Posted By: Maybell 5k training - 09/27/14 03:10 PM
It's a gorgeous morning and I just had my best training run/walk in months. H has the kids for Thanksgiving so I agreed to do a Turkey Trot with a friend. It felt so great to be out again!!

Claire7 and I agreed to start a running thread a few weeks ago and I let my NMA (negative mental attitude) keep me from spreading the word, but I'm back, people, so who's running with me???

Post your goals, progress, training & music tips here so we can support one another. Cross training tips also welcome so we can be holistically fit.

My goal is to improve my pace to a 30 minute 5k by Thanksgiving. I commit to running three days next week plus at least one yoga class.

Happy trails!!!
Posted By: raliced Re: 5k training - 09/27/14 03:36 PM
I've signed up to do a 5k mud run/ obstacle course on October 26. There is a kids version and D6 is going to do that at the same time. Prior to BD I was not a runner - I have worked my way up to 2 miles 4X a week on the fire trail on my property. It's now 30 days to the event (honestly my goal is just to finish since I've never done anything like this before).

For this week goals are:

1. Start running on my lunch hour at work
2. Start doing some upper body strength training (some of the obstacles involve scary rope climbing type of things - and I have no upper arm strength...none.. zip...zilch....)
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 10/01/14 02:39 PM
How's the training going, fellow GALers? I got a great yoga class in yesterday and a pretty decent run through a foggy, humid, cool post storm morning.

My next run may be a treadmill workout unfortunately, but one of my goals for next week is to find a new trail to run since I'm getting quite bored of this one.

Pace for the total run remains steady at 13 minutes/mile but I feel stronger so hope to see improvement soon.

Anyone else out there running?


Posted By: raliced Re: 5k training - 10/01/14 02:49 PM
I am now officially the person who runs on my lunch break at my office (2 miles at about 11 minutes a mile). I confess to feeling a wee bit smug as I sail back to my cubicle glowing with exertion.

I am now looking for tips on how to train for the rope climb portion of the race I am running at the end of October. I know there's some ex-military people on these boards - how do you actually learn and prepare to shimmy up a rope (the rope does appear to have some knots at semi-convenient intervals).
Posted By: stacey9 Re: 5k training - 10/01/14 05:34 PM
Hi - I am running too! Never did it before, started about 4 months ago and now love it! I am up to 3.89K, trying to build up to 5K. Really loving the results, I feel so much better.
Posted By: honest Re: 5k training - 10/01/14 06:24 PM
When I joined the military MANY years ago, I was lacking in the run department..... deployed to German and ran a minimum of 3 3/4 miles EVERY night.( I quit mountain dew also) I lost20 lbs and didn't even know it. I still run at least 2miles 3times a week. A co-worker last week could not believe I was 56, he thought I was in my 40s. throwing a 40lbs backpack on and walking 2or3 miles cleans the mind out too. I never ran for time, I went for distance. then the time came down. Its the motivation to run I think that helps the most.
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 10/01/14 06:54 PM
One of my GAL activities when I was trying to pull myself out of depression when my 3rd child was a baby was to train for the Breast Cancer 3 Day (60 miles in 3 days). I didn't have childcare and my jog stroller was a single, but I had a 3 yo and a 1 yo (also a 5 yo in preschool). So I stuck the 3 yo in the stroller, put the 1 yo in a child carrier on my back, and worked my way up to 7 miles a day. I couldn't increase my mileage after 7 mi because the time it took was too long for my little ones, but man, I had some VERY powerful leg muscles. Especially when the stroller tire developed a slow leak and stopped rolling so well... The kids kept on growing as I trained so my pack weight did too over the course of that year. smile
Posted By: Shakspr Re: 5k training - 10/01/14 07:52 PM
Did 3 miles in 29:50 last week. Have been doing shorter runs at 9:00 pace as well. Am also swimming because my old knees can't take more than 2x runs each week. I stink in the pool, but you can't help but improve.

Will run tonight after church for certain. Great job everyone JUST GETTING OUT THERE!
Posted By: jim0987 Re: 5k training - 10/01/14 08:08 PM
I've started running again. Only a couple times a week. Ok pace but really need to work on the endurance - yesterday i ran about 2k in about 12 minutes but was unable to speak afterwards.
Posted By: Old Dog Re: 5k training - 10/01/14 09:25 PM
Originally Posted By: Shakspr
I stink in the pool, but you can't help but improve.

Is that sink or stink :-)
Posted By: jim0987 Re: 5k training - 10/08/14 07:29 PM
Flat mile in 7:30. Not amazing for a flat mile but big improvement on a few weeks ago when I wouldn't have got that far.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/08/14 07:54 PM
Great thread! Don't forget some speed (or at least faster) work each week. If your goal is 12-13 minutes per mile for a 5K, once a week you should do one of the following workouts:

- Run three to four 1/2 miles at 9-10 minute mile pace (4.5 to 5 minutes for the 1/2 mile) with 3-4 minute rest in between each loop. The pace is up to you, but you should feel tired after every loop.

- Run six 1/4-mile laps at 8-9 minute pace (2:00 to 2:15 per lap on a 400 m track) with 1-2 minute rest in between

- Look up fartlek workout and try out that strategy once a week (basically, randomly adjust your speed on a 2-4 mile run...Jog easy, then run hard (but not sprint) for 1/4 to 1/2 mile, then jog for 100 m, then sprint 100 m, etc. it's up to you, but it trains your body for a race when you are surrounded by tons of people and have to adjust your speed, pass people, etc.

When starting any new workout like that, take it easy. Don't get me wrong, they should be really uncomfortable. That's the point. But you can hurt yourself if you're not careful. So ease into them if you don't have a serious runner or coach training you. At first, instead of doing 4 1/2 miles, maybe try one at the end of your normal jog as see what is an "uncomfortable" pace for you for that one 1/2 mile. It should be a pace that you feel you CAN'T sustain for a full mile.

btw, that is called interval training, so Google it if you want more info.
Posted By: stacey9 Re: 5k training - 10/08/14 08:13 PM
Thanks card29 that's very helpful. I started running about 5 months ago and am now up to 4.66k in 23 minutes 4 times a week. Trying to increase my distance every few weeks.

Loving the endorphins!
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/08/14 09:22 PM
Great pace! 44 yr W that could break 23 minutes in a 5K? That's sick! I guarantee if you start mixing in speed workouts (for you it might need to be 3:00-3:20 minute 1/2 miles), that time will drop even further!

Also, I should have mentioned in the previous comment- Don't start speed workouts until you have been jogging/running middle distances (2.5-5 miles, 3-4 days a week) for at least 3 months. Recipe for injury if you start it cold turkey! That's what's referred to as building a mileage base, or building a base.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/08/14 09:29 PM
Looks like there are several different climates already in this thread (Maryland, Texas, England, I'm from KY). I know lots of people here are in CA. This thread would be interesting to keep going this winter for those of us with cold winters. I actually LOVE running in the cold. The first 2-3 really cold runs burn your lungs, then you acclimate and it feels great.

Still, some of us might be jealous of the TX and SoCal people smile
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/10/14 02:00 AM
I'm doing a breast cancer fundraising 5K on Saturday, but I won't be running it. I'm walking with a large group from work, plus my leg is still messed up from the last game of coed kickball on Tuesday. I'll get back to the trail running next week, hopefully.
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 10/10/14 02:07 AM
I did not run this week because my knee was hurting so much I could barely walk. My shoes are really old and need to be replaced. Hoping that helps with my knee.

Ok, Card, I'll hit the treadmill tomorrow night and Sunday morning. Plans with an out of town friend tomorrow and I have the kids again this weekend. And Sunday I will post my training plan for the coming week.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/10/14 02:52 AM
Hey now, don't run if you're injured! I'm sitting out this week due to a silly kickball injury :P

I hope your knee heals quickly. New shoes are a must, every 300-400 miles. If you've never been to physical therapy and you've had that pain multiple times or for a few weeks, definitely consider that. Many times your insurance will cover it for a simple copay, and you don't need a Dr's reference, typically. The best part is not what they do to you, but what the teach you (exercises, stretches, techniques, equipment).

Happy running smile
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 10/10/14 02:59 AM
It's a short-term injury, combination of the shoes, a funny moment at the yoga class, and a LOT of stairs in my house. Plus I live in a very walkable town and I get 4-7 miles of walking in my ordinary routine. The shoes I'm wearing now are the ones I wore to train for and run my first half marathon 11 months ago, so they're definitely toast.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/10/14 03:13 AM
Glad to hear it's not chronic. Okay then, get after that treadmill mad
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 10/13/14 03:25 PM
New shoes, and no pain in my knee. smile

I did a treadmill workout this morning because it's cold and raining here. It's good that I did, because I have apparently COMPLETELY forgotten how to pace myself. But it's bad that I did because it was a bad morning for music and I had a hard time keeping myself motivated.

My pace is BAD, but getting back on the treadmill is GOOD, because I won't forget to do it and now I've reminded myself that I can run whenever I want. (Also that I really, really need to clean up the basement).

Yoga tomorrow. I'm making progress.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/13/14 04:26 PM
Great report. Keep it up smile
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/13/14 04:48 PM
FYI, I did a 5k for cancer research over the weekend. I mainly walked, though, because I had D2 in a stroller (and not a jogging stroller). Great time! Lots of really enthusiastic people at 7:00 am on a cold, rainy Saturday (I was not one of them at first lol)
Posted By: stacey9 Re: 5k training - 10/16/14 08:47 PM
Ok so my life may be in turmoil but......I am now running 6.9k in 38 minutes! It has taken me 5 months to get to this stage but I'm loving the new fit me!
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 10/16/14 08:54 PM
Whoa, jealous!!! Way to go!!
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/16/14 11:51 PM
Great work, Stacey! Do you have any races picked out in the coming months? That's the best motivation for me, a definitive date with hundreds or thousands of other runners when I want to run a certain time, or at least my best

I love this thread. Always makes me smile when I see it at the top. It's only good news smile
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 10/18/14 04:34 PM
Still struggling with maintaining a sustainable pace, so today I let myself sprint and just adjusted my run/walk intervals instead. Did very well for the first two miles, was completely blown for the 3rd one so walked it and tried to maintain a brisk pace. Goal for this week is to only walk the last half mile by a week from today.

Anybody else?
Posted By: SunnyB Re: 5k training - 10/18/14 06:17 PM
You guys are making me think about a 5K. In general, I'd rather deadlift than run, but in the spirit of trying something new.....maybe.
Posted By: stacey9 Re: 5k training - 10/18/14 06:19 PM
Good for you maybell! I definitely find it's lifting my mood, I can't help but be pleased with myself when it's done. I can't believe I am now fitter than my kids!

Card I haven't thought about entering any races yet but work colleagues are trying to talk me into it.

And I agree this is a great thread!
Posted By: stacey9 Re: 5k training - 10/18/14 06:23 PM
Rpp I've never ran in my life and it's taken me 5 months to get to being able to run over 6k without stopping but it seems to be something new in my life that I can control, and am getting better at and can really see the results.

Go for it!
Posted By: SunnyB Re: 5k training - 10/18/14 06:57 PM
Originally Posted By: rppfl
In general, I'd rather deadlift than run,

Meant to say "run for distance". Sprint intervals, on the other hand, are a lot of fun. ;-)
Posted By: claire7 Re: 5k training - 10/18/14 07:16 PM
No running for me (yet), but started PT and walked over 3 miles today. #unstuck.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/18/14 07:29 PM
stacey, I can't recommend a road race enough. If you like running on your own, you'll really be motivated once you run with a large group of people. And dont worry about your place in the race, or worrying if you'll be last. Typical large road races are 50% runners, 50% walkers.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/18/14 07:33 PM
Maybell, I don't have any current running goals. My physical goals are more weight room focused. But I plan on running our city's triple crown in the spring (5K, 10K, 10mile) and going for a time in the 5K, hopefully under 22 minutes
Posted By: jim0987 Re: 5k training - 10/18/14 07:35 PM
Its feeling good to get running again. Was feeling anxious but 3k later the anxiety was pushed out in the struggle for breath
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 10/18/14 09:49 PM
I want to run a turkey trot on Thanksgiving and work up to my second half marathon in May. I'm fortunate to live in a town with a huge running culture so I could do a timed 5k every single weekend if I wanted to. I'd love to get my time down to 32 minutes (I know, it's slow, but it'd be a PR) and the half in under three hours. My half last year was just under 3:30 so under 3:00 is a big push too. I'm mostly just glad to be out again.

Would love to hear tips for running in very cold weather. Like, under 30 cold. I don't have a good cold weather running wardrobe and would like to know how to properly equip myself.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/19/14 04:51 AM
Originally Posted By: jim0987
Its feeling good to get running again. Was feeling anxious but 3k later the anxiety was pushed out in the struggle for breath
When we are anxious, depressed, obsessed, etc, I think the best thing to do is so high intensity cardio hard and long enough so that the only thing you can possibly think of is he workout. Wear yourself out completely. Then for a while afterwards, you will just feel great about being done with the workout. It should be added to Sandi's rules!
Posted By: jim0987 Re: 5k training - 10/19/14 05:17 AM
^^that I agree with. Exercise instead of doing or saying something stupid
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 10/19/14 08:01 PM
A few hours before my BD, I ran three ten minute miles with my training group. All in a row. I was SO PUMPED. I had only started running AT ALL four months before after a lifetime of swearing I never would.

I have never, ever regained that pace. I often feel better when I run, but I also often feel like I am carrying a boulder in my heart and running makes it worse. There were times I tried to run when the boulder got so heavy that I had to sit on a park bench to cry in order to keep walking.

I still carry that boulder some, but I'm trying to be water that wears it away. The boulder slows me down and makes it hard to keep going, which is why I need the yoga to help lighten it. The beauty of running, though, is that if you can get far enough away from your house you have to keep going in order to get home again.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/19/14 09:08 PM
Originally Posted By: Maybell
Would love to hear tips for running in very cold weather. Like, under 30 cold. I don't have a good cold weather running wardrobe and would like to know how to properly equip myself.
if you've never ran in the cold regularly, the MOST important thing to learn is that it WILL be uncomfortable the first 3-4 runs, especially your lungs. I'm talking below 30 and especially when you get around 20. It doesn't matter what shape you are in. When I was at my peak (early college days), I still had to adjust to the cold. But once your body gets used to it, cold runs are the best! You never overheat (unless you have in too much clothing and can't take any of it off for whatever reason), it is secluded especially at normally packed parks, it is quiet (animals hibernating). And it just feels great to be exercising during the season when most people are inside packing on their winter pounds. So embrace the cold, don't be discouraged by it! Also, once you get used to it, do NOT be afraid of the really cold temps (10-25 F). You'd be surprised how comfortable you can be if you run hard in that with the right clothes. Plus, there is nothing like getting into a warm shower after a hard, frigid run!

Wardrobe depends on how vigorously you run and how cold it is. If you run hard the whole time, causing your body to make more heat, you'll need less clothes. If you casually or even walk some of it, you'll need more insulation.

when it's cold, you'll always need gloves. Wear a hat/tobaggon that you can take off and carry somembow (tuck into waistband) if you get too hot. It is an easy way to regulate your temperature. When first walk outside, you should feel cold in your clothes. That will change 3 or 4 minutes into the run. Until you know what to wear, I find it enlightening to get dressed, doing some in-place cardio while still in your house for 5 minutes (jumping jacks, whatever), and then step outside. That will be how you feel while running.

Here is my typical outfit for a 30-40F run:

- light gloves
- tobaggon that I usually take off 10-15 minutes into run
- two thin shirt layers, one long sleeve
- shorts, shoes normal

If it dips into the mid 20s or below, I upgrade to heavy gloves and a hoodie. Still run in shorts. If I'm running in the low teens, I might put on full length thermal underwear, top and bottom. If it gets so cold where you need thick layers WHILE running to keep from freezing, then it's time to hit the treadmill or just cozy up with a blanket and a good book lol

Also, as a woman, there is one cold problem that you don't have to deal with that us guys have trouble with, especially when it dips to the low teens or single digits...
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/20/14 02:33 AM
Originally Posted By: Maybell
The beauty of running, though, is that if you can get far enough away from your house you have to keep going in order to get home again.
These words haunted me today, haha! After reading the updates on this thread, I was pumped and decided to go for a long run. I was ignoring the fact that I had lifted weights AND did a spinning class earlier in the day. I was going for a 6 mile loop with a water stop at a park at the turnaround point. I got lost in this sprawling neighborhood a mile from mine and it ended up taking me almost 5 miles to get to the park. That's when I started thinking about these words of yours, Maybell smile The 3 miles home took a while because I had to stop and walk several times. I don't seem to be injured, though, so it's all good. And I'm way too tired tonight to feel any pain about my sitch
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/22/14 01:22 AM
Any updates, runner/walkers? This place is pretty gloomy lately and this is my favorite thread to see at the top.

I haven't ran since I overdid it on Sunday. Feet were a little tender yesterday.
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 10/22/14 01:26 AM
Running tomorrow. I had to cancel yoga today because I thought S6 had symptoms of a concussion, so rushed him to the doctor. All's well, except he needs glasses. This is my most athletic child!! Sigh. Also have to reschedule my yoga. Update tomorrow.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/22/14 01:42 AM
Oh gosh! Glad there was nothing serious going on with him.

I will also run tomorrow
Posted By: zed Re: 5k training - 10/22/14 04:18 AM
Hi Guys I just found this thread. My W all ways asked me to run with her. I never really did like running it seemed to hurt the knees. I liked the bike better. But low a behold after she told me she did not love me. What do I find myself doing every night. Running 3-5 M. She even made a comment about how I'm steeling her treadmill now. I find it helps clear all the thoughts and makes you feel so much better to sweat it out until you almost collapse. Another plus side I can keep up with the kids and almost see the muscles under my belly fat after I have lost close to 30 lbs since July. Another 10 lbs and I will be close to my weight when I was 21.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/23/14 12:45 AM
zed, how are your knees with all of these sudden miles? I hope you ramped up to those 3-5 mi per night!
Posted By: zed Re: 5k training - 10/23/14 01:17 PM
They were sore for the first 2-3 weeks or so, but I kept pushing through. After that they did not hurt as much.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/23/14 02:38 PM
Glad to hear. Listen to your body if anything changes! If you do get a lingering pain, I would cut out the middle man and go straight to a physical therapist, if there is one in your insurance network, and especially one that specializes in sports injuries. If your doctor is anything like the ones I've been to, it will be "rest and medicine". I had several problems in my feet for 6 months using these techniques. I finally went to a sports physical therapist, and 2-3 sessions of education, stretching and exercise, and I was on my way back to healthy feet.
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 10/25/14 04:34 PM
Exceeded last week's goal and also succeeded in IMPROVING my pace with each successive mile. New music helped a LOT. Gorgeous day didn't hurt. smile

I have the kids next weekend so I won't have a leisurely Saturday available to train, so this week's goal is to do a better job with my mid-week runs, and also to explore new running routes that might require me to drive to the start point so I can mix up the terrain, elevations, and scenery. It probably is time also to find a running buddy so I feel safer in less populated settings.

Before you suggest it, Card, there is a running group in my town but their scheduled runs don't work with my availability. (I ran with them last year when having my husband still in the home made it possible for me to get out more flexibly). I may reach out to the president, though, who is a good friend of mine, and see if she can connect me with someone with my skill and availability.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/25/14 04:45 PM
I'm also in the lookout for a running buddy/group. I still intend to join a Wednesday 5k group but haven't done it yet. The closest thing I've had lately to a running partner is going to Europe for work for 6 out of be next 9 months
Posted By: jim0987 Re: 5k training - 10/25/14 07:19 PM
Just got back from my first run in about 10 days and feel a chunk less mopey

3k in about 18 minutes so not too shabby
Posted By: jim0987 Re: 5k training - 10/29/14 08:50 PM
Back in from another 3k. Nothing particular about it just like seeing this thread on the front page
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 10/29/14 09:18 PM
Agreed! I haven't ran in a while due to my weekend trip followed by a stomach virus. I need to quit making excuses, though, because I am busy for the next few nights already.

I did complete the Maybell challenge on Saturday, running sprints in the backyard of SIL's house while D2 was napping
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 10/29/14 10:05 PM
Yoga yesterday and yoga tonight. Running... ? Maybe tomorrow afternoon? Friday after my interview? I'm trying to sort it out.

Stretch, people! I was almost Gumby before I took up running. Now I can JUST touch my toes without bending my knees. crazy
Posted By: RAI Re: 5k training - 10/29/14 10:24 PM
OMG!!! I just found this thread! I can't believe I have never seen this thread before.

One of the best things to come out of my WAW's A is my GAL strategy.

I ran my first half-marathon last October (3 months after D-day). At the time it was not consciously to GAL (I had begun training prior to D-day), but running has since become a passion. I use it to clear my head and as an excuse to get out of the house when I feel tense. Even better, my S10 is a bit chubby, so I run with him. It has brought us closer and is such valuable together time. I lost 15 lb, I feel great, I look wiry (!) and my muscles are starting to peek out from under the flab. I have contacted a personal trainer. I would like to be a fly on the wall when my W realizes how nuts she was to walk away.

As far as music goes - I'm not down, by the Clash, is one of my many anthems. Instant pick me up. Train In Vain, also by the Clash, is a close second. read the lyrics and you'll know why.

It is nice to post something that is about me, but not as related to my sitch. Again I can't believe I found this thread. I just wanted to share.


Posted By: stacey9 Re: 5k training - 10/29/14 10:39 PM
I love this thread too! I am now doing around 7.2k 4 times a week. My best time is 38 minutes. The difference in how I feel is amazing and becoming a bit addictive.

It's great for maintaining a pma!
Posted By: jim0987 Re: 5k training - 11/04/14 08:25 PM
Back to the front for this thread.

I was feeling tetchy so went for a run and feel much better.

I would like to know what happened to the warmth though. It was 23 degrees on Friday and its about 2 now. (Celsius)
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 11/04/14 09:27 PM
Still not seriously training on the road. I am more focused in the weight room. I've been a distance runner my whole life (although haven't really trained for it in several years) and would like to know what it's like to have some muscle for once! I still love running, though, and am running ~10 miles per week. I try to run them hard, though, not just always leisurely.
Posted By: stacey9 Re: 5k training - 11/04/14 09:51 PM
I'm now up to 8.6k 4 times a week, usually in about 47 minutes. Weather still not too bad at the moment but don't think I'll manage to run when it's icy.

It's great to get outdoors don't think I'd enjoy a treadmill.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 11/04/14 11:14 PM
For those that use and enjoy treadmills: great! Especially LBS's with young children, they can run with the kids in the house. Some are even skilled though to read while on the treadmill. For me, though, if I'm going to run, it's going to be outside. Can't stand treadmills! Now that I'm an LBS with a D2 half of the week, there have been a couple of nights I kind of wished I'd had one. But normally I can work it into my day before I pick her up from daycare
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 11/05/14 01:33 AM
I'm not saying I enjoy treadmills, but between having the kids 90% of the time, the end of daylight savings and thus less daylight (single woman running NOT in the dark), and unpredictable weather (pouring rain, freezing temperatures), I'm glad to have it.

I can't read on the treadmill either, but movies and YouTube work well and are nice for pacing & intervals. I also like the incline function.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 11/05/14 12:35 PM
I forgot about the nasty winter weather. You're right, there are lots of good reasons to run on a treadmill and you have several of them. Especially being a single, SAHM who always has the kids... Hey, are you still planning on doing the Turkey Trot?

I lifted weights and ran afterwards last night. It felt so good once I got home and was in the warm shower! In case anyone is interested in starting weight lifting, I am following Jason Blaha's Ice Cream Fitness, which is an easy-to-follow program for beginners. I'd recommend one session with a personal trainer or an experienced lifter so you can learn proper form. Another good beginnners program is support to be Starting Strength.
Posted By: RAI Re: 5k training - 11/05/14 02:19 PM
I have begun weight training on the sly. I just had my first session with a personal trainer, unbeknownst to my WAW. I am not sure what I would tell her if/when she finds out. suggestions?

I am so sore. But already I see a difference - after 1 session. crazy! The trainer said that running burns muscle and I should avoid it. I am also eating way way more protein. Kind of getting sick of chicken and it's only been two days. Does anyone know if the morningstar veggie burgers are considered a good protein for muscle building?

Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 11/05/14 02:28 PM
Hm, running burns muscle? I think there are a whole slew of caveats to that. I know I'm way MORE muscular when I run regularly. What's your goal with the weight training? A good cross-training program will help you build muscle healthfully.

I would spend a little time on fitness magazines to help you with your goals. I'm suspicious of your trainer's suggestion on the face of it.

Morningstar veggie burgers are fairly high in sodium, consider investigating a better range of whole foods rather than going the processed route.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 11/05/14 03:58 PM
Originally Posted By: RAI
I have begun weight training on the sly. I just had my first session with a personal trainer, unbeknownst to my WAW. I am not sure what I would tell her if/when she finds out. suggestions?
Don't bring it up. Do it for yourself. But if she asks about it, just keep it brief but positive. Just say you're feeling really good. Definitely don't hint at a question like "do you like that I'm doing this?" If you want it to have an impact on her, she would find out by noticing a change in your body, not you tipping her off that you're training.

I am so sore. But already I see a difference - after 1 session. crazy! The trainer said that running burns muscle and I should avoid it. I am also eating way way more protein. Kind of getting sick of chicken and it's only been two days. Does anyone know if the morningstar veggie burgers are considered a good protein for muscle building?
Don't get too worked up after 1 training session. Any size change you notice immediately after the workout is due to increased blood flow in the muscles. That's why body builders lift weights right before going on stage. Just don't get discouraged if you notice they've went back to "normal" in a day or two. It takes time (weeks-months) to start to have long term change. You can burn fat 10x's faster than you can gain muscle.

Regarding running while weight lifting...for one thing, "running burns muscle" is flat wrong, unless you are eating at a deficit. If you only run and train for distance, yes, your muscles will tend to look like that of a distance runner. But distance runners don't typically perform heavy weight lifting programs. And body builders, power lifters and strongmen are huge, and no, they don't run very much, but that's because they don't need to in order to reach their goals. Running would just be extra, unnecessary work, and it would require them to eat even MORE food just to maintain their weight and strength.

They key is your diet. To gain muscle, you have to eat at a calorie surplus of 300-500 calories per day, and you should eat about 1 g of protein for every pound of lean body weight (use a lean body weight calculator). If you run, you burn extra calories, so you need to eat even more food. If you don't consider that extra calorie usage, and you eat the same # of calories (or less) than you burn, you will not gain muscle. Find a TDEE calculator online and figure out your base caloric need for 24 hours (be sure to include your exercises- lifting and running). Then use something like My Fitness Pal to track all of your calories and make sure you're eating at a surplus.

The jury is still out on "running negates lifting". I think if your goal is to be as huge as possible, you might not want to run. But you CAN gain muscle while running. I was a cross country runner in high school. We lifted, but not heavily, especially with upper body lifts. We did do very heavy squats and leg presses, though. Even though I was running 60+ miles a week, my legs were ripped by my senior year. I say, if you enjoy running, keep doing it. You can still gain muscle, and if you aren't running crazy distances, I don't think it has much of an effect at all. JMO. And I don't know if anyone in the world can say for sure regarding this issue, one way or the other, as research is still being conducted.

If you're interested in a flood of information, check out reddit.com/r/fitness. There is lots of good information there. There is also plenty of "bro-science" ("running burns muscle", "you have to intake protein before, during and after workout in order for the workout to count", etc. ...a.k.a. misinformation). And there is sometimes a little too much vanity for me, too, with people posting before and after pics. Some before and afters are really cool and motivational. Others are obviously just posted so people can praise them for their 6-packs.

The bottom line, though, is make sure you are doing these things for YOU. I get the impression from this thread that you are doing it to impress your W, although you did mention that you feel good doing it. Just make sure you have your head aimed in the right direction. If she finds out you're working out and is indifferent to it, it might crush you if you're hoping it will help your M (and it might, even if she doesn't acknowledge it right now). The flip side is that she could have a positive reaction, you mind read, and then you have a backslide when she remains on track to end your M. Making it about her is just setting yourself up for failure, so just be healthy-minded with your motivation.
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 11/05/14 04:37 PM
Motivation was low this morning but intellectual determination won the day. Splits are getting more even, pace is steadily improving, and I had a little left at the end, so I could have done even better.

Yep, Card, I'm registering for the turkey trot today. When race adrenaline kicks in I expect I'll have a new PR.

Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 11/05/14 05:25 PM
Glad to hear that, Maybell! I have no doubt you will PR.

OK FOLKS, this is a 5K training thread. So what 5K/road race are you training for? It doesn't have to be this month or anything, but having a definite race in your future is highly motivating. I am training for the triple crown in Louisville, which is a 5K, 10K and 10 miler. It isn't until March.
Posted By: RAI Re: 5k training - 11/06/14 03:03 PM
Maybell and Card29,

thanks for the excellent advice. I will incorporate it into my plan. In fact, I am migrating over to a iPhone (finally!!) from a primitive blackberry, so "my fitness pal" may be one of the first apps I use.

I especially appreciate the caveat at the end, about making sure I am doing this for myself. I aspire to this. I understand the rationale for it, but I am not there yet, and I am working on it. It is a hard painful process. I may need a few 2x4s before I fully internalize it. Who here does not indulge in some (ok, a lot of) wishful thinking on occasion.

Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 11/06/14 03:53 PM
Back of my right knee is killing me today. Like, hurts to walk on it. So frustrating.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 11/06/14 04:27 PM
Maybell, sorry to hear abot your knee I hope it's a short-lived pain.

RAI, it will just take you time to realize it, but you will learn to not do things for her right now. Let yourself be disappointed a few times by her not having a reaction that you were hoping for, and you won't have to convince yourself to do things for YOU instead of her. At that point it wouldnt mean you don't love her or want the M to work. It is just part of the detachment process.

Keep it up!
Posted By: RAI Re: 5k training - 11/06/14 09:28 PM
feel better. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Posted By: RAI Re: 5k training - 11/06/14 09:29 PM
My new Mantra. Much better than the expletives I was using until today. thanks.
Posted By: jim0987 Re: 5k training - 11/11/14 08:02 PM
This thread got a long way back

Up to 4k tonight and much better stamina throughout. There aren't many winter 5k races around so me aim is to do a couple in the spring and use the winter to get my distance and speed up.

Not actually sure what a good time would be. I'm thinking 25 minutes ish would feel like a decent achievement for me though I know that the good runners are well below 20.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 11/11/14 08:17 PM
jim, do you have friends to run with? Or are there any running clubs near you? Running with others is an amazing GAL activity. And then you can measure out a 5K course and run it with them. A lot of running clubs will put together informal races, too. There is always an additional motivation in a real road race with hundreds of thousands of other runners, but no reason not to run a time trial in the mean time!
Posted By: jim0987 Re: 5k training - 11/11/14 08:25 PM
No club nearby unfortunately. Its hard timing wise anyway - I get odd bits of time to run so scheduled running is hard to fit in.

The area I live there are lots of routes and cut through so I can add little bits or cut corners depending how I'm feeling or how my dodgy ankle is doing.

Need a running buddy at work really - that always was a good lunch break.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 11/11/14 09:21 PM
Any running buddy prospects at work?
Posted By: jim0987 Re: 5k training - 11/11/14 09:45 PM
Not yet but then I've always kept myself to my role at work. Its one of my GAL goals to correct.
Posted By: sandi2 Re: 5k training - 11/12/14 07:08 PM
You should look for Mr.Bond and follow his advice. He might be Gucci loafer, if I recall correctly.


(Pssst, he's not Gucci.)
Posted By: jim0987 Re: 5k training - 12/14/14 10:03 PM
Its been quite a while since this post was near the top so bumping it up.

my training is coming on nicely despite the cold, wet and windy weather. Ran about 4k this evening in a little over half an hour. speed not improving greatly but felt alright the whole way round

come spring a few 5k races will await
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 12/14/14 10:49 PM
Thanks for bumping this back up, Jim. I haven't run since I started working and I think that may be part of my problem. Project for tonight: Figure out how to work running & yoga back into my routine.
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 01/09/15 06:54 PM
Okay, popsicles, who all has been running??

Haha it has been a little too cold for me lately. A little jogging on the treadmill at the gym, between weight lifting sets. I'm supposed to run in a 5K event tomorrow morning with a group of about 10 people from work. It's supposed to be 8º at race time...at least half have already back out. I haven't yet, but I know I will be extremely tempted tomorrow morning to not go. That would just plain hurt!

Anyway, just giving this a bump, hopefully to get some people re-motivated to take advantage when warmer weather does come around.
Posted By: RAI Re: 5k training - 03/18/15 03:36 AM
Hello? Anybody out there? I just registered for my next half-marathon. Stoked!! lost18 also just registered for one.

The weather is getting nice enough for outdoor running. Was at the gym yesterday. My trainer tried to kill me crazy . Hurts soo good!

Anyone with a good 2000 calorie per day meal plan?

Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 03/18/15 04:23 AM
I'm signed up for our city's triple crown of running, a half marathon, and a trail 1/2 marathon, all in the next 2 months. That's tbe good news. The bad news: injuries. Still trying to manage a chronic pain from heel spur (2 yrs and counting), and I just tweaked my back at the gym. Supposed to run a 10K this Saturday. Right now Id say I'm 50/50 for it
Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 03/18/15 04:27 AM
Diet: well i don't have advice, just a request for prayer/positive thoughts haha ...my new apt is 50 yds from the best pizza place in the whole city. I can actually smell it when I have the windows open
Posted By: lost18 Re: 5k training - 03/19/15 03:23 PM
I registered for a half in November, hoping it will keep me motivated! Struggling with the run right now and not even running 3 miles YET! A few years ago I did a trail half marathon, the Tough Mudder, Ragnar relay and several other runs. Disappointed in myself for letting myself get this out of shape again. BUT, like in my R I am trying to look forward and not dwell in the past!

Thanks for getting this thread going again RAI!
Posted By: Tarheel Re: 5k training - 03/19/15 03:31 PM
I signed the kids and I up for a Color Run (google it) in a few mos. It sounds like a fun time if it's available in your area, plus it's a great bonding experience with kids.
Posted By: RAI Re: 5k training - 03/20/15 01:27 PM
Originally Posted By: Card29
Diet: well i don't have advice, just a request for prayer/positive thoughts haha ...my new apt is 50 yds from the best pizza place in the whole city. I can actually smell it when I have the windows open

I used to park my car right next to a pizza shop. Had to walk by that awesome aroma daily. Pizza is as good a 2000-calorie meal plan as I can imagine. I suppose you can use pizza as a reward for a good workout. I actually keep some of my favorite snack in my office, because I am pretty sure that I am burning more calories that I am consuming. DB and 1/2-marathon training together make for an excellent weight loss plan.

I played hooky from my IC yesterday and went to the gym instead. My trainer is working my core. I never new I had a "core". Hope to run or hit the elliptical this weekend.

Posted By: RAI Re: 5k training - 03/20/15 01:36 PM
Originally Posted By: lost18
I registered for a half in November, hoping it will keep me motivated! Struggling with the run right now and not even running 3 miles YET!
It's is still early and you still have plenty of time: I asked last time, and the 1/2-marathon organizers say you need a minimum of 16 weeks to train for one. You have considerably more than that. Are you using a trainer or training App to pace yourself and make sure you are meeting your weekly goals?

I am amazed at how de-conditioned I got over the winter. I did three miles last week and almost died!! In the peak of the summer, 3 miles would not even have winded me. To my credit, I did push myself a litter harder than usual and increased the pace a bit past my comfort zone. Don't laugh, but my avg pace was about 10 min. Two years ago I would wheeze after 1 mile.

Originally Posted By: lost18
Thanks for getting this thread going again RAI!
My pleasure. It is nice to have something to look forward to. Ain't it?

Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 03/20/15 04:01 PM
Are you trying to lose weight? Calculate your base metabolic rate, then use something like My Fitness Pal. Enter food and workouts, and keep it at a 500 calorie deficit. Fat will shred off. Of course, keeping it at -500 calories is much easier said than done, as we all know. For me, I had to use My Fitness Pal for several months before I was really comfortable knowing how much to eat to lose or gain weight (in my case I want more muscle).

lost18, that's a great idea! I'd recommend 2-3 shorter races in the meantime, though. Nothing motivates like an impending race! And then running with hundreds or thousands of people is a boost in it's own right.

Tarheel, have fun in the color run! Be sure to wear a bandana or something across your face or have it available. One of my friends had some issues in a color run with too much of the powder getting into his nose, etc. He is particularly sensitive, though. Just something to keep in mind. I'm sure you'll have a blast, though!
Posted By: RAI Re: 5k training - 03/20/15 04:58 PM
Originally Posted By: Card29
Are you trying to lose weight? Calculate your base metabolic rate, then use something like My Fitness Pal. Enter food and workouts, and keep it at a 500 calorie deficit. Fat will shred off. Of course, keeping it at -500 calories is much easier said than done, as we all know. For me, I had to use My Fitness Pal for several months before I was really comfortable knowing how much to eat to lose or gain weight (in my case I want more muscle).
Not trying to lose weight. 2000-2200 calories is a maintain weight, gain muscle meal plan for me. I downloaded the My Fitness Pal app (I think you suggested it last time), but I have not been able to use it yet. Kind of overwhelmed right now - see my thread for details. Be warned, it is bummer right now. enter at your own risk.

Posted By: RAI Re: 5k training - 03/24/15 01:59 AM
Another day with the trainer. feeling awesome. Using muscles I never knew I had.
Hope to get back to running, or at least the elliptical, tomorrow.

Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 03/24/15 06:02 PM
Had to bail on a 10K over the weekend due to bad back. I sprained it a week ago lifting weights. It's better now, but Saturday morning it was still slightly tender. I 1/2 mile jog around the neighborhood that morning confirmed that it would have been dumb to try to run 10K.
Posted By: lost18 Re: 5k training - 03/25/15 02:25 AM
Injuries stink but better to not do the 10k then put yourself out for longer.

Ran today (very slowly!) Still kills me how hard I have to push myself for the short distance that I am running....BUT, I am running, improving and pushing myself! Just like my M I will have patience! smile
Posted By: RAI Re: 5k training - 03/25/15 02:45 AM
Card29, Sorry about the injury. Have a speedy recovery.

lost18, keep it up. I pushed myself today a bit too. Don't worry about your pace for now, concentrate on distance. as you go more distance, your pace in the first few miles will improve. Remember, you still have a lot of time.

Did you think about doing a 5k as was suggested previously? I have one coming up, but I am so busy that I am chicken to commit right now.

Can you folks check out my thread? I posed a question to the group and I need a little bump. I am not sure what to do and could really use some help before taking a small step.

Posted By: lost18 Re: 5k training - 03/25/15 02:46 AM
Yes, I probably will do some smaller races first. Also, I've already committed to the Ragnar Relay for 2016!
Posted By: RAI Re: 5k training - 04/16/15 11:14 PM
glorious weather. No time to run. Still hope to find some time to run with my S11. We both need it.

Posted By: Card29 Re: 5k training - 04/17/15 01:11 AM
Glad to see you're still active here, RAI!

I haven't ran any races but have good news: I've worked through all of my injuries (fingers crossed). I'm back to running again. I was supposed to run a trail 1/2 marathon next weekend but I haven't trained at all. Am going backpacking instead
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 04/17/15 01:19 AM
All right, I take the reappearance of this thread as a sign. Will someone hold me accountable? If I don't report a minimum of 20 minutes on my treadmill by 9:00 am, you all can call me pudding-butt.
Posted By: Maybell Re: 5k training - 04/17/15 12:42 PM
GAH!!! I forgot to get up for the treadmill this morning! I'm a pudding-butt!!!!
Posted By: Cadet Re: 5k training - 04/17/15 12:56 PM
Originally Posted By: Maybell
GAH!!! I forgot to get up for the treadmill this morning! I'm a pudding-butt!!!!

I have no comment.
Maybe it would help to start a new thread with your great progress. grin
Posted By: RAI Re: 5k training - 04/29/15 09:10 PM
Ran 3 miles with my S13 last weekend. It's a start. Card29, how was the backpacking?

Posted By: Cadet Re: 5k training - 04/29/15 09:39 PM
New thread

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