Hi, ya'll. I feel a bit like I need to post about my life in Piecing, and yet here is where I started lurking - for obvious reasons - and where I feel I "know" the wise and strong posters in this forum, and yet none of you know me. I'll try to do this in a nutshell, but it's got some crazy twists so please bear with me as I try to make it understandable.

Me: 39
formerly WAH: 40 next month
Married: 10 years, together for same. We met and married (eloped!) very quickly.
Multiple Bombs: December 2005 ("We need to separate"/ A discovery/ H was fired from job b/c of A/ and b/c I turned him in -ouch- worked in a Christian organization where you just don't do that and keep your job)

H's job had him traveling extensively over a third of the year for the last 5 years. Our marriage had been getting progressively worse during that time. He was pursuing me for a 'real' relationship, and I was defensive, controlling, passive/aggressive, just in complete denial about what a good marriage needed to be/looked like. Long nasty childhood, blah blah. I pushed and pushed him away emotionally, and he turned off the physical and stayed up late every night and never came to bed with me at the same time (we are opposite male/female stereotypes); these were the 2 big stalemates in our marriage.

Turns out he has had a business relationship/friendship with OW (also married with children) in a state waaaay across the country from us for the last 4 years, would see her for several weeks once a year when he was over there for business, sporadic emails throughout the year, and it turned 'personal' friendship (sharing too much info re: lives/marriages) around Nov 2004, became a 'sudden' EA around Nov/Dec 2005, and I stumbled upon it (emails) as it was 'becoming' in early December. I 'watched' it unfold via emails (hacked his personal email account after the 'we need to separate' phone call while he was away), found one 'inappropriate' email, forwarded it to his boss (emotional reaction encouraged by boss' wife, my friend. my first mistake). EA still had not become PA yet.

I fly out there to fight for my marriage within 2 days of discovery, and yet do not tell H that I know anything about OW, or that I have told his job and it's now in jeopardy. My own misguided fear that he should come back 'on his own' and not out of guilt from being 'caught'. Bear with my stupidity, I am in a panicked, haven't-eaten-or-slept-for-days fog of the worst sort at this time. Can't (and won't) see this error clearly for a month or more. Trip and ensuing discussion with H a complete disaster (he was too mad at me by then, and far gone) and I fly home the next day. STILL not having told him, 'hey who is this chick, and guess what? your job knows about her too.' Meanwhile (unbeknownst to me until much later), his company is pulling emails, and all correspondence he's ever had with OW, and building their case. All based on my little forwarded email. And NOT confronting him either, just behind the scenes stuff.

SO: 2 days after I fly home, EA becomes PA (again 'watched' as it unfolded via emails. OMGosh, it's still hard to think about this now). Only one time, but once is enough thankyouverymuch. "Misses" his plane home the next day, has to take the red-eye flight home, where he is met at work by 3 higher-ups and an interrogation. Sent home, crying, (calling her on the way) to tell me of the A. Swears it is over, that he 'wants to love' me like he used to, etc.

Within a day, that attitude is gone, and he is emailing OW into the wee hours of every night about how much he loves her and just doesn't love me anymore; she is the perfect woman, that was the best night of his life, all kinds of sexual stuff, etc. YA'LL. DON'T SNOOP; God, I would get up at 4 am every night during this time, and print them out (since he wanted to leave me, I thought I was getting evidence). Now that we are trying to work it out, THOSE WORDS he wrote haunt me - no matter how he renounces them now. They fall on me like a swarm of bees some days, and I can't breathe from the pain of remembering them so vividly. Snooping will get in the way of your future reconciliation efforts; just makes it that much harder of a hurdle to get over. Please trust me here. It sux to have those words etched in my soul. Plus I started to get deceived that perhaps THEY were meant to be together since they were friends for so long first, and we just met and fell madly in love quickly w/o a base of strong friendship first. This is what my friend calls "feeding the bad dog". If you have 2 dogs against each other, which one will win? The one you feed. You need to feed the 'good' dog (spiritual, emotional well being) vs. the 'bad' dog (obsessing over the affair partner, comparing yourself, etc). I still struggle with feeding the right dog.

Anyway, he's fired 12/20 (Merry Christmas), friends turn their back on him, and he now continues a phone/email relationship with this chick IN MY HOUSE until 1/24. The worst month of my life. PLUS he finds out (not from me) that I turned him in AND knew about it all along AND never confronted him. Is "done" with me, doesn't love me, "will never love" me again.

I can't move out, b/c in my state that's Abandonment, and I can't make him leave b/c Hi, he's unemployed, and I've been a stay-at-home mom for 6 years, and we have no income. So I go back to work, as I'm the only employable person in my household right now, in our small town.

Okay, I'm winding down (just worked a 12hr shift today, and am pooped!), so I'll finish the story later...
THUS ENDS PART ONE of my little saga. If you've read this far, I thank you for joining me and I'll leave you with some lyrics from a new Imogen Heap song that I play on repeat constantly on my iPod:

Here's the day you hoped would never come
Don't feed me violins just run
with me
Through rows of Speeding Cars

The paper cuts
The cheating lovers
The coffee's never strong enough
I know you think it's more than just bad luck

There, there baby, it's just textbook stuff
It's in the ABC of growing up
Now, now darling, oh don't lose your head
'Cause none of us were angels
And you know I love you, yeah
Posted By: RBinBR Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 05/13/06 03:39 AM
Wow! What great start to getting everyone fascinated in your sitch. I can't wait to read more.
Say it isn't so... tell me more
Hi Believing,

Thanks for what you said about being deceived into thinking THEY are meant to be. I wonder (obsess) about that too. And I like the analogy of feeding the right dog I'm working on it. I'm curious about the rest of your story...
Posted By: deezee Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 05/13/06 12:01 PM
Is your new career as a writer? You're goooood at hooking the reader.......
I know I shouldn't be surprised, but thanks so much for your generous encouragement to continue with my saga. I've seen ya'll post such support to each other during my lurkdom, and it's nice to be well-received. So thank you. There is nobody, I don't care how empathetic they are, that can really GET the enormity of this stuff except for those who've suffered it too. For that I am so grateful for all of you. It's an exhale of relief to tell this story to those who 'get it'. Although, Lord knows, I'm so sorry we're all here.

I have to say it's quite the undertaking to stop, turn around, and truly look the last 5 months full in the face in my effort to tell ya'll about it, when I've just mainly had my head down trying to plow thru the days without slitting my wrists. Ya'll know.

SO. where were we?

Ah, yes. The fourth Circle of Hell. Let's continue.

So, H has been fired, life as we know it has completely imploded, both inside and outside the marriage. His entire life, my H has been the picture of integrity. No, really. If you were to look it up in Webster's, he would have been pictured next to the definition. Yes, our marriage was rocky and difficult for some time, but never in ten thousand years did I expect this. I actually expected it from myself, had the opportunity presented itself, before I would have from him. I was the one with the high physical desires that were not getting met, and feeling unattractive, undesired, etc. w/in the marriage. If anyone was going to have an A, it should have been me. The irony does not escape me. Hell, I thought the man had low testosterone or something. Um, nope. He's just not digging ME. ouch. And writing words to OW that I would trade YEARS OFF MY LIFE to have had him saying to me all this time. Just yank my heart out and roast it over some charcoal. Same effect.

And let's just get a little snarky about the OW, shall we? Allow me that vent here if you would, b/c I can't do it much elsewhere. He's fired, they're emailing/calling in the wee hours, and she's going to tell her husband. Oh, yes, OF COURSE SHE IS (wink wink). She thinks she'll tell him over Christmas, since they'll both be off work to better work through things. Well, no she didn't tell him over the holidays b/c she didn't want to ruin her family's Christmas. Um, like MINE was? She'll find the right time to tell him....oh, and H's job hasn't told OW's job have they? Can you find out if they are going to tell? Maybe OW should go to counseling with her H, and the A come out then, in a safe environment. Well, no, she's not found a counselor yet. She's just not sure if there's a right time for this, and gee, if my H hadn't been fired maybe he wouldn't have told me, right? OMGosh, SHUT UP already. Ya'll. Is it any surprise to you that it's five months later and OW's H STILL DOESN'T KNOW? What a shock. Could she BE any more selfish? And any time my H emailed her with any remotely positive thoughts about me (esp. nearing the end of their contact), she said 'you know I've always said nothing but positive things about your W, but are you forgetting she's the one who threw you under the bus?' and rile him all up about my behavior. OMGosh, I so hate her. Yeah, still working on that forgiveness thing. Ya'll know.

Somehow, in this crisis I managed to do all the wrong things, but the LORD was/is still on His throne. I cried, cried, cried. Pleaded. Looked pathetic, and then would get mad and be a complete b*tch. Zero to 60 in 5.2 seconds. I was all over the place. Completely freaking out and could not get a handle on it. Then a very dear childhood friend shipped me "Love Must be Tough" - the book by James Dobson, and the CDs from the radio broadcast they had on it. It was my first resource in the Journey of Pulling My Sh*t Together. I highly recommend it to anyone coming apart at the seams over this stuff.

Again, I really take little credit in the U-turn this disaster took. It was all the Lord, and I still do not understand it. H realized that he could not have the destruction of a 2nd family on his head, no matter what happened with ours. He knew he had to get out of the picture of OW's life, and it felt like FOR-EVAH between him knowing that and completely doing something about it. In reality it was maybe two weeks, but I didn't think he would ever break it off, b/c frankly if it were me and I was crazy, wide-open in love with someone else (his words, remember. they still haunt), I would not have had the strength to leave it. no way. I am too selfish, I think. I would have been all "F this, I'm going with who I'm crazy about. damn the torpedoes", which is perhaps why the Lord protected me from being the WAS. I also think it's why God didn't protect H from losing his job. The fact that his ENTIRE LIFE was ruined beyond recognition played a huge part in getting H's attention.

The breaking-off process initially looked exactly like the A, frankly, up every night emailing. But then it got surreal. He would come to bed, wake me up and tell me a little about what was happening, "it's getting closer" etc. Leaving out the fact that there was still sexy talk, etc. that I knew about. By now, they had each switched email accounts twice, since my master hacking abilities were now public knowledge, and were completely confident that they were 'speaking' in private. Fools. I had a kick-*ss program installed on H's computer that logged his keystrokes, sent me screenshots, and logged every website he visited. Again, though, let me reiterate: DON'T SNOOP. That crap will drag down your reconciliation efforts. I am Exhibit A of that case.

Ya'll. This is draining, reliving the saga. Let's pause again for another day (or more, I work night shift this week. groan), and I'll leave you with some more lyrics from a song I love, "Reasons Why" by Nickel Creek:

Where am I today? I wish that I knew
Looking around, there's no sign of you

I don't remember one jump or one leap,
Just quiet steps away from me

I'm holding my heart out, and clutching it too,
The feeling is short of the love that we once knew

Calling this a home when it's not even close,
Playing the role with nerves left exposed

Standing on a darkened stage, stumbling through the lines
Others have excuses, I have my Reasons Why
WOW. First, happy mom's day.

Sorry about your saga of the past 7 months. Same time as mine. It's rough and takes every living breath out of you, it's a very special kind of hell. Come check me out in Piecing if you like.

So, where are you now? You said reconciling? Good for you. It's damn tough. How are you with it? So the A is tailing or over?

How are you doing? Health? Emotions? What are you doing to detach and take a breather? If he's still ending things and being weird about it, it's important to realize that you're not fully in reconciliation yet, and are still in detachment mode. Stay detached, if only to protect yourself and protect the little compassion you might still have left for H...you'll need that for the reconciliation and forgiveness part.

It's been a tough road, and will probably have tougher bends soon. Hang in there.

Something that you wrote in your original post that's wise to remember when you're feeling like falling in the deep pit of "why is this happening to me, this hurts like HELL." You mentioned that H DID approach you for a real M before, repeatedly, and you pushed him back. I DID THE SAME. I keep this in mind now. I look back at my behaviors and wonder "who in the WORLD was that b*tch? ME??!! How could I have acted like that and why didn't I wake up sooner?" Well....you didn't, neither did I. H's tried, waited, tried again. Then they moved on.

Now, it's OUR turn to try, wait and try again while they lift from a weird fog.

It's hard for me to think about my pain without thinking of H's. It's hard to believe that 2 people could hurt each other so badly especially after how crazy in love we were when we married. Ugh.

Hang in there...lots of pain all around...you'll be sifting for a while.. you can do this.
Thanks A14, our lives are parallel. I completely agree with you about the what-was-i-thinking, who-was-the-b*itch-that-was-me stuff. Unbelievable. and sadder than anything that it took this for me to finally wake up and smell the French roast. I really don't think anything else was going to lift my blinders, and that makes me sick.

Yes, H is completely out of the affair, cut off contact in January, (remember she's many states away, so at this point it was not physical) and despite some repeated attempts of OW to contact him, H has remained steadfast in not responding or contacting her. Oh but I did - after her last attempt on my 10th wedding anniversary. Did she know if was our anniversary? No, but satan did, sister, you can believe that. But I'll save that story for when I get there.

It's taking me forever and a long day to get thru all this stuff. I apologize for being get-to-the-point challenged, but it's somewhat therapeutic for me to go slowly and look at each piece in perspective as I write the narrative. So I thank you all for your patience in waiting out the 'where the heck are they NOW?' answers.

Well, now I've started a habit, and I just cannot post without leaving you with some lyrics. Here's some Nichole Nordeman (haven't made it thru this without her music):

Started rubbing sticks together
I thought a spark would take forever
I never dreamt this fire would appear

When Moses saw the Bush in flames
And heard the branches speak his name
I wonder if he felt this kind of fear

'Cause I'm burnin' Yeah, I'm burnin'
And I know I'm gonna blister in these flames
So I'll stay here, 'Till this smoke clears
And I'll find you in the ashes that remain
Icky, parallel they are.

Sounds like you're doing well, overall. It certainly is the toughest thing I've ever been through.

So, GOOD NEWS, H is totally out of contact with OW. Aside from your 10th Anniv story (which you simply MUST tell soon, inquiring minds want to know), how are things between the 2 of you? Do tell.

In my case, H is still in contact with OW, away for the last 2 weeks, but 2 weeks before he left, he had a 'turning point' of sorts. It's all in my sitch in Piecing...if you can weigh in, I would appreciate. Feeling a little lost in the analysis dept, and would appreciate the wise advice.

Are ya having a good mother's day?

Post in your wonderful stories...we love them. Don't get to the point, we'll figure the point out ourselves. Tell your whole story....do what you need.

Ok, more already, lol. And I though I could post the long ones!

Posted By: PArob Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 05/15/06 12:51 PM
I got chills reading the first couple of posts because this eerily sounds like the sitch that I went through two years ago.....I had to do a double take on the name.....

I really can't wait to find out where this goes....
Working 12hr night shifts is exhausting! (I'm a nurse, by the way, not a writer! But thanks to whoever suggested that to me, I wish.  Actually my H is the great writer.  He just started a blog and it's really good,  I'll send you guys a link later in our story maybe!)

SO, let's jump back into the fray.  OMGosh, as I'm writing this I'm soooooooo glad it's not Dec/Jan/Feb anymore.  What a nightmare.

As I mentioned in someone else's thread, my H was convicted to break it off with OW b/c he didn't want to ruin a 2nd family/marriage, NOT b/c he was dedicated to ours.  He in fact told her he expected to be divorced and a single dad.  She was married with a child the same age as my D, and 2 stepkids.  In the end, it doesn't matter what he told her, but what he DID.  I write that sentence more for myself, as I have to remind myself a lot of these type of things.

SO, he comes upstairs one wee-hour morning to announce that it's over.  They had an email 'argument' and the servers go down, so he calls her and it ends on the phone.  She is furious that he's been trying to end it and 'leave her when she needs him the most'. Excuse me while I go vomit.  Anyway, I said "if she loves you so much because you're a good man, she should appreciate that you're trying to do the right thing." and he said "that's exactly what I told her", which I thought was kind of funny: here we are agreeing about the breakup points.   Life is surreal.

He leaves early the next a.m. to take our D to get her tonsils out (I have to stay home with our sick S), so he is gone all day long from email access.  He has no cell phone of his own (since his job took theirs back upon his termination) and he takes mine, so I know she's not calling him on that one.  No email access all day for him.  Here is the one day I only "semi-snooped".  I opened his email account, and saw an email sent from her at 4am.  The screen only shows you about the first sentence of the body of the email, so I read that part only ("well that seemed too easy for you") and closed the program.  

H comes home, we deal with D, etc. and late in the evening he says "I've been dreading this all day" and LOGS ON TO HIS EMAIL IN FRONT OF ME (previously unheard of) while I'm across the room, and pulls up that email.  It was so hard, but I stayed across the room and resisted the strong urge to read it over his shoulder, but I looked over and saw that it was the longest email in the History of Mankind, the words took up the whole screen.  H commented 'wow, it's a long one', and read it once, deleted it, and blocked her emails from his account.  All in front of me.  AGAIN, quite a change from any earlier behavior.  He just said it was a blaming, accusing email about him breaking it off, etc.  gave me no detail really.  

In the back of my head while he's doing this, I am thinking I'll read it later b/c my spyware would be sending me a screenshot of his desktop (one taken every 3 minutes) while he had it pulled up.  ALAS, he read it so fast that my program has a before & after screenshot - but no email.  So it's lost forever.  I still think about that email occasionally and wish I had seen it.  Of all the emails I read from her, I'd sure like to see that last one. I know it's just as well, but there's my 'bad dog' wanting to be fed. I fight that so much.

Back in early January, we started MC (yes, the affair was still ongoing at this point) under the guise of 'me' getting help for my issues and I asked if he wanted to come that first time and he agreed.  So we had been going to a counselor who was highly recommended, but was highly ineffective.  We went for 2 months and got nowhere with his help (he couldn't even remember our names for the first 15 minutes of each session, had to use a cheat sheet!), and did all the stuff Michele says you DON'T need in a counselor (feelings, past childhood stuff, no goals set).  I said in March to H, "I don't think we're getting anywhere".

AAHH!  Time to go get my kid from school, will go ahead and post this and do more tonight. Lyrics later as well!

Oh my, ya'll. Going back over all this stuff I think is affecting my subconcious along with PMS. I have really backslid on my attitude toward H in the last few days. Even threw some nasty verbal daggers at him that were hurtful. We had an argument about all that today. This whole process is painful, and reliving the A here is not going well for me in real life, I guess.

But on the upside, you guys know most everything about the A and OW now, so there won't be much info left to tell you and we'll be on to my R issues now (of which there are many. groan)

Almost finishing in a nutshell re: OW, so I can stop being a Horror Show here at home~

The breakup is late January. About mid-February, there is a phone message from a recruiter in OW's far-off city that is a mutual friend of H and OW. OW has forwarded H's resume to him, and so he called. H was home, saw the city on caller ID, didn't answer and listened to message. I get home, and he tells me about it. Later that evening, he checks email and has one from OW (he blocked her emails previously from his 'secret' email account, this is another email acct), that is very professional/cold about having drinks with mutual friends the previous night, they asked about H, and blah blah, didn't know your situation but forwarded your resume. H didn't respond, told me about it, and forwarded me the email to see with "I do not want to be where I don't need to be. I am where I need to be" written to me. No massive declarations of love, okay yeah, but he's doing the right thing....and does not respond to phone message or OW's email.

So now we limp into March, still going to crappy MC, me working, him still looking for a job (amazing, b/c his resume is so fantastic. I never would have believed in December that he would still be out of work. Convinced it was the Lord keeping him here to work stuff out). So now I guess I get to tell you all about our sex life. Sigh. Or lack thereof.

When we met, and early in our marriage: bunnies. BUNNIES, I tell you! I'm sure many of you can say the same. Can't keep hands off each other, ML all the time. Life is a cabaret. Ah, memories.

So, several years in, it gets pretty sporadic, but still around. Then we have our 2nd child, and don't ML until he is ONE YEAR OLD, and we go away on a grown-up only weekend (jan 2002). Think that's bad? After that weekend, TWO AND A HALF YEARS pass before we ML during another grown-up weekend away (aug 2004) and hey, I'm thankful to be thrown a bone (twice! in 2 days!) but it just wasn't great sex between us. I of course was so grateful for some, that I chose to ignore that fact, and the fact that although we were together and it was pleasant, the entire trip was strained/distant in the big picture of our R. Looking back, it's so obvious, but not then. I figured that things were not the joy of yesteryear, I just attributed that to how little time we'd been able to spend together in general with his work travel. Still no A going on, just crap in the M.

So, after the great Mediocre Sex of 2004, we have none (none!) . Again, large stalemate in the marriage as I've mentioned previously. We 'argue' about it some, but really. How far are you going to get in having sex when you're b*tching about it? I felt completely undesired/unattractive, no matter how much he told me otherwise, there were no ACTIONS to back it up. Ugh. Makes me mad to think about it (not like I'm not always thinking about it).

So then, my not-digging-me-physically H goes and has a fcuking A. WHAT?!?! My H is having a PA? Emailing ILY, I want to marry you, I want to ML to you non-stop, we'd wear out mattresses on a regular basis?! WTF? Kill me now. Again ya'll, this is made harder by me snooping and reading all these words from the pit of hell. This is an extra-special-added-bonus pain, like a cherry on top of the sundae of the already fun betrayal/pain of an A, b/c he was not ML to me for years, multiple. YEARS, people. Dammit.

So in the middle of the discovered affair/email affair in my home, lots of hostility between us, and "I don't love you and I will never love you again" from H. ouch. thanks.

Then it ends, the A. And we are tiptoeing around whether or not we're going to make it, want to make it. No physical contact. Some nice gestures and attempts at friendship stuff by H (cards, etc. but zero romance attached). And then, oh yeah, into March. I'm DYING emotionally, but also physically with all this crap in my head about the A and their ML vs. our ML and WTF, etc etc.

So, one night I initiate it (after DAYS of working up courage and having about 3 talking points ready if I have to convince/argue to get him to comply), and he completely goes there with no convincing. wow. and hey, it's pretty darn good (wall, bathroom sink, floor! bring it on!). Afterwards, he says "I didn't think you were ever going to let me do that again" and I say " I didn't think you were ever going to WANT to do that again". He kisses me and says ILY. I think I've died and gone to heaven. He leaves me a post-it to find in the kitchen the next a.m. that reads "I think we're going to be OK" and draws a heart. This is the 12 hour period of time I cling to in my head as I have lived these next months after that. I could be posting in SSM too. sigh. GH, I feel your pain honey. Oh, and something funny? This was the first time we'd ever ML in OUR OWN HOME we'd bought 3 years ago. Ever.

Okay, will pause, must sleep. There's one more contact from OW I'll post about, and then hopefully we'll be done with her. Was planning to post some really hopeful lyrics, but not today. Resurfaced emotions + Fight w/ H + PMS + No sex in the foreseeable future = Lyrics of angst & adultery (more Imogen Heap. Love her):

Doing everything by halves,
You got a real flare with excuses
Meeting someone at the bar,
Where loose ends still have uses

It's complicated,
(This time I think it could be)
(It could be just what we need)
So what d'you say, we give it up and walk away?
We're overrated, anyway

We're kissing without kissing,
And got it down to a fine art
Love's supposed to keep you young and frisky,
But we grew up and wide apart
Not now, not ever, no… it's never a good time
How will the good times ever roll on?
Comparing photos then and now, now and then,
Just wondering…(wondering) where it all went wrong

It's complicated,
(This time I think it could be)
(It could be just what we need)
So what d’you say, we give it up and walk away?
Nothing to salvage anyway
Posted By: dmw Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 05/19/06 05:34 AM
what is your spyware? i know i shouldnt, but need protection
How many people on this board must I beat with a noodle?
Snooping is a nightmare in the end.

You can Google keylogger software, but I'm not helping anyone with specifics. It will KILL YOUR SOUL to have TMI. Hello? McFly? Does anyone not GET that but me (and maybe GH)?

Thus ends the morning rant. Carry on.
Posted By: RBinBR Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 05/19/06 01:41 PM

Just so you know, dmw is the one in his/her M that has had the A. He/she isn't interested in snooping on an A, but (I presume) making sure that his/her spouse isn't squirreling money aside and taking it to the Caribbean or something.

Our stories are very similar. I thought if you looked up integrity in Webster's my H Picture was in there. Maybe their side by side.LOL I know you story far to well. Have felt all the same feeling emotions, the snooping, the lies only to find out I was right all along. H denying it the whole time. Only I find out one year after H ended the A. I was one of the one's that contacted the OW. She tryed to make herself seem like a caring person. I wasn't going to have her control the situation and make me seem like the bad girl. My marriage survied, her's crumbled. H and I made it through, but it was not easy. years of counsling.
The funning thing is that after 8 years of not seeing or hearing from her, I run into her at the skating rink. (My son plays hockey) New job for her there. But you know what she couldn't handle seeing me all the time and quit. HAHAHA.

My H and I are survivor's of EA. Every day is a complete stuggle but we will move on and survive.

Thanks to all for chiming in; don't mean to bash at all if I'm in the wrong about the snoopage. Still don't wish to post specifics re: spyware in case it "falls into the wrong hands, and used for evil instead of for good" if you know what I mean. And I think that you do.

Will be back later tonight to try to move closer to present-day in my sitch.
Ack; more fighting at Chez Marital Hardship tonight. Can't wrap my head around posting more of the story right now. Will soon.
What? Thought you had the nice email?

Well, it's natural for you to be angry right now.

To be fair, how about be honest, and when you're feeling calm, explain (or email) H that right now, this past week or so, you've been rehashing hard feelings about the A, and it's why you're crabby. Tell him it's something you have to work through and might need to talk to him about it as well? Sounds like you're at that stage, or maybe already have been.

Just be open with what you're going through, like you are here...and he can be prepared to be more patient.
Oh, we're cross posting on each other's threads! Wheeee!
Yes, I did get the nice email, God bless him, but need to breathe away from rehashing the saga, or I may come apart tonight! Yeah, I should probably tell him something about why I've backslid so noticeably (sp?) lately in my emotions, by going over the A in my head. Again, good idea.
Okay, I'm now about to be hopelessly out of order in my saga, but here are tonight's emails between me & H on my own thread instead of Always14's thread - although I used many of her words verbatim in my first email, b/c they were SO GOOD (and b/c we were apparently separated at birth or something)...

After arguing most of day/evening, I sent him this (credit to Always):
What do I fear? Of course, the pain and anxiety. A role reversal that I don't intend, with me the only one 'plugged in' emotionally. I fear not being wholly loved ever again. I fear I won't be able to be who I need to be, the wife I want to be.  I fear that I cannot trust again, always suspecting and worrying as a part-time job. 

What do I hope? I hope for peace in each of our hearts and the outcome that God created for us, I hope we follow that path with happiness in our souls. I hope that each of us ends up doing what makes us happy--sometimes, that is what takes most courage of all.  I hope to be the best person I can be, the person I want to be, at all times.  I hope, in what time we have left together that I give the very best of myself to a person I love and cherish, no matter the outcome. 

His reply:
And I hope for exactly the same things.  We aren't far apart on that.  I understand your fear, which is why I have been so focused on not giving you anything to worry you or to make you feel like I am keeping something from you.  That's why it is kind of difficult when you start treating me like I am holding out on you.  It makes anything I do seem like nothing.
This is fixable.  The whole thing.

Gosh, but I love this man. Dammit.

Anyway, I also (at A14's suggestion, b/c by now she's brilliant and I'll follow her off a cliff) emailed him that I've been rehashing the A this week and it's causing me some mental anguish that I'm not containing well. Here's that email:

This past week or so, I've been writing about the affair (I loathe that word) and along with Hormonal Fun for the month, I'm now sure it's why I'm being more difficult than normal about things. It's something I have to work through, and I apologize that I've not separated 'then' and 'now' well when rehashing the chronology.  A little PTSD rearing its head, I'm guessing.  Would've mentioned it before now had it occurred to me sooner. On the upside, I'm almost finished.

His reply:
Understandable.  Where might this chronology be published? 

haha. The wit. He's got a blog, and I'm guessing he thinks I'm writing non-anonymously about it online or otherwise. I replied not to worry.

OMGosh, For the Love of a Princess from the Braveheart soundtrack is playing on my iTunes shuffle. (sniff, sniff)

Anyway, at the risk of confusing all of you, that's a fast forward to this evening. And no, we're not separated, just in different parts of the house b/c we live separately after the kids go to sleep, mostly. We email at night, talk during day.

Although we are going to have a DVD-night tomorrow, and I dare to hope that he'll come to bed at the same time, but probably not. sigh. baby steps.
sigh. Warning: rant ahead

Tough weekend. Much backsliding. Gosh, I suck at this. I am so easily flooded with A thoughts, and feeding the bad dog, thinking he wants to be with her, if she weren't married he'd have chosen OW, if he hadn't been fired he would've left me as he was planning, etc. and then I go and freaking SAY it to him b/c I have NO SENSE, ya'll. None. ugh. And his (sensible) argument back to me is that I am keeping him chained to his A, when he's trying to distance himself from it and I keep locking him back up to it. That I think about her so much more than he does now. But that wan't the case before, I retort. Because I'm a retorter. Because I suck. GOD, I HATE HOW HARD THIS IS. I just cannot move past it like I want, with any CONSISTENCY. Dangit.

So Saturday night is eleventeen-million steps backwards, b/c I'm so frustrated with the grass-growing-slowness of our R that I want to either slam full-throttle into a better R with H RIGHT-FREAKING-NOW thankyouverymuch, or RUN from it in frustration, and separate from him to just get my thoughts together away from seeing him so much. I keep thinking I could just GAL w/o him so much easier if he weren't in my face. And instead of just chewing on that when it comes into my head, I keep BRINGING IT UP. Because I suck at this, and am showing my a$$ every time my emotions flare up. I cannot contain myself for any decent length of time. So, of course, he sees no real changes in me b/c I keep reverting to freak-chick. ARGH! I am so mad at me. And he (correctly) says to me, "You are not a safe place for me when you act like this" and it's true. I'm like some nitro that you can't shake or knock, or I'll explode with emotional goo all over the ceiling.

We're okay again, but it was a long nasty Saturday night, and H coming back upstairs and grabbing me in a hug and saying "We can do this" - despite the affair, my gosh, he's a better man than I.

I am so burned by the lack of sex in the M; my gosh, could the man please just throw me against the wall? I'm about to die over here. This whole Sat argument started when he came up to kiss me goodnight, and I grabbed his shirt to hold him nearer for a while, and he pulled away. And so it began. B/C I'm insulted by that - hello, not an issue with OW (jealousy, jealousy) - and he feels like I'm trying to 'eat him alive' (reference back to his mother who STILL tries to do this), so he keeps saying 'it's not YOU, I would have this issue with anyone I was married to, any woman who was close to me, b/c of my mother" - we are seeing a new MC that we both like, and I encouraged him to bring this up in MC so we could figure out what to do about it. and he agreed to, but i'm not sure if he'll do it. I'm about to LOSE MY MIND from desire for H and wishing he could overcome his crap. B/C this didn't happen until after we were M, I was like "hell, I'll D you just so you'll dig me again" which of course is wrong and all my volatile emotions rising up. I cannot beat those things down, and verbal daggers are NOT effective but I cannot seem to SHUT THE F UP when I'm upset. I am so frustrated with me. and he keeps saying he's the one who's expected to do all the changing and i'm not doing any changes. or very little. (insert primal scream here)

So we start another week, and he's preoccupied and distant and I'm all freaked out inside for no reason, and can't seem to figure out how to interact with him to get back to where we were before I became psycho-of-the-weekend.

Thus ends the evening rant.
Have you done much reading on this issue? May I suggest

After the Affair: Healing the Pain and Rebuilding Trust When a Partner Has Been Unfaithful by Janis A. Spring

NOT "Just Friends" : Rebuilding Trust and Recovering Your Sanity After Infidelity by Shirley Glass and Jean Coppock Staeheli

They are both v. good books for understanding what you are going through at the moment.

Good luck
Thanks Walkingback! I have read "NOT Just Friends" and there are a trillion little post-it flags sticking out from the pages!

I've read SO many books, but have not read After the Affair, so off to find it! Many thanks for wading thru my ranting and your calm reply in the face of my present insanity.

I calmed myself down a bit by taking my sketchpad & pencils into my D6's room tonight. By the nightlight glow, I sketched her hugging her bear while sleeping. So sweet, and made me feel nice to get back into that after many years away. (My mother's day present I asked for) I'm rusty, but pleased with the results. H came home from the gym and found me in there and seemed impressed, too. I think he may have even called me "baby" but I could have been audio-hallucinating in the quiet of D's room...

Tomorrow is another day and as I remind myself all the time: God is in charge & His mercies are new every morning.

Thank God that He doesn't get crazy like I do, or we'd all be Toast.

This may be a bit off, and if it is, I am sorry, but you seem to be VERY caught up in the drama of all this. I am NOT saying you like it but you do seem to be passionate about every aspect of your ordeal and I don't think that serves you well. I think one thing you could do to maybe curb your need to be DOING something all the time is to just slow down. Take a breath. Sketch (nice BTW). Anything to put the brakes on. That's why GAL is so important, in addition to the message it sends WAS, because without occupying our minds with something else, we would burn out VERY quickly thinking about this as I think you are.

You seem a lot like me in the sense that you can communicate pretty well with us AND with yourself and that is a double edged sword. Your self dialog is going a million miles a second and I think you just need to understand that this WILL NOT be a fast paced process and the more you interject your "passion" into it, the more likely your H may feel stifled, pressured and otherwise less motivated to "work" on things.

He DOES seem to be the more calm one but I suspect that your "manic" approach, or at least what we see here as such, may put him off a bit, and to read into it even more, it could be that it always has.

So much of this is about understanding ourselves AND the perception others have of us. Not that perception should be the thing we worry about the most but we still need to be aware of how WE think of ourselves and then how that translates into what we project into the world. I think you are starting to understand that you are your own worst enemy so start working on being your best friend. Help yourself by NOT reveling in the drama. When you get worked up over something, recognize that and the just go for a jog or meditate, anything other than going to H and "expressing yourself" in a time of heightened emotion or energy. There will be time and places for that kind of expression later. For now, maybe a more gentle approach, one you FORCE yourself to adopt, may work better.

As for the lack of sex, I get that, I really do but your H seems to be a man of the sort that actually DOES attach something to sex other than just the physical act and as such, may need a lot more time to get to that point. I know my W is taking a LONG time to get there but I am still plugging away, trying to subtly increase our intimacy level so she feels more and more comfortable. I would LOVE to throw her against a wall, as OT has suggested, but I am 100% positive that she is not ready for that. Maybe your H is 100% positive YOU aren't either, lol. I hope there is a wall throwing in BOTH of our futures.

All in all, I think you are doing better than you think and yes, you need to back off a bit from H but you also need to cut yourself some slack.

I also think you stand to get some good feedback here because you ARE so good at telling your story. Not only that but you will help people too because your communication of not only what you and H DO but how you FEEL is really good for us to understand. Please, keep posting and we'll keep reading.

Oh, and are you seeing a C?

GH, thank you for taking the time to post to my situation.


but you seem to be VERY caught up in the drama of all this.

Absolutely. A lifelong issue. I have been so caught up in 'being pursued' that I would get in my car after fighting with boyfriends in college and 'make' them chase me down. What a nightmare I was. I think my passion is initially great in a R, and then backfires completely long-term. I'm not sure what the attraction to drama is (as if the absence of it would be a bad or something), but it's been around me forever. Obviously of my own design.

Your self dialog is going a million miles a second


your "manic" approach, or at least what we see here as such, may put him off a bit, and to read into it even more, it could be that it always has.

Hard to read, but accurate. Difficult to see & accept how I come across to people. A throwback to my childhood crap: If I dance fast enough, you won't see how screwed up I am. Not how I wish to be perceived, but completely understandable. It's funny how the things people like about me in public (enthusiasm/passion/fun, etc) doesn't translate well into my M b/c some of it is a masquerading dance that doesn't work well in deeper-than-surface M (if that makes sense).

We are in MC together (a bad C from Jan-March, and currently one C we like for about 3 sessions now), and I've been in IC on and off for oh, forever, it seems. Just joint MC going on now.

Hey BI! Sorry about the bad weekend. Your thought processes sound a lot like mine did before, and sometimes still do. I agree about GH's comments and drama, and wanted to add a few more observations.

1) This is a dramatic situation in your life. I find myself getting busy with life and suddenly stopping and actually thinking of the situation for what it is and it's like a smack "I cannot believe this Jerry Springer drama is my life." Yes, it is. Also, the very nature of lying, trust, deceipt, having to go through great lengths to find details of the reality of your life drives you crazy. I got to a point where I felt genuinly crazy. I had no idea of reality. When I was at work, with friends, etc, it was a respite to reality, a time when I could cling to a real world. Believe what people said and did, and it felt weird to think that people were genuine, when I lived with someone who lied to my face 24/7, and I "acted as if" and wondered, snooped, analyzed, essentially played the detective. I know snooping and prying is bad, but, frankly, I didn't do it to throw it in H's face, get back at him or torture myself--mostly, when I found things out, I had peace...however bad the details, I had a grasp on a sliver of reality in my life. It's hard to lie next to someone each night and wonder what the real life is, their other world...essentially, it's kinda "crazy" to have to combine the concept of being close to a person (your spouse) to the fact that they lead a double life you have no idea about and is nothing like them. So, enough explaining that, but in the end, it made me react in crazy ways too, ways I didn't normally react in--no control of my own world. No matter what tactics you use, it's just plain hard.

2) H doesn't want to be tied to the A, but you both need to compromise, and here's where communication is important. Seems that you're at a stage ahead of many here, where the A is over, out, talked about, and M is building again. All this time, I keep putting my feelings of A "in my pocket" as do many of us here, b/c we're not at that healing stage you're at. Sooner or later, we will be and will be torn like you are. I understand. That being said, you DO need to keep the reactions in check....while it's understandable to feel the way you do, expressing them in a DIFFERENT WAY than you did in M is the best. Explain this to H....while he's ready to move on, he has to work with you in the healing. Explain that it won't go on forever, but ask him to remember how much pain you caused him and how it took a while to come out of that. EMPATHY and COMMUNICATION. You're really lucky to have an H that WANTS to work it out, is strong for you. Lean on him, but in a healthy way. Speak about what's on your mind, tell him what you're feeling (not what he did), without the extreme emotions. Work through it. You brought up a good point that my H feels too: safety in my company. Well....safety does NOT mean never bringing up my pain or his mistakes to work through them....it DOES mean working through it in a mutually respectful, empathetic way. Simply put: express yourself, just don't rage forever and do passive-aggressive, extreme things. Tone it down a few notches. That way, H still feels safe, and you still work through a very real situation. Explain to him this as well...you will do everything to make him feel safe, and he needs to do the same by facing what he did by facing your feelings, THAT is what it will take to make YOU feel safe, b/c he made you feel UNsafe with the A.

3) It seems that you might have skipped a portion of your story from the ending of the A to this weekend. How did H come around? Describe your days now....

4) THE BIGGEST PART. It comes down to you. This is 2 parts. First, I think this comes down, largely, to you feeling like you don't have control (read #1). I feel the same. You react in an extreme manner (rage or run away) to control or simply to DO something and not just stand there. Second, this is all about YOUR actions in the first place. Sometimes, in our threads, mine included, we focus too much on the A, fixing and analyzing the CURRENT situation, how can you help it? We lose track of what happened in the M BEFORE the A. It's not just about the dynamics of NOW, but the dynamics of BEFORE. That's what you're battling. You can't help H's reactions, now, his aloofness, etc. Just remember that how he sees you is built on how you were in the M. Go back to that. What were the issues, what did you do? What were the behaviors? Why? What are you doing now to change? You glossed over this in one of the first posts, very quickly referring to childhood, etc....but THIS IS THE KEY--you're doing a great disservice to yourself by NOT making this a priority now. Let your healing take the stage too, but always temper it with your changes and your part in the M. So, you see, the only way to really gain control of the situation is to go to the root, not what the situation in your house is now--and make those changes in you.We can't work on how to move from here, unless we know how it all started. In your next post, go back to this. What were the issues. Really dig deep, look at your assumptions when you reacted to things, things you see were issues and you wish were better. Think of your ideal M and think of how YOU would be different. What are things day-to-day, that you do differently, react differently, things you do to change your former dynamics. This is the only thing you can control, so throw yourself into it...get the control back. Get to a point where regardless of what happens in your M, the OW (who is out, but whatever), etc: you are still you, the best that you can be!!!! Let's focus on this in your next threads, in addition to venting and moving through the pain. What's helped me look away from the pain is to focus on my changes, which leads me to remember all the crappy things I did. Not that you are taking all the blame or beating yourself up, but simply shifting focus back to what you can control, and in the end what matters most, a better YOU. A better M will only follow. I remember something my H said when we got back together years ago to marry: I didn't want to get back into a R with you until I knew I could be the best person I could be adn offer the best of myself. Good philosophy. So, while we all want better M's, are we prepared to know what we want and what we can give?

5) Get centered. This is a horrible stage where you're being pulled at every emotion at every whim. Find a ritual, prayer, poem, something to remind you to center your emotions and get back to a strong you.

So, next post, tell us more about the changes you're working on in you. Things you do to GAL. Focus on the positive and controllable parts of this whole thing. It's not easy, and I myself am a basket case here and there, BUT, it helps to at least put some effort in this direction, and it REALLY pays off in the M.

Look at it this way....we're all human and make mistakes. HUGE ones at times. Our only hope is that our loved ones still love us...sure they'll be disappointed and hurt, but that they understand and still love us. It's what you hope for from H....it's what he hopes from you. It takes time, it's the toughest thing to give, but you'll get there.
Hi Believing

Some good insights there from Grasshopper. I’ve noticed that much of your self-talk is negative, you beat yourself up constantly, and often those of us who are so hard on ourselves are also unwittingly hard and have unreasonably high expectations of those around us. In the past few days you’ve said several times that ‘I suck’, ‘I cannot move past this’ etc – and saying those things to yourself makes them so.

You can change the way you talk to yourself by making a decision to. Rather than saying to yourself “I suck” say something like “this is a challenge for me and I’m learning how to deal with it better” – rather than saying “I cannot move past this” say “this is an experience I am learning from and it’s taking me longer than I expected, but God has a plan and I trust that I am in the place he wants me to be”. Rather than giving yourself evidence that you don’t have the skills to be in a loving committed relationship …


It's funny how the things people like about me in public (enthusiasm/passion/fun, etc) doesn't translate well into my M b/c some of it is a masquerading dance that doesn't work well in deeper-than-surface M

… tell yourself “I am passionate and enthusiastic about becoming the wife I want to be and my husband deserves, I’m excited about the next part of my journey where I will learn to experience a deeper level of commitment than I have so far known.”

It’s easy and it’s so powerful. I’ve gained significant insights into how I contribute to the things that go right and wrong in my life throughout my separation and divorce drama. One of the good authors on how to change the way you think is Louise Hay. Her book ‘You can Heal your life” is compelling reading. She has a simple philosophy that what we give out, we get back. She thinks that everyone is responsible for every experience in their lives and every thought we think is creating our future.

One of the things that I think you really need to do is to forgive yourself for what you perceived you did to contribute to this. Forgiving yourself is as important as forgiving your H and it’s easy to do. There’s lots of stuff on forgiveness in your marriage saving books.

I like your friends analogy about feeding the black dog. There is an American Indian saying that “where attention goes, energy flows” – take your attention away from what is wrong, and assert it on something that is right – your energy will flow there.

Take care
Wow, guys, thank you so much for taking the time to post thoughtful and thorough replies to my posts. What great points, and I want to chew on them several times before I address them; especially your request for more stuff about my issues Always. Right now I'm going to cruise through the rest of the forum and then come back and read your insights another 4.859 times and try to swallow them and make them a part of my mindset.

Thank you guys SO much; I'll be posting again soon! News at eleven.
Very interesting and insightful reading.
I too am a slave to my emotions. I react without thinking. Always has given me very good advice in the past and I am trying to lovingly detach myself from the sitch and work on being the best me that I can be. Will post more on my thread later in the day.
I have not run away in the face of adversity, really. It's just so much to process and I have a sick kid (D had it last week, now S). I can think of a few issues, A14, to answer quickly in order to give you guys something to chew on.

I come from an abusive home (physically by one stepfather, sexually by another, and my mother didn't protect me). So, that's a whole pot of worms but let me address a few things that fermented in me from that time.

A) Men in authority obviously were not people I respected, and I felt I needed to always protect myself, trust no one, and had no clue obviously what a decent adult R/M looks like.

B) That segues into my apparent 'competition' in Rs. Yeah, I worship you in the beginning, as long as you worship me too, and then it gets tricky. I tend to want to 'win', not ever admit wrong, or God-forbid really be vunerable, or emotionally intimate. (although as you all know, physical intimacy is just fine thank you. I guess my way of feeling validated, as that's how so many people always showed interest in me. Physically. I modeled and did pageants, and all that kind of stuff for 'surface' approval as well) Then there's the whole sarcasm issue, or veiled verbal daggers in lieu of outright disrespect. Just non-supportive; more to falsely elevate myself to feel better. Because somehow if H was fabulous and wonderful, then I couldn't be? something convoluted like that. don't have it all worked out in my head as to what exactly was going on, obviously.

C) Everytime H pursued this type of R ("real", "let's strip bare and come clean" were some of the scary-to-me words he used), it was so dang FOREIGN to me, I felt like he was asking me to hand him my pancreas. I'd do/say something to appease him, or in general avoid it, and then go back to my surface status quo. b/c I didn't frankly know what the hell he was talking about.

Well, there's some fodder about my FOO and M to start. Discuss.

I have to wonder if I'm not sleepwalking and my subconscious is making these posts in the middle of the night! I can identify with so much that you say about yourself.

So many of the things you post about yourself could be me...you seem to have a better way of saying them than I do!

Reacting without thinking....avoiding emotional intimacy and vulnerability...parents with issues (alcoholic father, mother that took the abuse)...damn, the list goes on.

I don't usually have much to offer in the way of advice, just wanted to say I'm avidly following along and hope to learn from you at the same time.

Have a great day!
Hi Friends,

I'm working night shifts all weekend (just worked 14 hrs last night - ACK!) so I've not been around to post more of the saga. Had a really interesting week though! Will try to catch up with you guys early next week. Hope you are having a good holiday weekend, and seeing some light in the darkness.
Ya'll. I worked 3 night shifts in a row and then got sick, sick, sick. Still am. Just semi-coherent between fever peaks. ugh. Have not left the BB, just cannot form words yet. We're supposed to leave for a week at the beach (our family and the inlaws) this saturday, so I'm praying to be better by then.

Will come back and hunt for my thread when all is well, and continue the journey!
Feel better....we're looking forward to an update, especially after the trip with family! Remember, patience, patience!
Hi Believing

I've been thinking about you. Hope all is OK with you and H and I wish you a wonderful time at the beach (hard for me to imagine because it's 4 degrees and raining where I'm sitting!!!)

Remember to be kind to yourself

Hey girl....we know you're busy with work and things at home, but give us an update. PLEASE. We care, and want to help....so get back on the wagon.
WOW. I didn't even have to hunt down my thread in the bowels of the archives thanks to you, Always. We returned from the beach on Saturday, I worked Sunday night shift, MC session on Monday afternoon, worked Tuesday day shift, and today (Wed) is H's 40th birthday. MADNESS. I promise to catch up with life in general.

The most recent:
2 weeks before the beach, things were going SO well with us (H even came to bed and initiated kissing & ML at 2am! Hello? Thought I was dreaming for the first few minutes) Well, that was the last good stuff for weeks.

As you remember, I worked 3 straight night shifts (which puts me asleep during the day and out of the 'family' loop for days), then got WAY sick right after that, completely DND (damn near dead) for five days. H had to do ALL the end-of-school stuff (teacher gifts, programs, etc) for the entire week.

One night I was (rarely) awake and downstairs to get a drink in the kitchen. H is at his desk and I went up to hug him and thank him for all he's doing and he says "I miss you" and I replied the same. Such a nice, unexpected thing to happen. I was just so content with that, in the midst of the circumstances.

Then the day before we left for the beach, I finally turn the corner, health-wise, and apparently I also turn the corner into psycho wife. She makes appearances occasionally, but really, at the worst times. H describes it as similar to a walk-by knifing. I just stab him with an ugly word/jab and keep going. "Oh did I do that? Sorry" Can we all say Latent Hostility? ugh. So we have an argument about that, and I completely forget that I've sent him the link that was posted here to the blog about "One Man's Affair" from his viewpoint, and didn't tell/warn him it was coming. So that night he goes to check email and there's that. He gets to the part where the guy has to tell his wife and can't read any more. Honestly, I thought he was closer to a place where he'd be okay with reading that, what he could relate to, etc. Apparently, he's not far enough away from it yet, and I just pushed his face in it, and rewound him to wallow in his shame again. go, me. ugh. SO, the next day we leave for the beach. woo. not the best way to start a vacation.

Here's a study in our contrasts. The week things are going so well, I get this email from H:

"I listened to this song, 'All These Years', by Sawyer Brown, tonight, and while the story itself is not completely accurate to our situation (although you could turn the genders around to make me the one who had the affair), it is moving, and presents a situation similar to you and me. And it gives hope, which is what I like about it. It is also a very beautiful song and melody. You should download it. I have attached it.

She likes adventure with security
And more than one man can provide
She planned adventure feeling sure that he
Would not be home 'til after five
He turned on the lights and turned them off again,

And said the one thing he could say

All these years
Where have I been
I've been down the road to work and home again
And I'm still here
Until I'm gone
And don't you rub it in too hard that I've been wrong
All these years

She said, "You're not the man you used to be"
And He said, "Neither is this guy"
She said, "There's some things you refuse to see...
But I guess sometimes so do I"
She made no excuse why she was lying there,

She said the one thing she could say

All these years
What have I done?
I made your supper and your daughter and your son
Still I'm here,
And still confused
But I can finally see how much I stand to lose
All these years...

I'm still here
And so confused
But I can finally see how much I stand to lose,
All these years.


So the night he reads all the affair stuff, he emails me the lyrics to this song. ouch:

The Queen and The Soldier (Suzanne Vega)

The soldier came knocking upon the queen's door
He said, "I am not fighting for you any more"
The queen knew she'd seen his face someplace before
And slowly she let him inside.

He said, "I've watched your palace up here on the hill
And I've wondered who's the woman for whom we all kill
But I am leaving tomorrow and you can do what you will
Only first I am asking you why."

Down the long narrow hall he was led
Into her rooms with her tapestries red
And she never once took the crown from her head
She asked him there to sit down.

He said, "I see you now, and you are so very young
But I've seen more battles lost than I have battles won
And I've got this intuition, says it's all for your fun
And now will you tell me why?"

Well, the young queen, she fixed him with an arrogant eye
She said, "You won't understand, and you may as well not try"
But her face was a child's, and he thought she would cry
But she closed herself up like a fan.

And she said, "I've swallowed a secret burning thread
It cuts me inside, and often I've bled"
He laid his hand then on top of her head
And he bowed her down to the ground.

"Tell me how hungry are you? How weak you must feel
As you are living here alone, and you are never revealed
But I won't march again on your battlefield"
And he took her to the window to see.

And the sun, it was gold, though the sky, it was gray
And she wanted more than she ever could say
But she knew how it frightened her, and she turned away
And would not look at his face again.

And he said, "I want to live as an honest man
To get all I deserve and to give all I can
And to love a young woman who I don't understand
Your highness, your ways are very strange."

But the crown, it had fallen, and she thought she would break
And she stood there, ashamed of the way her heart ached
She took him to the doorstep and she asked him to wait
She would only be a moment inside.

Out in the distance her order was heard
And the soldier was killed, still waiting for her word
And while the queen went on strangeling in the solitude she preferred
The battle continued on


Can't write too much at once, or it gets me all crazy-fied here in the real world. Ya'll know. Will post more tomorrow. Missed ya; will try to catch up on threads for a bit!
Hmm... did I scare everyone away with one-too-many song lyrics?

Hello? ::tap, tap::: Is this thing on?

Ya'll. I go into another run of 3 12hr night shifts in a row starting tomorrow (groan), so this will be detrimental to my posting for a few more days. But I did run across a few words today I thought were timely. The first from my daily Bible verse:

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

and a quote I found today:

"Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is." -Mark Twain

Yep, it's working, and I ain't scared.

It sounds like things are going well for you. How's about a little summary update in your next journal?

Kisses to you my friend
Will do that assignment after this crazy working-weekend (may even get to jot some notes during the wee hours); must nap now for the night shift ahead. Thanks much for checking in.
My stretch of night shifts is over, and not a one was slow. Insensitive sick people, trying to crash on me and making me work HARD! But no one had a celestial discharge on my watch, so that is good! Not so good: I didn't get a chance to sit down and write out some thoughts for the BB. But I was reading thru my journal the other day, and thought some of the entries in there over the months could be insightful (or not?) for here.

From January 2006 (during the email affair, after the EA/PA, and H lost his job b/c of it). Various entries below, any italics is me clarifying stuff:

January 14th: Guard me against the flaming arrows of the enemy - deception, discouragement, pain & guilt that is undeserved. Give me Godly sorrow for my sins & true repentance. Therefore there is NO condemnation in Christ Jesus. He who is IN ME (and in H) is greater than he who is in the world. Help me cling to that when I cannot see out of this. Like NOW. There is basic pornography being elevated in this house (the sex-filled emails between them each night) and continued betrayal against our marriage vows before God. What am I supposed to DO with that, Lord? Take it? ...H doesn't want to hold MY hand during this. I promised FOREVER to what lies ahead, but this? Continuing IN MY HOME, since his promise has ended, regardless of vows made. I'm at fault too, but NOT for continued sin. You are holding on to me, or I would have surely changed the locks by now. Every time I get to the breaking point, you pull it back from utter ruin. Is that YOU, Lord, or the devil's deception to keep me taking this CRAP in my own house, under the SAME ROOF my children sleep in? Where is the man I married who couldn't get enough of me and now is FULL OF $HIT? Something to DO?! (he emailed OW that sex with me was 'awkward' and 'something to do') WTF, God; am I supposed to take that? LIES, LIES, LIES, God. Help me rise above the LIES in my home. Where is the balance? Supportive wife in the face of this mess? Or COMPLETE AND TOTAL IDIOT? Your hammer is coming down Lord.l..Do I run to get out of the way? Or stay here b/c I'm MARRIED TO IT? Guide my steps, please. Confusion is of the devil and I fall into confusion over this. True repentance would not knowingly continue to sin against God, would it? You can still be struggling and STOP IT anyway. Double life. Want to run away from it...Give me YOUR wisdom here, please.

January 16th: Nuggets today (what were little 'encouragements' from God during this time)~
Another spy-free day and God continues to mend my heart from pain of the details.
Counseling went well. I defended H (unrelated to the A) and he apppreciated it.
I slept on the sofa from 4am on, yet H asked me not to.
We stopped for gas on the way to counseling, and H was pumping the gas ~ I could see his reflection in my side-view mirror & then noticed the printing on the mirror: "Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear." It made me smile.
Thank you Lord for what we don't see. That a slow work is still a work. That you are FOR us, so who can be against us? Keep bringing your Truth and illuminating the dark with it. Behold - he makes ALL THINGS NEW.

January 19th, Hell on earth: Who AM I really? Do I trust God to work it for good Romans 8:28, or not? I am NOT about being a fraud. I AM about being an emotional-idiot-stressball. I am NOT evil. I am NOT out to screw or be screwed (H's words, during his discovery that I turned him in to his boss). I pray against that mentality daily. Is God for me? I am unworthy, but not as fcuked up as H would believe me to be. Yes, he knows a lot of my deepest places, but not the intent of my heart - he has been SO incorrect on that issue. So what does that tell me? What/Who do I believe about myself? How do I stand up underneath this load and say 'thank you, sir, may I have another'? Who among us WOULDN'T crack? OMG, it's so much, and I'm expected to EAT IT. daily. WTF?

January 20th:
A new day. His mercies are new every morning. We are fallen & broken & riddled with sin and STILL he makes all things new.
I let go of all I've been pushing down, and it's new and unfamiliar - my old habits and reactions are familiar and rise up strong against the new, which hasn't found its strong foothold in me. Yet. I pray on the shield of faith so that I may defend myself against the flaming arrows of the evil one.
So much hurt and rage on both sides of this bed ~ how can God work this for good? Will He? Does He want to? I can't get a handle on God's will here, it's like chasing a greased pig. I continue to be confused by the timing of His sword to my heart about 12 hours before I found out about OW, I got completely convicted to work on the state of my marriage. the irony. ~ talk about 'shaking my fist in the dark' <==(lyrics from Nichole Nordeman)
Seems were always blowing/whatever we've got going/seems as though with all we've got/we haven't got a prayer
"Just Once" on the radio alarm clock a minute ago. Scary appropriate.
How ironic that I have laid it down and am still making grave errors. What is THAT about? I am not here in a vacuum either. ('what that's about' is that I hadn't laid it down completely. still haven't, really)

January 24th: the day H broke it off with OW
1John2:17 The world and it's desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.

Now God can work.
More from past Journals:

January 27th:(H had just broken up with OW a few days prior)
Tall, seeminglyly insurmountable mountain ahead/in front/on top of me.

Past = crap to overcome
Present = pain/betrayal, he-loves-another to overcome
Future = can it BE overcome?

God, REVEAL yourself in me, through me, for me, in spite of me.

HEAL me.

January 30th:
Long road. Discouraged. Sad. Sometimes I'm prepared for long and arduous and sometimes I'm just NOT. I want it OVER. I want to be on the other side. I want to SEE GOD HERE. FEEL HIM. FIND LOVE AND HOLD IT. The days, hours ... minutes are LONG. I ache to change the past. I ache to hold my husband and smell the safety in him. I have no safety there ~ I want to weep into next week from that loss. Large hacking sobs from my toes. Want to be held and comforted. Want. Want. Need. Desire. Long for. Ache. Oh, where is my God of comfort? my Healer? my Redeemer? my God of Hope? I mourn and grieve.

January 31st:
What I would not give to go back and LIVE these years again, from this perspective I have now. My prayer is to LIVE now, from now on, CORRECTLY and REAL. To work it out - to have GOD WORK THROUGH ME. Finally, to live OPEN and unzipped. Yes, that scares me. But never changing is scary too. To live more of THIS, reaping more of the same? NOT. NOT. NOT. CAN'T. WON'T. PLEASE GOD NOT MORE OF THIS INTERNAL LIFE. Open the inner & clean it out for You. for my family.

February 10th:
a quote from Larry Crabb~
'When the top priority of our live becomes "I will not hurt now" we must understand at that point that we are not pursuing God ...Any effort to relieve that necessary ache leads us away from God ... Self-protection and loving others are absolutely incompatible. When my purpose in a relationship is to keep myself from looking bad, from feeling bad, from hurting, from being embarassed, from having my disappointment re-accentuated - then my purpose is to protect myself, and I'm not there for the other person.

another quote from Lottie K. Hillard~
'To refuse to be vunerable is to refuse to receive love. In the pursuit of my self-protection, there were some significant people I had failed to love... My self-protection had come in handy when I was a child, but I had paid a high price. I had taken control, kept the world out, denied my need for anyone, became my own strength. I had pushed away my very life.'

So how do you finally change from what you are when you are ready to do it? When you don't know how to, how do you do it? I know I want to change, I am ready to walk out of this fog and struggle with being who God intended me to be. What I do NOT know is HOW. STEPS. The DAILY. HOURLY. WHAT TO DO. What NOT to do. I am LOST and lonely. I need His grace to be sufficient.

February 24th:
One month OW-free. Tiny baby steps by God's grace. I brought home a carnation for H to say 'thank you'. I went to bed early and he came upstairs to say goodnight & kissed me on the cheek. I was pleasantly surprised and equally saddened to be so surprised. Lord, please help me trust the nice things that happen w/out immediately doubting them.

OW contatcted him via email ~ he did not reply, forwarded me the email, and told me not to worry about it: "I am where I need to be. I don't want to be where I don't need to be." I want to trust this ~ so many emotions run wild thru me and fluctuate daily. Some days I am stronger - some days I am weaker - some days I cannot foresee the happy ending that my heart so desires. I SO need the Lord in every part of this.

(March 12th, we ML by me initiating and it was definitely NOT just 'something to do' - ha. And yet, there is no more ML for another 2+ months. sigh.)

March 17th:
H had lunch in City X with Friend (who had also had an A and lost his job about 2 yrs ago. Reconciled with wife and just had 2nd child), and finally found someone to really talk to about his story. I'm glad for him, I'm also conflicted with waves of anger & sadness/betrayal. Had to get in the car and leave the house to watch the sunset. Alternately listened to Sarah McLachlan & Jars of Clay and wept. And I don't entirely understand why...Comfort by H waiting at the door to apologize when I walked in, him having tried to call my (turned off-) cell phone twice and hugging me. All good things. And yet. And yet.
I don't trust what is, compared to what was. I want someone enamored and in love with me. I WANT WHAT HE GAVE TO HER, and all I feel that I have is willful obedience. I have to ASK for proximity, a touch, any of that ~ when it is completely 2nd nature for me. I just LOOK at him and want to touch or be close to him. That's not reciprocated & I don't know how to live okay with that. I want patience - but I've also been fcuking patient for years w/ no physical comfort/affection. This makes me hypersensitive to what is NOT. And he came to bed at 3am; three-fcuking-A-M. I don't care if he was curing cancer, your wife is upstairs and you don't need 5-6 hours downstairs to "relax" or whatever. Could you look outside yourself to how that makes me feel? I had total PTSD OW flashbacks and had to finally go sleep on the sofa I was so furious.
God, please give me peace & comfort.

Now that you've cleaned up your lives by following the truth, love one another as if your lives depended on it. Your new life is not like your old life. 1Peter1:22

Be good husbands to your wives. Honor them, delight in them. 1Peter3:7

(April 4th was our 10th anniversary, and who contacts him via email? OW. Here's what she wrote:

I'm sorry that you want nothing to do with me. I ran across an email from you the other day and it made me miss my friend. Hope all is well.

On my anniversary. Oh, if thoughts could kill a human.
So H forwards the email to me with this note:
"I did not respond, or want to, but I wanted to send you this. I will block her email from this account. I should have done that sooner. Please take this in stride. Believe me when I tell you that this did not move me at all.
I want you to believe that I want nothing to do with her. I hope that one day you will know and believe that. I am here, and I am staying. No regrets and no second thoughts about being right here in Our City with you and our children.
Your Husband,

SO: after he came to also tell me in person, I said "I'm contacting her" and he said that was fine with him to do whatever I wanted but he wasn't getting near it. So I mulled over what to do (email? phone call? hit man named Guido?) and what to say that wasn't a novel of a tirade.

In the end, I forwarded H's email (with hers attached) to OW, with this email at the top from me 2 days after her email was sent:


As you can see below, H & I want you to stop your repeated attempts to contact him. We are both committed to our marriage and by the grace of God, we will survive this.

Please do not ever contact my husband again or I will be forced to contact yours, and I do not wish to do that.


Ya'll. If I were an OW, and heard from the wife, that would shut me up quick-like. Oh, but NO. This chick has some serious testosterone between her legs. No more than 3 hours later, I get a REPLY in my inbox. I saw her name, and almost needed nitroglycerin and a defibrillator. I thought I was having a heart attack, my heart was pounding so furiously in my chest when I saw her name in my inbox.

Here's what she wrote:
"I apologize. We are on vacation and I had too much to drink. I should not have tried to contact him as I am working on my marriage as well. It was stupid and I promise you it will not happen again. I am glad that you both are committed to working it out and will pray that you do."

Harlot. Liar. Wicked Evil Hussy. Anyway, there you go. H said she's either sincere or I scared her to death. We both agreed that I scared her to death, but I just couldn't believe she wrote back; she is definitely Ms. Last Word. She was that way with H, too.


Well, we're thru January to early April. I'll continue more tomorrow. As we know about me, this can make me gnaw on the crazy-bone if I think too much about it in one sitting.

Hope these long posts don't bore the fool out of you, and someone actually reads them and perhaps gets something from them. But if it's just for me too, that's okay. It's helpful to see how far we've come, but also difficult to see how far I still have to go personally. groan
Posted By: leslie Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 06/21/06 03:31 AM

and someone actually reads them and perhaps gets something from them

Now that you've cleaned up your lives by following the truth, love one another as if your lives depended on it. Your new life is not like your old life. 1Peter1:22

Ok, that got to me...thanks for it!
If there is one thing I got from your long posts it is that you should be a writer. You words capture me and I finish wanting more.
Hey there BI! Good to hear from ya again. Thanks for the posts and history.

I wanna hear more about now....how are things going with the 2 of you? The dynamics?

And, just to be a pest, let's get back to the issues in teh M that took you here....you started on this before you left, so how about picking it up again? How is your progress in personal change coming along? What were YOUR issues in M, and has H been changing?

Keep thinking.....there IS a way out of this, you are lucky to have H back and wanting to stay and committed to NOT lying...you have a LOT of power to make this work, if that is what you want. If it is, then be deliberate in each of your actions, your efforts, and you will see progress faster.

How about seeing a C about the A stuff....it's hard to face all that, and it might help. I'm thinking of the same thing now....for my sake.
I too am one who contacted OW and her H. First call to OW H was, "keep your W away from my H", and then I hung up. Next call was to OW that I knew of the EA and that I was the one who was going to win and triumph over what had been done to my marriage. Hers ended in D, my continues,17yrs strong. She's on her second marriage due to PA with this man. He knows of her EA w/my H. They all worked together. Go figure?
I've been down this same road as you and had the as feelings and talks with God.
May God bless you durning this ever ending healing.

Believing your posts are beautifully written and convey the anguish we feel as we travel this surprising journey - but it's done.

It's happened, there is nothing you can do about it now. It is over. Your husband is home. You are in a position that many on this board would envy and yet you seem to let the negatives outweigh the positives of your sitch.

The questions I think you should ask yourself and seek answers to here on this board are

1. What did I contribute to this crisis (you can only ask and answer that about yourself because you don't have any control over anyone else - even your H)
2. What can I do rebuild my life and/or marriage
3. What are the deal breakers for me.

You have mentioned several times that there was limited passion in your marriage. Is that going to be a big enough issue in the future for you to become so dissatisfied with your marriage that you become a WAW? Or is there something you can do to address that now.

You've mentioned that you have problems with letting people get too close to you - including your husband - what can you do to change or remedy that?


My prayer is to LIVE now, from now on, CORRECTLY and REAL. To work it out - to have GOD WORK THROUGH ME. Finally, to live OPEN and unzipped. Yes, that scares me. But never changing is scary too. To live more of THIS, reaping more of the same? NOT. NOT. NOT. CAN'T. WON'T. PLEASE GOD NOT MORE OF THIS INTERNAL LIFE. Open the inner & clean it out for You. for my family.

How are you addressing this important observation you made about yourself?


So how do you finally change from what you are when you are ready to do it? When you don't know how to, how do you do it? I know I want to change, I am ready to walk out of this fog and struggle with being who God intended me to be. What I do NOT know is HOW. STEPS. The DAILY. HOURLY. WHAT TO DO. What NOT to do. I am LOST and lonely. I need His grace to be sufficient.

That is so powerful - "I know I want to change" that my friend is your first step.

The steps - are first and foremost KNOW that you can change. Stop sabotaging yourself by ending sentences "What NOT to do. I am LOST and lonely. " Turn it around and say to yourself "I have all the answers within me, God has given me all the answers I need to be the woman I want to be".

Have you had any individual counselling? Read any books? I think I recommended "You can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay - I can't recommend it highly enough.

There are lots and lots of resources out there to help you change/heal when you want to. It's not hard work Believing - it's an exciting journey, it doesn't have to take a long time - it's simply a decision.

Believe that and you can do it.
Hi guys, thanks so much for your insight/encouragement. I was trying to back up and get you all to where we are, hence the journal entries b/c I didn't have time to recreate the wheel post-wise (For posting purposes, I wish I had a desk job with internet access, but instead I'm running like a refugee for 12 hours at a time thru the hospital!)

H & I are in MC, and still butting heads in our R - this is mostly my fault; my fear-filled, self-protective fault that throws up my defenses. As I told our C yesterday, I read every book I can get my hands on and grasp the theories, but find I can't put feet to my thoughts. I can't/don't/won't walk the walk, you know?

Anyway, I really want to post more (and have time to REFLECT and really THINK hard thoughts more) but I'm working like a hostage for the next week, so I'm hoping for a slow weekend at work where I can think and form ideas that I want to post here. I hope you know I'm not trying to deflect, I was posting my journal entries from when I time to THINK about stuff more. Right now I'm reacting more than I'd like b/c I haven't been able to get my $hit in a pile and form/re-commit to a game plan in my heart, if that makes sense. That's made for some crappy discussions, and major frustration on H's part, and I have to keep running to work which is exhausting.

Yes, I am amazed some days about where we were in Dec/Jan and where we are today. When I reflect on that, it's not too short of astounding. And I find myself not trusting it; some other poster (can't remember who) posted something that hit me:

I also have this hidden fear that one day he'll just say "you know, this isn't just working, I tried but I don't feel anything"

And that keeps me in don't-be-vunerable mode (not like i need a lot of help to stay there, no arm twisting needed here). And I keep thinking, 'if I could just jump in feet first and quit just putting a toe in the water, and not worry about if he leaves or not...no matter what, an effort like that would NOT be time wasted' ...but again, I can't seem to find a way to put feet to my thoughts.

So that's a quick recap of where we are, without enough introspection I realize. Just again want to thank all who keep following, and I hope to give you more to chew on as I am able. I seem to need big chunks of time to be introspective and form the words around what I discover, and those chunks of time are not happening enough yet. groan.
Once again, c'est moi, but I can only pop in again for a few minutes as I have to be up at 5am to work the rest of the week.

Had a particularly difficult weekend, I actually packed a bag and left the house intending to stay away a few days to clear my head. Went to a friend's house (her H had an A and they reconciled, so she's familiar with the torture of the process), and sat up talking til about 1am and then I said, "I have to go, I can't have my kids waking up w/out me there and wondering where mommy is" and went home and sat up talking with H until about 3am. We have an MC appt on Thurs, and may discuss with her turning it into IC appts. for each of us for a while and then back to MC later. We'll get her input on the weekend's events, discussions since, and her perspective about it. My.

Such a difficult freakin' process, ya'll. Made no less difficult by my swinging emotions. I was thinking about it, I grew up in a house where if you were mad or upset, you DID something about it: yelled, hit something (or someone), etc. So, I have apparently taken this with me; it's hard for me to suppress my emotional reactions, to -in the moment- back up and see the big picture and act accordingly.

We had a really honest and good discussion last night about things -not the A specifically, but our interactions, and H's increasingly changing mental status - he's been diagnosed with adult ADD and on meds for years, but it's gotten worse and after some research we're wondering if it's a really high-functioning Autism (tactile, noise issues, lots of stuff I won't go into here), and of course as it's 'progressed' it's interfered with our relationship and how we interact. Our talk was good, but as H said, the next time we have an argument or conflict, this level-headed person that is me now, will leave the building and the defensive, missile-lobbing, wants-to-run-away chick will re-emerge.

SO. Fun times, eh? Things are actually decent right now, considering the recent emotional carnage, and me not being a 'safe place' for H. So I keep sabotaging the R with my frequent trips to Crazy, population: 1. Back to square one-ish, and I hope to hold on to some semblance of sanity for a bit while I figure this out, and treat H better.

And for about 5 hours on Sat. night, H thought I was gone for good and trying to figure out what he was going to do with his life. Not my intent for him to feel that floor-out-from-under-you panic, but he did at least get a small idea what it was like for me in Dec when he was deadset to leave me. I told him that, but again that it was NOT my intention and I wouldn't EVER want ANYONE feeling remotely like I did those 2 months. ugh.

Then I read threads of people like GH/PL/A14/NM/MamaB and feel like a LOSER , b/c you guys can hold it together in the face of such inner turmoil at times, and I so far have not (except in the actual crisis of the A, ironically).

There's my latest Jones for drama in a nutshell. SO going to be working on getting off the crazy-making machine. That's step ONE in my 180 plan: Stop over-reacting wherever possible, and also to stop making NEGATIVE comments in general. (i.e. talking about what GOOD happened today instead of something bad that happened right off the bat in the conversation). Simple. Two things. Starting small so I don't overwhelm myself.

Then I read threads of people like GH/PL/A14/NM/MamaB and feel like a LOSER , b/c you guys can hold it together in the face of such inner turmoil at times, and I so far have not (except in the actual crisis of the A, ironically).

To be short, that's BS. You are NOT a loser. Simply because you put so much honest effort into your self-analysis and you ARE doing SOMETHING to make progress. I think you are a lot better than you think.

You are a sweetpea, GH. Thanks for posting. Worked 12hrs today and go back for half day tomorrow. so. tired. Need some new feet.

Anyway, I was re-reading some of the posts from earlier in my thread and 2 things popped out that I paused to come post about. A_14 advised me to 'get centered' - which is absolutely necessary. How that happens or what it looks like is not clear yet, but I was once again reminded how important that is to sanity and a stable R.

And Walkingback addressed my negative self-talk, which our MC also has addressed in both H & I, and gave us homework to try to catch our 'tapes' of that when they play in our heads and re-word them. I honestly didn't think I would be able to 'catch' it b/c it's so ingrained in the way I think that I figured it wasn't even an audible voice anymore. But I have noticed it at times, and have been amazed at the stuff I'll say to myself w/out even thinking about it. 'I'm so retarded', 'I'm an idiot', etc. yuck. When I have caught myself (only about 0.001% of the time that I'm doing it, I'm sure) I've been able to say, 'no I am NOT an idiot, I'm just tired and distracted' or whatever. So just the fact that I've made that effort to do an excercise I've been aware of for years but never acted on has pleased me somewhat.

In other news, last week MC told H to commit to coming to bed with me just ONCE a week (he still has kept the habit of staying awake at night as his decompression time), and we go back to MC tomorrow with that UNachieved in the last 9 days. sigh.

To clarify, this is not a come-to-bed-to-ML assignment, just a come to bed before-I'm-already-asleep-so-we-can-hang-out-and-talk assignment. Granted, there was my Exit Stage Left on Saturday, but we talked about it and he made the plan to come to bed twice, and postponed twice, and hey! -would you look at that? Assignment not met. Something to discuss tomorrow, so I'm kind of glad for that part of it.

Will let you know what comes of the MC appt tomorrow. Thanks for hanging in with me, those who still read here!
Believing, for what it's worth, I still believe in you.

You CAN save your marriage. You are exhausted from your busy schedule. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to other people, that alone proves what a wonderful woman you are.

When you get a break from work, try to read. GH has started a wonderful thread (don't know the name off hand),where everyone recommends books that have helped them.

Hang in there, we are all rooting for ya.

In other news, last week MC told H to commit to coming to bed with me just ONCE a week (he still has kept the habit of staying awake at night as his decompression time), and we go back to MC tomorrow with that UNachieved in the last 9 days. sigh.

I think I read in "getting the love you want" that this is called an exit. That book (required reading in Imago therapy, which my C practices) suggests that couples work to close all such exits. The exit is a way one spouse builds something into the R that allows them to escape from it without seeming to do anything out of the ordinary. An affair can be an exit, but like your H, my W uses that "late night time" as her way to decompress, as she says, and have her "me" time. I suspect that it has a lot more to do with NOT having "GH" time as it does her being alone. She's alone all day long...alegegly...lol.

I think your C is on to something, but I don't know if the "so-we-can-talk-and-hand-out" part helps. To me, this is just more pressure. I have found that since I STOPPED trying to start talks in bed and really just allowed it to be "close" time between us, she is a lot more likely to come to bed with me than stay up. I used to start deep conversations ALL the time when she came to bed. It got to the point where I think unless we were to ML, she didn't come to bed with me for well over 2 years. Damn...wish I woulda seen that back then. Oh well, live and learn.

Hi Believing....wow, what a crazy work schedule you have here.

OK....a few things....you need to push the STOP button on the crazy machine. I can be harsh here b/c I have one too, and it's NOT OK to live in that. I too learned it from home, where we were overly-"expressive" in our emotions...as Betsey once stated, almost abusive, then we all went back to normal, kissy-kissy. NOT.

Make undoing this your first priority. When I did this, it worked for me. Within months, H said that he actually felt SAFE talking to me....you know what a compliment that was? He has a really traumatic reaction to angry folks, and I didn't help at all. Of course, after finding out the A, I slid back a LOT that night and raged, but then got over it (pretty quick for a person who was just told that their H slept with someone and was still hiding things). Just remember, you can go to all the MC you want, but until you make H feel safe, you will get nowhere. You can expect no progress from him, because technically you're not trying either...to at the very least make him feel safe in his own home and M. He feels like he's walking a minefield...and to top it off he made a huge mistake....so if you flip about smaller things, how is he to expect that you aren't going to constantly lose it over his A.

At some point you really need to work on putting this behind you. The A happened....so did a LOT of things you did in the M (and we need to get BACK to this, again and again....your anger is one of these things). You both made mistakes....you have an H that wants to work it out. This will only work if you can forgive this, and try to forget it. By that I don't mean trying to induce amnesia, but rather in a way a friend told me to consider it..."make sure that you have forgiven and forgotten to a point that you KNOW that 20 years from now, when you have the WORST fight of your life, you WILL NOT bring this up." Well said, and a good goal. I suspect, like me, you have a nasty habit of throwing things in H's face. Second goal for you, stop that. He has a brain and a memory, he is guilty, he doesn't need you to remind him of his transgressions.

Another small goal....what are his LL's? If you're particularly negative, stick with your goal of saying positive things....most of all, why not also start complimenting him on small things...thanking him. This really worked for me. It meant a lot to H, who initially thought it was fake (so would I). Then it becmoes habit. You said that H lost his job over this....likely he's feeling crappy right now, so give a little boost. Why, b/c at one point he was a swell guy, and you can be that now.

I also think that your anger comes from feeling hugely betrayed...and you were. A few words about that. First, a good passage that I read in reading yesterday said that you can overcome huge pain simply by stopping feeding it. Stop focusing on it...little by little, and it will get less. The more you feed it, the more intense it gets. The bigger of an issue it is. Easier said than done. Get your anger out, process it, but you're getting stuck at anger and feeling betrayed. You now need to move to understanding it, accepting it, and letting go. Write more about your understanding of H and why he did this...what it came from, what were the issues in your M. This brings me to the second point on anger....you are feeling intense anger because you feel so uniformly wronger...just YOU in pain....when you start to fall into this spiral, start to temper it with thoughts of things YOU did in the M that hurt H. This is the only way I find any compassion through this mess. Think of times H was patient with you, waiting for a real M (you said this once). This helps you to see it took 2 to bring this down, 2 people with their share of mistakse and need for forgiveness. Has H even approached HIS anger about the M? Thats where my H is now. It's there. I'm not saying it's all your fault, but it wasn't all H's either. I know you never imagined this happening to you, but you BOTH imagined a better M that you had.

About the bed thing. Make it light....not about talking, not about expecting. The part of the day I loved most with H when we were "happily" married was going to bed. We just cuddled and laughed and laughed. Joked and laughed. Then went to bed. It was nice. Try this. H won't feel that he has to have sex, nor will be feel pressured to talk only to have you start a fight.

ABout centering yourself. First is the positive self-talk. Praise yourself for dealing with such a hard time so well. For still being married and for having self-awareness and desire to change. For going back to work and supporting your family and being a great mom AND W. You are wonderful. Believe that and act on it. Next, envision yourself as a woman with lots of grace and compassion, act it. Just think of all the things you want to be as a woman and start being those things. It's actually kinda easy. Next, the best thing I learned about centering was ENJOY THE MOMENT. Always. At work, at home, with friends, driving, doing chores, with H. Stop worrying, think less about the future uncertainty and past pain, and just enjoy the moment. Share a laugh, a touch a good talk and be thankful for that moment and live it, fully.

I know I might have sounded harsh here, and it probably is...but I care for you and want to see you move past your issues and traits to a better M and partner. I also understand, all too well, your issues, b/c I AM THE SAME. But you can do this.

Now, tell us what YOUR homework from counseling was....
What are your goals for yourself? How are you monitoring that? When you come back here, tell us of the times that you did things RIGHT. Small things you did to change...compliments, a time when you would have picked a fight but let it go...
Now, I'll ask again...dig deep and what were the issues in your M that were YOU. Really think about this, your behaviors, outlook, etc.

Less time thinking of the A, and more time about YOU. The A is over, but your M is still alive and the only way it will thrive is if you change things in YOU (and H changes things in HIM) that made the mess in the first place.
always, you are so good girl!

Just remember, you can go to all the MC you want, but until you make H feel safe, you will get nowhere. You can expect no progress from him, because technically you're not trying either...to at the very least make him feel safe in his own home and M. He feels like he's walking a minefield...and to top it off he made a huge mistake....so if you flip about smaller things, how is he to expect that you aren't going to constantly lose it over his A.

Have you been in my kitchen and bathrooms, where H and I have these fights/discussions? H has stated constanly lately that I am not a safe place, that 'anything i do doesn't matter', that he starts each day back at zero having to prove himself to me, that he doesn't feel like a valid human in his own home. And I am confounded, b/c there is some validity to what he says, but I feel so ill-equipped to change how I react or act. I wish I had a personal coach in a secret earphone telling me what to say when, you know?

It's not the A specifically so much anymore, as much as what I feel I'm not 'getting' or what he's not 'giving'. But he made the -sadly accurate- point that I'm not changing/making the effort because I'm WAITING to see if it's safe for ME to go the the deep end. And until I'm reassured, I won't step in and get in the deep part. Since November, H is not exactly in the deep end, but he is definitely wading chest-high compared to where he was pre-A and during A. I again, feel emotionally retarded and unsure how to effect a change in myself.

The MC gave us an assignment to do 5 surprises for each other, and I am frankly BLANK as to what to do for H. How sad is that? I'm married to the man, should KNOW him and his needs, and cannot figure out what he would want and appeciate as a relational surprise. Not supposed to be gifts or anything that you purchase, really. Any suggestions, ideas would be SO appreciated.

We don't see her again until the 10th since she's out of town this week. So I have more time than usual to figure something out. I am usually really creative, but I'm worn down in this R and need to pep myself up to engage in it. Again, I'm so handicapped at engaging in an R, I feel so debilitated.

As an aside, I re-read what I wrote about feeling 'debilitated', 'ill-equipped' etc, and want to clarify that I'm not beating myself up with negative self-talk (or at least that is not what I see here) but that I really do not have the relational skills (never saw it modelled, etc. with crazy old Hollywood as my guide for 'normal', since my abusive home was most definitely not the norm). Just wanted to point that out in case someone was going to jump on my wording here (and you still may, that's fine).

Anyway, I (OF COURSE, what a shock!) must go back to nap as I'm scheduled to work tonight. Shifting between days and night shifts is really no good. I'm pooping out physically and mentally. H has taken the kids to the pool and I am feeling left out of the fun (b/c that's another one of my HUGE issues from childhood to this day: being/feeling left out)

Thanks again for hanging out with me, ya'll. I appreciate you.


But he made the -sadly accurate- point that I'm not changing/making the effort because I'm WAITING to see if it's safe for ME to go the the deep end. And until I'm reassured, I won't step in and get in the deep part.

I wise woman once told me that until I was ready (and I, like you obviously am not yet) to take the kind of emotional risks it would take to FULLY open myself up to this new R with my W, it would probably not happen. Until I was ready to lead by example, SHE would not be willing to take the even bigger (yes BIGGER) risk it would take to come back to the marriage 100%.

The point was that yes, we have been through hell, but the key here is that our worst hell is in the past, or for the most part anyway. THEIR hell is ongoing (relatively speaking). They went through hell to get to the "affair point" and then hell during the affair (yes, it WAS/IS hell no matter what they said) and then when they look forward to their future with us, they envision more hell ahead.

In their eyes, we are bitter, angry, hurt, untrusting, spiteful, and bent on revenge...maybe. We are just as likely to take them back and then cheat on THEM for a myriad of reasons than not. We are likely to take them back and then become a WAS ourselves in a week, month or year.
In their mind, we will NEVER truly forgive them. How could we when they can't ever forgive themselves. In their mind, we'll never really believe the affair is over...because in their mind THEY aren't sure it is either...guilt, guilt and more guilt, mixed in with a little regret and a HUGE amount of uncertainty.

BI, at some point we have to accept that we are probably going to have to jump in the deep end with all the lights off and the very real potential that we are jumping into a pit of oil filled with mutant sharks. We have to understand that for the most part, we are living on the side of the equation with all the resources for understanding what we are going through. We are in no way superior to our WAS's other than in the fact that our lack of ignorance of these issues puts a greater burden on us to act in ways they are probably not even aware of as options.

Our burden is to act out of unconditional love, knowing full well that we could be hurt again, but so too knowing that if we are, it will be OUR decision to be so again, NOT theirs. IF we choose to love, trust and live with them again, we do it knowing they are deeply flawed, as we are, and that those flaws COULD lead to more trouble down the road. We are tasked with forgiving the unforgivable so completely that they see the path to that forgiveness for themselves. To forgive them their transgression is to forgive ourselves for whatever role we played in the situation that lead to it.

We take NO responsibility for their acts beyond contributing to a mindset and we take FULL responsibility for our own life, decisions and love.

BI, it IS up to you to jump in to the deep end but realize that now, more than ever, you can swil better, kill mutant sharks with a quick flip of your wrist, and if need be, call on an army of "little ear-pieces" (us) to help you at least figure out where you may have gone wrong, if not stop you from going there in the first place.

Stay strong, learn to take risks that you KNOW you can handle, and even a few you may not, and live life the best you can.


In their eyes, we are bitter, angry, hurt, untrusting, spiteful, and bent on revenge...maybe......In their mind, we will NEVER truly forgive them. How could we when they can't ever forgive themselves. In their mind, we'll never really believe the affair is over...because in their mind THEY aren't sure it is either...guilt, guilt and more guilt, mixed in with a little regret and a HUGE amount of uncertainty.

GH, thanks for that. Sometimes I think it's all about me and forget what H might be feeling. This really clarifys it. Now to jump in the deep end, off the high dive, and take emotional risks. We want our spouses to feel safe and loved by us and not regret their decision to remain in the M.

...more than ever, you can swil better, kill mutant sharks...

Um, that would be swim better, lol. Freudian slip I guess...

I love ya'll madly. thanks for hanging in. I wish I knew what the deep end looks like, or even how to find it. I was thinking yesterday that I have even longer to go than I initially thought. H & I were having a discussion about renovating the basement, and I got defensive about his suggestions and was trying not to be, and to put my feelings into words and it was such a struggle! I had this knot in my chest and couldn't define what the feeling was, or how to explain it. ugh. I realized that if I'm not mad as hell, hurt, or really excited about something, I have no idea what I'm feeling. Can I go back to 'Go' and collect $200, b/c I really want a Mulligan on this life. But I did struggle to half-a$$ explain myself and later emailed H to thank him "for taking the time to listen to me stumble thru my thoughts when you had a lot to get done."
And he replied "Thanks for sharing your feelings. I need that..."

So I'm trying, but oh to be back in May and not ride this ship to the bottom of the ocean like we did. Still no physical affection, doesn't even hug me when he comes to bed anymore. I think he's got to ramp himself back up to look positively upon me again. Ick. Working on the GAL thing, but it's a fine line for us b/c we lived very separate lives pre-bomb so that's not really a 180 in our M. I need to lovingly detach more than just GAL, and yet be available. It's like dancing on the head of a pin.

Anyway, been a while since you had some lyrics from me, so here's a Nickel Creek song I've discovered recently on the iPod shuffle:

I wish you out of the woods
And into the picture with me.

I wish you over the moon,
Come out of the question and be.

If this going to
Run round in my head,
I might as well be dreaming.
Run round in my head

I rollercoaster for you.
Time out of mind
Must be heavenly.
It's all enchanted and wild,
It's just like my heart said
It was going to be.
oh, how soon they forget me....

Actually, this is the first day in several where the BB would let me post a reply (?!) - I've been reading but not able to post to you guys til just now. I am impressed with all the help/insight you are giving crazedmom and emily21. Go you!

Of course I leave for work in 45 minutes and run away again. ugh. still ups and downs here at Chez BI_43, but better in the last 36 hours than before, so I really look forward to posting that soon. Will try to jot stuff down at work tonight; of course every time I say that, work is crazy with admissions and busy patients all night. Just chicken in (bawk! bawk!) to say hi, don't forget me!
Hey there. Hang in there. Remember, focus on YOU....what are things you are working on that you wished you did differently in the M?

Good that you're working toward a more authentic communication. I really think you nicely, honestly explaining your mood helped H to understand where you're coming from without feeling attacked.

Good job.

remember, count the baby steps in YOUR progress...look inward, keep going.
Well, sure enough I got to work last night and ran like a horse all night with 2 admissions and busy patients. More fun tonight too. Ugh.

I will post something GH wrote to Emily21, that has been a struggle for me as well. Very insightful I thought:

Right now, you feel safe in being angry and sad. If you decided today to be happy, all of a sudden you're in uncharted waters and you'd have to accept the unknown. You KNOW how to be angry and upset, that is natural to you now. Learn how to accept that the unknown is NOT something to be feared or avoided.

That is SO true for my life; being hurt, defensive, and looking out for MYSELF first above others (in an UNhealthy/protective way, not a GAL way) is my Default mode. Doing anything else is UNnatural and quite unsettling.

We're moving slowly, though. Thought we were moving backwards there for quite some time, and I - in my innate, frustrating way - got (surprise!) impatient and cranky and stuffed it (I thought) until MC on Monday where I suddenly started crying uncontrollably b/c I was so lonely and scared this wasn't going to work. Not big fat squalling sobs, just that quiet desperate misery where your eyes cannot stop leaking, your voice is small and pitiful, and you feel so helpless/hopeless. MC actually said it was good that my emotions do come out, and was concerned that H doesn't let his out much.

We also discussed in MC how H doesn't feel 'safe' with me, secondary to how he was raised - crappy conditional-love parents always waiting for him to fail, they never talk about what a great kid/man is was/is, always bring up something bad about him/his actions - it's a VERY hot button for him. C asked him what it would take to make him feel safe, and he really doesn't know, which is somewhat no-win for me, obviously. He kept saying that he needs me to stop 'nagging' (UGH!) him about coming to bed at the same time, and to give him credit for what he DOES do, and stop throwing the OW/A in his face when I am upset about something unrelated (although at times, all roads lead to OW when I'm upset. Working on that).

That's about all the direction I got, so these issues are obviously important to him, but the not-coming-to-bed thing just SUCKS, and more so b/c it was ongoing PRIOR to the A.

So we have more discussion/fighting/whathaveyou later that evening after MC, maybe-you'll-be-happier-without-me-and-we-can-find-what-we-need-to-be-happy-outside-of-the-M-blah-blah, H getting frustrated with that crap, and I get in the car and go to my 'thinking place' for about 20 minutes to clear my head.

I can't even remember how we ended the evening, but it wasn't the happiest place in world. Then H comes to bed around 2am and initiates some serious, kick-a$$ - it was flatout fabulous, and I was, frankly, humbled by how he could just put whatever resentment/weirdness aside to just be with me and meet a need of mine (and hopefully his, but as you guys know I'm the one who wants it more and feels an EC with him after IC - I am a stereotypical guy here, for some reason). SO here's this amazing session in the wee hours after a really difficult day between us.

The next day we teased each other a little about it, and I honestly told him how I was humbled by his effort to make things work in spite of such yuck between us, and that I have been difficult and obtuse, and asked him to forgive me for that. I told him "I'm in" (re: working on making a M that makes us both happy) and he said "Count me in, too". I really would jump off a cliff for him, to make things work between us, when I feel "fed" physically and connected to him that way. My whole attitude/countenance is completely shifted when this happens. Odd? Am I a man trapped in a chick's body? (ha)

H has started his own business since losing his job post-A, and we've been working together on the website, and discussing the clients he has/and ones who are in the wings, etc. This is something that's been nice to discuss between us, as well as finishing the basement for his office, etc.

While I thought this was a good thing (and still do to a great degree) MC encouraged us to spend 30min together a night to discuss NON-task topics (i.e. NOT kids or work), but things where our 'hearts can connect'. She pointed out that we are wanting the same things from each other but our hearts are not finding each other in our communication, if that makes sense.

Okay, YAY! I've posted something other than 'I'll be back' FINALLY.

Oh, and GH posted some Linkin Park lyrics this week, and I listened to that group MUCH during the A so I thought I'd share the lyrics to "Easier to Run" which was both H and myself at different (thankfully) times during/after the A:

It’s easier to run
Replacing this pain with something numb;

It’s so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone

Something has been taken from deep inside of me
The secret I’ve kept locked away no one can ever see;
Wounds so deep they never show, they never go away
Like moving pictures in my head for years and years they’ve played

(If I could change I would, take back the pain I would)
(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)
(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)
(If I could take all the shame to the grave I would)

Sometimes I remember the darkness of my past
Bringing back these memories I wish I didn’t have;
Sometimes I think of letting go and never looking back
And never moving forward so there’d never be a path

Just watching in the sun
All of my helplessness inside
Pretending I don’t feel misplaced;
It’s so much simpler than change
My gosh, ya'll. I came to ask for help with a situation that has made me VERY uncomfortable for the last few hours. Normally, I would get all freaked out, not process it long enough, and attack H with it in an accusatory way well before I had time to even ask for someone else's opinion. But because of the amazing people on this board, I knew almost immediately that I had to ask YOU for help first before I made any potentially stupid moves.

Now, I've just read about GH's sitch and just want to go pout and cry in a corner I am so upset for him. This compounded my bad mood - I am amazed I didn't say anything when H came to say goodnight, and bust my own sitch wide open.

Anyway, let me take a breath and calm down to tell ya'll what the heck I'm talking about. And before I even start, no, this has nothing to do with the OW. Not directly, anyway.

Since we've been working on the M, H has given me access to his email accounts. I have his passwords and his computer remains unlocked (where, during the A, he had started locking it up w/ a password so I couldn't get on) all the time. Anytime he changes passwords, he tells me. He has no idea if I'm doing anything with that knowledge or not, but wants to correct his mistakes by giving me access and no reason to worry. His words.

With ya'll knowing that, I'm not sure if it's considered snooping or not if I check is emails. And I do occasionally, but not religiously like I used to when I was hacking during the A, or right after it ended when I just couldn't stop reading his emails, even benign ones to nobody about nothing.

I consider them "random drug screens" just to see where his head is at. OW doesn't even have this new email address, so it's not like I'm looking for her there.

Usually there's nothing even remotely of interest, but sometimes there's an email to a close friend or two about our marriage and I get an idea of where his head is at and how he sees us, outside of what he says only to me. Most of it has been mildly reassuring.

A week or so ago, H sent out a link to some 1980's music videos to a group of people (myself included) and a lot of high school friends of his. Several of the friends replied to the whole list, and so I could see the debate publicly of various 1980's bands, who liked who, good-natured ribbing about it.

Stick with me, I am making a point I swear.

SO: I get on this evening after work to see what's going on briefly. And in his Trash folder there's an email from a chick that H knew in high school. I met her about 9 years ago, and have been in touch with her myself occasionally over the years, most recently having made a huge scrapbook for H's 40th birthday last month of memories from people he's known all his life, and been in touch with all of these high school people for months compiling photos and memories of them for the scrapbook. She, of course contributed.

She had been married when I first met her, and has now been divorced for several years. So what I found is an email from her that contains a long thread of emails between them. She was replying to the banter from the other HS friends, and HAD replied to the whole group previously, but this time she replied, it was to H directly instead of the whole group and they went back & forth about 5-6 emails between them. Last one from her today. Don't know what he sent back, if he did. The gist of it was reminiscing about who each of them dated in high school; why did you like him? why did you like her? where did our group go that New Years? what was that girl's name? etc. How's your XH, asks H. He's in C, she replies, and tells that he never even told the C they were divorced, blah blah. And H replies that she's better off w/o her XH (which is true, he was a nightmare).

But, STILL. Is anybody with me here on the whole discomfort thing, or is it just ME b/c my H has previously had an A and I'm extremely sensitive to one-on-one conversations he has with any female?

DBing (no R talk) is not really the issue here, b/c we're both supposedly commited to working it out, so this is fair game as a concern. Or is it?

Do I say, hey H I was reading your email the other night.... ?

Is it snooping if he gave me access?

Should I wait and bring it up in MC this week?

If I do, is that an ambush?

How would you approach this subject? I don't want to make him defensive, or convict him about it, and it would have been just fine had it been a 'public' email for the whole group to see.

I KNOW I am not keeping quiet about it b/c my inner red flags are going off like crazy, just for the whole discomfort thing. I have learned from my H's A - he doesn't see these things coming, this slippery slope with a 'friend', he's just suddenly in Inappropriateville and didn't realize he's bought a ticket. I want to avoid him getting on any train here, but don't want to be the Fidelity Nazi, you know?

Some help? I would sure appreciate some insight here, I'm a little foggy on my perspective.
OK, so what are the possible outcomes if you talk to him about this?

1) He complains that you are making more out of it that what there is. Says she is just an old friend and tell you not to worry. Also, H know how you found out and will make sure next time to empty out old emails.

2) He gets pissed that you are snooping, even though he gave you access to his account. Says he made a mistake and puts password back on PC.

3) He understand what you are saying and is sympathetic and says he won't contact her again. Not likely that he would do this, but I had to list it as an option. Anyway, he starts to resent that you want to control him and starts doing it behind your back.

I guess what I'm saying is that you can see where this might and might not go, but it is you seeing this not him. Do you really think that you can hold his hand when ever he starts talking to people of the other sex? Do you really want to live that way?

He is a big boy and yes he does need to earn your trust back. Here is a good test to see if he is capable of dong that. I know how you feel and can relate to what you are saying. The thing is you can't live his life for him. You have to release all control you have over the sitch and let it go for better or worse.I can see no good coming out of you confronting him on this other that letting your opinion be know. If he ignores what you say and has to find out for himself then you are setting yourself to be hurt.

Look at it from experience. How many time have you told a friend that they shouldn't go out with a certain girl/guy? Does your friend ever listen to you? If so, do they immediately stop seeing this person? I highly doubt it. Does this get the point I'm trying to make across to you? People have to live their lives for better or worse and no matter how much you want to say them agony or pain they are going to do what thy want.
Thanks StevieRay for replying. It's been over 24 hours since I discovered this email, and that's like a CENTURY in Drama-Queen Standard Time for NOT bringing up something that freaks me out. And as simplistic and cliched as this sounds, it really DID help to sit on it for this time.

I honestly don't think I have ever EVER sat on a concern of any sort this long in my entire marriage, but always ran out of the gate pell-mell, tethered to my wild emotions like a rodeo bullrider. This is a 180 for me right now, whether or not H realizes it. I can't believe how much more perspective I have and am so much calmer. I realize I must sound like a Kindergartener just recognizing their first word on paper, to some of you but I am dumbfounded that it really did work to sit on an issue and let it deflate some of the panic in it. You just have no idea.

Anyway, I still debate whether to bring it up, but it's not half as urgent as it seemed last night. Will still do my "random drug screens" on the email, and make decisions as we go (after this new and exciting cooling-down period I've just discovered!! perhaps you've heard of it?)

This, I hope, was both a test and a turning point for me to learn that emotions don't have to rule my life, and I'm not a doormat if I am quiet on a concern while I mull it over. And that while I am thinking about a potential problem/hurtful thing, I can still treat my H well and be nice, not the P/A bee-itch that I have been in the past.

Still would appreciate any opinions of this email situation, and your opinion on what you would do if you were me. Is there more than one person reading my thread? Pretty please?
Posted By: jacqm Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 07/18/06 05:38 PM
Isaiah, I've just spent the past couple hours reading your thread...the others are right; you are a gifted writer!!

Just a quick background so you know where I'm coming from:
H and I've been married 14 yrs; last dec. i got an out-of-the-blue "i want a divorce". He's mostly living with the OW now, and i'm [im]patiently waiting, trusting God til it fizzles out. Then i hope i'm in the same position you are in now. (my threads are all in 'separated')

my gut feeling about the email:
in a sense, you are both trying to prove yourselves to each other; your H for being faithful and committed to your marriage; you, for learning to control your feelings and reactions to your fears.

Since your H gave you access to the computer as a way of gaining your trust and proving his trust-worthiness, i think it would be appropriate to let him know about it, and what your feelings were.

I would tell him
1-that you appreciate his openness, and that you respect that about him.

2-that you don't feel compelled to check 90% of the time, but whenever the fears/doubts get hard to handle, instead of bringing them to his attention and/or causing an argument, you check and are reassured by the lack of anything to worry about.

3-because of this new confidence in him, you want to mention that you DID see the email(s) from the old g/f and are NOT worried that anything inappropriate is happening, but that since you both know how these things sneak up on a person, you just wanted to mention it might not be a good idea to continue

4-BUT that you trust him to do the right thing.

I say this because it might accomplish the following things:
show your H that you are taking time to reflect before reacting; that you are gaining trust in him and believe the best instead of the worst FIRST, that you can be vulnerable and share your feelings in a non-threatening way, and lastly, that you trust him to behave in a proper manner about it without checking up on him.

Just my opinion, but its because of the need for trust, openness, and safe communication between you and this might be a way of showing growth in that respect.

but again, its just my opinion and you know better what might/might not come of it.

my prayers are with you!

THANK YOU for posting, and really for taking the time to read up on my sitch, I will try to return the favor over the next few days and visit yours, and may move to Piecing soon (was considering it recently, but I just really like my peeps over here). I can't tell you how nice it was to read your post and thoughts. I am thinking you are on to something, and I really want to bring it up but the 'urgency' is not there nearly like it was (thank God). I just did a spot check again tonight and see nothing between them (although his Trash & Sent folders have been emptied so I can't be 100% sure).

I plan to sit on it until I can't, or unless a door opens to it during our MC session on Thursday a.m. - I will keep you posted. Again, my thanks to you for wading into my situation and caring enough to think about a response. A big HUG to you, I am feeling less alone today b/c of you.
OH MY GOODNESS!!! You are amazing. I wish I could give you a gold star for patience award. That's incredible. For that alone, you should feel quite proud and like such a grown woman.

I think you'll find that things are not as bad as you think. I also think that we tend to expect that our H's will instantly be our best friends again, etc. and sometimes they need another vent.

Keep calm.
Always! Thank you my friend, for stopping by. I am reading up on you and am also sending you a cyber-gold star on your report card as well!

JACQM: I am slowly reading your thread in Separated, my free time is so dang limited, but I want so much to be as thoughtful to you as you were to me. You and Always14 are my new cyber-best-buds.

I took your advice to a "T" -as H came upstairs last night and asked me what was on my mind (related to something else I will post about in several days, when I have more information. How's that for a tease? ha). I said "Two things" and mentioned the email first. I followed your script as best I could remember it, with lots of validation, trust re-iterated, and that I felt uncomfortable b/c of the potential for sharing TMI with this chick, but trusted him to do the right thing. He immediately said he wouldn't email her again privately and would only include her in group emails, which was fine. I told him that I trusted him, but even before the A I had never felt entirely comfortable about her in the 9 years since I've met her. Never bothered me much b/c I completely trusted H before when she was confiding marital issues etc (plus he was telling me about it), but in light of our recent history, it was Red Flag Central here.

He did ask if he had done anything to motivate me to check his email that day, and I said no just had a funny feeling to check. Which is pretty much the truth that prompts my 'random drug screens' but I didn't tell him about those as to not make him upset, defensive, etc. as that was not my intent. It was a good conversation, and we'll see what more comes of it in MC today - if it comes up. I'll let you know.
Posted By: jacqm Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 07/20/06 12:41 PM
Believing--that's so wonderful!
I'm praying for you!!
And Always--what wonderful posts you write--I've read what you posted for AmyC-still thinking about what to respond.
Okee-dokee, the email checking did come up in MC and I mentioned my "random drug screens" in context and H actually laughed about it. A good sign. We talked about several things in MC that I had not mentioned here previously:

(1) H had a CT scan of his head, as his neurologist was concerned about something behind his left eye. He's been having some tactile, overstimulation issues for a while (I may have mentioned this) and was incorrectly diagnosed as ADD. We don't know what it is but have since found out his head CT is clear. Dr has him on anti-seizure medicine for all the synapses firing in his head. He is not manifesting physical seizure symptoms, but the overwhelmed/overstimulated feelings may be treated with this med. We'll know more in a few weeks.

(2) I had suddenly had a bunch of not-good symptoms in the female area, and never have infections 'down there' - therefore was very concerned that H had brought me an unexpected 'gift' from OW. Made a Dr appt for yesterday, and H was feeling like complete sh!t about it. Happily (odd word) it is NOT an STD, just a regular old infection that I have never had before but happens all the time out in the world. So I'm duly medicated and should be fine in a few days. No big deal. But it made us both pause and be concerned about it, and it only re-fueled my hate for the OW, which had been on the back burner for a while now. Re-heated hate & loathing is no fun, especially when it is now disproven as valid. ugh. Still want to hate her some more. Also frustrating b/c I was just feeling really decent about my physical appearance, fitness, desirability as a person, etc. and this was a nice blow to the solar plexus. Temporary, but a blow nonetheless.

On the good side of these health issues (which, hello, we don't have health insurance for, groan), if there is a good side... H was feeling horrible when I brought up the potential for an STD (after I brought up the email issue, same night), but I completely (and sincerely) told him I was not mad at him, thought no less of him, just wanted this cured and gone, whatever it was. And it's true.

So, between CT scans, doctor visits, email checks, and MC session, we have drama for the week covered. Hoping for a pleasant and uneventful weekend & week ahead.

Was going to post some lyrics, but forgot which ones I had in mind. Will post them when I think of it!
Hi friends,

Some lyrics for a Sunday night. Jennifer Knapp, Lay It Down:

Seeing as I found a rock in my pocket
Seeing as I found a glitch in my soul
Make-believe won't hide the truth
When judgment falls and it falls on you
Bend a knee my friend, bend a knee

Lay It Down say it's all my fault, all my fault
Say I believe, I believe
Lay it down
This the hour of my healing, of my healing, yeah

Pride can break a man right down from iron
Twist him 'round 'round and tatter up a soul
Handprint of God on the small of my back
My second chance, my second chance
I'll bend a knee my friend, I'll bend a knee

Lay It Down say it's all my fault, all my fault
Say I believe, I believe
Lay it down
This the hour of my healing, of my healing, yeah

My heart, my heart redeemed
If it pleases You Love
If it pleases You Love
If it pleases You Love

Lay It Down say it's all my fault, all my fault
Say I believe, I believe
Lay it down
This the hour of my healing, of my healing, yeah
I don't care how far you are along the road away from the A, pain can suddenly fall on you from a great height. I'm driving home from work yesterday, and -BAM!- there's the physical pain in my chest (that tightness) from During The A. Like my body has a memory and re-lives how it felt during that time, with no warning.

Made me want to stop the car, give into the feeling and just cry. Didn't, but almost.

Weird. Unsettling. Etc.

I get frustrated when that happens, and suddenly dissatisfied with the way my life is playing out with H, compared to the A and how he was in it. Yes, yes, I know all the logic, but fcuk. It hurts. I want what he gave to her. I always have, and there it was, pouring out for someone else.

H & I were emailing last night late while he was in his office working, and I initiated it, and he gave me nice but short replies, and I kept thinking how much I crave his attention and checking my inbox for a few sentences, when he gave her fcuking NOVELS in his correspondence to her. YES, I AM ILLOGICAL TODAY. I have the man at home in my house, in my marriage, etc. and part of me just wishes I was having an A with him instead. I am certifiable.

If you're crazy and you know it, clap your hands ::clap, clap::

Posted By: jacqm Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 07/24/06 01:27 PM
I know what you mean about wanting what he gave her...i cling to the verse of "I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten" (Joel 2:25) that AmyC had posted.
Hang in there...God is faithful.

As for me, i am becoming convinced that H is in mid-life crisis...something that fills my heart with dread. Yet, I have His assurance that we will be together again. I just hope its before i'm 80-some years old!
take care--

BI, I know those feelings well. I too want what she gave to him, or maybe a better way of looking at it is I want what he brought out in her. It takes a pretty self-aware person, which I think we all are here, to understand that how you are is a choice, not a simple reaction to your environment. Our WAS believe the "love" they share(d) with OP is what made them who they were in the affair. To a certain extent, they are right, but in reality, there is more to it, and it's that "more" that we're after.

Why did my W feel so much more able to be physical with OM? Why did she open up to him? Why can't she do that with me?

I ask myself those questions all the time and I have also asked her. Neither of us has answered the questions yet.

BI, I think the fact is that something, the personality of the OP, or the fact that our WAS were running and this person just happened to start running along side them, becoming an instant "best friend" may have played a role. The euphoria of "love" probably added to that feeling that they could be "open" with the OP in a way they don't REMEMBER being able to be with us.

I think there are a thousand things that factor into this but I think it's dangerous for us to fall into the trap of expecting them to just be this way with us. There is a LOT of history of feeling unsafe and really, just plain not wanting to be that way with us, that they have to overcome, in addition to any negative feelings we are projecting into the sitch (i.e. our anger/frustration/pain).

You are perfectly normal to feel that crush, just realize that what you want is NOT what they had. You want what YOU had with MAJOR renovations so that your old house (M) is totally transformed but still a place where you have history and family. It's a different desire than wanting a totally new house.

Posted By: cat03 Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 07/27/06 03:39 PM
ok, it's scary how your feelings mirror mine to a T!! have you been picking my brain?? never replied to you before, I saw your post on "piecing". You have been through a lot! my hat off to you for being a SAHM and then started working full force, you are amazing.

Going back to the feelings of the A, again, I'm speachless because what you post is exactly how I feel, I keep finding stuff, as of Tuesday found yet again another note of my H's when he was with OP and yes, there was that tightness in my chest and my hands were shaking and felt that sickness in me.

I also didnt' mean to snoop, I was looking for something else and BAM! Right now, next to me, there is a list about how H is not with OP anymore and how they separated, and how it is OVER now. I need to remind myself because I am still sick about it. YES ! I WANT WHAT HE GAVE HER DAMN IT!!! we are paying over 10k of debt he incur and a good chunk he spent on her, makes me so sick, we are on a tight budget and I even have to count our trips to McD's w/ kids. Honey, I so feel how you feel, and you know what helped relieve that pressure on my chest? this verses I found on my bible on Tuesday:
(thinking of OP): "mine is the vengance says the Lord" "do not pay evil with evil, overcome evil with good" a lots of other verses telling me not to let anger get the best of me (I will find them)

On the note I found what is pretty much the reason WAS spend time, money and attention to those home wreckers, he wrote "when I feel bad, I want do do something nice for SOMEONE else".

Do you see that? the OPs are mere DISTRACTIONS!!! there are an outlet, a damn toilet if you will, where they poured out their frustrations. WE are worth more, when they married us and spend time and $$ on us they did it out of LOVE not desperation.


Yes, I too (internally) salivate for crumbs of my H's affection. But let's put it this way, we are staring over again, we are building our M brick by brick, and any improvement or gesture from them are steps forward.

BIG hugs, hang in there, you've done so much)))))))))))
Cat you are right. My H said the same thing. He said that he could not talk to anyone like he talked to me, was not in love, carried away. He said he projected great things onto her that she really wasn't. blah, blah.

I read things he wrote to her, and it wasn't what he ever wrote to me.....he wasn't florid or loving, and I remember each of her emails she always nagged at him for not calling, not spending time, etc.

He said the same thing that your H did, Cat. That at times he felt unappreciated by me....not just for things he gave me, but other things, like I nagged him, criticized, in his words..."men want to give, be the caretakers, be the earners.....they want to be appreciated for that. You Sh*t on what I gave you....and I wasn't looking to get into another woman's pants, just wanted someone who was crazy about me, that would appreciate what I gave them....that needed me in that way....I like giving, and I like someone being happy in receiving it."

Well, I appreciated every gift he gave me, even the guilt gifts. But, he's right, I didn't appreciate enough the other things. I did in the last year, but he's hurt over the other stuff.

I think this is a large part of it too. Sadly, I didn't think we played into gender roles, but I think we do. My H was never like that, but recently admitted to "what men want"....the fixer, the provider, the earner, the doer. And, to be honest, I like being the nurturer, the carer, the giver in that emotional way...which is why a bulk of my feelings of failure/disappointment (turning to resentment) towards H was that he was miserable with work and stayed that way, often wanted to be that way...and I could do nothing to help him, console him. I hated that he thought OW was "joy and excitement" to him in dark moment (our M), yet I tried and was nothing close to that when he was miserable with work.

BUT, now I realize, b/c of what H has said, that he wasn't really happy....miserable and depressed all the time. I know that too, b/c of how fragile he was during the time of the A, how hollow that happiness was, and how he admits that today. AND, if the A was so damned good, why are they back now, or in my case, why does he hop from woman to woman and always say he's miserable.
Jacqm, GH, Cat, & Always!

I cannot thank you enough for your kind and truthful words; what a blessing to have you pouring support into my life thru this window we share. I (of course) have to run to work (boo! we step on night shifts! stomp) but will be back to post more later and catch up on you as well.

:::SMOOCHES to all of you:::

I have had a difficult week emotionally, and worked nights too, which 'disconnects' me from the family and makes me feel adrift. So, a double whammy.

I'm really grateful for the friends here who have posted encouragement and also similar feelings. I feel much less alone by having this BB and the amazing people who 'live' here.

Something I don't think I've brought up here is the fact that H told me during the A that he didn't love me anymore, would never love me again, and hadn't loved me long before the A started. "I'll always care about you and what happens to you, and respect you as the mother of my children" yadda yadda, etc. Quite the teardown.

About 2 months after the A ended -around March- we ML for the 1st time and he said ILY. He wrote it once in a card not long after ("i do love you") and that was it. We had some grand come-to-Jesus discussion not long after that and H recanted the ILY. He wants to feel it, but does not, and is through telling people what they want to hear just to spare their feelings, and that includes me. He trusts that doing the right thing, etc, will bring back the feelings, that God will honor the marriage and he will someday love me again. Not to 'yadda yadda' God, b/c He can do anything. The question I guess is WILL He?

About a year pre-A (I only found this out post-A), H lost his love for me and was praying for God to restore it. God did not, and to compound the insult, H fell in love with OW. yippee. So in the heinous aftermath of an A, we're supposed to find love in the rubble? (yes, i'm being a smarta$$ tonight, b/c it's just p*ssing me off and I can vent here)

So, H doesn't love me, yet he cares for me and wants the M to work, etc. So I didn't bring that up again b/c hey, it hurts like hell, let's just sidestep that for a while please. And I certainly stopped saying ILY to him after that. Big elephant in the room for me.

But, this week in MC, it's been 6 months since H left the A and severed all contact with OW. So, I decide to ask him 'in a safe environment' in front of the C, where his feelings are for me. He reiterates that "I care for you very deeply" (oh, VOMIT) but not the other. And of course I sit there with the big leaking eyeballs (b/c apparently that's what I do a lot of in MC) and a whole world of hurt for this lost love. Fcuk. Fcuk. Fcuk.

I've been reading Jokerman's thread in Newcomers (as is everyone!) and one of the things that breaks my heart is how he doesn't love his W and never did. How the OW is prettier, and more fun, etc. even though she's a fcuking lunatic and his W has the grace of an angel right now. But I digress. I am fortunate that my H was, at one point, hopelessly madly in love with me (and vice-versa), so it was there at some point.

But my fear: am I stuck with someone who will never love me again? It sure feels like it. That has been very discouraging, on top of the chest-crushing-A-flashbacks I had prior to this happy convo this week. Not a happy place. I realize, as H says, 'it was a long walk in, and a long walk out' but dang.

SO! To recap!
A difficult, disconnected, non-love-filled life this week. Wheeeeee!

Yes, I'd like a little cheese with my whine. Might as well vent here, and not freak out IRL.

Any encouragement welcome.
Dude. Weekends are hard, b/c NOBODY'S HERE. Miss ya'll.

A late-night email from my H after we sat upstairs for a while talking (he has an office downstairs in our house, and we tend to email each other at night. A bone of contention for me, b/c I'd rather him be in bed with me, but I digress):

I know you are struggling with your issues about my affair, but it has been better lately. I expect you to struggle with it, since it was so horrific. I am so sorry about doing this to you. I would never have wanted to put you through this. Like I told you, I have tremendous guilt and shame about what I did, and I know that even though we got here together, that I was the one who committed the act. I can never justify that.

I am grateful for his willingness to talk about it, I just wish I could trust and rest in the fact that it is over and he doesn't compare me or miss OW, or all the other raging emotions ya'll are also familiar with. Ya'll know. It's my issue at this point, really.
Posted By: jacqm Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 07/29/06 03:25 PM
Hi Believing!
My puter locked up on my last attempt to reply and naturally, it was wisdom packed and so profound!
I'll try my best to redo it.

about his feelings not being 'there'...this is definitely not a problem if you are both patient. I've read about people praying for it and then its there, stronger than ever. (restoring what the locusts have eaten, 'member?) Maybe there are some issues to be dealt with first--might be worth talking that one through.

One note--my H needs affirmations and compliments a LOT (so do i, but somehow that never concerns him) and in the last few years, when i saw he wasn't giving them, I stopped giving them too. Unfortunately, I think that was one of the things that finally drove us apart-he wasnt getting anything from me anymore.
I would seek guidance on that; it may be one of the things that will bring him emotionally back to you--your consistantly being there for him even when he wasn't.

as for emailing each other--H and i always communicated best on the phone. i remember having arguments and we'd separate afterwards-he'd watch TV and i'd go upstairs to read or sew...then i'd just call him on the phone (we had 2 phone lines) and we'd talk for hours and work everything out. brings back memories. do you email deep stuff or just surface?

i hear you about the OW...i asked God to end this quickly because the longer it takes, the more crap there'll be to work through later...it HURTS and it comes to you like steel tipped arrows right in the heart. its the enemy trying to get you.
i do know that God can protect you from that--He's been protecting me from the hurt of H being with her now-unless i slip up and let myself dwell on it.
I claim the verse in Ephesians about the armor of God: 6:16 "In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the eveil one." It works, believe me!
It was a big revelation to me about life that God doesn't remove the arrows, but He does provide you with a strong shield to deflect them.
Also, the verse in Philippians 4:8 "Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things" This is for our own good--to keep us optimistic and hopeful, and not depressed and hurting. We need to learn to control our minds-not an easy thing to do; i'm not sure which is harder to control, the tongue or the mind. i think we indulge the mind, because its just US that hears it BUT the thoughts are the breeding ground of all our feelings. if we think bad things, we become angry, hurt, resentful, etc. if we concentrate on positve things, its easier to stay upbeat.
If we have problems in that area, God will help us if we ask Him.
(WTH-the Bible's talking about maintaining a PMA!)
End of sermon...was that for you or for me???

I lounged in bed today til 11am!! not a usual occurance; i usually get up early no matter what time i go to bed.
i was laying there contemplating my situation and wondering what would happen if i started flirting and actively pursuing my H--what if i tried to jump him one day, would that interest him? would it gradually start to intrigue him enough to infiltrate his mind and relationship with OW?? We've had such a checkered past; ML in the most outrageous places, i wonder if i started in like that again, what would happen?

good luck with your late hours...monday i start early hours; we have stage shoots for the next 3 weeks and i'll be working 7-3pm...nice cuz i get to go home earlier, not nice cuz i never seem to get to bed before 2am. Oh well, life is like that (see, that's my PMA cuz i wanted to say, life sucks).
Hang in there, BI, and thanks for your post on my thread-it helped!
Posted By: jacqm Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 07/29/06 03:38 PM

I know you are struggling with your issues about my affair, but it has been better lately. I expect you to struggle with it, since it was so horrific. I am so sorry about doing this to you. I would never have wanted to put you through this. Like I told you, I have tremendous guilt and shame about what I did, and I know that even though we got here together, that I was the one who committed the act. I can never justify that.

just another thought. what would happen if you showed him unconditional love, total forgive/and/its forgotten love? Keep the hurt buried deep, only to be discussed with God who is the only one who can truly take away the pain, anyway...
could your pain be heaping guilt on your H? He obviously feels remorse, and the longer you are in pain, the deeper his remorse, and maybe that's what is keeping the ILY from being felt by him?
just a thought. Course, i would TELL him that you have made a concious decision to no longer worry about the A--that you were going to step out in faith and let God heal you, but that you were going to concentrate on you, your H and your M from now on in a positive, complete way. Let him know that the pain will still be there, but that God will deal with it and will deal with your H's feelings as well if he wants.
When the Holy Spirit fills you with His love, it will overflow into all your relationships. There is no room for bitterness or sorrow, just love for your family.
Someday soon i hope i have the opportunity to put THAT to the test!! Right now, with God's help, i try to maintain a judgement-free relationship with my H.
Posted By: RBinBR Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 07/29/06 07:47 PM

I just caught up on your thread. (By the way, thanks for popping over to mine.) I think the biggest thing that may be going on is that your H's guilt is keeping him from loving you. Part of him doesn't feel worthy, and he doesn't feel like a good person anymore. It's hurt his self-esteem. When he's romantic with you, it reminds him of his failure.

The best thing you can do (IMO), then is to prop him up. Let him know that you believe in him. Praise his good actions and follow it up with something about what a good father, funny guy, able businessman, etc that he is. And anytime that you tear him down or make him think less of himself, you hurt that.

I know that you already know this, but I didn't think it would hurt to repeat it.
Jacqm and RB, EXCELLENT advice my friends. It's slow in coming, this forgiveness/unconditional love thing but it's coming. I needed to hear it from you today. perfect.
Hey guys,
I will never leave this board (she says sincerely!), but I have just-this-second started an anonymous blog for being 'real' as opposed to the family website that privately I always called a "Stepford" blog b/c it is so vanilla (pictures of kids, life is great, total BS).

When the A happened and H lost his job, one of the first things my MIL said was "you're not going to put it on the website, are you?" - she also didn't want any family members to know, etc. Ya'll. She is a whole other thread.

Anyway, I don't intend to go into far-and-away detail of the A like I did here, but will definitely cull from this thread initially to post about my real world, so there will be some repetition at first.

I told my H about it (he has his own personal one too), and prefaced it by saying that it was not for H-bashing, but for BI-finding and he could choose whether or not to read it. I rather think he won't. Not b/c he's worried about what I'll say there, but he just doesn't get all wrapped up in what I think, or feel the need to know. A mixed blessing, as I sometimes think it would be nice for him to be dying to know all about the inner moi.

Hell, I used to get on his computer and look at his iTunes from the night before to see what songs he'd listened to, and try to gauge where his thoughts/emotions were from that. Not in 5million years would he give a rat's hind end to see what music I'm listening to.

Ya'll, I go on and on, don't I?

Here it is, go see how dang cool it looks.
Adventures in Stepford
Posted By: jacqm Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 07/30/06 03:39 AM
i just read thru your blog and you're off to a good start! I bookmarked it so i won't miss any updates.
hey, i went to my first I'm-all-alone-and-on-my-own dance tonight--a swing dance. haven't done that in years but it was fun.
not looking for anything but a good time and lots of dancing, but it was NICE to hear someone actually say my name again, and to have someone enjoy being with me, even if only for a hot, sweaty dance.
Girl, that sound AWESOME!
Good for you, I covet! ha. Will check in w/you later today, must herd the family toward getting dressed for church (hyah! ::cracks whip::)

On another note, our sweet hamster, Runaround, is on her last breaths this morning. Sat and pet her with my D6 and talked about dying and heaven, etc. So sad.
Posted By: jacqm Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 07/31/06 04:28 AM
sorry to hear about your hamster! No wonder your night's so sad! I cried when our little goldfish died. How's your D taking it? HUGS to both of you!

my sunday nite wasn't too bad--left for church in teh morning and never got home til after midnight...i've been all over the state of ohio today.

keep on hanging in there. anything new on the forefront?
DANG--its 1:30--i gotta get up in 4 hours for work. catch ya tomorrow i mean, today!
Posted By: cat03 Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 07/31/06 02:59 PM
I'm sorry about your pet, it is so hard on the little ones, my ds also cried for days (and I with him) when his froggy died, oh, it broke my heart seeing him cry. Hugs))) hope she is dealing with it better today.

Wanted to share something with everygone, (BI, you'll like this, it involves lyrics ) as my H and I were driving this song came up, and he said "I could've written this song" as I read the lyrics today I can see how many WAS feel exactly this way:

Hate Me

I have to block out thoughts of you so I don't lose my head
They crawl in like a cockroach leaving babies in my bed
Dropping little reels of tape to remind me that I'm alone
Playing movies in my head that make a porno feel like home
There's a burning in my pride, a nervous bleeding in my brain
An ounce of peace is all I want for you. Will you never call again?
And will you never say that you love me just to put it in my face?
And will you never try to reach me? It is I that wanted space

Hate me today
Hate me tomorrow
Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you

I'm sober now for 3 whole months it's one accomplishment that you helped me with
The one thing that always tore us apart is the one thing I won't touch again
In a sick way I want to thank you for holding my head up late at night
While I was busy waging wars on myself, you were trying to stop the fight
You never doubted my warped opinions on things like suicidal hate
You made me compliment myself when it was way too hard to take
So I'll drive so [censored] far away that I never cross your mind
And do whatever it takes in your heart to leave me behind

Hate me today
Hate me tomorrow
Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you

Hate me in ways
Yeah ways hard to swallow
Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you

And with a sad heart I say bye to you and wave
Kicking shadows on the street for every mistake that I had made
And like a baby boy I never was a man
Until I saw your blue eyes crying and I held your face in my hand
And then I fell down yelling "make it go away!"
Just make a smile come back and shine just like it used to be
And then she whispered "How can you do this to me?"

Hate me today
Hate me tomorrow
Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you

Hate me in ways
Yeah ways hard to swallow
Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you

Had another backstep with H yesterday, about some damn thing I read from an old note of his to her. I can see now that when I bring old stuff up because I want to be clear about something all he sees is that I'm trying to drag him through the mud and make him miserable, that is not what I'm trying do do but that's how it comes up, please learn from my mistakes. I ended up leaving him a note (I never do that) I actually wrote down what BI said on one post "I hurt because i want what you freely gave her". I just had to get it out of my chest, want him to know I didnt' mean to make him feel guilty, just so he'll know that I miss his love and that somedays I'm running on empty.

I put this images on my head whenever I try to think and remember and do reconstructions about him and OP: me digging a hole in the ground through a thorn bush, ripping my skin and bleeding as I try to dip up something that should stay dead and buried. BI, you mentioned this imagery before, having this two dogs, the good and the bad, when I envisioned OP and stuff they did I imagen myself giving the bad dog a juicy steak just when it was about to die.

Let's try to block those thoughts until our brain stops going down that path, let's think of all the good things that could and will happen down the road instead of poisoning ourselves anymore.

By reliving the past we make it the present, it isn't, and if we dont stop that's the way we will always think, we dont' want that do we?
Cat, you are ON it, Doggone it (as we say here in the south). Excellent post re: the hole we keep falling in re: the A.

What you focus on, expands.

I read that here somewhere over the months and have not forgotten it, b/c it's TRUE.

It's also true that when we bring up the OW to clarify something or want to understand a word/gesture/what-the-F-ever, that the spouse (the truly remorseful spouse, that is), is horrified to talk about it (but will) and then they feel farther apart from us b/c they are racked with guilt all over again. As my H said recently, whenever he thinks about the A/OW, he is ashamed.

I keep thinking he might be missing her, or something about her (gosh, the way she smelled, even. something small), but he is ashamed. says he won't even let himself 'go there' when thinking about her. It's my issue that I wonder at times if he does 'go there', or if he ever will 'go there' again. I pray not, but I also know that I have to LET IT GO and throw myself wholly in this R/M like never before. And if he F's me over again, I'm still a better person for having made the leap. Sounds against logic, but it's how I feel.

Hamster Update: Ya'll don't know this rodent. She is the Superhero of all hammies. She has escaped numerous times, fallen twice (TWICE!) down an 11 foot chimney opening. We've had to rescue her twice (TWICE!) from that depth thru a little tiny hole at the back of the fireplace (think mini gurney made of juice box and twine, a flashlight the only illumination, and HOURS cramped in a hunched position in the fireplace). Broken foot the first time, bloody head the 2nd. The vet is amazed at her. And she recovered fully both times.
Anyway, she's a kamikaze hamster, and is still alive. Even looked to be sleeping somewhat normally during the night. I still think she's at the end, but my H says he won't believe she's dying until she's really gone.

Jacqm, I also think your post was DEAD ON about giving that helaing thing to God, that my ICK with getting over this A needs to be mosty between me and God to get healed, and the actual M itself is what is between H & I (and God too). We're screaming headlong into PMS week, so we'll see how this resolve holds up, but my now-logical brain accepts that as good advice!

On an interesting note. I posted a long essay on my blog last night (much of it re-heated from here) about my past and how it affected my R, and H left me a comment! His first comment words were "Real and Honest" - which is something he never thought I was much of, so that was encouraging.
Ooh, so many new people and posts here (sigh) - a shame. Infidelity is just PISSING ME OFF. It's pandemic, forpetessake. I just want to primal scream somewhere for all the selfish, hurtful acts to people here (and their kids)

Anyway, there's a blog I read called Marriages Restored. And it's been 10 (TEN!) years since this man's wife's affair and they've turned it around, but he still has problems occasionally. There's a link in the sidebar to his version and then she also writes about it, and they both brought lots of baggage. She had a PA but he also had an EA prior to that. Lots of good stuff to read thru, IMO. Like we all don't have enough reading material at the bedside - ha.

Kids and I have been listening to Daniel Powter's "Bad Day" in the car a lot, yelling out the chorus (fun!) but I also love this part of the song:

Standing in line just to hear a "hello"
Faking a smile with the coffee to go

Hadn't posted some lyrics in a while, so there's a snippet!
Running to work, making LOTS of good overtime money this week though. Needed, but so difficult to a) work nights and b) feel disconnected from the fam.


Also, a moment of silence for Runaround, the hamster, who died last night. We buried her today and my D6 put a sweet note in her 'coffin' and threw flowers on her site in the front yard.
Hey BI....sorry about the hamster. May she rest in peace, and perhaps go that eternal Hamster Wheel In the Sky...where you run all day and NEVER get tired.

Cat and BI....I KNOW how hard it is to forget the A. I am fine through the day, and then WHAM. I think the only reason I'm fine most of the time is that I don't live with H. Sometimes I think that maybe this thing is bigger than both of us. Then I talk to some friends here with wonderful, 30-year Ms where one or both partners had As. I have no idea. I can intellectualize it and all that, then there is the visceral response.

I think more than the sex, it's the emotional part. Then again, my therapist said the other way too, and it's all hard.

I love that song, Cat. The video is heartwrenching. You think he's talking about a lover, but he's talking about his mother who loved him through all these issues he had, and never gave up on him. It's such a sad video.

Cat....has H come clean about the A and details? Probably not, they never really do, it's too humiliating (oh, yeah, b/c I was NEVER humiliated..like the phone call I JUST GOT that rumors are STILL going around about H and his As....I felt FANTASTIC about that and H is the ONLY person suffering....what a bastard).

BUT...if you want this to work, I think the "clarity" questions have to minimize. Here's how I think it could work. Perhaps if you work on the M, build a solid foundation of friendship, trust, and all that nice stuff, you can THEN ask about the A. But, I know in order for you to do that, you need closure and disclosure from the A. But, push through it. I am a big believer in that you get what you seek, eventually, if you're patient and have a strategy of letting the other person come forward. I think you would get more honest answers out of him if he is more comfortable with you, more comfortable with the M and your connection.

Though we're still miles from that, my H is more open about the "why's" of what he did, what happened. And it usually spills forth in the conversation as it progresses and we have some good dialogue building, with me being CALM.
Hey Always, you are so insightful. Thanks for consistently popping in and shedding light into my darker corners. It is hard, the emotional component to the A (loved her, wanted to marry her, most perfect/beautiful woman, etc), as well as the sex. The sex was only once (although talked about ad nauseum afterward) and the EA was so much longer than that prior to the PA. So, yeah, just a big stewpot of difficulty to strain the reality through.

It's a bit like snooping, the asking for clarification, in the emotional fallout it can bring. I have NOT brought it up as of late, and while my thoughts still whirr like a Quisinart many days - it stays contained w/in my own little brain for the time being.

We have a mutual acquaintance who is separated with a D3 and his wife is having an A. He is all-to-pieces over it, and has spoken with H on occasion, ironically, as he has no idea of our sitch, and then one afternoon spoke with me (we see him at our pool with our kids). H just asked me tonight, "What did you tell Friend? b/c he says you 'told him' about our problems"

I said "No. I did not. I told Friend that we had been on the verge of separating in Dec/Jan, that we'd had some problems but it was H's story to tell Friend if he chose to, and if you had told me at Christmas that I would still be M'd and together, I would've laughed in your face. I said all that by way of encouragement to Friend." H wasn't at all mad when he asked me, but I think he seemed surprised that I would "spill the beans", and seemed reassured that I did not, in fact, spill said-beans as H initially thought.

Believe me, enough people know about my beans in this small town, that I do not need the extra hobby of bean-spiller on my resume.

H has perhaps forgotten that it's not exactly a point of pride that he found me unattractive and not worth being married to, not too long ago, and someone else was much more worthy to him.

I was speaking to another mutual friend (who does NOT know) about a 3rd girl we know, now divorced, who's H was cheating on her during their InVitro treatments, forGodsSake. My gf's H commented that this girl was way too attractive for her H to be cheating on her. Ouch. People are so ignorant about A's when they don't have to worry with them. I of course piped right up and said, people have A's no matter how fantastic the spouse looks. And then I shut up, and mulled over my inner checklist of all my imaginary OW vs BI traits. Logic be damned, apparently.

So. Just worked 3 night shifts and on dayshift today
- don't know which end is up this week, and working so many 12hr shifts in a row just sux for the state of connectivity with the family, esp. H. Feeling needy and whiny. Just tired.

Ya'll. I just had such a bad dream this afternoon. I was able to come home early today b/c our patient load was low enough on my unit to send me home. I am so tired from this run of work this week. Lots of overtime and swing shifts.

So, I am feeling puny and come to the bed about 4pm for a nap, and have this AWFUL nightmare. It sounds silly to write the details, but the upshot is that our fam was living in an apt. somewhere for about 8-9 months and one day I hear H in the apt next to ours laughing with OW, and it turns out he moved us there right next-fcuking-door to OW months prior and never let on. I go over to the apt to confront OW and she basically laughs at me b/c I'm so stupid and gullible.

I woke up right at that point in the dream, jumped out of bed and opened the bedroom door, startled H who was coming up the stairs, and burst my crazy-sleep-deprived self into tears.

I told H I had had a nightmare, he asked what about, I shook my head, still crying. He hugged me for a minute and reiterated that it was only a dream, and working 3 nights in a row is killing me. (of course I have several 3-night runs coming up in the next few weeks. kill me now).

Ya'll, I wept like a refugee for the rest of the evening, just walking around with my eyeballs leaking tears that I couldn't stop. Every time I went to get a tissue to wipe my eyes in the bathroom, I would just sob. WTH? I guess that inner Quisinart is not successfully keeping my junk to myself. Danged subconsious.

And so. Some Tori Amos lyrics...

baker baker baking a cake
make me a day
make me whole again
and i wonder what's in a day
what's in your cake this time

i guess you heard he's gone to l.a.
he says that behind my eyes i'm hiding
and he tells me i pushed him away
that my heart's been hard to find

there must be something here
there must be something here

baker baker can you explain
if truly his heart was made of icing
and i wonder how mine could taste
maybe we could change his mind

i know you're late for your next parade
you came to make sure that i'm not running
well i ran from him in all kinds of ways
guess it was his turn this time

thought i'd make friends with time
thought we'd be flying
maybe not this time

baker baker baking a cake
make me a day
make me whole again
and i wonder if he's ok
if you see him say hi
Posted By: believing_isaiah43 Re: HELP! HELP! - 08/11/06 10:53 PM
OMGosh, ya'll somebody please be online on this Friday night; I just found a profile of H on MYSPACE,
Status: SINGLE (?!),
Children: I DON'T WANT CHILDREN (?!?!?!?!)

and this is a NEW ACCOUNT.

WTF is this? This goes against absolutely everything I thought I knew (again) about this man. I am SHAKING, SHAKING. OMYF-ingGOD!

His myspace blog is PRIVATE and can't be viewed unless you're a friend of his. WTF WTF WTF

advice? help? what would YOU do? is anyone there?
H comes home in less than an hour - what do i do? I want to show him his myspace webpage on my laptop when he gets home and ask him to explain it. This is not DB land, HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE COMMITED TO THIS MARRIAGE AND RECONCILIATION. WHAT DO I DO?

Posted By: MuddleThrough Re: HELP! HELP! - 08/11/06 11:28 PM
BI, try and find some way to focus on the good in him. Try to go overboard in the opposite direction of where your reactions are taking you now. Is there a chance, however slim, that there's some reason that page exists that DOESN'T have to do with cheating? Try and find one, for your own sanity.

I would suggest confronting him, AFTER you spend some time admiring him and being grateful for his presence. Just to gain a more neutral perspective so you don't jump to any conclusions or rash judgments.

Hang in there.
Posted By: RBinBR Re: HELP! HELP! - 08/11/06 11:28 PM
Pray ... right now! Pray for the strength to be kind to your H, and to love him unconditionally. Whether you confront him or not is up to you, but you need to do it in love.

So sorry ...
Thank you so much RB and Muddle, and I wish I had read your stuff before he got home, but I ran out of time to get back online. Muddle is actually right, it wasn't what I thought at all (long fat story) but after finding that myspace acct, I searched for some other stuff and found him registered at youtube searching for/watching some videos that were NOT at all outright p*rn or anything, just weird/odd. I didn't hardly care about the CONTENT, just that it was so SECRETIVE, you know?

Felt just like a throwback to the computer weirdness that was going on during the A (secretive/undercover stuff -ish) So THAT was the big elephant in the room last night that I pointed out. Not as lovingly as I would've liked - b/c I wanted to sit on my emotions for a day, but just couldn't in this instance.

He is horrified/ashamed/embarassed etc that I found that out, never told anyone in his whole life. I am just kind of astounded that he's so upset about this thing - the content is NO big deal. But he said he would rather die than for anyone else to know. If I bring it up in MC he will walk out, never go again. If I tell the pastor, he'll quit going to church. If people know, he'll move away. He doesn't want to speak of it ever again, and will quit right this minute just so he never has to talk about it.

Logic was futile in this part of the discussion, needless to say.

I realize this is raw reaction from someone just confronted with an issue he is embarassed about.

But also, b/c he never feels safe with me, he is really afraid that I'll throw it in his face (as with details from the A) when I'm upset, or if I try to D him at some point I'll bring it up. And that this 'thing' is not about me, but I keep making it all about me and how it affects me. All roads point to how things affect/hurt me, not him. And his point there is valid, I am sad to admit. Again, my relationship toolbox is sorely lacking here.

We were up quite late talking, yelling, talking again. Finally to bed after 3am. Had nightmares and an upset stomach when I woke up today. Have no idea where to go next. I did wake him up briefly to tell him that I love him and, apparently, there's nothing he's going to be able to do to make me stop. (dammit)

I'm curious that if this whole scenario was reversed, what his reaction(s) would be about it (and if he had a S who would NOT talk about it; he will pin me to the wall until I talk about something that bothers me and this is a HUGE double standard). I feel like someone shot me and I'm bleeding out.

I wanted to pop in and thank you both enormously for posting in my time of need. RB, I did pray, quite a lot before and after he was home.

What happens next is still up in the air. Waiting for the dust to settle here (again) and see what we're looking at.
Glad to hear it wasn't as bad as what you first expected. In reading your post, what stood out the most was his shame. You didn't really get into the content, and I don't think you need to, but it seems to me that he doesn't feel safe enough with you to share this part of himself that he's exploring. I wonder if this is truly because he is ashamed of it within himself or if it has everything to do with the relationship.

I wonder if the content of this is something that you can change your perspective on - going far out of your way to avoid being the parent catching the child doing something wrong. Maybe even let on that there's something about it that makes you appreciate him. That you admire him, even if this doesn't appeal to you. I think he's fishing for this sort of attention online and if you can give it to him, so much the better.

Just some thoughts. Hang in there - hope the dust settles soon.
Posted By: RBinBR Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 08/12/06 01:44 PM

He is horrified/ashamed/embarassed etc that I found that out, never told anyone in his whole life. I am just kind of astounded that he's so upset about this thing - the content is NO big deal. But he said he would rather die than for anyone else to know. If I bring it up in MC he will walk out, never go again. If I tell the pastor, he'll quit going to church. If people know, he'll move away. He doesn't want to speak of it ever again, and will quit right this minute just so he never has to talk about it.

So, your H has a secret obsession with something that is shameful or at least socially embarrassing. Of course, you should recognize that "quitting" doesn't address his root issues (whatever those are) ... and that his attempt to quit without help will inevitably fail if this is a true obsession/addiction., which I suspect it is.

The shame thing is HUGE in terms of understanding why the A happened, because this [whatever] makes him feel worthless and has robbed him of his self-respect. It is now THE CRITICAL ISSUE to address in counseling, and he needs to do it somehow.

I hope you didn't agree last night when he asked you to never discuss it with him again. The key thing now, though, is for him to feel safe with you, to know that you won't hurt him. I strongly suggest that you go way out of your way to do something special for him in the next day or so. Thing about his preferred love language and do something to feed that love in an extraordinary way.

BI, I think last night may have been a "tipping point" (if you don't mind a recent cliche) in your sitch. This is your big chance to repair your M.
I have been in the bed today (a) avoiding the world and (b) because I go to work tonight in an hour. I cannot thank you five thousand times over for your input. Muddle, I did not/will not post the actual thing he's watching only b/c I promised him I would not mention it to anyone (which includes this BB, IMO) and I agree it doesn't really matter what it is, just that it is a cause of shame to him. I told him that everyone has their little black box of what they consider shameful/secret. And that one man's box is another man's put-it-in-the-front-yard-with-a-spotlight-and-sign up. That really struck me in this instance.

Gotta go to work. Will be checking in again asap. Many thanks.
Well, I was put on call at work so I'm back online, after a Weepfest with H. I did all the weeping of course, the big snotface kind. ugh. We are in a bad place, and will be re-evaluating our M in October (2 months) to see what has happened and where we will go from here.

Here's why:
Let me tell you about H's FOO: he grew up with a father who defaulted to the mother in everything, wasn't much of a strong H in any way. His mom, probably out of lack of an R with her H, was all up in my H's life as a child ("ate him alive" H puts it) - she still does, wants to know about every little thing going on in his life. If you put your toe in, she will eat you all the way up your leg, KWIM? H became somewhat of a surrogate spouse, as far as communication goes. So H grows up feeling completely watched, poked, prodded and analyzed. Big hot button for him.

So here we are, married and having our recent issues (A) and he gives me access to his emails, shares more about his day, etc. but when I actually read his email, have an issue, check his iTunes to see what he's listening to, discover something like I did last night that embarasses/shames him, whatever... all this is like his mother eating him alive and guilting him into whatever behavior she was trying to get out of him.

And that's the paradox. As a wife post-A, I have access to his life. As the man that he is, giving that access and being analyzed by me is torturous to him and makes him withdraw further from me. Enter the crazy cycle: he feels poked/prodded and withdraws further, I want him closer and wonder why he's far off and pursue him. YUCK.

He has really pulled away the last few weeks (simultaneously when he started to watch these videos), somewhat in response to me all up in his sh!t (I think), and as a way to have something 'all his own' that no one knows about since the rest of his world is an open book (to me, and to a larger degree the community that knows of his A and job loss).

He is already getting further away from me and feeling less motivation to actually move toward me. Then I find this 'shameful' thing and he is really far off now. It's all come to a head.

The main point for H is that he has made efforts since January and changed how he relates to me, and has shared more of his thoughts and daily life in the last six months than he has in the last five years (true). That he has acted in a more loving way toward me since this has happened than when he actually 'loved' me. Possibly true, but I am so hung up on the words and feelings. Perhaps to my detriment. Every time he tells the kids ILY, it makes my heart ache.

I have not changed in the ways that matter most to him, especially the fact that I will not let go of my 'death grip' on him, and surrender control of our sitch, I keep trying to get a handle on everything, manipulate feelings/outcomes. And this has really put him at the end of the road - well 'almost' at the end of the road, he says.

I honestly don't know at this point if we can be turned around. He is so tired of putting up with me, and I can't blame him. I have no good idea of the boundaries between trying to be close to him, and totally avoiding him/leaving him alone. I have no sense of middle ground here. He tells me repeatedly that's not what he is talking about (the leaving him alone part), but that I don't even go a whole 24 hours without trying to control some portion of the situation, bringing up something about the A, etc that puts us backwards in the R. And that I won't just 'lose control' and be.

I cried a bloody Great Lake tonight, said that the last thing I wanted is to lose him or our M. I would try from now for two solid months to see if we could make any forward movement in this M and it was the most important thing in my life and I would try to figure out the balance, and I would need his help. I also told him I had no idea if we were too far gone for him to emotionally turn back toward me, and he agreed that he didn't know.

The fear and loneliness that statement triggered inside of me, I cannot even tell you.

I told him that I didn't force him into marrying me, and I could not force him to stay. If he indeed needed to leave to find happiness, that he was free to go. That I wanted him and loved him, but I didn't need him to be happy (don't know how much water that held, as I was crying in blind fear the whole time).

I validated and all that, but was so terrified and crying the entire time. I'm now upstairs in bed and left him on the sofa watching tv. I asked if he wanted to watch a movie but he didn't really want to do anything with me, so I left. So painful, I cannot even tell you. I'll be surprised if he doesn't sleep on the sofa tonight. He went to the sofa last night, and I managed to convince him to return to bed. It's lonely without him, and it's also lonely being near him. I don't know which is worse.

I am in desperate need of prayer here. I feel like I'm drowning, and am gasping for air. I really don't know how to give him 'space' when it's not avoiding him, or living 'separate' lives, which we did pre-A and it sucked. But he repeatedly says that he can't move toward me at all when I won't back off and let him. At this point, I do not trust that he'll move toward me anyway. And also how to 'let go', 'give up control' and feel safe. I feel very unsafe right now and so does he -with me.

I'm up here in my little bed with my little laptop. I feel rejected, unwanted and alone. I just wanted him to hold my hand or give me a hug, and he could barely look at me. I want to lay down and never wake up.

I imagine you'll see lots more venting/ranting (disguised as journaling?) from me here in the near future, as I am going to have to put all my crazy-a$$ emotions somewhere, and I can't bring up the A or anything in that realm with H for the next 2 months. I trust it will get easier to do, as it has improved somewhat over the last few months, just not enough, b/c when we argue OUT it comes. Or I'm having nightmares - it always goes somewhere. I dreamed H and I stayed married last night, but he was having sex outside the marriage and withheld it from me. Had a little posse of women he used to meet that need. What FUN these dreams are. Really helping my PMA. not.

If you guys would just pop in and virtually hold my hand, since H will not be, I would appreciate it. It's hard not to be the one to cut and run here, as I always do from anything painful. It's my first reaction. He has really shut down this time, and I'm scared out of my mind. It's like sitting next to a stranger in ways. A stranger who doesn't really want to engage in your conversation b/c he's tired of it.
Posted By: RBinBR Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 08/13/06 02:46 AM

BI, I hate to smack you when you're down, but you need to get a grip on yourself. All the crying, the desperation, the self-hatred that I see in you right now is NOT DB at all.

You need to pull back big time RIGHT NOW. Stop being so needy, and stop asking him to do stuff with you. Give him space and let him miss you a little. GAL and get out of the house.

C'mon, BI, you can do this!
Sorry for your pain. I wonder if you can give him the responsibility of figuring out and doing the trying to actually make this work. It seems that because you have been doing the trying, and it pushes him away, this not only puts the pressure on him but leaves you feeling VERY rejected. If you can agree that he will take the lead on this and do only what he is comfortable with so that you're not pushing him away than perhaps you can make some genuine progress.

In these situations where not on is the spouse a cheater but they are running away, there's not really an obvious path towards recovery. We, as LBSs, feel that all measures should be taken by the WAS to make us feel more secure and deal with the complex emotional issues we're faced with. The trouble is that unless the WAS has had a complete perspective shift, is entirely dedicated to the relationship at this point and is no longer looking to the LBS to prove to them they are worth the WAS staying, then is could very well create another situation for the WAS to run away from.

I agree with RB - take a step away and GAL. Take the pressure away, enjoy what you have when you have it. STOP doing all the work on the R and continue to work on yourself. I think a part of your difficulty with the boundary between being close and being distant has to do with WHAT you are looking for in you interaction with him. Think about what you are trying to gain out of every interaction and if you are going into it with the intention of making you feel better, don't say anything. For example, if you are looking for security in confirmation that the A is over, recognize that you are feeling insecure in yourself, not just the relationship, and see how you can change your thoughts to address this. Clearly this pressure on him is making him bolt, and that's the last thing you want. Same goes for checking his email. I wouldn't do it. I would decide to either trust him or not. I know it's a big risk, but if you keep looking for proof or confirmation where are YOU in the R? You end up playing the role of parent, or victim, neither the role of a good S.

Hang in there.
Posted By: RBinBR Re: Run with me through rows of Speeding Cars - 08/13/06 12:52 PM

I think you've read this before, but I find that reading it periodically is a big benefit.

Dang, you guys ROCK. Thanks so much for your insight. Through much prayer and thinking, I had come to much the same conclusion as your suggestions to just let go and see if he'll miss me. I will write more later, I promise, but I was called into work at 1am this morning and have had only one hour sleep before church all day. I was on the verge of tears in church and then here comes this verse on the big screen (it was in a different context/teaching, but OMGosh, God just hit me in the head with it):

2 Corinthians 8:10 (Msg):
So here's what I think: The best thing you can do right now is to finish what you started last year and not let those good intentions grow stale. Your heart's been in the right place all along. You've got what it takes to finish it up, so go to it. Once the commitment is clear, you do what you can, not what you can't. The heart regulates the hands.

Ya'll. God is flat-out amazing when he gets your attention.
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