Posted By: Babygirl the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 03:52 PM
boy did i sleep! yesterday evening til this morning when it was time to go in for more tests, sure was happy to get coffee. i hate that no coffee before testing so early in the am.

now the waiting starts, and i hope they damn well hurry.

overcast but not to bad today wish the sun was shining.

thank you all for your love and support.
Posted By: StrgMarvelousWmn Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 04:29 PM

He sweetie! Wow you sound so much better! Sleep is wonderful for our bodies--It allows them to heal while we are at rest and peace!

I am off coffee for the most part. I have been drinking lots of tea. I also started taking my iron again this morning. Hopefully that will help with the tired feeling in a couple of days. I put up new pics of the kids if you want to check them out. They had sooo much fun!

Take care of yourself and keep resting and praying. Our Heavenly Father, Jehovah Rapha, is the Great Physician and Healer. Let him work.

Love you little sis!

Living God's blessings with grace and dignity!
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 04:39 PM
i only sound better cause i havent taken my pill yet, wait til i post that way.
Posted By: StrgMarvelousWmn Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 04:47 PM
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 04:53 PM
oh for real, i cant hardly talk or walk, kelsey has heard me i go down him fast.............
Posted By: StrgMarvelousWmn Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 04:56 PM
Originally Posted By: Babygirl
oh for real, i cant hardly talk or walk, kelsey has heard me i go down him fast.............

I could have a field day with this typo, but I am not going to go there cause I love you!


Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 05:01 PM

I hope you are mending!

I heard you want some cheesecake.... that happens to be one of my specialties!
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 05:03 PM
not mending, just waiting. its gonna be a while still, they have a surgeon on standby, not sure i understand why. and yes i want some cheesecake, it sounds good. wow a man who caan make cheesecake.

Laura, bad bad girl you.
Posted By: StrgMarvelousWmn Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 05:08 PM
I am not bad just uuhhhhmmmm----"frustrated". Yeah, "frustrated" is a good term for it. Of course, Jeff has me beat on the endurance test.
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 05:23 PM
Frustrated is an excellent word!

Pulling for you, BG!
Posted By: MT35 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 08:19 PM
Hey BG! Take care! Just wanted to stop in and say Hey!
Posted By: Tomato Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 08:54 PM
hello miss bg!

how is my 2nd favorite pin cushion?

i will pray that the docs figure out what to do with U.

...yeah that laura sister of our's is a bad, bad girl for picking on the infirmed ..isn't she? LOL

may the peace of Christ be with you my dear.

Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 08:58 PM
hey brother tom. thanks for your love and prayers and yes that sis of ours is a bad bad girl.

SHEESH when they say call you right back, how many hours does that mean?
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 09:16 PM
i get the message, there is something very wrong with you (DUH) dont do anything, rest wait for us to call back. ARgh!
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 09:22 PM
Wow! Like they told you something you didn't know! Hang in there!

Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 09:24 PM
it so makes me mad, more mad then dealing with indecieve confused walk away husbands!!
Posted By: Tawnya Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/26/09 10:06 PM
{{{Babygirl}}} ugh and when they call you back, you may tell them that is NOT the way to call someone to leave a message..blah!

Posted By: kelaaron Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/27/09 12:37 PM
Ok T, are you resting. No you aren't. I just know it. How did the email go over? The kids are coming this weekend and you just need to be rested for them. Really rested my friend. I love you. Call me later. Off to Ft. Pierce tomorrow but you have the cell if you need it.
Posted By: Tomato Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/27/09 01:19 PM
what's up bg?

i guess you might as well make me a dr. i coulda told you there is something really wrong with you.

Jesus is the best and most gentle dr there is. He is love.

you had better be getting your rest sis.

Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/27/09 02:46 PM
actually kelsey i have been up for 15 minutes so there! went to bed early, and did wake up to take my meds all nite and right back to sleep!
thanks tomato. lol, i am sure you did know something is wrong with me.
today they should have ALL my stuff from this week, and make a decision. so i wait AGAIN. have to get to town sometime and drop off my assistance application.
Posted By: MT35 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/27/09 03:33 PM
Don't go outside BG, too cold! BRRRR! KS weather 70 yesterday, 20 today! Take and care and listen to Kel! REST!!!!!!!!
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/27/09 05:46 PM
waiting is driving me crazy, that makes my heart rate go up! so i might us well clean a bit then rest, then clean, looking at this disastor of a living room i have been living in is making me crazy too.
Posted By: MT35 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/27/09 06:39 PM
Don't over do it! Kel will get pissy with you! and so will everyone else!
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/27/09 07:50 PM
uh shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh kel is at work!
Posted By: kelaaron Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/27/09 07:54 PM
i'm at home you pain in my butt. Went to work, broke car, went to mechanic, home now. i caught you. LOL
Posted By: MT35 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/27/09 08:15 PM
OK! I am laughing pretty good now guys!!!! Hey kel is it the same problem with the car that you had earlier in the week when it was in the shop?
Posted By: kelaaron Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/27/09 09:06 PM
no, that was brakes and ended up having the bearings fixed while it was in there. This was a radiator hose. Just blew. Antifreeze everywhere. Guess what they say is true. When you hit 100,000 mile everything goes to shi***. Maybe that is what happened to our M's LOL. No that was a joke. Glad we could make someone smile. :-)
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/27/09 09:40 PM
oh crap uh so i didnt post anything wrong on here lol. i went and dropped off assistance papers, i cried all the way home. now i have a house to clean.
Posted By: sandi2 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/28/09 01:56 AM
Hi ((babygirl)). Ordinarily housecleaning would be the best way to wait on "those" kinds of phone calls, but for you, you best just try to behave and take care. Yes, I know it's hard, but try to be a good girl. Not as much fun.....but try.

Love ya,
Posted By: Tawnya Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/28/09 02:00 AM
LOL {{Babygirl}} sorry you got busted by Kel LOLOL!! How does that always happen?

Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/28/09 03:53 PM
morning all. winter is back in full swing here, its below zero with the wind chill, nasty, dont like it at all, wonder if mt is getting snow?
they decided to double my meds for the weekend, so i am really weird now. see the dr on monday again, sigh, i hate this.

kel always busts me lol!
Posted By: 1hope Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/28/09 07:18 PM
(((((BG)))) love to you little one.

You are in my thoughts and constant prayers.
Posted By: MT35 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/28/09 07:29 PM
hey BG- I will report to Kel on Monday so you had better behave this weekend! Yes we have snow too...:( I am so ready for spring.

Take care of yourself! Love you!
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/28/09 08:01 PM
hey namesake, so good to see you. love you too.

mt, i talked to kel today, and i am being good, its to cold to do otherwise, S has a bb game this evening, gonna try to make it to it. idk yet tho.

i am still waiting for my hot water in the kitchen to thaw, UGH!
Posted By: MT35 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/28/09 08:51 PM
Hey BG- Good news on the Chiefs front...

"The New England Patriots on Saturday traded quarterback Matt Cassel to the Kansas City Chiefs. It was the second trade in as many days between the clubs, which turned into a package deal of Cassel and linebacker Mike Vrabel for Kansas City’s second-round pick (No. 34) this year."
Posted By: StrgMarvelousWmn Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/28/09 08:55 PM
OOOHHH!! I do not know alot about specific players, but I know enough to know that is a good thing for the chiefs!

Living God's blessings with grace and dignity~
Posted By: Tomato Re: the pants traveled #17 - 02/28/09 09:45 PM
hi bg

take care of yourself. i am saying prayers for you.

God bless U sweetie!

Posted By: MT35 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/01/09 12:49 AM
Hey BG, just got your message. Was outside when you called, and then my phone dead. I found the Chiefs story on Yahoo. Was one of the top stories.
Posted By: yenko69 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/01/09 01:41 AM

Don't worry to much about the weather it's going to get back to spring this week. Today was a bad day to work though. Have a few nice days and people forget how to drive in the snow.

I say the chiefs trade a little while ago on Yahoo. Amazing they may start to do some things right. Up or down I am still with them.

Take care and I will give you a call soon.
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/01/09 04:33 AM
hey laura, tomato, mt, and yenko!!
thanks for the heads up on the chiefs, i just read it, my son is so pumped!
tired, sore, and icky. oh well, just another day right?
i sure hope it warms up soon!!
Posted By: MT35 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/01/09 01:02 PM
Morning BG- VERY COLD TODAY, but I saw 74 for next Thursday and Friday. I CAN'T WAIT!!! Take care today and stay warm.
Posted By: kelaaron Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/01/09 02:39 PM
Rainy and cold here in sunny FL this morning. It sounded like someone was dumping a huge bucket of water over my house this am.

I always catch her cuz I know she is doing exactly what I would be doing. LOL. I'm not good at resting either.

Love you BG. Hope you are feeling good. Off to grocery store if the rain passes, or not,, and then home for the day.
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/01/09 04:40 PM
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/01/09 09:08 PM
well its sunday. church was good, KU won. had fun with the kids, as for the rest, ugh.

i actually cant wait to go to the dr tomorrow. have a family dinner tonite. I am dreading it.
Posted By: kelaaron Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/01/09 09:22 PM
Hey sweetie,

Enjoy the kids. Don't worry about him. Feel better. Love you.
Posted By: MT35 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/02/09 02:46 PM
Morning BG, how was the rest of your day? Good Luck at the Dr. today.
Posted By: 1hope Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/02/09 07:20 PM
Hi BG,

I'm thinking of you and wondering how your Dr. appt. went.

Let us know.

Big hugs to you little one.
Posted By: Sugar and Spice Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/02/09 07:27 PM
((BG)) Just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you.

Love you little sis.
Posted By: MT35 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/03/09 02:53 PM
Hey BG- wanted to check on you and say Hi! Let us know when you can how you are doing. Everyone is praying and thinking about you! Take care!
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/03/09 03:10 PM
hey all, yesterday was just a long day. Dr is referring me to a cardiologist, gave me another script, still supposed to take it easy. Its so frustrating. nothing on the home front has changed, I dont recognize the man my H is now at all.
the bachelor last nite sure tore me up!! anyone else?
Posted By: kelaaron Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/03/09 03:16 PM
didn't watch it. Sorry.

I know you don't recognize him. I know it's hard. Just hang in there and take care of BG for now. Love you.
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/03/09 03:18 PM
I am trying, oh kel, we are to alike, you would have been bawling like I did if you had watched it!!

I will call you in about 20!
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/03/09 06:45 PM
can someone please tell me what the difference is in legal seperation and divorce?
Posted By: StrgMarvelousWmn Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/03/09 07:18 PM
in a nutshell, a legal separation works to help you maintain the quality of life you had prior to separation. The spouses are still married under the law. A legal separation and its resultant documents (custody, visitation, spousal and child support, etc) typically become the basis of a divorce after the proscribed waiting period. A divorce is the actual complete dissolution of the marriage.

I am sorry that it has come to this for you (((((BG))))).

Living God's blessings with grace and dignity~
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/03/09 08:27 PM
here it is... I tried to find this the other day, but I swear i'm never able to pull up new threads, the site says it won't find anything and to try again later. It's very annoying.

anyways, I will spend some time going thru it. I hope you are okay,

Posted By: kelaaron Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/03/09 08:29 PM
Ok my friend, I've gotten my stupid crap out of the way and my head is clearer to pay attention and actually speak back to you. I'm sorry I've been lost for the last couple of days. Are you just asking to ask or are you really going there?

You know I don't know what to tell you but I want you to do nothing out of emotions. I love you. Call me. After 6 your time if you can hold off. If not not a problem. On the cell.
Posted By: kat727 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/03/09 08:43 PM
I answered you on my thread. I think you can also look at is setting the ground work for a divorce if it comes to that. Like I said ex wouldn't even consider it because I wanted him to work on M if he was going to keep everything status quo.

I would say do what you need to so that you and the kids are protected.

Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/03/09 08:46 PM
remember, we are all still praying for you. We all love you. You have incredible worth, don't ever believe anything different.
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/03/09 08:57 PM

In general, I believe LS is pretty much everything a divorce is, without the divorce. All child and money matters are settled, and for practical purposes you no longer have the legal benefits (or encumberances) of the M. I think the main benefit is that you are protected financially, if your partner goes irresponsible on you. Also, you have legal claim to whatever child support and spousal support are determined. (I'm sure it varies from state to state, I think some states do not have LS.) I have heard that one disadvantage to LS is that if you then get D, you end up paying lawyers and courts twice for the same work. I don't know the accuracy of this.
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/04/09 06:09 AM
hope your doing okay.
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/04/09 08:05 AM
have i told ya'll lately that i love you? thank you all. after the day i have had today, and talked to my pastor and a great attorney friend, i am gonna have to file legal seperation, for my health, for my life and the kids to be secure. i wont file divorce, AND its gonna be in the papers WHY i have to do this, thus H the ow, the lenght of affair and the Child. AND its also in there, the kids can see H just not around OW.

not what i wanted, but, what i have to do, even my pastor agrees, sorry if any of you feel i failed. its been a long hard day, and i as much as i dont wanna, it is the best.
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/04/09 08:40 AM


You need to protect yourself and the kids. And you need to get away from the stress that he brings. It is not good for you! But you knew that. HUGS!
Posted By: Silent Chrleader Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/04/09 09:35 AM
Originally Posted By: Babygirl
.....sorry if any of you feel i failed. its been a long hard day, and i as much as i dont wanna, it is the best.

Shame on you, BG, for even thinking that!!!! You have always been and continue to be a shining example of true strength, honor, grace and dignity under the worst of circumstances!!

We love you, Wonder Woman, and stand behind you all the way!!! ;\)

(((((((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))))))
Posted By: StrgMarvelousWmn Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/04/09 01:44 PM
Originally Posted By: Babygirl
have i told ya'll lately that i love you? thank you all. after the day i have had today, and talked to my pastor and a great attorney friend, i am gonna have to file legal seperation, for my health, for my life and the kids to be secure. i wont file divorce, AND its gonna be in the papers WHY i have to do this, thus H the ow, the lenght of affair and the Child. AND its also in there, the kids can see H just not around OW.

not what i wanted, but, what i have to do, even my pastor agrees, sorry if any of you feel i failed. its been a long hard day, and i as much as i dont wanna, it is the best.


My sweet, dear friend, you are FAR from a failure. You are a brave, strong woman fighting odds that are almost unfathomable. Filing a LS must be done to protect you and the kids and ensure that you are all provided for. You have not admitted defeat, you are just stepping back from the battle to regroup and fight another day.

I wish our weather was better here, I would have you come out so you could enjoy some warmth, some sunshine, some love, and have some quiet time to reflect and renew your spirit. Do what you need to do, what you can do, and rely on Our Heavenly Father to do what He must, too.

We love you and we are all here for you.

Living God's blessings with grace and dignity~
Posted By: kelaaron Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/04/09 02:32 PM

you are NOT a failure in any way. You know how I feel about this. That I support you because I think it is the NECESSARY step at this point. You CANNOT continue to live wondering if he is going to pay the rent because this afternoon he said he would and tonight he said he wouldn't. You CANNOT continue to live with him telling you he is not with you any more and then getting upset that he was locked out of his own house. You are not living in a world that should be dictate by H's "mood of the minute" that is not good for you, your kids, your health. Right now, it is what you MUST do for you. I know it is not what you WANT to do but you have not failed and like SMW said, you are regrouping and are going to live to fight another day. We all love you and have laughed and cried with you and been happy for you and angry for you. You are a shining example of strength, determination in the face of the most horrific odds, and a truly wonderful, kind, and loving woman. I thank you for allowing me to share in your world my friend. ((((BG))))))
Posted By: kelaaron Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/04/09 02:35 PM
One more thing sweetie,

You remember the word you used to describe me "Amazing". You remember the reasons you told me you used that word and know that I came to where I am in part because of you and what I've learned from you. I would have given up the hope if I didn't have you as a shining example of it in my face all the time. So I want to share that word with you now and add it to my list of words I use to describe by BFF. AMAZING
Posted By: Sugar and Spice Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/04/09 04:58 PM
(((BG))) a LS is not a failure and its not a D. It is a way for you to protect yourself and YOUR kids from your Hs stupidity and lack of clarity. I finally had to do it and it was the best thing I have ever done. It was hard but I haven't regretted it for one second. I love my H, even after all he has put us through, but my first duty is to myself and my kids and for once I had to put us first. In Cali. a LS does exactly what was said by another poster. It is everything that a D is without actually D. The property is split, the support and visitation is decided, etc... The benefit is I am still able to use his insurance for myself and we can file taxes jointly, which worked better for us. Here you only have to pay the filing fee once, but if you do modify it to a D, all of the papers have to be refiled and the waiting periods apply.
I'm so sorry it has come to this, but you HAVE to take care of you and the kids and just focus on the things that are about you guys. I'm here and praying like crazy for you.

You are the furthest thing from a failure. People with your strength and character and spirit give the rest of us hope and are part of what keeps us moving everyday. Honey if anyone had a multitude of reasons to curl up and decide to call in not interested, its you. But you get up, take care of everyone around you, give selflessly, keep a pretty positive attitude and make the most of everyday. You are an inspiration and don't you forget it. (((love you lil' sis))
Posted By: MT35 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/04/09 05:36 PM
Hey BG- You know Kel always says it best! Take care of you and your kids! You are the strongest person I know!
Posted By: Amy M Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/04/09 08:03 PM
I'm gonna have to take offense to your statement about failure. Cause, if YOU are a failure, what does that say about me???? I've suffered way less than you, and I just sent my D settlement agreement back to my attorney for processing!!! And, I ain't no failure!

I know how you feel. I truly do. We all do. You work so hard at something and then it doesn't seem to go the way you want it to.

But, remember, that doesn't make you a failure! You have been incredible through the whole ordeal. You have loved H and his son (and even OW to some extent) in just the manner God expects. There's not much more you can do. I don't believe that God expects us to completely sacrifice ourselves for someone who's not willing to repent (how can God use you to do his work if you aren't around?). And, that's the way I see your H right now.

File for the LS. Make sure H knows why (everytime I send my H an email about the divorce, I always say..."So you know, I still think divorce is the wrong answer for our family." I did that today even.). That leaves the door open for him should he get his head straight down the road.

Keep you chin up, BG! I think you are awesome...and, with as much as I've read over the last 2 years...I'm definitely qualified to recognize awesome!!!!

Love you so much!!
Posted By: Tomato Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/04/09 11:05 PM
hi bg

i am praying for U sis.

you are the best.

much brotherly love & hugs

Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/04/09 11:45 PM
jus left ya a mesg.

never ever feel like you have failed. You have stood strong for a long time. I really couldn't imagine myself holding out as long as you did. And I'm really glad to see that you are just doing the LS, and not the D. let him file that one, and you just do the things you need to do to protect yourself.

did you get my email from the other day? I'm going to be heading up there again spring break weekend, just for 2-3 days to see my H. I will definitely make a bigger effort to come by and bring anything you might need.

okay, I did talk to you, so some of this is repeated.

hey, I just found something on that doctor site how Aspartame (what's in diet drinks) is the culprit for some MS and Lupus, and many other neurological and immune problems. Did you or do you drink diet drinks? or use no-sugar products? just curious. and when did you find out you had lupus, or when did your symptoms start? I'm assuming it was not since birth.
Posted By: MT35 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 01:30 PM
Hey BG, just wanted to stop in. Take care of yourself and take it easy.
Posted By: kelaaron Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 02:08 PM
Boy another reason to avoid artificial sweeteners. Thanks ST. I'm all for organic as much as possible to begin with and I truly believe we were never meant to eat/consume anything that is "artificial" anyway.

BG, love you sweetie. Don't back down from what you should do to protect yourself and the kids. If posititve changes happen, that is wonderful. If they keep going up and down like a yoyo, at least you have some sense of security, if they go the other way, God will hold you up.
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 07:01 PM
hey all. its beautiful outside today, wish i could do something! oh well, i opened a window at least.

I havent filed the LS yet, one of my dear sisters yesterday, I dont remember if it was Crissy, Laura, Amy or Kelsey, said it was ok for me to be still right now. so I am, praying on it a bit more first.

dreading my very first weekend completely alone. no H no kids. yuck!

Here is the website for my church, I really recommend the past 3 sermons, the ones on the 40 days to freedom.
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 07:36 PM
forgot to add, its nice, so H came by at 6 this morning, to take the harley to work, give me dr money, He locked the durango and took the keys with him!
oh how i want to scream at him. i havent. i emailed my mom about at least helping me get a new door lock. but if I do that it will REALLY make him mad.
Posted By: davidswife Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 08:23 PM

If you get a new lock and he gets "really mad", are you afraid he'll go out and have an affair? Oh wait - he's already done that!

Honey, stop worrying about him and his reactions, and do what you need to do to keep you and the kids safe. I think a new lock, so that he is not able to just come and go as he pleases, would make you feel safer and more in control.

Just my .02.
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 08:46 PM
dadvidswife beat me to it! I don't see where there's a lot of downside to him getting mad. Do what you need to do. What he thinks of it isn't really your concern.

Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 08:50 PM
idk, cause i dont wanna rock the boat, and have him not help out finacially. Kels heard him on the phone the other nite when i had locked him out so he couldnt get in. today he was still mad about that, as its his house, I calmly said, but you have chosen not to live here.
NOT happy with the Drs first conclusion, if they are right, I am so screwed. there is no fix for what i have.
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 08:54 PM
Originally Posted By: Babygirl
NOT happy with the Drs first conclusion, if they are right, I am so screwed. there is no fix for what i have.

Email if you want to vent, or scream!

I think that you should get the LS. It is not a divorce, if he comes to his senses, you can drop it. But, you need to be protected, physically, financially, and emotionally. If you have that in place, you could lock the door.
Posted By: davidswife Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 08:56 PM
What VH said.
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 09:01 PM
Jeff, dont have your email lol!
jeff and davids wife, yes, the locks should be easy, why does it feel like i am slamming the door? EMOTIONALLY this week with my heart i can not deal with the legal seperation if that makes sense, it feels like i am handing him a huge bday cake that i dont wanna give him.
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 09:05 PM
I thought you did! I'll fix that!

Don't give the LS to him, give it to you! It's a present you need.
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 09:08 PM
You've got a FB message.
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 09:17 PM
hey i emailed you jeff. i think i am so confused, thats why which ever of my sisters i mentioned above, told me to be still, i am. H calls this his house, still calls me his W at work, still calls me every break as our normal routine is, and has made sure we all went to church. TOGether! he has also on the flip side spent a hella lot of time over there with ow and S.
i cant handle anymore emotional anything this week.
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 09:27 PM

I can see that. Try to detach from all the emotion then. Just let it go, as much as you can. If it is nice out, maybe you can read outside or something? Just to get some air?
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 09:56 PM
thanks jeff, i am just to flippen tired, so confused. UGH lol
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/05/09 11:14 PM

Just try to let go. Let your head have a rest.

It's ok, BG.
Posted By: davidswife Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/06/09 01:53 AM

It feels like you're slamming a door, because at that point you are slamming a door. You're slamming the door to disrespect, to cake-eating, to lie telling, gum chewing, gun toting, durango driving, out of wedlock child bearing TRASH!

Okay, got carried away. When you're ready to slam the door - go girl! Until then, know peace. You're tired -- so rest. You're confused -- so pray. Peel back the layers and remember who YOU are. You're not just his wife.
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/06/09 04:16 AM
hey, that was me. oops, I'm the culprit. Sometimes there is so much commotion around us that we cannot hear God, so we must be still.

The only reason why I am not so for the door changes is the fact that he is still calling everyday and has the desire to go to church together. If it wasn't for that, I probably would not be having questions.

My thoughts are to talk (if it were me I would write it) to H about his will to not live there, and because his choice right now is not to work on the M, you feel that it may be best to file for LS and that you would like for him to respect your home and to let you know or ask when he wants to come over. You would love to work on the M, but you know he's not ready for that, so if he changes his mind, then you would be happy to rethink things again.

I understand your concern for rocking the boat Baby. I would be thinking the same thing if I were in your position. and I know you've got some strong decisions to make, they are not easy, but we will support them either way.
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/06/09 05:50 AM
okay, I have another friend who is very knowledgeable in health and it's actually his job to help people, and he mentioned the following...

"I've never tested a patient with an auto-immune disease who wasn't Vitamin D deficient. Vit. D is very important for blood pressure maintenance. I would also suspect adrenal fatigue. The adrenals are also involved in blood pressure. I hope this helps!"

another suggested you read this book "Recapture Your Health"

and for you to get out of your surroundings (as they are probably contributing to the stress) and do anything, walk, sit on the grass, whatever. also getting on a whole foods diet is very recommended. and continuing to cut down more and more of toxic habits like smoking that cause free radicals which in turn mutate your cells.

hope those things help. even if you can take one thing at a time to change or improve, it will only help you even more.

we love you and we want you around forever!!!
Posted By: kelaaron Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/06/09 01:05 PM
Ok girlfriend,

I'm gonna agree and disagree with the others right now. Yes he is still doing things that seem like he may want to be there. But he is also doing things that say he doesn't.

There comes a point, where you are going to have to stand up for yourself, even if you end up alone for a while, and say "if this is they way you are going to continue to treat me, then I am done". You do this for you. For you and your kids. It does not mean you are saying goodbye forever. You are showing him that his actions do have consequences and that you have enough love and respect for yourself to not allow him to mistreat you while he figures out what it is that he thinks he wants. He got himself into a situation that I'm pretty sure he did't want, wasn't looking for, didn't plan. But the result of that was a son who amazingly he cannot deny. Which I give him a lot of credit for. He tried for a long time to keep the secret, probably to protect you and the kids as well as himself. But since the reveal, he has been all over the map.

Honey, you have a lot on your plate right now. More than anyone should have at one time. IMO right now you have no choice but to focus on yourself right now. If it is what they say, it is not an immediate death sentence. You can still have a life and a good one but you have to remove stress and unhealthy habits. That is your responsibility right now, to do that for YOUR children. I don't think you will be able to do that and try to fight this unending confusing fight with him right now. I know you love him, I know you want him, but you also know what you have to do for you.

Be still if you must, but be still and see and hear what is going on around you and you will KNOW what you need to do. I think you already do, it just doesn't necessarily fit with what you want or what you should be able to have right now. LS is not slamming the door. It is taking a stand, it is telling him you are not a doormat and that is the bottom line. It says if you want to be with me, then you have to choose. If you don't do something, this behavior is going to continue indefinately and I know you don't want that either. Love you and you know I will support you whatever you do.
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/06/09 05:22 PM

Kel..... you said it so much better than I did!

BG, you have to take care of yourself now, and protect the kids. LS isn't the end. It could be the beginning. It might help him to see that things have to change.
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/06/09 07:07 PM
I did listen to the last two sermans, they are really good. Thank you for telling me!

how are you feeling today?
Posted By: MT35 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/06/09 08:12 PM
Hey BG- Just wanted you to know I am thinking and praying for you. Step outside and enjoy the sun and weather. Just sit outside and soak it up.
Posted By: Sugar and Spice Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/06/09 09:11 PM
BG I have to agree with Kel and Jeff. I understand the reluctance to file any sort of paperwork for fear that it will cause H to react in a negative way. I fought it and resisted it, but in the end it has given me the most peace. I didn't file LS because I wanted to, I did it because I had to in order to protect myself and my kids from the bad choices that were being made. With the LS and the settlement agreement in place I can sit back and see how things unfold and don't have to worry about whether or not hes going to decide to not pay me or whatever. With that in place, we are safeguarded and H can begin to feel the full affects of the choices he has made.

Originally Posted By: kelaaron

Be still if you must, but be still and see and hear what is going on around you and you will KNOW what you need to do. I think you already do, it just doesn't necessarily fit with what you want or what you should be able to have right now. LS is not slamming the door. It is taking a stand, it is telling him you are not a doormat and that is the bottom line. It says if you want to be with me, then you have to choose. If you don't do something, this behavior is going to continue indefinately and I know you don't want that either.

LS is not a D. It was the way for me to be still. It relieved a lot of stress for me and helped set some boundaries and ground rules. You have FAR more on your plate than I ever did, so at this point its more about you and your kids. The continued stress of his indecision can't be good for you and for me it was a way of taking back some of my power.

I'm here for you no matter what you choose, but I've done it and it was scary, but the end results have been beneficial for me and my kids.

Take care of yourself.
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/07/09 04:34 AM
give me an update. I hope you got out, you really needed it.
Posted By: kat727 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/07/09 08:14 PM
I hope you are doing well. I am rooting my hawks but also for A&M over Mizzu. Lets hope we pull off a great win!!

Posted By: Silent Chrleader Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/08/09 08:24 AM
Hey, [[[[[[[[[BG]]]]]]]]]!

Remember how annoyed we all were when your H wouldn't pursue the legal end of standing up for his parental rights with OW because he was so afraid of what "she" would do.....? Well, don't allow him to put you in that same position, sweetie!! ;\)

Go, Wonder Woman!!!!!!!
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/08/09 07:17 PM
oooh, SC, good point. I had forgotten all about that.

So baby, when ya gonna share about your fun evening? \:\) I'm so proud of you too
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/10/09 03:53 PM

Are you doing ok?
Posted By: Tomato Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/11/09 12:07 AM
hey bg ...how are you doing??

Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/11/09 12:48 AM
hey, sorry I missed your call.... today is WAY busy
Posted By: Sugar and Spice Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/11/09 04:48 PM
How are you Baby?
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/11/09 05:55 PM
hey all. will update you on my weekend later, it was long but fun tho. you will be proud of me, altho its taken me this long to recoop! last nite i dropped boiling water with noodles on my left leg and foot, so was in the ER (thanks kelsey love you) and am on drugs right now for the pain. but i am stil alive.
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/11/09 06:41 PM
i did figure one thing out, its freezing here, and my burnt foot is all wrapped up in gauze pads and just gauze and that foot isnt even cold!
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/12/09 04:25 AM
oh Baby, what are we going to do with you ;\)

did H get over there to change it today?
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/12/09 04:49 AM

Hope you are feeling better soon!
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/14/09 05:18 AM
geez, no posts!!! come on now, we miss ya!
Posted By: 1hope Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/16/09 04:17 PM
Hey BG, how are you little one?

Though of you this weekend. Found a new book written by the same lady that did the Twilight series...haven't started it yet.
Posted By: MT35 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/16/09 08:46 PM
Hey BG- Beautiful outside today! Hope you are hanging in there!

Take care!
Posted By: blindsided1 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/17/09 04:58 AM
BG - I need to know how you do it with H's son. Read my latest posts. H is having his son tonight. How are you so accepting? I want to be there, but can't find the strength to do it, yet. I remember when you found out. I was in awe of how well you adjusted to his other baby. I want that. I need to do that. I just don't know how.
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/22/09 05:37 AM
hey Baby. Wish we could have gotten together. How are all the kids? Let us know how things are going. How your foot is, and all that.

Posted By: sandi2 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/23/09 12:18 AM
Hey Sweetie, sorry for not being around lately. Ole body not doing so good these days. I know you can identify with that!! Anyway, I'm not sure which is worse off...me or my computer..LOL.

I will try to catch up on what's been going on with ya.

Take care,
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/25/09 05:04 PM
I just left a mesg for Baby this morning. haven't heard anything. has anyone else? the last time I talked to her was last wed or thursday I think.
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/27/09 01:55 PM
have to go out of town for a leadership conference...I'll check back monday.

Posted By: mishka422 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/27/09 01:56 PM
Where is BG? I'm seriously getting worried about her.
Posted By: Sugar and Spice Re: the pants traveled #17 - 03/30/09 05:13 PM
Anyone heard from our girl lately?
Posted By: mishka422 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/03/09 04:14 PM
Ok, I'm really concerned now. Where is BBG?
Posted By: Amy M Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/03/09 04:16 PM
I got an email a few days ago from LE (a former db'er) that said that she was doing okay. That her MIL had replaced her laptop with a desktop and that she'd lost her internet connection.

But, I'm not sure why she doesn't have it back up now. I'll email Kelsey in the alt and see if she has more recent info.

Posted By: mishka422 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/03/09 04:18 PM
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/05/09 05:23 AM
I've also talked with her to. Things are okay, of course just as strange as ever, but she's okay. She called me today but I've been so so busy I couldn't take the call. I;m sorry Baby!!! leave me a mesg, and I will always try to call back. I think I was coaching soccer, or else I was at a babyshower or something.

from last I heard, which was over the weekend (if I remember right) she still couldn't get online.

so, love and hugs to you baby, it's best to reach me in the evenings now since James is gone.
Posted By: kelaaron Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/05/09 12:27 PM
Ok guys, I won't share what she hasn't posted but like ST said, it has been crazy as usual for BG. She is hanging in there though. She is slowing down a little, trying to be calm. Daughter went to prom last night. So she is getting herself together slowly but surely.

She not only lost the internet connection (didn't have the right software to connect in the desktop) but she lost most email addresses and phone numbers. So she has not been intentionally avoiding anyone, she just has no way to contact you. She said last night that she will probably be hooking up today but I don't know if that will happen or not. She will be back eventually.
Posted By: mishka422 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/05/09 03:42 PM
Thanks for the update Kel. Please pass along my best wishes and prayers to her. She is missed here.
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/10/09 05:37 AM
hopefully she will be able to get some pics up soon of D!
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/17/09 06:17 PM
say some prayers for B. She's okay, but her anni was yesterday. She had some great time with her "posse" as she calls them, but she couldn't keep busy all day. Her H has brought up the D word, so please pray for wisdom for her and strength.
Posted By: mishka422 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/17/09 07:14 PM
My prayers are with her.
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/18/09 07:24 AM
hey all. here i am. i finally got internet fri nite. H actually did it as HE needs me to take care of some ball things for him. oh well a day late igonored anniversary prezzie.

i will be short as its late. but will check on my family here tomorrow. thank you all for your love and support. its been a really hard few weeks.
lots of love
Posted By: 1hope Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/20/09 12:24 PM
Hi Sweetie,

What a nice surprise this morning to log on and find you \:\)

I have missed you and thought of you often. You are in my prayers, and I can't wait to catch up!

I love you!
Posted By: mishka422 Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/20/09 01:38 PM
YEAH!!!! BG!!!! Back among the connected. You've been missed girl!
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/21/09 06:45 PM
hey all. great to see you hope!! wondered where you got off too. its a beautiful day here in ks. d16 has a double header today, really excited to go watch.
its been a long hard month. learned some very hard lessons about stress and what horrible things they can do to your body. the only upside to that, aside from counseling, and medication, is that now I will qualify for SSD. that is in the process now.
dont know what will come of me and h. he is moved in with his best friend. least its not with ow. as crissy said, he has brought up divorce. I wont do it tho. God hasnt given up on me, there fore i wont give up on H yet.
i sure miss you all.
Posted By: Sugar and Spice Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/21/09 07:20 PM
Hey sweetie. I'm glad to see that your back, though I wish we were all in a happier place.

I've been thinking about you and praying for you. Take care of yourself.

Posted By: 1hope Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/21/09 07:48 PM
Hi BG, so good to hear from you. I've been around, reading, and checking in from time to time. It has been beyond busy at work, things are ramping up to be crazy, as everyone is expected to do more with less. Otherwise, things have been pretty good. We have had a couple of days of sunshine and warm breeze, but still lots of cold, grey and rain. I did manage to get away to Florida for a week (with my bff) the first of this month. sigh... I am SO ready for summer!

I was happy to read that you are doing ok. I have been worried, and praying. You sound good, and that makes me happy.

Take care and know that you are close in my thoughts!
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/22/09 03:55 AM
hey sugar and my namesake, so glad to catch up with you. i have missed you so.

they say to not snoop unless you can handle what you find. what happens when normal life happens and you still find out crap? i realize, H has lied for so long, thats all he can do. it really hurts.
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/22/09 08:21 PM
hope you all are having a great day! its so nice here, started chemo again, so stuck inside instead of out there. H is being very weird. idk whats going on in his head, probably dont need to know.
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/23/09 02:04 AM

I have been wondering about you!

I'm glad to see you back.... sorry things are not going any better for you. I hope the chemo helps, in the long run. I know it isn't any fun!

As far as H, you don't care what's going on in his head. It would only make you more confused!
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/23/09 05:49 PM
hey jeff!! i have missed you too. and you are right, his head is his, i dont need to know. he doesnt even realize that all the years he had lied to me, that he still does it all the time. he cant seem to break that habit. oh well.

beautiful outside today. had storms last nite, hail heavy rain and the wind blew the basketball goal over. i need to mow, but its way to wet. oh well can do it tomorrow!
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/23/09 05:58 PM
If it is too wet to mow, it is telling you that you need a good day of rest!
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/23/09 06:04 PM
lol thats every day!! I love to mow, it makes me feel good. it will be up to my knees in the back now ick lol. besides i want to do it before H thinks he needs to.

got a new lock on the door last nite! i forgot to tell ya'll that, H isnt going to like that at all.
Posted By: Babygirl Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/24/09 12:54 AM
my FIL came out here with his rider lawnmower, did alot of it for me til he broke a belt. that is so sweet!! he also talked to me for a while lwhen he was done with the grass, H well, lets say he his very upset with. invited ME to go to Arkansas next weekend. thionk i might. fanily is family, tonite i realized i still have some aside from my fellow dbers!

kels love you, thanks for being my sis. youi rock. and you always call just at the right time! hehehe lol!
Posted By: Virtually_Handsome Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/24/09 05:13 AM

That's great!
Posted By: S.T. _I Made It! Re: the pants traveled #17 - 04/24/09 08:13 PM
God hasnt given up on me, there fore i wont give up on H yet.

that is a strong and wonderful statement BG. I am really proud of you.

I'm so glad to see you back on here too! although I'm not on much anymore. Oh, and guess what? that friend I met that has lupus I told you about? well, she is feeling great! and better than she has in years! even the surgery she had for her back is better, she wasn't able to turn her head to the left in 3 years, and within just a week or two of being on it, she has turned her head! I'm so happy for her too.

anyways, totally cool about the new locks! tell us what happens on that.

and you definitely better go to Arkansas! you need a vaca!

have a good friday, and don't let H destroy your happiness, and the true joy that comes from God.

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