Posted By: frank_D The slow walk home - 12/24/05 09:55 PM
My old thread: Old Thread

I'm starting a new thread because I want to re-frame my journey into becoming a slow walk home.

Had a long talk with a friend today who said to me that OM really really doesn't mean anything. He is saying that since W is living with me and is now being more friendly and open so we can be 'friends' that there is a part of her that is wondering if I'll try to get her to reconcile. In other words will I go back to being 'needy'. That same part is wondering if I have really changed and will the changes last forever. She feels empowered by her affair because to her it means she doesn't 'have to' stay with me, she has choices.

She is getting her love needs fulfilled by her EA. But she has to be a little lonely and I'm the only one here. My friend thinks that when she is being nice to me she is testing me to see if I'm going to be needy, or go into a mode where I need to be 'fixed', or if I am going to pull her towards me. OM has lots of problems but she doesn't see him as needy right now and she is so overwhelmed by the 'in love' drug that she doesn't think straight anyway.

So I am starting a new thread to focus on ME and US and the here and now. I still need input from everyone as to what is going well because It isn't always obvious to me.

What do you think? Is he right?
Posted By: InLikeFlynn Re: The slow walk home - 12/24/05 10:05 PM
Whats the old saying..."Possession is nine tenths etc". Right now and for the near future you have possession of her "space and time" and its up to you how you take advantage of that.
Posted By: frank_D Re: The slow walk home - 12/25/05 09:03 AM
Journaling mostly and looking for feedback

Tonite we set out all the stuff for the kids. W noticed I was down and I told her that I wasn't being needy but I was hurting due to our situation.

We ended up talking for about 1/2 hour and we cleared up some things I wasn't sure about. The points are:

- We will be friends, she is worried that I will be too hurt if/when she gets ito a relationship. She says OM is not a relationship yet but may or may not become one, she doesn't know. I would have thought by now she WOULD know.

- She feels guilty about OM and what she did with him. She didn't elaborate but it's basically the trip to see him and the affair. She said that she is dealing with the fact that some of her friends are angry with her because of her actions. I didn't know that, should have asked her who it was.

- She does not ever see us get back together. She feels we have done what we were supposed to do and that she got married too young and didn't know herself. This is all about her and her needs to find out who she really is. The OM is just an additional problem.

- She says I showed her how to love a man and that she knows I was mature in my love life to be able to love her deeply and without barriers but she wasn't in that place in her life and she is trying to learn how to do that now.

- She says she loves me unconditionally, as she does our children. She tried to make it sound like it wasn't special but clearly it is.

- She reaffirmed her commitment to go to therapy together to 'explore those crevasses' where we are storing the hurt from our relationship. She feels (as do I) that we can't have any new relationships unless we resolve a lot of open wounds from our marriage.

- She says she will stay living together for a year, unless one of us gets into a relationship and it becomes too hard for the other to deal with the living situation. As I said earlier, she is pursuing OM relationship but isn't sure if it will become one or not. Unlike me, he clearly does not represent 'stability'.

- We talked about our relationship, our new friendship. She says she is feeling comfortable hugging me and being touched by me, when we had dinner tonite our knees were touching under the table and she mentioned that as a positive event. She is still emotionally 'guarded' and will NOT let herself have any attraction to me at all. She is able to consider hugs, smiles and other touching as expressions of love in the context of our new 'friendship'. She believes it is not a problem for her to keep that distance between us but still have some of the closeness also.

- She says she is dealing with a lot of hurt and grief. She is grieving the end of the marriage and the hurt behind it.

I noticed an e-mail from OM tonite saying that he 'felt negative energy towards him coming from me'. Huh? When we got home and W went into her room and got online to chat with him I was hurt and angry at HER. I don't think much of him but I also don't get angry at HIM because she initiates contact. I generally see him as pathetic.

And please, how could he 'feel the energy' from me? He is not a grounded individual, or even particularly intuitive. He gets all his strength in that regards from HER. And she got her strength from ME.

He knew we were out together as a family tonite. I wonder if he is feeling insecure and has to paint a negative picture of me to her to feel better? I noticed that he only says negative things about me. He has no knowledge of me so how can he know me? He really only knows me through her telling him the negatives and the divorce.

He mentioned to her that he thought his 'ex girlfriend' who is living with him still is 'seeing someone'. He says that's good but the way he phrased it was 'I have been cheated on before and all the indications are there'. Say again? At his age how does he find women who cheat on him, can't he tell the difference? Even my wife has shocked everyone who knows her with her affair, and she feels GUILTY about it, but isn't about to stop because the feelings are so addictive. But he's found women who can cheat on him?

And you don't just ASK her? She's not your GF any more right? I ask my wife all the time about where her relationship with HIM is at. What a coward.

He has decided to move 'out west'. I'm sure that makes W feel like he is doing it for her but I simply cannot imagine what kind of man would do that? I am more inclined to think he needs to move somewhere that he has a woman so he won't be alone. At first I thought this was an issue for me but a lot can happen in the next year.

Clearly HE is not ME. I am much more secure in my self and not one to flit around the country, but to set down my foundations and deal with my life on my own terms.

So, overall what I got from her was a continued comittment to therapy, to discover the things that made our relationship fail. She doesn't ever see us together again, those days are gone forever in her mind. She sees a relationship with OM coming, but isn't sure about it really happening. My gut feeling is that while she believes she WANTS it to happen I think she sees that it SHOULDN'T happen. He is too messed up and she is still MARRIED. That's my gut talking and I am pretty intuitive. Her words say "I am done and moving on", her feelings say "I want to keep you around because I do love you".

While she implied that if she were in a relationship we may not be able to be friends, I think that she would NOT like it if I wasn't her friend.

I get the message that I need to simply be myself, let her do what she says she wants, and walk beside her as a friend would. I was originally afraid of OM and that whole situation but when I saw his email being negative about me it was clear to me that he is afraid OF ME. That's the first thing I think of wehn someone bad mouths me - they are afraid of me.

Even though she is focused on being 'in love' with him, he knows that she loves me in a very different and authentic way that he can't touch.

So, if what she says she wants is true then there is nothing to lose by working the therapy and the friendship.

When we decided to go to bed, I held out my arms and she came and shared a very warm and authentic hug with me and then went to her room.

This is weird. Even though she gave me the 'it's over and I am going into other relationships' speech I hurt, but I also have this feeling in my gut that as she drops her shield between us and if I can be the true friend she needs, then there will be another shift.

The only thing that is blocking me is my own fears.
Posted By: frank_D Re: The slow walk home - 12/25/05 08:24 PM

So, overall what I got from her was a continued comittment to therapy, to discover the things that made our relationship fail. She doesn't ever see us together again, those days are gone forever in her mind. She sees a relationship with OM coming, but isn't sure about it really happening. My gut feeling is that while she believes she WANTS it to happen I think she sees that it SHOULDN'T happen. He is too messed up and she is still MARRIED. That's my gut talking and I am pretty intuitive. Her words say "I am done and moving on", her feelings say "I want to keep you around because I do love you".

After thinking about this I'm feeling that the feelings she has are "I want to keep the feelings of love I have for you, and you have for me but I don't want to be romantically involved with you ever again".

When she talks she is not upset or confused. She has thought a lot of this out and thinks she knows what she wants. There is some confusion with her about OM and what to do with a relationship with him but she will do it if the situations allow it to happen.

Some more info. OM says he will move out west in less than a year, sooner if his business with his friends isn't successful. He says something about starting a massage business with her to help her to 'achieve her dream' of working with someone she loves.

She's been asking him questions lately. She says it's so she can "get to know the man I love". She asked him what it was he loved about his ex wives. This is interesting because this is a question our counselor said we should be able to answer when we are divorced, because we should remember why we honor the mother or father of our children and because we DID love them and in any new relationship we have that person deserves to understand how it is we love someone.

I was surprised to hear that he had more than one wife, and was now finishing up with a girlfriend he has just dumped after 3 years. In some ways that's a good thing because it shows another weakness he has in relationships.

She asked him what he envisioned their relationship to be like if he moves out here. I haven't seen his response but it probably doesn't matter. It seems clear he is a needy person and will want to get into a real relationship with her.

I don't know why it isn't obvious to her that underneath it all he is needy. Probably because the 'in love' feeling masks that and also they haven't really spent any 'real world' time together under stress. It's so far a perfect relationship, no problems. It will be interesting to see how his ex-wife stories affect her. I don't need to hear them but she has GOT to be wondering how it is he has multiple ex wives, and problems with his recent GF.

So far he is saying the right things. He knows what her dreams are and is hooking himself into them. She is 'in love' so it all looks good to her.

Maybe she is the woman he really needs and he is the guy for her because of what they could share in their careers and spiritual lives. Maybe I have outlived my time with her and we need to move on. I feel that way right now but I think mostly it's because of her pursuit of OM and his pursuit of her.

If I listen to her friends who met him in Hawaii, they say that spiritually he is dark energy and feeds off others positives. He is basically a negative person but hides it under his 'player' personality.

When this all began our counselor told me that we had an 80% chance of working it out UNLESS a person with dark or light energy came into the picture. i.e. someone bad for her or someone good for her would interfere with our connection. I only see him as dark, but he is working her so well that she is falling more and more into this emotionally.

It's interesting that one of th ebooks I have on affairs says this abut Emotional affairs:

The person who was driven to find “that loving feeling” usually experiences a high degree of guilt and conflict. He/she is often married to a “good” person and the desire to “find that loving feeling” seems selfish (which it is) and immature (which it is). Intuitively (and this person usually has a great deal of intuition and sensitivity) it is known at another level that he/she is not on the right path.

A lot of these things seem to be true. I believe she does have some conflict as to whether or not she is doing the right things. She did say she felt 'guilty' and that some of her friends do not approve of or support her actions. And she knows I am a good person in spite of the bad things we went through. She knows she is hurting me a lot too. Yet she continues to pursue it, because of the 'loving feelings' which as we know are like a drug. His neediness will continue to drive him to pull on her, which she will take as him being totally in love with her.

This is from an article that describes the type of person the WAS will choose to 'fall in love' with


An affair with someone grossly inappropriate--someone younger or decades older, someone dependent or dominating, someone with problems even bigger than your own--is so crazily stimulating that it's like a drug that can lift you out of your depression and enable you to feel things again. Of course, between moments of ecstasy, you are more depressed, increasingly alone and alienated in your life, and increasingly hooked on the affair partner. Ideal romance partners are damsels or "dumsels" in distress, people without a life but with a lot of problems, people with bad reality testing and little concern with understanding reality better.

So much of this seems to be true for her. Up until the past week she was depressed because she couldn't talk to him all the time or see him or anything. I could see it in her and when I asked her about it she told me it was true. And D15 said she was disconnected from the family which fits the description too. And now given the things I have learned about him, he does seem to be someone with problems bigger than hers.

So I still see the 'textbook' type of affair it is. I am going to stop fighting it and be her supportive, nurturing friend.
Posted By: frank_D xmas day ends - 12/26/05 04:47 AM
Well, this afternoon I had a talk with W about how we could continue to live together. I had written her a poem that talks about HER spiritual journey as I see it. She said that her friends didn't think I would ever understand her feelings and that in the poem I was right on. She cried a little when saying that.

I came up with a list of questions and boundaries I needed to talk to her about so I knew what to do or not do while we are in this house.

She said that she was comitted to staying in the same house with me and the kids for a year unless something came up (like a relationship) that made it impossible for us to be in the house together. Remember, she is on a journey to 'find herself' but also 'found OM" right in the beginning.

I asked her why she was willing to stay in this situation, besides for the sake of the kids. She said it was for the stability. I asked her if she meant that if she needs something she knows I am there, and she said yes.

I read MF's thread '1 year of dbing' and one of the things he talked about is 'helping' the EA along and facilitating communications. So I told her I wasn't going to give her any grief if she needs to call OM or get online to chat with him. I also said I am changing our calling plan so we can make long distance calls for free on our cell phones at 7pm PST instead of 9pm PST. That will help her because OM lives on the east coast. The theory is that if they can talk more, then OM is more likely to expose his needyness or control issues sooner. And since you can't stop it anyway this makes you look like a supportive friend.

I talked about things like 'getting hugs' and other interactions we have in the house and she said 'are you trying to get back together with me?' Oops. So I said 'You know I don't want a divorce but I'm not trying to change that, I just want the ground rules for living here and to tell you what needs I Have going forward.

Well, she says 'why can't we just be present in the moments as they come?' Just live day by day.

Well, can't argue with that. It pretty much covers all the bases. Just be here, let her do whatever she is going to do and just be here.

Today was tolerable but I have the reminder that she would rather be with someone else who is 3,000 miles away right now and it hurts. And I am tired of hurting.

I recall that some of the successful DB'ers are the ones who just detach from W and take care of themselves. I am so tired of hurting, and thinking about her ability to treat me like I don't matter very much, she's not mean, I'm just not loved like before. I still sometimes have to pinch myself because it is so hard to believe that 2 months ago I had a loving wife. Now I have a wife who has a boyfriend / lover and wants a divorce. I never would have expected this from her either, she was very loyal and had integrity. As her friends said to me 'we are seeing a part of her we never knew existed'.

My kids hurt too. They have no idea about the affair so they really don't see the true depth of the hurt I have to endure. And they shouldn't have to either.

I truly need to not care about her but it's so hard. She's dropped some of her walls and is now being very nice and friendly, almost acting like we are married. But I know that underneath she is an emotional time bomb. If I say or do anything that MIGHT look like I think we are a couple again she puts me back in my place. And of course I see her call or e-mail OM daily so that reminder is there.

I guess after two months, and the fact that on XMas day she had to call OM, I should be very clear on our relationship. It's over and we live with each other as a security blanket, for her and for me. If OM actually lived around here she'd be with him all the time so that's a blessing that he doesn't. But he claims he will be moving here in the next several months and she can't wait to see what develops.

While I would like it to fade out before he can move, it doesn't look like it is fading right now. She still pursues him via e-mail or phone and his lame responses are sappy enough to make her think he's the one for her. It's all timing, she wanted to feel 'in love' and he is a needy person who needed someone to latch onto. They were in the right place at the right time. Classic EA.

I MUST detach and withdraw from the daily supportive role I have been playing. It's just not good for me. I need to take care of myself. Maybe it won't matter to her since she only cares about OM right now but it might make her wake up and see that I may be gone from her emotionally.

Who knows.

This is weird but I pulled some cards from a deck she has while she was in Hawaii. They are like tarot cards. The message I got was 'letting go' followed by 'miraculous recovery' followed by 'happily ever after'. They are supposed to represent 2 month spans of time so I guess I am still in the 'letting go' step. To me, letting go means giving up any hope that we will reconcile right now, or in the near future. Instead I just need to take care of me, and let her go to do whatever she is going to do. Just leave me out of it from now on.

We still talk sometimes about stuff going on with her and I am supportive of her. But she is talking more to others than to me because she doesn't think its right to have that relationship with me any more. Yet, I am the one who is tuned in to her feelings and state of mind better than anybody, and she LIVES with me. Talk about backwards.

My Counselor has all these beliefs about OM (a scumbag loser) and her (a lost soul right now) and gives me encouragement all the time. I just don't want to hurt any more.

So, somehow I'm going to 'go dark' while living here. Not sure how yet, I guess I'll be unavailable as much as I can, but be 'emotionally present' whenever we are together.

I can't do this any more, and I shouldn't do this any more. I'm letting her go. She's my roommate. I pay the bills and support the family. In the past few days she has gotten used to talking to me and having me around. but for the next 4 days she'll be out of town with the kids anyway so I'll be on my own.

But when she's back I need to keep in my own space, Love unconditionaly and take care of me. Whatever will happen will happen. I give up trying and am going to be selfish and take care of me, and the kids. I'm worth it and she doesn't want to care.
Posted By: amd Re: The slow walk home - 12/26/05 03:45 PM
Wow, Frank, the description of likely OPs fits ow perfectly. Thanks for posting that.

In terms of going dark: you've probably read the sections on LRT and whe your spouse refuses to give up the A. Have you gone to any other threads that deal with this specifically and asked for advice from those with experience in this? I've really found that helpful nin my situation.
Posted By: LKC_00 Re: The slow walk home - 12/26/05 03:55 PM
where would one find the other threads? The ones that have the WAS refusing to stop the affair and the LBS is dbing. I need help in this department too. thanks
Posted By: amd Re: The slow walk home - 12/26/05 04:14 PM
This is actually in DR in the section on infidelity. The LRT thread is in the permanent posts in the newcomers section under "DB Power Threads"--there's a lot of other good stuff there as well. Hope this helps!
Posted By: frank_D Re: The slow walk home - 12/26/05 08:58 PM
Yes, I am re-reading the DB section on affairs.

Today she went to visit her friend and took the kids. Her friend is supportive of her affair, after all she is 'in love' after being unhappy with a bad man.

Of course, her friend is not exactly a tower of power in the relationship world. 400 lbs, dated maybe one guy in the past 10 years, in her late 30's. A real professional. She was also part of the reason we almost divorced 6 years ago. After W and I reconciled then she did not talk W for a year because she didn't like me. She must feel vindicated now.

Anyway, they will be gone 4 days, but W will be back tomorrow to do some work, then go back to friends house.

We had a weird morning, W seemed ticked that I wasn't spending time with D10 since they would be leaving this morning for 4 days. I was originally mad she was telling me what to do but I did rethink it and thanked her for reminding me. Spent time playing video games with D10.

They finally got ready to leave and I helped them load the car and then W says to kids 'Say a special bye to dad since you won't see him till thursday'. D15 says "by daddy", and I walked to D10's side of the car to give her a big hug.

W is standing in front of the car waiting. As I walk by her she says something to me about me being able to get a lot done while they are gone, which she always says. I am standing but not facing her and say 'of course, it will be quiet'. She pauses, then turns to me and gives me a big hug in front of the girls. It wasn't real short, but not long either. I'm not sure if it was because she thought I was feeling needy (I was a little but trying to not show it).

Anyway, it felt good and she then left. Said she would call later with the kids.

So, I'm setting some goals.

-- Actually get a lot of work done. In the past I would be depressed and drink whenever they were gone.
-- Build the mental attitude I need to really really detach. I am tired of the hurt and she is still 'in love' with OM so what's the point of any attachment right now except to HURT ME.
-- Explore the ideas of what would I do if we did Divorce. I need to convince myself that I will be happy either way.
-- Stop writing on the board and obsessing over all this as much as I do. It keeps it in my mind which I do NOT need anymore

I noticed that a lot of psople seem to reach a crossroads at 2 months of DB'ing. They seem to be ready to detach after taking all the emotional abuse they can. I think that's where I am.
Posted By: xuesheng Re: The slow walk home - 12/27/05 03:24 AM

Those are excellent goals. Detachment is a really good thing and yes it seems to take us a given amount of pain before we get there.

You will be happy either way. Your obviously putting a great deal of thought into this. You will grow from this immensely. I know that's not any consolation at this point, but it will be.

I would suggest you stop writing so much and just read. Read the positive posts and the negative ones also. I find that I learn from the positive posts and I see my mistakes in the negative ones allowing me to correct them easier.

Although my Wife is not having an affair I see a lot of the same as you do. They seem to have it all figured out even though what they have figured out makes no sense. Ignore it absurdity of it. It will get you nowhere.

I get all the same stuff. We married to young. yeah 30 is young huh. and all that crap.

I quite drinking and it has brought me a lot of clarity. I reccomend it.

Good luck to you. I understand how you feel.

Posted By: frank_D D15 is melting down. Wife doesn't care - 12/27/05 03:26 AM
Got a call an hour ago from D15 who is with W and D10 at W's friends house about 1 hour drive away.

D15: Hey Daddy, can you come and get me. I want to go home.

Me: Are you ok?

D15: I just want to be home. I'm not feeling well.

Me: Did you talk to mom about this?

D15: Yes, she doesn't want me to go home tonite.

Me: Let me talk to her

D15: She isn't here, she went to get dinner with (friend)

Me: OK, when she gets back you talk to her about this and then have her call me. I'll drive in that direction anyway since I'm going out so I'll be closer if you decide you are still coming home.

D15: OK


15 minutes Later...W calls me on cell

W: I heard you were coming to get D15

Me: Yeah, she called me and I told her to talk to you and I would drive that way so if you both decide it's what you want to do I'll be part of the way there

W: Well I wish you had called me first to talk about it

Me: She told me you had talked, and I told her to clear it with you when you got back

W: Well next time there is a problem please call me before you do anything. As a friend and Co-Parent of our kids that's what I need you to do. That way they don't have to be caught in the middle between us.

Me: Uh, she wasn't in the middle. I told her to CLEAR IT WITH YOU WHEN YOU GOT BACK. I only drove in the direction of where you are because I figured she wouldn't be talked out of if and that way I'd be at least 15 minutes closer.

W: Well, I talked to her and we're going to have our dinner, play some games and then I'll come home with her.

Me: What about D10? And your friend? You won't be able to spend time with her.

W: Well that's ok. D10 will stay there and they'll have fun.

Me: I am part way there, I can come and get her

W: No, I told you I would bring her home. It's ok!

Me: ok, I am just trying to be flexible.

W: Ok, well I'll see you in a while. Bye.

All I could think about was that it was MORE important for her to be in charge than it was for D15 to get emotional support from HER FATHER. She never once talked about D15's feelings.

I drove back home and lost it big time. Nobody home so I just yelled and pounded the bed. I have this little book of photos she made up for fathers day where she labeled some with lines like 'I love you because you are you!' and 'I want to grow old with you'. All I could do was yell and pound the bed and throw pillows. What a LOSER. She was never there for me when I needed help. She complained or 'tried to help' or whetever but she was NEVER there.

Now she's all 'in love' with a guy who is beyond loser - two time divorcee, smokes 2 packs a day, has all kinds of other problems in his life, takes his Girlfriend of 3 years to a retreat to 'work on relationship' and meets W there and they are now soulmates and lovers. Comes back and dumps GF. W dumps me and pursues him. Now he's going to 'move out west' so he can start a new life, and be with her of course. At 39 years old? What kind of man acts this way?

She can have him. She scored a winner there. But, but, it's LOVE! She is so f'ing heartless right now. Maybe this is what I need to help me detach. I really hate her right now. As far as I can see she ain't ever coming back and I don't want her to unless she CHANGES and GROWS UP.

If she says anything to me I am going to point out that D15 wouldn't be all upset if YOU weren't screwing some loser and destroying our family for him. Oh, wait, sorry, she is FINDING HER PATH IN LIFE. Right.

But what will I really do? I'll DB of course. Because that's what we do, we eat s**t from them because we hope they will see that they should be in the family with us. Aren't we special.
Posted By: amd Re: D15 is melting down. Wife doesn't care - 12/27/05 04:56 AM
Wow, Frank, it sucks to be the grown up all the time, doesn't it? It's pretty sad that W took this event so personally--but that's the immaturity coming through. Is she in MLC? At any rate, you did well to take out your frustration at home and away from her.

And a suggestion: quit looking at cards, pictures, etc., that bring on misery and anger. Just put them away for a while.
Posted By: frank_D Re: The slow walk home - 12/27/05 05:21 AM

I quite drinking and it has brought me a lot of clarity. I reccomend it.

Yep, me too. Been over two months and I don['t miss it!

Wow, Frank, it sucks to be the grown up all the time, doesn't it? It's pretty sad that W took this event so personally--but that's the immaturity coming through. Is she in MLC? At any rate, you did well to take out your frustration at home and away from her.

And a suggestion: quit looking at cards, pictures, etc., that bring on misery and anger. Just put them away for a while.

Yes, it does suck being grown up. I never knew this person lived inside my wife. I always thought she was a kind and loving person with a huge heart. Now she is a bratty teenager in love and annoyed when she is not getting what she wants. Snide, Snotty, cold. Occasionally I see a glimpse of her real self but I think she reserves that for OM to see.

Like I said: EVERYONE I know can see he is a giant step DOWN from me, except her.
Posted By: spitfire23 Re: The slow walk home - 12/27/05 03:36 PM

I'm so sorry. It does suck to be a grown up! I'm thinking about quitting. After all, my H is almost 50 and he's NEVER been one. If he can get away with it, why not me

Oh, yeah, now I remember why I won't do that......because I am a person of integrity and so are you!

Wondering why you didn't just call W yourself after speaking with your D? Wouldn't that have taken D our of the middle?
You could have left it with your D that you needed to speak with W first. I know it's hard when your kids are reaching out for help. Remember your D is really hurting right now.

Another dynamic that I see at work here is this. I don't have any daughters but my experience with friends is that teenage girls get really pissed off when their moms try to behave like teenagers. (Dressing young, flirting w the high schoolers that stop over, tuning in to the "kids" music, etc) I think you get my drift. This pisses off teenage girls even when there is no marital strife going on. I've never experienced this just observed from the outside. Don't know if it helps you at all.

Also, I agree with putting away the pictures, mementos, etc. You're torturing yourself and stirring up feelings you shouldn't be dealing with right now.

Hang in there!

Posted By: NYsurvivor Re: The slow walk home - 12/27/05 03:42 PM
Also, I agree with putting away the pictures, mementos, etc. You're torturing yourself and stirring up feelings you shouldn't be dealing with right now.

Agreed. I had boxed up every picture of my ex and put them away a long time ago. Yesterday, cleaning up some around the house, came across a few more. You stare at the face in the picture and something deep inside you gets tormented. I added them to the box. Perhaps mark the box, "Do Not Open Until You're 80" or perhaps even, "Do Not Open Ever."
Posted By: frank_D Re: The slow walk home - 12/27/05 04:32 PM

You stare at the face in the picture and something deep inside you gets tormented.

Yeah, And they look at pictures and nothing inside them gets tormented because they were 'suffering' during that time, yet oddly smiling too.

I guess we get 'roles' put upon us in our lives whether we like them or not. My role has been 'stability'. Even when I was depressed and drinking we had a stable life, home, financials.

And now, while my W pursues OM who we know is a loser, and we go to counseling where counselor's goal is to reawaken the love and caring in our marriage within W without making HER think that, my role is to be present and be 'stability'.

Right now though I don't want to talk to W any more. Like TJ, I am going to respond lovingly and enthusiastically but only when she approaches me. She can get all her needs fulfilled by OM via IM or Phone. Too bad he's so far away. But hey, when he moves closer that will prove his love for her right? Or... will it prove his needyness?

Maybe that's what she needs right now - someone who will do anything she asks and can be controlled. Someone who WANTS her to fix him and is EASY to fix.

I'll probably hurt like this for another month, then again when he finally flys to see her or she flys to see him for another weekend romp. But I'm not going to expose myself to her any more unless she invites me. Maybe then she'll get a clue that I really WILL be gone some day, if she cares anyway. It's so pathetic that she has told me I should 'be dating'. Unbelievable that she could be my wife 2 months ago and tell me to 'date' a week ago.

I keep coming back to the thought that someone who can do this to me, who had this personality living inside her, had to have been 'this way' for a long time. It just took the proper triggers to make it come out.

Why would I want to be with someone like that? Why be around her now? The hugs and friendlyness are just fake fronts to reduce her guilt for hurting me.

In any spare moments ALL she is thinking about is OM.

They are both weak, needy and emotionally dependent people who are getting their self worth from each other. She knows better. He doesn't. They certainly deserve each other. It's interesting that her Mom divorced her dad who was also a strong personality, and ended up with a man who is a much weaker personality. Now, her dad was a bit of a jerk at times and her mom is a flakey person so they really didn't belong together. But in our case I am not a jerk and I am a strong but not controlling person.

And, I am learning everything I need to know to be a better life partner with a woman. I think I am also going to be a pretty good catch too. I just need to get over W.

Will she be the one who catches me? Who knows. Doesn't seem likely right now.
Posted By: VINCES Re: The slow walk home - 12/28/05 01:39 AM
I know what you mean...my sits is similar ("WAW is having affair")
It is so hard for me to say...is this the girl I married...could I have been this far off of reading her? I can't believe I was so far off and better yet that she isn't smart enough to see how she is doing incredibly hateful things to me. They asay that they are aliens...but this is really weird...it's like it's not my wife.
Posted By: frank_D Re: The slow walk home - 12/28/05 03:58 AM
I agree with the counselor... I think after the changes and the A&V have been established, it is time to slowly pull away.... the S needs to change and come with you or you will never have a good R anyway...

What I am struggling with is how much pull away vs. how much affection/support/affirmation.

Since I live with my W like TJ does, I will be

-- Spending time with my kids. This will also make her see I am a good father which is always a plus in a womans heart.
-- Not specifically including her in anything I'm doing with kids unless it would be totally rude to exclude her. SHe can ask to join or just jump in if she wants to. Again, not mean or rude, just don't make an effort.
-- When I'm not with the kids, I'll be in my room or in my office or out. If she wants to talk to me or spend any time with me she can ask me, I'll be very available and glad to spend time. Again, not rude, just not going to give of myself unless requested. Would you follow a 'friend' around the house and talk to them or do things for them all day? No.
-- ALWAYS be as nice and loving and giving as I would normally be. I just won't initiate anything with her unless I have to. I will ALWAYS be glad to talk to her when she initiates with me. I will ALWAYS give affection / support / affirmation when I do talk to her of course. I just won't make an effort to talk to her.

Counselor said if she asks 'what's wrong' I should just say "I can't be happy every day in this situation. Today I'm just feeling a little sad, angry, and disgusted about my life so please give me some space'.

It's not a judgement just your emotional situation.

I did this last nite because I was SO ANGRY with her (read my thread). Last nite after our incident with D15 she came home and I was in my room reading. She comes in and says

W: Hey, D15 is upset a bit but ok now. SHe broke up with her boyfriend today.

Me: Well, that is certainly a life lesson for her.

W: Yeah, that plus everything else going on is too much for her.

Me: Yes, well she'll sort through it.

W pauses for a moment not saying anything...

Me: Well, good night then! (I look down at my book, she doesn't leave)

W: ok, well I'm sure it'll all be ok. Good night.

Me: Good night (back to my book).

---- This morning -----

I get up and go get my coffee. Normally I would sit in the kitchen and 'be available' to talk to W who will usually talk about something. This time I get coffee and go back to my room and get on my computer and read e-mails.

She comes upstairs after about 20 minutes and says to me:

W: Will you please do something with the Dog!?

Me: What's the problem?

W: He's taking all his chew toys and hiding them in the couch and chairs.

Me: Well, did you punish him?

W: I yelled at him but he keeps doing it

Me: Well spank him

W: I did, but you're better at disciplining him.

The conversation then turned to some other topic that I don't remember. I never did go deal with the dog and she didn't ask me to. So, why do you think she even brought it up? It's not like she EVER asks me to discipline the dog. I mean she NEVER does. Counselor says she just wanted contact to see if I was still there for her.

I was.

1/2 hour later, she comes in again. This time she has her exercise clothes on. We both walk 5 miles a day to help stay in shape. Never at the same time. She says

W: Want to go for a walk with me?

Me: Why, do you need to talk? (we only walk together to talk about things away from the kids, pretty rare these days)

W: No, you said it would be nice if we went for walks together, part of being friends.

Me: Oh, right. I'm sorry I forgot. I would love to go but I have an appointment in 1/2 hour and our walks are over an hour. But please ask me again some time!

She left for her walk, I left for my appt. This was actually pretty lucky since I would have then spent an hour talking with her which is what I DON'T want to do right now.

The rest of the day I saw her maybe 3 times, for less than 3-5 minutes each time and I was on my way somewhere else. To help 'explain' why I wasn't taking time to talk to her I told her I was in a rush and had a lot on my mind.

Shes' out of town with the kids till thursday which works great for plan 'B' here. She won't see me till then and I can build up my immunity to her so when she does come back I am still distant.

So, if I was a betting man I'd bet she is feeling a little rejected. After all since the first day she bombed me I have been DB'ing, understanding, validating, even talking to her about her affair in and 'understanding' manner.

I would expect she is telling OM how I have 'shut her out' or something. I bet he will say to her I am a 'butt head' but not to care because 'he loves her' and I don't matter. Actually, I would hope he DOES say that, it would help my cause.

But one thing is FOR SURE. She won't get support or validation from me unless SHE initiates contact with me. She may be getting all her 'love' from OM but is she getting stability, support and care for her and her children from him? I think not. Nor do I think he COULD or WOULD do that.

And yes, it hurts and I cried twice today. But I can't keep giving her energy and getting no results. I am feeding her the energy and stability she needs to feel safe while she still does what she is doing. It's time for her to feel less safe. I can't make her move out and have to take care of herself and feel what it's like to be alone, but I can make her feel what life without my stabilizing influence feels like.

Counselor says I will have to make her leave or do something BEFORE OM moves out here (if he really does) because otherwise she will be able to go live with him and not have to take care of herself.

Do I think these things I am doing will make her drop OM any time soon? Nope. But she can't "have her cake and eat it too". She cannot have her 'in love' feelings with OM and my 'stability without giving me love' at the same time. Nope. Sorry. Time's up.

I know I can do this. I also know it will cause some kind of shift in our relationship but I don't know what. Maybe she will just spend more time talking to OM on the phone or internet. But, if she ever loved me and valued my companionship and communications she will miss it now. A real person is much more interesting to talk to than someone on a phone.

Plus, I KNOW HER better than anybody. Better than OM for sure. Who can really understand her, her fears, her dreams her ambitions better than me? OM is no intellectual or emotional powerhouse here, his life is full of problems that I solved a long time ago. 'in love' isn't as good as 'real love'. What I have to offer is real, not a fantasy.

Something is going to happen soon. I hope it's something good. If not, then at least I am protecting my heart space from beng walked on any more.

Letting go now...
Posted By: slowly Re: The slow walk home - 12/28/05 08:55 AM
Hi Frank - This is never an easy situation, and it is clear you have thought this through. I see no viable alternative than to save your 'energy' for those activities that you personally find rewarding. It will require planning, to be busy but not appear rude. And that's not such a bad thing, to plan ahead.

I'm glad you have never moved out of the family home. The opportunity to let the WAS see what will be missed is definitely far greater if you are in the same house.

Lots of support coming your way. Be consistent with the energy conservation. Slowly
Posted By: frank_D Re: The slow walk home - 12/29/05 02:06 AM

I'm glad you have never moved out of the family home. The opportunity to let the WAS see what will be missed is definitely far greater if you are in the same house.

I don't understand this comment. How will she miss me if I am in the house?
Posted By: SvenTheRed Re: The slow walk home - 12/29/05 02:54 AM

I just picked up on your full sitch. Very similar to mine - have a WAW (except that we are separated - I have an apartment not far from the family home). There is an OM that I flushed out at a counseling session back in Dec. W wants to stay friends - admits that I am her best friend but that we became roomates. She apologised the other day for "giving up" - perhaps a baby step but there is a lot of confusion on her part.

So I have been detaching as best I can. Being really friendly, etc. Acting as if. Going to pull some doosey 180's in the next month or so. I'm inspired by Hardheads posts that I know you had read and will start employing those strategies. In the end, my W I see wanted someone more in control of themselves. I wasn't that person. This OM might be (he's a cop if I understand right so probably all rough and tumble, blah, blah). I don't know for certain if it is just an EA or a PA at this point - working on NOT CARING. DB's for myself. One month in and I can already feel the difference in ME. WAW is seeing it to but fighting it a little. It is about patience.

I'll keep you posted on my sitch and certainly be watching yours. Hang in there.

Posted By: frank_D Reactions from 'friends' - 12/29/05 04:52 AM
Just got done talking to a firend of mine on the east coast (I live in california, used to be from NY state). Told him I have decided to 'let go' and stop giving W the supportive environment she has had so far from me. His response 'About time, should have kiked the whore out' His wife: "Honey, I know you want her back, but she's crazy and you ned to protect your kids".

How many of us get talked down to by our friends because we are willing to 'let' our WAS have an affair because we believe it is something that can be overcome? This particular friend can't understand why I didn't kick her out when I found out she slept with OM. Now he's 'happy' that I am finally getting it.

His argument came down to these point:

A) We are crybabys who want to keep our spouse so bad we'll let them get away with murder so we won't lose them. Boo Hoo.

B) It's a 'west coast' thing. East coast people would boot a cheating spouse out and get a divorce right away.

C) Somehow, there is a huge amount of denial in us and we simply won't see that the cheating spouse is a loser and we should get rid of them, make them try to live with no money. teach them a lesson.

My argument of course is:

A) There is a lot more going on here than an affair. There are emotional issues that caused it and our love for the person dictates that we must at least try to help them through these issues.

What kind of reactions are YOU getting from people who love you about DB'ing?
Posted By: caverna Re: Reactions from 'friends' - 12/29/05 05:04 AM
Frank, your friends have never been in your shoes.

I confess my whole morals changed since I found out about H's escapades. I used to be like your friends: a guy cheats on you, even once, he is out!! However, once you are actually living it, it's not so easy. Few people in this planet cheat just out of boredom or because they want variety. There is usually a WHOLE lot more missing in the current R and we instinctively know this.

Not defending our Ss, here, mind you. I am just validating your position. Only you know what happened between you and your S. Not even we here at BB are entitled to push you one way or another. Dealing w/ betrayal + attachment is confusing enough.
Posted By: caverna Re: Reactions from 'friends' - 12/29/05 05:06 AM
BTW, answering your question... some friends of mine and family members don't even want to hear about it anymore. They think I have wasted enough time already.
Posted By: NYsurvivor Re: Reactions from 'friends' - 12/29/05 05:06 AM
The response you got from your friends is typical. Others always offer pretty much the same advice: Divorce! End it! Move on! Be done with her!

It's part that they have no other answer, it's part that divorce or "ending it" seems to be a "solution" popular in society nowadays. The missing factor is that they're not walking in your shoes. Certainly, chances are, if you were asked the day before your wedding what you would do if you found yourself in this sitch, you'd have said the same thing. But now, things are different, because your emotions are involved, and because you have a history with this person.

Friends may be well-meaning and on your side, but their advice... that can interfere with your goals.
Posted By: amd Re: Reactions from 'friends' - 12/29/05 04:32 PM
Totally agree with caverna and NYS. I know that some of my family and friedns think I'm nuts, but they've never been in my place. I've said this before on my own thread and on others: I can always kick him out. I can always get a divorce. I won't always have the opportunity to work on my marriage and on myself like this. I'll give this road, the road less taken, a chance.

Please be careful around well-meaning friends who tell you to just move on. They've never stood where you are now. You are the only one who can decide what's right for you.
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: Reactions from 'friends' - 12/29/05 04:58 PM
Some of the best advice here...I too know from experience that only you can decide how to proceed and what to do...it ain't over til YOU say it's over...friends and family are always looking out for you...the way they think you should live too. I know from day one I heard You can do better than him...be thankful...blah blah blah...but it was a decision that I made on my own...they don't live my life and I certainly as hell would not want to live theirs either. So live for you and decide for you.

I don't really waste my friends time about stuff...only in severe desperation will I call them. This is what this BB is for...because all of us understand on here. We come here and vent and it frees us a bit...but even so, with all the wisdom and experience here...you still have to live your own life...

Posted By: frank_D Re: Reactions from 'friends' - 12/29/05 05:58 PM
Yeah, it just drives a wedge between my friends and I.
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: Reactions from 'friends' - 12/29/05 06:07 PM

Yeah, it just drives a wedge between my friends and I.

Then let it go...detach from your friends too. I had to. I took 2mos off from them...other than my best friend who is also a business partner with me. It was the best thing for me at the time. I went out and made new friends...and then slowly I let my old friends (our mutual friends) back into my life and I am still learning boundaries...that is an everday battle for me...

This is YOUR life, it is not a dress rehearsal...and when it's all said and done...you have to live with yourself and the decisions that you make.
Posted By: frank_D I don't know what this all means - 12/31/05 07:54 AM
I have to do my best to relate all this while it's still semi fresh in my mind. Fortunatly I did call a friend and debrief myself.

This is the most bizarre thing I have been through in DB'ing.

Quick Background: WAW and I had tough past few years, much of it due to my depression and drinking to avoid feelings.

She went to a retreat in Hawaii and met her 'soulmate' in the last 24 hours of the retreat. He was there with his GF. Came home happy to be back but 24 hours later she's wanting a divorce. She proceeds to pursue OM long distance (we are in L.A. he is in Connecticut). He's responsive, dumps his GF and she keeps writing e-mails and they talk on the phone for 20 minutes every other day. She arranges to go see him after 6 weeks of this. Just before she goes he doesn't call her that week but e-mails her. She's hurt and decides he's not 'the one' and goes anyway to bring 'closure'. PE happens and they are now 'totally in love'. This was dec 1st. Classic EA obsession and other teenage behavior since then. Read this thread for other musings about OM. Now on to the events of tonite.

W is a massage therapist and has Reikei / Spiritual healer type beliefs.

Please, realize that this story is strange and I am so confused. Also realize that W is a very normal woman, good mom and good person. Past couple days I have been 'gray', avoiding contact whenever possible trying to 'let go'. Mostly for my sake. She has been angry the past 2 days. Unknown to me is that she thinks I AM ANGRY since I have made myself unavailable. This is typical of our old relationship - she mirrors my emotions and reacts to them.

ok, the story.

At dinner table W says 'Someone sent me a psychic attack yesterday'. Me: 'what does that mean?'. W: 'it means that I got a pain in my abdomen and I felt it was coming from someone. I pushed it away with light energy and the pain went away'.

Now, I am not sure what to say or think. I am sitting in disbelief but I want to know what the ^&*^* she is talking about! Um, this is getting weird and she is being serious.

Me: 'Who would do something like that to you, and would know how to do it?' W: 'OM's (ex) girlfriend knows Reiki and could do this. I know she hates me'. (she in in CT, we are in CA)

I am still trying to grasp this whole exchange. She is dead serious and the look on her face is one of hurt and anger.

In a split second I decide to push the limits and say: 'Well, I can see why she might be upset, you and OM really screwed both of us (GF and I)'. (Whew!) She says nothing. I walk away from her so she can digest it and get my jacket to go for a walk. She then starts a tirade about how I get to come and go as I please and she doesn't. I am calm and tell her that I didn't know she felt that way, I would stay home, she could go for a walk. She doesn't want to go right now. ok. I say that I will be more aware in the future and not assume I can come and go.. She says 'well maybe that's just the way my life is going to be'.' I run out of answers and put my jacket away then go upstairs to my room to get away and read. I feel like the 'jab' about OM and her screwing GF and I has totally wrecked my DB'ing for today, but one thing I had decided today was to stop ignoring the affair and acting like it's OK.

So, I push it some more. I ask her "Do you care how (GF) feels at all about what has happened to her?"

W: No, I don't care about her. I met her in Hawaii and she is holding a lot of anger in her life. He was going to dump her anyway.

Me: Ok, do you care how your affair has hurt me?

W: Of course I do.

Me: Why?

W: because I have a relationship with you.

(note: Old W would have agonized about hurting a fly. Now she has helped to hurt this woman and could care less.)

I leave the room because I am disgusted.

5 minutes later she comes upstairs to my room and says: "I'm sorry I yelled at you" Me: "when did you yell?" W: "about the going out stuff". Me: "ok, i'm not upset about that".

W: "Well you seem angry with me since I came back from grandmas house yesterday"
(This is when I began my detachment / letting go)
Me: "I'm not mad I'm just hurting too much right now. I can only take so much of your Adulterous Affair and the other emotional stuff with the divorce and I have to retreat and rebuild my strength". I just feel disgusted, hurt, lonely and angry right now. I did tell her it goes against my morals.

From this point I am paraphrasing because the conversation got heated and I don't remember the exact words...

W: "You can't blame the divorce on my relationship! We were going to divorce at some point, it was just a matter of time. And I told you I wanted a divorce before I started any relationship with OM"

(note: while in Hawaii she called every day to say she missed me. When I picked her up at the airport she smiled a loving smile and hugged me. Yes, we had problems and I know she wanted life to change BUT for her to say that OM was NOT the reason she asked for D at this time is B.S. because she did NOT ask for it UNTIL she saw he was interested in her pursuing him.)

Me: "I don't agree with that. As soon as you came home you pursued him, and I know you had that INTENTION before you came home (she told me about the events in Hawaii). So don't try to tell me it all happened AFTER you said DIVORCE to me". You were already on the path.

W: Well you know it was bound to happen anyway!

Me: What? That you would eventually find someone to have an affair with and that would be the end of our marriage?

W: No, that we would get divorced! The OM has nothing to do with it! Do you want me to stop talking to him and proceed with the divorce??

Me: That's not going to happen. You won't drop him, so don't tell me you will.

W: I will, and it won't make a difference, we'll still get divorced.

Me: Nope, you're lying to me. You will not drop him. you don't want to.
(Note: later she says she told me this to goad me, and apoligizes)

W: Well I like the way you blame everything on ME and you have no responsibility in this!

Me: Every day for the past two months I have punished myself for being weak, and hurting you and our relationship. If I could go back in time and change it I would. If I could pull the moon from the sky to make a difference I would. I hurt more than you imagine because it was my weaknesses than has cost me this. I loved you and I've lost everything. I have beat myself up better than anyone else could possibly do. And I am paying my penance, and I will for the rest of my life.

She starts to cry.

W: You have no idea how much it hurt me to see you be the way you were.

Me: Yes, I do. I am paying for it every day.

W: OM is NOT the cause of D, it was going to happen anyway.

Me: Why do you say that?

W: I don't know, maybe so I can convince myself...

Me: I've stayed out of your way for the past 2 months, I just can't stand here and take it forever. I need some time to transition myself to a more neutral emotional state while you pursue your affair. I know you're not going to end it like you are trying to tell me. You want it too bad.

W: Well, I really don't know what I'm going to do.

Me: What do you mean?

W: I just don't know what will happen.

Me: Well what do you want from me?

W: I just want to get through this, the divorce process. I want us to be friends, I want to go on with my life. I want to find someone who can work with my on my massage business and who has the same ideas I have about how to do it (Note: OM knows she wants to do this and has said that this is what he wants to do too! Surprised?)

She wants me to stay living here for the kids sake, to keep a stable environment. I ask her if she wants the stable environment for herself too. She says it's not important to her. She does say she still wants to go to couples counseling to work on 'healing' the hurt between us. (This is important because our counselor is trying to bring her back to reality).

We then discuss the hugs she has given me lately. I told her I felt that she was doing it because she thought I was needy, and that I am NOT. She said she thought I was. I also mentioned that I wasn't feeling any real emotion when she did. She then blames that on me because I'm "blocking" her. It's all me. Bull, I can tell when someone is not emotionally present and I tell her so but she won't hear it.

I end up explaining that I'm not mad at her, I just need some space to recover from the past few weeks (and to detach from her). She seems happier then since she doesn't think I am mad at her any more.

I tell her I don NOT want to have a relationship with her again. She says 'we have a relationship, we're friends'.

She gets up and gets her jacket and goes for a walk. She is only gone 10 minutes. Probably because OM is not available when she called him on her cell. I offer to watch a movie with her and she decides that would be nice. We watch the movie and it's pleasant, then we each go to our rooms to go to bed. She is in a much better mood.

But, she said earlier that she wasn't sleeping much lately. Hopefully she has something to think about tonite. something like 'did I really use OM as a way out of marriage?' She HAS to know she lied to herself. If she was going to divorce me she would NOT have been so pleasant and loving at the airport. She was unsure and he tipped the scales AFTER she was home and WHILE she was in a very emotional state. And, their relationship is very very weird. He's claiming he will move to CA in the next year now. Who does something like that?

I am not sure if this was a DB boo boo or what but I feel like I accomplished something by hitting her up on the Adultery so she couldn't deny it is wrong.

Plus, now that we've established that I am not angry with her, I can 'let go' and she won't think I'm angry. That's good because I don't need the negative feelings. I need her to miss interacting with me.

So, what just happend here? I have some ideas but I really need outside opinions! There's more but this is the main points. W is still intent on D and is still into OM I'm sure.
Posted By: Keyster43 Re: I don't know what this all means - 12/31/05 08:58 AM
Very interesting indeed. I have started to do the same thing you are doing. On Wed. I went to my house to be with the kids. First thing I did was hand my W the miniIpod I got our D11 for Xmas. Told her I cold not register it and that she should do it. She had a look on her face, that pissed look she gets when things dont go her way. Then, instead of eating my dinner with her, I went into the playroom to watch movie and eat with S6. Then she came into the playroom and asked me a question, which I answered. She then says I seem angry about something and I say no, I answerd her question(of course I am angry you dumb bi((h, after what you have done and are doing, your da)) right I am angry, wake up!) By doing what we are doing they must react to us. They think we are angry. They have just acknowledged our 180. They are confused and curious as to what is up. Why? Well...we have started to take away control along with security. We are no longer as available and they want to know why. I have not spoken to my W since, and I will not call her. I will be nice but I have stopped pursuing her. If she wants something she will have to ask. For instance, the Xmas tree will need to be discarded. She will have to ask me or someone else to get rid of it, or do it herself. I am not offering to do it. If she does ask me, I will take care it. The bottom line is, as you have pointed out, our Ws need to see that we are not the source of their unhappyness. They own that themselves. They are responsible for their happiness or unhappyness, not us. The same goes for us too. From there we now get into neediness and so forth. You know the rest, I am sure. Keep doing what you are doing. Detaching lovingly is the key to either happiness together or happiness apart. Either way we will be happy. Happy New Year.

Posted By: spitfire23 Re: I don't know what this all means - 12/31/05 02:09 PM
Hi Frank

I think you handled that pretty well. I believe what is happening is that your W is becoming very uncomfortable with your detaching. I think this is normal and it is what should be happening. I would guess that she will become more confused and maybe in not so great a mood as you continue to detach. Stay the course. And I don't see anything wrong with repeating that you need space as you are hurting and need to adjust to this situation.

You can tell your W that some maniacal woman from the midwest sent out a voodoo curse to all WAS who ever cheated on their mates. No amount of light energy is gonna zap it. This is a serious curse which can only be lifted when WAS matures to age 6 (at the minimum)

You are doing a good job. Hang in there.

Have a very happy new year.

Posted By: frank_D Re: I don't know what this all means - 12/31/05 05:07 PM

Detaching lovingly is the key to either happiness together or happiness apart. Either way we will be happy.

Yeah, THIS is what I need to hear. I slept maybe 3 hours last nite because I could tell I hit a nerve with her by challenging her perception of the 'affair' and the 'divorce'. I wish I had been thinking more because I COULD have pointed out to her that she came home in a loving mood and didn't say 'divorce' UNTIL she connected with OM on the phone and started to pursue him. If she thinks that the affair had nothing to do with asking for a divorce she is fooling herself. And for crying out loud we LIVE in the same house and we interact 'as if' all the time unless I take away my half of the energy. Then she get's pissy.

I would guess that she will become more confused and maybe in not so great a mood as you continue to detach.

I hope that's true. It will show me that she really does love me and doesn't want to lose me completely. That means there is an open door still.

As far as the 'voodoo doll', I know it's pretty weird that she would even THINK up something like that. In a different post I mentioned that OM sent her an e-mail Xmas eve while the family was out looking at xmas decorations in which he said 'I think Frank is sending me a lot of negative feelings because I am being overwhelmed by them'. W answered 'no, we were all together having fun, but I could FEEL your presence.'

Now, in my knowledge about what we say and do, when someone says something like what he said, it is a reflection on what HE feels about HIMSELF. i.e. he was feeling that I am threatening to him, and that he is doing something 'bad', thus the 'negative vibes'.

When W said 'I am being attacked psychically by GF' she is feeling that what she has done wasn't so great a thing and hurt GF so W feels threatened by that thought and feeling.

The biggest thing I HOPE came out of our conversation is that she is now thinking that MAYBE she DID give up on the marriage because of OM. I think that if she didn't meet him she would still have stayed, and with the changes I was making then we might have had a chance to get it right.

Who knows.

Regardless, LET GO, LET GO, LET GO!
Posted By: AmyC Re: I don't know what this all means - 12/31/05 05:38 PM
Frank_D ~

I am so proud of you!! When you first came on this board you were defeated and seemed to have given up on LIFE. I used to be so worried about you just a few weeks ago. Now you are like a completely different person.

You are handling this very well. I love the way you are challenging your wife's candycoated views of the marriage, divorce and the affair. Keep putting it out there like it IS. Maybe sooner or later she'll open her eyes.

As for the "psychic attack", you know I don't by into any of that stuff, but some people do and to them the power of suggestion is real. Those that dabble in that stuff are definitely under attack but it's not from a jealous woman. Personally, I think she just had gas.

You are doing very well. Keep up the brutal honesty. It will help to keep her from completely residing in fantasy land.

Take care,
Posted By: frank_D Re: I don't know what this all means - 12/31/05 11:32 PM
Thanks Amy, Spitfire, Keyster, etc.

Still wondering what people think about that exchange. Is there really any hope with her or is she just 'done' and going to OM to get her 'dream' of a partner in business, a lover who isn't me?

Anyway, last nite she woke up from a bad dream in the middle of the nite yelling. I didn't get up but I though I heard her. She told me about it this morning.

In her dream D15 is older now and comes home all drunk and drugged up. W is trying to get he straightend out but D15 is telling her sho doesn't care or something, I didn't really get the whole story other than D15 was messed up. By the way, D15 is probably the strongest and most stable kid you'd ever meet.

W says she woke up yelling 'I don't want to be the mother of a teenager!'. She tells me she was very upset because she's afraid for D15. I tell her that she doesn't have to worry because she's not alone, I'm here too and I'll be with her as a parent. She starts to cry.

So, I just walk right over to her and hold her. I wouldn't have done this before but I felt it was needed. She holds me and crys a little. It's for real. Then D15 walks into the room and W lets go.

Just for reference, W WAS into drinking and drugs and sex when she was a teen. Her parents weren't there for her and she got into some bad sit's. She pulled herself out of it when she was 17. I know she fears our D15 will behave the same, but it ain't gonna happen. We are MUCH different parents and she is a much different kid.

The rest of today W has been pleasant, friendly, coordial but not making eye contact often, and if she does she isn't projecting any feelings.

I felt really good about this incident. I supported HER without needing anything. And I was fully present. I think in a way is was good that D15 came in to give it a reason to end so it didn't get awkward. And, W LET me support her. Now she is distant again.

Still trying to understand last nites talk. I still have it in my head that she is totally checked out of the Marriage, and is into the affair justifying it by saying she was leaving the marriage anyway. And OM keeps morphing into whatever she wants him to be. Now he's saying he's going to be her massage partner that she's always wanted.

Still hurts a lot. In my mind I see her with him, and me alone (well, with my kids). But the hurt she feels when we talk about our Marriage is real. I don't know exactly what the source of that hurt is.

I guess I should get some solace in the fact that she did say more than once that she didn't know what she was going to do with OM. But that may just be 'shall I go be with him' -vs- 'Will he come here and be my partner'.

I was hoping for a revelation to come to her, for her to become emotional about the loss of our marriage. But it's still the same as it was I guess. So, Back to detaching and letting go. I'm sad again.

I wish I could go back in time and change this. But I can't.

As was said by someone else 'Detaching lovingly is the key to either happiness together or happiness apart. Either way we will be happy." I miss her.
Posted By: amd Re: I don't know what this all means - 01/01/06 12:21 AM

I was hoping for a revelation to come to her, for her to become emotional about the loss of our marriage. But it's still the same as it was I guess. So, Back to detaching and letting go. I'm sad again.

I wish I could go back in time and change this. But I can't.

As was said by someone else 'Detaching lovingly is the key to either happiness together or happiness apart. Either way we will be happy." I miss her.

Of course you miss her, Frank. And one day, she may have that revelation. In the meantime, keep detaching as best you can and live life for YOU. ou're sadnow for good reasons, but one day, as you pointed out, you will be happy again.
Posted By: SvenTheRed Re: I don't know what this all means - 01/01/06 02:24 AM

I was hoping for a revelation to come to her, for her to become emotional about the loss of our marriage. But it's still the same as it was I guess. So, Back to detaching and letting go. I'm sad again.

Your's and my W are clones - alien clones. Going through the same thing. The EA/PA is killing me. I know you have read my sitch too. I have really grown and GLA'd/DB's I think pretty well. I need to start being brutally honest (and if the change arises at MC this week, I will). It is morally wrong. I HOPE someday she wakes up and says "what the heck am I doing?". The boys and me will be at church again tomorrow (as with every Sunday). She hasn't gone in probably a year. It's funny because we go to a Catholic church (W is, I'm Methodist). From time to time over the past couple weeks, she asks me about something she has done (not related to our R) "will I go to he|| for this?". Tought to bite my tongue.

I really think (and here is the hard part) that in a lot of ways you are right - the EA/PA is not the reason for divorce - but they use it as "leverage", a way of explaining away the foolish pride around admitting to you that they are wrong.

As you know in my sitch, I have a W that might be as much as 75% of the way back (or maybe not). However, she cannot get over the 25% because she would have to explain herself - to everyone - about the OM, etc. and she cannot do that. She needs to see this through, blah, blah. I plan on telling her in MC that I have "forgiven her completely for all that I know about and don't. That I love her unconditionally but need to move on with my life. She KNOWS and has seen how self confident I am these days. I can only hope that rattles the foundation she is on. I'll be patient for a little long, but based on response, it might be time to uptick the detachment. e.g. I think she still has the sense that she will be able to stay in the house she does.

Anyway, I think you had a good exchange. Keep it up - there seems to be a crack there that might be opening. I think you did a good job at self control. That is key in the face of this adversity!

Keep it up.

Posted By: SvenTheRed Re: I don't know what this all means - 01/01/06 03:35 AM
One other question - if you don't mind me asking. While going through this journey, do you still wear your wedding ring? There was a post a couple weeks ago on the Newcomer's forum to which I answered yes (because I still do). As another 180/GAL/LRT, I've been thinking of taking it off.

Thoughts anyone else? I really don't want to take it off. I feel like W is wearing me down...

Posted By: VINCES Re: I don't know what this all means - 01/01/06 03:49 AM
I think it's personal choice...I continually caught me wife taking her ring off when she would go out (presume to see OM) so i took it and put in the safe deposit box (very valuable) and I continued wearing mine trying to make her feel guilty but part of my detaching...I have quit wearing mine.
Posted By: frank_D Re: I don't know what this all means - 01/01/06 08:16 AM

One other question - if you don't mind me asking. While going through this journey, do you still wear your wedding ring?

Neither W or I have worn our rings for years. She is a massage therapist and stopped wearing it because she was afraid she might lose it. I work on electronics and took mine off to stick my hand in some equipment and never put it back on. Finger's too fat now.

Personally, I don't see the ring as a big deal. I prefer to be impeccable with my word, and my word is that I will be faithful.
Posted By: frank_D Re: I don't know what this all means - 01/01/06 08:27 AM
New years has come. In my previous post I said that W was coordial all day. Tonite could only be described as 'stand offish'. D15 had a few friends over for a small party. We played board games and card games for fun. W acted like I wasn't there most of the time. Of course I tried to be cool about it but it's hard NOT to feel the rejection.

Anyway, I gave all the teens rides home with D15 and on the way back from the last dropoff I asked her if I came across as 'down' to her friends as I didn't want to ruin her party so I was trying to be upbeat. She said 'No, you were OK but I have no idea what is up with Mom, she was very angry and out there'.

She asked me if I had any idea what was up and I said I wasn't sure, that W seemed like she was in a bad place emotionally. I mentioned to D15 that mom thought she was receiving negative energy from someone and D15 said 'Dad, I am really woried about her. Please make sure she doesn't join a cult or something. She says some stuff to me that she believes that I just can't understand how she can believe it.' (she couldn't give an example).

I told her not to worry, W is not nuts, she is just trying to understand her life.

That was so weird though, that D15 is getting bad vibes from W.

Anyway, tonite was cruddy but we lived. I have no idea what is making W hostile as we did't fight over anything, and this mornings emotional issues she had, where I held her to help her feel better, seemed to have ended up being the only time she was nice all day - when she needed me.

ANyway, I have been beat up enough lately so I'm back to my 'let go' mental state finally.

have a good beginning of the new year!
Posted By: frank_D Re: I don't know what this all means - 01/01/06 09:32 PM
New years day and W is still angry / distant. Don't know why. I know I am taking it personally which is NOT what I should be doing because it will come across in my attitude. I'm still hoping for more feedback from others about my 'I don't know what this means' post from friday.

This week, and this new year I am dedicating myself to letting her go for real. Ow, it's hard and I have been trying but it does scare me because it's like admitting that our marriage is over forever. But that's what she says so letting go and giving her what she says she wants is good for my dignity and self esteem.

I'm worth it. I'm strong and getting stronger every day. I miss her even though I see her every day living here in our house. She doesn't miss me because she gets what she wants from me whenever she wants it and the rest of the time dreams about OM and the promises he has made.

It's so natural for us to take care of our W's and to let go and detach is unnatural. I'll keep doing it but I WILL reach out to her if I see she is hurting. That's a part of who I am and I won't change that for any reason. I just won't be around her as much to fill in the day to day gaps in her life.

welcome to 2006
Posted By: hopefloats7 Re: I don't know what this all means - 01/01/06 10:14 PM

Please make sure she doesn't join a cult or something. She says some stuff to me that she believes that I just can't understand how she can believe it.' (she couldn't give an example

just curious, you don't think your wife told your daughter about the whale thing, do you?

I'm sorry your new year is off to this kind of start. I totally understand, and I feel that I need to work on gaining back my husband's respect. I think that is very important, and I know he's still in selfish MLC mode but hopefully MY actions will help not only my self-esteem but also H's perception of me, and maybe the respect will slowly return.

I admire your strength and devotion to your family.
Happy New Year.
Posted By: hopefulmommy Re: I don't know what this all means - 01/02/06 02:52 AM
If you don't mind I'll share some thoughts on the conversation. I don't admit to be an excellent DBer, many others on this site may give better insight.

"In a split second I decide to push the limits and say: 'Well, I can see why she might be upset, you and OM really screwed both of us (GF and I)"

You obviously hit a button with this comment - You were able to let her know you disagree with her immoral action & brought light to how it affects you & OM's GF. AFter making your point, do not bring up OM. It will make you appear desparate & by discussing OM you only justify her decision & push her away further. It is so hard to let go of thinking about the affair, especially when you live in the same house. But once you quit focusing on the affair, you will feel much better.

"Me: "I'm not mad I'm just hurting too much right now. I can only take so much of your Adulterous Affair and the other emotional stuff with the divorce and I have to retreat and rebuild my strength".

I think this was an excellent response. You let her know you are moving on and working on making yourself better.

"W: OM is NOT the cause of D, it was going to happen anyway.

Me: Why do you say that?

W: I don't know, maybe so I can convince myself..."

Hmmmmm, admitting that she is trying to convince herself that divorce was inevitable??? Doesn't sound so sure of herself.

"Me: I've stayed out of your way for the past 2 months, I just can't stand here and take it forever. I need some time to transition myself to a more neutral emotional state while you pursue your affair. I know you're not going to end it like you are trying to tell me. You want it too bad."

This was another excellent way to tell her you are trying to move on.

"She wants me to stay living here for the kids sake, to keep a stable environment. I ask her if she wants the stable environment for herself too. She says it's not important to her. She does say she still wants to go to couples counseling to work on 'healing' the hurt between us. (This is important because our counselor is trying to bring her back to reality)."

I don't know your wife, but I find it very unusual that a woman who wants a D so badly would want her H to continue to live in the same house....Does she want you to still be living in the same house when OM supposedly moves?

At one point in the conversation your wife felt you blamed her for D - try to never make her feel this way again.
I haven't read your entire sitch, but based on what is in this linrk, you have a lot of postives. You & wife still live in same house & she wants it to stay that way - This give you the opportunity for more interactions. On a legal note, some states require a time of sep. before you can file for D...if you are not livinge in sep. households, can D be filed? It's great that you are going to counseling together & she wants to help heal the hurt...not sure of you C's approach but, it may not be good to bring up neg. from the past, it could stir up resentement. Hope your C is able to snap her back from whatever it is that she is going through.

With regards to your wife's bad mood today, you mentioned that your W mirrors your moods, have you been in a bad mood too? Or with a little wishful thinking, maybe OM & her had a tiff Good luck.
Posted By: hopefulmommy Re: I don't know what this all means - 01/02/06 03:11 AM
It's me again, I wanted to mark this link & only knew how to by making a post.
Posted By: frank_D the depression continues - 01/02/06 07:48 AM

just curious, you don't think your wife told your daughter about the whale thing, do you?

No way, she would have to tell her about the affair also. She won't do that.

Hmmmmm, admitting that she is trying to convince herself that divorce was inevitable???

I think she was questioning whether or not the AFFAIR is the reason for the divorce and whether the divorce was inevitable. The way I framed it for her by saying 'you intended on pursuing him while you were still in Hawaii, before you decided to tell me you wanted a divorce.' I believe had to make her question her decision and it's implications. I mean, if affair thoughts came before divorce request did then she has to admit she gave up on US FOR OM. She hasn't wanted to admit that. I could be wrong on this but it feels right. Even if it is subconscious.

I find it very unusual that a woman who wants a D so badly would want her H to continue to live in the same house

Economics and impact on the kids. Counselor said it would be better if we could stay togehter and be civil at least till summer. And it's good for DB'ing.

With regards to your wife's bad mood today, you mentioned that your W mirrors your moods, have you been in a bad mood too? Or with a little wishful thinking, maybe OM & her had a tiff

I'm not in a bad mood at all. Although it has been hard NOT to get in one with her around me today. Also, I would find it hard to believe that OM and her had any negative interaction. Remember that they are 3,000 miles apart and realistically can only talk about nice things. It could be that her attempts to set up another meeting haven't worked out. That would irk her since her addiction to the affair can't be itched.

It has continued all day. Even D15 told me that she was so glad to be out of the house because of the feeling of depression everywhere. When D10 went to bed she asked me to sit with her so she could cry, because she needed to cry. I did for about 15 minutes. She couldn't tell me why she needed it, she just did.

We went to a movie and I would see W occasionally wiping a tear or two from her eyes and look away. At one point she got up and had to go somewhere for about 10 minutes. It wasn't during any sad parts of the movie either.

We drove 1/2 hour to a chinese food place we like and during the drive she stared out the window in pain. The dinner was ok, W was pleasant but there was a definate heavyness in the air. D15 mentioned it to me when W went to the bathroom and wondered if it was because of her. She didn't indicate what she might have done but I told her probably not since it really began yesterday morning.

After dinner W got a fortune cookie and she read it but wouldn't tell us what it said because it was 'so appropriate to her life'. Note: She has a fortune she has saved that says 'you will find romance from far away' or something like that which of course to her refers to OM who is far away.

I spent the whole drive home trying to think of all the fortunes I've ever heard from that place and what each might mean. Pretty sick huh? I kind of decided that pretty much all fortunes refer to jobs, money or relationships and they usually refer to 'change'. So who knows. Since she was pleasant to me I figured she isn't planning on changing anything with our living arrangements or the D. So whatever she's upset about is still a mystery.

On the ride home she talked a little and was also pleasant. Same thing when we got home. She went in her room to read after we put D10 to bed (mentioned above). We had been watching TV and as she left the room she smiled a warm smile and picked up the remote from the table next to her and handed it to me. Hasn't done that in a long while. Then she left the room. D15 came down to ask me if she could go to her boyfriends tomorrow so she could 'get out of this depressing place'. I told her sure but ask Mom also. W said ok and as D15 went by me she whispered 'Thanks dad I would have gone crazy staying here'.

So, I am clueless here. It would be great if SHE is having second thoughts about OM and the D, even if it means she is going to cut off relationship with him and proceed with D just to prove a point. OM is a distraction.

I was thinking that maybe she is just unhappy because she can't be with OM and is stuck here with her family. But there isn't evidence that she is calling or e-mailing more.

I also know she talked with her mom yesterday or today and she may have told her about affair and gotten a negative review. No idea. I have also noticed that I have not seen her on the computer. My network logs show that she has been online but not how long or how often. It's just that for the past few weeks she would be online a lot, chatting with OM, so I would have pretty good odds of 'seeing' her online. Past 2 days I haven't seen her online so she has slowed down a bit.
Whatever it is, I have to continue to believe that nothing has changed with OM or I'll go crazy.

I did realize that I'm freaking out about this. Which means I haven't DETACHED now, have I? So back to that again. I have to detach before anything will actually begin to work, if it's going to.
Posted By: Keyster43 Re: the depression continues - 01/02/06 08:12 AM
Here you are, now I will make you one of my favorites. You are one funny dude . I like that. Now I have o read your thread. Be back in a bit.

Posted By: frank_D Re: the depression continues - 01/02/06 09:12 PM
W seems more calm today.

I spoke to a friend who was in Hawaii during the beginning of the Affair. She told me that she had a feeling that OM was not telling W what she wanted to hear right now. She thinks there may be a change brewing. Now, of course she doesn't know, it's just her 'feeling'. She really thinks very little of OM and said she DID tell W in Hawaii that he was not a good person. Still doesn't know why W went for it though.

Anyway, this friend sees me once a week so I can get a massage from her (boy do I need it!). She was very excited and optimistic after I told her the story of the last week. She said 'You are the one holding all the cards, OM has nothing. At some point W will notice that it's YOU who has been there for her when she's down, not HIM.'

She also pointed out that she has seen the changes in me each week and is very impressed at how I get into a problem and make it my focus - the problem being I didn't know how marriages work, and I didn't know how to give and receive love unconditionally. Now I do both.

It was really great to get that feedback. Whatever is going on with W's Affair or her emotional state is her problem and I have always been the 'fixer' in our relationship. Instead I am detaching / letting go which will help ME to stay out of the negativity.

I feel good. I need to maintain this.

My newest goals:

I am holding all the cards.
I am growing and changing.
I will bring my family back together.
I am the Superior Man. I am real.
I can stay in my heart space and allow the events to unfold as they should.
My wife and I will have a wonderful life together.

All this will happen because of WHO I AM.
Posted By: hopefloats7 Re: the depression continues - 01/02/06 10:16 PM

you sound good; I'm happy to hear that.


When D10 went to bed she asked me to sit with her so she could cry, because she needed to cry. I did for about 15 minutes. She couldn't tell me why she needed it, she just did.

We went to a movie and I would see W occasionally wiping a tear or two from her eyes and look away. At one point she got up and had to go somewhere for about 10 minutes. It wasn't during any sad parts of the movie either.

W. sounds depressed, and maybe it has nothing to do with what's going on with OM, although it is good that you heard from your friend that OM may not be telling your wife what she wants to hear right now. Let's hope that keeps up!!

You still see her and spend so much time together (compared to some of us with WAS's) that I really feel hopeful for you. I don't think there is anything you could be doing differently or better, to be honest. You've got a good hold on the situation, and you aren't pushing W. into anything.

You and I are both on new ground with this detaching plan. I've decided to go the same route, because anything else is just not getting me anywhere, and it literally made me sick. We have to take care of ourselves, and let them do the same.

Posted By: frank_D Re: the depression continues - 01/02/06 11:05 PM

W. sounds depressed, and maybe it has nothing to do with what's going on with OM, although it is good that you heard from your friend that OM may not be telling your wife what she wants to hear right now. Let's hope that keeps up!!

You and I are both on new ground with this detaching plan. I've decided to go the same route, because anything else is just not getting me anywhere, and it literally made me sick. We have to take care of ourselves, and let them do the same.

Yeah, she's been ok today whenever I've seen her. And the friend was just speculating, she doesn't know OM personally, just from the Hawaii retreat, and was being hopeful even though she does expect this guy to eventually fizzle out.

I agree with detaching. It's way too painful to stay close to her. I end up being needy instead of loving. I haven't been putting a visualization in my mind of us together because it hurts too much.

Instead I have been seeing her gone because as I accept that as the worst possible outcome, if it happens I'll be ok, and if not I'll be better!

We get along and there are definatly feelings there from time to time but the feelings for the Affair are much stronger for her. I'm sure he hasn't given up on this interaction with her, he's too weak to walk away.

And, I was soooo tempted to read her e-mail or check phone logs but I WON'T DO IT! Better to leave it where it last was so there are no false hopes for me. If she IS upset over him then that still means she doesn't care about me so there is no reason to change my plan - detach and let go.

Her hurting is better than being 'giddy' with the Affair. Even if Affair hasn't changed at all the hurting comes from somewhere and has to be making her think about her life and what she is doing. That has to be a good thing since she can't keep running away from things. And, whatever she is feeling it isn't because of ME, which is a good thing!

And, I can hope.
Posted By: frank_D Depression over... - 01/03/06 06:27 AM
Well, she got online at about 4:30 and chatted with OM. Afterwards seemed much happier. How nice. Looks like the depression is over. Must be he was unavailable for a couple days and she was worried he was going away.

We went to her Dad's for dinner. She has a glass of wine and was Miss 'outgoing and friendly'. (Note: A couple weeks ago we were there for dinner and she told him about the D and her affair and told Stepmom how it was such a deep, moving love she has found ) It is starting to bug me, the shallowness I see in her.

I talked to Stepmom who I hadn't talked to since last dinner. She started telling me how she was still shocked that W told her all about how she met OM in Hawaii and felt the love and energy in every fiber of her body.

She told me how apalled she was that W was TELLING her this. She told me that 'of course the newness of the relationship is going to feel that way but it won't last and it's not morally right to even be DOING this. She said that she can't believe that our marriage wasn't salvagable. W told her she 'married too young' and she said to me 'so she thinks it's ok to ruin your kids lives? You WORK on your marriage no matter what!'

I was surprised and relieved that they didn't support her at all. Then I told her that most of her sane friends don't either and she only talks to her friends that are happy for her. She knew exactly which two they were as they are the most troubled ones.

Her dad is really hurt because W's brother had a divorce and they don't get to see their grandkids. Now that W is having an Affair and getting D her dad feels like a total failure.

I guess it really hit home. Other family are being hurt by this too. I thought it was just me.

It is just like the essay on romantic infidelity says

No matter how many sacrifices you make to keep the love alive, no matter how many sacrifices your family and children make for this crazy relationship, it will gradually burn itself out when there is nothing more to sacrifice to it. Then you must face not only the wreckage of several lives, but the original depression from which the affair was an insane flight into escape.

We don't really see them a lot so it will have very little impact on W. She doesn't respect her dad even though he is a decent person these past 20 years I've known him. She has childhood issues with him.

Questions to DB'ers:

What should they do that would be helpful? Personally I think they should make it very clear that they think what she is doing is immoral and ask that she not come to visit, just me and the kids or something? Ideas?

I'm just disgusted with her. I don't want to come across as angry, but I need to just stop dealing with her right now. I don't even want to talk to her any more. She is so selfish and detached and thinks she is so much fun now and her life is going the way she wants it to go... woo hoo.

Meanwhile, my D's are hurt, her dad is hurt, I am hurt. I am thinking of telling her that she has succeeded in finally hurting her dad.

I can't keep blaming myself for my role in the MARRIAGE problems. I didn't MAKE her have an affair. She did it herself. I have made the changes needed to fix the marriage. she doesn't give a rats a$$. She was such a sweet and wonderful woman before.

Every day it's getting easier to let go and detach because she has a day where she is emotionally like her 'old self' but then she goes back to selfish mode for several days and I start to dislike her.

How do I DB this? I really don't want to talk to her, I don't like her the way she is. It's hard not to just say 'screw her, look at what kind of person she turned out to be' and start real divorce proceedings, then take the kids away and live on our own without her.

I know if you follow my threads I go back and forth between thinking she can be saved, to wanting nothing to do with her. I still have a hardtime dealing with what a piece of garbage OM is for 'dating' a married woman who was 'unhappy with her marriage'. How the F does he know that she was REALLY not able to salvage it? He has made sure she CAN'T salvage it now. Maggot.

Don't know what to do, I'm disgusted.
Posted By: spitfire23 Re: Depression over... - 01/03/06 01:31 PM
Hang in there, Frank. It's all a part of the rollercoaster ride. You have done a great job up to this point. Don't be so hard on yourself.

It's ok if you don't like your W right now. She's an alien. Try to remember that WAS and OP don't look at this sitch like they've "done" anything to hurt anyone else. They are in love. They are living their lives for themselves. They bury the guilt under that blanket of "I'm entitled to be happy. I'm not intentionally hurting anyone. I can't help it if they feel that way. It's my life. Blah, blah, blah"

It's ok that you are disgusted. I'm disgusted for you. I still think you've got half a chance to save this, if you still want to. Stay in the house. Keep your family together and try to ignore W's craziness.

Hope the day gets better.

Posted By: NYsurvivor Re: Depression over... - 01/03/06 01:48 PM
What should they do that would be helpful? Personally I think they should make it very clear that they think what she is doing is immoral and ask that she not come to visit, just me and the kids or something? Ideas?

I think you should let them do whatever they think they should do.

She is so selfish and detached and thinks she is so much fun now and her life is going the way she wants it to go

That's the mode she's in.

Meanwhile, my D's are hurt, her dad is hurt, I am hurt. I am thinking of telling her that she has succeeded in finally hurting her dad.

WASs, being in a very selfish mode, do not see the devastation they create, and to see it means guilt. They deal with that guilt by denying it.

I can't keep blaming myself for my role in the MARRIAGE problems. I didn't MAKE her have an affair. She did it herself. I have made the changes needed to fix the marriage. she doesn't give a rats a$$.

You don't have to keep blaming yourself for your part in the marriage problems. You learn from that, and leave the faults behind. She may see the changes you've made in yourself so far, but just as it took time for her to get to become a WAS, it takes time for these things to turn around. She's built a wall against you. It won't come tumbling immediately now just because it's now that you've made the changes.

I know if you follow my threads I go back and forth between thinking she can be saved, to wanting nothing to do with her.

That's part of the rollercoaster.

I still have a hardtime dealing with what a piece of garbage OM is for 'dating' a married woman who was 'unhappy with her marriage'.

Yup, he saw a vulnerable woman and took advantage of that. Takes all types.

Don't know what to do, I'm disgusted.

It's obvious you have your ups and downs, and when you're down, this is the way you'll feel. Thoughts of what to do spring forth based on the emotions you're feeling, and you're not sure what to do. So the best thing to do is nothing. You can't act on your feelings, as your feelings will change and you may find yourself regretting actions taken. Additionally, you'd be changing courses every few days if you did that. So rather than get caught up with thinking of what to do on this micro-level, stay with the bigger picture, stay on the general overall track.

Stop feeding your mind images of the OM. That only torments you, and will influence your DBing. Give it more time, cultivate more patience. Telling her how she's hurt her dad won't draw her closer to you, that's her dad's business to take care of with her anyway. Don't dwell on how she used to be pre-A, that's only the good part you're thinking of. Consider the bad stuff that existed too, for a more realistic view. Focus more on yourself. And detach. Your wanting to tell her how she hurt her dad, your wanting to tell her parents what they ought to do, all that you have to let go of. You have to stop creating misery for yourself, Frank. Hope you feel better soon.
Posted By: hopefulmommy Re: Depression over... - 01/03/06 03:22 PM
She told me how apalled she was that W was TELLING her this. She told me that 'of course the newness of the relationship is going to feel that way but it won't last and it's not morally right to even be DOING this. She said that she can't believe that our marriage wasn't salvagable. W told her she 'married too young' and she said to me 'so she thinks it's ok to ruin your kids lives? You WORK on your marriage no matter what!'

Just curious, I wasn't sure did stepmom tell your W she thought this?

We don't really see them a lot so it will have very little impact on W. She doesn't respect her dad even though he is a decent person these past 20 years I've known him. She has childhood issues with him.

You never know the impact, continually hearing that others do not approve of her selfish, immature behavior, eventually someone may get through to her.

Questions to DB'ers:

What should they do that would be helpful? Personally I think they should make it very clear that they think what she is doing is immoral and ask that she not come to visit, just me and the kids or something? Ideas?

Whatever they want. Do not put words in their mouth.

Meanwhile, my D's are hurt, her dad is hurt, I am hurt. I am thinking of telling her that she has succeeded in finally hurting her dad.

Careful, she may resent the comment thinking you are trying to make her feel guilty.

I know if you follow my threads I go back and forth between thinking she can be saved, to wanting nothing to do with her. I still have a hardtime dealing with what a piece of garbage OM is for 'dating' a married woman who was 'unhappy with her marriage'. How the F does he know that she was REALLY not able to salvage it? He has made sure she CAN'T salvage it now. Maggot.

I have to chime on with this. He is a maggot, it's crazy that our S don't see it that way - what kind of person would pursue a married man/woman? How could you ever trust that kind of person in a R? Early on I wanted to ask OW how would you feel if some single woman chased after your father and tried to steal him away from your mom??? With OM living 3000 miles away, for all anyone knows he has 2 or 3 women on the strings. He sounds like the type of person to do that.

Now that I've ranted...you HAVE TO PUT OM OUT OF YOUR MIND. As difficult as it is to let go, you have to or you will drive yourself crazy. I used wonder about OW, is she staying in town on weekends (grad student) to see H? I even drove by her apt. a few times to check...then I realized once I started to let go, I was much more peaceful. Even still it's difficult & I think they have fizzled out, but I cannot let myself go back down that road of desparation & despair.

Posted By: NYsurvivor Re: Depression over... - 01/03/06 03:49 PM
what kind of person would pursue a married man/woman? How could you ever trust that kind of person in a R? Early on I wanted to ask OW how would you feel if some single woman chased after your father and tried to steal him away from your mom???

Nobody gets "stolen" nowadays, so we need to consider that our WASs were active, willing participants, rather than consider the OPs. Both act selfishly. There was a point in time when my ex's EA was discovered, after which she allegedly did earnestly want to "work" on the marriage, and cut off the OM (I was so informed by a third party much later on). OM's reaction, I was told, was that he went "ballistic" and tried to contact her any which way he could. Who's interests was the OM pursuing at that time? Truly not my ex's stated interest.

So, yes, they're together now, but again, what do you have? Some guy from her past who's been meeting her emotional needs, but yet, is someone who cheated himself on his relationship and encouraged her to cheat, and she being someone who showed him that she's capable of the same. What happens when in the normal course of a relationship things get difficult? People tend to do what's easiest for them, which is to replay ingrained behaviors, and since their innate behaviors tend toward selfishness, the old adage "If he/she cheated with you, he/she can cheat on you" comes to mind, and will probably come to both their minds too. Certainly, such selfish traits probably play out in other ways as well between them.

So, by way of that, this adage comes to mind: "The best revenge when losing a mate to another, is to let the OP have them." It comes down to just how much they can take before, once again, the bad outweighs the good.
Posted By: frank_D Re: Depression over... - 01/03/06 10:03 PM

Spitfire23: It's ok that you are disgusted. I'm disgusted for you. I still think you've got half a chance to save this, if you still want to. Stay in the house. Keep your family together and try to ignore W's craziness.

Thanks for the support. You always seem to find something good from something I see as bad.

Saw my counselor today and told her all the stories. She still says 80% chance that I will pull this back together in 6 months or so. Sigh.

So, I'm going to relate some of the insights I got with her today. I know that these seem to be helpful to others and it helps me to write them somewhere too!

Regarding the new years eve 'disconnect' she thinks that the morning hug I gave W when she was hurting over her feelings for D15 and her dream, caused W to have a conflict - if she doesn't 'need me' then how come she gets emotional support from me and likes it? For that act of kindness she had to push me away. COnsider that a healthy person would have felt grateful for your support and been nicer to you.

She also thinks that OM seems to be unavailable during the holiday weekend. When W was all upset new years day and into monday but then perked up after Messaging with OM she said 'she was not getting her FIX every day and needed it. When she got her FIX she was ok then'.

By the way, she likes my name for him, 'maggot' 'lives off the flesh of others'.

For detachment, you have to really stop caring. don't let the other person get ANY reading on how you are feeling about THEM or what they are doing. Be indifferent and say NO a lot. Like if they ask you to go somewhere or to do something for them, say 'no, I'd rather not'. Don't assist or cooperate in anything they are doing that doesn't affect YOU, YOUR KIDS or anything related to both.

The idea is to make them truly see what life is like without you, which we see in LRT. I just happen to relate well to these explanations C gave me today.

C says in a couple weeks she will change her behavior in some way, as we have seen in other peoples sitch's.

BUT an important point: When they are EMOTIONALLY needy you have to make a choice as to whether or not to be there for them. The easiest test to think of, whether you are religious or not, is think "What Would Jesus Do?". Would he comfort the person as a human being would another human being, or let them stand in their pain so they may learn from it? When these things happen, you'll know what to do.

So of course I said 'I really think that if I do detach and stop caring, I won't care if she ever comes back to the marriage. I mean, how can I forgive her for what she's doing?'

Counselor: Over the years I've seen many of these situations where one has an affair and the other is extremely hurt by it.

Think about having a very lovable and loyal puppy who you never think of as having a mean or agressive bone in their body. But then a rabbit hops by and they run off in a mad dash to chase that rabbit. Nothing else matters to them! They have to catch the rabbit! Nothin you say will stop them and they don't know why they do it, they just DO. But, after the rabbit chase they go back to being 'normal' again.

Maybe they got hurt while chasing the rabbit and they need to be healed. Maybe they feel bad because they heard you calling them and they know what they did was 'bad'. Eventually though they stop chasing the rabbit and unless they got lost, they find their way home.

In 'letting go', when the LBS is able to stop needing the love and start giving love without any expectation of anything in return it opens the door to a new level of loving. Real Love. This kind of love can bring a marriage to a new, stronger place where you are with someone because you CHOOSE to GIVE love and they CHOOSE to GIVE you love and neither of you is there because you NEED them to GIVE YOU love. In that case their transgressions won't matter as much because your new relationship is based on you GIVING them love instead of NEEDING them to give you love.

And we can do that with out WAS eventually as we heal ourselves from NEEDING and begin to learn GIVING without receiving. Give freely to all those you meet, including WAS but keep your heart door closed against those who would TAKE.

I think I get it.


Be indifferent to their actions and needs.

Stop caring what will happen to them. They are making their life choices and they will reap the results.

Never tell them how you feel about anything related to THEM. If they ask, tell them you are doing what you need to do to move on and in my case, to be able to take care of the kids. Tell them you are not angry at them. Tell them NOTHING that will allow them to know for sure they still have you on a string.

Don't be helpful in any way except for things that benefit you, your kids or the family. Everything else benefits them, and they don't want you, remember? Just say "I'd rather not".

GIVE love to others without expectations. When you can do that with WAS and feel good about it, your life will change.
Posted By: hopefloats7 Re: Depression over... - 01/03/06 11:14 PM

beautiful post! I totally agree with you. I'm choosing to give love to H. even though he is not doing the same back to me. And I've stopped being so needy. I just can't do it anymore. I lost my self-respect.

What happens when in the normal course of a relationship things get difficult? People tend to do what's easiest for them, which is to replay ingrained behaviors, and since their innate behaviors tend toward selfishness, the old adage "If he/she cheated with you, he/she can cheat on you" comes to mind, and will probably come to both their minds too. Certainly, such selfish traits probably play out in other ways as well between them.
Amen, NYS.
Posted By: frank_D Detachment and pain - 01/04/06 07:24 PM
Well today was the first day to practice detachment.

Obviously last nites exchange about D10 and my aloofness / anger touched W. She asked me this morning "Do you want to go on a walk with me? You said it would be nice if we walked together sometimes." Hasn't asked since last week when she thought I hated her. Today she is bouncy and happy because of course she had IM'd with OM this morning! I'm so lucky that when she is in good terms with OM she is much more fun to be around! (note sarcasm)

I said OK even though I wasn't sure if I should have said no, as part of detachment. So we went for a power walk. As we start she tells me her brother is sending us $5k he owes us for paying his child support a few years ago. Says 'think we can put it away for D15 to buy a car in 6 months?'. I immediatly say "Nope, that is not financially prudent, we have to save money for the divorce and to support two households.'

She says 'oh, ok'. Not too sad though. She really seems to forget that DIVORCE costs everyone money and lowers everyones standard of living.

We walked and talked very little. I kept my answers to whatever she said short and to the point and tried to smile. It was basic smalltalk, mostly silence. After abut 20 minutes she asks me if I would rather walk alone because it seems like I need my space. I said 'no, if I didn't want to walk with you I would have said "no". It's much more enjoyable to walk with someone then to be alone'.

I smiled more when I talked and I made a few jokes when possible. I think I was able to get across that I didn't care if I was with her or not, but that I wasn't mad at her.

Of course she will take it as I am mad at her.

The rest of the walk I was friendly and coordial. It was hard because I wanted to be super nice so she would think I was fun to be with like I have been for the past couple months. I guess I don't want to be fun to be with, at least not with her. She doesn't deserve me the way I am now.

Overall, it was extremely superficial and dull. I KNOW she was only trying to see where I was at or she wouldn't have asked to walk together. So much of the walk all I could think about was how she has betrayed us all and what a whore she is that she would leave me for someone else while claiming she is 'finding herself'. I just WOULD NOT do that. Ever. I was thinking about how she had said a few times over the past 3 years that she was thinking she needed some time to find herself and live on her own but she wasn't able to DO IT till she found someone new to be involved with. What a coward.

And, I have since learned that you can grow in a marriage when you are an adult living in adult relationships.

I HOPE this is proper detachment and letting go. I am trying to not care without seeming angry or mean.

When we got home she went into her room and a phone call came for her. I brought it to her and she opened the door and was naked. All I could think about was how sexy she was now, lost 20 lbs, and how the ONLY person she would sleep with is OM. It's like, I supported her and made all the emotional investment, and did all the suffering and kept the houshold together while she let me suffer and withdrew from me, then someone ELSE get's her when she finally gets her act together.

Yeah, I know it's not helpng me to think that. And she hasn't been able to screw him for 5 weeks since he's far away. I'm sure they will arrange some way to get together in the next month because SHE wants it. She still has that week in february blocked out for him to come here but I don't know if it's going to work out. She told me the other day that she wasn't traveling anywhere for the next couple months and she would have to fabricate a story to be able to spend time with him if he came here.

Anyway, at this moment in time I am in so much pain I can't think straight. I better make sure I don't see her naked any more because it triggers these thoughts. I am so tired of the hurting, and the thin hope that she might decide to care again. Like so many of us I don't want to 'wait around' for her to 'get it'. If she's as stupid as her brother was she will never get it since her model in life is a mother who ran off and a father who ignored their problems.

It's so hard to not hate her, and I find myself doing it a lot lately. To me, your word and your integrity are the most important thing you have. She talks about 'living in her integrity' but doesn't see what she is doing as being outside that.

I sometimes think that my part in our relationship problems, depression, drinking to escape the hurt was living outside my integrity, and in a lot of ways it was. But it is a whole world of difference when you end your troubled marriage so you can chase someone else you just met.

I hate this. But the more I hurt and see her be so uncaring, the more I don't want to be around her. Yeah, in her world she is trying to be 'my friend' so I am supposed to be glad about that. We'll have a WONDERFUL divorce! It'll be a party! Kid's will be so much happier becaseu Mom is so much happier! Yayyy!

And, when OM moves out here eventually (he will, right?) then she will have that partner she has wanted to do all the things in life she couldn't do with me. The fact that he is a heavy smoker, divorced twice, would move away from his kids and at 39 years old hasn't done anything of value with his life doesn't matter. It'll be different with HER.

Why am I doing this again? Oh yeah, because I know she loves me still. It shows.

hey spitfire, I really need some strength from you!
Posted By: spitfire23 Re: Detachment and pain - 01/04/06 07:58 PM
Hi Frank,

Don't know what to tell you. She's an alien.

I think you did the right thing by taking the walk with her. Pointing out that you need to save $ for the divorce was good, too. I think they need to face a little reality now and then.

I'm starting to get a little aggravated by her "flashing tendancies". She knows exactly what she's doing. If she does it again, I would immediately turn around and walk away. She can come out and get the phone when she puts her robe on!

I'm probably not in the best frame of mind to be helping you right now. Just went through a semi-heated encounter with WAH regarding our finances and other stuff. Found out that he was pissed at me because I didn't tell him some info. I knew about his S27. He and his son have been estranged for years. Anyway, he really thought I was in the wrong and decided he wouldn't tell me he was living with OW because I didn't tell him about his son. LOL those 2 things are equal!
Bottom line, he felt betrayed that I didn't call him with the info. He still expects me to be his friend.??????
Don't think that will happen. More power to all of those out in DBLand that can pull that one off.

It's so hard to not hate her, and I find myself doing it a lot lately.

Don't try and deny these feeling to yourself. You need to feel them and then let them go.

IMHO I still think your W is waffling. I still think there is hope here for you and your family. Only you will know when you've had enough. If the most important thing to you is saving your M then hang in there.

Hope your day gets better.

Posted By: hopefloats7 Re: Detachment and pain - 01/04/06 09:42 PM

Good move, going on the walk. And I think you did fine, especially putting her in her place over that money. You were polite but to the point about it.

then someone ELSE get's her when she finally gets her act together.
frank, your wife believes she and OM were whales. I do not call this getting her act together. YOU on the other hand, have your act together, and you are right--she doesn't deserve you the way you are now.

I know how awful this is for you, especially since your wife does live at home. I think you have incredible strength. Keep focusing on the kids, they need you. They see their mom acting very oddly and they are upset. You be their rock. Let her continue IM'ing and such; this is going to get old, frank. Just keep being pleasant but detatched and you will make it.

Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: Detachment and pain - 01/04/06 10:23 PM

It's like, I supported her and made all the emotional investment, and did all the suffering and kept the houshold together while she let me suffer and withdrew from me, then someone ELSE get's her when she finally gets her act together.

Honey, if you think she's got her act together, then we seriously need to talk...and I mean seriously...

I want you to do me a huge favor...go stand in front of the mirror...what do you see? Hmmm...I see someone, a man, named FrankD who has HIS act together...think about it...you are there DBing your little heart out...your W still living in the house with you, your the sole support from what I can see for you family at this point emotionally while your wife is off playing high school love games with a man 3000k miles away. Personally I think Kismet needs to send her some of those freaking Snap Out of It Pills Express Mail.

Now look at things from om POV...he's got a woman STILL living with him. I think he is still very emotionally and I bet ya still very physically involved with too...Aw come one...think about it...your W is an illusion to him, a fantasy...that they can both take part it...oh paleez...

Okay...still looking in the mirror my friend...tell me what do YOU see now?

Your wife is teasing you...opening the door nakeed???? OH paleez again...she's toying with you...I have to wonder if this isn't all some sort of game on her part to get you to pay attention to her...what were you like before all this happened?? What was your life together like?

Okay you can leave the mirror now...but I want to know what you see when you look in it....I see a MAN!! A real man...not too many of you around...
Posted By: hopefloats7 Re: Detachment and pain - 01/05/06 12:34 AM

...I have to wonder if this isn't all some sort of game on her part to get you to pay attention to her

Sassy, I was just going to post the very same thing.

frank, what do you think about this? Possible?
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: Detachment and pain - 01/05/06 12:46 AM

Sassy, I was just going to post the very same thing.

I've trained you well, grasshopper!! Great minds think alike, fools seldom differ...
Posted By: hopefulmommy Re: Detachment and pain - 01/05/06 02:35 AM
Actually that's a little game I play with my H sometimes to try to get his attention...I don't blatenly flash him, but I'll sometimes leave the door open while I change so he can seek a peek if he wants, but I usually stay turned around as to leave a little to the imagination.

I feel your pain of betrayal. It hurts, but that old adage is true - time does heal the pain.

Long distance EA will eventually get old, furthermore so much anticipation of *the fantasy* will be created that actually meeting those expectations would be impossible.

Hang in there and keep supporting your kids b/c they need you now while their mommy is lost at sea chasing whales.
Posted By: SvenTheRed Re: Detachment and pain - 01/05/06 03:21 AM

want you to do me a huge favor...go stand in front of the mirror...what do you see? Hmmm...I see someone, a man, named FrankD who has HIS act together...think about it...you are there DBing your little heart out

Frank, these guys (okay, gals) are right. I did this today - just stared. I really needed to do it. My W pulled a similar thing to me on the phone tonight which reminded me how sexy she is...it hurt....but you know what...I need not care right now. Similar to you, as I detach, I find that I am not looking at the person I thought I was months ago. She's in there, somewhere however. I'll admit I'm playing a little bit with fire as I 180 and "act as if" - which includes being flirtatious - but I know that although it'll burn sometimes, it's worth it! She seems to think that I was a loveless, passionless, wimp. Guess what, I'm not. And as her friend has said to me a couple times - you are the biggest (figurativly) man I have EVER seen. Only one in ten men would put up with the crap we are being put through. Same goes for all the ladies out there on the BB. GOD BLESS US!

I think too the walk was good. You need to be getting some of those thoughts in there. Reality time W.

Hang in there. We need to believe that the majority of couples that do reconcile eventually is because they use the DB'g techiques. We should all be proud of what we are doing.

Posted By: frank_D Re: Detachment and pain - 01/05/06 04:20 AM
WOW, I really needed this response! I feel like Sh*t tonite too after our family counseling session. I'll post later on that

I'm starting to get a little aggravated by her "flashing tendancies". She knows exactly what she's doing. If she does it again, I would immediately turn around and walk away. She can come out and get the phone when she puts her robe on!

Well, it's actually pretty rare that she does. I mean two times in maybe 3 weeks. I don't think it's intentional as she basically won't let me touch her or see her in general.


IMHO I still think your W is waffling. I still think there is hope here for you and your family.

Can you elaborate more on why you think that? I'm not feeling it. She is so 'matter of fact' on everything she says and does and has no doubts about divorce. I'm just so hurt and angry at her. I can cope with her when she is down but when she gets into this superficial 'up' mode where she is a 'funny happy person' it kills me and I get down, which doesn't help my DB'ing.


Okay you can leave the mirror now...but I want to know what you see when you look in it....I see a MAN!! A real man...not too many of you around...

Thanks, I know I really am a good man, I just feel like I did so much to damage our relationship and it'll never be good again. But I do know that I didn't do everything, she also contributed to it. It's only been 2 1/2 months since she bombed (Oct 22) so I guess my biggest problem is I am expecting too many changes from ME in that time. I'm trying to detach but it's coming across to her (as she said to me) as me being passive-aggressive. I am sure I will get better at it.

Long distance EA will eventually get old, furthermore so much anticipation of *the fantasy* will be created that actually meeting those expectations would be impossible.

Hang in there and keep supporting your kids b/c they need you now while their mommy is lost at sea chasing whales.

God I hope so. but as little as a week ago she was calling him 'my love' in e-mails. Things like that make me feel like it's never gonna end. And he still says he's going to move out here sometime in the next year.

She hasn't talked about the whale thing in a while. Like I said in an older post, she is pretty much a 'normal' person all the time. If you met her you'd think she was your basic soccer mom type. Friendly and outgoing. It's these random weird beliefs that get me.

The biggest thing is that she seems to be getting more and more comfortable with being divorced. Part of that I think comes from the fact that she is living at home and hasn't really gotten hit by any big bills or stuff like that. So for her getting divorced means 'freedom'. Today in family counseling some stuff came up to challenge that which I will post later.

Thanks again everyone! I'm really in a personal emotional crisis here and I need the support. I know I write great, logical posts explaining stuff and helpful concepts as I am learning them, but right now I am torn up inside.
Posted By: frank_D Re: Detachment and pain - 01/05/06 07:55 AM
Saw counselor today for family therapy. Here are some highlights.

D15 was asked what she would like to happen. She said she wanted the divorce quickly so she could get it over with. Move into separate homes and start healing. She said she's tired of the interactions between W and I because she doesn't think we can be 'friends' as we live together.

C asks her 'ok, and if there are two households how do you see yourself living in that situation?'

D15 says, while looking at W: 'Mom, I don't want to hurt you but I think D10 and I should live with daddy. He's the most stable person in the house right now. You just aren't emotionally there for us, and you aren't a stable presence.' (whoa! D15 later told me she was afraid W would think I put her up to it but she had to say it)

W crys a little and asks why she thinks that, but today she has had a very good front up so it doesn't get through to her that much. D15 talks about some of the stuff that's happened in the past few days that I also observed and says she just doesn't want to be exposed to it any more.

C asks me what I would miss if we had two households. I say I would miss not having my girls around all the time. Asks W the same question, who suddenly starts to tear up and says she would miss not having them and the aloneness she would feel when they are gone with me. (What? Was she thinking this would be all fun?)

Then she asks W : how would you help to support yourself and the kids when you are in your own separate home? W says: Well, um I could get a job and try to make more money than I do now.

She asks me: What would you like W to do to help you to support two households? I say that she would be better suited to take care of the girls during the weekdays so I would do my best to keep them in a good home but it would be hard. She says: You think you'll have to work more hours or harder? Me: Yes but I know I can do it. C: But do you think you can hold yourself together while being under so much stress? Me: I don't know. I think so but it will be hard. But I will do it for my girls. C says: I know you will, for all THREE of the girls.

(gotta love her, she is basically showing W how much of a burden this is putting on me, yet I am willing to do anything to keep them safe and cared for, including HER)

Later when asked what I have to say to W, I say that I would like it if she would be aware that her mood seems to go up and down and it seems to be related to whether or not she is talking to OM on a regular basis because when she's down for a couple days but then IM's him her attitude suddenly goes way up and stays there. She says she had been down because of other things, processing some 'losses' in her life. Then she says she has hardly IM'd with him this week and give me a bad look.

Her comments about me are that she thinks I have suddenly become passive aggressive with her. I think she is interpreting my withdrawal in that way because I speak in short sentences and stay quiet or am not around. Too bad.

Overall the general theme of the discussion centered around D15 totally having no trust in W as far as her ability to be responsible for the kids and her total trust in me. It was also centered around how much life will change when we are apart. W had to see what she was looking forward to and how it would impact her and the girls.

She had to see that as a responsible father and man I was being forced to support two households and the amount of stress it puts on me. Basically there were no GOOD things discussed regarding us being divorced. All bad.

Later that evening D15 had a talk about things. She told me how she was afraid to say what she said but that she was pissed that W acts like she is all together and it comes across as so fake. I said she wasn't "genuine" and she liked that description. She then described the times over the weekend that I mentioned in previous posts and hw fake she was and how she really didn't want to be around her. Wow.

D15 went on to say how she has been having to rethink 'who she is' because she got most of her identity from W allthese years because while I was in my depression she really didn't know me. Now she says she used to think her intuitive abilities and her core strengths were from W but she sees me now as being much more like that then W EVER was. Yet W is always telling ME how much more grounded and spiritual SHE is and I am the one who is 'shut down'.

For me, this was a very interesting observation from D15. Mostly because I never think of myself as 'spiritually guided' but all my life I have had a knack for surviving through things that most other people would panic in. I also have a knack for seeing a situation and understanding what it means and how to fix it. I think some of my posts show that to me.

D15 basically says that W is just like any of her other teenage friends in that she behaves badly and is self centered. Wow.

Her biggest gripe though is that she wished W and I would be in the same emotional state at the same time. I was depressed for year, then W goes off and I get better. Why can't we both be 'better' at the same time. I couldn't explain that one to her other than to tell her that her mom put up with a lot from me so don't look down on her right now.

I didn't ask her any of this, she just started talking and said it all.

Today I also saw my Psychiatrist. See, in order to get anti depressants you have to see a psychiatrist because a regular doctor won't prescribe them. So I see this dr. every 3 months to get my prescriptions and talk for about 15 minutes. She doesn't usually talk much to me because she knows I have a couselor who is good.

I hadn't seen her since the bomb and told her what had been going on. She was surprised but then went of a long tirade about 'women who suddenly walk away from their life so they can be teenagers again!. She described W's actions and gave me some examples of other women she treats (no names of course) and told me 'It just amazes me how many women will just walk away from their H's in their mid to late 30's so they can find out what they think they missed while they were being a mother. They think the grass is greener on the other side, most end up having an affair and it's almost always with a guy who is a jerk! In her experience the majority come from strong stable marriages too. She said that she will have a woman in her office and talk to her about all the love and stability they are leaving behind and they just don't care, they gotta have whatever it is they think they are missing.

Most end in divorce, because the women piss off the men long enough and bad enough to where they just don't want to deal with them any more.

I told her about OM and his 'I will move out west this year' promise and she laughed and said " I doubt it!". So far everyone I know says that, except for ME.

Anyway, it's amazing to me that no matter where you look you find these stories of WAW's and they are all the same!

She told me that I shouldn't blame myself, that even though we had problems she would have done this anyway. The problems just make it easier for her to justify it. She said that all LBS's should let them go and focus on themselves and their families. And DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF because no matter what you did or think you did, it wasn't enought to cause this to happen, it was going to happen anyway.

Well, that's my day. I hope it was helpful.
Posted By: frank_D the jelousy club - 01/05/06 08:01 AM
Think my spelling may be off but did I see some of the BB'ers starting a 'calling club' of guys calling the ladies so that the WAH could wonder who was calling them?

Cool idea. Is there a group for ladies to call guys so we can mess with WAW's heads? You know leave vague messages? It's not like we have to actually talk as messages would be even BETTER.

Just a thought
Posted By: NYsurvivor Re: Detachment and pain - 01/05/06 03:07 PM
because no matter what you did or think you did, it wasn't enought to cause this to happen, it was going to happen anyway.

I believe that. At first, when I started learning about meeting emotional needs and all, I saw where I wasn't on track. As time went on, I realized the possibility that perhaps some of her needs were a bit too much for anyone to meet on a long term basis, having to do more with her dealing with her own issues and coping abilities than being spoon fed them by someone else. Also, the knowledge that thinking "if only I had done this or that" is way too simplistic and does not rule out that things would have turned out the way they did, and the fact that many relationships have common problems as mine did, that need to be dealt with appropriately, but which she handled very inappropriately, all indicates that, yes, this was bound to happen sooner or later, no matter what I may or may not have done.
Posted By: spitfire23 Re: Detachment and pain - 01/05/06 08:49 PM
Hey Frank,

I think you should listen to the psychiatrist. H and I went to joint C with one therapist and I went individually to another T. Both of these professionals told me that what happened in my M had nothing to do with me. That this happened because of H's issues. I remember replying that even if that were true, it doesn't make it hurt any less.

It really isn't about us. It's something they need to work through. Can we make improvements in ourselves and our R? Sure. But, the underlying issue has to be dealt with by our WAS.

One of the reasons I see hope in your sitch is that your W continues to go to C with you and Ds. She has not closed off the idea of getting help. I think your therapist is pretty slick, too. W may think she is just working on being good friends and coparents but there is more going on than that.

Hang in there Frank.

Posted By: hopefloats7 Re: the jelousy club - 01/05/06 10:21 PM
She said that all LBS's should let them go and focus on themselves and their families. And DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF because no matter what you did or think you did, it wasn't enought to cause this to happen, it was going to happen anyway.

Good for all of us to read, frank.
I wanted to say I agree with spitfire, in that you have 2 huge pluses here:
1. Wife still lives at home
2. She attends counseling with you

Both are big positives. I know many of us wish we had the same situation. It's hard to DB when the spouse moves out.

You are doing a wonderful job, frank.
Posted By: frank_D Re: Detachment and pain - 01/05/06 10:47 PM

One of the reasons I see hope in your sitch is that your W continues to go to C with you and Ds. She has not closed off the idea of getting help. I think your therapist is pretty slick, too. W may think she is just working on being good friends and coparents but there is more going on than that.

Yes, there is. We had 'couples counseling' today. This was by far the most explosive session ever. W totally lost it, expressing the hurt she had been harboring for the past several years because I was depressed and drinking and she couldn't do anything about it. Lot's of yelling at me. It was very theraputic.

Counselor got to the root of things: W was too young and inexperienced in relationships to know what to do when I was down and out. She felt unloved by me because of my situation, but I felt unloved by her because of her lack of support. Catch-22 where both of us were emotionally lost.

I could go on but suffice it to say that she is hurt, and some of what she is doing is to run from that hurt. While she blames me for 99% of everything, she is hearing from me how I hurt, and how she didn't express herself to me so I would feel wanted.

She says that even today she has bad dreams where I get depressed and start drinking again. She won't ever believe me when I say I am better now (which I am) because she has heard it before. She just want's to learn how to stop hating me so she can move on.

Privately Counselor said to me that she will eventually have to re-examine the relationship we had and decide if she really doesn't want anything to do with it ever again. And, since we live in the same house she will see me not drink and be a good father for a year. C seemed very hopeful.

As far as my DB'ing, Counselor said I do need to detach and be less available so she can have her space and see how she feels without me. She said the anger yesterday regarding the walk we had together and my detachment, which W called me being passive-aggressive was her unhappy with me not being available to her.

She told us both to treat each other with reverance and love and drop all expectations that we will react in any way like we did in the past.

One more thing, which I want to say to all the men and women on the board. Counselor said that maybe 1 in 10, or less, husbands or wives will stick it out like we do, DB'ing and working on healing. Our S's DO see that. They expected us to cry, whine and leave with out tail between our legs. 'Good riddance' they say. Us working on the relationship shows them that we love them, even though they don't want to love us.
Posted By: SvenTheRed Re: Detachment and pain - 01/06/06 01:42 AM

I too think spitfire has it right.


It really isn't about us. It's something they need to work through. Can we make improvements in ourselves and our R? Sure. But, the underlying issue has to be dealt with by our WAS.

It is far less about us. I've had similar conversations with my T and friends. This is something - and a pattern for my W (that was broken for 12 years) that she needs to work through. It just sucks that I need to be on the sideline watching. But, think of all the good we have done for ourselves (and your D's which I think it great - sounds like you are a great father).

There is a great deal of hope for your M - stay the course. Further, I still need your inspiration. I was at the house tonight and almost snooped. But I remembered my promise!

Posted By: frank_D Healing - 01/06/06 02:11 AM
I'm going to reply to my own post. I think like AmyC with her husband, I am seeing why W is a WAW emotionally. Her affair really means nothing, it's just a way to hide the hurt as demonstrated by the counseling today.

I never truly understood the depth of the pain she was feeling. She never truly understood the hurt and lonelyness I was going through. Little by little we chip at it in counseling so we can each find some peace.

I told W that my primary goal in the counseling is to help her release her hurt and anger with me so at the very least her life without me won't have that baggage. Even though she felt she 'did everything she could' in our marriage, she was not stronger than I was, even in my depressed state, and didn't do anything she thought I wouldn't approve of. Of course, that meant she did nothing.

It seems like there is an infinite number of things that went wrong for us. It also seems insurmountable. Our counselor said that since she NEVER yelled at me and kept so much in that it's going to be a lot of time and effort to let it out. I witnessed her sob uncontrollably for 5 minutes and Counselor having to hold her to calm her down. I'll be sitting in a lot of sessions letting W cry and yell at me to heal the pain. But, it's necessary.

She holds it against me that I only changed myself after she said it was 'over' and is wary that it's not for real. But we all know that for men, it's ACTIONS that motivate us, not words or threats. Small comfort though.

The fact that she still 'has bad dreams that I am drinking again' tells a story. Why would she care if she doesn't need me. I guess because she doesn't want the kids to be let down by me. She can find a whole list of 'good' qualities in me and says I am a 'wonderful' man. But it's those few bad ones that she doesn't trust any more.

Regardless, she's been quiet tonite and seems a little down. I'm not suprised, both of our souls were bared today and they are damaged. I'm trying to be upbeat but I think I should just stay out of her way and give her space. Actually detaching and letting go will be easier now because I don't feel very worthy of her true self, whenever she lets that woman out again. She's a gentle soul who needs to be loved with reverence and softness. But she also needs to learn how to care for a man when he is UP and when he is DOWN.

I'm still not sure if this is a positive step towards fixing our relationship - she still says she wants a divorce. But Counselor said that she HAS to be re-evaluating the relationship and what SHE could have done differently and whether she DID want it to work. Maybe someday a door will open a crack. Maybe she still loves me.

As DB'ers we sometimes never get to see into the soul of our WAS to witness the hurt inside. I saw it today and I am so ashamed. AmyC, I understand how you feel now.

I hope everyone gets the chance to witness their own WAS's hurt first hand. I think if we all did that we'd have a better chance of rebuilding.

I know I'm a good man, I always was. After all I began DB'ing and I truly love my wife and family. I've endured an affair and been supportive as possible to my wife. I came to the plate and have been willing to admit my wrongs. Most men wouldn't. These past few months have been eye opening and I have a better relationship with my kids than I ever had in their whole lives. Before I hardly knew them.

It's amazing the things we do to hurt each other and we don't even know we're doing it. If we only took care of OURSELVES better we'd be able to love and care for others better.

I'll be alright, I always am. I'll keep DB'ing till I see no hope and then I'll STILL DB so I can keep a good relationship with my Ex.

I hope this helps others to understand their WAS's.
Posted By: frank_D Re: Healing - 01/06/06 05:08 AM
I spoke with a friend tonite and told him I just can't see why my wife would trust in our relationship to give it another chance. I know I wouldn't trust it either. I think she is checked out for good and eventually in a few months we'll have taken all the garbage out of our heads and at least have a shot at having normal lives on our own.

Kinda lucky my Dr gave me better anti depressants yesterday. Good timing since I would have been much more non functional today without them. But with me things seem to show up in my life when I need them. I guess I was supposed to feel all the pain the past 3 months. Now it's ok for me to be less hurting all the time.


the underlying issue has to be dealt with by our WAS.

Yes, and in this case it will make here able to move on to a healthier life. My responsibility is to be there to accept my role and help her forgive so she can move on.

Whatever is going to happen, my life will never be like it was ever again, which is a good thing.
Posted By: frank_D Re: Healing - 01/06/06 06:58 AM
So where have I been in the past 3 months?

W says she loves me and goes on a trip. Then falls for someone she meets in one day and is her soulmate.

She pursues him for weeks till she is able to go see him, then they sleep together and are 'in love'.

All this time she tells me that we were going to get divorced eventually. It's not because of him. Nope, not at all.

After 'in love' begins she treats me like I am just a friend with no regards to how I might feel. She becomes very superficial with the kids, who notice. She spends time calling, e-mailing and messenging with OM who is far away. He starts promising to see her, to move near her and other stupidity.

After a month of that she starts having problems sleeping and sudden mood swings. She is down for days, then up and happy. It's a daily rollercoaster.

Finally, we see our counselor together and the floodgates open. She is hurt, angry, sad, ashamed of how our marriage went. And it is all because of me and things I was doing during my depression and drinking days. She was 'trapped' with nowhere to go and wanted me to get better but finally gave up, then met OM which made her decide to actually divorce.

What a lot of change in 3 months. Up until the trip to see OM, she and I have a really good 'being friends' relationship. I can see her soul in her eyes still. I can feel her love sometimes. After OM she is emotionally gone.
Posted By: NYsurvivor Re: Healing - 01/06/06 02:03 PM
So, IOW, she's pretty much following the WAS manual. Well, that makes her somewhat more predictable for your handling the sitch.
Posted By: frank_D Re: Healing - 01/06/06 05:49 PM

So, IOW, she's pretty much following the WAS manual. Well, that makes her somewhat more predictable for your handling the sitch.

Yes, I can agree with that, she is 'classic' WAS except for one thing. The deep hurt she is experiencing that I caused by not taking care of her. That in itself makes it hard to believe she would ever want to be married to me. Especially since OM has none of that baggage. Regardless of how that relationship turns out, she wants to 'feel better' and OM does that for her. It's more an EA than a PA due to the distance but thats what she needs. Even if/when that ends she's going to look elsewhere for that feeling. And she'll keep OM going as long as she can so she CAN feel better. Even with all the negatives WE see in him, to her he's a safer choice than being with me.

I didn't know any of this was going on inside her the past few years. If I did, I know I would have done something about it, even given where I was emotionally. She was mine to care for and I failed her. Sure, I can come up with a hundred ways she failed me, but it doesn't change what I did and how it affected her.

I know I'm a good man, she wouldn't have married a scumbag. And I know I am a good dad, a strong person, a trustworthy and sympathetic soul. I am all those things when I keep myself in my heart space and strength and don't self medicate to run from that pain that overwhelmed me. I couldn't have had the level of success in my business life and the respect of everyone who comes in contact with me if I wasn't a good person. I've never screwed anybody, but I've been screwed in business. So, I have integrity.

I just don't feel like it matters any more what I do with her. I'm an anchor for all that is painful in her life and nothing that is pleasant. OM represents only pleasant feelings or, if any are bad, they are nothing compared to mine. How can I overcome that?

I've cried more the past 2 days than I have the whole 3 months. Guilt and loss. I guess it means I have a heart and soul still.

I'm kinda feeling like I can redeem myself in the eyes of God or whatever by letting her live her life with OM or whomever, propping up our financials and being a good dad to my kids. For the next year of living in the same house I can at least remove the worries of what will she do as a single mom from her and put together a plan for supporting two households till D10 is old enough to leave home. W deserves to be happy after all the stuff she lived through. Yeah, 90% of the time was 'good' but it's the wounds we inflict on others that they remember. I don't care about OM any more, if it makes her happy then that's what matters to me.

I will work on 'detached' and 'letting go', it's not like there is a choice. Maybe there still is some feeling for me inside her that isn't just hurt. That's what sucks the most. She says sh recognizes all the goodness and love she knows is the genuine me, but it's the years of hurt she has buried in herself that make her run away.

So DB'ing for me is pretty simple. Detach, Let Go and maybe by some miracle she will still love me enough to make it work for real this time but I won't count on it. Either way I love her enough to let her go and make her own life happier.

Isn't that why we are here? Because we do love them enough to do whatever it takes to be happy?
Posted By: amd Re: Healing - 01/06/06 06:00 PM

As DB'ers we sometimes never get to see into the soul of our WAS to witness the hurt inside. I saw it today and I am so ashamed. AmyC, I understand how you feel now.

I've been there--I know just what you mean. You sound better, Frank--clearer and more resolved.
Posted By: NYsurvivor Re: Healing - 01/06/06 06:26 PM

So, IOW, she's pretty much following the WAS manual. Well, that makes her somewhat more predictable for your handling the sitch.


Yes, I can agree with that, she is 'classic' WAS except for one thing. The deep hurt she is experiencing that I caused by not taking care of her. That in itself makes it hard to believe she would ever want to be married to me. Especially since OM has none of that baggage.

Mmm, that's not an exception. I found that in the index of the WAS manual, it's on page 196.

Correspondingly, pg. 196 of the LBS manual points out that virtually every reconciliation is between two people where one may have previously been hurt so much that they had broken the relationship. It goes on to point out that in time, same old issues she has and new ones OP brings to the table can create new bad history for her with him, yadda, yadda.

Time is needed for the WAS's wounds to heal and the emotional history to dissipate. This is also helped along by the LBS creating new positive moments in the interim, and that will also show consistency.

Either way I love her enough to let her go and make her own life happier. Isn't that why we are here? Because we do love them enough to do whatever it takes to be happy?

And your happiness too. And perchance maybe really their real happiness doesn't lay in being with someone else, but in making the primary relationship the best one ever. Who's to say? I'd think making yourself genuinely into the better option, regardless of if she wants it or not, is a way of working on both your own happiness (foremost), and hers.
Posted By: frank_D Re: Healing - 01/06/06 08:22 PM

You sound better, Frank--clearer and more resolved.

I think it's because I understand how I got here now, and how 'out of my hands' it is. And I just don't see her and I together again when there are OM's out there who will offer the good feelings without the bad baggage. Yeah, they don't have all the good traits I have (when I'm not being hurtful like I was) but if you stick your hand in a fire and get burned you aren't going to do it again. She has had enough.

Time is needed for the WAS's wounds to heal and the emotional history to dissipate. This is also helped along by the LBS creating new positive moments in the interim, and that will also show consistency.

Yes, and maybe that will mean we can at least not hate each other at that point. I just don't see it going beyond that, there are other things she wants out of life that we are not the same in. Sure, she could get those things in our relationship by doing them on her own but she thinks she can (and has) find someone who is 'just like her' in those goals. Of course OM has a lot of negatives but she ignores them for the positives.

And your happiness too. And perchance maybe really their real happiness doesn't lay in being with someone else, but in making the primary relationship the best one ever. Who's to say? I'd think making yourself genuinely into the better option, regardless of if she wants it or not, is a way of working on both your own happiness (foremost), and hers.

Yeah, it also means I'm doing the right thing for my kids and her by giving them the support and stability they have been lacking, even if W doesn't want the marriage.
Posted By: frank_D Re: Healing - 01/07/06 06:49 AM
D15 asked me to take her for a drive to 'get away' tonite. W seemed slightly hurt but trying not to show it.

We didn't talk much, just listened to music. She made a comment on W's mood which I pointed out was pretty good today. W also gave D15 one of her diaries that she wrote in when D15 was 2 years old. She said it had all kinds of stuff about her, and some things about how I was a great dad then but not around a lot because I had to work so hard. It's really great how much I am getting to know my daughters now. I only wish I could save their family from breaking apart.

Went for a walk and cried through most of it. I just couldn't get her hysterical sobbing in therapy out of my mind. I'm very empathetic and it was like I had taken her pain into myself and could feel how she felt. Counselor did say it was 'necessary' for me to 'bear witness' to her hurt. I can see why, it makes me VERY clear on what I need to do to be sure I don't hurt her (or any partner I may have in the future) because I can see what it does. I don't know if W sees what affect this has on me but at least I am not angry with her any more. Mostly sad.

I avoided W all day. When I did see her I was a little quiet but did stay upbeat. So she can't give me the 'passive-agressive' label today. Trying to 'let go' is hard. She only spoke to me about 5 times, for 5 minutes each time and only about kids stuff. Seems like she gets more concerned when she thinks I'm mad at her. She probably sees me down and is avoiding me, but I am at least acting neutral or upbeat so who knows.

One bad thought I'm having is that she is telling OM about the session and how she got in touch with these awful feelings that I gave her. Then he can be the hero and bad mouth me and reaffirm her decision to divorce.

Our counselor took every bad thing and connected it to an action or lack of action W had made during those times which was very helpful in weakening the effect of the negative memories. C has said that she is working towards showing W that SHE also played a role in all these events. She is also trying to replace the bad memories with good ones when she can. I'm lucky to have her.

Still seems like a huge mountain to heal.
Posted By: Keyster43 Re: Healing - 01/07/06 10:04 AM
Sounds like the coaster-ride has been bumpy for you the past few days. You are doing a good job despite this. When I was early on in this process I had many of the same emotions you are experiencing now. The worst, most emotional day, since the bomb, occured when I saw my W, in court, for a visitation and RO modification hearing. I had not seen her for 2 months. Wow...was that heavy. She did not look at me the whole time in court, just a quick glance here and there. As she exited the court-room she gave me an "oh-well" look which broke me down. Luckily she left and did not see me lose it. It was also the day my criminal case was "continued without a finding" for 3 months. Man.. what a day. So hang in there Frank and trust your C, she is very good. Patience.

Posted By: NYsurvivor Re: Healing - 01/07/06 01:17 PM
Yes, and maybe that will mean we can at least not hate each other at that point. I just don't see it going beyond that

You guys "hate" each other right now?

My ex had a list of things that had her wanting out of our relationship too, well, don't all WASs? It's been about a year now that I started seriously DBing, and though she's been living with the OM still, and we have nothing to tie us together, I did get a "I'm grateful that you're still in my life" back in October. In November, December and just a few days ago, she's invited me to meet up with her for lunch, even though I've been turning her down. Negative feelings can dissipate in time. Who knows what else can happen? What we see happening today does not portend the future.

That's the same type of thinking WASs have because of their "unhappiness". They see their current circumstances in a marriage as continuing on forever and start to dread the thought of their life forever being like it is today.

Imagine you're stuck in traffic, bumper to bumper, nothing's moving. As far ahead as you can see, there's nothing but a sea of cars. You start to figure this is going to take some time before it clears. But unknown to you, up ahead, just beyond the curve, traffic is already clearing. Were you in a helicopter up above, you'd see that, having a different perspective than you would as a driver. It's quite the same thing here, it's a matter of perception.

(BTW, to continue this analogy, as one of the drivers caught in the jam, what do you do while stuck? Fume and rage and get pissed that you're going to now run late, or listen to the radio, get some work done, call someone, sit back and relax... in other words, do what's best for you in the meantime.)

Sure, she could get those things in our relationship by doing them on her own but she thinks she can (and has) find someone who is 'just like her' in those goals. Of course OM has a lot of negatives but she ignores them for the positives.

Perhaps OM is more compatible, but perhaps it's more about that relationship still being in its "honeymoon" phase. At that stage, people in relationships tend to have blinders on overlooking the negative qualities and odd eccentricities of the other. That goes for both of them. It's like nature's way of ensuring the human race continues by feeding us endorphins to get us to bond. But in time, that effect wears off, and the negative qualities that we placed on the back burner come to the front, and the odd eccentricities we once loved now become the peeves we can't stand. The partner's best behavior becomes something they lower their guard on, and their one step over the boundary becomes increasingly more a few steps over the boundary, and real life pops in with its pressures and conflicts and bursts the fantasy balloon. You have two variables here, W and OM, it can happen to either or both of them. Then very often, who was originally considered to be "The One" becomes "That a$$hole. What did I ever see in him/her?" or "He/She wasn't Mr/Ms. Right. It wasn't meant to be."

She made a comment on W's mood which I pointed out was pretty good today.

Daughters need validation too.

One bad thought I'm having is that she is telling OM about the session and how she got in touch with these awful feelings that I gave her. Then he can be the hero and bad mouth me and reaffirm her decision to divorce.

To you, his bad mouthing you is a bad thought. To me, it's a good thought. Sometimes, having a new partner bad mouth the previous partner becomes a major turn off as their true colors show. If he's prone to doing that, maybe a little jealousy is at work in him. Perhaps that's something to consider... that any time you spend with W being positive, thoughtful, validative, etc., that if it affects her positively, even though she may not show it to you, should it be reported back to OM, maybe he'll step up his jealousy, making more snide comments and becoming increasingly uglier in her eyes? Perhaps that will manifest as his telling her "what to do" ("I think you're spending too much time with him"... "whadd'ya mean you're going over there?"... "You shouldn't be doing that"...), and she probably won't like that, it could push her away from him. Just a good thought to replace your bad thought with.

C has said that she is working towards showing W that SHE also played a role in all these events.

Very helpful. Planting seeds. They may take root.
Posted By: hopefloats7 Re: Healing - 01/07/06 01:37 PM
Such an excellent post, as always. I especially liked:
BTW, to continue this analogy, as one of the drivers caught in the jam, what do you do while stuck? Fume and rage and get pissed that you're going to now run late, or listen to the radio, get some work done, call someone, sit back and relax... in other words, do what's best for you in the meantime.)

That's a great way to look at it.
Posted By: spitfire23 Re: Healing - 01/07/06 02:42 PM

Our counselor took every bad thing and connected it to an action or lack of action W had made during those times which was very helpful in weakening the effect of the negative memories.

Frank, could you elaborate on this with specific examples? I'm curious as it may help me in my own sitch.


Posted By: frank_D Re: Healing - 01/07/06 04:55 PM

Our counselor took every bad thing and connected it to an action or lack of action W had made during those times which was very helpful in weakening the effect of the negative memories

W says: He was always drinking every nite.

C: How did you deal with the Kids seeing their dad like this?

W: Well, he didn't drink till afte they went to bed...

C: So he tried to keep them from seeing him down like he was?

C: Did you ever really tell him how much you hurt, like you did today? Did you really lay it down and SHOW him your pain?

W: Yeah, I would tell him the next day sometimes but he didn't listen.

C: But you really didn't get out your real anger or hurt, you just 'told him'. Honey, your 'bag of feathers' was full of nothing but hurt because you never really expressed how you felt so even when you and he had GOOD things to share you had no room for them in your bag. So all you have is a bag of hurt and we need to empty it out one negative feather at a time.

W: Well a few months ago I got really mad and I shoved him and he fell over the coffee table behind him and I got all scared I might hurt him badly so I kept it in after that.

C: And you kept filling up that bag.

C: Did frank ever hurt you physically?

W: No, he never did. But he would tell me how I would be better off without him and he should be dead because he was no good to anybody. I would get scared he was going to hurt me or the kids.

C: Did he ever threaten to?

W: No, but sometimes when we argued he would get in my face and not let me walk away.

C: But he never hurt you physically?

W: No.

C: Tell me something else that bothers you that he did.

W: Sometimes he would buy things without asking me, like a car or a motorcycle or computer stuff. I really hated that because I was worried about money.

C: Did you tell him that?

W: No, I would act happy so he wouldn't feel bad.

C: Maybe it would be a good idea to agree that you want to be in on the approval of purchases over $1,000 then?

W: yes I would have liked that

C: Frank, did you ever get mad if she spent money without talking to you about it?

Me: no, we had money so it was not a big deal. I practically had to force her to buy anything nice. She seemed to think she didn't deserve it.

C: Did you ever take the kids and go somewhere when he was drinking?

W: Yes a few times
(Note: This is simply not true. She would sometimes go over to a friends house with the kids to 'hang out' for the nite and have a sleepover. It was always a pleasant discussion with me about going, never a "I am leaving you with the kids till you get your act together!")

C: So you threatened that you and the kids would move out?

W: No, I didn't think I had anywhere to go. (contradiction)

C: Did you ever appreciate how hard he worked to provide you and the kids with a good life?

W: Not at first, it wasn't until someone told me how lucky I was that he could do all the things he can do that I started to appreciate him. He's a really great dad and has always worked hard to make sure we're ok.

C: Tell frank what you appreciate about him, what he does to support the family even when he was hurting.

W: (lists a bunch of things)

C: Frank, what is it that W has done with the family during these tough times that you appreciate?

Me: (list some things)

More stuff was said but the overall theme is 'she said or did this' and 'franks perception of your feelings was skewed because you were keeping it all in'. Or, for many 'bad things' there were good things to counteract them.
Posted By: Tim297181 Re: Healing - 01/07/06 05:19 PM
Frank i was told by another member if you could give me sound advice. Please!!
Posted By: SweetRedd Re: Detachment and pain - 01/07/06 06:49 PM

Thanks for posting your counselor's recommendation. I think they'll help me too! This post speaks to me too. Me and my H are farther along in this process and have been piecing. You've expressed so many of the feelings I had, but didnt deal with. The feeling of rejection and I've been here supporting him, yet he gives the good parts of him to OW. I agree with Sassy in that they didnt give the good parts because they don't have it together, but I understand this feeling so well. The suffering, the rejection, the withdrawal and how that feels. I have that anger and bitterness from those things happending too. If you do anything through this process, I hope you'll deal with these feeling and take care of yourself. I put myself out on a limb and kept giving without results until it sucked me dry emotionally. Now I wish I had detached more and had advice like your C gave. It's heartbreaking getting to piecing only to realize that there's a big hole where my heart used to be and a mountain of resentment to deal with.

So much of the walk all I could think about was how she has betrayed us all and what a whore she is that she would leave me for someone else while claiming she is 'finding herself'. I just WOULD NOT do that. Ever. I was thinking about how she had said a few times over the past 3 years that she was thinking she needed some time to find herself and live on her own but she wasn't able to DO IT till she found someone new to be involved with. What a coward. This isn't detachment. This is allowing her actions to hurt you by taking them personally. Think about what your C said about the dog chasing the rabbit. That is the point of view with detachment. I wish I had that point of view long ago and I wouldnt have made my H's actions so much about me.

I understand your pain and disgust. If you can truly detach at this point and not allow her actions to deposit more of that, you'll be in a better place to work on the M when you get there. Can you practice thought stopping? Can you get out and have some fun and not focus so much on your W right now? Just anything to distance yourself so the pain, anger and hatred don't consume you.

I wish I could give some helpful advice, unfortunately, I have arrived at the "I don't think I want to do this anymore with him" place myself.

Good luck and thanks for sharing your advice.

Posted By: Keyster43 Re: Healing - 01/08/06 01:41 AM
That car in the traffic jam is great, and well put. Especially the perception part. Frank, the conv. with the C, you and W is very interesting.

Posted By: SvenTheRed Re: Healing - 01/08/06 01:58 AM


I think it's because I understand how I got here now, and how 'out of my hands' it is. And I just don't see her and I together again when there are OM's out there who will offer the good feelings without the bad baggage. Yeah, they don't have all the good traits I have (when I'm not being hurtful like I was) but if you stick your hand in a fire and get burned you aren't going to do it again. She has had enough.

Deep realization I have made in the past couple days - during my low point (you a Gemini too?). We NEED to detach - for them and moreso for us.

I love the bag of feather's analogy you posted from your counseling session. Brilliant.


Time is needed for the WAS's wounds to heal and the emotional history to dissipate. This is also helped along by the LBS creating new positive moments in the interim, and that will also show consistency.

Right. Very important. I've seen softening in my W when I do this - from my posts earlier in the week. I need and I think you need to step up the GAL stuff - it helps keep us focused on generating NEW, POSITIVE, moments. For my W, she needs to see the actions, and PMA, and new found CONFIDENCE that I WILL find by detaching and GAL'g.

You and me are at *precisely* the same point in our DB journey I think. We will endure, as better people and someday as better spouses if the path we choose is different from our W's today. But, that doesn't mean those paths don't reconnect. But we MUST start down the path, for ourselves, our children and even in some way for our W's.

I'm ready for the first steps. You with me?


Posted By: Keyster43 Re: Healing - 01/08/06 02:05 AM

Why is it that many women won't or don't INITIATE a divorce UNTIL they meet an OM? My wife didn't do it until then and we were 'getting along' pretty well.

If they did at least speak up with some real anger or hurt or something BEFORE then maybe you could actually fix the mariage?

I would think this is true of men as well as woman. Mnay men, wanting a D, wait until they find an OW before they file for D too. Wouldnt yo agree? I hear you though. In this respect I am lucky my W did not get an OM, or she has done a superb job of hidding it. Thats what has me worried. In your case, and it must be rough, the Om will be gone soon. I will bet that he is cheating on your W right now, or is planning to. He is 3,000 miles away, he needs action. Just try and forget about the OM. You are so much better than him anyway. Getting better every day too.

Posted By: spitfire23 Re: Healing - 01/08/06 03:49 AM
Thanks Frank,

This gives me a lot to think about.

Posted By: frank_D Re: Healing - 01/08/06 04:54 AM

I understand your pain and disgust. If you can truly detach at this point and not allow her actions to deposit more of that, you'll be in a better place to work on the M when you get there. .... Just anything to distance yourself so the pain, anger and hatred don't consume you.

That's MY biggest problem. To detach I have to get angry and it comes across in my attitude. If I'm in a 'nice guy' place I want to hang around her and be nice, but then I get hurt or she sees me as needy. What the heck do I do to make it work for me so I am 'nice enough' when I do talk to her but not angry when I am detaching? That makes it really hard for me to create 'new, positive moments' with her.

And Why am I doing this again? She has made me the bad guy in our whole life. Even though our Counselor can show her how she failed to 'help' me when I was in my bad place, it was still MY BAD PLACE, not hers.

When she gave her listing of things about me she appreicated they were all centered around me taking care of the family, finances and being a hard worker and she was genuinly grateful for me. So, if I'm so great why does she focus only on the stuff that 'scared her'? I NEVER threatened her or hurt her in any way. Never.

She just doesn't care any more. I hate living with her while she plays this high school game.


You and me are at *precisely* the same point in our DB journey I think. We will endure, as better people and someday as better spouses if the path we choose is different from our W's today. But, that doesn't mean those paths don't reconnect. But we MUST start down the path, for ourselves, our children and even in some way for our W's.

I'm ready for the first steps. You with me?

Yeah, I know, I Know. We are in a similar place, at least My W CAN'T 'see' her OM, but she sure can EA all the time and obsess over him.

Eric, I don't think your history is as bad as ours was. Although eveyr time I look at it I just see a depressed husband who drank later at nite to get rid of his hurt. Not a guy who drank, got mean, yelled at the kids when he was drunk, pushed his wife around. Whenever she DID yell at me I felt like crap. Is this a man who is abusing his wife?

So Eric, what do we do?

And, I am a Scorpio. We want to win.


In your case, and it must be rough, the Om will be gone soon. I will bet that he is cheating on your W right now, or is planning to. He is 3,000 miles away, he needs action.

Man, this is the part I hate the most. EVERYBODY I know says exactly what you said. But I THINK he's really a loser and is getting emotional support from HER as well in his pathetic life. I REALLY believe he would move because of some loser mentality that he could 'start over'. I dunno. Am I nutS???
Posted By: Keyster43 Re: Healing - 01/08/06 05:36 AM
Here is a technique I have been using, not perfected yet so use at your own risk. Try to find something to pity your W for, anything will do. In your case pity her for having such a loser boyfreind. Chnage your self-pity into pity for your W and the loser. You are a winner. Once you have the feeling of pity you can start to detach from the sitch with compassion. Try it and let me know. Watch how dramtically you will transform yourself from hating your W to loving her again. This love will be with compassion and unconditional. Part of the word compassion is...passion. Your W will start to feel this and when she does things will change. This is what I am doing right now. I have pity for my W that she has to use Food Stamps and her parents let her. I can go on but I wont. You get the idea. Once I satrted doing this I was able to detach. I asked myself, do I want to go back to that? No way.

Posted By: frank_D Re: Healing - 01/08/06 07:01 AM

Try to find something to pity your W for, anything will do. In your case pity her for having such a loser boyfreind. Chnage your self-pity into pity for your W and the loser. You are a winner. Once you have the feeling of pity you can start to detach from the sitch with compassion. Try it and let me know. Watch how dramtically you will transform yourself from hating your W to loving her again. This love will be with compassion and unconditional. Part of the word compassion is...passion. Your W will start to feel this and when she does things will change.

Hey, I actually noticed a week or so ago when I was angry with her that I was also feeling sorry for her because she could be so much more with our family intact and working together with me than she would with 'maggot boy'. He's in her profession (massage) and has said he wants to work with her (her dream of having a partner who does what she does) but that doesn't mean jack since he is NOT in the level of personal development she is at and nowhere near where I am at, even when I was depressed!

When I had those thoughts I DID feel better then.

I think I'll make a list of things to feel sorry for her and see how it works for me. Maybe I'm at that point now where I CAN do that and include OM in the equation because he is a loser who is going to drag her down with him.

I still have to come up with a stopping method for when I think of her with him. I'm still shocked and betrayed that she could give her body to anyone else. Have to figure out how to block that one.
Posted By: Keyster43 Re: Healing - 01/08/06 08:20 AM
How about this. Before you met your W she had other boyfreinds didnt she? How do you deal with thinking about them? I will guess they dont even cross your mind, or like me they do, but it doesnt bother you. Maybe that will help. Bottom line is that he is not even worth the effort. Of course thats easy for me to say. Do whatever it takes.

Posted By: SvenTheRed Re: Healing - 01/08/06 02:31 PM
Hi Frank,


Eric, I don't think your history is as bad as ours was. Although eveyr time I look at it I just see a depressed husband who drank later at nite to get rid of his hurt. Not a guy who drank, got mean, yelled at the kids when he was drunk, pushed his wife around. Whenever she DID yell at me I felt like crap. Is this a man who is abusing his wife?

So Eric, what do we do

And, I am a Scorpio. We want to win.

Frank, it's probably all relative. I think we were both pushovers and drowned ourselves in different ways. I didn't drink, but became so involved with work due to the constant nagging, ctiticism, etc. I didn't know how to stand up for myself. What your W might be latched onto in the EA/PA is the excitement of it. I suspect that is where my W is. She too would call me a "great provider, father, etc., etc." but that we just became roomates. She's right. And the frustrating thing is that she as seen the changes, but cannot get past it. The OM's in our case are selling a bag of crap to them about how they would never "treat them like that", they A&V the hurt like we CANNOT - even if we do it as well as the OM does - which we do! In my sitch, my W will be happy for a little while - I still think this will be a flash in the pan. The OM for me is divorced too so it's clear to me he knows how to be successful in M. Right! Like you, being a good father and provider and MAKING the changes I have has NOBODY except I think one "new" (not the OM) friend in agreement with her. She is unfortunatly also surrounded by some people that are D'd and they seem to think everything is fine - It is superficial and BS. My hope therefore is that the "pressure" of having nobody on her side, the difficulty of getting down to see OM (she needs to go after work - middle of the night) and supporting herself on her own will cause her to start nagging, etc. the OM - it will happen. Just a matter of time. It's a pattern with her family and this is where I pity or sympathize. I get angry too because she'll split up a family figuring it out. But for me, this helps with the detachment. She NEEDs to see the other side of this. She needs (and WILL) see me moving on in the next couple days and weeks and she will lie to herself about liking it. And if I am there when the paths reconnect, I'm there, if not....I can sympathize again but know that I tried everything but have built a new and exciting life for myself.

Further insight to the W. Wrote it in my posts, but here is the pattern of hurt her family has put themselves throught. Her M&D split when she was 8 and it was ugly. I saw first hand that the feelings that still existed between her M&D up to the day that her D died. There was anger still there, but I could see it was covering real regret for what both had done and the love that was lost. Funny. Her sister got married and after about 7 years D (initiated by her sister). Her sister's ex has moved on and her sister has, sort of, with a bit of a loser. She has expressed to me several times, that she misses her ex, regrets what happen'd etc. and is now having a real HARD time moving on - financially and emotionally. Funny again? So now here comes my W - will it be third times a charm? Have to wait and see...

This is tough - I just posted my "journal" for yesterday and I am astounded how intertwined was the word I used on how are lives with our S's are. Detachment is a b'tch. Hardest thing any of us will be through. I like Keyster's suggestion and I have tried that from time to time as I have been getting angry lately.

Hope that helps....written as much for me too..

Posted By: frank_D Re: Healing - 01/08/06 06:37 PM

How about this. Before you met your W she had other boyfreinds didnt she? How do you deal with thinking about them? I will guess they dont even cross your mind, or like me they do, but it doesnt bother you. Maybe that will help. Bottom line is that he is not even worth the effort. Of course thats easy for me to say. Do whatever it takes.

Well, old boyfriends are easier to deal with because they are not around. And with the exception of one of them she had very little good to say about them. The one she DID though she ended up going back to when she broke up with me for 9 months. She later told me he was a loser, divorced and a used car salesman now. She needed to get him out of her system then along with other things I guess. At the time she left I thought I'd never see her again but she showed up in my life 9 months later very much changed and humbled. We started dating again and eventually got married.

Yeah, the fact that HE is not worth the effort is true. It's her feelings towards him and away from me that hurt. BUt I do realize I give him too much power in my mind - he isn't really attracting her or even doing anything useful in her life. He is just a 'toy' that she wants to 'play with' because it feels good and lets her not have to deal with the reality of being a wife, mother and grown up.


The OM's in our case are selling a bag of crap to them about how they would never "treat them like that", they A&V the hurt like we CANNOT - even if we do it as well as the OM does - which we do! In my sitch, my W will be happy for a little while - I still think this will be a flash in the pan.

Yeah, the OM definatly A&V's her anger at me whenever possible. It's really his only security. I wouold think by now he would have a clue that she lives a whole lot better than him, has much better finanacial stability and because I db'd IMMEDIATLY he can't find anything bad to say about me since she has only been able to tell him that I have benn 'really good about this'. Kinda blows it for him to some extent, but the crap in therapy gives him ammunition against me.

He is very different than me, almost an exact opposite but has SOME of her interests, actually only one - massage. And he's not as good as she is. Doesn't live in the world of technology like I do and has never been capable of building a company from scratch as I have. This is a whole different type of person.

My fears come out when I think that maybe that kind of person is more suited to her since they are far less intense in their feelings and life choices. Her mom divorced her dad who was similar to me in that way, except he wasn't as willing to look at his own crap like I am. But then, W always was excited when things were moving for us in good ways so the 'intensity' is great - as long as it's making her feel happy.

I hope the 'flash in the pan' will be because we have something together that nobody else can give her - our family and our history together. It just remains to be seen if that is important enough to her.


She is unfortunatly also surrounded by some people that are D'd and they seem to think everything is fine - It is superficial and BS.

My W has two friends who are real problems. One of them is a 'spiritual counselor in training' and thinks she knows all the right things to do from a spiritual point of view. 'Find your path' 'live your truth' and all that wonderful crap. She doesn't have bad feelings towards me, and I actually helped her make a video to sell teaching a massage technique she made. So she owes me. BUT, she won't say anything BAD about what W is doing if asked. She will 'support her decisions if they bring her happiness and there are past life issues to be solved'. She has said as much to me in the past. So, I stopped talking to her over a month ago and she can no longer expect my help with her video work. The other friend has been around for about 12 years. She's extremely overweight (both friends area actually.. W is not), doesn't date, works in a day care center as an assistant director, has health problems and on and on. She is generally nice but never liked me when I was down. She was instrumental in our first breakup 6 years ago and wouldn't talk to W for a year when we got back together. The past few years we got along better but now she is ecstatic that W has found a 'real love' who will treat her so much better and isn't a problem to her like me.

If I really was a loser we wouldn't live in a nice house, have whatever we need to be comfortable and have good kids who are well balanced now would we? We'd be messed up, kids would be flunking out of school and doing drugs .. right?


It's a pattern with her family and this is where I pity or sympathize.

Her Dad and Mom divorced when she was 17. As her dad tells it, her mom gave him the 'I don't think I want to be married' story also. They went to counseling where probably neither one tried hard and things were ok for a while. About a year later she did it again so he (being the kind of guy he was - a bit controlling) cut up her credit cards and said 'go be on your own' so she left.
That was about the time I met W. Her mom dated some real 'interesting' guys and eventually married a wimpy (but decent) guy and moved to Seattle. Of course that meant W and her brother hardly saw her again.

Her dad married a woman about 3 years older than my W. But to his credit, he did make himself available to both his kids when possible but wasn't very good at listening sometimes so they rarely came to him. But he was there and at least they saw him. When he heard about our divorce he talked to me about his Ex and was teary eyed and you could tell it still hurt. It doesn't go away ever. When will people get it?

Her brother, who is a couple years younger married a neurotic woman and had 2 kids. He had been in a motorcycle accident years before and had problems with memory and focus that she KNEW about when she married him. Well eventually she and her mother (who was a real basket case) treated him like an idiot all the time. The sad part was that she got a degree in psychology and would tell W that she KNEW her mom was a negative influence and they needed to get away from her. None of his family (mom, dad, my W) made any effort to question why he never came to see them, and on the rare visits to his house would see how she belittled him and 'wondered' why he put up with it. No family support system there! His solution was to basically walk out on her one day after telling her in front of her whole famliy at a restaurant that he just was't going to be treated like that any more. Custody battle ensued and he now doesn't get to see his kids at all.


I get angry too because she'll split up a family figuring it out. But for me, this helps with the detachment. She NEEDs to see the other side of this. She needs (and WILL) see me moving on in the next couple days and weeks and she will lie to herself about liking it.

Yeah, she gave me the 'are you dating because if you are that would be great' line. I told her that wouldn't happen for a couple years because I know that I am not in an emotional place where I COULD be in a relationship. Of course, SHE is in that place isn't she? She couldn't be in a relationship with me, how could she have one that is healthy with someone else?

So I will begin to block HIM out of my thoughts and see HER as someone to pity because she feels the only way she can be loved is to chase losers instead of FIGHTING for a man she KNOWS is a winner. She said so herself that I was wonderful, etc. I pity her for having to see her life as a series of 'spiritual experiments' that if she messes one up, she'll get it right in another life, or if she finds 'the one' from a past life she can be happy with them now, even if their current life is less than optimal. Pity her because she thinks that running away has always been the option when you have problems that you can't solve. Instead of reaching out to those who can help you, like I eventually did on my own. I am almost done blaming myself as I have seen her hurt first hand, but also seen that SHE DID NOTHING SUBSTANTIAL to deal with OUR (not just my) problems. It doesn't make me BLAME her but it does make me feel less guilty.

Right now she is on a marathon reading frenzy - she has been going through her 'collection' of spiritual books and re-reading them all, apparently 'looking' for something. I could tell her what is missing from her life if she asked me. But how do I get her to ask?

Here is my take on 'spirituality'. Being a person who lives mostly in my logical mind I see that there are many ways to view our world and the people in it. I see that there are people who have a knack for helping other people to 'feel better' when they are down. We all know someone like that (empaths and healers). There are also people who we trust to tell us what the 'right thing' to do is in almost any situation or predict how a situation will turn out and be right most of the time (intuitives).

There are many other types of 'gifts' that are discussed in the world of 'spirituality'. I see it as just that, 'gifts' we all possess that some people are better at than others. How we got there is a mystery but we DO have them. My particular gift is that of an intuitive first and a healer second. You can see that in my writing because I get a good sense of what someone is feeling in their posts and then say what I think about it with the focus on making it better. I also can look at someone and when I first meet them I can tell a lot about them, like are they trustworthy, honest, angry, etc. and that has helped me a lot in my business dealings.

W is a healer. She actually manifests it through her work in massage. When she massages someone she can seek out the exact muscles where the tension or anxiety you have is being held, and push it out. She is very good at this. I've had many massages but none from anyone who can find the real problem spots so easily.

So, I see spirituality and 'gifts' from a logical perspective. I just never saw them as anything 'magical', it's just the way some people 'are'.

The best thing happening right now is that she IS finally going to see our counselor for an individual session. That's what she really needs - it to be only about her and her issues. Our 'divorcing couples' sessions help but she realy needs this.

Ok, so detaching is my thing to do as I have been saying over and over. Using the 'pity' method and coming from a place of compassion resonates with me so I will start doing that. Thanks for all the input!
Posted By: Tim297181 Re: Healing - 01/08/06 08:34 PM
That last post sure put alot of thoughts in my head because many of the issues discussed are what I am experiencing right now! The OM is just a "toy" that allows her to escape reality!
But my question is we are supposed to find out how our W loves the OM, so how can we help our W escape reality for awhile and find the same excitement with us?
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: Healing - 01/08/06 08:49 PM

So I will begin to block HIM out of my thoughts and see HER as someone to pity because she feels the only way she can be loved is to chase losers instead of FIGHTING for a man she KNOWS is a winner. She said so herself that I was wonderful, etc. I pity her for having to see her life as a series of 'spiritual experiments' that if she messes one up, she'll get it right in another life, or if she finds 'the one' from a past life she can be happy with them now, even if their current life is less than optimal. Pity her because she thinks that running away has always been the option when you have problems that you can't solve. Instead of reaching out to those who can help you, like I eventually did on my own. I am almost done blaming myself as I have seen her hurt first hand, but also seen that SHE DID NOTHING SUBSTANTIAL to deal with OUR (not just my) problems. It doesn't make me BLAME her but it does make me feel less guilty.

For some reason, I really like this Frank. It's a different viewpoint as opposed to blaming them or ourselves. Interesting perspective...
Posted By: SvenTheRed Re: Healing - 01/08/06 08:57 PM

Yeah, she gave me the 'are you dating because if you are that would be great' line. I told her that wouldn't happen for a couple years because I know that I am not in an emotional place where I COULD be in a relationship. Of course, SHE is in that place isn't she? She couldn't be in a relationship with me, how could she have one that is healthy with someone else?

So I will begin to block HIM out of my thoughts and see HER as someone to pity because she feels the only way she can be loved is to chase losers instead of FIGHTING for a man she KNOWS is a winner. She said so herself that I was wonderful, etc.

I am almost done blaming myself as I have seen her hurt first hand, but also seen that SHE DID NOTHING SUBSTANTIAL to deal with OUR (not just my) problems. It doesn't make me BLAME her but it does make me feel less guilty.

Okay, again, way too many parallels. Don't even know where to start so I won't.

We're on the right path Frank. But I think you said it a couple times - look at how DEEP we have gone to understand ourselves. We have done RIGHT by ourselves and we have to constantly remind ourselves of that. It will ultimately draw our WAW's back to us - or maybe not. But think of how prepared we will be for whatever is next - when we are ready. We CONTROL that and can do it with CONFIDENCE. Check out HardHeads post on confidence and cowardice if you have not already. Think it speaks nicely to the sitch.

To close on something my W said today - and I lied to her, but okay.

The boys and me had a great weekend - you might have read in my post. W calls on her way to work this afternoon - I didn't answer - we were sledding and having fun. Anyway, first, she makes the comment that I am avoiding her....tee hee.

But in her message, she asks if I'll bring the boys by the restaurant thtat she works for dinner. That she misses them....having to work weekends and such and going to her "girlfriends" - a lie, but okay. I lie and tell her they miss her too - call it an A&V. (Boys have not brought up MOM all weekend - I kid you not. That's fathering!)

Anyway - stay the course Frank...

Posted By: frank_D Re: Healing - 01/08/06 09:08 PM

so how can we help our W escape reality for awhile and find the same excitement with us?

We ARE reality. A NEW reality. The OLD reality is gone now, along with the old hurts and behaviors. This is where she needs to find that excitement. How do we help her? Be exciting! If you can, get her to go do fun stuff with no expectations. What did you do when you were dating?

We shouldn't have to escape reality - reality should have fun built into it!
Posted By: Tim297181 Re: Healing - 01/08/06 09:40 PM
You are right we are in reality however harsh it may seem! Frank you have read my postings my question is do I outwardly be loving, affectionate, and caring when my W is distant and possibly thinking of the OM? Where is the line of pushing and what is showing love?
Posted By: frank_D Re: Healing - 01/08/06 11:02 PM

do I outwardly be loving, affectionate, and caring when my W is distant and possibly thinking of the OM? Where is the line of pushing and what is showing love?

Well, I know in my sitch I prefer to pull back at those times because she sure isn't thinking about ME! I prefer to leave her in her own thoughts so she can process them.

I make myself less available by going to my room and reading, or go for a walk or something. It makes me feel better. If she comes and finds me to talk, then I'm nice but I stick to short answers or comments UNLESS I can see she has something about her feelings to talk about.

I want her to respect my space and boundaries too. When she calls OM she has violated them big time. She should not be able to call OM and then expect me to go 'hi hon, let's have a hug!' (unless for some reason she is hurting and needs one - that always trumps detachment for me).

Personally, I think youw W needs to think that you are becoming LESS interested in reconciling while she is talking to OM. Like I said, upset the balance on the see saw.
Posted By: frank_D moving onward... - 01/09/06 06:07 AM
Well hey,

W came home tonite about 7 pm from visting her %@^!%@ girlfriend overnite. GF was kind enough to give her a travel guide and map of Connecticut, where OM lives. This GF is a real loser who never liked me and is ecstatic that W is 'in love' regardless of how the kids or me feel or if it's Adultery.

Anyway, from the minute she got home W was a pain to talk to or deal with, very angry about something. I will GUESS it's because she can't go see OM because she can't afford it and he isn't coming here to see her for whatever reason. She probably talked about him at length with GF. Whatever.

So, she goes into D15's room to say hi and comes donwstairs all pissy and says D15 is being 'snippy' to her. I ask how is she, and W tells me 'just her attitude when I asked her to do something'.

I went to talk to D15 and she asked me if we could go for a drive and talk so I say OK. I tell W that we are going and she glares at me. Great.

D15 tells me al W did was tell her to do a bunch of things 'like she was acting like my mother, but she was talking to me like a teenager would and had NO respect for my opinions'. Ok, I'm sure D15 was also acting like a teenager and I told her to be respectful of her mother. She says 'How can I when it's so clear she doesn't want to BE MY MOTHER, she want's to be somewhere else and do something else. (D15 doesn't know about OM who lives far away). She want's to 'find herself'.

She says she would like it if we could just split up the household now, and W could go live by herself and do whatever she wants to do. She has had enough of W acting like she really doesn't want to be here any more. I kind of feel the same way, we'd be better off if she would get out. Go live with OM in CT and have a nice time.

She says it is so obvious that W has checkout out of our relationship and marriage and even her family. Now I know some of this is just teenager anger but she is pretty intuitive.

We talked about a lot of things that we'll have to deal with 'when' we divorce and I told her I wasn't going to be dating for a couple years. She said 'I don't worry about you Dad, I worry about MOM dating'. I didn't ask her what she meant but I think I know.

Earlier D10 had an emotional breakdown because she thought W wasn't coming home. I ended up taking her to the park for a couple hours and spent a lot of quality time with her. Told her Mom was not going to leave her, and neither was I. She felt a lot better and when W came home later she was a little clingy.

I told W about this later and she said 'why didn't you call me on my cell so I could tell her I was coming home?" I said 'D10 knows your number, if she wanted to talk to you she would have called you. This was about her worrying that some day you'll leave and never come back. She needed more than a phone call, and I spent time reassuring her and talking to her about all that's going on.

W: Well you should have called me. You would have wanted me to call you if this was about you.

Me: No, I would have wanted you to comfort her and help her through her feelings.

W: Well I want you to call me next time.

Me: ok.

She never asked me 'what did you talk about' or anything else. Just 'why didn't you call me'. All about her.

Man, this sucks having to deal with a 10 year old, a 15 year old teenager and a 37 year old teenager. It's all I can do to hold ME together when I see her friend helping her to see OM. D15 knows that 'friend' doesn't like me but has no idea about the rest. And it's so hard to not tell her that the reason W is down and unhappy is because she can't go see her boyfriend and it irks her. She thinks it's because of her anger at ME and that W doesn't want to be a mom any more.

Eventually she will find out about OM and W will be dead meat.

I really couldn't talk to W after the kids went to bed. Just didn't want to any more. I probably came off as a little angry but I did my best to be neutral. I'm sorry but I just don't like her because she is hurting my kids. If she was a NORMAL woman getting a divorce she would be more sensitive to their needs, but she is just as needy.

I am so tired today. The emotional stuff with the kids really weighs on me, but it also helps my detachment because it makes me a little angry at W and then I pity her. The only way she could do anything about our problems was to run away to someone else. Then I fixed every one of MY problems but she has now become the problem.

If space aliens have her, they are sure messing with us a lot.

I really wish she would go away. D15 would be fine with me and between her and I we could keep D10 feeling loved and happy. Maybe after she get's some real time with OM she would see that the grass is DEAD there. Oh, but wait, she CAN'T go live with OM, he still lives with his EX girlfriend he recently dumped because he can't afford to move out on his own. So he says.. Oops! But wait, he's going to MOVE WEST in less than a year! Woo Hoo! Is this love or is this love!?

ok, I'm being mean.

I have no idea how W will ever get me back if she ever decides to. I look at her as being a bit of as jerk and ridiculous. Oh, and don't forget slut or whore for sleeping with OM.

So, detachment here I come! Don't care, be aloof, no problem. She doesn't want to be here ANYWAY and the kids know it. The more I focus on THEM the better I feel about ME. And the worse I feel about her. She used to be a great mom, the best. Now she is barely there emotionally.

Oh, I meant to mention this because someone pointed it out to me the other day. W didn't ask for Separation and D in person, she called me from her cell phone and told me she changed her mind about 'working on things' and wanted a Divorce. Pretty cowardly.
Posted By: Keyster43 Re: moving onward... - 01/09/06 12:13 PM
Hey frank,
You have some golden opportunities here to turn things on their head. First is this comment;

Yeah, she gave me the 'are you dating because if you are that would be great' line. I told her that wouldn't happen for a couple years because I know that I am not in an emotional place where I COULD be in a relationship. Of course, SHE is in that place isn't she? She couldn't be in a relationship with me, how could she have one that is healthy with someone else?

Your W was fishing for info here and you gave her way more than she needed to know. You can still take what she said and use this to your advantage. What I would have done was to repeat what she said, showing her you listened, and then agreed with her. Now what you can do is bring up the topic again, agree that "yes I sholud start dating". Then, that very evening, get dressed up and go out. Tell her you are going out nothing more. It will drive her crazy. She said go out and date, so just do it.

As for this GF of your W's, try and figure out a way of using her to your advantage; this is going to take some thought. Your W was, or is, angry because she cant get to Conn. to see OM. Show her you empathize with her and show compassion, use the pity thing here to add sicerity. Tell her how sorry you are she cant go, do it with feeling, and its easier if you pity her. Then tell her if you could find a way for her to go you would. In fact actually get flight info and give it to her. Tell her to take all the time she needs with OM. Also, find out why OM cant make it to CA and work on this, but with compassion and feeling; pity her. Combined with the dating thing, she will go crazy. Remember, if she starts to argue, just agree and validate. Always have pity for her out of love. This will make it so much easier. Especially when you see how well this is going to work. Your goals are to 1) show her that you feel for her in her hour of need 2) you are so understanding and just want to help 3) you dont need her to be happy. Once she sees these things, the OM will toast. Ahhh...and another thing to start is to plant seeds of doubt in her mind about OM. Say things like "Hmmm...I wonder what he is doing tonight." Your W will answer and you say "Well if I was him I would be ______". Then turn around and go out on your little "date". Leave her to think about it. I guarantee this will drive her crazy. This will probably result in her becoming very snippy, but thats ok, thats what you want. Let it slide and dont get caught up in the moment. Just agree and validate. Look for opportunities to feel pity and console her in a loving way. She will eat it up. Go for it Frank .

Posted By: grasshopper Re: moving onward... - 01/09/06 04:18 PM

I have just finished reading all 8 pages of this thread and I feel for you man. I am about a week in on my sitch (and I would LOVE you to comment on it)

My story thread 1

Update (and where I will continue to post)

You are doing all of us such a service by posting the way you do. I know for me personally, I have been lifted as high as I have been in days just from reading your accounts. It is one thing to have a notion that you are going through something similar to somebody else, quite another to have such detail to support that theory.
Thank you. As far as your situation, I am in the same boat as far as the roller-coaster of feeling that I love her and will suffer any pain to allow her to come back to me, to feeling that I hate her and she can have her OM and have a great life.
Difference with my sitch is that her OM is VERY local and I have actually run into them twice, once with the kids in tow (that time, I made sure once I saw them I quickly went the other direction in the car).
The added dimension to my problem is the proximity but from reading your accounts, I see that it may be no better to have the OM be long distance.
I hope you continue to progress and I hope you find a way to keep ahold of the kindness that you display here and the love that you obviously feel for your family, including your wife. She may not deserve it, or you may not deserve the woman she once was but if you make it through this, you will have a legacy of openness and caring that would be enviable to all but the coldest among us.
Power to you Frank and I really do hope your story ends well. You really deserve it.
I will continue to follow your story.

Posted By: frank_D Re: moving onward... - 01/09/06 04:39 PM

Your W was, or is, angry because she cant get to Conn. to see OM. Tell her how sorry you are she cant go, do it with feeling, and its easier if you pity her. Then tell her if you could find a way for her to go you would. In fact actually get flight info and give it to her. Tell her to take all the time she needs with OM. Also, find out why OM cant make it to CA and work on this, but with compassion and feeling; pity her. Ahhh...and another thing to start is to plant seeds of doubt in her mind about OM. Say things like "Hmmm...I wonder what he is doing tonight."

I did actually tell her how sorry I was that she was unhappy at xmas time because she couldn't be with OM. At first she thought I was mocking her, but when she realized I was being compassionate she cried a little and told me how torn up she was inside since she knew she should be happy to be here with the kids. I got some points for that one but it was fleeting.

As far as me finding a way for her to go, of course I could. So could she. She has access to ALL our money and has several thousand $$$ on her credit card. She cries poverty but her last trip was a mere $400 including the hotel SHE paid for. You'd think he would at least pay the hotel so all she has to pay is airfare. Yet, she doesn't go. Which brings us to the third thing: Why doesn't OM come here? Costs are the same and SHE could pay hotel costs at motel 6 ($49). I mean, if he is IN LOVE wouldn't he want to see her? This is the mystery to me. I dated a girl in college who graduated and moved to Ohio (I lived in NY) I still flew to see her every 2 weeks until it became clear that if I didn't move there we wouldn't last. I loved her but didn't move because it was too hard for me to leave my roots at that time, and she broke up with me.

So your comment on 'planting the seeds of doubt' would cause me more problems because she would think I am mocking her or being mean. Given her insecurities I would think that SHE is wondering on her own WHY he isn't trying really hard to see her. Although when she got back from her december trip she told me they would 'rarely' see each other because of their sitch's. So it is a tragic love affair, how dramatic.

This is all a crock, I would never have a 'relationship' like she is in. As a man, I would do whatever I had to do to scrimp and save $$ to get to my 'love of my life'. Wouldn't you?

I really think she is subconsciously waiting to see if he WILL do it rather than her going to see him.

On another side note regarding money, I told her this morning that she has to pay 1/2 the utilites from now on to live here since we are 'separated'. I'll post more on that conversation later.
Posted By: Tim297181 Re: Healing - 01/09/06 07:13 PM
"Upset the sea saw"?!
I just had a phone session with one of the DB's counsultation! It was great -- HIGHLY RECOMMEND the investmet!
But he said I should use the technique "Act as if" described in Michelle's book. I am not a good actor but you have to act as if the actions that your W is doing is not as big as an issue that you feel in the inside. When she calls the OM or is cold and distant let her do her thing and outwardly act different than your normal recation. For me that is remain positive and upbeat and try to keep a smile on my face. The councilor said that my W will feel the guilt and wants the normal reaction, and when she doesn't get it she will show interst as to why.
He also tried to help with "HOw to be more interesting" to my W. He said write down a life list as to all your goals and aspirations in life regardless of how crazy! Things tha get my juices flowing! Start doing them and tell your W after you accmplish one and see if she shows more interest! For me it maybe as simple as going to a YOga class or a dance class (no rythm and 2 left feet) or a little more extreme as a tatoo or a (foregie me) a nipple piercing!
Anyways the bottom line as everyone has said is going on with your life! For me I am still going to remain affectionate and loving towards my W, but try to spice up my own life that is a little more extreme and exciting for me and that may attract my wife!
Posted By: frank_D Re: Healing - 01/09/06 08:33 PM

But he said I should use the technique "Act as if" described in Michelle's book. I am not a good actor but you have to act as if the actions that your W is doing is not as big as an issue that you feel in the inside.

On page 219 in the 'after the last resort' they say a similar thing as I suggested except more drastic. "Tell them you've had enough. Tell them you are letting go until they can decide what they want." etc...

The suggestion I made was more gentle. Essentially Tell her to go and figure it out and you'll be waiting, or not.

You are at a standoff and changing the balance of power often breaks a standoff.

The DB coaches are but one of many opinions. You have to decide what YOU can do and what fits your situation. By all means DO follow them if you think it fits your sitch.

What I suggested had some results for ME - it made W have to consider that what she is doing is not going to keep me hanging forever. She did NOT go to OM and has had to resolve the conflict in her as to WHY she did not go. She is finally in therapy.

Do what works for YOU, but when you ask for OPINIONS don't take someones comments that YOU didn't agree with or understand and throw it back in the persons face as in "Upset the sea saw"?! as if they were stupid for saying it.

It's insulting. We are all here to help each other. BUT we are also responsible for listening to the opinions we get from others and deciding which one fits OUR situation. And for being respectful of those opinions.

I hope everything works out for you. The DB coaches are very good.

By the way, if anyone was wondering, you can send me e-mail at platinumweasel@yahoo.com if you have something to talk about that you want to remain private. Don't worry, I can take abuse too! My wife is a professional since the aliens got her!
Posted By: frank_D Re: Healing - 01/09/06 08:41 PM


You are doing all of us such a service by posting the way you do. I know for me personally, I have been lifted as high as I have been in days just from reading your accounts. It is one thing to have a notion that you are going through something similar to somebody else, quite another to have such detail to support that theory

Thanks for the support. I like to write as much as I can about my experiences so that others can compare theirs with me and hopefully give ME advice! I can always use it! But, as Tim pointed out today you DO have to gather a lot of opinions and apply the one that works for YOU. Every sitch is different.
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: moving onward... - 01/09/06 08:52 PM

This is all a crock, I would never have a 'relationship' like she is in. As a man, I would do whatever I had to do to scrimp and save $$ to get to my 'love of my life'. Wouldn't you?

Absofreakinglutely...so if you stand back and look at the BIG picture...does it appear to you that she is pursuing him...if he's not willing to make the next step to come see her, maybe he's just not into her (hmmm...seems like a good title for a book?).

You haven't convinced me yet that he hasn't given up his GF...so that means, you aren't convinced either, are you? If he was emotionally and physically available for your W as a potential SOUL MATE then come hell or high water that man would find a way to her...and I speak this from experience Frank...

When I was 21, I met a boy from Edmonton, Canada. I lived in LA at the time. We met on his last two days in LA. Something clicked obviously because the next summer my best friend and I flew up to Canada and spent the summer there with him and his best friend...he must have thought I was WORTH it because the following summer, even though he moved to Ontario to go to school...he drove all the way to LA to spend the summer with me...we talked about getting married that summer...but it was after he left I ended up meeting my exH....oh damn...there was my fork in the road, eh?
Posted By: Tim297181 Re: Healing - 01/09/06 09:42 PM
Sorry Frank! I never wanted you to feel that thought your opinion was wrong or I did not appreciate it! I am new to this message board thing, and trying to convey your feelings into a short message!
I agree with everything you said!
I do need to upset the balance and get the whole R off the sea saw. I truly believe what you did took strength and I am not sure if it would work in my situation (just yet)..
I am going to try the "kill'em with kindness" approach and wait to see if she brings the OM up after a week or so. I know she is seeing him and is talking to him (I don't need to check the phones anymore) so I will wait it out and see what happens.
If she is seeing him and talking to and comes clean with it after I have tried the "Act as if approach" I think I will have to take your advice Frank and try a more a direct approach to the OM and this ping pong ball effect!
Sorry again Frank for any questions becasue your words have really helped me think things thru over a very tough few days!
Posted By: frank_D Re: Healing - 01/09/06 10:23 PM

Thanks for the explanation. We're all under a lot of stress here! I hope your latest plan has some results!

good luck!
Posted By: Tim297181 Re: Healing - 01/09/06 10:32 PM
Thanx Frank and good luck to you!
Posted By: frank_D Re: moving onward... - 01/09/06 10:41 PM
Sassy thanks for your insight. Problem is I think OM is nuts.


Absofreakinglutely...so if you stand back and look at the BIG picture...does it appear to you that she is pursuing him...if he's not willing to make the next step to come see her, maybe he's just not into her

As usual I am my own devils advocate.... Orbitz says it's about $200 round trip. Maybe he HAS set up a visit but I don't get that impression so far. She hasn't erased out of her scheduler the week she marked out in mid february that he was supposed to come visit. But then, since she would have to make up a story about going to visit one of her friends, she would have told me by now if he WAS coming. Or maybe not.

In your example the guy came to spend the summer, well OM says he's going to 'MOVE WEST' as he put it sometime in the next year. Maybe he's saving up?


You haven't convinced me yet that he hasn't given up his GF...so that means, you aren't convinced either, are you? If he was emotionally and physically available for your W as a potential SOUL MATE then come hell or high water that man would find a way to her...and I speak this from experience Frank...

You know EVERYBODY tells me this. I'm the only one who thinks that maybe he is really this weird and is 'hanging on' to her because HE is needy. His (ex) GF was very needy too. It seems to me that he picks women who are needy and in vulnerable states because they are 'safer'.

In e-mails he talks like GF and he are finished and she is moving on now. Yeah, Yeah I know talk is cheap. I hate to get hopeful.

I saw a mutual friend of W and I who met OM in Hawaii and she said she felt that the depression W has been in is partly from the guilt of what she sees she is doing to the family, and partly because OM is not available to her and HE isn't making a big effort. She thinks it's not as important to him as it is to her.

Maybe like the guy from Canada he is just hanging on till he can afford to make 'the big move' out west? In your story it was over two summers, about 9 months of waiting...

STILL, the guy is 39. Unless he is a TOTAL loser with the women he must be going out looking for someone. Otherwise he's pretty bored and lonely.

The real question is when will the endorphins wear off on HER?

well. I hope EVERYONE is right and I am WRONG.
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: moving onward... - 01/10/06 12:25 AM
Actually we were both in college at the time, thus the delays in our visits...but our communication (phone, letters and cards only back in 1984) was very consistent.

Hard to speculate what he is thinking...I am sure we can all agree on that. However, if he was moving west, perhaps there would be something more you would be seeing from W as far as distancing herself from you more because her "knight" was coming out. One has to wonder (again speculate) if perhaps deep down she knows that this isn't going where she thought it might be. Again, speculation...

The fortunate thing for you and to your advantage is that despite what you may be feeling, your W is still living with you and is going to counseling.

What is it with this airfare from west coast to east coast being cheaper than I am paying to fly east. Sheesh...maybe I do need to move back home!!

Posted By: frank_D Re: moving onward... - 01/10/06 02:04 AM
W came to talk to me and said I was 'bad mouthing' her to D15. The reason: D15 told her I said that 'mom was upset you took the decorations off the tree the other day' when she was angry at W. I didn't say that exactly I ASKED her why she had taked the decorations off the tree because MOM had noticed and we were wondering what was up with D15 that would make her do that. So now W thinks that every time I go for a drive with D15 I am 'bad mouthing' her. I told her I am not. I told her I love you and the girls love you and I do everything I can when D15 is mad at you to remind her of what you went through with me and how hurt you are. I said there is no way I will bad mouth her to the kids because she is their mom and I don't want them angry at her.

So this is a DB problem since now D15's anger is coming across as if I am the source. So now she is really mad at me.

I told W today that since we are 'separated' that if she were on her own she would get about $2500 in child support and alimony from me. In our current household that would basically pay the mortgage. So, I said she should pay half the utilities and health insurance. That comes out to be about $700 a month for her. With her credit card bill and other bills she already has to pay since they are 'her things' she is looking at about $1,200 a month. She started to cry and wanted to drop her health insurance and stupid stuff like that. I told her no way, I'll pay for it because she needs to have insurance. I can't have her hurt and the kids thinking I didn't do anything for her. I hate doing this but I know I need to because she's supposed to see that being 'single' isn't a free ride. I actually pay for a lot more than what I put on the spreadsheet. I didn't put food on it at all.

So, now I am the bad guy. But this is her life. She chose it and has to live it. She won't know how it feels to be 'single' if she doesn't have to live in reality.

This sucks.
Posted By: frank_D heavy stuff - 01/10/06 06:20 AM
ok, spent time with D15, she tells me mom is not relating to her on various levels. Acting like a teenager, telling D15 'why do you hate me' and other stuff like that.

Later, I ask W what happened and she tells a different story. I tell her what D15 said and she says that is not true. D15 doesn't lie, but neither does W. A little later I talk to D15 before bedtime. I tell her of my conversation with W and how W says she did NOT say 'why do you hate me". D15 says very calmly "Dad, she said it. I don't need to make it up". Now what do I do? Is W psychotic or is D15 trying to rock the boat?

Couselor had said that she can't just say 'I want a divorce' and not have to live the consequences. Since she won't move out into her own apartment then she has to pay to live here in the house.

I am trying so hard to make sure it doesn't look like I'm trying to hurt her financially. I made a bunch of concessions AND told her that all our therapy costs should come out of the shared funds. She was grateful for that as she had no idea how she would pay for therapy for herself. WHEW! I was worried she wouldn't accept the money and skip therapy, which is the ONLY hope for us. Small miracles. I took over payment for one of her credit cards since the only balance on it was money we used to buy an Oboe for our D15 to play. Of course ALL my credit cards were used in some way to furnish the house but that doesn't count, does it.

She had looked at her budget and actually could afford to pay her share of the utilities. I'm paying EVERYTHING else, mortgage, taxes, food and just asking her to pay half the utilities. She knows she needs to find a job for real now as she can't even afford to live HERE in our home as a room mate.

As we're talking about sharing expenses and other stuff tonite. We get to the life insurance payout ($500,000) and she says I should make the kids the beneficiarys instead of her.

Me: I want to keep you as the life insurance beneficiary. I trust you implicitly to take care of the kids if anything ever happens to me. In my whole life I've never had any reason not to trust you. (Until now, but only with OM, not with kids and money.)

She suddenly starts to cry about that statement. I add that I'm trying to be fair, not mean, and to tell me what she thinks should be different or what may be unfair. she says she understands that this is what divorcing couples do. I say 'Yes, I'm only trying to move on with my life and this is one of the things we have to do'. She says "I understand"

Thens she says:

W: (crying) I wish I could get over the anger I have for you

Me: I know, I'm sorry for all the hurt I caused you.

W: Well I'm sorry too. I'm sure I'll get over it eventually.

A minute later she gets up and goes to her room still crying. I wait a minute and follow her.

Me: W, I'm so sorry for all the hurt. I wish I could change things. I wish I could go back in time and fix it.

W: I wish, I wish. I wish you had done something 5 years ago so I wouldn't have to go through this now.

Me: So do I, but I'm doing something NOW.

W: (still crying) Yes, but it's too late.

Me: It's never too late!

W: Yes, sometimes it is. It is.

She Closes her door while still crying. A few minutes later I hear her sobbing loudly in her room. I should be there to comfort her but she doesn't want me to. I can see the hurt, and behind hurt that deep is love that deep, at least I think so.

WHat do you all think about this exchange with her? Over for good? She seems pretty convinced it is too late.

One other note: The anti depressents my Psych gave me have been doing wonders. I feel a lot less anxiety and much more even keeled in all my interactions with her. It makes detaching and being aloof easier too since I am not hurting or anxious as much. I wish I had these earlier!
Posted By: grasshopper Re: heavy stuff - 01/10/06 12:12 PM

I feel strange commenting your situation since I am so new to mine but I will give it a try.
I think her feeling enough to cry over the end of what you have may mean it's not the end. From all I have read it seems like the apathy and THEIR detachment is a worse thing than conflict and emotion towards you.
The theory being that so long as they are engaged with you, then there is a chance to work through whatever is causing the bad feelings.
Your case seems so much different than mine but I can see mine getting there and I don't know how I would feel.
It seems to me, as an infant in this process, that it isn't over for you until you decide it is and that may have to be for your own good at some point. For me I don't think that time would come before I received D papers and I think it may last past the D itself. I am capable of taking a lot and obviously so are you.
I think what defines most of us here is our inability to accept divorce when we know there are so many other things that are proven to at least help a relationship flourish while our spouses have taken the other path of unguided self discovery that seems perfectly sane to them and totally crazy to us.
You continue to display the kind of courage and unbelievable love to this woman who may either be beyond deserving it or beyond accepting it but it is in your perseverance that you will probably gain the most personal strength.
I know when I am having a bad day (like today) and then I pull out of it, it is my ability to do so that gives me renewed hope the next time I slip back down.
In your case, each time you face your W and D's with the strength of your convictions and character intact, then you are still on the right road as far as I can tell.
Like I said, she already said it was the end but until she actually makes it over, you get to decide when it really ends and I don't think that's just yet for you.
Hang in and I really do hope you can get through this.

My Sitch
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: heavy stuff - 01/10/06 01:03 PM

Something she said...five years ago...let's go back there...coming from a woman that sounds pretty specific to me...sorry I pick up on stuff like that, imagine...can you have the Therapist pick up on that and see where your W was going with it?

As for being financially responsible for her...I can understand how you feel, you are still attached...HOWEVER, if she makes the decision to live on her own, think things through before you make any promises that will be used against you in court. The laws aren't what they used to be...just because she gave birth to the children, doesn't mean that she is the best suited person to be the primary caretaker, and from what you have shared with us so far, I don't see that she is there. But she's emotionally tangled right now, you know her past with the children best.

Example, I sincerely doubt at this point in time that your Ds will want to live with mom. That would put them living with you. In California that would mean (God Bless California!) she would be paying YOU Child Support. Also you would probably keep your residence since you would be the Custodial parent. So, the ball I believe would be in your court.

You are not financially responsible for her unless you have some sort of agreement, document already in place. Offering stuff out of the goodness of your heart is one thing, your choice, make sure you can live with it...even if she was to remarry, still want to pay her health insurance? I didn't think so.

Sorry, just a bit of reality...she's acting on emotion right now and not the reality of the sitch and what she is doing to the family.
Posted By: Bonkers Re: heavy stuff - 01/10/06 01:16 PM
I agree with Lisa. Don't be a doormat. Seems like your W is probably not going to appreciate your generousity and kindness but just expect more of the same. Google "Common Divorce Mistakes". Tough love all the way to reality of her being able to live on her own financially.
Posted By: frank_D Re: heavy stuff - 01/10/06 03:51 PM

Something she said...five years ago...let's go back there...coming from a woman that sounds pretty specific to me...sorry I pick up on stuff like that, imagine...can you have the Therapist pick up on that and see where your W was going with it?

5 years ago was when I was first in my depression and drinking every nite. One nite she and I had a fight and she got hysterical and ran out of the house, then ended up at her girlfriends. (The kids were at their grandparents visiting so they did not witness this.) She called the police, claimed she was 'scared' of me and got a restriaining order. It was dropped a few days later with no issues. Later she told me she was sorry she did it but she was scared.

She filed for divorce, and I DB'd then and finally got myself together and we did end up living in the same house for economic reasons. Eventually she saw I was trying hard and we reconciled. About 3-4 months later I slowly went back to depression and drinking. At the time I wasn't on medicatins and I didn't realize it was my business environment that kept me down. And, I stopped DB'ing and didn't get a good counselor. That's what she's referring to. Usually she says she wished she had divorced then, this time she said she wished I had 'done something' then, which is a change.

I would take that comment about wishing I had 'done something' as her recognizing that I HAVE done something now, and the kids are attracted to me and seem to be rejecting her. What she doesn't know is that they reject her not so much because of her divorcing me, but because she is so hard to be around right now.

She does seem to be totally rejecting me. Her only friends she TALKS to will validate her hurt and anger, especially OM. If she talked to most of her other friends who are 'adults' they would paint a more hopeful picture.

I can see she is 'textbook' WAW and 'Emotional affair'. Her emotions go from really happy to incredibly hurt. The 'incredibly hurt' only started a couple weeks ago. I think that's when the girls started acting up.
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: heavy stuff - 01/10/06 06:04 PM

I can of course relate to your Ws pain and hurt that she went through...however, having also been in her shoes, I would say to continue as you have been doing...if her heart is still open and I think it is...and you have truly gotten help for the drinking and depression...then she will see this...had I seen any of this from Wanker, I would have still been there for him...but when it was just another day another beer...well you just give up...I am sure it has been very hard for you too...but you truly do seem to be making ammends and you have been there for your family...a huge hug to you...you've come a long way...and I know sometimes I can read that you feel it would be best to give up...don't...continue with the therapy and let her see that you are serious.
Posted By: frank_D Re: heavy stuff - 01/10/06 08:36 PM

I would say to continue as you have been doing...if her heart is still open and I think it is...and you have truly gotten help for the drinking and depression...then she will see this...

I am very serious about this and have gotten more help than I ever did. I do not drink. She even keeps a bottle of wine in the fridge that is opened and I think it's a 'test' to see if I drink it. One of her pet peeves was 'we can't keep any alcohol in the house or you'll drink it'. The wine is 3 weeks old. But, it doesn't matter to me because I simply don't care to drink any more. When I make a life choice like this I stick with it. In the past I didn't though, and I believe it was mostly because it was my 'security blanket' so I wouldn't have to feel bad. Plus, I was 'doing it' because she was nagging me, not because I WANTED to. Once it became CLEAR that I would lose my family, and had already lost myself, I took action. And she HAS seen it. She said so in counseling, and last nites argument where she said 'I wish YOU HAD DONE something 5 years ago' instead of her usual complaint of "I wish I HAD DIVORCED YOU 5 years ago." This is a change.

... huge hug to you...you've come a long way...and I know sometimes I can read that you feel it would be best to give up...don't...continue with the therapy and let her see that you are serious.

And I do continue therapy. It's so hard though to see her hurt and know that I had something to do with it. And to keep working and hoping while she continues to get more determined, not less. I have resigned myself to knowing that at the very least, everything I do to help her heal her soul will be a step towards removing the dark blotch that is on mine for not being there for her. So she will have a decent life without me.

It's painful as he!! sitting in therapy and listening to her attacks aimed at me for basically not being there and abandoning her emotionally when all I can do is keep saying "I'm sorry, I was wrong". But I DO LOVE her enough to do that for her. She shouldn't have to carry that pain.

Our counselor told me that we are really compressing into several months, conversations that SHOULD have happened over the past several years. So much hurt has been stored up in her, and in me, that it's going to be a lot of time and work to release it and gain respect for each other - which we need whether we Divorce or not.

Lisa, I hope you are right , that she sees the changes and maybe, just maybe she will trust me and want it. Counselor says that she thinks that W sees this time as her 'chance' to get out, and if she doesn't take it now she'll never have the strength to do it later, since she doesn't think I will really stay 'changed'. Counselor says her 'goal' is to slowly remove the pain and anger aimed at me so that we're on an emotionally level playing field. Then, if there is any hint from W that maybe she could have done things differently and maybe this is the final chance to make it work she will change her mind. I hope thats right but there is so much to overcome.

I wish our WAS's could really see inside US and realize that we are the person they could be happy with - finally. That we have rediscovered ourselves and are ready to live right.
Posted By: frank_D todays activities - 01/10/06 09:25 PM
Just got back from individual counselor session. Talked with C a lot about issues with D15 and W. She says be careful - in her quest to hurt W, D15 is using things I have said to her out of context. That makes ME look bad which I can NOT have. So, when I got home I talked to W about a better way to deal with this stuff so we're a united front.

C thinks the way I handled the 'you have to pay to live here now because we are separated' was very good. Respectful and fair. And I gave many concessions when I could see she couldn't afford to live here at her present income level. But, C also says she DOES need to experience the consequences of getting a divorce before it actually happens. She says 'do it NOW rather than a year from now when it will be much harder'. Part of that will allow her to see just how much I HAVE DONE to support the family even while I was down and 'hurting her'. Once again causing her to re-evaluate her view of me and of our old relationship.

C also said that the change in words when talking about '5 years ago' is significant - like she now is angry because I DID NOT do what she needed and NOW SHE HAS TO DO THIS, like she has no choice because it's "too late". And 'THIS' is making the kids suffer, her suffer and me suffer. See how it's all my fault now? Before it was HER fault, i.e. "I should have divorced you 5 years ago".

The line where I told her that I trusted her with the life insurance if I die because she has never done anything to make me NOT trust her - she cried because she feels guilty because she HAS done something, she has OM. And no matter how she looks at it, she said DIVORCE to me AFTER she got him, not before. Guilt.

And, C thought I was respectful in all the things I said abut finances, and especially when I said 'I'm just trying to move on with my life'. Message: As you requested, Frank isn't going to take care of you anymore.

Overall counselor said we are compressing 5 years of communications that we SHOULD have been healthy enough to have, into several weeks and months. C's goal is to release or at least defuse the hurt in her and anger towards me so that at some point we are no longer in that anger phase. I'm already beyond it and beyond her in my growth because I have actually been working on myself and she hasn't.

Then, W could feel 'safe' changing her mind if she wanted to. She says she will continue to seek that one little pinhole of light that when she sees it, she can pull the elephant through and get W to face what REALLY is the root of how she acted for the past 6 years and what are all the sources of her hurt. I hope she can do this.

When I got home W told me that she had looked at her finances and the bills we had agreed to split and realized she would not be able to split expenses for the Girls. Things like clothing, School fees and lunch money. I hadn't thought of any of that since I knew the utilities would put her in a tight spot. She said as it is she doesn't have money to buy herself clothes.

So, she humbly asked me if I would pay all the school and kids clothing expenses since I make so much more money than she does. I said 'of course, it's not that important to me. I don't expect you to be financially able to pay for all these things right now, but to take a few months to get a job and stuff and work your way up.

Note: One thing she doesn't realize is that paying a mere $600 per month worth of utilities and other houshold bills plus her credit card bills and other things that come up which is about $1,200 a month is NOTHING compared to what renting an apartment, feeding and clothing yourself would cost. Especially if you wanted an Apt that had two rooms so the kids could visit.

And, if she did move out, she would have to pay ME child support too.

I really really hate doing this. She has never lived on her own and this is what she says she wants. In this one thing I have to stop taking care of her and let her do it herself. Sigh. At least she isn't looking at this as me being MEAN or SPITEFUL as I keep making concessions and telling her 'this is what we'll have to do when we have separate households anyway' and she agrees with me.

We talked a little about how to deal with D15 from now on and she made the comment that she can see why D15 likes to talk to me because I am her role model for what a good man should be like. I said, 'Yes, I can understand that. And I know now that I am a very good father'. She said, 'yes you are, you always had it in you'.

Thankfully W is seeing our counselor tomorrow for individual session. Hopefully there will be progress for her.


From Narnia....

"Is he safe? I feel rather nervous about meeting a lion."

"That you will, dearie, and no mistake," said Mrs. Beaver. "If there is anyone who can appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, they're either braver than most or else just silly."

"Then he isn't safe?" said Lucy.

"Safe? said Mr. Beaver. "Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good."

To get respect, sometimes we need to be lions. And GOOD.
Posted By: StrongNSassy Re: todays activities - 01/10/06 09:38 PM
WOW...did I get all this right or what???? Hmmm...maybe I should write this book...

Frank, if you are sincere and her heart is not closed, which I do not think it is, then truly I think that you both stand a good chance through therapy...as I said had I seen any change or remorse, or anything positive...I would have stayed on for the long haul in a heartbeat.

Posted By: frank_D Re: heavy stuff - 01/11/06 12:32 AM

Totallymessedup: I think her feeling enough to cry over the end of what you have may mean it's not the end. From all I have read it seems like the apathy and THEIR detachment is a worse thing than conflict and emotion towards you.
The theory being that so long as they are engaged with you, then there is a chance to work through whatever is causing the bad feelings.

I think that is a good theory. Our counselor is doing her best to keep us engaged and talking about the bad feelings. Her goal being to get as much of them out of the way to where W might begin to see the good again. She sees OM as a distraction - a place W can go when she wants someone to give her positive feelings.

I hope this is all correct. It was this statement that took me by surprise last nite:

I wish you had done something 5 years ago so I wouldn't have to go through this now.

This is the first time she has indicated that the changes I made TODAY could have saved our marriage if they had been done 5 years ago.

IN the past 90 days she has said:

"I need to find myself, I can't be married any more"

"You and I have finished what we were meant to do together, time to move on"

"This was going to happen someday, I should have done this 5 years ago when I knew I wanted to"

"I met my soulmate, words cannot describe the feelings I have..."

And now...
"I wish you had done something 5 years ago so I wouldn't have to go through this now.

Why that? I mean if it was 'inevitable' and she met her 'soul mate' then she could care LESS what I did or did not do 5 years ago that would have PREVENTED this from happening now, right? She would be more likely to say "Well, this is part of the process so I might as well get used to it" or something like that.

And, she had to tell me repeatedly that it is now 'too late'.

In the heat of emotion, we tend to say what we are really feeling.
Posted By: hopefulmommy Re: heavy stuff - 01/11/06 01:05 AM

I wish you had done something 5 years ago so I wouldn't have to go through this now.

This is a huge step in the right direction. Looks like the wall she built up is beginning to crumble, as is the pedastal she held OM upon. Hang in there & keep up the good work!
Posted By: grasshopper Re: heavy stuff - 01/11/06 01:33 AM

I don't mean to put pressure on you any more than you already have, but you're my hero and I somehow feel that as much love and effort you have put into your posting here, I am connected to your success or lack thereof.
What I mean is that I genuinely feel connected to your story and like I would a friend, I am pulling for you man.
Keep it up. I really hope this is the turning point for you.
