for me, but just struck me as odd.

Saturday morning, H went to work (?) as always, made the comment that he wouldnt if it wasnt the end of the month ??????; however I do know there's a lot more paper work to be turned in then. I commented about him not wearing his ring (he hasnt worn it for 2 weeks now, which sets my anxiety level at about a fever pitch) and he said he couldnt because his finger is still swollen and sore, and he'd shown me that (true) and that the fact that he wasnt wearing it didnt mean there was anything going on or wrong between us (????????? maybe not but it sure did before????). I told him I could get it stretched, and he said then his finger would go down and it fit. I said I wasnt going to bug him about it, and havent said a word since. It has occured to me that h has gained a little weight in the last year (maybe that means the A is over/ending?) and his ring probably is tight. In fact he commented once in the last few months that he wanted to lose enough weight to have it fit again rather than having it stretched. So, maybe...but regardless, I have to let go of it. I cant control it, so why bother with it?

Sunday, I felt well enough to plant a few flowers in pots while H walked. It was nice to get some fresh air, and he always comes up and hugs me anymore when I'm out planting flowers. Have no clue what that's all about. Sunday night H initiated ML again....???...

Monday I stayed home from work, Monday evening H did invite me to walk with him, but I declined, because I just didnt feel strong enough to keep up with him for 3 miles. I did tell him thanks for the invite, and that i'm looking forward to going with him next week.

Tuesday I stayed home again, feeling really pooped. H seemed "distant" in some odd, intangible way, perhaps due to my own weirdness. I broke down and asked him as he was leaving if he was irritated at me for some reason, and he seemed surprised and asked why, I told him it just seemed that way...managed to not say anything about ow or my fears and anxieties. H said he was sorry, he wasnt irritated, he was just rushed and trying to focus on getting out the door.

I just read some of Sage's thread, and i had to laugh, because she identified what I think must be the same feelings and anxieties. It helps so much to know I'm not the only one with them.

I felt pretty down and anxious all day Tuesday, frankly I stewed and fretted (that's the day he's here w/ow)then about 6 pm I found a message on the answering machine that made me cry...he had called about 5:30, evidently I was out feeding critters or sticking flowers in their pots. I have the message memorized, although it wasnt all that big a deal to the "untrained ear". H simply said "Hi, it's just me, I was just calling to see how you are doing today Deb. I'm waiting for my client to get here and thought I could talk for a minute if I caught you. well, I guess I'll see you later tonight" (he gets home about 9 on Tuesdays) I actually leaned against the door frame and cried and thanked God when I got that message. For some reason it meant/means so much to me. When h got home, I told him thanks for the message and that I was really sorry I'd missed his call...he said "you should have answered". I still don't know what that meant????

Sometime Tuesday evening after he got home, and/or Wednesday morning, he started complaining about the medical staff here at work...why do we even have them if they can't do such and such and help us, and do you know what happened to (another clinical staff member) because of what they didnt do...just real irritated towards the med staff. It was interesting to me that the staff member he was standing up for is a young single mom that he's accused of "whoring around" on weekends. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that what he's heard of her activities (at least she's SINGLE!) has to have come from ow...so it struck me as interesting that now he's taking this other gal's side.

Last night I took S to religion class, and H had to work later. I left him a note to not erase his answering maching message. I actually plan to tape it, his voice is just so sweet in it. It's a real keepsake to me. now is that adolescent or what? We were both really pooped last night, but a bedtime H surprised me by intiating ML again, and he was very enthusiastic. I am still confused by why he seems to want sex so often. However, that's one flow I can go with, so i don't worry about it much, just ponder sometimes. He held me very sweetly and tenderly afterwards, which still strikes me as being night and day different from how he used to be.

Today is our 26th wedding anniversary. I'm just kinda blown away by that, for MANY reasons. I hadnt heard from him this morning and was feeling kinda down, then about 11 I got this email:

Hey you, I’ve only a second as my client’s out in the lobby. Man, one after the other again. I just wanted to wish you a happy anniversary. Thanks for 26 years!! Love you D--

It's only a few words but it meant so much, I got kinda teary eyed. It truely seems miraculous that we've ever gotten to this point, especially given the last 2 years. but maybe they needed to happen for us to be able to get here.

I've had several other "chatty" emails from him today. We will go out to eat to celebrate our A and Mday this weekend, with S12 in tow I imagine, but that's ok. Probably doesnt seem like much of a celebration to a lot of folks, but it feels pretty much like an almost-victory dinner to me.

So, here's volumn XIIIVII of my saga. guess I'll stop, although I have a little more to post.

I dunno, any suggestions for what to do next on my part????

WHY is he so into sex these days? I can only hope for good reasons!

Do you all think the phone message and todays email are good signs, or am I reading too much into them????? I want so much to be able to believe that the teeny tiny baby steps are about to turn into giant (well, at least big) strides.
Posted By: kml Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/05/05 07:18 PM

I have been incredibly tired, though, which caught me off guard. I didnt expect this, I mean it was just a day surgery, for heavens sake, but the Dr. says it's from blood loss (sorry to be gross) and to be expected to last about 2 weeks and actually I'm doing fine.

Try taking a good multivitamin (1 a day) an extra iron pill (2-3 times a day) and an extra B complex (like a "B50" or "B100") once a day for the next 2 - 4 weeks - that will help speed up the process of your body replacing those lost red blood cells (note- make sure to stop the extra iron after a month - too much is not good).

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/05/05 07:50 PM
Thanks Ellie, I will do that. I guess I knew blood loss could make a person pooped, but didnt realize how pooped and didn't really understand how much bleeding there is with sinus surgery.

I have to say, it is not on my "things to do again" list!
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/05/05 09:53 PM
so, I'm wondering if anybody's out there right now? I'm wondering if anybody sees anything in H's responses lately. I guess my biggest fear is that I'm just being strung along for whatever reason. However, he DIDN'T have to call Tuesday, and He certainly didnt have to send the happy anniversary email today. I just had an interesting thought. I'm pretty darn sure he didnt do it last year, I'd have to look back, maybe he did, but I don't recall it and, many things I do recall, such as his valentines day email...which was certainly a guilt one if there ever was one.
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/05/05 10:41 PM
Soooo I'm here, here to tell you stop running down cheeseless tunnels!!!!!!!!!!

You are a strong, capable, attractive woman with lots to offer and if his turn around isn't genuine you will be fine. Although my gut says this guy is trying. What does YOUR gut say? You know him better than any of us do or could.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/06/05 01:17 PM
Hi Pam, thanks.

I know it's a cheeseless tunnel, but I'm just having such a hard hard time. I wonder if I will ever get past all--or even any of this. It is encouraging to know your gut tells you he's trying. My gut says the same thing, at least initially, but then doubts creep in because frankly, I no longer trust my gut. I would have never in million years believed he would have an A, and NEVER take up w/someone like ow. So, the jist of it is, when I think I am seeing positives, I begin to doubt them because it was such a huge huge shock. I mean, frankly I've never thought I was the naive type....I can usually smell a rat a mile away, and have always kind of had an "instinct"....creeped out feeling, I guess, regarding rats. I never saw this coming with H, and that is what makes it so darn hard to get through.
So, i guess the answer is I THINK he is trying, actually he is better in most ways as far as attentiveness, consideration, etc., than he has been for YEARS, probably since S was a baby.

And, my perceptions may very well be skewed right now because of being so down and tired because of surgery...I know that I do become very emotional when I'm tired, when I don't feel well, or when I'm PMSing...I think all three are in effect right now.
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/06/05 01:21 PM
So pampering for Deb is in order and NO thinking about the sitch!

Give yourself the gift of a wonderful day today!

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/06/05 01:43 PM
I'm almost a mess today, not quite, but hanging on by a thread. Well, a string maybe. I'm thinking how much I need to renew my GAL focus...and keep moving on. of course that probably partly has to do with the fact that right now my house is a mess, I can't work out for another week, and everything seems overwhelming. Add in the uncertainty I feel w/H, and yep, it's definitely a string I'm clutching.

I am kind of worried, taken aback, I guess. not sure if I should be. I didnt even get an anniversary card from H. Maybe he intended his email to take the place of one, but I've always gotten a card.?????????? I havent said a word, don't intend to, but still..........maybe it's still testing behavior...????

He seems warm and friendly enough, however he is suggesting we should go out next weekend for dinner rather than this weekend, because (he says) I'm not really feeling "up to par". I hope that's really it from his point of view. I just said "we could do that".

I try to reassure my self with his warmth and friendliness, but that doesnt even work, because even though when the A was new and hot and heavy he was usually distant and disdainful and hateful, there were times, when it was just starting I believe, when he was so "thoughtful", encouraging me to take care of myself. I recall a couple of times saying I was tired and he would say "You should just go ahead and rest as long as you need/want to". at the time I thought that was so nice, because he was always impatient with stuff like that before. Then I came to realize that there were in fact 2 reasons for his concern: 1), his guilt; and 2)if I was sacked out, I didnt know he was sneaking off w/ow and or on the phone all hours of the day/night. Sheesh.

Plus, it probably doesnt help that the w----s bday is 5/21, and of course H is signed up for a workshop on 5/20....That is S's last day of school, he's out at noon, maybe we will go somewhere to celebrate the end of school and not come back on Friday night.

It probably doesnt help that I got drive to work almost beside her. she pulled out in front of me on the way in, switched lanes with no turn signal several times, I finally just passed her and pulled over in front a couple of cars ahead. I pulled into the parking lot here 2 cars ahead of her and went to my "regular" spot which she delights in taking. She whipped around the corner past me, nearly ran over the accountant, went the wrong way down the parking lot at then backed into a place at the very end. I don't know if she was wound up or just her usual off the wall self, but I just shook my head at the accountant as he walked by, calmly got out of my vehicle and came into my office, so I was gone before she ever even came by where I was parked.

It's just this feeling of being in Limbo that is so hard, I guess. Things ARE better w/H and I, I don't think he can fake it that well, I just wish I could ever know that it (the A) truly is over, and it doesnt look like they're going to fire ow's butt here, so I will get to look forward to seeing her daily for a long, long time.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/06/05 01:48 PM
Hi again Pam, looks like we were posting at the same time. Yeah, you're right, I need to just drop it and "chill"...I gotta go to S's track and field day this afternoon, so that will help keep my mind off it. I think I'm only going to go for a couple of hours, I just don't feel up to much longer than that.

That brings to mind, S's perception is that things are much much better all around in our family...he has commented that "I never saw Dad back then"....meaning a couple of years ago. and when I ask if it's better now, he says "Oh yeah". IMHO, H still doesnt spend enough time w/S, but I guess "better" is "good"....
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/06/05 01:48 PM

All I can say is sit tight and a lot of this will pass when you are physically better.

How you Feel is your choice. Think positive thoughts today and when you physically feel better your emotions will follow suite.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/06/05 03:28 PM
Thanks Pam, I know you are absolutely right...sitting tight has actually never NOT paid off for me, exactly the opposite of "letting loose" , I must say.

I have to admit that the ability to "sit tight" is not one of my more developed skills. You never would have guessed that, huh?

ah, you know, the thought just popped into my head of an example of when "sitting tight" really paid off, and I was so glad I did, it happened pretty recently and I was so glad I did. I meant to post about it here, but don't believe I did.

For maybe the last year, I have been secretly steamed because I was not able to find a shelf I bought for S's room, it was out in the garage still in a box...I looked and looked and became convinced H gave it to ow...I was really po'd about it...but I NEVER SAID A WORD in all this time, although periodically I'd look for it and get steamed all over again. Well, about a month ago, I found it, moved to a different corner of the garage and under some garden stuff. I have no clue how it got THERE of all places, but from the amount of dust on the unopened box, I'm sure it has been there for a long long time.

Same thing with a tie-out cable for our big dog...we had it for when we took him on vacation with us...it disappeared, I couldnt find it no matter how hard I looked. I was convinced H gave THAT to ow because he talked at one point about what brats her dogs were and how much trouble they caused. Never said a word about that either, and it showed up about the same time as the shelf, in an out of the way spot in the storage barn.

I could have really made things BAD with accusations and anger and fit throwings. H would have been so furious, I would not have believed him no matter WHAT he said (unless of course he "confessed"), we would have both become angry and resentful towards the other, and it would have given him a good strong shove back towards ow. THANK YOU LORD FOR HELPING ME KEEP MY LIP ZIPPED with those!!!!

Posted By: MicheleTW Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/06/05 03:56 PM
Deb, your story reminds me of a story author Byron Katie tells on herself. One day she was walking in the desert (she lives out West), and saw a rattlesnake out of the corner of her eye. She froze and closed her eyes. She began to panic, thinking, "I am going to get bitten by that snake! I'm going to get bitten, and die out here in the desert all alone! I am going to die and no one knows I'm out here! They'll find a pile of bones months from now!" She was sweating, her stomach was upset and her head was spinning. She cautiously opened one eye to see the vile snake before it killed her.

It was a rope.

No snake. Just a piece of rope.

She got all wound up about a rope. Proving that we can see a snake and feel life-threatened, or we can see a rope and keep walking.

It's all a matter of perception.

You are doing great. Cut yourself some slack! You've had surgery, it's your anniversary, you have PMS -- but you have your H living in your house, ML with you. I'd switch with you!

Your friend,
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/09/05 04:15 PM
Hi Michelle, thanks for the inspiration. I needed to hear that story. Plus, I could probably use a 2X4 every so often if you have one handy! I guess I get to whining around and feeling sorry for myself because that is where my impatience leads me. ick, not a good place to be.
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/09/05 04:28 PM
Hi Deb,

How are you feeling? Strenght coming back yet?


Hope you are enjoying this beautiful day.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/09/05 06:16 PM
hi Pam! It is a beautiful day, isnt it? it's absolutely gorgeous here...a little breezy, but then it's not called Kansas for nothing (trivia note: the name means "people of the south wind")

I'm feeling much better, still a little bit tired, but not wiped out like i was last week. I had a Drs appt this am, and things are going fine. I am however getting quite ready to do away with people sticking things up my nose !

that said, I sure feel like a whiny whimp. I was reading someone's thread a few minutes ago, I don't even remember whose it was at the moment, who just had a kidney transplant, plus has a sick grandbaby. Boy, what a wimp I am in comparison to dealing with all that.

I'm not sure where things are right now with my sitch. It may be that they are doing quite well and as in the story of the Snake that Michelle shared, I'm not able to see it.

I didnt get home from work until about 1pm on Friday, hardly had a minute to grab a bite of lunch with H and was late getting S's track day. When I got home though, H had an anniversary card waiting for me, and commented that he'd gotten me a mothers day card as well. He said he had rushed around in the morning and "waited and waited" for me?????I was only an hour late! anyway, it was disappointing to not have our "down time". I missed it, and I think maybe H did as well, I noticed he mentioned a couple of times how long he'd waited for me to come home that morning.

The anniversayr card he gave me was sweet. It wasn't real romantic, but H never has been. It had a teddy bear couple, with the H saying things he can't find, but that he had found perfection with the perfect wife. H wrote "It's so true! with love...", exclamation point included. I was touched, I have to believe he meant it, because he didnt have to sign it that way. I think it was 2 years ago he gave me a card signed with ONLY his name, no "love" or anything.

We had talked about/planned to go out to eat to celebrate our Ann. this weekend, h suggested going next week instead, I'm not sure why, but was still pooped so said ok.

I told him when he gave me the card that I really wished I could be the "perfect wife" for him...he asked "what makes you think you arent"...I told him I thought the perfect wife was more the Doris Day type than I am, always cheerful and perky and slim and smiling ( I almost said Donna Reed, stopped myself because that's ow's name!) I thought all day after that about Doris, Donna, Debbie (Reynolds) and June (Cleaver)...yikes. enough of that.

Anyway, when I mentioned Doris Day, H said, "well, she's dead"....I told him I wasnt sure...and he chuckled and said it made him think of a bumper sticker he'd seen. I asked him which one, and it was one that said "If you want a woman that doesnt gripe, go rob a grave"...kinda gross, but a interesting point. I got the impression that H's point was that it was ok for me not to be perfect. I have to say I'm glad I didnt say anything about the card the day before.

Yesterday, he had "performance problems" in the morning, and that makes him so upset and frustrated. I'm not sure what is going on to cause that. They did clear up, though.

H gave me the card he got for mothers day, it was actually one addressed to a mom and not a wife, but he pointed out that he got it because it had this adorable puppy sitting in a bucket on the front, and was saying "thankyou for all the loving things you do"...so I took that as good. He said he hadnt gotten a gift because he didnt know what I wanted and I'd have to let him know...

This morning he brought my coffee to me and woke me up (he thinks ), and sounded very much like he had been crying....I have thought and thought about that today, it was the sound of his voice and he was very "sniffely" and choked up. I got the impression also that he didnt want me to see his face. As he went from our room to the bathroom, I asked if he was ok, and asked why...I said he sounded "stuffed up" and he replied it was his allergies. I noticed that they cleared up with in a few minutes, which is unusual for his allergy attacks. Of course, my guess is that he had been on his usual early morning phone convo. w/ow and was crying about something related to that.

He actually inspected his swollen finger before he left as though he was going to put his ring back on...frankly I've said a prayer or two for that, I don't know why it's so important, it truly should be insignificant, but for some reason it is important to me. He commented that he thought it was getting better, and actually came to me and showed it to me. He does have a kind of scarred place there, says he thinks he must have burned it.

I noticed also that he was sneaking an LL Bean womens wear catalog out of the house this morning. Don't know what that's about. Maybe he's going to get me a new pair of hiking boots for our anniversary????? Always the romantic, he. I just hope he's not ordering something for ow; I guess time will tell.

I said he "thought" he woke me up with coffee, because when he got up, I spent time praying and reading a book of prayers. This is one of my personal goals, to have a time to do this on a daily basis. I had turned the light back off and almost dozed off again when he came in. How ironic, I'm upstairs praying for Gods guidance and strength, while he's most likely in the basement on the phone w/ow. ah, well. I did feel a sense of peace come over me though, I always take that as a sign of God's presence.

H is talking about wanting to look at a job at a counseling center 2.5 hours from here. I don't know what that means, just 2 weeks ago he was telling me how he likes our house...maybe ow is pressuring him, I don't know. Maybe the A truly is over, as he said 2 weeks ago. Of course, I've heard this many, many times over the last year, I just try to be validating.

And now you know the rest of the story...I only hope you arent sorry you asked how I was, Pam!

I'm going to really focus on my GAL goals, and refine my R/M goals. I need to be looking more at them I think.
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/09/05 06:45 PM
Hi Deb!!!!!!!!!

So glad to hear that your surgery went well. I really hope that this lessens the pain for you in the future. I am sorry that I have been away...first out of town and then so involved with yard work, etc that I haven't had a chance to get on line until today. I thought of you often this past week and was hoping for the best for you!

I think that I have caught up on things with you. All things sound good and positive. Sounds like things are moving forward and your h is settling back into family life. Personally, IMHO, YOU are the one who needs to do some catching up here! LOL

Obviously trust is a huge issue for you. But I think that you need to stop and ask yourself why it is soooo huge right now. Is it because you are afraid of being duped again? From your previous posts it seems like you were pretty hard on yourself for not seeing all the "signs". As you said, you were not a person who was easily fooled. And maybe you are trying to hard not to be fooled again. ??

Deb, you have to remember that you and H were in a committed relationship for quite a number of years, why, why, why would you ever have needed to be on guard? Why would you ever have wanted to find dirt on him? That is not something a committed person would do on a day to day basis. Sure we all look back at our situations and say, "jeesh, I should have known". Well, my feeling is that, "jeesh, you should not have known because you should have expected some level of trust in a long-term relationship. Anyway, I think it's time that you stop blaming yourself for not being "the all knowing, all seeing Deb" and forgive yourself.

You are not responsible for your h's actions. Again, IMHO, that is a burden your H has to bear, not you. I think that the sooner that you forgive yourself, the sooner you can forgive your h and he forgive himself.

And, looking forward, if he does it again are you responsible? NO! He is. Allow him that, Deb. Do not take that burden on again.

Ever see that movie "Bob" with Bill Murray? His doctor gives him a prescription with the words "take a vacation from your problems" written on it. I think, hon, this is exactly what you need!

Have some FUN!

I check in again real soon! Take care.


p.s. Forgot to add....Remember to always ask for what you need and be clear about it. These men can not read our minds. (I don't even think they want to! LOL) (Was thinking about this with reagards to him leaving the night of your surgery.)
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/09/05 06:58 PM
Hi Dawn! so good to hear from you! and as always, you hit the nail on the head. Yes, trust is a huge issue for me, and yes, I have to say it's because I'm afraid of being duped again.

I was so totally blind-sided by all of this. I shouldnt have been, looking back I can see that H did try to tell me how unhappy he was. I just plain missed it, what I didnt miss I dismissed. And that is VERY frightening to me.

I guess I don't trust either H OR myself. and that's scary.

Scary scary scary. Something for me to ponder...thanks for making such an important point.
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/09/05 09:19 PM
Hi Deb-

See I told you....real soon! LOL Just finished up some yard work and am taking a break before yet ANOTHER shower today....sigh.


I can see that H did try to tell me how unhappy he was.

Hmmmm....possible translation: H was trying to make YOU responsible for his personal happiness AND make you responsible for his consequential actions. We can not do either of these things for our spouses just as they can not do this for us. It creates a co-dependent atmosphere and hinders our GAL plans!

Be happy Deb. You are no longer walking a tight-rope. One mis-step is not going to destroy everything for you.

Again, I will point out that your h seems to be drawn to you when you are doing your own thing (not temperature-taking) ie, planting the flowers.

Talk to you later.

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/10/05 02:38 PM
Hi Dawn...you made it back long before I did! If you get done with all your yard work, I have some you are welcome to do! LOL!

This is going to sound like a really stupid question, I know, but does it look/sound to you like I'm no longer on the tight rope????? I guess I ask because I'm no longer sure what to believe, and I'm afraid that if I let my guard down, I will slip back into my "old" self, and down we will go again. Plus, I can't see things objectively from the inside.

I thought a lot last night about your comments about trust being such an issue for me, and it obviously is, huge. I guess one thing that makes it so big is that I chose H in part because I thought he would never be the cheating kind. I had been through being cheated on by a guy I was engaged to, and NEVER wanted to go through that again. So, here I am, twice bitten, four times shy, I guess.
And I don't know how to get past it.

I 've had a hard time last night and this morning over that dang ll bean womens clothing catalog. What if he is getting ow a gift from it? you see, her bday is 5/21, and H is going out of town to a workshop on 5/20. coincidence? I hope. Hard for me? oh yeah. big time.

I have no clue how to reassure myself, and it seems like since my surgery, H is kind of "backed off" after his sitting beside me and playing music, etc. I know better than to pursue, but it is still difficult.

I am feeling better this morning than I have in a long time, I think because I slept well last night for the 1st time in I don't know how long. not sure what made the difference, considering I was anxious about H last night already.
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/10/05 04:30 PM
Hi Deb-

Sitting here waiting on some rain....it will give me an excuse not to work outside! LOL (You'd think I would have this gorgeous lawn/yard, now would't you? Think again!)


I know, but does it look/sound to you like I'm no longer on the tight rope?

I know this may sound like I am playing head-games with you and I apologize if I made you THINK that you were walking a tight rope because, honestly, I don't think you ever were. You created (like all of us here) the tight rope. I think that you had more power and control over this situation (namely yourself) than you ever thought you did.

As far as sliding back into your old self, well, I am sure that there are MANY qualities of that OLD self that your h much admired and was attracted to. I know that personally I find a woman who can install her own dishwasher extremely attractive! LOL (And I am a hetero!)

But if by OLD self you mean some of your bad habits and routines that could have caused your h to feel left out, well, Deb I think that you have learned that particular lessen the hard way. BUT (big but) I honestly do not think that you pushed him to the ow. I think that you THINK that, I think that h would like to blame you for it, but I do not think that it's your responsibility.

Your h has to own up to that and deal with it. He has to deal with the fact that you have forgiven him. I think that accepting forgiveness in the face of what he has done is probably the hardest thing he will ever do. It will at times make him bitter, angry, resentful and you will feel all of that from time to time.

It all goes back to patience, patience, patience. (yuck, yuck, yuck, IMHO) What other choices do we have other than divorce?

As for the catalog, who knows right now? But I guarantee you that you will know in time....credit card statements come every month! I guess you just have to ask yourself, "is it really worth it to torture myself until I find out?".


And I don't know how to get past it

Ahh, I wish I had the answer for this one. Trust is a big issue for me also. We become so bonded to our spouses that we look on them as extensions of ourselves. We feel that their behavior(s) reflect on us. And it becomes a issue of pride when they screw up.

Have you thought about taking these questions and doubts to a counselor? Can you explain again the pitfalls (in your particular situation) of going to a counselor? I know there are some issues there for you but I think that if you could work around them, a C may be helpful.

I hope some others here can also give some input on the whole trust/duped scenario.

Take care Deb!

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/10/05 04:52 PM
gulp, the "what-ifs" are all over me this morning...fanned by the upcoming workshop & bd of ow and catalog H took to work and the email I just got from him asking me if I could get directions for him. plus the thought that he's probably having a great old time w/ow over in the other building.

This is what makes me feel like throwing in the towel...dealing with all this anxiety and uncertainty. Maybe it's not a snake. I have to keep telling myself that, I guess.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/10/05 05:53 PM
Hi Dawn, I think I sent my post in before I checked and found yours. You always help me feel calmer and get my head on straight(er)...when you are done in your yard, would you just come follow me around and smack me every so often???pretty please????

the patience thing....ugh...but you are right, I don't think there is any option but divorce. and lord knows, that wouldnt be any easier, I have a feeling it might even be more difficult.

I'm kinda going out on a limb here, but I never thought you gave me the impression of tight rope, but I sure felt myself like H did. What I think I hear you saying is that H was really never that intent on leaving, but let himself get caught up in a mid-life fling, and then needs his "misery" to justify it? HMMMMMM, I have to think on this. It's kind of foreign but an interesting concept. Actually it would kind of make sense, because certainly I've done many many things wrong, but I could never ever figure out what I did that was all that bad. From my perspective, I always TRIED to be a helpful, respectful partner and parent....were there times I felt hopeless and frustrated and took it out on him? yep. Did I ever shirk responsibilities??? well, maybe sex and housekeeping...some....but not always. Did I ever speak disrespectfully of him to others??? NEVER EVER. I always tried to honor him...
So that would be the missing piece of the puzzle as to why he "needed" to do this, and obviously it WAS all about him in that case. hmmmmm, maybe part of ow's appeal was the "bad girl" aspect. ouch. that hurts, getting bit in the butt by one's own efforts to be a good partner.

thinking thinking thinking here.

As for the credit card statements, we each have and take care of our own, so I wont' see his. unless of of course I beat him to the mailbox, steam it open and then put it back...????? probably not worth it, but it does work.

the trust thing is a huge struggle. It would be hard for me to see a counselor here because in the smallish town we are in and the semi rural area surrounding, H literally knows and works with everybody in the business. I could pursue it. I could go out of town about 60 miles to find someone more un-acquainted. I may have to.

I'd really really be interested in what input anyone has on trust issues.

I've been thinking today also that my pride is still causing me problems. I find it very difficult to "act as if" when I come across ow due to the fact that always in the back of my mind is the nasty, pecking thought of "what if she's making a fool of me, here i am all cheerful and happy and she's still carrying on w/H, pulling him away with all of her crap????

That is a hard thing for me to face and deal with.
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/10/05 06:16 PM

Had to laugh at the image of me following you around your yard and smacking you up-side the head! .....But if it's what you need....then sure, I'll do it. Send a plane!

I like that you are thinking more about things being your h's responsibility. He has to OWN it before he can come to terms with it. Can you improve as a partner? Sure! We all can. Continue working on yourself in terms of what makes Deb a better person not in terms of what will solve all her husband's problems. Lead by example.

You are right, I truly do not think that your h had any intention of leaving. I think he just wanted to spread his misery around for all to share! I think he knows what a great thing he has at home. I think he knows that you are a special person and that he could never, never find another like you.

Thanks for telling me about the C situation. I thought this was the case but wasn't sure. I do think that the 60 mile trip would be worth the trouble. Maybe just go every two weeks?

As far as the credit card, ugh, I have to be honest and tell you that if I did not get a pair of LL bean boots, steaming the damn thing is exactly what I would do! (lol...actually, I would open it right in front of him!) But still, that would not solve anything, would it? Could be a gift for his mom or a gift for you for later on. Better probably to wipe it out of your mind and stop looking at what he is carrying into the office!


"what if she's making a fool of me, here i am all cheerful and happy and she's still carrying on w/H, pulling him away with all of her crap????

You are cheerful and happy because that is how you choose to live. SHE has made a fool of herself. Anyone can see that.

Hope you are feeling better-

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/10/05 07:18 PM
Hi Dawn, I am feeling better, in large part thanks to you. I tell you what, If I could send a plane and have you come follow me around for as-needed whackings for a couple of weeks, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

i dunno, I guess a person has to reach a certain point before things start to sink in, but in thinking back on our R, I've always been puzzled at H's A...I mean, to this day, every once in a while I speak to some of his previous clients and they will say how he always spoke so highly of me. It always puzzled me and brought me to tears, because I could never figure what I did to change all that (ok, gaining a lot weight didnt help either of us, but still) and why he turned so cold and distant for a while. But in looking at it from this different perspective, and from what I've read about mlc being a time of "life review" and examination, then it makes sense. I have to lean towards thinking that's it, because it is the ONLY thing that makes any sense. I mean, we've had our share of challenges over 27 years and 2 kids, but considering what some people go through, we have had a pretty smooth ride. and H has to see that and know that as well, he sees even more of peoples difficulties than I do.

This helps me a lot to see the importance of GAL, even more so.

I also makes me really po'd, I mean REALLY, at the ow again. the trollup (or troll????) went after someone who was as caught up and lost in their personal angst as any woe begone teenager. what a b---h. It may be a cold day in hell before I ever stop looking down my nose at her at this rate.

anyway, I'm finding myself oddly becoming more and more focused on GAL...but still committed to being more "there" with H, and making our M a priority (I didnt put it as highly as I should have) I'm still thinking on my personal goals, but I am determined to move forward with more of them. I would love to get my weight down to where it should be and truely get into shape, to ride a bike to work some and go bike camping with S (and H if he would ) to hike more in the mountains this summer (we don't go till mid august this year, so if I get moving, I can probably make progress), to screen in the back porch (H can help if he wants, if not, I'll do it myself, said the little red hen) and about 50 jillion other things. In fact, I just saw an ad in the paper where they are selling family memberships for a recreational park near here where we used to canoe and camp w/D when she was little. Then it kind of went to the dogs, then was bought by a group home for troubled youths, now I guess has been bought again. It would be so cool, it has campsites and a lake and pool and club house and golfing and tennis courts. If I got my own membership, S and I could ride our bikes to there with tents (it's only about 5 miles from our house) and we could do parties there for S and every thing. I just gotta scrape up a couple hundred bucks to join...and of course H could come or not, but we would have a great time. hmmmmmmmm

I feel better today physically than I have for a long time. I am almost afraid to hope that this could be something permanent, but boy do I wish. It's probably partly due to sleeping well last night for one of the 1st times in a long time...no sex, but the sleep was good !

oh, about steaming open the envelope with the credit card statement. It works. I did it not to long ago, I cant remember what I was fired up about, but I'd seen it on I Love Lucy as a kid (yes, sigh, a jillion years ago) and recalled it in a moment of stress, and by golly! Lucy was right!
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/10/05 08:34 PM

I'll do it on one condition....I get to smack your h a few times too! Oh what fun!

So glad that you are feeling better. If I did something to help you on your way, then that makes me even happier!

I blamed myself in the beginning too. I took everything on my shoulders. When I got past the panic mode and started to think about it, I realized how self-centered that really was. I mean, did I truly think that I had the power to initiate my h's crisis? Wasn't he his own person with his own thoughts and feelings? He did have a life before me? Sure, it was a short 17 years but a lot can happen during that time.

All that considered, I felt relieved not being responsible for his actions but at the same time it makes me thankful that this happened. It caused me to really look at myself and start to make some changes in ME....things that I always wanted to work on to make ME a whole person outside my M.

I still have a long way to go and I still catch myself being co-dependent. But I am determined to make my 40's a hell of a lot better than my 30's!


went after someone who was as caught up and lost in their personal angst as any woe begone teenager. what a b---h.

That says it all for many people on this bb. It really tells you what kind of person this is...parasitic B#tch!

Stay strong Deb!

Thanks for the tip on steaming! I WILL use it if I want to! LOL (I have always opened all mail no matter who's name is on it....never even thought that I was stepping on toes here...will have to think about that one.)

I really do like your GAL plans, especially about the bikes and your s. It will keep you off the rural roads! I am glad that you see the importance of being an individual in your marriage and how GAl can help you do that. Have fun with it!

Dawn (Happy to hear that you are feeling better physically too....always helps!)
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/11/05 06:28 PM
Hi Dawn!!!! Actually, you can smack H several times!!!!!!

S and I drove out at looked at the little recreational park last night, S was excited. I didnt realize the poor child has never been there. It would be a fun place to take him some this summer, and it is exactly 5 miles from our house, actually on the same road that we live on, I was thinking it was on a different one, but it isnt. I havent broached the Subject of getting a membership with H yet (timing is everything, as I've learned here!!!!) but i will

this morning I was talking about biking, and H mentioned that it isnt good for men...I did read something about that in the paper, but sheesh....I didnt say much, just agreed that I had heard/read some info to that effect. Talk about being hit by middle-age though, not so long ago H was absolutely convinced he was indestructible. All of him, if you get my gist. I wish he would go biking w/S and I but then we havent even started yet, so again, timing, timing, timing.

Also this morning h was asking if I could get directions to the location of his workshop next friday, I told him I could, but I thought he should just stay home with me...he said he couldnt because he needs the hours. Then...H said "I guess you could come with me,the only problem is having to get up and on the road at the crack of dawn". I thought for a minute, told him that wasnt a problem, it being S's last day of school and he gets out of noon makes it a problem. H agreed...I've been debating about trying to find a place for S to stay that after noon, and going with him. it did my heart good, however, that H even mentioned the possibility of me going. surely he wouldn't have done that if ow were going....he commented last week that he thought he was going to have to drive early in the morning and not stay overnight...I would have been incredibly upset if he were gone overnight.
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/11/05 06:53 PM
Hi Deb,

Things sound pretty cool here today.

Enjoy it!
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/11/05 07:41 PM
Hi Pam, yeah, things are ok right now. I'm still surprised at how anxious I get, and it really doesnt take a lot at all to set me off. but today, so far so good.

H commented about having a little down time after S's class tonight, I always feel cheered up when he mentions that he is looking forward to things like that (which he did). It helps a lot, especially when I recall how terribly distant we were 2 years ago.

oh yeah, I forgot to mention earlier, I thought H looked like he'd been crying again this morning when he brought my coffee. I even slipped up in my grogginess and asked "are you ok?" he said "yeah, why?...and I don't have a clue what i said. I AM sure i didnt mention ow though

Tonite is S's last religion class for the summer, I can't say I'll miss that opportunity to see ow.
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 03:40 AM
Hi Deb-

A late night post for me. I am putting off my treadmill to stop in and say hi. LOL, you're worth it!

I like hearing your positive attitude! I was really happy to hear your h invite you to the out-of-town thing. (And I won't even say "I told you so" or anything like that!)

Hope you and yours have a great weekend.

If you have a chance stop by Oh_So_Blue's thread. I think that she could use some input from you.

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 12:47 PM
I'll try to stop by OH So Blues thread, but today I'm not sure I have a darn thing to offer anyone. I am having a tough tough time and ready to throw in the towel again. I am so po'd, disgusted, discouraged, everything else. my goal has been to not say one word about ow until June, and to "give it all I've got" until then, at which time I would reevaluate my sitch, and decide if what to say to H.
yesterday was a good day. what a difference 12 hours can make. I REALLY need some input/insight from outsiders here. I can't think straight.

I've always known that as long as H is hiding and paying the phone bills, he is still talking to her. I guess I know him pretty well. I came across the phone bill on his dresser this morning after he'd left for work. he always takes out the pages with the call logs. this time he missed the summary pages.
In the period from 3/27 - 4/26, he made 58 phone calls to her from our HOME phone. for 1088 minutes. Spent 75.29 on the phone with that whore. On April 17, he spent 63 minutes on a phone call at 13:09....is that 1 am or 1 pm? This was 3 days before the annual meeting he skipped out of at the last minute. Gee, coincidence? I don't think so.

H also spent 103 minutes on his cell phone with her. I don't have the dates. I don't know what to do . I am so devastated. I think I'm just being strung along after being married to this guy for 26 years, and it hurts beyond belief.

I don't know why this should be so hard to deal with, as I said I"ve always known it's still going on as long as he's hiding phone bills that I've paid for the entire time of our marriage.

I don't know what to think or do. I can't even divide how many minutes that is per day phone call wise I'm so low and lost.

crap. I am so tired of this.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 12:49 PM
Help....?????which end is up?

I saw that just Monday I was discussing trust with Dawn. what a joke.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 12:51 PM
What do I do now?????

H had performance problems again last night I don't know where that plays into all this. As much as I hate to say it --admit it, I guess, denial seems to be a happier place to live-- I can't help but wonder if its from guilt because he's started back up with the whore.
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 12:59 PM

I'm not someone to give you advice. But I know from several of the threads that I followed that saved their marriages that the contact with OW's doesn't seem to end abrubtly. They start reconnecting with their spouse but still hold onto this other support they have found.

The only other thing I can say, during my time of trying to db I would get to points where I felt I couldn't think and then I usually did something that put me further from my goal. I would trade places with you for a chance to try again to save my marriage. But, I am going to be fine eventually and so will you!

Sending you a big hug and hoping you get some good advice soon.

Posted By: sage Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 12:59 PM

Hey, listen, try NOT to read into the performance problem thing...heck, that's temperature checking to the nth degree and it will drive you CRAZY!

As for the phone bill, I would say leave it for now if you can...you are rebuilding and while it stinks to high heaven that he's still calling her, you are making positive steps every darned day...I dunno...leave it for a bit? (Not necessarily saying forever...just for a bit).


As much as I hate to say it --admit it, I guess, denial seems to be a happier place to live--

Denial or "conscious forgetting" can be a happier place to live for a while..AND it can be key for both of you getting over the hurdles.

That being said, I expect to be in the minority here...I just think not doing something right now...and particularly not doing it when you're feeling emotional is a good idea.

Hang in there, kiddo. Don't lose sight of how many wonderful changes you've made IN you and FOR you and S (and h and M)!

Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 01:00 PM

You are sounding stressed and frantic! 24 hour rule!!!!!!

Please try to calm down. Do you meditate? I know from personal experience you can't think when this emotional.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 01:17 PM
I am a mess right now, and can't see much good of anything.

I guess the part that is so hard to deal with is I have told him over and over and over that I am not going to live with this forever. I mean it. I am serious as a heartbeat. I have told him that he is free to go, and in fact that he NEEDS to go and do it quickly if that is where he wants to be. he bawls and weeps and tells me is is over, all the while he is still on the phone with her constantly. several times each day as nearly as I can see.
I am so confused, I don't know what is going on. Is he just using me, stringing me along?????why? because he's afraid? IF HE WANTS HER, WHY THE HELL DOESNT HE GET HIS BUTT DOWN THERE? IF HE WANTS OUR LIFE, WHY THE HELL DOESNT HE LET HER GO?

I truly am a mess right now.
Posted By: sage Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 01:27 PM

I am a mess right now, and can't see much good of anything.

OK, that's understandable but here's the thing...stop looking then, for good, bad or otherwise.

You don't have to ACT now, you don't have to decide, you don't have to do anything. You can choose to back away, do some regrouping, distract youreslf, whatever it takes to make your next move be from a position of calm and strength not reaction.

I KNOW it's easy for me to say but Deb, you have proven over and over of late that you can be in charge of your emotions and actions...you have done a TREMENDOUS (clap! clap! Hooray!) job of really getting a grip on it...don't lose it now. I'm not saying I know what the right next step is for you but I do know it doesn't have to come today.


I am so confused, I don't know what is going on. Is he just using me, stringing me along?????why? because he's afraid? IF HE WANTS HER, WHY THE HELL DOESNT HE GET HIS BUTT DOWN THERE? IF HE WANTS OUR LIFE, WHY THE HELL DOESNT HE LET HER GO?

Honestly, hon, I don't think this has a thing to do with YOU. This is all about him at the moment. So, let it be.

Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 01:30 PM

Believe me I'm sympathetic and you have to do what you feel is best for you.

I think he is trying but it will take him as long as it takes him. We each process and handle things differently.

Your choice is do you want to give him more time realizing that right now this is where he is at in his process?

Keep working on your GAL. Something Calystra always asked me and I never realized the full extent of it is, What would I be doing different if I were divorced? Well, I am getting more of a life but I'm not doing anything I couldn't have done when I was still married.

Obviously my detachment hasn't been great lately but it sure is a nice place when I'm there for a bit.

Just try to sit out the emotional storm before reaching a decision on any action or non action.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 02:02 PM
I am so tempted to send him an email...don't know what I'd say...I'm tempted to do a lot worse than send him an email.
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 02:13 PM

I am so tempted to send him an email...don't know what I'd say...I'm tempted to do a lot worse than send him an email.

Hi Deb,

Why do you want to send him an e-mail? Have you really examined what and why you are feeling what you are feeling this morning?

What are you telling yourself this morning, will your self talk help you feel better or simply inflame the emotions?

Will what you are feeling help you reach your ultimate goals?

I'm trying to get the logical side to take over from the emotional side of your brain! Unfortunately for me my emotional side gets a lot more exercise and is much stronger!
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 02:21 PM
I guess I want to send him an email because I can be somewhat less emotional, and I want to reiterate that I love him but I am not going to live with this for the rest of my life. I want to ask him what it means...that he is telling me it is over and still in such heavy contact with her.
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 02:32 PM

If you feel a really strong need to write why don't you write it and delete it or write it and post it or write it and send it to me if you want.

I'm not trying to invalidate what you are feeling. I just know that I did a lot of things while emotional that later I wanted to take back. Trying to help you not make the same darn mistakes!!!

Are you going out for lunch? Sometimes a change of scenary helps throw the brain into a different gear.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 03:49 PM
I am starting to write it, and I guess I'll post it here.

I am so sick of this. I ran home because I needed a book of checks and my meds that I forgot this morning. and I gave myself a huge push to being really pissed off. I knew I knew where H kept his love letters and emails. oh yeah. pulled out as many as I thought he wouldnt miss from the box hidden in the closet in the computer room, read just a few. the last one I've read so far is dated Dec. 20 and whe sent it to him at home. OUR computer!!!!! I figured that's what was going on. He cant wait for her to email him his christmas present. I think I'm going to puke. then I pulled a love letter out of a card, she's so sorry he had to take another beating for them the night before. I havent even read the rest. I am curious to know what the last date is. I pulled them off the top of the box hoping to get a clue.

why do I keep letting him put me through this???????????????

what is wrong with me that I am so weak and spineless that I put up with this?????
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 03:54 PM
Hey Deb-

Yuck, Yuck, Yuck is all I can say about this!

I REALLY think that you need to apply the 24 hour rule here. Say nothing until you have a chance to sort through your feelings. Please try, you can do this. DO as others have suggested and distract yourself until you can think clearly.

I know that you think that this turn of events puts you back to ground zero but it doesn't! All those positives that we have been seeing STILL really happened and are still happening.

Are you really ready to kick him out? Cause that's what it's going to take. You can not give him a choice, hell you have been giving him a choice for a year now and he hasn't made a move. So my point is, do NOT threaten unless you truly mean it.

I think for your sanity that there needs to be consequences to his actions but not right now. Give it 24 and then let's see where you are.

Hang on hon-

Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 03:56 PM

why do I keep letting him put me through this???????????????

what is wrong with me that I am so weak and spineless that I put up with this?????

ACTUALLY fighting for your marriage is much harder than walking away from it. So you aren't weak or spineless or have anything wrong with you!

YOU are endeavering to better yourself, hold the family together for your children and yourself and have the strength to battle through the emotions and situations you are encountering on your journey!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 04:01 PM

We cross-posted. I can't blame you for what you did but unfortunatley, you just made yourself more miserable by snooping. I have to tell you I would have done the same thing but I really can not advise you to keep doing it unless you WANT to work yourself up into such anger as to kick him out.

Breathe, relax, and calm. Please consider giving it 24 hours. You will have our support no matter what you decide but please do not act out of anger (and fear).

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 04:08 PM
thanks Dawn, I'm pretty nutsed out right now. Frankly I'm at the point that i'm not sure I dont' want to kick him out. but money is a huge huge problem. If I had the funds, I don't know what I might do.

here's the email I typed but havent sent yet:
yep, I got your message.

ILY Dan, I hope you know that. I am sorry for doing such a poor job of letting you know that in the past.
I more than anything for us to be great together, but I have told you that as well.

That said I am having a really tough time this morning. I got a nice marketing phone call this morning offering us a great new service for our frequently called numbers...specifcally the one in lindsborg that so much time is spent on.

I mean it when I say that I love you enough to let you go. I do not want to be with you if you want to be with her. nor am I able to keep living with the knowledge that what you say to me doesnt seem to be what you feel--meaning that you say it's over and you want us and yet it goes on....and on.... I want so much to believe what you tell me that I walk around with blinders on. If you chose to be with her, I want you to go there. now. If you want us to be together, I am going to need to know from you sometime soon in certain terms that is what you want. I need to know that you are sincere and willing to invest in working on us. The choice is yours. always has been. I am really struggling right now, but I will be alright.

Now I find myself asking what is wrong with me that I am so weak that I put up with this.

you know, there are so many days that I want to call you at lunch just to hear your voice, but I don't because I know she calls then and I absolutely cant deal with the pain. I hesitate to write you notes and emails because I know she does. I am afraid to tell you my deepest thoughts because I know they get relayed to her and she turns them against me. I find myself asking what kind of a marriage that is anyway.

need some thoughts fast.........
Posted By: MicheleTW Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 04:11 PM
Deb, is it a snake, or a rope?

When was the last phone call on the log? April? Now it's what, May? How do you know he wasn't telling her he was committed to your M? How do you know he's not handling a hysterical ex-OW who's making him crazy? And, he can't talk with his wife about it because then she'll get upset.

Honey, we don't know what it's about, do we? So why not figure it's not about anything. Is he ML with you? Yes. Is he kind to you? Yes. Does he get emotional when you talk about ending the M? Yes. You can go on with this list -- I know you can. This is all good stuff. Appreciate it.

Don't make it into a snake. Make it into a rope. And calmly step over it.

Your pal,
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 04:30 PM
it is a snake. the last phone call was 4/28...the one hour one was 4/17

I am going through the emails, and they make me want to puke. I am so hoping i might find a later one to give me some indication of hope, but nothing. the one on the 20th of December was 3 days before his damned out of town trip with her. which he then told was just friends when I found out about it the next day.
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 04:34 PM

Good sound advice from Michele. I do not think you should send the email until you are CERTAIN of what you want AND what exactly you are dealing with. Meaning that your email would read something like this....

.....I have had enough. I am finished with the drama that you seem so intent on creating and maintaining. I will not be a part of it any longer. You will find your things on the front porch. Deb......

If he is innocent of any wrong-doing he will read your email as just "more of the same" from nagging Deb. If he is guilty, well, I think he will read it as the same, just another empty threat.

I think that everyone here is trying to tell you to take some time on this one.

Let me know what you think-


Also, wanted to let you know that I think that your email is hear-felt and right on point just don't think that he will take it that way.
Posted By: MovingForward Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 04:58 PM

I may be run off the board for this but I'm going to say it anyway. There haven't been any consequences at all for your H's behavior. You have never went dark, you have half heartedly GAL. Why would he stop when he knows he can do it and you won't leave? He expects you to get upset, make threats and never follow through with them.

I am not saying file for divorce. I'm saying stop making empty threats and do something about it. Go dark, GAL, let him know what it feels like to lose you.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 04:59 PM
last email I found is dated 1:30, from our home computer
this is H's email to the whore:
he babd: I ws just checking ot see if you had emailed me I decided to fire one off to my belved you know I just saw an article on how incredible it is to fall in love, no mattter how old you are, Yes, I thought me and my babe sure could autheor that aritcle. Donna I sure do love y ou. Being in love with you is so wonderful I savor each and every day that I am in love with you for they are the sweetest days that I have evern known. you are the sun and I need your light and warmth to survive. Thank you for the gift of yourself it is the gereatest gift I have ever been given your devoted Dan

This really sucks, this was 3 days after the staff meeting where he told me she had asked him not to rub it in her face about ending their R...

I am about sick...I read about them being propped up on their elbows talking. I give up I'd have been better off to call it quits a year and 1/2 ago. I've been trying and trying to call the church to get ahold of the priest to talk with one of them, can't even get an answer.

She gets romance, I get nothing nothing but lies and cheating.
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 05:11 PM
Deb (((((((((((sweety))))))))))))))))

Does the 1:30 in your post mean January? Or does it mean 1:30 time-wise? It is of this year? Or last?

Either way, it sounds pie-in-the-sky teen-talk.

I do agree (always have) about consequences for his actions. (Now I forget who just posted that, sorry.) I just want you to calm down first BEFORE you make any decisions.

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 05:12 PM
I sent the damn email, I doubt that I will hear from him. I need to find out so many things on how to separate our lives. we've been together so long I don't even know where to start. I'm looking in the phone book for attorneys, I don't even know where to go there.

Plus I should be getting some damn work done.

Some of the emails talk about them giving each other rings back like damn high school kids. I can't get it all figured out who got/gave a ring to who.
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 05:17 PM
Ok, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I know from doing lots when emotional there are times I COULD NOT have stopped what I did no matter what!

Don't just talk to one A talk to several A's and DON'T do it with your heart. I know several people told me that but I didn't listen. My A rolled over and played dead and I'm STILL PAYING!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 05:17 PM
it is January 30, 05. I think I am going to throw up.

I am still trying to get ahold of the priest, I don't know why. I don't know what I expect them to be able to tell me.

I am sick how do I move out when literally I am trying to make ends meet in our budget as it is now? I truly do not know where to start.
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 05:17 PM

Okay, so you sent it. Are you prepared to follow through? You absolutely HAVE to this time. What are your plans for son this afternoon and this evening? He should not be there when you confront your h. It is too traumatic for him. And the last time you were unable to follow through because your son was so upset (understandable on both parts, of course).

Set a list of priorities. Son first. Get a script ready secondly. (What are you going to say to h?) If you need some input post some things here. I will stay on until about 5pm EST to help where I can.

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 05:20 PM
oh yeah on top of all the phone bills there are phone cards in the basement, I dont' know if they are valid or not. but she made reference to buying them for him at lunch in some of her emails...

When I was at home I took off my wedding ring and put it away. Big whoop, huh?
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 05:22 PM

Keep trying the priest. You do need someone to talk to. If you want to talk to me let me know.

As for moving out....YOU don't....HE does. He will keep paying to maintain your home. You have to think in the short-term for this moment. Right now you need some peace and separation from the drama. Think only in terms of getting through the weekend.....for right now.

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 05:26 PM
thanks Dawn and Pam...
I'm trying to get in to see the priest, again I'm not sure why that seems important but it does.

S has a band concert this evening and H has to take him because I have to teach a class. Parenting after Divorce. boy, does that suck.

I am planning to try my damndest to stay cool. I havent heard a word yet from H, probably won't...

I'm looking for attorneys that I could get an initial consult with to see what the options might be. I don't have a nickel to my name right now.

Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 05:29 PM

The initial consult is usually free. But I really think that you need to worry right now about your confrontation with H. What are your plans. You have to LEAD this thing. Be strong and un-waivering.

What are your thoughts?

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 05:49 PM
i'm not sure, I'm trying to get myself to be calm. i'm trying to get myself into the center of the storm so to speak so I can let go.

I need to know from H , honestly, what he is doing/planning with ow, what he intends.

I am going to have to make it stick, I know, I guess I need a date to KNOW in no uncertain terms that he is done with her. and then I need to be ready to have him leave if he back slides after that. I can't help feeling like I'm just postponing the invitable.

I dunno, what do you suggest?
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 06:07 PM


I need to know from H , honestly, what he is doing/planning with ow, what he intends.

IMHO, NO Deb, you need to know what YOU want and tell him. He has already given you his song and dance...time for you to give yours.


I am going to have to make it stick,

GOOD! I will hold you to that.

Deb, this does not have to be the end. I can be the beginning of you getting what you need.

Prepare a statement, write it down if you need to.

Be back in a few minutes

Posted By: debra Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 06:27 PM
You know I dont come here to often anymore, but I wanted to let you know that I too am here to get you through this day.

You need to talk to your priest because you need someone to comfort you. It will do you a world of good, keep dialing that number and make sure they know you are in great need right now.

Start making the calls you need to get the information you need. Start with a lawyer, find one you are comfortable with and see what he/she suggest regarding moving out. Yes he should go but that will just send him to Donna. If you go it may possibly keep him at home (you could consider leaving S with him for a change depending on what S needs right now) where he can start thinking without her around.

I know the things you found hurt. I am sorry.

I agree with everyone here. You need to stick to what you say this time or else it will just be more of the same. If he says he wants the marriage to work, he calls her today with you there and tells her no more and actively starts looking for another job.

Can you have someone cover your class tonight or reschedule? This needs to be Deb time. Use a charge card and stay in a hotel until you can get your thoughts together and your plans made. He has spent money you didnt have, it is your turn and your right to do so.....

I am here. We all are........

Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 06:56 PM

How you doing hon?

I like Debra's idea about rescheduling your class tonight? Can that be done?


I hesitate to give more of my opinion than is needed. Sometimes my anger gets the better of me and I wouldn't want to lead you somewhere that you are not ready to go.

I think that script-writing can be a positive thing. It will keep you focused and more calm.
Posted By: Underdog Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 07:12 PM

I haven't posted to you in awhile, but I've lurked periodically. I'm sorry about your newest discovery and I can tell that you're reeling from this latest turn for the worst.

I'm not here to tell you the path that is best for you, because that's your job. However, I do highly recommend not making any moves or big calls until you know for sure that none of this is a knee-jerk reaction to feeling hurt by his continued betrayal.

That being said, I'm not trying to tell you that you shouldn't feel betrayed or hurt or angry or scared or anxious. What I AM saying is that decisions should never be made as a reaction or on the heels of a traumatic event.

Debra's suggestion of finding a sub is good. And Dawn's to figure out what YOU want (vs. having a talk with him to find out what he wants) is excellent.

That means that your train must stop and you must take control of the brakes and the steering mechanism so that you're not a train wreck in motion. Understand?

I was reminded over and over again at the beginning of my S that the events may be out of my control, but I'm in charge of how I feel and how I respond.

There is a huge difference between reacting and responding. In order for you to be able to think clearly and make good decisions for yourself, it's going to force you to respond rather than react.

His ugly e-mail is disturbing for sure, but it is not forcing you to DO anything that you are not ready to do. I think that the others are trying to get you to see that you DO have choices here. I would rather see you make educated choices where there are no regrets or unhappy reactions causing more pain.

Good luck.

Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 08:46 PM

I am getting ready to leave for the evening. I am worried about you. I hope that the reason you weren't posting is because you were able to talk to your priest.

Please remember to be strong and no tears! You have been patient and have waited for him to come around. You have set your needs aside for his sake. Now it's time for you to assert yourself. Follow through with your email.

I will log on tonight when I get home. Please try and let us know how you are doing.

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 08:52 PM
I talked to a preist, he says it's time for me to lovingly but FIRMLY confront him, to even tell him I'm ready to go to the attorneys, and that the church would support a separation or even D. That was pretty astonishing from him.

I lost 2 posts, am trying to hurry because I have to do class tonite...it is a reschedule from last week and I don't have a sub.

I got a snotty email from H about 2, saying how I could surely understand his hesitancy (all my fault, blah blah blah)....and then one at 4 saying he's sorry for being so hot headed. I've responded to neither one.

Don't know what I'm going to say, maybe just repeat my email. I could use any thoughts. Maybe I will tell him I'm not ready to discuss it.
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 09:00 PM

Caught this before I left. Was very happy to read that you were able to talk to someone. I agree with the priest it is time.


Maybe I will tell him I'm not ready to discuss it.

MHO, not an option. You started this (meant with all understanding and kindness) by sending the email. You need to see it through otherwise you will once again come across as falsely threatening.

I wish the best for you Deb. You have a lot more power over this situation than you think you do.

No reason to get into the nitty-gritty details of the situation just ask for a yes or no answer from him. Be firm and to the point about your decision based on what he has to say to you.

Good luck tonight.


Posted By: kml Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/12/05 09:08 PM

Maybe I will tell him I'm not ready to discuss it.

I like this option. Also - how about not coming home right after your class - how about coming home at, say, three am? And being a little mysterious about where you were?

Look - the bottom line is, your H is still really confused. It may be that only the real threat of losing you will wake him up. Instead of kicking him out, or giving him an ultimatum - how about doing something totally out of character? I like the idea of postponing the conversation, then informing him you are going away alone for the weekend. Be mysterious. Let him sweat it. Go somewhere and have FUN for the weekend. Don't answer your phone.

You need to shift his focus OFF of "hmmm, who do I really want, W or OW?" and onto "OMG, I'm not ready to lose my W!!!! What if she sleeps with another man???"

MLC - it's not just for aliens anymore

Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/13/05 12:43 AM
Hi Deb,

About to sign off for the night and wanted you to know you have been in my thoughts this evening.

Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/13/05 02:04 PM
Good Morning Deb-

Just wanted to check in and see how you are doing. Please let us know when you can.

Thinking of you-

Posted By: dfb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/13/05 07:09 PM
Deb - I would take more than a weekend, I'd take a week. Do it - do something for yourself. Book yourself something for the VERY near future (next week?) - somewhere where you can think, relax, etc. I find that good exercise helps alleviate stress in a major way.

Personally, I think you should kick him out. He has been playing you for a long time. Yes, he'd likely go to "the whore". But IMHO, the longer he is having BOTH of you, the longer that will take to play out. It is a risk - heck, it is ALL a risk. But perhaps by having to deal with her 24/7, he'd finally realize what a needy b*tch she is. He should finally choose ON HIW OWN not to be with her anymore. You could go for another year or two with him screwing around on the sly, and then he could leave anyway. I think you should be the strong one and let him know what you found, and kick his ass out the door.

How is that for an opinon? I just think life is too short to have to deal with this much longer. I do think you should take a trip - do something fun. If he can afford "the whore", then you can afford a vacation. I am very, very sorry that he is still doing this. And likely if he has phone cards, he is talking to her much more than you have found. That does not include anytime that she may be calling him, either.

Get pissed, Deb. Don't think anymore about what you can do FOR him. You aren't subserviant. Marriage is 50-50, and sometimes we have to pick up the slack for the other party. But you shouldn't be picking up all the slack, and that is what you are doing.

I don't agree with snooping most of the time - but I think its good that you did. It puts everything in perspective, and you know he has been lying. I think that you should tell him you know that he has been lying, and then tell him he needs to leave. When he is ready- IF he is ready - to come back home, he needs to earn it. He needs to earn YOU. Because you deserve a hell of a lot better than what he is doing to you.

I hope you understand that. You deserve MUCH better. Either from him, or from someone else. You have worked your ass off to fix this marriage, and I am sure you are still willing to do so if he changes. But this is about you now. I'd definitely see a lawyer, get that vacation under my belt, and start getting yourself a life that has nothing to do with him.

Want to be pissed? Think about the types of things he is telling her about YOU. Sharing stuff about you and he, and things that are NONE of her business.
Posted By: dfb Re: STILL Morphing 5 - 05/13/05 07:11 PM
Oh - and here is a ((( hug ))). I know it is difficult. I don't know how you have managed this, with living together and all.

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 02:23 PM
Probably no one is here coz I'm usually not on the weekend. I need some thoughts fast.
I let every thing ride Thursday nite, well not every thing, had a patient discuss, confronted H with the info, he swore it was over. ended in January, he could stand the fighting w/her.
I asked more questions last night, a little this morning, He said this morning it ended end of march...first of April,

Kissed me before he left for "paperwork" and said he loved me and wanted to be with me.

I snooped. More. I knew where the fresh emails would be.....I know to damn much, what I try to discount as anxiety or something is based on stuff that some how I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Ok, so email from him to her on March 14 calling her his sweetness and how much he loves her....I have several more.all about her thannking him for all the time they've been spending together, and puke and puke and puke. the one I stopped at is dated MAY 5, one week ago, our 26th anniversary. when he didnt get me a card till the next day.

It reads like this: "I sure love you, and miss you even more. I want to thank you for all the time we've been spending together., itmakes me feel more assured in our love. Seems our love has only kept growing deeper over the years, we have weathered so much, and it only continues to grow. that is a testament to our deep feelings that we do hold for each other OH hey, have you finished that one book on "love and identifying what makes one feel loved"? I can't remember the name of it, but I would liek to read it. I just want us to continue to grow in our love, I feel we have a long and beuatiful future ahead of us. Your loving Donna"

Some one asked what I could tolerate. i am past that now. somehow I knew all along........man this sucks, I am so angry. But this is what I needed to help me make some decisions.

I'm at work because I cant stand to be in the computer room at home. I need to go home by around noon, and I've got to formulate my plan by then.

I'm thinking I'm going to ask him to repeat what he told me this morning.

Then I'm going to share the emails...I have copies, this time I swiped his stuff, made copies and then carefully replaced the originals. I have them in a folder at work, he nor she can get into my building. I may hide them here more carefully though. I tell him every so often I get packets of email messages mysteriously left in my mail box here at work...since I work in the building with the computer person and we go to the same gym, I think he believes it. the one I swiped from home, he claims not to remember --hah...when he asked me how I knew that, I told him to ask Ollie North, we only think things are deleted. anyway....

I'm thinking then I'm going to tell him he has ...2 weeks from today? one week? to decide what he wants to do. At the end of that time I need to know his decision. IF he should decide to stay with us, I need concrete evidence that it is over with her. If he does that and i then find out that he is back in any contact with her at all, that is it.

I've not given any ultimatums until now because I knew I couldnt make it stick, this time I'm ready. I'm not sleeping on this because I need to deal with it now. I don't know the next step though because I honestly don't have nickel to my name. I think we've probably even overdrawn the cking acct again.

I guess the next step is to get an ongoing appt w/the preist, and set-up a consult with an A, so that I have the info to roll the ball fast.

What do you suppose he will do?
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 02:42 PM
anybody around?????

I knew the new emails would be in his brief case...which he leaves in our bedroom when he goes "to work"....my guess is he does this to tempt me so he can then acuse me of snooping.

guess it worked, but it was pretty damned dumb on his part, because I have enough black and white "goods" on him to blow him out of the water. hmmmmm, I wonder if I can get part of his retirment funds? he is convinced ks courts just split every thing down the middle, which is basically what the Att. I talked with way back when told me, but I believe ks may allow judges to consider extenuating circumstances.

anybody know?
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 02:43 PM
bump bump....help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: MovingForward Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 03:04 PM


Haven't you told him he had to make a decision before? I think you need to make a decision and stop waiting around for him to decide.

Keep the e-mails. Where I live is a no fault state but they consider fault when dividing assets. If infidelity is involved and you have substantial proof assets are divided 60/40 instead of 50/50
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 03:11 PM
Oh, I have proof. a folder about 4 inches thick of proof. I could get more in the next hour if I hurried, but I think I could probably stil get it.

I've told him he has to make a decision, but I never put a time line on it before.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 03:14 PM
Posted By: kml Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 03:16 PM
Deb - sorry, this sucks.

Now - as to strategizing - I know you probably want to throw him out on his behind today! Still - from a strictly financial point - are there some things you should be doing to protect yourself first, before you blow your cover? Like taking half of all the liquid financial assets (cash, savings, stocks) and putting them in a new account in your name only? Like making sure you have a credit card in your name only? Like making sure you have all the financial info you need?

Once you've done all that - then I'm not sure how best to handle it. Make him leave - now - and make him feel like he's losing something seems like a better strategy at this point than letting him waffle any longer.

Or you could try the trick that seems so popular with skanky oW, and "accidentally" dial her number on the cell phone while you and H are having loud and enthusiastic sex together

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 03:17 PM
saturdays are bad days for crisis!
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 03:20 PM
I hate to say it but we've got about 2 nickels between us at this point. I have 2 credit cards but frankly theyre pretty maxed out at the moment. I don't know if it's good or bad.

I think our poor finances may have been one reason he hasnt left.

this is gonna be tough.
Posted By: kml Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 03:27 PM
check out the website wife.org and start making some financial plans. Check and make sure H isn't hiding money in some secret account somewhere. Be proactive, not reactive. Think creatively. Could you get a roommate to help with the bills? Sell the house and move to a less expensive home? Go home to fanily for a while? Change careers or ask for a raise?

Maybe you should wait until the next set of paychecks come in, then move that cash before you bust H? Or start saving a secret stash of cash from the grocery money? Or just start stocking up on canned foods? Figure out a way to get some small buffer for yourself.

Posted By: MovingForward Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 03:28 PM


I agree with Ellie. Get your financial ducks in a row. I wish I would have before I filed and I have had a fight ever since. You can legally close any joint accounts. I personally would take half of any bank accounts and open my own account. Close any joint credit card acounts (my H tried to run up the credit card the week after I filed for divorce. Luckily the Judge made him pay it). Open your own credit card account. Get the account numbers for all of the utilities. Keep all of your financial papers on you at all times. I carried my stuff around in a big bag so he could never get at it.) Take pictures of the content of the house.

You cannot legally kick him out of the house. If the house is jointly owned you have to let him live there. The only way you can have him removed is if you get a restraining order and in most states you have to have substantial proof that you are in danger. (This is something I am dealing with. I moved out because he was harassing me. I can move back in any time I want but I can't kick him out because he has never threatened me in front of anyone.)

And whatever you do, don't move out. You don't want to end up climbing through bathroom windows like I have.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 03:38 PM
thanks all, this does help.

I can start getting food, etc. together. I've thought off moving to a less expensive place, even been looking at rental ads int he paper. I hate to move S before Jr. high starts, but I may have to.

I have seriously considered going back to school in another town. I really don't like the town we're in, I'm bored with this job and about maxed out salary wise any way.

Is it possible for me to get utilities on the house we're in in my name only?????guess I never thought of that.

I could possibly borrow some money from my family, but that is a difficult situation. we don't have any family within 50 miles to move in with for a while.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 03:44 PM
damn damn damn this stinks. to high heaven
Posted By: kellyagain Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 04:17 PM
first i think the best thing to do would be to stop and breath. forget about the financials and kicking him out and confronting him with proof and him completely.

you are going through he|| and the last few days have been murder on you. what can you do right now, for you to stabalize your emotions? get selfish right now and think only about YOU.

another poster suggested you leave for a few days, and i have to completely agree. when we are so emotional about everything it is extremely hard to make decisions and see what is really going on. and you up and leaving for a few days without a word or call may go a long way in giving him the jolt he needs to get.

right now you need to find a way to get your life back under your control. he is controling everything. when was your last smile? your last laugh? dont give him the power to take away your happiness. get away and take back your life.

i dont mean minimize the pain or the problem. but right now you are so wrapped up in everything that physically you are ill. turn your focus back to you and only you.

stay with a friend or family, or heck come on and stay with me for a few days, i could use the company!

if nothing else, stop and breath. no matter what you are gonna make it.

Posted By: kellyagain Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/14/05 04:28 PM
opps, guys i swear i am not arguing with you all. i started that post BEFORE you all gave advice about financials, and by the time i posted it, all your posts were there .

i dont mean in anyway that you should forget about protecting yourself just like they all suggested! absolutly make sure you are covered.

i am just concerned about your state of mind. you would be surprised at how creative you can get financially when you are in a happier place mentally.

sorry again if it sounded like i was arguing .

Posted By: dfb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/15/05 12:26 PM
Hi Deb -

I am SOOOOO sorry this happened. Personally, I think the only way to have it over between him and her is to let him COMPLETELY have her. Right now, she's probably just cheap sex and romantic feelings - not reality.

Maybe going to another town and having a fresh start isn't such a bad idea. Sign up for school, get a roommate, etc. Life is much less expensive when you have one. Although if you could kick H's but out the door, you could start adding a roommate or two now.

I am glad to see you pissed - instead of wavering anymore. He has been lying to you in a big way, and I'm so sorry that he has been. I can't imagine that you will be staying in your job, since you have to see both of them?

There is a lot to think about. Maybe you should bring all of your evidence to a lawyer this week.

I don't know if anyone has ever watched Cheaters - it is our guilty pleasure. I have to say that in most cases, those who try to come back after cheating have been kicked to the curb and found out things the hard way. I wish I'd been strong enough a few years ago to just go live my life myself, but I know that in the same situation, I would be now.

Deb - I am glad you snooped. I know that it is probably humiliating, and difficult, and painful beyond belief - but at least you know. You sound like a different person now.

I think sometimes the fact that H asked where you were and such - that way he could control where you'd be, and when he could be out or on the phone, etc. If he has no idea where you are or when you would be home - it puts a crimp in his style.

Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/15/05 12:44 PM
Hi Deb-

I am sorry I missed you this weekend. I don't normally get on-line during that time but I wish I could have been there for you. I am so happy that others were there to offer support and advice.

You do sound different Deb, angrier and more determined. I think that this is a step in the right direction for you. You are going to need anger to get you through this.

I still think that your h does not want to "go" anywhere but I guess now that I can see that that includes giving up ow. You are going to have to force a choice here because it is obvious that leaving it up to him is not going to work for you.

Taking a stand at this point may just get you the respect you deserve. Do not be afraid Deb. You have nothing to lose...only more of the same bull that you have been dealing with for a long time now.

You are in my thoughts. Hang tough Deb.

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 12:07 PM
there is not a thing left that I can think of to try, so I guess I have that satisfaction.
Posted By: stillgrowing Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 12:10 PM
Wow. I've often said I don't belong on DivorceBusting because I would not stand to be treated this way. That said, Deb, please LOVE YOURSELF first. Respect yourself FIRST.

IMHO, you need to do the "tough love" thing with Mr. Head up his Ass. What that amounts to is telling him that he is free to go to her. That you both agreed to marry each other of your own free will and you won't hold him back against his will.

Of course, he won't leave because he can have his cake and eat it too. I do think you need to dissappear for a few days with NO explaination. Will your son be OK with his dad alone?

((((((Deb))))) you need all the hugs you can get.

Posted By: stillgrowing Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 12:10 PM
Wow. I've often said I don't belong on DivorceBusting because I would not stand to be treated this way. That said, Deb, please LOVE YOURSELF first. Respect yourself FIRST.

IMHO, you need to do the "tough love" thing with Mr. Head up his Ass. What that amounts to is telling him that he is free to go to her. That you both agreed to marry each other of your own free will and you won't hold him back against his will.

Of course, he won't leave because he can have his cake and eat it too. I do think you need to dissappear for a few days with NO explaination. Will your son be OK with his dad alone?

((((((Deb))))) you need all the hugs you can get.

Posted By: kml Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 12:16 PM

there is not a thing left that I can think of to try, so I guess I have that satisfaction.

Deb - reread the chapter on the Last resort.

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 01:47 PM
thanks all of you, for your support and suggestions. Ellie, I will reread that chapter, I was thinking this weekend I needed to do it. Except I may have to go buy a new book, I think maybe H has abscounded with mine.

So, to recap and I guess lay out my plans here.
Needless to day it was an interesting weekend. I'm still blown away by I am determined. I've thought and thought about how I might have handled this differently, and I still think I've done what had to be done to have any chance. We had grown so distant that there was really no M to save when the A began. So, we shall see what happens now.

After I left from posting on Saturday, I went home trying to sort out what to do before H got home. I put the copies I'd made of the emails I'd found into an envelope from work and laid them out. I'm certain he was at her place that morning.

When he came in, he came to hug me. I hugged him back, and said quietly and lovingly, no tears (I am proud of myself there..I've pretty much been able to avoid that all weekend, just a few, very few, trickles) "you need to go" he caught his breath and asked what..I repeated my statement. his eyes teared up, and I told him that I had found out more about the situation, that I absolutely can not live with it as it is any more, and I can't live with the sneaking and lies. That if he is not able to cut it off and leave cut off, then he needs to go. i am finished with living with this.

He got defensive and angry, as always. Said it was pretty well over, on the just friends level now.....I told him to drop the BS because I knew better, that I have it in black and white all the hot sweet emails from her on our anniversary one week before. The hot sweet emails from him to her, those about meeting before work, thanking him for all the time they've been spending together and how it makes her feel more secure in their love, from the email on our anniversary.

H got really POd, claimed he didnt know what I was talking about . I told him to quit lying, I have it in black and white. Then he went into a tirade about did I think I was helping anything by snooping and reading all that stuff.

Then I did fib...I told him I didnt have to, that information shows up at work, that I've told him everyone knows.....then he got really pissy, said he didnt believe it and he wanted to see it...so I gave the copies of the emails. He got more angry, went into a tirade about only a few people had access to be able to get that, and he was going to see that their heads rolled. I said, "for what, exposing you guy's violation of company email policy/" and he continued to rant and rave about how he was "going to get some people" and I'd better come clean about how I got those are I'd no longer be the innocent victim because I'd be taking a lot of people down with me???????????????? I just stayed calm, looked him in the eye and told him I didn't know who they came from. He was furious absolutely furious. I don't think he will say a word to anybody about this, because the emails are against company policy enough to get them fired, and people who would have access actually are charged with doing "spot checks" of monitoring. So I don't think there's one damned thing he can do, I'll bluff with that hand as long as I can, I wont let anyone else go down if it comes to that. H was so mad, he actually got out the phone book and called the MIS person...luckily she didnt answer.

I repeated that I can no longer live with this. That either "it" ends or we end. that i don't want us to end, but that the pain of living with the lies and deceit and sneaking is just more than I can handle. That if he needs/choses to be with her, then I need to build a life that brings me joy, that it's his choice to be with her or me, but the choice is "or".

We had a lot of discussion. H kind of started to spill his guts. highlights: Theyve been back together since november; I kinda suspected that; she was the one who broke it off and she then called him up bawling and screaming that she couldnt live with outhim; he worries about her -- she has high blood pressure, migraines, etc.; she has no one else to help her with stuff; Damn, she has him doing chores for her that I don't even ask because I don't want him to be all "pissy" about the imposition...; he had told her he didnt think he could "do it", meaning get a divorce, and she throws fits. He feels incredibly guilty...I told him that I would look at the sitch a lot differently if she had not known he was married, had been married for a long time, had 2 kids....h agreed that yes, she knew. he said "for the record, she's the one who took it to this level, I didnt resist, but it was her initiation. I told him that's what I'd always believed.

Evidently they have helacious fights, she holds grudges on then "pounces" on him when he doesnt suspect there's anything wrong, that the fights they have make our discussion at time look like a normal conversation. That she is undependable, she will change plans at the drop of a hat and that makes him crazy.

I told him the choice was his, but he had to make it, and he had to make it soon, and he had to stick by it. That if I end it, I won't be screaming for him to come back as she did, if I say I am finished I will be finished. h said I couldnt know how i'd respond....I told him yes, I do, I've had a LOT of time to consider this...then he said "I suppose so"...I asked him when he would be able to let me know what his choice was, and he said "tomorrow", then he said no, I've decided, I'm staying. I asked if he realized that means that he is done with her, and he said yes. I told him that I need concrete evidence that he has ended it and I need to know when, and that if he can't do it, I need to know that as well. he swore he would tell me. I told him that if it "fires up" again, I am done.

I wanted to make sure I'd made myself clear, and I brought it up again later...H said "I get it...it ends or we are done, and if it starts again we are done"...yep, that's right...

we talked about where we went wrong, not keeping a balance between focus on the kids and work and chores and still making time for "us"...and how important that would be in the future.

H is angry that I'm not romantic enough, and weight is an issue. we discussed those issues.

H said how hard it is to cut it off, and he needs some time to do it, he wants to do it "well". I asked how he will do it, he said he guessed by phone...then he talked about wanting to go to say good bye to ow's D before she leaves for the summer. I asked if that means he has to go there, don't know what he said but I'm sure that's what it means.told him I'm sure that will make it harder. I asked what he thinks he needs for time, and he said "1st of June" ....told him that is what I will plan on then, that he will have ended it and have let me know it was ended and how he did it by then. any evidence after that that it's fired back up means I am going to take action to end our M...

H talked about that it was terribly painful to end it, but he cant even conceive of the pain of ending our M or us being apart, that it makes no sense at this point in our lives. he wants his little boy (duh, you dummy) our home, he loves me, blah blah blah.

That this is hell and something to NEVER get involved in, that it is a miracle we are still together. I asked if that is what he would tell some one else comptemplating an A, and he said "YES!" he said it has been hell, and that he has been avoiding making a decision, thinking that if he could just keep everybody happy and "that down there" to minimum that he could manage, but that it was killing him and was not going to work. That he has prayed and prayed to be shown the way and maybe this is is. that it is "almost a relief"...
That really raised a question mark in my mind. For so long I have wondered about him leaving stuff where it's so nearly obvious. I mean, his breifcase where I knew the latest emails would be was on the floor in our bedroom, sitting right in front of MY chest of drawers, leaning against it so I would have to move it to get into the bottom drawer. IF he DIDN'T want me to find it, wouldnt you think he would have kept it with him? I know he has had it set up so he would know when I got in it....he had the zippers arranged just so, and other items inside. guess he doesnt realize that one obsessive-compulsive is as tuned into details as the next.

so, the deal is...he is to end it by June 1, he is to let me know HOW he is going to end it, and WHEN he has done so. ANY contact after that that I verify will mean that I begin proceedings to file for separation. I have concerns that he could just go to a higher level of sneaking, but we shall see.

I've been thinking of what I need to do. Saturday when I got home, I was thinking of money, what could I get my hands on...I packed up some antique glass ware that is pretty valuable, I used to collect it when we seemed to be more financially stable. and the crystal we got for wedding gifts, It was expensive 30 years ago. It would take time to sell, but all of that is worth something to collectors. I loaded it into the back of my minivan, and it's still there. I put cheap glass ware in it's place, H doesnt usually pay attention to such stuff, but I noticed him yesterday evening wiping the dust off the rear window to look in the van. Interesting.

Yesterday evening H was going for a walk when I pulled in the drive from running errands. I commented to him that I'd been thinking about us and our situation, and that I really was not pleased with the prospect of us being apart. He said "I don't intend for us to", and kissed me. so, we shall see. I am hopefull, but very guardedly so.
So, this week, I need to work on what I need to do to get my ducks in order:
-open a checking account (i figured out where to get enough to at least open it);
-set up counseling appt. w/priest
-call several atty's to see about a consult
-make some calls to see what I could do to get rid of my overloaded credit card situation, which adds to the problems.
-start updating my resume
-work out 3X

Don't know what else to do. Havent heard from H this morning by email.
Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 02:31 PM
any insights here?
Posted By: dfb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 02:47 PM
Deb -

I am not quite sure what he needs 2 weeks for? I don't think he should have any weeks. He can write a letter to the D, and personally, I think he should end it with OB (other b*tch) with you there as well. In person...because you both see her on a daily basis, and you need to have a united front.

He has been lying all this time, I am not sure how you'll be able to trust him. IF this is going to work, he should have his computer in the living room area where you can see it. Nothing hidden. You both should switch jobs - maybe move out of the area. I am glad that you are still planning to see attorney, etc. to get all of your ducks in order. He has shown that he has lied consistently all along.

He needs to prove to you that your marriage is worth it. And I'd get tested for any diseases - he's been f***ing both of you at the same time. You need to think about that - he's had sex with her, told her he loves her, he screwed you out of a good anniversary possibly to be with her. She probably knows a heck of a lot more about you then you'd like. He is obviously adept about going behind your back.

You are going to have to tell him now what you will accept. I sure as hell wouldn't accept two weeks. If its two weeks, it could be 3 weeks, 3 months, etc. He needs to make his decision right now. Maybe a couple of days to pack up anything she's given him to give it back. A note to the D. I'd give that. To delete all emails from his computer. But not more.

I'd personally let him know that you were keeping all of your options open right now - he needs to prove it is over. I am not sure how he can completely do that, since he could always go to the library and such and use the internet there. But you do need to be firm - you have a great backbone now, and you have to do what is right for you.
Posted By: kml Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 03:00 PM
Deb -
I think you handled that conversation with H magnificently. Classy, lovingly detached, calm - a DB masterpiece!

Now - how about asking for some concrete proof that he has broken it off? A letter that you read and see him send? A letter that says in no uncertain terms that he loves his wife and wants to stay with her and wants NO CONTACT from her in the future?

Then - I know money is tight, but plan a weekend away for you and H alone. He is giving something up, you have to give him the romance and the fun to replace it.

Posted By: debra Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 03:08 PM
Morning Deb. Sorry you had such a tough weekend. I dont know what to think about what happened. Seems too easy if you know what I mean. Once again he got caught, once again he swears he will end it. What will be different this time? Have you thought thru exactly what he needs to do to PROVE it is all over? Just saying he did it is not going to be enough this time. He had done that already what, 3 0r 4 times? What is he planning on doing differently when she pulls the guilt trips on him? What he is going to do this time to make sure she understands she needs to move on? What will proof postive be for you. I have to agree with dfb, I think you should do it together so she can see you are a united front and no more secrets. Whether it is by phone or in person. I also agree that he doenst need two more weeks. Why? so he can have sex with her ....? more times before he ends it. I also agree he can write her D a letter, your son needs him more. I also agree that he needs to spend some time cleaning out all the crap he has from her, the computer, get rid of all the phone cards...no more Saturday working for awhile maybe get him a new cell phone number. NO more photos or books or coffee mugs or clothing. Nothing.

I absolutely think you are doing the right thing by getting your financials in order, getting your own accounts, etc. You should also be tested, remember the little gift she gave you before?

If he means what he says, he needs to take care of it now, not tomorrow or 2 weeks from now. No more or no Deb.

You have said that you told him that the emails are coming to you from someone at work, right? So he believes that everyone there knows. Can you at this point now get HR involved so they can help you both make this break, that is what they are there for, regardless of his pride.

He is using excuses to give himself more time.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Posted By: totallyconfused Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 03:10 PM
Hi Deb!
Wow! You sure have been through a lot in the last few days. You must be totally exhausted .. emotionally AND physically. I know, I remember going through the exact same scenarios!

Right now, if you were me .. I think I would try to distance yourself (more?) from your H. My feeling is that you need to get yourself "ready" for whatever may happen. Your H has told you before that it was over OR that it was going to be over and you discovered that it wasn't .. several times! (I've been there, done that .. so please don't think I'm being harsh on you/your situation.) Don't be such an open book to your H. He needs to know that you really mean business and that you are waiting, watching very closely to all that is going on with this .. but don't talk about it with him so much. I don't have to tell you that there will probably be some very bad days for both you and your H ahead ... your H will more than likely teeter back and forth for a while .. especially at first when he gets great pressure from OW..?

Based on how you are appearing in your posts, it sounds like you really .. I mean REALLY handled your whole situation well. Your goals for this week sound really good. Keep thinking about proactive things you can do for yourself. I think what you are planning on doing thus far is great!! You need to feel like you DO have control of your situation .. and you are doing some very good the things to accomplish that. I know this has been mentioned before, but I believe that now is the time for you to not be so predictable. I think that you just might be in the right frame of mind to start doing some things "different" .. what do you think?

.. Again, I have mentioned the things that I have here .. based on my own experiences. Please don't think I am being hard and/or unfeeling. I know that you will do whatever you need to do for yourself.

Take care,
Posted By: totallyconfused Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 04:01 PM

if you were me

Of course I meant .. If I were you ... (sorry! )
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 04:05 PM
Just a thought. What if he does mean to end it and then feels he will end up paying for the A for the rest of his time with Deb?

I think this is a very fine line to walk, stating and keeping boundaries without making him feel he has to do penance for his mistakes.
Posted By: dfb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 04:48 PM
He SHOULD feel he needs to toe the line. This wasn't a one-time screw up - he has lied to Deb over and over again. It is up to him to prove and to be watched until Deb feels secure in the R - if she feels she wants to stay in it.

He's been dipping his wick in two different places. I am not sure I'd feel romantic about that, considering he may have had very recent sex with the OW...exposing Deb to possible disease and such. I really feel she should be tested for everything, just in case. I am not even sure how I'd feel being around a woman (like Deb is for work) who her husband has been plugging away at.

I do mean to sound crude - because it is. Debs husband has been screwing both of them, telling nothing to Deb but exposing Deb to this tramp....telling secrets, I am sure - that Deb never meant to leave their R. There are so many breaches of trust here, and it keeps happening.

I think Deb should go away by herself, not with H - not yet. But H shouldn't have two weeks to f*** his tramp.

Posted By: molliew Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 05:11 PM
Yes he should feel he needs to toe the line--but that is within him, Deb can't make him do it, nor should she try. However, if he felt he was being forgiven and unconditionally loved, might he not WANT to toe the line?

When my H kept messing with OW, I just said fine, do what you want--I have other things to do (don't get me wrong here, I was devastated!). Started going out with a MF and when H found out, OW was immediately gone. He didn't care for her anyway, he just wanted to be "comforted". We stayed separated for almost a year while I DB'd and he started getting more comfortable.

But I know he probably wouldn't have come back if I had kept being a victim and watching his every move and been suspicious of his every thought. I had to let him go and figure it out for himself. This is NOT easy--it takes a lot of lip biting, counseling, reading and self-talk and working on my own issues that contributed to my H looking for "comfort" somewhere else. But the only way I was going to save my M was to forgive and learn to trust again. I think Deb's H really wants to stay with her but he is uncomfortable right now and trying to avoid the bad feelings. His guilt is huge but he does feel some relief that Deb now knows everything, and he is sharing stuff with her about OW.

Yes, he screwed up big time, but does that mean he doesn't deserve a chance to be trusted and forgiven. I say, treat them the way we want to be treated and eventually some of it will come back to us. It does take time and patience, but there has been a breakthrough here and it seems pretty positive to me--of course, this is all my opinion--take what you like and leave the rest.
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 05:27 PM

What a weekend girl! Sounds like you handled yourself excellently. Good job. I am sorry for all the pain that this betrayal has brought to you. You deserve none of it, whether or not your marriage was poor in the past. I want you to remember that, Deb. People make mistakes, we forget to listen, take eachother for granted, etc BUT that does not give a partner the right to have an affair and certainly not to keep rekindling it and lying about it.

I too think that giving him two weeks (frankly, even allowing him to come up with the time-frame) is too easy on him. But, hey, it's a done deal now. I do not think that I would go back and change it now. I think that by saying that he will break in off with her by June the 1st, by telling you that he needs to say goodbye to her daughter and that he needs to do this "well", is a case of him pushing the envelope. He is testing you to see just how much you will let him slide. (Like a teen does to his mom.)

It's time for you to decide what is acceptable to YOU. What do you deserve Deb? And then you need to communicate that to your h in no uncertain terms and remain unwaivering. Some people have given you a few ideas like a new cell phone, ow crap out of your house, no more paperwork on Saturdays (real or not), new job, etc. Make a list if you need to about what would make you feel more secure in your relationship. And what about the ending of their r? How do you see that happening? Would a face to face meeting, where all three of you are together in the same room when he tells her, make you feel better?

I just shook my head when I read about your h getting angry with the people at work for snooping. Does he ever accept responsiblity for his actions? He's been really great at blaming you and when he sees that that won't work, he blames people at work! Beyond ridiculous.

I think that these next two weeks need to be "Deb" weeks. Put total focus on Deb, her son, and achieving those goals that you listed. (Good goals, btw.)

I think that I would be selfish with my time and affection until I had some of my needs met.

I will check in again in a bit-

Posted By: kml Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 05:29 PM
Deb -
I think I disagree with much of the negative posts here.

Sure, it will be hard to trust him - and it is reasonable for you to insist on proof that he has broken this off with her.

But I think what he has said and done this weekend is right in line with what is to be expected.

For instance - when discovered, he tried to deny it. Why? Because he really doesn't want to lose you.
You have done a good job of DBing this past year, he now knows what he stands to lose.

Think of it like a drug addict. The R with OW was feeding him some brain chemicals he is low on. He wanted to quit but the addiction to the dopamine and other romantic chemicals was difficult to quit. He's told you he wants more romance with you. My H's insight was that he wanted all that romance, but really the person he wanted it with was ME. So - if you withdraw and punish and he doesn't have a chance to see he can have those romantic feelings with you - he'll feel drawn back to his "drug dealer".

The really good part is your H has admitted to you how bad all of this has been making him feel. Imagine the guilt he must have lived with every day! I agree with you that subconsciously he may have wanted to be caught - I'm sure my H did.

The bad part is he is a weenie about breaking up with her - I suspect he wants two weeks because he's trying to figure out a way to get her to break up with him! Although it usually is not a good idea to dis the oW, you might gently point out to him how manipulative all her "neediness" is - and how if she REALLY cared about HIM, she would have encouraged him to work on his marriage.

Posted By: dfb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 06:38 PM
Deb has been bending over backwards for up to a couple of years now to try to trust him - and he hasn't earned it. If she pretty much goes back to the way it has been, then nothing has changed and he may feel that he can just go back to the same old, same old. I don't know that he necessarily wants to be with Deb, he may just be scared to make a change that would not include her anymore.

She has been loving him unconditionally all this time and he hasn't left OW. I think at this time, she needs to be a bit tougher on him - and figure out what SHE wants. He needs to show her that he wants to be with her. I'd mentioned watching Cheaters - you sometimes see women who just take their men back with no thought (or men taking women back) and you just know that it's more likely that the person will cheat yet again - because it cost nothing on the part of the cheater to be taken back. And I'd not be running to be all romantic and sexual with someone who was just screwing another woman. I guess I've changed a lot - I don't see myself as someone anymore who'd wait a long time. I wouldn't divorce easily, but if my H had the same type of thing going on, I'd not stay in the same household. It is torture.

Posted By: kml Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 06:48 PM
I'm not saying to TRUST him. I am saying to ask for proof that he has told her it's over - and ongoing proof that it STAYS over.

I'm just not as cynical as some about the "realness" of his remorse and desire to keep his family. I think what he said and did this weekend is pretty much in line with what is to be expected at this stage. And it is not unusual for them to drag their feet getting that final cutoff notice out to the OW - after all, it makes the WAS look pretty foolish, doesn't it? Even my H dawdled for weeks on sending it, even though he was totally back with me and writing me mushy love notes.

So - I'm just saying, don't let you "protecting" yourself squash what appears to be a genuine chance at reconciliation, Deb. Sure, there's a risk he will waffle the other way and you'll get hurt. But there's an equally great risk that you'll "protect" yourself by being aloof or punitive, and that will drive him away.

Posted By: debra Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 06:56 PM
I would have to agree with dfb. Deb has been at this a very long time with basically no change except her H seeing that by Deb's actions he can have both of them. He is waiting for one of these woman to give him the boot and the other will win by default. The excuses are neverending. So what if the OW has migranes? he is so worried about the OW's daughter, what about his own son and daughter? Why do they not matter as much to him?
I truly believe at this point that unless Deb sets her limits, is clear on them and follows thru, he will continue on the way he has been. Why should he do anything else? The OW seems to have dug her heels in as well and she isnt going anywhere.
Plus in addition to dealing with we have all had to deal with Deb has the extra added bonus of having to work with her H and the OW. She has no place of peace to go, home is not safe, work is not safe, this woman even invades her church.
Deb: How has today been going? I really dont think any of us are trying to get you to do something you dont want to do, we just want you to start looking out for yourself. You deserve better than this and I think the only person who can effect a change is you. Your H is not going to, the OW is not going to.
Have you had another appt. with your priest?
Let us know how you are.

Posted By: molliew Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 07:23 PM
You all make excellent points.

I believe the reason they sometimes seem to feel more for the OW and kids than their own is because they are about to cut it off and not see them anymore, whereas their own kids and wife, in their minds, will always be there no matter what. And he jumped into an R with all kinds of promises to OW and he's got the guilt of having to go back on it. And she is pressuring him. I understand this has been going on for a long time. It just seems like things busted wide open here and change can take place now that he got it out in the open. He might be a total loser, jerk that doesn't deserve Deb's compassion, but then again maybe he isn't--maybe he's just made a huge mistake and doesn't know what to do to get out without hurting everyone.

My H totally turned my life upside down--I lost my home, had to file for bankruptcy and start a new life. I hated him for it for a while--while he was running around with the wh*re next door, seemingly not caring about me at all. Sometimes I just wanted to give up. This crap is hard and I wouldn't say what I did would work for everyone, but since it did work for me, I want to share to add to people's resources. I've gotten lots of great advice off this board and want to give back. But I also realize that my advice may not be helpful in some sitches and that's ok too.

Honestly, if I was in her shoes I don't know exactly what I would do. It is easy to say, but harder to do.
Posted By: 41dk Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 09:21 PM
Hi Deb-

Checking in again! I can understand your reluctance to post right now. You have been offered a lot of advice here! Many of your BB friends are angry FOR you right now because they care about you. Many have written to you since the beginning and are heartbroken because of what has happened....yet again.

And truly, I think that the "yet again" is the reason for all the harsh words about your h and the harder stance that many of us want you to take. I think that many here are starting to see a pattern and we do not want you to be hurt.

You have done an unimaginable job of Dbing. Your patience seems to be limitless! I think that I wrote to you once before that you seemed to take the "kinder, gentler" path of Dbing and if that didn't work for you then maybe you should try the "tough love" path. (Ellie's suggestion to re-read the LRT is a good one, I agree wholeheartedly.)

You know, you are not dealing with someone who is unaware of the techniques of DBing. He knows perfectly well what steps you are taking. It may be time to throw him off track a bit...make him work for it a little. (Do something differently than how you've done it in the past.) I think that he will have more respect for you in the long run.

Whatever you decide and how ever you choose to handle this, I will support you and continue to be here for you. Take your time to reply if you need to BUT please let us know that you are ok.

Thinking of you-

Posted By: debcb Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 09:22 PM
thanks all, I'm ok, just got back from a counseling appt. and have been frantically busy with work stuff. I will post in the morning about it. some good very good insight I think from the priest...I lucked out, he's acutally trained in Family Therapy from Menningers. You've given so much good and helpful insight, I've only had time to skim it and will need to digest it more in the morning.
Posted By: psluke Re: STILL Morphing 5 --HELP QUICK - 05/16/05 09:28 PM
Hi Deb,

Thank you for letting us know you are all right.

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