Posted By: pregnant&DBing Not for the faint of heart - 12/26/05 12:09 AM
I've spent a few days away from the boards, and still don't feel quite like jumping back in the saddle. But it's Christmas after all, and a hard one. Just like everyone else's ... so I don't feel so bad about just plain venting. This time.

Haven't heard a word from H. Not today. Not yesterday. Not the day before. Just as simple as that. My girls haven't gotten a phone call. No gift. No f*ck you. Nothing.

Maybe this is the easiest way to deal with things. I know from a prior conversation I had with H that he was planning to go to PA. When I decided to stop my DBing efforts, I decided to really stop. I mean, if I'm gonna go out, might as well be with a bang. So I sent his mom a letter. She knows I'm a champion for the truth, and I felt the need to respond to some of the things H had recently told me about his parents -- like the fact that they didn't respond to my letters in September and October because H had convinced them that the baby I'm carrying might not be his.

I don't care about changing their opinion of me or my sitch. I simply explained in the letter what went down recently and told his mom that the next time I'm the topic of discussion at the family dinner table, that maybe the truth could be discussed rather than some fabricated story aimed at damaging my character.

So in essence, I introduced the in-laws to OW. I'm very sure H hadn't breathed a word about her to them. He did, after all, have to uphold his story that he is the victim. I'm sure he's pretty pi$$ed at me exposing the truth. But I didn't do it out of spite. I didn't do it to cause any friction between any two people. I did it because it was the right thing to do, and because I'm tired of taking the blame for something that simply isn't my fault.

Now, if they continue to want to blame me, they can. At least they know "my side of the story." And I did H's dirty work for him by letting his parents know he has a new GF. He can go screw up *her* life now. I'm done letting him screw with mine.

Christmas was otherwise wonderful, despite the occasional crying bout. I locked myself in my parents' bathroom during family dinner last night. I just wasn't able to pull myself together, and I didn't want the girls to see me like that. I finally broke down and had a glass of wine -- hey! they do it in France! -- and that knocked the edge off a little. My sister and her H and two kids, plus my brother and his fiancee, all came over to my house, and Santa visited here. The girls were thrilled this morning. They haven't even mentioned H, except for last night when they saw my red, puffy eyes -- and knew I'd been crying because I miss him. But it's good to know that such heartache and pain can go seemingly unnoticed for the kids. That gives me hope.

My family, as always, has been very supportive. And I've decided that I'll go to my sister's, which is about 3 hours from my home, for New Year's. She's preggo, too -- about four weeks further along than me. So I won't have to be around all my high-flyin' friends here. I love 'em to death, ya know, but it's hard to be depressed and pregnant on such an occasion. I told my dad today that this will likely be the first New Year's that I've spent sober in 10 years. . H and I were in NYC last New Year's. What a memory! It will make this one all the harder.

Valentine's Day is my anniversary, and that's gonna be the worst, though many of my friends have volunteered to dump their Hs for me. . I think I'd rather just take Tylenol PM and sleep that entire day -- actually, the entire weekend before, all the way through that day. Hurts my heart to know that H already has his Valentine in place. He'll likely be spending our wedding anniverary with OW. Ouch.
Posted By: bigAl Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/26/05 12:25 AM
Hey Preggo. It's Christmas and you have the right to vent. I am not commenting at all except to say I feel for you, and I wish you didn't have to go through this. My anniversary is Friday. My ex will definitly be enjoying it in a way I won't. Maybe she'll feel guilty for once in her life. Next day I will have the boys for a kid's NYE. Last year I was in Vegas, so I know what you mean about abrupt changes in fortune.

Hope you feel better tomorrow.

Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/26/05 12:26 AM
Thanks, bigAl. You too. And thanks for putting up with my venting.
Posted By: bigAl Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/26/05 12:27 AM
No problem. Thanks for putting up with mine
Posted By: theresa475 Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/26/05 03:54 AM

We missed you, I wanted to make sure you were okay, My PG counterpart. Please just try and be strong for your children and yourself. I had an okay xmas although it would have been better if H was not there. He pretty much just sits there and annoys the f*ck out of me at this point. Right now I am so pissed I pretty much cannot stand the sight of him. Not very loving I know, and not DB'ing but he's an a*s...

Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/26/05 03:39 PM
Hey, theresa. Thanks so much. It's good to know I was missed. I'll prolly be back around some, but I don't know how much. I read a lot of passages over the weekend that drew to my attention that we help ourselves through helping others. My sitch can't use help, but maybe I can help others in theirs. We'll see.

Sigh. I was washing dishes this morning, and noticed that the girls must have used one of my stainless steel coffee mugs, as it was in the sink, dirty. It's not just any coffee mug. It's one H gave me for Christmas last year. Of all the stainless steel coffee mugs I own, the girls would have to pick this one. Sigh again. Wanted to share with you guys what H inscribed on it before giving it to me last year. It's from my favorite card that he ever gave me. He re-printed it on my mug so I'd have it with me always ...

Despite any obstacles that come our way and all the many differences we've shared, I find myself loving you more with time. I love you when our moods vary and when our opinions go in opposite directions. I love you when your ideas aren't quite the same as mine and our beliefs clash. I love you when you take a stand on what you feel is absolutely right, even if I feel not the same way. I even love you when you're tired and grumpy and don't want much to do with me at that moment. What I'm trying to say is that I love you no matter what, even as we struggle to be our own individuals. It doesn't matter how different we may be. As I've spent more and more time by your side, I've learned that I love you most of all because you are different from me and can express it. I love you for what you believe, for the emotions you feel, and for the ideas that help me open my own mind to possibilities I haven't yet explored. ~Bev K. Metott, rescribed by H -- Christmas '04 ~ I Love You

That's the guy I miss and love. Where'd he go?
Posted By: Aprilsm4 Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/26/05 08:34 PM

I saw your post over on the Surviving forum. I just wanted to let you know that you're gonna be okay. My STBX dropped the bomb right after I found out I was pg with our 4th. It does get better.

Hugs to you
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/27/05 03:50 PM
Hey, April. Thank you. I know I'll be better in about 4 months. That's when the baby's due. I'm hanging on for dear life until then.

My H has the entire week off this week. I was hoping he'd stay in PA. He didn't. He's already back home. You guys have *no idea* -- or maybe you do -- how hard it is to live across the street from your cheating spouse. Of course, I think, after I walked in on him, that maybe he's taken his A to the OW's neck of the woods. H hasn't been home a lot lately. The way I look at it: The more time they spend together, the sooner those fires will burn out. Then again, maybe not. And what does it matter anyway?

Anyway, I went home a little while ago, and guess who's in the driveway, working on his gawd-awful car? I swear, I just wish he would go away. I spent several days with my parents, in another town, over Christmas, and it was such a respite. I realized that if H or I either one would simply move to a different section of town, I could get over him in a fraction of the time it's going to take me to move on while we're practically next-door neighbors. But legally, I can't move. We'll see what happens with H after his roomie moves away next month. Roomie is buying his house, and last I heard, H wasn't sure if he'd be selling it or renting it after he moved. H had told he doesn't have enough $ to afford rent on his own, since he's still paying the mortgage on our house (where I'm living). Up until I caught him in his compromising position, H's plan was to move back home in Jan., when roomie moved. Obviously, that's not going to happen now.

I had the worst thought two days before Christmas: What if J (OW) moves in with H? Ugh. That would totally suck. But it would make sense. He could split the cost of rent with her. Ya know, it's hard enough for me to deal with seeing H's car everyday. I'm not sure how I'd handle seeing her there, too. Oh well. Nothing I can do about it. I'll just have to wait and see.

So back to me going home a little while ago: I'm driving my parents' car. The inspection on mine is two months past due, so my dad is getting it inspected for me. When I pulled into my driveway a little while ago, H smiled from behind the hood of his car and said, "Nice car." He was being more sarcastic than anything. So I decided to bite. "Thanks," I replied. "A friend of mine is borrowing my car, and he's getting it inspected for me, finally." I walked inside and shut the door behind me. (Hey, my dad *is* my friend, right?? )

If he's dumb enough to believe that anybody's gonna shack up with a preggo woman, well, then he's dumb enough to believe it, I guess. And maybe there are some guys like that out there. I've never found one, though.

When I was leaving, I showed H a tiny pair of shoes that the girls' gymnastics instructor gave me for Christmas. H was indifferent and said, "Sweet." I told him I'd catch him later, and left.

Four more months, four more months, four more months. That's my mantra.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/28/05 12:56 PM
Ugh. Woke up at 4 a.m. this morning in a cold sweat. Having a dream about H and OW. I've read about having those type dreams. Apparently it's a natural and recurring phenomenan. Makes me sick. It's almost like your mind, just at the time when it is "dropping the rope," gets scared to actually do it or something. So the dream strikes, and it starts us all back at square one. Well, kinda.

Yak. It just makes me feel icky. Now, my mind is right back to thinking of H and OW. Why is that? But then my mind continues on to think that maybe, just maybe, I should remember this sitch for what it is. I'm preggo. H abandoned me for another girl. I don't care how little of a conscience he has, he *must* somewhere, down deep inside, feel a little like a piece of sh!t for what he's done.

Oh well. Doesn't do much for me, now does it?

I don't know how many of you truly believe in signs -- or, as a friend of mine calls them: God winks, or, as I sometimes call them: Universal blips (also known as coincidences) -- but I've had a couple really interesting ones recently, related to H. And I don't understand the purpose of them. I really don't. I mean, shouldn't *he* be the one that's being reminded of me in some way? Anyway, I'll write more on those later...
Posted By: AndreaV Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/28/05 01:31 PM
Hi P&DB,

It's good to have you back! Sorry that you had a rough Christmas, but you are so strong you'll get past it and be better off! I have been wondering how Christmas has affected the WAS and how they MUST feel something (guilt, remorse, discomfort, just something) for what they have done. Take comfort in the thought that your H was feeling like sh*t at some point in the day for the decisions he's made!

Those dreams are the worst, aren't they? I hate being haunted by the thought of the OW. You're right, it kind of puts you back to square one with your feelings. The good part is that you're much more wise now than before, so you're not really at square one after all. It may feel like it, but you're in a better place than you were before and you have the insight of knowing better! It's normal to have these dreams though. The situation is on your mind, so of course it will come to you in dreams. Don't be discouraged, just recognize it as a dream and continue on...

I've heard that having a glass of wine isn't bad for the baby once you've made it through the first trimester. Don't worry, you certainly earned that glass of wine! Your baby's old enough not to suffer any reprocussions from it.
Posted By: caverna Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/28/05 01:42 PM
prego, I believe in signs. Read my post under caverna's thread IV, titled "HOLLY SH*&!"

I actually have a book called "When God Winks." Here is how I found this book: I went to a bookstore to get some R books and this one was misplaced in that session, kinda thrown over all the books. I started going through it and wondered if that was true... if God does winks. Then I said a prayer and closed my eyes and asked for a sign. I have this thing w/ the number 9. I see it everywhere before something good happens (I know, I am crazy), but when I openned my eyes this girl was standing right in front of me with her back turned to me. She was wearing a soccer shirt with a big 9 on it. So I had to buy the book.

What were your signs?

About the dream w/ OW. I had that dream when H came back home. I woke up so furious that I punched him Not a good move.

I think it's a process. It's like what some people experienced after September, 11. It's an after shock effect: you have nightmares about a trauma. Maybe you should read about post-traumatic disorder and learn how you can get out of this rut. You are traumatized, but, then again, it's really recent, so it would be abnormal if you weren't affected by it.
Posted By: bigAl Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/28/05 03:00 PM
Hey preggo. I have had those wake ups before. They suck and ruin your day. What signs have you had? It would be interesting to hear them. Hang in there girl, we are pulling for you.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/28/05 04:28 PM
Hey, guys. So good to hear from all of you. Thanks for posting, and making me feel, well, normal. .

Your encouragement is priceless. I've always been really good at putting myself in others' shoes. I'm trying like he!! to do that with my H, to figure out if he has any remorse, guilt, anything for what he's done. I know how it is, though, to "fall" for somebody while I love somebody else. I did that a lot when I was younger. And I know my thoughts weren't with my partner -- really, at all -- during that time. I felt no remorse. I felt entitled to do what made me happy. But the funny thing is, I would break up with my boyfriend, have my little fling with the other guy, and as soon as it was over, go right back to my boyfriend. That's something that tends to happen. I try to remember what my boyfriend did that always beckoned me back to him. He cried and begged and wrote letters, all to no avail. Then, he simply backed away, carried forward with his life. And I guess at the moment I saw him "moving on" -- he even started dating someone else -- I moved right back in. Sound familiar?? Granted, I ended up losing him for good that way, and it's something I'll always regret. He was my first true love.

Anyway, enough reminiscing, but it is a good lesson to ponder. Hurts right now, that I can't do much to make H "jealous," or to even show him I'm "moving on." And ya know what? I don't need to do those things. The only reason I'm contemplating all that is to make him jealous. And it's not because I want him back. I mean, that would be great in some ideal world, but I don't think I'd want him once I got him. Not after all he's done. So right now, it's the "thrill of the chase." It's the challenge. Awful, ain't it?

But my point is: I don't know how the WASs felt at Christmas. There's that part of my brain that says, "Of course they were thinking about us." But the more rational side -- the one that understands that human beings are not what I've always wanted to believe they are, but instead can become dark monsters in no time flat -- says, "Heh. Yeah, right. He wasn't thinking of you. He was thinking of J. That's who has his heart and his mind right now."

So I dunno.


So good to hear from you again. And here's a sign for you: I have that same book! My friend/spiritual mentor was in Barnes & Noble not too long ago, and had a similar experience as you. In other words, she was "led" to that book. It's very powerful. She called me from the bookstore, totally freakin' out! Of course, she bought me a copy. And I love it.

I often share my signs with her. It's been butterflies for so long now. They pop up at the strangest moments, but right when I need them. In fact, after about a year of having butterflies "lead" me to different things -- yes, I know it sounds weird, but I seriously broke award-winning news stories with the help of the ol' butterfly -- I was sitting on my back patio in August, and I had a conversation with God that went kinda like this: "Okay, God, I think I might be preggo. That's not the best news, considering for the past year I have lived off of coffee, water, cigarettes and beer. Very little food. I kinda need to know if I'm preggo, but none of the tests are coming out positive. Why don't you send me one of your cute little fluttery butterflies to let me know, since it would be too early for a test to pick it up?"

No butterflies. The next day, I left work to go pick up a few more preggo tests. Got home, put the key in my back door, and as pretty as you please, a beautiful butterfly landed in the branch of a tree that stretches to my back door. It sat there long enough for me to get my camera and take several pictures, then it floated away.

The preggo test came out negative. That was a Monday.

On Wednesday, I went to the doctor for a blood test, was seated in a room wherein pictures on the wall featured -- you guessed it -- butterflies. I've come to know that that room is the only one with butterflies. As I'm waiting on the results of some tests (that ended up coming back negative, too), I was looking out of a huge gazing window in the doctor's office, over a vast field, and would you guess that two butterflies danced their way toward me -- one literally tapped the window I was looking out -- and they both floated away??!!

I didn't need a test anymore. It was official. I was preggo. Sure enough, my blood work results came back a day later. I was 3/4 of a week to 2 weeks along.

And those butterflies have given me such a sense of peace ever since. It was like God, the Universe, Fate, whatever, was telling me that his/her/its hand was on this sitch from the beginning. When my H left, I rememebered the butterflies, and I felt more at peace, because I know a Higher Power is at work here. I have no choice but to believe that.

Hi! Sorry this post is so long. I smile everytime I hear from you. . To be honest, I didn't write down all the signs, so I know I'm going to forget some here, but here are the ones I remember:

Last Monday, I was sitting in the parking lot at work, talking on my cell. That's not weird. At just that time, though, H pulls up in the parking lot in the next block, where the DMV is located. That's weird. He pulled his car in, facing my work. I left. Here's why it's strange: Think of the timing. It's a Monday morning. We're both supposed to be working. What is the probability that I would be outside, on my cell phone, at the same time he pulls up at a business in the next block? My job is way across town from his, BTW. Okay, so that's not a really significant one.

Well Monday, someone rang my cell. It's a weird number I would have never recognized if I didn't know how to search it. So I did. It was a pretzel company that's about 30 miles away from my home. It was obviously a wrong number. Strange. However, H's brother and his partner live in PA, and have started three or four franchises of that same company up north. So I automatically thought of them, even though there was no way one of them would be calling me.

Then yesterday (the day after that phone call), I get a gift certificate from H's bro and partner to that pretzel company, and another one to Barnes & Noble. It's the first contact they had made since H left.

Sounds to me like maybe I need to go eat a pretzel.

Isn't that weird?? I don't believe in "coincidences" anymore -- I believe there's something much more behind them than just being a coincidence (have you ever watched the movie "What the Bleep..?") -- but I don't know what it all means. Between those coupla things that have happened recently, and seeing my H packing or unloading his car at home every time I drive by -- which hasn't happened until recently -- then the dreams and everything else, it just seems like Life is keeping H right in my face. And I don't know why. Seems to me *he* is the one who needs visual reminders.

Why does Fate/God/the Universe seem destined to keep him at the forefront of my mind? I can assure you that my eyes are *always* open to "signs," or "coincidences," what have you. So it's not like I'm just starting to notice. I wish it were that simple.

My midwife told me this morning, even after hearing the story of H, not to "close any doors permanently." What, if anything, is Life trying to say?? Argh.

Cynics need not respond.
Posted By: bigAl Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/28/05 06:13 PM
Well preggo, I am a cynic in everything in life except love. No sh^t. You answered you're own question...

My midwife told me this morning, even after hearing the story of H, not to "close any doors permanently." color]

I know you are hard-nosed woman. Hell, I like that about you, one of my weaknesses, but I think you should keep a little place in your heart sort of free of that and make sure it stays there. Let it be around if you need it. You may not, but what the heck? You may.

My sign awhile back was "The Count of Monte Cristo" which came up in numerous places in the course of a week. He took it on the chin, became a great and rich man, started to wreak his powerful revenge and came to a screeching hault when he finally faced the women he had loved and lost (and as BB pointed, he found he was actually in love with his slave girl. Which by the way, I can totally see. They're just so darn hard to find nowadays). But since I had started the signs by saying to someone "I can be just like the Count of Monte Cristo", I guess I'll take it that way.

Keep in touch.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/28/05 06:22 PM
Yep. I remember your signs, bigAl. I remember.

And I'm gonna try my damndest to keep a place in my heart open, but I'm trying to close it on H. He's making it easy. Do you know how humilating it is to have to undergo tests for freakin' STDs when you're married and pregnant? It's really quite humiliating. Had to do it today. That bastard. My midwife asked if I could call H and ask, in all seriousness, if OW had ever been exposed to Hepatitis B. I swallowed my pride and did it. He responded ever so matter-of-factly, saying, "I've already checked everything with her, and she told me she got tested for everything in October, so everything's fine."

I almost wanted to vomit. Why?

This same thing happened with XH, and I feel today exactly the way I felt then. That he and his GF were handling this sh!t together, and here I am -- out in left field all by myself. Nobody said life was fair, bigAl, but nobody said it had to be this f*cked up. I don't know when I'll have good things coming to me. I thought I had found my place when I met H. But I was wrong. And I'm afraid to trust myself again. That's why it's going to be very, very difficult to keep my heart -- even a little place inside of it -- open. But I'm trying like hell to do it. I really am. I just don't know how. And I don't want to go through this anymore. I'm just tired. Just plain tired.
Posted By: bigAl Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/28/05 06:31 PM
Oh preggo. That really sucks and you have the right to be pissed.

But I'm trying like hell to do it. I really am. I just don't know how. And I don't want to go through this anymore. I'm just tired. Just plain tired.

I'm going to help all I can. I have a single ingredient recipe for this sh^t which works wonders when you can choke it down - fun!. I know it seems like fun is a long way off, but it comes in a lot of forms. Now I have suggested ways for you to have it before, but apparently even you are not as big a nut case as I am, so I'll be more vague - the most fun you can have without getting drunk or laid (which as you have mentioned are not really options for you right now) MAY be to pretend like your drunk and flirt like your going to get laid. Just a suggestion. Oh, and you are little to good at this already, but an occasional f'ing with your husband's mind won't hurt either. I suggest this for entertainment purposes only and don't do it, but think about how fun it would be to call him back and say "FYI. I talked to the three sailors from last weekend and they say they're clean too although they weren't so sure about the marines that were banging OW."

Now, I really hope you are laughing.
Posted By: Becca1975 Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/28/05 06:41 PM
OMG BigAl! I'm laughing so frickin hard.

P&DB, so it sounds like to me he didn't even use protection with her? WHat's he gonna do when she gets pregnant too? Run off on her as well? Ugh.

You have guy friends, you can certainley give the appearance of having someone else! Contrary to your thinking, there are guys out there who would be ok with it, and I'm talking good guys, not just jerks who would sleep with just anyone. Invite a guy friend over and have him there late so H can see his car parked there.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/28/05 07:04 PM
You guys are too much, and I love you for it. These are the days that I'm happy to have joined the boards.

Yeah, Becca, there's no doubt in my mind that H has been with her unprotected, especially now. Maybe she's smart enough to be on birth control so she doesn't end up in the same boat as me. Ha. Obviously she's not that bright, though, so who knows?

I'm sure she's romanced by the "sacrifices" he's making for her. I mean, he's willing to give up his W, her two daughters and his own unborn son. Bastard. It's funny how OW and I will look at things from two totally opposite sides of the coin. She loves him for it. I hate him for it.

Thanks for checkin' in, guys. I'm going to my sister's and will be there until Sunday, but I'll check in.
Posted By: kml Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/29/05 06:07 AM

My midwife asked if I could call H and ask, in all seriousness, if OW had ever been exposed to Hepatitis B. I swallowed my pride and did it. He responded ever so matter-of-factly, saying, "I've already checked everything with her, and she told me she got tested for everything in October, so everything's fine."

Tell your H the midwife needs to see a copy of OW's lab results. I'd love for OW to have to go to her doctor and ask for a copy of her STD tests to be sent to her lover's pregnant wife's midwife!!! Plus, odds are fairly good that she never got tested for anything, certainly not Hepatitis B. Insist on it. AND an HIV test. Make them sweat a little.

Posted By: petiteflower Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/29/05 03:06 PM

So sorry that you had to call H and ask. I can only imagine how that felt for you. (((((hugs)))))

My H too had unprotected sex with OW. Since she's on BC and won't get pregnant, no big deal to him. Seems his only concern was not to father another child. When I asked him if I should be worried for my health and get tested for STD's, he just laughed at me and said no.

What, our H's expect us to trust that some woman who is so base that she is willing to have unprotected sex with a married man with children has not contracted a disease elsewhere through other bad choices?

I'm glad to hear you are surrounding yourself with family.
Give the tummy a rub for me... I'm thinking the best for you and your baby.

Posted By: Becca1975 Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/29/05 03:15 PM
Oh MAN, I LOVE Ellie's idea! SHe is one smart cookie! I'm bettin she only SAID she had the tests done, maybe didn't. Put her on the spot.
Posted By: AndreaV Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/29/05 03:37 PM

You know what? I think it's just fine if you can't find a place in your heart for your H right now! Eventually you may get to a point where you do have room for him, but you need to worry about YOU and the baby. Right now your H is doing his best to piss you off in every way. That makes it next to impossible to keep an opening of r him! Go dark and give him the idea that he may not ever have a chance with you - do like bigAl said and have *fun* like it's going out of style! I've done some bad vengeful things that I know aren't the "right" thing to do, but it has made me feel better. I did take his toothbrush to the toilet, so everytime he brushes his teeth I laugh and smile I know it's wrong, but is adultry right?!?

I love Ellie's idea too! You are in a position to ask for this, for the safety of your baby AND the added benefit of making them feel like crap! I think it's a great idea!!!

Right now you should do things that make you feel better. I wish you were in Ohio b/c I would get you some of our famous Graeter's Ice Cream It's so good even Jessica Simpson has it shipped to her! Have you had any ice cream cravings???

Have a good day, at least as good as possible!
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/29/05 05:12 PM
Ellie, PF, Becca and Andrea:

I love how supportive you guys are! Thanks to each of you. I actually checked with my sister, who's an RN, and she said my midwife wouldn't be able to get OW's medical records, but she could find out if anything is in her records that's "reportable," such as HIV and possible Hepatitis B -- if OW had ever been tested positive.

But you never know what I could do just to make them sweat. Then again, on days like today, I just feel like saying screw it. In 6 months from now, none of this will matter. I'll have my baby, I'll have the option of living the life H is now living, and I won't be in love with him anymore.

I know that sounds cold and vicious, and probably pretty egotistical, but it's true. It would be different if H was giving me any indication that he's remorseful or feels guilty about what he's doing. But not only is he not acting that way, he's practically rubbing his A in my face. It's a question that can't be answered, but: Why? Why does he feel the need to pi$$ me off? Why is he so emboldened to carry on this life, right in front of my face? I don't get it. But I don't get twisted people, I guess.

PF, I know exactly what you mean about the integrity of the OW. I thought the same thing. Okay, so she'll spread her legs for somebody else's H, but I'm supposed to believe she's a good, clean, little girl?? Whatever. H knows I'm not stupid. Right now, I think he's just taking advantage of my seemingly very vulnerable position. I don't have much confidence in myself right now. Not only did my H apparently leave me for another woman, but he did it when I'm pregnant!!! Oh well. Keep reminding me, guys: Only four more months. He's gonna have no idea what hit him.

P.S. Andrea, no ice cream cravings yet; just olives and the like (yak!) I actually found out yesterday that I lost 4 pounds in 4 weeks. Ugh. I've gained less than 2 pounds total, and I'm 21 weeks preggo. My midwife said she isn't worried, though.
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/29/05 05:31 PM

Why? Why does he feel the need to pi$$ me off? Why is he so emboldened to carry on this life, right in front of my face? I don't get it. But I don't get twisted people, I guess.

The million dollar question babe...went through the same thing in my sitch...Dave came right out and said I want you to feel the pain that you made me feel when you made me leave that night. So he always brought ow around in my face...blah blah...but I somehow found this inner strength in me that God knows where it came from...and I was able to just ignore it and let it go.

I surmized it up as he was in so much pain that it was easier for him to redirect his pain and anger at me than to face it himself. He could say ah ha...see if I can piss her off then I am justified in what I am doing...funny thing is that I never gave him just reason...and then he would just angier, both he and ow did because I wouldn't be a part to their games...Still to this day he comes crawling when he needs me because she can't be there for him...and then the rest of the time silence...oh well...it's part of the guilt and pain for him to deal with...I've worked through most of the stuff and the grieving process and am getting healthier every day...as are you from your threads...You're gonna be one helluva mother!!!
Posted By: kml Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/29/05 05:36 PM

I love how supportive you guys are! Thanks to each of you. I actually checked with my sister, who's an RN, and she said my midwife wouldn't be able to get OW's medical records, but she could find out if anything is in her records that's "reportable," such as HIV and possible Hepatitis B -- if OW had ever been tested positive.

Yes, but THEY don't have to know midwife doesn't have that legal right! Just tell H that midwife is asking YOU to get a copy of the test results. Make them sweat!!! Make her look bad to H because she won't give him a copy, or make her feel guilty as she copies her test results to give to you. DO IT.

As for the rest - WASs will often be totally angry and inappropriate with the LBS - because anger is guilt turned outward. If he were to acknowledge what he was doing right now, he'd have to see how crummy he is. So, he provokes you instead. Don't take the bait.

Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/29/05 05:38 PM

As for the rest - WASs will often be totally angry and inappropriate with the LBS - because anger is guilt turned outward. If he were to acknowledge what he was doing right now, he'd have to see how crummy he is. So, he provokes you instead. Don't take the bait.

Words of wisdom right there for all of us that have been put in that situation!!
Posted By: TryingtoSmile Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/29/05 05:44 PM

I've done some bad vengeful things that I know aren't the "right" thing to do, but it has made me feel better. I did take his toothbrush to the toilet, so everytime he brushes his teeth I laugh and smile I know it's wrong, but is adultry right?!?

I just spit soda out onto my computer screen.

Love it.

Hang in there PG. Your love and support can be here.

Posted By: Becca1975 Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/29/05 05:45 PM
Plus it will be an opportunity to find out if she even did them at all and him having to ask for them and explain why....priceless. I totally think you should do it. Heck, you could type up a fake formal looking request for test results or something, lol.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 12/29/05 09:35 PM
I'm feelin' the love, guys! Thanks to all of you.

SAS, I'm totally selfish in saying so, but I'm so glad to know that somebody else has gone through this. Of course, I wish nobody had to go through it, but thanks for sharing your wisdom now that you have.

I've taken the bait once, I think, and that was it. I'm still trying hard not to go into the darkness with him. The biggest part of me just wants him out of my life completely. If he's going to be this way, I'm much better off without him. It will all come in time, I suppose. I just wish he'd move or something. I wish he wasn't in my face all the freakin' time.

I'm going to mull over the test results issue and see if there's something brilliant I can come up with. You guys are soooo sneaky! I love it!

Thanks, again, to all of you for stopping by ... and especially for your words of encouragement. You have no idea how much that means. Your support puts sunshine in my otherwise dreary days.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/01/06 01:37 PM
Ahhh. I've always said that anticipation is far worse than reality. It's good to know that held true even last night.

I had been dreading New Year's for the longest time. It was one of our favorite holidays (H & me). Last year, we were in NYC. Being preggo this year, I couldn't drink myself into oblivion, so I knew I'd be sober and depressed. And I assumed in the meantime that H would be out having a great time, and worst of all: Kicking off the New Year, making dreams with someone else.

The moment got the best of me at around 7 p.m. last night. I was sad, though I wouldn't say the feelings overwhelmed me by any stretch of the imagination. And at midnight, I tried to make myself feel that way again, and I just couldn't. Very strange. I mean, I missed him. I was sad he wasn't beside me. But I didn't cry, because I didn't feel the need to. He was doing whatever he was doing, and there wasn't a darn thing I could do about it.

Today, I've tried to realize a few things. Yes, it would have been nice to have gotten a text msg from him, a call, something to wish me a Happy New Year. He knew I was dreading the holiday. He probably assumed I was very sad. But then again, who knows what he was thinking? I didn't text msg him or call him, either. Yet, I was sad and certainly thinking of him. It's possible that he thought of me, too, when the clock struck 12 ... even if he *was* with OW. And who knows whether he was or not? I've been out of town for the past four days and have absolutely no idea what he's been up to during that time.

My mind started drifting this morning, to thoughts like: "Hmmm, wonder if he didn't call me because he knew it would make me suspicious of him being OW? Wonder if he's just trying to hurt me?" But then I realized that it's truly not about me. He's probably not doing much of this to hurt me -- he's doing it all for himself -- though at times I do think a big part of him hopes I'm hurting. And I really don't understand why he feels that's necessary.

I guess something I realized last night is that while the last half of 2005 belongs to my H, in this game that our M has become, the last part of 2006 will belong to me. So he kissed OW last night, if he did? I'll be giving birth to his son this spring.

And I don't know what that means. A big part of me wonders if he's gonna try to come back home once my baby becomes "real" to him. He's the one who said (back in the good ol' days, when we were working things out) that he didn't want anything other than a complete family for his son. He's the one who said he couldn't imagine a life in which he had to pick up his son every other weekend. Of course, two weeks later he was saying, "F*ck that kid." I don't know how he's gonna react, and it really doesn't matter. But it's fun to speculate.

OW may have his attention now, and that's okay. I would argue that there's a pretty good chance that I'll have it in four months. Then again, maybe not. And that's okay, too. Because once I spit this precious baby out, my life begins...with or without H.
Posted By: caverna Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/01/06 02:03 PM

though at times I do think a big part of him hopes I'm hurting. And I really don't understand why he feels that's necessary.

I feel the same way.

once I spit this precious baby out, my life begins...with or without H.

Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/01/06 09:27 PM
Noticed something interesting when I got home from my sister's a while ago. My H had been in the house. I had actually set some things up to be able to tell if he had come in. But he didn't make any secret about it. He took a coffee table that I wasn't using, and he took his big speakers from the living room. He also apparently took a water hose from outside. His van is gone, too.

Now, it hurts my heart ... which I guess is expected. But the good news is that apparently he's moving and needing to outfit a place (hopefully other than roomie's house). When I drove past his house a little while ago, neither of H's cars are there.

That's hopefully good news, because that means H might have moved somewhere else. And that's been one of my big hangups: having to live across the street from him.

And I'm actually kinda glad I don't know where he's at now. I'm not going to try to find out, either. I can speculate all I want that he moved in with OW. And let's face it: That's prolly the most logical explanation.

But the good part is that I can wonder about it. I don't have to know right now. And maybe I won't have to deal with what my biggest fear had become: That OW would be moving in with H in the house across the street.

Wonder why, though, it still hurts? It's not as bad as when he moved the first time, obviously, and I don't believe I was addicted to the drama of him living across the street. But it almost feels final now for some reason. His leaving, that is.

I have absolutely no idea where my H, the father of my unborn child, is.

That's soooo freakin' weird! But it feels much better than knowing he's across the street.

Oh boy. What a way to kick off the New Year!
Posted By: hopefloats7 Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/01/06 10:20 PM

Sweetie, I have to tell you something. You are SO strong. I do not think I could be as strong as you are in your situation. Doing this pregnant, you deserve an award or something.

I hope your H. has moved off your street. That will relieve some of the stress and pressure you have been under. That's what you need.

And I loved your comment about how your life begins when you give birth. Good for you! Any names picked out? I'd love to hear them!

Posted By: caverna Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/01/06 11:11 PM
Have you seen the movie, "Le Divorce?"
Posted By: SweetRedd Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/01/06 11:36 PM
Hi PD&B,

Wow.. what a way to kick off the new year is right. Hope said it all in her post. You are SO strong. I'm sorry your H has hurt your heart the way he has. I can't imagine going through all of this pregnant. Just try to concentrate on all the love that new little boy will bring into your life. I hope a sense of peace will settle in without you H right under your nose. It's had to be nerve wracking wondering what he's going to do and who his new roommate will be.

It is weird.. I know that feeling. I didnt know where S19's natural father was most of the time. Strange to think someone could just go on living life and not wonder about their child isnt it? Still today, I wonder if he ever thinks about his son he hasnt seen in 18 years and find it strange. But hey, we get all the loving rewards because we understand the value of our children. You're a good person.. you deserve to be treated with love and respect. Hold your head up GF and look forward to the new little man that's coming in the spring!

Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 12:08 AM
Hey, HF and caverna! Thanks for checking in. This is actually one of the weakest days I've had in some time. Something just came over me a while ago, right after I wrote that post. I'll explain in a bit. caverna, I haven't watched that movie. What's it about? (But don't give away everything, just in case I can rent it or something.)

Okay, HF, this is somewhat in response to your comments, which I'm very grateful for, BTW:

My sister gave me a CD before I left her house today and told me to listen to a certain song. Here are the lyrics to it. It's called Stand Back Up, by a band called Sugarland. If I knew how to link to an mp3 or something, I would, but I'm purty computer illiterate:

Go ahead and take your best shot,
Let 'er rip, give it all you've got.
I'm laid out on the floor, but I've been here before.
I may stumble, I might fall.
I'm only human; aren't we all?
I might lose my way, but hear me when I say,
I will stand back up.
You'll know just the moment when I've have enough.
Sometimes I'm afraid, and I don't feel that tough,
But I'll stand back up.

I've been beaten up and bruised.
I've been kicked right off my shoes.
Been down on my knees,
More times than you'd believe.

When the darkness tries to get me,
There's a light that just won't let me,
It might take my pride, and my tears may fill my eyes,
But I'll stand back up.

I've weathered all these storms,
But I just turn them into wind, so I can fly.
What don't kill you makes you stronger.
When I take my last breath,
That's when I'll just give up.
So, go ahead to take your best shot,
Let 'er rip, give it all you've got,
You might win this round but you can't keep me down,
'Cause I'll stand back up.

Okay, so call me weak, but this song is playing a little while ago as I'm pulling up at an art sculpture in town that I designed and H built last year. I cried like a little baby. And I did the ultimate no-no. I dried my tears, cleared my throat and called H. Dammit. Why do we always *do* that???

Anyway, I told him I was sitting at the sculpture -- which he took me to just a couple weeks ago, on one of our "dates" -- and that I was thinking of him and as hard as I tried, I couldn't go a year without calling to wish him a Happy New Year.

He thanked me. He was actually quite nice, when he had anything to say at least. He told me about moving his stuff. I told him I had just been home and noticed the speakers were gone. He said he'd be back to clean out the garage later. He said, "I'm on (a highway toward OW's, where H and I had talked a couple weeks ago about moving together) right now. I've moved out. I'm on my own. I had to get out of (the town that *I* live in)."

I thought that was interesting, because it was *me* who told him a couple weeks ago that *I* had to move outta this town. And now *he* does? Right to the town that we talked about moving to together?? Ouch, ouch, ouch!!

Anyway, he said, "I had to get out of (my town)... for obvious reasons." I didn't probe. I told him I didn't blame him a bit, and that I was happy for him. Of course I was very hurt that he's *that* much closer to OW. But I didn't mention that I knew that. I didn't mention her at all ... that conversation.

H said, "When are you and L gonna send me a letter? I'm waiting for it! Bring it on!" I told him I didn't want to talk about it, and he said, "Okay." I said, "I was just calling you to wish you a Happy New Year."

We got cut off, so I called him back about 10 minutes later. And that's when I really broke. Gawd, I hate reading peoples' posts when they break down this way, so please don't think I'm some emotional freak. Okay, just kidding. Here's more:

He answered, and I asked if he was alone for a minute. He said yes. I told him that I hated how things had shaken down between the two of us since I caught him with OW. I assured him I wouldn't do anything psycho to try to win him back, but that my heart just wasn't quite ready to give up on "us." He said, "Oh, God," then later said, "I don't know why you wouldn't."

I told him that I missed the old H, and that I understood that maybe the old H was gone, but that it didn't mean we couldn't be cordial to one another. I told him it hurt that he was so angry and hateful, and that I don't hate him for leaving me for someone else. I told him it hurts, but it doesn't make me hate him. H responded, "Well, I don't know why it doesn't."

I told him that I had learned with ex-H that I could be friendly, regardless of who he's seeing. He said, "Well, I don't have any feelings for you, so maybe that's why I don't care about your feelings." I told him I understood why he says he can't care about my feelings right now -- and that might or might not change. However, I said, I don't understand how you can say you have no feelings for me when just a couple weeks ago we were both ready to work things out. He simply stated, "Yeah."

I told him that just because he apparently took his feelings of love for me and gave them to someone else, doesn't mean that he *can't* care for me at all. I said, "You can have feelings of love for OW, and still care about how I'm doing, or at least how your son is doing."

I also told him that his messages to me seemed kinda mixed, and that I wish he would break down the walls he's built around him so he could just be real with me. He responded, "I can't. I gotta go." He asked if I was still at the sculpture, and I told him I wasn't. He asked if the girls were with me, and I told him they're not.

I don't know why I called him. And I don't know what to do from here. Geez Louise. Are these my stinkin' pregnancy hormones kickin' in? Do I *really* want to try to salvage a R with this guy??? WTF am I thinking?? WTF am I doing?? I swear, my feelings change as often as I change my freakin' underwear (which, obviously, is very often!! ).

I read on someone's thread (maybe some NYs advice??) that it doesn't matter whether you give up or continue trying to save the M; the feelings will be there, regardless. Ugh. I *hate* that!! What a freakin' roller coaster!

I asked H, from an outsiders' view, if I was just intimidating or something -- if people just assumed that my feelings didn't get hurt because they know how strong I am. He said, "I don't know. I can't talk about this right now. I'm hungry."

He ended the conversation with: "I'll be seeing you around. I'll be by there to pick up some more of my stuff later."

Today's one of the days I feel like my heart's been ripped out and stomped on. I knew it was coming. I knew I couldn't be Superwoman much longer. I break like this every other month or so, and then I regret it. I just can't understand why my life has turned out this way, or what I can do to fix it. I know I don't *need* H. I know I don't *need* our R. But boy, do I miss it. And boy, do I miss (the old) him.

BTW, HF, yes. My son's name is Ollie. Thanks for asking!

And thanks to all of you for being there, especially on days like today.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 12:11 AM
Sheila, I just caught your post, and had to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I don't know where this road will lead me, but it's gotta be taking me somewhere.

At least I'll have Little Man to take care of me, right? He may actually restore some of my faith in the male species. I hope to raise him to never, ever think of doing this to someone. I just can't wait until he's here.

Again, thanks for stopping by, and for your words of encouragement.
Posted By: caverna Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 12:21 AM
Prego, don't feel bad for crashing. We all have moments like this. But, PLEASE, promise me that next time you feel like crashing in front of him you will come here to vent or call me (my e-mail is mari_parreiras@hotmail.com - send me your phone number and I will send mine).

You saw that crashing in front of him doesn't take you anywhere. He doesn't get more sensitive. This is actually too much for him to handle. Looking from the outside, your H is acting rather defensive. He knows he is being a jerk. He is running away. He doesn't want to show his feelings and deal with this heavy stuff.

My advice to you, whether you want him back or just the pleasure of him coming after you, please move on, or go dark (maybe it's the same thing?).

Le Divorce: a pregnant woman is left by her husband, who has OW. She has a piece of art that ends up becoming the center of the story. There is quite a few twists and turns, but prego in the movie ends up well and happy.
Posted By: spitfire23 Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 12:54 AM
Hi Prego,
Sorry you had such a bad day. It's alright to crash and burn just make sure you STAND BACK UP.

That is my song! I bought the CD a while back and it is awesome. I like every song on it. Many are very appropriate to all our sitches here. Take some time and listen to the whole CD.

Tomorrow will be better.

"Tired of these jokers, deal me up Kings"


Posted By: ka_zump Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 01:10 AM
Hey PDB,
Don't worry about calling him, but please learn from his responses NOT TO DO IT AGAIN for a very long time. I kept making those little tries with my H, and finally realized all that happened when I did, was that I gave him yet another opportunity to stomp on my heart, just for fun. Sounds like your H is acting like a jerk on purpose too, with some of the quotes you listed. Next time just call your sister and cry about it if you have to.

I hope the other 364 days of 2006 are much better for you!
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 01:36 AM
Hey, guys. Thanks so much. I've learned my lesson ... again. . It's so funny. I talked myself out of it for 30 minutes before I did it. Literally. I told myself it was the wrong thing to do. That I would hang up and feel like sh!t. I even asked myself what I was going to say to him. And I knew this time would be no different. This is the way it shakes out every single time. But something told me to do it. And I did. Unfortunately. But ya know what? Maybe it's what I needed to do. Like I said, I do this about every other month, then I pick myself up, dust myself off, and I'm ready for another month-or-so.

I guess I won't beat myself up too much. I'm happy that I still don't know where he is living. I'm really feeling better already. And I acutally *did* call my sis and had a long cry. We just got off the phone, actually. Of course she didn't help much. No one knows what to say because this is such a freakish event.

Everyone keeps telling me that I've got him by the balls legally. It's hard for them to understand that he's got me emotionally. And right now, I'd rather have an emotional advantage than a legal one, any day.

Keep me straight, guys. I'm gonna need it.

And ka_zump, it's really good to hear from you again! Thought I'd lost you over in Separated!
Posted By: Becca1975 Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 01:44 AM
As I read your post, I was eerily reminded of the things H said to me when we first seperated. Sounded very much the same. I don't know what that means but I have a hard time believing that someone who has been with you for that long has 0 feelings for you. He just may not see them right now. I guarantee he does. Only time will tell if he will pull his head out of his butt or shove it up a little further. I guess what I'm saying is don't believe what he is saying right now because even he doesn't know what he is saying.
Posted By: caverna Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 01:46 AM
I second Becca.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 01:54 AM
Hey, Becca! (and caverna!) Glad to hear from you again. I *know* you're right. These are the same things he said to me with the first bomb in September. I guess now it just seems more real, since he's gone ... and possibly living with OW.

You know what I think I realized? The reason for my sadness tonight isn't that I miss the drama of him living across the street -- God knows that's a blessing -- and it isn't really that this feels like the final nail in the coffin. It's that, for the first time since H left, I feel alone. I'm in this big house alone. Of course I have been since he left. But there was possibly a bit of security in knowing that my H was nearby. In case someone broke in. In case I needed something fixed. In case I go into labor. Granted, he wasn't always there. But I knew he would be sooner than later.

And now, I just feel alone. It all seems really *real* now -- that I'm gonna be preggo by myself, deliver this baby by myself, and raise my son by myself. Wow. That's a lot to digest, isn't it?
Posted By: SweetRedd Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 02:14 AM

I'd rather have an emotional advantage than a legal one, any day. Ain't it the truth?! You know what GF, at least we're feeling and it's genuine. I wish I could shed all those feelings too! Just when I think I have them wrapped up in logic and I'm feeling strong, they wiggle their way loose. I'm taking this as a good sign though.. that we can still love and feel even though we've been kicked around a bit.

So yeah, you caved a little today, and learned something, and maybe it helped you work through some of what you've been needing to get out and say. No need to beat yourself up for it. No one can remain a pillar of strength through all of this.. even us tough girls


Posted By: dontfret06 Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 02:20 AM
Hey P&DB,
Sorry to hear about your "Crash". I have had many of those. I guess when I would do it, I somehow thought maybe something that I would say would "click" and he would realize what an idiot he was being. And everytime, I would get kicked back down. But you know what, as much as I hated being kicked, I don't regret saying anything I have said to him, b/c at that time, I meant it. He is the one who will suffer without me and his kids. And everytime I would try and talk him back into reality is just another time he will have to remeber that he was stupid for not listening to me. Another thing is, everytime he kicked me down, I grew stronger b/c of it. Each time, I cried less, and it hurt less to hear "I have no feelings for you." I don't know if I will ever try again to give him some rope to change his mind, b/c the point I am now, is I'm done. I still want it to work, but there comes a point where a person has to have self respect.

There will be a day where your husband regrets what he has done. He may never tell you, but my guess is he will. He is obviously running away right now, but it is his loss. Just keep your head up, and don't feel bad or stupid for calling him. The way I see it is that it shows that you really love your H, and are willing to take a stand for your marriage, which is why you took the vows. Don't be ashamed of that. I always felt stupid about letting my guard down and calling, but I love him, and it's not crazy for people to want there marriage to work out.

Keep your head up, and rub that tummy!


PS My little girl is due in 5 weeks! I think she'll be here sooner though.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 07:36 PM
I'm baaack! . Sheila and dontfret, thanks for your responses last night. Sheila, I'm so glad you're around; I need to be reminded from time to time that even strong folks have moments of weakness.

dontfret, I'm so anxious to hear about how your life changes in, oh, about 5 weeks!

I'm feeling tons better today. Relieved is a good word. And I think I've figured out a couple things. I know this is going to sound weird, but I believe I have an emotional cycle which lasts about a month. By the end of the month, I'm emotionally drained. Why do I pick up the phone to call H? It seems to be a weakness. But is it? I dunno, but I'm beginning to think that maybe the reason I call him -- especially when I know he's gonna be rude -- it because I'm kinda depending on him to keep me at the top of my game. By month's end, I'm at the bottom of an emotional barrel. When he's such as a$$ when I call him, it kinda picks me back up and puts me back on top. He reminds me why it is that I don't want to salvage a R with him.

It's an interesting concept. Hopefully I'll last more than a month this time. I really do think it'll help that we're not neighbors anymore.

I'm also not beating myself up for calling H because I don't think it was really the wrong thing to do. Granted, if I was trying to save my M, it wouldn't have been the best decision. But at this point, I'm trying to "show" him that he and I can be friends, even while OW is in the picture. And why do I feel that's important? Because I'll be having his son in about 4 months, and I'd really like for my son to have at least a part-time father. And I would like to be able to get along with that man.

In reality, I'm trying to protect my H even though I should have learned by now that he doesn't want my protection, and I don't owe it to him. But there's something inside of me, nagging me to show him that he and I can co-parent this child, and be civil to one another, regardless of the circumstances leading to our separation.

But I had a wise friend point out to me that I've made that clear to H. I don't have to keep making it clear. So I'll try not to. I'll just be anxious to see how my mind and heart responds to H's moving. I'm praying it's gonna help. I'd love nothing more than not to see or talk to my H -- and not be sad about it -- for four months. I would *love* to be skinny again and lookin' smokin' the next time he lays eyes on me. Wouldn't that be fun??? Maybe that should be my goal, huh?
Posted By: bigAl Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 08:27 PM
Hey pregoo, excellent goal. Boost yourself up by starting topick out theoutfit that's gonna break his heart now,LOL. Glad to see you "up" again. On the next month's down time,I'll be turning 40 so we can commiserate together.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 09:03 PM
You got it, bigAl!

A little update. I had called H to let him know that I had plenty of extra towels, dishes, etc. in case he needed some initial help stocking up his new crib. I had to leave a voice mail, and that was about lunchtime.

He just called me back, which surprised me. He said, "Don't you remember our deal? You can have everything in the house. That was the agreement." He said he went out last night and bought all the "essentials." He laughed and said, "I got $18 pots at Wal-Mart. I'm good to go." I told him I had more than enough stuff here, if he thought of anything he needed. I also reminded him that the recent court order (the division of marital property) he filed on me would trump any arrangement that the two of us had made informally. He said he didn't want anything in the house, and stated (for the third time) that he had dropped that order. I told him that neither my L nor I had been notified that the action had been dropped, and we are planning to respond by Jan. 21 (60 days after the papers were served on me).

H wasn't happy. He said he called his L soon after I caught him with OW and told him he wanted to drop the order. H said, "I told him that I was gonna get f*cked now, so I don't need a lawyer anymore; I just want my money back." (He paid a purty hefty retainer fee to get divorced.) I told H that I didn't know what was going to happen, but that the sitch would come to a standstill if he dropped that order because I'm not initiating any legal action as long as I'm in this house. I told him that the only thing I would do is file for child support once the baby's born, and that I won't file for D because I don't want one, and I don't want that on my conscience.

He said, "I still want the D, and I still want the house situation resolved. How do I file for D?"

I swear, the boy is freakin' clueless. I told him, obviously, he'd have to have his L serve me with papers next September (one year after he left me). I told him that by then, I'd be ready to sign the D papers, and that I don't plan to fight him on it.

I said that I plan to stay put until the baby's born, and then I would be moving. Only then, I told him, would I serve him with papers re: spousal support. I reminded him that a lot could change from now 'til September. I'm not sure if I believe that myself.

It was a rather confusing conversation. Really weird to talk about those things. But at least it was civil. I finally got tired of giving him legal advice and asked if he was sure he didn't need anything more from the house. I told him I'd prolly be throwing away a lot of towels and things 'cause we have way too many. He said, "Well, if you're going to get rid of them, go 'head and put them in a box and put them in the garage. I can take them to use as rags."
Posted By: Becca1975 Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/02/06 09:08 PM
Dude, send me a few of those towels, ours are getting pretty sparse. You could always remind him that he did sleep with you when....beginning of December and that is when he could file...that would really make him and OW happy!
Posted By: ka_zump Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/03/06 10:00 PM
Have you saved any nasty emails from H? Next month you could re-read those instead of getting freshly hurt by new nastiness. I just read some of H's worst today, from discussions over our 2003 taxes. What an a$$hole he was over about $700. It toughened me up pretty quickly after some weakness over the holidays!

Don't give him any decent towels if he is just going to use them as rags. If there are too many, give them to charity, or an animal rescue org. or even use them as rags yourself.

I've been checking in on you regularly, just haven't had anything good to say!
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/04/06 12:53 AM
Hey, ka_zump. Don't worry about waiting for something nice to say before posting. After the sh!t H did, there's not much nice to say. . Thanks for stopping by. Unfortunately, H doesn't use e-mail. It's all been face-to-face visits when he's been his meanest. It's weird how the things he says -- even when I vividly remember them -- don't "stick" like the written word. It's too bad I don't have a nasty e-mail I could revisit.

So I've been doin' a little thinking the last coupla days. It helps that I've been feeling really strong. So, I thought maybe I could rely on my own written word to pull me outta the gutter next month.

I've been reading a lot about our essential emotional needs, and how a spouse may stray when one or more of those needs are not met by his or her spouse. But the OP is eventually able to meet even fewer of those emotional needs than the LBS. The WAS typically realizes that sometime after leaving, then often goes back to the LBS. It's all a pretty predictable pattern, though at times I feel my sitch is so much different, and so much more unpredictable, than everyone else's. We probably all feel that way at times.

So what emotional need was I not meeting that OW did? Methinks that's an easy one. My H is very much my opposite in that he relies on external approval for self-validation. If I didn't immediately praise him for his work, he would practically beg for my opinion. He *knew* it was a good piece of work. But he needed me to fall all over myself resassuring him. However, I am a firm believer in self-validation through our own feelings of self-worth ... maybe even to a fault. My job is one that generally causes a lot of strong feelings -- sometimes "for" me, but most times "against" me. I can't care what people think as long as I'm doing what I know in my heart is the right thing to do. If I'm happy with what I'm doing, I don't need someone else to approve of it. Just to provide an example: I won a coupla state awards last year for my coverage of a controversial issue where I live, and I just now hung them on my wall at work ... and only because they've been collecting dust at my house, and I'm finally trying to clean up around here.

But here's how it possibly impacted my R with H: The OW is an interior designer. My H is a fabricator, and focuses a lot on designing and building custom furniture. She had contacted him to build something for her for a room she was designing. What was interesting to me was to recall today how, on OW's first and only visit to my house, I was on the computer while H was greeting her. I had made a portfolio for him (of his work) to show OW when she was here. But as soon as she stepped foot in our door, H starts taking her on a tour of our house, skipping *all* the wonderful pieces he's built and instead showing her everything *I* designed and decorated. "Look at these lamps. P&DB made these!" "Hey, look at these candles! She made that! Can you believe it??!!" "Oh, and look at this! P&DB painted it. Isn't that awesome??" Only then did he show her his work. And boy, did she "Ooooo" and "Ahhhh" over his masterpieces. Rightfully so, of course.

I should've known then that she might be a weakness to H. He's one of these people who would ask me, "What did such-and-such think about the table I made? What did s/he say? Did s/he like it?" It wasn't enough for me to say, "Honey, they thought it was fantastic. But of course they would. You're awesome."

The downside of that is that I was often H's "feet" when his head was in the clouds. As soon as he was contracted to build one spiral staircase, he was ready to quit his full-time job to start his business. And he would literally argue that he could and should do it. I would remind him that if he didn't get a job after the staircase, we'd be homeless. I tried and tried to reach a compromise with him, and finally did -- one where he could work part-time at his "real" job, and I would continue to work to make up for what we were missing as a result.

But he always *hated* that I ended up being right. He's admitted that to me time and time again. He'd say, "I'm not mad at you. You're right. I'm mad at myself." But now, in his anger, he says that with sarcasm. "Ol' P&DB ... always has to be right!!"

So back to my basic question: What emotional need is OW meeting that I didn't, or couldn't? My H's need to feel like the center of the Universe. He needs, and is receiving from her, external approval, assurances that he's the greatest welder and person alive, and he can do anything he puts his mind to. OW makes him feel special ... because (and this is my opinion) she feels inferior to him. I truly now believe that H always felt inferior to me. He felt he was standing in my shadow. I was the "well-known" one in our R. Many of his most well-known and well-liked jobs were spawned by my connections with people. I was always in the "spotlight," and he felt he was "riding my back." I was the strong one, the smart one, the rational one, and yes, I "wore the pants." OW doesn't even live here, so she's not that well-known. And she's obviously kinda weak and desperate for attention -- even if it's from a married man with a child on the way. Like H, she obviously looks outside herself for approval (and is likely getting that from my H).

As a side note, that's one thing that really hurts: My H and I fell in love for some of the same kind of reasons. We made a good team, and we admired one anothers' work. Our love was built out of admiration and respect.

I believe that one day he'll remember that. One day H will grow tired of his "June Cleaver fixation" -- which I would argue he already has, since he came back home to Momma for that brief while. One day, I think he'll realize that while OW might be really good at praising him and making him feel special through her admiration of him, that I too admired him ... but I also kept him grounded. And I did that because I loved him and wanted us to have a good, stable life together. Then again, he might always remember that as me being "nagging" and "controlling." (But I don't really care because I don't depend on his approval -- Just kiddin'.)

Maybe one day H will realize all his emotional needs that I *did* meet rather than focusing on the couple I didn't. He didn't leave me for lack of physical touch. He didn't leave me because I cramped his style or didn't leave breathing room in our R. He certainly didn't leave me because I held him back from pursuing what he likes to do ... though maybe I didn't "allow" him to pursue those things as hard as he wished he could.

Yes, I was demanding. Yes, I had very high expectations for him. Yes, he took care of a lot of my dirty work while I worked my a$$ off in my job that didn't do much to pay our bills. Yes, he sacrificed a lot to be my H and the father of my children. Yes, I prolly could've done a little more and expected a little less.

But while I may have done some things wrong, I did nothing that justifies him leaving me at all ... much less for OW. And this may sound really egotistical, but I also realized today that H is gonna have a very hard time finding someone who compliments him the way I did. Or at least in so many "essential" ways.

It's all true what people say about spouses leaving to test the grass on the other side. And my sitch is really no different. Maybe it is, after all, just as predictable as everyone else's. I'm not sure how long it'll take, but one day H's eyes will open to the fact that he left a very good thing when he left me and our M. I worked really hard at creating a good R with him. I cooked hot meals for him nearly every night. I made a comfortable and clean home for him. I would show affection to him in public, though he knows I despise public displays of affection. I would put my best foot forward to change my bad moods for him, assuring him that they weren't his fault. I made sure the kids were away at least one night a weekend so he and I could spend time together. I took beers to him in the garage (and that alone should be enough for a man, right?? ) I followed him on his mountain biking trips, even though he admitted he'd never be a spectator at one 'cause they're so boring, and I turned them into a mutually rewarding event by taking my camera for pictures of H. I would kiss him goodbye and tell him to have fun at the concerts he and his buddies wanted to go to. And I would ML to him when he got home.

So what that I didn't dress up and meet him at the door everyday in plastic wrap?? So what that I didn't wear make-up everyday to look purty for him? And so what that I thought he should learn to trust his own instincts, and learn to validate himself, rather than depending on the opinions of other people??

Screw him! I was a good damn wife! I'm not the one who should be sitting at home crying right now. 'Cause you know what? I'll be a good wife again someday. And maybe this time to somebody who will appreciate what I have to offer.

Okay, somebody remind me of all this when I hit bottom again. Hey, the way I look at it: If I embrace the pain on the bad days, I can likewise embrace my strength on the good days. There'll be plenty more painful ones to come.

Here's to me!
Posted By: Burgbud Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/04/06 01:05 AM
'Cause you know what? I'll be a good wife again someday. And maybe this time to somebody who will appreciate what I have to offer.

If I embrace the pain on the bad days, I can likewise embrace my strength on the good days.

Nice work. And not just the part I quoted.

Very nice.

Posted By: caverna Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/04/06 02:08 AM
WOW, prego!!! What an insight!!!
It hit home here. My H used to feel inferior too. It was one of the main reasons when he first dropped the bomb: "I am tired of the feeling that someone has so much power over me!" And you know what? I did have. That was the whole problem. He would roll over and play dead if I asked him to and threatened to leave. Reading your stitch made a few things more clear to me.
H was also a sucker for compliments (which I rarely gave him). OW is also inferior to him.

Thank YOU for YOUR insights!!!

(I want to remind you that you can call me at any time if you are having one of those bad days. I also want to remind you that I have always admired your strength through this!)
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/04/06 01:24 PM
Nice of you to stop by, BB.

Ahh, caverna. You're welcome. I didn't think all my rambling would strike a chord with anyone. I'm glad it made sense to you. Yep, you sound kinda like me. Our Hs, at one time, were kinda wrapped around our fingers. I never meant to take advantage of that. I believe I may have gotten to a point where I did, then something happened, and I opened my eyes to the reality that I could lose the guy I love. And he's a very good guy, despite what he's doing to me right now. I had a lot of power over him, and perhaps I could've been a little more gentle with it. It's weird that whenever that certain something happened -- when I realized I could lose my H -- was when I started relinquishing my "power." I started being more loving, more affectionate, blah, blah, blah. And two months later, he left me.

Makes you wonder.
Posted By: lmdi99 Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/04/06 02:47 PM
Our Hs, at one time, were kinda wrapped around our fingers. I never meant to take advantage of that. I believe I may have gotten to a point where I did, then something happened, and I opened my eyes to the reality that I could lose the guy I love

I gotta jump in here PandDBing...this is exactly the same thing I did with my H. I always felt like I had the control in my M...that my H would NEVER leave me b/c he loved me too much. I took that for granted. I took advantage of him. And every time my H would say to me, "look, i am having a hard time now...you need to let me in, be more affectionate, etc." - that was when I would "step up to the plate" as my H likes to say. It was always when my back was up against the wall that i decided to change and become more loving and affectionate. Thing is, my changes never lasted...after a while, i would go back to how i had been. After 10 years of that, i guess my H doesn't believe it will last this time. And, i can't really blame him. He actually admitted that the year before i moved out, when he started to pull away from me, he was doing it purposely b/c he was finally getting a response from me. Interesting. Thing is, now that i really do feel capable of giving him all the things he needed, i don't think i will get the chance. I guess i can use what i have learned in my next R, if there is one. I'll tell you, this whole experience is enough to make me swear off love for the rest of my life. But, i know i'll be a sucker again. I just hope i don't make the same mistakes.

Sorry to have hijacked there...just couldn't miss commenting on the similarities...glad i'm not the only one who feels that way.

And, i have to say, that i really do admire your strength. I don't know how i would do this if i was pregnant...let alone if i had caught my H with his OW (well, i kind of have, just not with "his pants down"). Your last post was really inspiring. I don't even think anything i could say would really do it justice. Just know that people here respect you for your strength. I appreciate the feedback you have given me. Thank you.
Posted By: caverna Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/04/06 03:01 PM
I think we are finding a pattern here. Maybe our Hs are men "who love too much?" And than can't handle it?
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/04/06 08:48 PM
Hey, Imdi and caverna. Interesting similarites, eh?

(caverna) Maybe our Hs are men "who love too much?" And than can't handle it?

I dunno. I wish I could figure out the problem. It almost seems in my sitch that when I started being more "domestic" -- in other words, when the tables were turned and *I* started being the one who went out of my way to show him I loved him -- that's when he stopped respecting me. Maybe not, though. I don't know enough about how he was feeling leading up to him leaving to really be able to say definitively. It could be just as possible that he had grown tired of my "hardcore" independence throughout the few years we were together. And he finally snapped.

Journaling again...
I've had another good, strong day today. I don't know if it's because I called him the other night, or because I don't know where he's living, or because the holidays are over, or just because some days are up and some are down. But I'm not gonna worry too much about it. I'm liking the "up" time a little too much to drag myself down now.

I had my first visit with a C today. It's been planned since before H and I had started reconciling, or whatever those 3 weeks were. It was interesting. Got the comment, even from the C, that I'm so used to hearing: "Wow. You're really together considering the circumstances. You're really strong." She actually felt better when she saw some tears. She smiled and said, "There's the emotion I was looking for."

I caught her up to speed on things that have gone down. She didn't have much time left to talk, and I only scratched the surface in the hour I was there. She said I definitely needed to come back so that I just had an "outlet" where I could lose my strength for a while.

I dunno. I'm gonna keep going, but what I really want to do is try to get into the minds of WASs. I already know what's in *my* mind. I already know what *I* have to do to move on with my life -- and find whatever peace and happiness I can muster in it. I want to know about the dynamics of Rs. But a C isn't really going to focus on an absent person. She wants to focus on me. Sigh. I'll see where it leads, I guess.

Interesting happening while I was there, though. I believe that God works in mysterious ways. A MF of mine -- who's married with 3 children -- stopped by my house at lunchtime to drop off a bunch of baby things that he and his W are finished using. This friend is *very* talkative. He doesn't meet a stranger. I think my H has met him once.

Anyway, H was apparently here in the driveway when MF stops by. MF calls me and says, "He was working on a car or something, and you know me. I struck up a conversation with him about the stuff I brought by. I was showing him the little jumpy chair thing and said, 'Hey man. You'll love this thing. Just stick Little Man in it and he'll jump away. You're gonna love it.'"

MF said my H said, "Hey, thanks. I really appreciate it."

SuperDad really appreciates it. Ain't that sweet? Why can't he just say, "Hey, P&DB will be raising our son by herself, and I'm sure she'll appreciate it"? Of course I'm being sarcastic. But isn't it interesting how he still seems to be pretending that we're a happy little family? That he really cares at all about this baby?

Okay, change focus ...

I just read some posts a little while ago about anger, and how it shows that feelings are actually still there when a WAS uses anger. Hmmm. That's a hard concept to buy. But it reminds me of what H's friend told me soon after H left: "Hatred is not the opposite of love; apathy is." And it also reminds me of Ellie saying, "Anger is guilt turned outward."

The hardcore me, who says everything's over, wants to believe (as I posted yesterday) that this stuff doesn't apply to my sitch. That my sitch is different.

But maybe everybody's right. And that makes the more compassionate me think that maybe I'm being too quick to decide what I want in -- or out of -- my life forever.

Maybe H will come around after all -- maybe even sooner than later -- and at the least he'll take an active role in the baby's life. Maybe. I can't bank on that, which is why I have to move on just like we're not getting back together. And that means continuing with the legal process, which worries me a little. I fear that by protecting myself, I'll be pushing H totally away. But then that other part of me knows that *he* did this to me. He put me in this sitch. I have no choice but to protect myself. I have two weeks before my L and I are required to submit an answer to H's November complaint. We're answering with a lawsuit. We'll also be sending OW a letter. I haven't waffled at all about wanting to fight, primarily because (as I already said), I wasn't really left with a choice. I have to make my decisions based on being alone, raising three kids by myself. Not protecting myself is not an option.

Judging by what you've read in my posts, do you guys think that my H is just the classic WAS, like everyone else's? That right now he's just in an anger stage that's gonna pass? That maybe deep down he really does feel guilty and thinks he screwed everything up?

I guess I don't see it because the solution seems so easy to me ... and apparently he hasn't even entertained it. But before anyone goes and says, "Well, *your* solution is one thing. But he doesn't want to be with you right now, so his solution might be something different," keep in mind that H *did* come back around for those few weeks. It wasn't until I caught him with OW that everything went back downhill.

I guess I'm just looking for reassurance that I should keep a door open for H. Not *the* door; just *a* door. I mean, I guess I have to because of the baby. But he's really hurt my feelings in the way he's handled the baby, too. In saying "f*ck that kid." Can you guys tell how badly that bothered me? Do you think he really meant it? Do you think he'll want to have anything to do with the baby once he's born? I know you guys can only speculate, but I'm just probing a little...

Anyway, I guess there's also that little spiteful part of me that would like to have a choice, too, by the end of this game. That's what drives me crazy right now. Whether my M will or will not work is not my choice. Whether my H comes home or not is not up to me. I would really just like to have a choice. But isn't that what everybody wants?

Okay, enough introspective rambling. Sheesh. One visit to the C and you'd think I'm in la-la land.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/04/06 09:24 PM
...and here's another question while you're at it. I know this has been addressed in other sitches a million times. But I think I need it addressed in mine (again, maybe just to prove to myself that mine is really no different than anyone else's):

My H insists -- as everyone else's does -- that he has no feelings for me. But if that's so, why does he have to be so hateful? It seems that he thinks that being mean will prove to me that he has no feelings left. Why can't we be friendly to one another? Why can't he take an interest in the baby? Why does he have to be angry at the baby, too?

It seems to me that if he has no feelings left, he wouldn't mind helping me out a little bit around the house, calling to see how I am, going to prenatal appointments with me, etc. What's he so afraid of?
Posted By: ka_zump Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 01:02 AM
Stop trying to figure it all out.
It will never happen.
I know one WAH who has returned. He says "I don't know, I was just out of control".

Just watch, take note of things, but don't try to figure out what H might mean by them, or why he did them. It's a sure way to drive yourself insane while H blissfully floats through la la land, not thinking about what's happening or why.

I'm not sure I'd be so eager to have the "f*ck that kid" guy in my child's life. As great with S as my H is, sometimes I wish he was out of the picture so I could avoid the hassles of scheduling, and to spare S some of his feelings. I guess it's good to try, though. I don't think you should push it (because of course that would mean you are controlling in his eyes). I think you should just see how much interest he has on his own.

P.S. when I said I had nothing good to say I didn't mean I didn't have anything nice to say, just that I didn't really have anything to contribute.
Posted By: Becca1975 Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 02:47 AM
Because the opposite of LOVE is INDIFFERENCE is the correct answer. Something about love and hate only being slightly different.

I think kazump is right on one thing, you can't figure him out right now and you can't change how he thinks he feels. All you can do is wait and he either will or won't come to his senses.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 08:34 AM
Hey, Becca and ka_zump! I'm certainly not trying to "figure H out" to change him. I'm simply doing what I believe many others on the boards are doing: Speculating. Probing. Wondering. Sure, it drives us crazy, but we think about it anyway, right? I'm either thinking about it alone, or sharing my thoughts with folks on the boards to try to get real feedback on some real issues in my life.

Thanks for stopping by to add your .02, though.
Posted By: NYsurvivor Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 03:17 PM
I'm simply doing what I believe many others on the boards are doing: Speculating. Probing. Wondering.

Yes, however, speculating and assuming and mind reading and all that jazz is what people not on this board do too, and those of us here need to attempt to overcome those tendencies because they don't work and only serve up misery. Much like doing therapy. There are sites I've frequented where people are left to their own devices, and there are folks on there posting for *years* still stuck in ranting and resentment and vengeful thoughts and misery, encouraged to stay stuck by others still stuck themselves (misery loves company, I guess), all the while their WASs have long departed and moved on. I was on one of those boards and flooded with PMs almost every time I posted, indicating to me that people seriously need to know the ways out of their pain, but there was so much anger and antagonism on that board that I couldn't stay there, it wasn't helpful to me. Let's do better than them. Because we can.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 04:40 PM
Thanks, NYS. Hope you're doing well.

those of us here need to attempt to overcome those tendencies because they don't work and only serve up misery

Good. We have a problem. What's the solution? Step feeling? Stop thinking? Stop wondering? Or are you suggesting that when we're thinking and feeling, that we just keep that to ourselves because that's the healthy thing to do?

I guess everybody handles these sitches differently; I feel good that I'm at the place that I am only four months into my sitch -- and four months from delivering the child of the man who left me. And I didn't get here by not thinking. I don't think it hurts to feel and wonder -- and it shouldn't hurt to acknowledge when I am doing so.

Saw that you wrote this on someone else's thread. And it made sense to me. Seems this is what I'm trying to do:

My thinking, to put it in quasi-military terms, is that you have to see things from the "enemy's" viewpoint. You have to think like they do, isn't that right?
Posted By: NYsurvivor Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 05:09 PM
Good. We have a problem. What's the solution? Step feeling? Stop thinking? Stop wondering? Or are you suggesting that when we're thinking and feeling, that we just keep that to ourselves because that's the healthy thing to do?

To stop thinking via processes that deliver hurt. "Assumptions" and speculation", for instance, are based on what? They're guesses, conjecture, based on interpretation, which means they're filtered through a bias. Then dwelling on those assumptions creates further assumptions, but meanwhile delivering misery. Only to find out later that, sigh of relief, it wasn't what you thought in the first place.

Instead, change the way one is dealing with these thoughts to a more practical, beneficial, healthier mode. You'll find that feelings follow thoughts, and if the processes in the thinking involved are healthier, so will the feelings be too.

In fact, your statement reflects "all or nothing" thinking, which is another distortive reasoning process, though right now your perception of your statement is that of honestly asking a question, which you are, but which is processed through that type of reasoning nonetheless. I'm not being critical of you by writing this, I'm addressing the process used instead. Your statement gives the option to "not making assumptions or speculating" as leaving only "What then? Stop thinking completely", when it's not one or the other.

There's a book called "Feeling Good" that delves into this topic in detail which I'd recommend to anyone.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 05:20 PM
Hey, NYS. I guess that's making better sense. In other words -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- instead of "stop thinking," you're saying to "stop thinking the way you are"? Call me a literal interpreter, I guess. I don't mind being told I have a problem, but I'd also like to be given possible solutions. A book referral is a great way to do that, so thanks.
Posted By: NYsurvivor Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 05:44 PM
In other words -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- instead of "stop thinking," you're saying to "stop thinking the way you are"?

Yep, partly.

Nothing changes in reality, to let go of the way we innately tend to think makes some feel as if their denying the facts. That's not the case, we're just handling the facts in a more realistic sense.

I'll give another example to illustrate that. When LBSs think thoughts like, "I'm alone, and I dread I'll be alone the rest of my life!", that's a common enough thought, no? Yet, the reality is, one will probably NOT be alone the entire rest of their lives, unless they're a hermit or are extremely repugnant. The reality is also that these very same people have had others fall in love with them in their lives, and no doubt, they can attract people and have yet others fall in love with them. Why would that ability fall off the face of the earth all of a sudden? And to take that perception of being "alone" now and project it to be constant to the very end of our lives, is a long, long time for anything in this world to remain constant. The only constant in this world is that things change. And that type of thinking doesn't factor in unforeseen circumstances nor one's own involvement in making things happen in their life, instead it's a rather resigning type thought. What else is wrong with that thought? That it hinges on feeling alone because one certain person out of the world is no longer in a relationship with us? That didn't bother us before we met them. That no one who's been left behind in the history of mankind has ever found love again?

Yet that thinking has a powerful pull to it, because it involves the emotions. Fear, for example, is involved with that reasoning, and fear is a powerful motivator.

But what's happening instead is that nothing's changed in real life, but their perception has... because of the trauma they experienced bringing on a depression of sorts that brings with it that kind of negative reasoning.

Likewise, changing that reasoning to something more realistic helps release us from this depression and also makes life more workable for us because we then are dealing with things the way they really are, rather than filtered through sabotaging depressive distortions.

Call me a literal interpreter

OK. You're a "literal interpreter".
Posted By: Bonkers Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 05:48 PM
NY . . . you made me smile again . . . third time at least!
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 08:03 PM
...well on a brighter note, I ate a salad for lunch today.
Posted By: Becca1975 Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 08:35 PM
I ate a quarter pounder with nasty stale oil flavored fries and a root beer. You suck.
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 08:54 PM

I ate a quarter pounder with nasty stale oil flavored fries and a root beer. You suck.

I like the BigMacs, personally...I had trail mix and yogurt...now that is pathetic...but can't seem to hold much down the past 24hours...so don't want to go wasting a good meal.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 08:55 PM
Heh. Thanks, Becca! I was actually heading to Wendy's, then decided to make a healthier choice. Today. But possibly only for today. You're funny!
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 08:56 PM
Sassy, have a stomach bug or somethin'? I *hate* that! No, don't waste a good meal. Yogurt was good for you today.
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 08:59 PM

Sassy, have a stomach bug or somethin'? I *hate* that! No, don't waste a good meal. Yogurt was good for you today.

You and me both honey...no fun at all...not sure...been praying to the porcelin God for about 24hours and up all night, today have had the chills all day (got the heater on in the store and it's in the freaking 60s here)...apparantly there was a stomach bug going around while I was out of town and now it appears I may have picked it up.

Yes love yogurt...especially the Yoplait Whips Chocolate Raspberry...can I say pure S*X!!

Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 09:05 PM
Get feeling better. The porcelain god needs a rest!
Posted By: Becca1975 Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/05/06 09:35 PM
I was headed there for the fruit and yogurt parfait....before I remembered that I'm lactose intolerant. Just discovered that a few months ago and keep forgetting. I can't drink milk or eat yogurt...it sucks!
Posted By: ka_zump Re: Not for the faint of heart - 01/06/06 12:55 AM
I skipped lunch because at work I ate some homemade chex mix, then it was someone's birthday and I had a cookie and a piece of cake. I made up for it a tiny bit by having an orange juice in the afternoon. I had a healthy dinner, though!

On thinking....by all means do it and write about it on your thread! Just try to do it from the somewhat detached point of view of being a spectator to a very strange event. Wonder why, toss around theories, find humor in the outrageous things H does, but in the end realize you are just guessing and the answer is not that important to the overall story. Believe me, I still struggle with all the "why" questions all the time and it's been 2.5 years for me! I still don't understand what happened. But, most days I'm okay with that. I've wasted a lot of time and misery agonizing over my sitch, and I was hoping to get you to "let go" a little sooner than I did (if I in fact have yet).
Posted By: caverna I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 02:32 AM
Prego, I am reading a book you should read: "surviving infidelity" by Rona Subotnik & Gloria Harris

Here is a passage I had to quote (page 36):

"It is not unusual for therapists to see cases of fathers having affairs at the time a child is born. This is hard for many people to understand. The birth of a child is a positive event, one that people believe should bring happiness, and so they are surprised to find it precipitates an estrangement. In reality, the unfaithful spouse is acting out on the anxiety that comes with new expectations and responsibility. This is a stressfull time, with many things happening.

[...] They are required to grow up. This can be frightening to someone who feels he is not up to the challenge. For some fathers the anxiety is so acute that they cope by having sex with someone else."
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 03:18 AM
Holy cow, caverna ! Thanks so much for sharing. You know, many people -- including my C, I believe -- have said they've seen this same sort of thing happen time and time again. The H's are freaked out about the responsibility of the baby, feel cornered and just panic. Then, when the baby's born, they realize it's easier to handle than they thought, and they "snap" back into it.

This baby is my H's first, and he really didn't want it. Though he did send a lot of mixed messages to me. When I first started thinking I was preggo, I asked if he was gonna be mad -- 'cause he knew I kinda wanted another one, and I knew he kinda didn't -- and he said, "No, I wouldn't be mad at all. I'd actually be kinda happy about it." Of course, he was drunk that night, too.

My H had been mentioning over the past two years how old he was feeling. He's very active in extreme sports, and it really bummed him that he couldn't do what he used to -- or at least he didn't feel quite like he used to after he was finished. His knees started aching, and he bitched about it non-stop. On his past two birthdays, he was in a horrible mood, and refused to let us celebrate. I thought he was kinda joking about it, but maybe he wasn't...

And when we talked about having a baby, and especially once we found out we were having one, he really started freaking about the financial responsibility. I didn't even know how bad it was until after he left, and my girls came to me and said, "Mom, maybe he's just scared. He was telling us the other day that we were going to be poor, and he didn't know how we would afford the new baby." Which is hogwash. We live comfortably. But I think it was terrifying for him....so he dumped it all in my lap. Very classy.

Again, thanks so much for the book reference. I have it on top of my list for my next trip to the library.

Hey, ka_zump ! I'm glad you came back by. I love how you put this:

Wonder why, toss around theories, find humor in the outrageous things H does, but in the end realize you are just guessing and the answer is not that important to the overall story.

It's a deal! Sometimes, because I handle things with such "strength" (that's at least how most folks perceive it), when I start to question things, it seems like I'm being weak or backsliding or freaking out. I can certainly understand how anybody could reach that conclusion. But the fact of the matter is that I find it fun to speculate, even though it does me absolutely no good. I love tactic and strategy. I love trying to figure out people and their behaviors and their motives. I really think that has helped me in the longrun -- or at least I think it has helped get me to the point that I can be strong while my life is really kinda crumbling to my feet.

But I also don't mind having my feet held to the fire at times, so please feel free to do that!

I've wasted a lot of time and misery agonizing over my sitch, and I was hoping to get you to "let go" a little sooner than I did (if I in fact have yet).

Ugh. I'm sorry to hear that for you -- and for me. I want so badly to be "done." I want to feel differently ... yesterday. But the feelings ain't over 'til they're over, are they? If there was only some magic pill ...

Well, in my case, there might be. It's called childbirth.

Again, thanks so much. You've been a good help to me -- and have stuck with me -- through the ups and downs of this sitch. I really value your input.

On a different note, I went outside tonight after dinner. It was dark, and the garage was all lit up. I freaked a little. H moved somewhere -- still don't know where. He didn't call to let me know he would be here. I walked close to the garage and called his name. He responded. I told him he scared the sh!t outta me. He asked why, and of course I told him that I didn't know he was gonna be here. Geez. He's no flippin' rocket scientist now is he?

Anyway, I told him that I had meant to call him at lunch to tell him there were some of his favorite leftovers in the fridge -- just in case he didn't want to spend money by going out to lunch. He was nice and said, "Okay, thanks."

A couple hours later, I was on the phone with a friend and heard H pull off.

And that was that. I really am kinda laughing about this, because it's beginning to get a little funny. I mean, even a semi-friend would let you know they're here, and would likely let you know when they're leaving. He just avoids the hell outta me! I wish you guys were closer so I could ask if I stink or somethin'!
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 03:28 AM
Becca, I didn't mean to leave you out. Sheesh. Lactose intolerant. That really *has* to suck! How did you just find out? Have an allergic reaction or somethin'?
Posted By: caverna Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 03:54 AM

and would likely let you know when they're leaving

That's my H's expertise. He is really good at it.
He stopped doing the rude comes and goes when I stopped caring. I think he figured he wasn't getting any response from me (I used to call him and ask - crying - whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??? why do you do thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? LOL) I guess once I started not responding, it ended all the fun for him.

Your H is DYING for your attention, negative or not. He is feeling so scared and quilty that his defense is an attack, even if it is a passive-aggressive one.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 12:04 PM
LMAO, caverna! I love the calls you placed to H!

Ya know, it's really weird: I haven't done the begging, pleading thing. At first, I kinda tried to corner my H to find out what the he!! was going through his head. But I never begged him to come home or anything. I guess since I'd been through this before, I just knew better. But sometimes I wonder if it gave me a disadvantage. GAL, 180s et al are so much more obvious if you've done the begging, pleading thing. My H prolly looks at me and just thinks, "Meh, didn't phase her too much. She'll be alright."

Oh well. I do things the simple way, I guess, and that's why I don't understand what he's doing. If I want attention, I ask for it ... or just make sure I get it, ya know? None of this passive-aggressive stuff, though.

But thanks for pointing that out. I've never quite thought of things that way. And I think I might scoot by the library today to see if I can find that book!
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 12:14 PM

Ya know, it's really weird: I haven't done the begging, pleading thing. At first, I kinda tried to corner my H to find out what the he!! was going through his head. But I never begged him to come home or anything. I guess since I'd been through this before, I just knew better. But sometimes I wonder if it gave me a disadvantage. GAL, 180s et al are so much more obvious if you've done the begging, pleading thing. My H prolly looks at me and just thinks, "Meh, didn't phase her too much. She'll be alright."

I'll do a ME TOO here...I also didn't beg/plead Wanker. My attitude and what I always told him was that if he didn't want to be with me, then I would respect that and let him go. I didn't want to go through the same BS that I did with my exH. It was about 4mos before I did the okay...I am hurting blah blah blah and his response, Why now? Why are you saying all this NOW? Who knows if it would have made a difference if I had said it in the beginning...he was playing games and out to hurt me, I simply let him know that I was tired of playing HIS game and he had won...and yes I did hurt.

That conversation led to one month of complete darkness on both of us and then led to our day together...but truly I don't think it made a difference one way or the other...it was all too late.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 12:53 PM
Wow, Sassy. Thanks for sharing! That actually makes me feel better. Soon after my H left, I went dark for about three weeks, then "ventured out" by asking him to change my oil. That was right before Thanksgiving. Then I called him one night and asked if we could take the gloves off and talk for a minute. He had just served court papers on me to get me to move outta the house. I had a nice, long validating conversation with him. That's when I told him that what he was doing was hurting me, that I knew he must be hurting too to be able to serve papers on me, and that I was sorry for the pain he was feeling -- or something along those lines. (That was per the advice of, like, one of the wisest DBers I know.) And it worked like a charm!! I just knew it wouldn't 'cause H was spewing venom at me from the time he left until I went dark. The whole "I hate you," "It makes me sick that I'm gonna be sharing a child with you," "You're the biggest f--kin' bitch I've ever met," etc. etc.

But when I called him and made that "validating" comment, he said, "My pain isn't your fault. You didn't do this to me," and "I don't see how you could ever want a relationship with me again after what I've done to you."

It was beautiful. And that's what led into our three-week session of reconciling last month. He would pop in and out, started coming back to our Sunday night "family nights" with the girls and me, changed my lightbulbs in the house, etc.

Then the OW bust. . I still think that was classic.

Anyway, that's a long version of me telling you, Sassy, that I've been reading through your threads, and it sounds like you and I are a lot alike. I guess I'm not too surprised that you would have handled the initial bomb the same way I did. And we'll see how my drama plays out over the next few months ... then we'll compare so we can advise our new DBers whether to initially throw themselves at the feet of their WASs -- even if it's a forced thing -- or just give them space right from the jump.

Hey, we're all guinea pigs, right?? Thanks again for your post.
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 01:13 PM
I'm a little late into your thread so I don't know if you are a reader or not...but since you seem to think we're on the same wavelength here...a suggestion of a book that did more for me than any other book I read. Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a bible thumper...no offense to any religious folks on board...I am a Cali girl, who's honestly been to Temple than she has been to Church...and I live in the bible belt, where religion and hypocrisy walk hand in hand...but I accidently turned on the tv one Sunday am and found Joel Osteen and was blown away...and have watched his program ever since...he is big on the difference between being a Victim and a Victor, survivor...etc...and I know that I am definitely a Survivor.

I've seen and been through more in my life than most on this board have, and somehow I have survived it all. Ah, the book I could/should write one day...ah the lives that would be destroyed (LOL!!). There are people in life that get it and others that just never will...that makes the difference between being a Victim and a Victor...I think everyone who comes here wants to be a victor, they just need to find their way and I think that is what this board and everyone here does...it's just a matter of where we all go from here.

And yes, the validation thing is huge...the day Wanker and I met and talked and I spent the day validating him til I could take it no more and then called him on it...he backed off like there was no tomorrow and I knew then and there...it wasn't all that he nor I thought it was...but it wasn't for me to help him out of the sitch he had gotten himself into...my rescuing days are over...my horse trainer is a wise man, and he once told me to Stop Trying to Save the World and worry about myself for once...and that's what I am finally attempting to do...that is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life...phew...

Hugs to you baby doll...you have so much courage that I cannot begin to tell you how much I admire and respect you. A big huge hug...
Posted By: Becca1975 Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 02:44 PM
On Lactose Intolerance....well...in a lame attempt to eat right I was eating a bowl of shredded wheat for breakfast every morning and despite eating healthier, my clothes were tight and my tummy hurt. I thought well, maybe too much fiber, so I switched to a less fibrous cereal and still had it. I assumed it was just me being fat and my clothes too tight, but then I realized that my tummy was actually hurting.....I was just swollen and bloated, like when you have really bad gas, except I had no gas. Someone mentioned symptoms their lactose intolerant child had, in a completely irrelevant conversation and I started thinking hmm....sounds just like what i have. So I quit drinking milk/having cereal and eating yogurt and it went away completely. Just to test, a few weeks later I tried it again and I blew up like a balloon again.

SUcks, especially when you make cookies and want milk and cookies....or a new cereal that looks good.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 03:48 PM
Hey, Lisa! I know the feeling about having been through enough to write a book. I've been told I should write a book for about 8 years now, and the hits just keep on comin'! But for some reason, I have to wonder if my life would really be that interesting to people outside my circle of friends, ya know? Overcoming adversity: It would be a great topic, I guess, but a pretty common one. Oh well. I'll just stick to the boards for now.

I went to the library and checked out your book suggestion; I'd heard of it before, so it must mean I need to read it. The one caverna suggested isn't available at my library, so I'm thinking of ordering a few books from Amazon. I'm going to list the few I ran across that look interesting and had good reviews, in the hopes that some of you have read some of these and can say yay or nay to them. Here's the list (and hold tight after that, 'cause I have a question about something):

Infidelity: A Survivor's Guide (Don-David Lusterman)
After the Affair (Janis A. Spring)
Repairing Your M After His A (Marcella Weiner, Armand Dimele)
Surviving Infidelity (Rona Subotnik, Gloria Harris) *recommended by caverna
Patterns of Infidelity and Their Treatment (Emily Brown)
Affairs: A Guide to Working Through the Repurcussions of Infidelity (Emily Brown)

Okay, here's the $21 million question (though if you answer right, you don't get $21 million ): Would you guys consider my sitch as being infidelity? Here's why I ask: In everything I've read on the subject so far, the offending spouse generally has the A while M. Yeah, mine was obviously contemplating sleeping with OW while he was with me -- he had that 40-minute call to her a couple days before he left -- but it appears he actually left me to be with her. Is that really infidelity? And will any book that you guys know of actually address an A *after* the H has left? Is it *really* considered an A at all, since he left me first?

I guess another reason it doesn't feel like the "normal A" is that my H's blaming *me* for ruining our chance to reconcile because I was the "manipulative bitch" who walked in on him and OW, knowing what I was going to see.

Hmmm. I dunno. It seems to me that in most cases of infidelity, the offending partner feels guilty and wants to actually work on the M -- even if s/he also wants the OP. Mine wants out. Period. Or at least he does right now. So I'm just wondering if any book on infidelity is going to apply to my sitch.

And BTW, I'm also planning to get some books on healing, so please don't assume I'm "stuck" in trying to figure out the problem. This is just how I am. I like to get into the minds of all kinds of people, and that, in turn, seems to help me.

That being said, any feedback on whether the infidelity issue actually applies to my sitch at all would be greatly appreciated.

Now, Becca ... that *sucks*! But I'm glad you found out what the problem was. I seem to be having a swelling, bloating feeling going on right now in my stomach, too. Wonder what that is??!! Don't eat anymore cereal. Capeesh??
Posted By: em134 Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 04:13 PM
Hi, I have just caught up with your story. And I want to share something....

My H was sleeping around while I was pregnant. And continued to do so after the baby came home. I was absolutely clueless stupid stupid stupid. He wasn't having an affair - just lots of sex with different women that was not me.

That baby just turned 10 a month ago, we had two more after that.

My sitch wasn't as bad - my H begged me to stay. He was so remorseful, blah blah blah. I was SHOCKED beyond belief. He was my Knight in shining armor. Duh Duh Duh.

Well - we did stay together and I do not regret it at all. My H had serious issues - that were not apparent to me. He was seriously immature in some ways and got his ego fed and fed and fed by his ability to get other women in bed. Whenever he felt inferior, or like he couldn't handle this grown up life (and expectations) he went for a roll in the hay. Like once every six months or so. (for like 3 years).

He got some counseling - then got some really good counseling - and he is a grown up now. He does not cheat anymore and I honestly believe he has not since the day I found out. (Baby was 8 months old). He honestly just could not handle it. He did not have the tools to deal with it all. When we got married we bought a house and were trying to be adults.

I know now that it had absolutely NOTHING to do with me. He didn't know how to make himself feel capable and important so he let stupid girls do it for him.

Here's my one warning though. I am hanging out at these boards because H told me recently "he doesn't have any more to give". etc etc etc. One big problem we have had - until only very recently - is that I never really forgave him. I said I did. I wanted to. I believed he no longer acted that way. But I just could not get over the fact that he didn't love me enough not to do that.

Again - it had absolutely nothing to do with me and how much he loved me. He had low self-esteem that he built up by cheating. (His parents were always pretty shitty to him - I think he's relied on girls to make him feel good since he was 12).

Anyway. I am really sorry that you are living through this. I don't know what will happen, but I wish you all the luck in the world. Just remember remember remember that this is NOT your fault. He needs to grow up.

Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 04:29 PM
Hmmm...just thinking of all the ways I can spend my 21million dollars...you can pay it out monthly...no complaints here.

Yes, dear, that is infidelity...if you are in a committed relationship and one person becomes involved in an A, whether EA/PA it's all the same...infidelity...whether or not he had phsycial contact with her before he left you or not is perhaps also a 21million dollar question...but that's neither here nor there...

I really only read one book on infidelity...being honest here...most of the books that I skimmed through were on healing after the fact...and nothing about what or how to handle the sitch when your WAS was gone. So I found DB/DR and then realized the whole GAL and that was when I turned the focus on me and decided to find me again and read all that I could about not necessarily healing, but more about spiritual growth and self-improvement. I think one of the best books I did come across was MakeUp Not BreakUp and then of course Mars and Venus. Both great R books that more than anything delve into the differences between men/women and distancers/pursuers...learned probably more in the MakeUp book..and then the Good Feeling book. Personally I think these 3 should be in every household in America but that's just me.

Posted By: Dust_In_The_Wind Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 04:32 PM
P&DB -

I've followed your sitch for a while now and I also have alot of admiration and respect for you. I, too, waver from day to day, thinking .....I am done with this man (and I use the term loosely); let's have some fun with his idiocy. Then I realize that using my H for amusement purposes will not result in what I ultimately want. (although I am not sure WHAT it is I want these days).

My H also says he is done. I think, at most, he was having an EA at the time he left, although the OW did not surface (to my knowldege, at least, til after he was gone about 2 months)....

It's sort of like, which came fist the chicken or the egg (the OW or the MLC)? Like you, I can't find too much written about OW's AFTER the H moves out.

I think both situations involve the H feeling he is entitled to his A. And I'm not sure it really makes a difference when the OW comes into the picture. I do, however, know that whether or not H is still married (by law), he considers himself to be "single".
Posted By: NYsurvivor Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 04:34 PM
Would you guys consider my sitch as being infidelity?

There's obviously infidelity in it. He was developing something outside the marriage.
Posted By: lmdi99 Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 04:49 PM
I am certainly no expert on this issue, especially since my H continues to deny his A. However, regardless of whether your H left you to be with her, he is still your H. In my mind, that is an A. That being said, do you think that what he is doing is an A? How does what he is doing make you feel? Infidelity, affairs, cheating: they are all just labels. What matters are the feelings this other R brings up in you.

My H is blaming us not reconciling on me too...b/c i betrayed him. I guess he does not see what he has been doing as a betrayal...whatever. Oh, wait, that's right...they're just friends...

Anyway, remember that you can't listen to anything they say right now. What spews from their mouths are things to make themselves feel better...about themselves and what they are doing. By making you the "manipulative b@#%&" he is justifying his actions, probably because he feels like s..t b/c he knows it is wrong.

I haven't read any of those books that you mentioned. I have picked up a few books on infidelity, but i never buy them b/c i don't feel like they address my sitch directly. I want to know why my H just doesn't admit it if he wants to D anyway. But, that's my issue. If you get any of those books and feel they are worthwhile, let me know. Thanks.
Posted By: dontfret06 Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 07:35 PM
Just had to add this. If the shoe was on the other foot, would your H say you are having affair? My guess is yes.
Posted By: caverna Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 09:13 PM
good point, dontfret
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 09:32 PM
Gee, guys. I feel like Queen of the Day! Thanks so much for your feedback. I'm gonna try to hit some highlights here:

Very, very good to hear from you. Thanks so much for taking time to respond. I would like to take any cheating spouse and hang them by their freakin' toenails, but it's especially difficult to swallow when they're cheating with a preggo wife at home. I've gotten kinda used to it, unfortunately, but it still creeps me out everytime I think about it -- regardless of the sitch.

My H was sleeping around while I was pregnant. And continued to do so after the baby came home. I was absolutely clueless stupid stupid stupid.

Nope. Trusting. There's a big difference. I've been trained in the last few years to be a suspicious person. I'm very peceptive, too. I was sooo humilated when I found out that my H had apparently started at least an EA with OW. Totally blindsided. It was either luck or fate that led me to his house the day I discovered that he was sleeping with her. Had that not happened, I wouldn't know to this day. I would still have believed that my H left me because he thought the baby wasn't his, blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, all that to say that none of us were stupid to have faith in our marriage partner. That's how it's supposed to be. And on top of that, love is a funny thing. Maybe it blinds us to the truth sometimes.

He was seriously immature in some ways and got his ego fed and fed and fed by his ability to get other women in bed.

The big issue I have in dealing with my H is that he's not a womanizer. He doesn't even have that aura about him, and that was one of the reasons I chose him as my partner. You guys see how I'll research the heck outta something? Well, with my XH, it was sexual addiction. And I *knew* what to look out for in my next partner.

I "picked" someone who wasn't my "style" at all, who actually would give the shirt off his back to people, even though he really didn't like them. He isn't really that hot (at least not by my normal standards; I know that sounds shallow, but I don't mean it like it sounds). As I noted in an earlier post, my admiration and respect for him is what made me fall in love with him. He was the most loyal, devoted, trustworthy, accommodating person I had ever met in my life. Seriously. Overall, I trusted him more than I've ever trusted anyone. And I don't normally trust people. I would've put money on the fact that he would never cheat on me. And unfortunately, I would've lost.

Here's my one warning though. I am hanging out at these boards because H told me recently "he doesn't have any more to give". etc etc etc. One big problem we have had - until only very recently - is that I never really forgave him. I said I did. I wanted to. I believed he no longer acted that way. But I just could not get over the fact that he didn't love me enough not to do that.

Thank you for this. Point taken! I'm not sure what's in store for H and me, but I'll have to forgive him regardless. I've always been a pretty forgiving person, but I'm sure I'm not as intimately familiar with forgiveness as I will be by the end of this sitch.

Great resources! Thanks for the recommendations. As soon as I'm done with the other 18 books I've checked out ( ), I'll get those. Ya know, I didn't have time to read before H left me. And now I usually only do it after the girls have gone to bed, and I need to get sleepy. And I have an entire office of books on healing and spiritual matters (and the feminazi movement -- that one's for you, bigAl). I've got that stuff down pat, I think. I think. We'll see. It's time to put to practice what I've learned in all these years of personal growth. It's certainly a test. But I think I'll pass.

Thank you so very much for your kindness and for taking time to respond. Sounds like we have a few similarities.

I, too, waver from day to day, thinking .....I am done with this man .... let's have some fun with his idiocy. Then I realize that using my H for amusement purposes will not result in what I ultimately want (although I am not sure WHAT it is I want these days).

I'm not sure any of us know exactly what we want, and I think that's a good thing in the grand scheme of things. We've opened ourselves up, and the answers will come in time. And they'll all be our own answers -- not someone else's.

As for being amused by our H's idiocy, yes, you're right. A wise DBer (VJ) was telling me (reponding to an entirely different topic) that sometimes it's best to let things go. Sometimes, there are words on the tips of our tongues, and they want so badly to go flyin' out. But even if we choose to give in, our feelings will still be there afterward. And I would argue that then they're coupled with feelings of humiliation for letting our egos get the best of us -- and handing away even more of our own self-control and dignity.

So yeah, I've learned a lesson about engaging with H. It might seem "fun" at the time -- like I've given up, thrown caution to the wind and plan to go down with both barrels blazin' -- but VJ was right. I was still left with the very same sad, lonely, angry feelings. I would have felt better about myself had I just kept my flippin' mouth shut. (Though at the time my ego told me that if I did that, I would later risk feeling like a big fat doormat.)

I think both situations involve the H feeling he is entitled to his A. And I'm not sure it really makes a difference when the OW comes into the picture. I do, however, know that whether or not H is still married (by law), he considers himself to be "single".

Yep. My H told me that: "At least I did it after we weren't married anymore." Sheesh. Last I checked, we still were -- at least legally.

There's obviously infidelity in it. He was developing something outside the marriage.

Yep. The most simple and obvious point. Sometimes I miss those.

That being said, do you think that what he is doing is an A? How does what he is doing make you feel?

Absolutely I feel it was an A. Perhaps I'm putting 2 and 2 together -- when I typically try not to attach reality to anything until I have supporting facts -- but my H had a 40-minute conversation with her two days before he left me. I must assume the obvious: She knew before I did that he was leaving me. That's an EA in my book. And he had a feeling -- whether or not they were having a PA at the time -- that she would be waiting in the wings for him to make the fallout from leaving his family a little easier. That's an A. So I guess I just answered my own question -- with the help, of course, of a few good DB friends.

Oh, wait, that's right...they're just friends...

...yeah, or if you catch 'em red-handed, they'll tell you it was "our goodbye." Puhlease.

Anyway, remember that you can't listen to anything they say right now. What spews from their mouths are things to make themselves feel better...about themselves and what they are doing. By making you the "manipulative b@#%&" he is justifying his actions, probably because he feels like s..t b/c he knows it is wrong.

I know you're right. If I were on the outside looking in, I would see that. It's just hard to swallow being so emotionally attached to the sitch. But I don't have to explain; I know you understand.

I want to know why my H just doesn't admit it if he wants to D anyway.

Sounds to me like he must not want to...Let him stew in his confusion about it. Serves him right.

If you get any of those books and feel they are worthwhile, let me know.

Shall do!

If the shoe was on the other foot, would your H say you are having affair? My guess is yes.

And your guess would be right. It's funny you mention that, too. That thought has kept me sane during some other insane times. Like when H blasted me for pulling his cell phone records after I caught him with OW -- he said that was another factor in him deciding he didn't want to be with me. I told him (though it was of no use to do so) that he would have done at least that if he wanted to know if I was having an A. He didn't respond. He would've done a lot more than that, actually. I'd guarantee it.
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 09:33 PM

Just had to add this. If the shoe was on the other foot, would your H say you are having affair? My guess is yes.

Excellent point...thus how even EAs are so dangerous...if you share more (emotionally or phsyically) with an opposite member of the sex than you do your own S, danger, danger...
Posted By: kml Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 10:13 PM
P & DB -
This week's People magazine has excerpts from the new book by Laci Peterson's mom. She talks about how her SIL told Laci he didn't want kids, and then supposedly agreed. Clearly he was a sociopath, but a very charming one who showed people what they wanted to see. (When he first met MIL, he took them to lunch, and had two dozen roses on the table, one color for Laci, one for MIL). When Laci's pregnancy didn't fit into his plans, well, we all know how he handled it.

I mention this because - well - it worries me just a bit. Sure - it's pretty common for a guy who's already having an affair to split when the W becomes pregnant. But the degree to which your H is running from this, the nastiness, and the apparent contrast with the image you always had of him - worries me. Yes, WASs almost always appear drastically changed from who they were before, and this doesn't mean they are all sociopaths! But I would be a little careful around him, think back to see if there are other past discrepancies you glossed over, maybe give that book a look just to make sure. I don't want him doing something extreme to run away from his obligation to you and your child.

Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 10:19 PM

I don't want him doing something extreme to run away from his obligation to you and your child.

Ellie, strong and valid points even though we never want to think such horrible stuff...this coming from me who found the gun loaded with 3 bullets in it...nowadays you really can't be too careful...as much as we never want to think of such things...
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 10:26 PM
Lisa, caverna et al:

Something I want to add on those notes, to serve possibly as a warning more than anything else:

I know I've mentioned this before, but it's worth it to do it again: OW contacted my H (I'm thinking just a couple months before he left me) for him to design and build something for a room she was designing. He was usually with me when he would call her. She came to my house for their initial meeting, and then he met up with her and several other interior designers/decorative painters one evening shortly thereafter. He was so happy because these folks were going to be his "connection" that helped launch his business.

Here's the interesting twist: His cell phone records show that he had very sporadic calls to her, late in the evenings (when he was home), from the time they met until early September. Those are the phone calls I knew about. H was *always* with me in the evenings. Never worked late. Never went out with the guys. Always even came home for lunch.

I found out I was preggo on Aug. 31 but had kinda known since mid-August.

In early September (days after my pregnancy was confirmed), H's phone calls to/from OW started happening more frequently, and always during work hours -- including the 40-minute conversation. The first conversation he had with her outside of work hours was the night he left me. He had two conversations with her that night, each about 25 minutes in length.

So what's the moral of the story? There are *truly* sometimes when an A can be going on right under your nose, and there's nothing -- and I mean *nothing* -- that's pointing to it. That is soooo freakin' scary.

I beat myself up for a while about being so blind. But the fact is that I wasn't blind. I trusted my H. He had never given me a reason not to. And an A can start without an EA. Or an EA can start in a 40-minute phone call, and blow up into a PA within a matter of days.

Trying to "catch" the PA before it happens is nearly impossible -- especially if you're trusting and therefore don't snoop through your S's cell phone -- or whatever other devices s/he's gonna use to pull it off.

Anyway, that's a lesson learned, for what it's worth.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 10:29 PM
Oh boy, Ellie. I'm so glad you posted that. You make the second person who's mentioned that exact case to me. Two times means it's a warning. I thank you. And I have been very careful. Anytime he's had one of his "explosions," I've left the house to stay with a friend -- though he certainly wouldn't do anything to me when it's so obvious. I'm saying prayers of protection around myself very often -- and saying prayers of thanks for folks like you who care so much.

I appreciate it.
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 10:52 PM

though he certainly wouldn't do anything to me when it's so obvious.

Now this babe concerns me...you can never say "certainly wouldn't"...as I said earlier no one ever likes to thing the worst...just be as they say "yellow" cautious...my first love, actually held me at knifepoint..had it not been for his father's GF who walked in...well who knows...never in a thousand years would I have ever thought he would be capable of something like that...but people with their backs against the walls are capable of anything.

Yesterday just 5miles north of my house a man shot his estranged wife, the people drove her to the hospital, he shot her as she was going in for help...killed her and then turned the gun on himself. Domestic violence...I think every woman should read this story...they were going to meet to discuss their D. Again, it's reality folks...

Posted By: kml Re: I HAD to post this - 01/06/06 11:07 PM

You make the second person who's mentioned that exact case to me

If that other person is someone who has actually met your H - I would be worried, that maybe they are someone who has seen the "mask" slip?
I think you should go out and get that book and read it, just to see if there are any creepy similarities. If there are too many - get out of there.

As for the "when did the affair start?" question - lots of WASs convince themselves that just because they didn't sleep with the OP before moving out, that somehow it wasn't an affair - even though they obviously left their marriage to be with the OP! DUH!! It's interesting that he made those calls to her right after you told him you were pregnant. Either he was already having an affair with her and called her to discuss the sitch - seems unlikely, given the lack of regular phone contact prior - or he was thinking of her, and as soon as he panicked about the pregnancy, he acted on it to line up a way out.
Yucky either way.

Posted By: hopefloats7 Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 12:19 AM

I'm going to buy that People magazine tomorrow and read up on the story about Laci. I followed her case/trial very closely when it was going on.

I can see why others would bring it up to you. Some similarities, to say the least.

I can tell you that case flashed in my mind several times after I found out about H's affair. Right after he started seeing o.w., we suddenly bought a boat. A few months later, he took out some extra insurance (on the both of us).
I don't believe he was actually planning my demise, mind you, but that case really made a lot of women think hard, you know?

Just be extra cautious, ok? We care about you very much. I KNOW you are going to be ok no matter what; I can tell by your strength in your posts. Quite honestly, you're one heck of a lady and I can't imagine handling this with any more class than you already have.

Posted By: caverna Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 12:30 AM
ugh, you guys are getting me to think about stuff...

When I met my H, he was a smooth talker and at first I thought he was bsing me, but because we ended up together, I figure I was really different. However, one of the OW I came to contact told me he was a smooth talker with her (at the same time he kept coming over and saying he wanted to save our M). So I can see how creepy this all sounds. Plus H threatened to take everything out of the house once I confronted him about OW. I almost called the cops. I got really scared of him, not because of his threats, but because of how different he acted and sounded from the man I married.
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 01:20 AM

I almost called the cops. I got really scared of him, not because of his threats, but because of how different he acted and sounded from the man I married.

I will never forget the night that my exH called and called and called...I refused to take his calls...went to bed. In the middle of the night the house alarm went off...and I freaked out and I mean freaked out...I came running out of the bedroom and saw him standing in the kitchen. The phone ringing off the hook because the alarm company was calling. My exH had given me back the keys (I trusted him and did not change the locks)...he was angry that I had not returned his calls. Told him that if he didn't leave I would have them call the cops. When we were at the Mediators he had a tantrum and my attorney said and I quote "That is the beauty of divorce Robert, she doesn't have to take your calls anymore." then proceeded to tell him he was tresspassing blah blah blah...and yes, I had the locks changed the next day and a new garage door clicker thingy installed.

He's still like that today if I don't call him back, but thankfully he doesn't break into the house anymore...but he will call and call and then call daughter and yell at her if she doesn't pick up.
Posted By: lmdi99 Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 03:30 AM
I got really scared of him, not because of his threats, but because of how different he acted and sounded from the man I married.

I hear ya on this one. My H has said and done things over the past 2 years that i NEVER in a million years thought he was capable of. I think that is the hardest thing in all of this...thinking that he isn't the man i thought he was. That is scary.

I too have thought about the whole Laci Peterson thing. One night, when i had moved home and after my H moved out, after I had found H at ow's house...i was asleep and heard someone creeping up the steps. I knew it couldn't be my H b/c i had put a board under the front door handle so no one could get in (can you tell i hate sleeping in a house by myself?) Anyway, i am laying in bed, thinking "this is it...i am going to die." And then i turned over to find H standing there. Needless to say i almost wet the bed...he scared the s..t out of me! He had come in through the back door (duh) b/c he had seen the lights on and wanted to say goodnight. I'll tell ya...i was convinced he had come there to kill me to keep his secret, well, a secret. It was a horrible night...b/c i hated that i actually thought my H was capable of that and it made me wonder what the hell was happening. Anyway, i can not even imagine what poor Laci was thinking/feeling when she realized her H was about to kill her...terrible.

I think it is a lesson that we all should be extra careful, b/c you just never know. For those of you who actually had closer brushes with assault/death, I feel for you. I am amazed at your strength and determination. PandDBing...just be extra careful...we all care for you!
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 04:55 AM
Oooo. I just got back from a friend's house and got the heeby jeebies reading all your posts. Wow. And I mean wow. To all of you. And obviously, thanks for your concern for me.

(Ellie) If that other person is someone who has actually met your H - I would be worried, that maybe they are someone who has seen the "mask" slip?

No, fortunately this was a friend who I don't see often -- and who didn't really know H at all. Maybe met him once.

I think you should go out and get that book and read it, just to see if there are any creepy similarities. If there are too many - get out of there.

Good idea. And I could use a good book. Seriously, I would be interested in reading it. I got a gift certificate to Barnes & Noble for Christmas from H's brother and his partner. Maybe that's what I'll use it for...I was planning to go to B&N tomorrow.

It's interesting that he made those calls to her right after you told him you were pregnant.

Yep, I agree.

Either he was already having an affair with her and called her to discuss the sitch - seems unlikely, given the lack of regular phone contact prior - or he was thinking of her, and as soon as he panicked about the pregnancy, he acted on it to line up a way out.
Yucky either way.

Yucky either way is right. But my thinking is with yours: More in line with the second possibility. And only because I know how often H was home, and I have the phone records to show (as you pointed out) that he started making all the calls just more than a week after my pregnancy was confirmed.

I'm not suggesting that he left me *just* because he's terrified of the baby. I mean, he took my two girls in like they were his own, and he was better to them than I've seen many biological fathers be to their children. But the way H went from being so happy and so loving to bolting the way he did...well, it just doesn't make much sense, except if the pregnancy tripped some trigger in him. And OW had obviously made herself available to H, so he knew she would be there. And I'd bet he was enticed by her because whereas I offer the comfortable home life -- with a little wild partying on the side -- she represented his "business life," which is something he always accused me of holding him back in. Well, I hope she's all he bargained for...that's about all I can say.

(Hope)Quite honestly, you're one heck of a lady and I can't imagine handling this with any more class than you already have.

Awww, this made me a little teary-eyed. Thanks so much. Except if you go back a thread or two, you'd see I'm not really all that classy at times. . So I've lost my temper -- and sanity? -- a moment or two??!! We'll all pull it back together, won't we?

As for the posts re: the Peterson sitch, I know to some folks it might sound like we're paranoid. But do you know what bothers me? That so many of us have had these similar fears and experiences. It actually infuriates me, to tell you the truth. But that's my feminazi comin' out.

I certainly thought about changing the locks on the house when H left. Only problem is, this is his house and my name's not on the mortgage. I guess I could likely do it anyway. But at this point, I feel I'm fortunate that he's never here. About 2 or 3 weeks after he left, my next-door neighbor caught H "spying" on me from the backyard. Some of you may remember that from my earliest posts. H thought a co-worker of mine, who visits me frequently, was (as H put it to neighbor), "Taggin' my W." Interesting, isn't it? Too bad OW couldn't keep him occupied enough to mind his own freakin' business and not worry about who's over here "tagging" the pregnant woman. Sheesh. Anyway, that kinda gave me the creeps.

But other than that, he hasn't made me wonder about him too much. I did leave the house several times at first, after he showed me that angry side of him that I never knew he had. I was afraid he would burn the house down or something because he was so angry that he couldn't get me out of it. And he kept talking about how badly he's always hated this house -- that the only reason he bought it was because I liked it. But my house has always been standing when I return.

I don't know how some of you guys have stayed inside your own skin after the experiences you posted here. I absolutely cannot imagine hearing somebody walk up my stairs after I'm already in bed. Oh my gawd, that freaks me out! And Lisa! Holy crap. Psycho XH!! That's about all I can say.

I hate to admit that things are kinda scary. The only comfort I find is in the fact that my H is kinda small framed -- but really strong -- and I took kickboxing for 2 years. And he didn't. I'm just kidding. None of that really makes me feel comfortable. He has big tools.

But do you want to hear a more positive story? One of the first nights after H had left in such an angry frame of mind, I had asked my next-door neighbor to keep an eye on the house. I went to stay with a friend. My neighbor came over and took all the really dangerous tools and things from the garage. He's had them hidden since. Isn't that sweet? It sucks that there are so many bad folks who overshadow the random acts of kindness from those who are so good.
Posted By: ka_zump Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 02:08 PM
Yeah, My H has a big tool, too.

I miss it.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 02:39 PM
I knew that would put somebody's mind in the gutter! Hey, ka_zump! I'm kinda fortunate there. My H's tool wasn't all that. Sheesh, I'm bitter!
Posted By: bigAl Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 02:47 PM
You just knew it was going to come down to talking about tool size sooner or later, LOL
Posted By: kml Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 03:16 PM
P&DB -
Check with an attorney, but it's my understanding, at least in community property states, that if a spouse owns a home before marriage, but then during the marriage house payments or repairs are paid out of a joint checking account that both spouses contribute money to, the house becomes community property. You may have more rights to the house than you think.

Posted By: VJ39 Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 03:31 PM
You know, they make tools specifically designed for women to use...just in case there is no man with a tool in their life. That's what I've heard.
Posted By: caverna Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 03:31 PM

You just knew it was going to come down to talking about tool size sooner or later, LOL

H had his fly (zipper) open the other day and I pointed it out. He said, joking, "are you looking at my thing?" and I said, "no, it's looking at me."
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 03:33 PM

You just knew it was going to come down to talking about tool size sooner or later, LOL

And why did I just KNOW that our beloved Al would be drawn into this conversation...

FWIW, and I can say this because Wanker used to say it himself...."acorn on a beanbag aka BINKY"...but sheesh...you know it's never the size of the tool...it's all in how you use it, baby...
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 03:35 PM

You know, they make tools specifically designed for women to use...just in case there is no man with a tool in their life. That's what I've heard.

Yes, and they call it a Rabbit!! Still waiting inpatiently for mine...
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 03:44 PM
Hey, guys! Yep, bigAl, I knew *something* would finally pull you outta that shell you were in. Shoulda figured.

I always told my H that it's not the size of the army, but the fury of the attack.

And about the artificial tools, well, I won't talk about the ol' bag-o-tricks. Did I say that?

P.S. Nice one, caverna!
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 04:04 PM
Hey, Ellie! The law's kinda twisted here -- fortunately, kinda in my favor...at least for the time being. And I'm glad you mentioned the L thing 'cause I have a little update anyway.

H bought the house while we were engaged, and it only has his name on it. But yes, we had a joint bank account from which the mortgage was paid (which means I should receive a share of the profit from its sale). For H to sell the house, I have to sign a transfer of deed, which I am refusing to do. That's why he served me with a court order to rush the division of marital property. His goal is to get me outta his house. However, he and I (during our "recon" efforts) agreed that I would stay in the house until the baby's born.

So I actually don't have any rights to the house at all, but my refusal to sign a transfer of deed has forced his hand. And now it will be up to the courts to decide. My L and I have serious doubts that a judge is gonna look at me and my swelling belly and tell me I have to move right now. I'm 5 months preggo, and by the time we go to court, I'll be at least 6 months, maybe a little further along.

Yesterday, H's L finally sent a proposed settlement which was very similar to the agreement H and I had come up with. He won't put the house on the market until May 1. His L didn't include, however, that we had agreed that he would not sell any sooner than July 31, so we'll be including that in our answer.

And this is the best part (it shows that H is runnin' a little scared right now, and rightfully so): He proposes that I can have everything inside the house as long as I waive my right to any alimony. My L got a kick outta that, 'cause it shows that H's L is fully aware of the "extra leg" I've grown since Dec. 15.

Obviously, there's no way I'm giving up my right to alimony. So, here's what we're answering with: H won't put the house on the market until May 1 (I might change that to June 1), and won't sell until at least July 31. My L wants me to stay in the house until it's sold (which will maximize the potential alimony I'll be able to receive, since H wouldn't be paying a mortgage and trying to pay me spousal support at the same time). I don't really want to be in the house while it's "showing," but the way I look at it is that it'll be after the baby's born. I'm sure I'll be feeling a lot better by then.

We're also gonna include that of course we won't agree to waive alimony or attorney's fees, but will revisit those issues as soon as the house is sold.

Additionally, we're sending a letter to OW to rattle her cage, as we have been planning to do. L had a heart-to-heart with me last night about pursuing a lawsuit against her. I told him I don't think I'll do it, because it's really not her fault. He said he agreed, but that he'd be willing to file one against her if I really wanted to. I told him to stick to the letter for now.

So I'm getting ready to rock H's and OW's worlds a little. I told my L last night that every time I receive papers from H, it feels like another blow. It's amazing how paper can do that to us. I'll feel a little better once I file papers on them. Like I'm actually defending myself for once in this nightmare.

Anyway, that's my update. I just hate like hell that everything has come to this.
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 04:26 PM

Additionally, we're sending a letter to OW to rattle her cage, as we have been planning to do. L had a heart-to-heart with me last night about pursuing a lawsuit against her. I told him I don't think I'll do it, because it's really not her fault. He said he agreed, but that he'd be willing to file one against her if I really wanted to. I told him to stick to the letter for now.

Wow...do you have the alienation of affection law in your state? Damn...always wondered how that worked...I'd be interested in seeing how this goes through.

It's not her fault? Hello, she didn't earn ow for nothing. Sorry...I know it's not supposed to be about them...but I don't have much respect for any person that takes up with someone who is married, especially in your sitch. Had she been a real woman, with a real heart, she would have told him to go home and be a man...She knew exactly what she was doing getting involved in this sitch.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 04:45 PM
Oh, don't get my blood back to boilin', girl! It wouldn't take much! I just now reached the point where I'm planning to back off her for a minute.

Yes, we have alienation of affection -- which I've always thought was a kinda bogus law, but that's neither here nor there -- which will be the foundation of our threat to her. We'll be asking for all her financial information to see how much we want to sue her for. But like I said, I prolly won't sue her.

I'll be sure to keep you posted about how all the AofA stuff works. The reason it applies in my case is because I am preggo and it's pretty clear that H left me for her, and that she was a willing participant. And the AofA stuff *really* applies because H and I were reconciling -- and he says OW was aware of that before and during their "goodbye sex." And that "goodbye sex" transpired the very day after H and I had attended my baby's ultrasound together and found out we're having a son.

It's a really "emotional" case. But H could always say that he never told her that we were reconciling -- even if he did. Of course most people think that chances are higher either he would throw OW under the bus to try to minimize what we go after him for, or that OW will throw H under the bus for "causing" her all the drama. Then there's the third possibility that it'll push them closer together. And I don't really care. They're already together, so where do I lose?
Posted By: hopefloats7 Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 05:02 PM

This is all very interesting to read up on. If I end up having to D., I also plan to ask for spousal support. H. earns way more than I do. A lawyer told me I did have rights to it.

Keep us posted on how it's going. Again, I say that you are handling this extremely well. It sounds to me like you are aware of how wonderful you are and what you have to offer someone. Good! Plus, you have a new baby to look forward to.

I don't understand the AofA law at all. I'm in NY state. I don't know if we have such a thing.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 05:31 PM
Hey, Hope! Thanks for your kind words. I think only four states have the AofA law anymore -- and I'm kinda doubting NY is one of them. I bet NYS knows; in fact, I think he posted on that once. I haven't researched AofA too much, except how it applies to my sitch.

Spousal support is paid by the spouse who makes more money to the "dependent" spouse, because the dependent spouse is supposedly entitled to a standard of life similar to what s/he was used to when married. Alimony/spousal support, from what I understand, is pretty much a given if adultery is involved and/or if the dependent spouse is abandoned. But I also understand that dependent spouses can receive alimony just as part of the D settlement -- even if abandonment/adultery is not the issue. It's actually pretty easy to research; just google alimony/spousal support and NY...if you're really that interested. Of course a L will be able to tell you all that stuff if you end up Ding. And of course I hope you don't, so let's not create that thought right now.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted. Kinda a crappy subject when the boards were created to "save" Ms. But often legal issues enter the picture.

I'll be the guinea pig on that. You guys go out there and save some Ms, okay?
Posted By: NYsurvivor Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 05:44 PM
For the record, there is not an "alienation of affection" law in NY.

The law stems from common law, from the times when women were considered to be the husband's "property" or "chattel", and so if a wife left her husband for another man that other man could be considered to have committed a theft. Most states have abolished this law.
Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 05:53 PM
Yep. Told you he'd know. The explanation is exactly right, which is why I've always thought it's bogus. But it's there for the taking for those of us in these backwards states (for the record).
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 06:31 PM

Yep. Told you he'd know. The explanation is exactly right, which is why I've always thought it's bogus. But it's there for the taking for those of us in these backwards states (for the record).

We definitely don't have that law here...but I did find out that we have not common law, but nonceremonial marriage law here which gives you the same rights as a married couple.
Posted By: hopefloats7 Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 08:29 PM

Thanks for the info. H. will definitely have to cough it up, should he choose to file. Oh well.

By the way, I bought the "For Laci" book today. Will have a read tonight. It looks very good. That case still gives me the shivers.

Posted By: pregnant&DBing Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 11:32 PM
Ugh. I hate memories.

I have had a wonderful week, as far as emotional strength is concerned. Cleaned a little in the house, finally made dinners like I used to when H was here, and the girls and I ate at the table (again, like we used to when H was here). I decided I was going to take my life back, even if I didn't feel like doing it. And it has helped. I think for a while I was running from the "wifely" duties because I terribly miss being a wife. I knew that making big dinners, and sitting at the table like a family, would bring back memories, which would make me sad. But I also knew that's just something I have to face if I want to move forward with my life. And I've taken steps toward that, finally.

Last night, I had a dream of H and OW again. This one was kinda weird. They were being very intimate right in front of me. They were finishing up a ML session as I walked in. And what do I do? I talked to them both very nicely. No hint of jealousy, no bad feelings. But I was trying to "be there" for my H so that he would choose me over her.

Talk about DBing in your sleep! Yuck!

Then today I went to a GF's house to hang out a while. She lives really close to me, but I haven't really hung out at her house since H left. Last winter, we had parties there, like, every weekend. I have a lot of warm memories of being with H there.

I went this evening, and all those memories started flooding back. Every room I went into, there was a memory: The bathroom, where H had stuck a beer can in the light above the mirror to see how long it took my friend to find it. (It stayed there for about two months ), the dining room where we played quarters, the fireplace where we all gathered at my wedding shower there, the couch where H and I would snuggle to watch a movie.

It was so sad, but eerily comforting. I can't really explain it. It was almost like I felt the presence of my old H, and I felt so warm and secure. I would've thought those memories would make me crash, but they didn't.

I'm anxious for the day that all my memories are like that -- when I don't have a bad taste in my mouth about H, when I'm not angry at him or wondering why he's so angry at me, when I'm not longing for his companionship anymore. I'm anxious for the day this anger in him subsides (assuming, of course, that it will), and some part of that man I know and love comes back -- even if he's not with me.

Oh guys, it's so hard to watch your best friend deteriorate right in front of your eyes. That's the very hardest part...

Hope, make sure you let me know how the book is. I meant to get to Barnes&Noble tonight, but didn't quite make it. And I'm on my way to another friend's house now. I'll either be back around later tonight, or sometime tomorrow.
Posted By: bigAl Re: I HAD to post this - 01/07/06 11:39 PM
Hey pregoo. We all want those days to come. They will, as you well know. Too bad we can't control when. You, as always, are on an accelerated path in all this so they will come sooner than you think.
Posted By: hopefloats7 Re: I HAD to post this - 01/08/06 01:42 AM
I'm about 1/2 way through the book; go buy it. A must read.

Something that really jumped out to me is how Scott would say his family is very dysfunctional. So is H's. He is not close to his family, either, and it's even worse now that they know what he did. And here is the kicker...Laci had told her mother that Scott was going through a midlife crisis!!! I kid you not, it's in the book.

Last night, I had a dream of H and OW again. This one was kinda weird. They were being very intimate right in front of me. They were finishing up a ML session as I walked in
I have had dreams of a similar nature. It happened more to me early on, post-bomb. Not so bad now, although sleeping through the night is a lost art for me. I so desperately wish I could sleep just once without waking up 3 times. I think the bad dreams will eventually go away, but only after some time passes. You're still partly in shock, but you don't realize it. I didn't either.

Posted By: kml Re: I HAD to post this - 01/08/06 02:39 AM

Something that really jumped out to me is how Scott would say his family is very dysfunctional.

Well obviously they are, since his mom is still claiming her baby boy is innocent!

Posted By: caverna Re: I HAD to post this - 01/08/06 03:48 AM

You're still partly in shock, but you don't realize it.

I agree. You should read about post-traumatic disorder
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: I HAD to post this - 01/08/06 05:35 PM

Something that really jumped out to me is how Scott would say his family is very dysfunctional.

Someone please point out a family that is NOT dsyfunctional...please...never seen one!!

I only had one dream about them...and RK had a brother that was a mass murderer in it...and he was going around killing everyone and she was begging me to help her hide from him...and so you wonder, did I? Hey this was MY dream...my ENDING...
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