Posted By: maybs Newbie - my story - 07/28/16 07:26 AM
My W and I are a same sex couple W is 31 and I’m 25. We have been together for 5 years and married since June 2013. To preface, we recently moved away from her home town for her job in December 2014. We both graduated May 2015 with our Master’s degrees so I was commuting back and forth to school an hour and a half, her classes were online. Originally when we started grad school we decided that I would stop working, she made much more than I did and my program in school was much more time intensive than hers was, we made the decision together.
We moved December 2014, we moved again (bat infestation in our first house) February 2015, unemployed until late September 2015.
When we moved I began to look for a job in our new town, there were better opportunities for me there because it was a much larger city than where we had previously lived, I was about to graduate with my degree and it seemed like it wouldn’t be that hard. Fast forward 9 months and I was, what I now recognize, severely depressed. I had gained a lot of weight, I couldn’t find a job, we were struggling to survive financially, it was hard just to pay for food. At the time I was in deep denial about being depressed and the more my W brought it up with me the more resistant I was. She suggested I see a counselor but my past experience with counseling had been less than stellar (my parents tried to send me to conversion therapy when I was a teenager) plus I was in DENIAL, I didn’t think I needed help. I figured if I just lost some weight and could just find a job I would feel better. So I started exercising more and eventually did find a job. And I did feel better. At that time I still didn’t recognize how depressed I had been and how low my self-esteem had been. For a while, things got better.
So all of that happened between January 2015 and September 2015.
Meanwhile, we also have some serious health scares. My W has always had thyroid problems but her levels got WAY wacky and she was miserable, she was always tired and it was hard to focus. In FEB 2015 she was misdiagnosed as Type 2 diabetic and put on medication to help control her blood sugar. For a while it worked.
In JUN 2015 she is diagnosed with PCOs, which means it will be very hard for her to conceive a child and that’s something she has always wanted. I know this is hard for her and I talk to her about it the best I can and explain that we still have options. Yes, it might be harder for her to have a child but not impossible. She doesn’t want to talk about it and I understand why, she’s still processing so I tell her to talk to me about it when she’s ready.
August 2015 she got very sick with diabetic ketoacidosis and was nearly hospitalized. September 2015 her doctor runs a blood test and confirms that she is actually Adult onset Type 1 (meaning she has antibodies that are reducing the function of her pancreas, they just developed after childhood) and she was started on insulin and was having to check her blood sugar constantly. This was around the time I found a job.
In JAN 2016 we purchased our home.
In FEB 2016 she was started on a 2nd type of insulin to control her blood glucose after eating. This entire time her doctors have been struggling to control her thyroid so she is still experiencing those symptoms as well. At this point she tells me she isn’t sure she wants to carry a child any longer, she is afraid that she will pass on her genetics for a child to have all of these health problems. I tell her I understand, but that doesn’t have to be a deal breaker, we can handle a child with diabetes or whatever else. And if it is a deal breaker for her we still have other options: adoption, fostering, I can carry a child. I even suggested we look into having my eggs harvested for her to carry (I didn’t know if it was possible or not but you don’t know until you ask right?). So we started looking into fostering and adopting, and she decided she wasn’t ready to deal with it. I told her that was fine, we have time, and we don’t need to rush, let me know when you’re ready. At this point I also start searching for a new job again….I was made a lot of promises when I started in September and in February my boss basically told me to “f*** off” and I was done. I did start to complain about work a lot and turned slightly negative and just was angry.
About 6 weeks ago she told me she thought we should go to couple counseling because we have been having trouble communicating, I readily agreed and began the process of finding providers in our network that were accepting new patients. I talked to a few on the phone and selected one and scheduled an appointment for June 30th. Around this time she started drinking more heavily.
In the meantime we had a vacation for our 3rd wedding anniversary on June 21st. We went out of a town for a few days and everything was fine. Recently we have started enjoying biking together and she wanted a new bike (originally we had just bought her a cheap one to see if it was something she really enjoyed, I already had a nice bike). For our anniversary we went bike shopping and she found the bike she loved and “had to have it” because she “loves” biking together. We also went to the zoo and some museums as these are things we both enjoy greatly. She was affectionate like she normally is and even posted something on Facebook about how special I am to her (again normal behavior).
JUN 23rd – BOMB DROP she comes home from work and tells me she wants a divorce. We had argued earlier because I had FINALLY confessed that I had been depressed last summer. It took me a long time to realize it and process it for what it was and be ready to tell her. She is adamant she wants this divorce and nothing will change her mind.
July 5th – I start a new job.
I admit in the beginning I did all of the wrong things: I cried and begged and pleaded. And all that did was drive her farther away.
She moved into the guest bedroom and began spending her weekends out of town with friends. I tried to be cool and not let on how much this was killing me. She would still do some stuff with me. We still biked together and I tried to keep conversation light and fun and not talk about our relationship at all.
JULY 5th- she has a complete breakdown triggered by accidentally calling me “baby” in the car. She ends up talking on the phone to someone outside for 3 hours. I’m not normally a suspicious person I have never had trouble trusting her but something about this didn’t sit right. So I did what anyone who is not thinking rationally would do, I checked the phone bill and found out the number she was talking to was some girl she had just met over the weekend. And this girl is 19.
The next day July 6th I calmly asked her who she had been talking to and she said her sister and her friend Erica, she wouldn’t look me in the eye. I very calmly said “I think you’re lying to me” and walked away. She was adamant that she was telling the truth. Which just made me more and more angry so I stopped talking to her. She finally asked me what was wrong and I told her again, “you’re lying to me” and she came clean. To this day she doesn’t think lying to me about that was a big deal. She keeps saying she came clean because she felt guilty for lying to me but I think she came clean because I called her out.
That day (my second day of my new job) I get home and she’s home (which she should still be at work for an hour) and I ask her why she’s home early. She had packed up her stuff and was moving out and was literally going to do it without even a word to me. She was hoping to be gone by the time I got home from work. But since my job was new and she didn’t know my schedule she got it wrong. I tried to remain as calm as I could. We talked a little bit and she left. She didn’t know where she was going and didn’t have anywhere to stay but she was leaving.
The next day July 7th I come home from work and I’m understandably upset but I try to go about my life. At 5:15 Cassie pulls into the driveway and lets herself into the house and walks into the guest room and sits down. And again I did the wrong thing and I asked her “why are you here?” obvious a fight ensues. I was mad because she LEFT me and then the next day came back home, not because she wanted to work on stuff but because she didn’t have anywhere to go. WHICH SHE KNEW WHEN SHE MOVED OUT.
At this point I had been going to the counselling appointments alone. So I left the house and went to my appointment and when I came back she was gone. I felt badly about having argued with her to I tried to call her to apologize, she didn’t answer. So I left a message apologizing for arguing but not for the way that I feel. I don’t know where she went she didn’t talk to me. We didn’t see or talk to each other for a week.
JULY 13th – I had asked her to come pick up one for our dogs because I was going out of town and couldn’t handle all 3 myself. She was supposed to come at 5:15 and I wasn’t going to be home. She showed up at 4:30 because she had an appointment. With all the health stuff that’s been going on with her I thought she meant doctors appointment so I asked her how it went…. She had gone to meet with a lawyer and paid a retainer and was having the divorce papers drawn up and the next week was going to sign them. I remained calm I didn’t cry, beg or plead. I said “okay, I still don’t agree with your decision but okay.” We talked a little about trying separation instead of rushing into divorce and she was listening and interested in it and then I could just see it on her face. She completely shut down and turned defensive and said no.
July 18th – she texted me to ask me if she could come over the next night to talk. I said no because I have plans. So she suggested the following day, July 20th, which I agreed to. July 20th she texted me and said she couldn’t come because “something came up” and gave me this line about how now that shes commuting and changed her work schedule she doesn’t get home until late so “it’s hard to squeeze things in at night” which just made me mad because I’m not something to be “squeezed in” but I let it go. She offered to come the next night and I said okay. The next day I just had a feeling she wasn’t going to show up so I texted her and asked if she was still going to come. She responded and said no and she had just wanted to come talk to me about how she still wanted divorce and wanted me to understand that and gave me a line about how she thought we both needed as much space as possible while we heal and we could talk on the phone if I wanted.…. Which I feel like is some bullcrap but okay. All I said was okay. I’ll talk to you later.
July 22nd – my sister-in-law texted me to ask me if I had threatened to hurt my W. I said no. and SIL said that my W had told her that I had threatened to hurt her. At first I was beyond angry. My W knows that about a year prior to meeting her I was in a very bad physically and emotionally abusive relationship and I spent every day of my life for months being threatened and trying to get away from that situation. I WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO MY W!
We have not talked in a week. I did try to call her because I was trying to be nice and let her know which bills she is responsible for paying because I’m not going to be paying them and taking care of her when she had been treating me badly but she never returned my call.
I miss her like crazy but this is not the person I married anymore. I don’t know what’s going on with her. I feel like it’s a midlife crisis probably triggered by all the health and financial difficulties that we’ve been having. She has said some terrible and untrue things to me and about me:
• That I’m controlling and have controlled her every day of our entire relationship
• That she’s never been happy
• The “I love you but I’m not in love with you” speech
• At one point she said our relationship was toxic.
• That I threatened her
• That I don’t like her family and never want to see them

And many, many more.
I never explicitly told her she couldn’t talk to me. So I wouldn’t say I’ve gone No Contact but I’m not going to initiate contact with her.
I found out after the fact that the reason she wouldn’t come talk to me last week is because her lawyer suggested we don’t speak (a friend told me). Which is fine. But just tell me that’s why don’t lie to me.
I started reading DR last night and am in the middle of the first step. I’ve also been coming here to read other’s stories.
I know I can’t believe what she’s saying, I know she isn’t thinking clearly and right now she feels the only way out is to leave me. And with my therapist I can even understand why she feels that I’ve been controlling, when her health and so many other things in her life are so out of control it’s easy to blame me.
I’m trying to not take what she says too personally and we can talk and have good conversations and then all the sudden she will shut down and get angry and start saying mean things to me.
I’ve been reading on here about 180s and without even previously knowing what they were I realize that I’ve started doing some. There are things that she always used to complain about and I’ve gotten better about those things like:
• How the house was messy (we have 3 dogs and one of them sheds a ton, I didn’t want to spend all my time home from work vacuuming) – I’ve gotten better about it. I now realize if I just do a quick Swiffer or vacuum the fur doesn’t seem so bad and it really only takes me a couple of minutes
• The dishes – I am notorious for not loading or unloading the dishwasher. It’s probably my least favorite thing. I’ve started being better about it. As soon as I’m done eating I put my dishes away and as soon as the dishes are clean I put them away. If I have to wash anything by hand I do it immediately, the longer it sits there the less likely I am to do it.
• Initiating contact – this one is recent. Since she left I feel like 90% of the time I’m reaching out to her. I’ve stopped doing that. She kept saying she wanted space and then I was saying I wanted space but every time she would call or text or ask to come by the house I would engage with her and talk to her and say “yeah sure I can talk” – I’m not going no contact but I’m not going to initiate and I’m not going to give her all the details of my life anymore.
• Engaging in conflict – I’ve tried really hard recently that when we do talk we don’t fight. I try to remain calm and level headed and to talk about whatever it is without fighting. She can’t fight with me if I’m not willing to fight back. That doesn’t mean I won’t fight for our marriage but I’m not going to yell and scream at her. It won’t help. Sometimes After she leaves I’ll cry but right now crying in front of her just pushes her away.
• Socializing – I am extremely introverted. I don’t tend to enjoy going out a ton and I’m not great at making new friends. I’ve started out by trying to go out on my own more often and doing things alone and with a select few close friends. I’m now getting to the point where I am starting to try to branch out and make new friends. There’s a great lesbian community in this city and they have many events each month so I’m trying to start going to more and more of those.
• Negativity – the last year and a half have been hard and I’ve developed a habit of always “thinking the worst” in pretty much every situation. I’ve stopped doing that. I’ve made a serious effort to stop complaining about things that don’t matter and stop stressing out about things I can’t control and every day I try to take a few minutes and think about all of the positive things and things I have to be grateful for. And it’s helped get me out of that negative space I was in for so long. I am starting to look at things differently. EX: my weight loss. I used to think about it more as “I still have so much weight to lose” and now it’s more of a “Look at how much weight I have already lost!” If that makes sense.
• Confidence – I don’t know that this one was a conscious 180 or if it’s just happened has I’ve started to understand my depression last year or if it just goes with me getting away from being so negative. I never realized how much confidence I lacked until I started to get it back. Ironically around the time she decided to leave was around the time I stopped feeling so insecure about our relationship. Even now. I know she’s gone and she says she doesn’t want to come back but I still feel pretty secure in our relationship. I still feel like our problems are things that we can overcome and even if she decides not to try at least I will feel good about myself knowing that I did try.
There’s more I’m sure that I could be doing but for now that’s a start.
I’ve continued to go to see the counselor that we were supposed to be seeing together, I don’t think W expected that, since last year I was so resistant to therapy I think she was even surprised I agreed in the first place and now that I’m continuing to go even though it’s without her. I’m sure she thought I would stop going once I realized she wouldn’t go with me. Anyways, my therapist has helped me realize that as much as I want to, I cannot fix this problem for her. This is something she has to figure out on her own and it might take time and it might hurt me like hell but she has to work her own way through it.
Right now W is so focused on feeling like I’m her problem and if she could just get rid of me her entire life would be so much happier….and that [censored].
I’ve been trying to focus on myself and not worry about her or her health or if she’s thinking about me or if she misses me. I mean obviously I hope she does, but I also know it hasn’t been that long. She didn’t even move out a month ago and we only really stopped talking a week ago…
I know it’s going to take time and patience and that she’s going through something that I can’t understand because I really don’t think she understands it herself.
She met with her lawyer 8 days ago and I still have not been served divorce papers. I am trying to not feel too hopeful about that. Maybe they just haven’t gotten around to getting them to me? But part of me hopes maybe she decided to delay at least for a little while….but I doubt it.

Sorry for the novel… I just felt like I had to get it all out there.
Posted By: Cadet Re: Newbie - my story - 07/28/16 08:20 AM
Welcome to the board

Sorry you are here but you will meet some wonderful people here and get some great advice.

The first thing you should do is be sure to read the Divorce Remedy (DR) book by MWD

You may be on moderation now, post in small frequent replies and stay on this thread until you reach 100 posts
(for your thread, you can also post on other peoples threads to give support).
Especially on this Newcomers forum, where the posting activity is very active,
and your posts can quickly fall to the bottom of the page or even several pages down.
Keep journaling and asking questions - people will come!
Most important - POST!

Get out and Get a Life (GAL).


Believe none of what he or she says and half of what he/she does.


Take care of yourself, breathe, eat, sleep, exercise.

Take the parts of this advice that you need and don't worry if I have repeated something that you have already done.

Here are a few links to threads that will help you immensely:

I would start with Sandi's Rules
A list of dos and don'ts for the LBS (left behind spouse)

Going Dark

Detachment thread

Validation Cheat Sheet: Techniques and tips on how to validate (showing your walk away spouse (WAS) that you recognize and accept his or her opinions as valid, even if you do not agree with them)

Boundaries Cheat Sheet


For Newcomer LBH with a Wayward Wife by sandi2

Resource thread

Stages of the LBS


Pursuit and Distance

The Lighthouse Story

Your H or W is giving you a GIFT.
USE it wisely.

Knowledge is Power - Sir Francis Bacon
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 07/28/16 08:31 AM
Sorry you are here maybeep...read through all of Cadet's homework and keep posting on the boards!
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/28/16 09:01 AM
That's why I'm here! It's so counterintuitive for me to let her just walk away instead of trying to get her to stay.

And I have tons of doubts that I have to talk myself out of on a daily basis.

Luckily have a couple really good friends, one who is in a similar situation to me so we are trying to help each other stay positive and another who even though she doesn't agree with me she's 100% supportive and doesn't try to talk me out of it.

I just don't even know if I'm doing the right things...
Posted By: cheesyt Re: Newbie - my story - 07/28/16 09:03 AM
So sorry you are here maybeep!

keep on going.
Posted By: Cadet Re: Newbie - my story - 07/28/16 09:34 AM
Just keep POSTING and one other bit of advice from Wonka
that I totally agree with.

Originally Posted By: Wonka
Get DR/DB book. Keep this to yourself. DO NOT share this book or this site at all with your spouse. It is your playbook and not to be shared with the "opposing" team.

It is important to clear the search/browsing history from your computer on a daily basis to prevent the possibility for your WAS to stumble on the DB site and discover your posts here on DB. Erasing the search history will protect your posts and you as well.

We have seen too many Marriages blow up in pieces after the WAS discovers the DB site or DR book. Why is that? It is because the WAS thinks, erroneously I might add, that you are "manipulating" them back into the M.

Keep the DR book and DB site very close to your vest.
Posted By: Coly23 Re: Newbie - my story - 07/28/16 09:52 AM
Sorry that you are here maybeep but it sounds like you are embracing the changes that you feel you need to make for your own wellbeing and that's the most important thing at the moment. X
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/28/16 10:10 AM
Thanks Cadet. I haven't mentioned to W that I have started reading DR book. I don't have to worry too much about the computer we each have our own laptops.

Plus it would be pretty difficult for her to see either of these things seeing as she has moved out. However, I will keep them out of site since she does occasionally stop by while I'm at work to pick up her mail.
Posted By: Cristy Re: Newbie - my story - 07/28/16 11:46 AM
Hello Maybeep,

I'm so sorry for the situation you are in.

Sometimes it is hard to know if you are doing things right. Focusing all of your time, effort and energy into being the best Maybeep is a full time job.

You are at a very fragile point in this relationship and it would be extremely helpful to know what your next move should be. Feel free to give me a call at 303-444-7004 to discuss how we can best help you determine what to do next.

Resource Coordinator
The Divorce Busting Center
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/28/16 02:47 PM
Update: I have made it an entire week without initiating contact with W!

I feel proud of myself and also super sad at the same time. I miss her like crazy but this is what I need right now.
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 07/28/16 03:31 PM
Good job! Has she tried to contact you?
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/28/16 04:50 PM
No. And I'm kind of surprised by that. Even though she moved out 3 weeks ago she was still contacting me pretty consistently. But I'm not super worried about it. I actually feel really good about it, which I didn't think I would but it feels nice to be taking time for myself and working on the things I know I need to work on and not having to stress all the time about if I'm going to say or do the wrong thing.

We will see how I feel about it over the weekend when I'm home alone with no distractions. smile
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/29/16 05:55 AM
Last night I had a dream that W wanted to come home and try to work on things. This is the first dream I've had like this since this whole thing started and I feel it's more wishful thinking since she's given no positive signs as of yet.

But now I can't shake this terrible feeling I have that something bad is about to happen. I don't know if it's just "the low" after having such a positive dream or if my intuition is right...The only thing I can think is that I'm about to be served divorce papers....
Posted By: Cadet Re: Newbie - my story - 07/29/16 06:32 AM
Not sure if anyone has mentioned but their are other same sex marriage LBS's that have posted here.

Wonka, NYGAL, needgrace and I am sure others.

Here is a link for NG's first thread

Posted By: JksD Re: Newbie - my story - 07/29/16 07:31 AM
Maybeep, hawker is in a sane- sex M too.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/29/16 11:14 AM
Thanks for the link. I will def take a look at it when I get home tonight. smile
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 07/29/16 03:37 PM
NYGal has been a great help to me!!
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/29/16 03:50 PM
So before today I had not been stressed about receiving D papers. Earlier I had a really bad feeling that today was the day that I was going to get them.... I talked myself out of it while I was at work. I thought positive thoughts and told myself that it wasn't the worst thing that could happen. That I had things to be grateful for....

And then I got home and I got the papers.... And now I feel like I'm falling apart.... I do not want this divorce and I'm so frustrated that W isn't even willing to put in a single ounce of effort and I fully believe that this is a mistake....

I have accepted that I can't change her mind and there's really nothing I can do about any of this except to work on myself... But it's hard not to just wish that she would slow down.... W didn't even move out a month ago... It all feels so rushed.
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 07/29/16 03:59 PM
Wow, I am sorry Maybeep....that is fast!!! I think people would say keep using the LRT...but maybe the vets can tell you more.. Hang in there and keep doing things for yourself!
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/29/16 04:05 PM
The thing that confuses me about this whole thing is she isn't someone who is normally impulsive, or makes rushed decisions.
She also is one of the sweetest, kindest, most caring people I have ever met.... but not the past 6 weeks.

She's been acting super rashly and irrationally and has been extremely uncaring and cold. And it happened like the flip of a switch, it was very sudden.

I just don't get it.
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 07/29/16 04:11 PM
That is what the WW does.....most people here will tell you their S are not the same person as who they married....
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/29/16 04:17 PM
The other thing that's really driving me nuts about this whole situation is I can for the most part understand why she has said most of the things to me that she has said. I can understand why she currently feels the way she feels and that the things she's saying about me aren't necessarily true, she just feels that way right now.

But her mom abandoned her family when she was a teenager. Like just said she was going on a business trip and didn't come home for like 5 years... and this feels like that and I know I can't make her see anything she isn't ready to see herself yet but it's hard for me to believe she doesn't see that.

Like I said I know she's going through some stuff mentally and emotionally with all the health stuff that's been going on with her and I can get it. But I question if she even really understands fully what divorcing means... She still relies on me for a lot of stuff, she never even took separating seriously and part of that was my fault. Until the last week I have been way to available to her and way too willing to do everything I could to help her. Which I now know was the wrong way to approach things... but I don't even feel like she really understands what divorce means for "us"

She's just so focused on getting out as fast as she can because she thinks I'm her problem and if she gets rid of me she will be completely happy.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 04:35 AM
So last night I was upset about the D papers. But I feel like somehow I've found peace with it.

I refrained from trying to contact her yesterday about the papers and I feel better that I didn't try to talk to her, I feel good that I stuck to my 180 on this one.

I'm here to work on being the best me I can be and I'm working on detaching from this situation.
Posted By: MoveFrwd Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 05:45 AM
That is fast. And I'm sorry that you are in this position.

That said, think of things this way: how would your actual life be any different if you were divorced RIGHT THIS SECOND? In my opinion, the divorce itself is just reporting your relationship status to the government. So don't sweat it. Keep working towards your goals.

You can do it.
Posted By: rd500 Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 06:30 AM
Hi Maybeep. Just read through your thread and you are dealing with an incredibly tough situation extremely well. From your first post to now you dealing with it much better and are accepting that you can't control your W

IMHO you are accepting your part in the M breakdown and that's a major step but don't try and take all the blame. Your Ws illness must be very tough for her and may / may not be an influence in all this. Cadet has provided his excellent homework and others have offered sage advice.

Deal with your reality , that doesn't mean you have to like it or want it but dealing with it allows you to move forward and not stagnate Things can change in a heart beat in our lives and the next chapter in your story isn't written yet. You have control over you so use that to its fullest. Do things for you , improve those areas of yourself that need improving. Enjoy your life , yes a large part is cr@p right now but know whatever the outcome things will be good again

Positive thoughts heading your way

Take care. Rd
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 06:30 AM
Darkness that's a good point. The way things are exactly right this second wouldn't change at all.

It just feels so final...like if it goes through there's no chance... which rationally I know doesn't necessarily have to be true. But emotionally it feels very FINAL. ya know?
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 07:07 AM
Something I would appreciate some advice about.

Up until this point I have been in charge of our financials, originally when she said she wanted a divorce I did try to set boundaries for things like our financials but she was not interested in having that conversation.
In the beginning I was continuing to pay all of our bills so they didn't fall behind.
But at this point I feel that I should not be responsible for paying the things that are in her name. She asked me to get a separate bank account so I did and no longer use our joint account but she does.

I mentioned previous that last week before going dark I did try to contact her to talk about her bills and what she is responsible for but she did not call me back. I debated with sending her a list of usernames and passwords for her to be able to go do it herself but that seems like I'm still basically doing it for her....

At this point what do I do? I know she is expecting me to make sure everything is paid for her but that isn't fair to me.

I guess what am I afraid of? That she's going to get mad and divorce me? She's already doing that.... It just feels mean.
Posted By: RDS Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 07:21 AM
Stop paying her bills and make sure you protect your money.


If you actually do get a D, will you still be responsible for paying her bills? She has to come to the realization that D changes everything. She's an adult, so she has to do adult things. You've reached out to her to help her and she ignored you.

Many on here will say you have to protect your finances ASAP. When my W left me I sprung into action to protect myself financially as much as possible. My W has been really good about our joint account but I don't let my guard down.

You aren't being mean. You are being real. She left you holding the bag. That's mean.
Posted By: RDS Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 07:25 AM
One thing I forgot to mention maybeep, don't ignore paying her bills if it would damage your financial situation. Other than that, she should be on her own.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 07:37 AM
Thanks RDS. I think I just needed reassurance that I was doing the right thing. I feel bad for her but she did this to herself. If she wants to be divorced then she needs to see what that means.

Quite frankly I was a little sick of being responsible for her financially. I was sick of always being the bad guy for having to say no to her when she wanted to spend ridiculous amounts of money. But she never had any interest in helping with our financials so it always kind of fell to me.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 07:38 AM
Sorry if it wasn't clear in the original post. I've stopped using our joint account. My paycheck is deposited into a separate account I opened in just my name.
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 08:57 AM
That is great maybeep....that is one thing I never wanted was joint accounts...I am a saver and my W is a spender hahaah so at least I don't have to worry about the financials....I am also the only one who has their name on the house!
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 09:08 AM
That's a whole other issue for us. We just purchased our house in January. We would actually lose money if we sold it at this point so that doesn't make sense. And I know W doesn't want the house she likes living back in home town and commuting to work (why we didn't just stay there in the first place I'll never understand) and I actually want the house.

We are both on title but the mortgage is just in her name. I'm going to be meeting with my lawyer soon to discuss my options and see if we can get W to agree to something reasonable so we don't lose even more money in this D
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 09:18 AM
Good idea on meeting with a L....You are wise for a 25 year old! smile Would you be able to afford it on your own if you refinance?
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 09:22 AM
I can afford it. The only problem with refinancing is that I just started a new job this month. to have the "work experience" banks look for when you get a mortgage you have to have your job for (usually) at least 2 years. So I'm think about asking for a deferred sale for 24 months and at that point we can either sell and I'll move or I will refinance into my name and buy her out of her half of the down payment. At this point I don't even care if she pays half of the mortgage for that amount of time AS LONG AS there's a written portion of our agreement that states when we do sell it we get a proportion of the profit equal to our individual investment.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 09:23 AM
I should also include my new job is NOT related to my old field so my previous job history doesn't count as "work experience" in the bank world.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 05:08 PM
It is driving me a little bit crazy today. One of my good friends who is in a similar situation is also W friend and it upsets me a little bit that W is walking around talking to everyone who will listen about our "huge problems" but will not talk to the one person who is actually involved (me).

And I know it's a common characteristic for WW to not want to talk to their spouse about their marriage and quite frankly 98% of the time I don't want to talk to her about it either. But that 2% of the time. Drives me crazy. Just talk to everyone about it but the one person who could actually help you work on it.

I know I know she doesn't want to work on it right now. I get it I do. And I'm GAL and trying hard to detach more and more. But sometimes I wish she could talk rationally for 5 minutes.

Okay. I just had to vent because I'm trying really hard to remain dark and sometimes I just want to text her and be like WTF ARE YOU DOING!?!?! But I know it wouldn't help. It would actually hurt the situation more.
Posted By: cheesyt Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 05:48 PM
Lol- with you on the I wish I could text "wtf are you doing" crosses my mind like 20 times a day!
Sorry to hear about the D papers. She seems to be in a hurry.
Good job handling situation so far!
Stay strong!
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 05:54 PM
Thank you! It's nice to hear someone things I'm handling myself. Yeah. My intuition is telling me she's trying to rush so she doesn't change her mind. And I've gotta say. My intuition is right 99% of the time.

I also am feeling some doubt. I am making these changes for myself I know it will be better for me in the long run but I can't say there isn't part of me that wishes she could see I'm changing. But how will she see that if she doesn't want to see or talk to me???
Posted By: Melo Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 06:19 PM
Hey Maybeep, the changes are for you not her so it doesn't matter if she sees them. You now have the time to focus on you, eventually you will get to a point that you won't care what she thinks and you will only care about you and what you think.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 07:12 PM
I know. I know I'm doing this for me. I've been pushing myself farther and farther outside of my comfort zone. Mostly still small stuff but as someone who is very introverted I feel like I'm doing pretty well....
Started by going out and doing stuff with close friends. I'm still doing things with close friends but I've also been working on doing things alone. Going to movies or on hikes or bike rides by myself (especially hard because it's things we used to do together) and just enjoying the peace. Started IC and have actually really been able to open up (I was concerned my shyness would get in the way but it hasn't really). I'm on this website which is something I never would have done before. I've set a goal that in the next month I'm going to try to go to an event or two that the local lesbian community holds (the do like potlucks and pizza night and game nights and all kinds of stuff). I'm doing pretty well at stepping outside myself.
When W and I met I was a little more outgoing (usually due to alcohol cutting back my anxiety and inhibitions a bit, plus I had friends in the area) it's been hard since moving here because I don't know many people but that's next on my list.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 07:15 PM
Oh and even though I have never been a picky eater I am trying to try even more new and different foods and am revisiting foods I used to not like just to try it again and I'm finding even more things I enjoy! I've started cooking more elaborately for myself just as a way to try new things!
Posted By: MoveFrwd Re: Newbie - my story - 07/30/16 07:56 PM
can you see paint dry? How about grass growing?

What if you go on a month long vacation - have the things changed?

In my opinion, it will have much more of an impact if she doesn't see the changes until you've made the changes for you. Until you've become the best version of you possible.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/31/16 07:36 AM
Last night I was wish a friend and she helped confirm what I already knew to be true. W is now "seeing" this 19 year old girl she met a few weeks ago. Honestly I was under no illusions. I knew in my gut that it was happening and am not surprised at all. I also kind of figured there was a high probability that this would happen and was something she would "need to do" for this entire thing to run its full course.

I also found out that while I thought her family would stay silent about this whole situation (they're generally quite passive and won't speak up) they are all fighting with her about this. Which makes me feel better but I also feel like isn't actually helping the situation.

Is it weird that I don't feel that upset about it? I feel like I spent time mentally preparing for this situation and now it's here and I'm fine. Nothing in my immediate day-to-day life has changed.

Oh well onwards and upwards. Going to keep GAL and sticking to my 180s and working on me.
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 07/31/16 09:52 AM
My W's family and closest friends also were/are angry with my W for doing what she is doing....the W doesn't want to hear it anymore so she talks to her friends she works with at school because they tell her you have to do what make you happy...blah blah...less guilt for her to face....
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/31/16 09:55 AM
That makes sense. She has been completely avoiding/ignoring most of her friends except for a select couple that were actually the ones that introduced her to this girl...

It will run it's course. I'm not even sure what someone who is about to turn 32 has in common with someone who is 19... so I don't feel it can be a lasting situation.

It is what it is I suppose. Like I said onwards and upwards!
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 07/31/16 10:00 AM
Yes, they don't want to hear it from their friends...she says they don't understand...lol... it doesn't sound like a long term situation....kind of like my W the OW is totally opposite, have nothing in common, has a small child...wtf??? Whatever....keep moving onward and upward!!! smile You are doing a great job!
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 07/31/16 03:44 PM
So this weekend it has been much easier than I anticipated to remain dark. I've been doing my own thing and relaxing and have actually been able to spend a good amount of time not thinking or worrying about W.

That being said, this financial situation is causing me huge amounts of stress.

Let me start by saying I COMPLETELY AGREE that I should not be responsible for making sure her bills are paid (even with HER money).

HOWEVER, I feel badly that she doesn't even know what to pay even though that's really her fault for not wanting to talk to me about it.

I'm worried about driving an even bigger wedge between us than there already is. I feel like she's already blaming me for so much I don't want to give her more reasons to blame me and hate me. She has enough of those. I'm worried it will drive her farther away from me and while I know she's not ready to move closer to me I don't want her to move farther away either.....
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 04:45 AM
Okay, I gave in and paid her bills with HER money. I did it for a lot of reasons and I don't feel great about it because I do feel kind of used but I felt way worse about myself when I wasn't doing it...
And it doesn't really make sense but for me I feel like at this point the reasons W is giving for wanting a D aren't real reasons, like I recently found out she told a friend that "we are both too girly" and I'm the exact same amount of "girly" as I was when we first started dating, so I feel like she's really stretching to find reasons to feel better about her decision. And I didn't want to give her a "real" reason. It isn't even a real reason but to her, in the state she's in now, it would have been.
So right or wrong I did it and it's done and I feel good (mostly) about my decision. I did what was right for me at that time.

Goals for today: stay dark - it's hard when I miss her so much but easy when I remind myself that the person I miss isn't who she is right now.
Keep working on me - I've planned my evening after work already so that I don't get sucked into the "I don't know what to do so I'm just going to sit here" situation when I get home.
I also think I'm going to look for a book club of some sort to join... Seems like that could be fun and I love reading.
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 07:55 AM
I'm sure your W's reasons for the D will change each time she is asked...mine said "we weren't communication", the next time it was "I changed and you didn't" blah blah...something different to make them feel better about "I wanted to cheat" LOL....don't get me wrong, I take 1/2 the blame, obviously I wasn't doing something since she decided to look elsewhere, I just wish I would have known...I didn't have a clue...hang in there and your goals sound great!!
Posted By: MoveFrwd Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 08:02 AM
Originally Posted By: maybeep
And I didn't want to give her a "real" reason. It isn't even a real reason but to her, in the state she's in now, it would have been.

This sounds like a pretty weak rationalization to me.

What I read you saying is:
"W has said why she wants to D. I dont believe that applies, so Ill do anything else she asks of me to prove Im the best option."

I hate to say it, but that really isnt going to work. Think of it this way:
Your wife is sleeping with someone else and you just paid her XYZ bill. What is her incentive to want to change anything? She gets everything that she wants! That doesnt show you are the better option...it shows you are willing to give her anything she wants regardless of what she does. It's like giving a kid a candy bar in an attempt to have it stop acting up at a store. You are rewarding bad behavior!

You cant approach this like you need to appease her at every turn. You seem to equate her getting angry with things being worse for your chances at reconciling. I dont think thats the case. I think you need to figure out how to earn her respect back first. And paying her bills while shes having an affair is not the way to go about it.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 09:11 AM
Oh yeah, every person tells me she told them something different and the things she's told me about "why" change all the time.

95% of the reasons she's giving aren't even real reasons, they're just things she's made up to make herself feel better. To justify leaving.

I accept my portion of the blame and understand and recognize the things that I should/could have been doing to be a better wife. But I can't change the past so I'm just going to be better about that in the future, whether with W or someone else down the line.

Gotta keep working on being the best version of myself and it will all work out the way that it is supposed to.

Stay positive!
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 09:15 AM
Darkness, you're right. She just already blames me for so much that isn't my fault I don't want to give her more reasons to hate and blame me. My goal isn't to drive her farther and farther away from me.

I feel like no matter what I do I lose in this situation. I don't want to keep doing her crap for her but I don't want the wedge between us to get even bigger.
Posted By: MoveFrwd Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 09:51 AM
I understand that you dont want things to get "worse".

The thing is that things will probably need to get worse before anything can get better.

You see, if you give a misbehaving kid candy, he doesnt learn that it's wrong to misbehave. In fact, he learns that if he misbehaves, he gets rewarded! So, of course, he is going to continue to misbehave.

It works the same way with your W. If you always just try to avoid the storm, then theres no reason for her to change anything.

Is your goal to reconcile or to not make things worse? Do you think paying her bills brings you closer to reconciling?
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 09:58 AM
I see your point. Next time I will stay strong and stick to my initial instinct which was to not pay them.

It's just hard to stick to it when it just makes me feel even worse than I already feel. But you're right, why would she change?
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 10:03 AM
Okay so then the next time when I DO NOT pay her bills how do I respond to her anger? Because I'm sure there will be an angry phone call or text message of some sort when she realizes I didn't do it.
Posted By: MoveFrwd Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 11:10 AM
Originally Posted By: maybeep
Okay so then the next time when I DO NOT pay her bills how do I respond to her anger? Because I'm sure there will be an angry phone call or text message of some sort when she realizes I didn't do it.

"I can understand why you might be angry, but I cannot continue to support your choices."

She made her own choices. It's time for her to wear her Big Girl Panties.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 11:18 AM
Perfect, I wrote that down and I will remember it for next time.

This DBing thing is hard...

On the plus side today I made a list of "hobbies" or activities that I've always wanted to try and never gotten around to doing and I'm going to start working on that next week when I'm back from my weekend out of town! I've even looked a few of them up for my area to find out what days/nights what is going on and am going to get a calendar after work so I can write them down and hold myself accountable for going!

I'm actually quite excited about this!
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 12:46 PM
The DBing is hard but there is good advice here from the vets....that is a great idea of doing some new activities that you have put off...this time is for YOU!!
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 01:33 PM
I read on another thread that someone phrased it as "you've been given the gift of time" or something along those lines and that really struck me.

Don't get me wrong I loved our crazy busy married life but that statement is exactly true. Now I have so much free time and so much ME time I might as well try anything and everything that I can. I might not have the opportunity in the future (which like I said I loved W and I's crazy busy life) but this is an opportunity for me and I don't feel like I should let it go just because I'm mad/sad/depressed/upset/etc etc about the situation. Sitting around feeling down about it isn't going to help and it isn't going to make me look or feel attractive so I might as well get out and start living!
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 05:21 PM
Even though I purposely set myself up with activities to stay busy tonight I have been having an extra hard time. Not with wanting to speak with W necessarily but just missing her in general. I mean I want to speak with her but I know she wouldn't have the reaction that I would want so it isn't even worth it.

But for the past 5 years she's always been the one that when something exciting happens at work or when I have fun trying something new or really anything else happens I just want to turn to tell her and I can't.

Just wanted to whine a bit tonight and feel sorry for myself for a few minutes.
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 05:39 PM
Maybeep...I totally understand what you mean...something happens and you want to share it with your best friend you have had for the past 5 years...10 for me....it [censored]...good you come here and post instead...keep hanging in there!
Posted By: Melo Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 06:46 PM
I feel you brother, same here...I went to NYC and everytime I turned around to tell her how cool something was, she wasn't there.
Posted By: cheesyt Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 07:19 PM
good job trying to stay busy may! I make plans and then back out 90% of the time.
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 07:53 PM
Why do u back out C?
Posted By: cheesyt Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 08:11 PM
cus I'm an introvert. going out and meeting people is not my thing! don't have many friends, most of what I've been doing are meet up groups and those are easy to back out from!
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 08/01/16 08:36 PM
Got it!! I have a small group of friends that I only like to hang out with as well. I hate meeting new people. frown. The sad thing but good for me is 2 of my friends are going through the same thing so we can all relate.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 03:35 AM
I am also introverted and want to back out 90% of the time but make myself go anyways.
I don't really like to meet new people either. I also have 1 friend who is going through something similar and we spend a lot of time together.

What has helped me keep my plans is I try to start doing things by myself. It's much easier for me to commit to something if I know I won't have to meet new people.

Now that I'm more comfortable doing these things alone I'm going to start adding in "other people". For example I've always done yoga or tai chi alone at home, but now I've found places near me that give classes. I figure that way at least those people have 1 thing in common with me.
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 08:12 AM
That is good you make yourself go to things anyways...I did that this weekend...it wasn't as bad as I thought smile Fitness classes are a great way to meet people who like the same things...I am taking a spin class tomorrow night...good job!!
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 08:27 AM
Okay I need to vent about something. My W has apparently told a friend of ours that she is going to try to have a baby and that the biggest reason our M doesn't work is because I don't want kids. And I am completely dumbfounded.

When in the F*** did I say that I did not want kids.... she has known from the very beginning of us dating that that was something I wanted and I've always been interested in adopting or fostering. And I knew she wanted to carry a child. So we talked about her carrying a child but us also adopting/fostering down the line.

In the last 6 months we have discussed the possibility of her getting pregnant if the drs thought that it would be safe for her and the baby. We also looked indepth into adoption and fostering in our area. AND I EVEN OFFERED TO HAVE MY F****** EGGS HARVESTED for her to carry OUR child if she was concerned about her genetics.

When in all of that did I EVER say/imply that I did not want children.......

Sometimes it is so frustrating when someone is just blatantly disregarding the truth and basically flat out making things up!

I just want to scream. This is the one subject where her actions are still really really getting under my skin...because I just don't get it. So the past 6 months of us looking into how we can have children what was I just pretending???
Posted By: doodler Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 09:05 AM

If you want to have a little fun, you could tell her that you're pregnant.
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 09:14 AM
Hahahahaha do it Maybs!!
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 09:58 AM
Hahaha I have thought about it in my moments of extreme disbelief like, "what would she do?" but I feel like in the long run probably wouldn't help. lol. Thanks for giving me a laugh guys.

I have been continuing to look into foster care/adoption and have contacted several agencies in the area. This isn't something I want to rush into with everything going on right this second but I'm not going to put my life on hold forever and this is something that I want. So I've been looking into it and plan to start to process of getting my fostering license soon.
Posted By: cheesyt Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 11:18 AM
LOL- nice you ladies can joke around.

anyone else having a super difficult time at night?
I keep thinking I'll roll over to my W...and its just an empty bed.
I really miss my W with every fiber of my being frown
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 11:42 AM
C. That's the worst time for me. I can get used to any other time of day without my W but I cannot get used to getting in bed alone. And waking up and rolling over to an empty bed is such a shock to me every single morning. It takes me a minute to remember what's going on and why she's not there.
Posted By: doodler Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 11:46 AM
Originally Posted By: clearte
LOL- nice you ladies can joke around.


Who the h3ll are you calling a lady? I'm no lady. Although I do hangout at The Blue Oyster on occasion. And sometimes I pretend to be a lumberjack, but I'm ok...
Posted By: cheesyt Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 12:14 PM
no idea if you're a lady or not, tried to read some early posts but no clue. Then again, I've read so many I cant keep them all straight! I know may and hawk are both ladies like myself!

glad we all seem to be having a decent day though!

I have a GAL activity tonight. yay me. I'm actually going because I'm hungry and It involves food.

anyone else have to force themselves to eat? I've dropped around 30 lbs in my almost 4 months.
Posted By: doodler Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 12:20 PM

Oops...I thought hawker was a guy.

Congats on the weight loss (assuming that it's a good thing). No, I don't have to force myself to eat, but I know that a lot of forum members have mentioned substantial weight loss.
Posted By: Cadet Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 12:26 PM
Originally Posted By: clearte
anyone else have to force themselves to eat? I've dropped around 30 lbs in my almost 4 months.

Welcome to the LBS diet.

Standard weight loss is around what you have accomplished.

It gets put back on very easily and the hard part is losing it the second and third time.
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 12:45 PM
No I am a female...I'm not butch either...HAHAHAHA....
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 01:01 PM
Lol Hawker.

You guys have been making my day today for real! It's nice to be able to joke about this stuff a little bit.

And yes I have lost 20lbs in the past 6 weeks.... part of this is probably because I'm actually trying to lose weight (I've lost 60 lbs so far) but I know a big part of it is stress and weird eating schedules. For consistency and mental clarity I've started fasting. So I will fast for 18-20 hours. Usually from dinner the night before until afternoon snack time the next day. And yes it is medically healthy I consulted my DR lol.
But it's helped simplify my life, I worry less about the fact that I'm not eating and/or when I will eat or what I will eat and it makes it easier to not just emotionally eat.

It's been kind of a rough day. Had to meet with L to talk about Answering my summons. I've been handling everything pretty well since being served but meeting L today just made everything seem so real. and the worst part is MI is a no fault state so, since we don't have kids, there's only a minimum wait period of 60 days! That's no time at all!!!

The other thing that's been messing with me is that, I've always been someone who is pretty intuitive I ALWAYS trust my guy/instinct/intuition whatever you want to call it. And it is right 99% of the time. And lately I keep having this really intense feeling that W wants to come home, I've tried ignoring it because I don't want to get my hopes up for this especially since my intuition doesn't have a calendar so it could be some time in the future. But the more I try to ignore it the more prominent the feeling becomes. I've even started dreaming about it on a regular basis and it is seriously messing with my mind.
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 01:45 PM
It is nice to joke about this stuff sometimes...I know 60 days isn't long but remember what darkness said:

"That said, think of things this way: how would your actual life be any different if you were divorced RIGHT THIS SECOND? In my opinion, the divorce itself is just reporting your relationship status to the government. So don't sweat it. Keep working towards your goals."

Maybe your gut is right but try to ignore it...it does mess with minds...once I thought I saw my wife's car on the street and I thought she was coming home...wasn't her.. frown hang in there!!
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 01:57 PM
I'm really trying to ignore it. And I know it sounds stupid to people who don't feel that way about intuition. But I cannot shake this feeling.

I'm going to try just acknowledging it but then putting it out of my mind for a while. Like I said I don't want to get my hopes up and who knows if it's true or if it's some magically future event or something.

It's just messing with me.

And the divorce thing, I don't know I get what darkness said. I know my day-to-day life wouldn't change and I know it doesn't necessarily mean "THE END" in some super final way. It just still feels bad.
Posted By: Surfer Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 02:00 PM
Always been a mans man doodler haven't you....ahem.... LOL.
Posted By: Surfer Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 02:09 PM
Look it's all pretty straight forward. These vets know. I have struggled so much to detach. But this is the first step. It's about finding you. Read about it. They are legends. I have done so much reading - a 2 years course on marriage fitness. All helpful don't get me wrong. But detaching (lovingly - ie be you, kind, not bitter) and giving space is great. Find you. There is a Ted talk I watched last night about marrying myself. It's a bit 'left of field' for me - as 'a bloke' but I get it. It's really about detaching and GAL IMHO. Listen to it. If she can, you can. We all can. Peace and love to you all - it will come. Just focus on the nice things.
Posted By: Surfer Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 02:17 PM
In reality people like Doodler, Sandi, Job, so so many, have provided such inspiration for me. You will find your way. Listen to them. They are the voice of wisdom when you are in the fog of mayhem.

I learned that advice might come from friends or family. Everyone is an expert on these situations 'relationships'. But in reality, unless they have lived it, or are trained in it (I have my views on the ability of those that have trained but not lived in 'it') theory are not qualified. I know that these vets know.

Read, keep reading and post. That's the only way to engage. Some comments might might not hit the mark. That's okay. Just keep going. You will get there.
Posted By: Surfer Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 02:18 PM
Sorry typing from my phone. It's a bit tricky with one eye....
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 05:48 PM
So tonight I've been packing up for a trip. W and I always used to take the first weekend in August and go spend it at the beach so that's what I'm doing since we already had it planned...
It doesn't feel good to be packing for this trip, that we've taken together for 5 years, alone. But at the same time I feel like I can't not go... that would be giving her too much control over my life, so I'm determined to go and try to have fun.
Posted By: RDS Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 06:22 PM
Who is this maybs, and what did she do with maybeep?
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 07:24 PM
LOL RDS....good for you maybs and maybeep... smile Have some fun!!
Posted By: cheesyt Re: Newbie - my story - 08/02/16 07:28 PM
you got this girl!

I had to go on our "honeymoon" alone, OVER our anniversary.

You got this!

you'll enjoy the quiet, and getting to know maybs.

chin up!
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 03:34 AM
Lol, maybeep felt ridiculous. Like "I may beep. I may not beep?" I don't know. lol

I leave tonight after work so I'm going to try to have fun, I just wish W was coming....

I had been doing so good PMA wise and just overall fun/happy but the last few days have really thrown me.
Posted By: AndrewP Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 04:56 AM
Originally Posted By: maybs
and the worst part is MI is a no fault state so, since we don't have kids, there's only a minimum wait period of 60 days! That's no time at all!!!

The other thing that's been messing with me is that, I've always been someone who is pretty intuitive I ALWAYS trust my guy/instinct/intuition whatever you want to call it. And it is right 99% of the time. And lately I keep having this really intense feeling that W wants to come home, I've tried ignoring it because I don't want to get my hopes up for this especially since my intuition doesn't have a calendar so it could be some time in the future. But the more I try to ignore it the more prominent the feeling becomes. I've even started dreaming about it on a regular basis and it is seriously messing with my mind.

I hear you on this. Yesterday morning I could actually feel W give me a hug and kiss goodbye even though she's been gone for 2 weeks now.

With regards to the D - don't imagine that you have to abide by the minimum wait time if you don't want to. You can drag it out for as long as you like I'm sure. Your L will very likely be more than happy to slowly send letters asking for clarification of this comma or that apostrophe as long as you keep paying their bill.

It's something that I'm struggling with as well. As part of my LRT and for my own sanity I have the divorce papers already filled out and showed them to W when she told me she was leaving for real this time. I did tell her quite emphatically though that that was not a path I wanted to take. Today is the first day that it would be possible for me to receive a letter from her L on moving the process forward. I'm not sure if I'll rush it along or drag it out. First I would want to actually talk to W and see what her wishes are. I've told myself that I can wait out her trying to decide where her heart lies while working on finding myself.

Good luck on the vacation - I'm off next week myself for the annual week that I take around my own anniversary.
Posted By: SH_ Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 05:03 AM
Just a thought.
Dragging it out will only cost you money and perhaps throw gas on the fire for your S.

Around here it is most often said, a d is nothing more that a piece of paper. Keeping that in mind will help your perception as nothing changes with or without it.
If a piece of paper were the secret to a strong healthy MR, we would all be happy.
But it is not.
Another thing that is often asked, and I ask you now.
What would be different right now for you if you already were D?
I get the fear of a speedy d, but it is not the end if you choose not to let it be. Reconciliations still happen after a d.
Posted By: MoveFrwd Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 05:05 AM
Originally Posted By: maybs
And the divorce thing, I don't know I get what darkness said. I know my day-to-day life wouldn't change and I know it doesn't necessarily mean "THE END" in some super final way. It just still feels bad.

I never said it doesnt feel badly. My point was just that in the grand scheme of things, the actual divorce proceedings wont really impact you much. If you spend all of your energy working to "avoid the divorce" then your focus is in the wrong place.
Posted By: MoveFrwd Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 05:07 AM
Originally Posted By: SH_
Just a thought.
Dragging it out will only cost you money and perhaps throw gas on the fire for your S.

Exactly. If you hold a dog and it tries to leave but you hold it tighter, what happens? It just struggles even more until it finally breaks free. And now youve showed that you arent to be trusted.

All you can do is protect yourself and let her go.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 05:33 AM
I don't plan on trying to drag it out a) for financial reasons and b) because it would like SH said "throw gas on the fire"

I'm trying to not focus on it I still have like 18days to file my answer with the court and after that point whatever happens, happens.

I'm still focusing on me and being the best me I can be with or without W.
At this point I honestly think that the D will have to happen for there to be any chance of reconciling.
Posted By: AndrewP Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 09:59 AM
Hmmmm - this is making me re-think my own plans. I have the power to file here right now if I chose to but am currently leaving it to WW to make that first move since it really makes no difference to how I live my life one way or the other.

I had been intending on not obviously dragging my heels but making sure that if she starts things that the mediation steps take a fair amount of time to allow for WW to back out and change her mind. I've worried that she'll be pushed into filing by her L and those enabling people around her and hoped that time would allow her to know her own heart in the matter.

She left 2 weeks ago to "escape the noise and make up her mind" but I have no idea if that is actually what she is doing. All indications from where I sit trying to drop the rope are that she's cut herself off from a lot of her former friends who were egging her on at least as well as me, S22 and D24. I have no clue if she's cut out OM or not. She said that she has the lease where she is until the end of September.

What is the thought of the community? If she starts the process, knowing full well that I have everything in place just let it flow through at speed or let it take time? Money is certainly a concern but my L assures me that doing nothing is relatively cheap.

Sorry for the thread hi-jack but still on topic.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 10:46 AM
Personally, I would not have initiated D. My W filed and because of that I'm going to let it play through. Dragging my heels at this point would just be pouring gas on the fire...It wouldn't help me emotionally or financially and it would not help our chances of Reconciling

I've 180'd from asking her to stop the D to, I don't want to say accepting it, because I have not accepted it but I'm not openly fighting it anymore.

For my situation I plan to take the maximum amount of time I can to file my answers with the court and such but other than that I'm going to let it flow through at speed.

And like I said in my post earlier, I think at least in my situation the D has to go through, or come very, very close, for there to be any chance of reconciling. I need to "act as if" she's lost me and I'm moving on without her and she needs to feel that loss and right now I know she doesn't think she ever could lose me 100%
Posted By: MoveFrwd Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 11:37 AM
Originally Posted By: maybs
For my situation I plan to take the maximum amount of time I can to file my answers with the court and such but other than that I'm going to let it flow through at speed.

I wouldnt pay too much attention to it. Treat it like any other bill. Get to it when you have some time to do household "paperwork" tasks. You know the deadline...just meet it as you would normally.
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 11:47 AM
I just meant I know I have until xx day so I will take until xx day. I'm not in a rush to get around to it. Kind of the same mentality as the bills. As long as they're on time I don't worry about it.
Posted By: cheesyt Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 01:12 PM
Originally Posted By: maybs
she needs to feel that loss and right now I know she doesn't think she ever could lose me 100%

I think my W thinks / feels the same.

after the recent email, I too will act as if, they need to know what life after D will be like.

no maybs, no clearte.

Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 03:53 PM
I'm glad it's not just me!

It's so hard. I struggle between I don't want to seem uncaring because if I didn't care I would just say f*** it whatever and walk away. But I also don't want to do too much. The problem is cutting back on some of the stuff I do for her is hard for me because I LIKE doing those things for her. But in the end I think she needs to realize what "privileges" come with the relationship and that she can't expect me to do those things anymore.
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 03:57 PM
I know what you mean but she needs to feel your absence and miss you!!!
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 04:30 PM
I know. I'm working on it. I haven't spoken to her at all in 2 weeks and I haven't seen her at all in 3 weeks.... I made it to the beach....alone. And I know it will be nice to have some R&R but right this second it feels very lonely. frown
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 04:48 PM
You have been doing great...I'm only on day 3 of NC and I'm stuggling...:) I'm sure it feels lonely...I can't imagine going to where we used to go alone...you are one strong lady!! smile
Posted By: maybs Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 04:52 PM
thanks. I'm trying really hard to be strong through all of this. And I just keep telling myself to work on me and everything will happen the way it's supposed to when it's supposed to. I'm using this time to try to detach more.
Posted By: cheesyt Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 08:51 PM
enjoy the beach, get a tan!!! (do you tan or burn? lol I'm Hispanic so i tan / burn / brown)

random though here, if our W's are out and keeping busy, how in the heck are they supposed to reflect and miss us / want us back?
I know my W is so busy with school. & friends take up her spare time, I don't see how this will work out when she puts so much energy into everyone else.
Posted By: hawker Re: Newbie - my story - 08/03/16 08:59 PM
Well my W is not missing me cuz she has a OW that is keeping her occupied.... frown Hopefully she will realize this OW is not so perfect and she will remember our life together eventually.....just keep being the people our spouses would be a fool to leave. Keep working on us!! smile

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